PERPETUAL MOTION MACHINES The Palllnr, Kktot KnillnB Rmrah For Snch Meehenleal Contrlvanws. Clmwly nllloil to tho perlotlldiilly rn onrrliiH rjliilm for thn iirmluotiim of por potnnl motion nro the iilns of exhibi tions which hitvobfltmrirofltnlilo to their Inventors by nrMnliliiR rompnnips throuuli not ire promotuM, upon evi dence for Instnncw, thnt it fr ilro of water enn produce a premin of 10,000 pounds pir siiure Inch, mi thoniili this Was tnntaninnnt to thn pprforninnco of a naoftil amoniit f work. ArrIm, there In the linn of wui1o ox pprlniontntlon, tinned n.ioti tho oft re pented assertion thnt hnnnony of sound eaa let tip snch motion ns to produce Inre tnechnntenl effects, such m the rotation of lunchlncs, or sot villi ex plosive power in gnon. All snch devices niny properly he considered ns prpitnitl motion niiwliliip", for in nnrli ensc thn power innntfestcd I Hindi p;rciiter thiiti thnt reipiirt'd for Its Initiation, nml it must follow thnt thn inni'hine, nfter supplying Itself with such Initlntnry excitement, will linvo much surplus en ergy left over for tiFcfnl purpoHen, if thn fmits nro nil stilted. In fiut, such surplus euoruy lms lieen looked for by tho pro moters, Imt linn not yet bo fur roveuled Itself ns to render feiuiihln tho potnit mo tion of lniiehlnes of pratitieiil uho mid commercial value. The meiinn to enrry on exhibitions of tmeh reputed Inventions nro obtnined from widely aenttered sources, Uener lly thoso who hnvo furnished tho nipl tnl nro not Interested In the exposure of tho frauds or do not renll.e tlnit udviin tnRO is being tnken of their credulity, While thoso who nro not pecuniarily In terested are afforded no opportunity to prove tho correctness of their nxMitnp tion ns to tho fraudulent tmtiiro of tho displny. Tho flout inn of such schemes is much too piisy, ns the ordinary tendency of tho human mind Is to freely believo thnt remni knblo results maybe obtained from modem sclent i(lo methods. This faith lends many to venture nt least small investments, in the hopo that largo returmi will bo realized, and I fear this tendency will continue to exist ns long ns faith without rcaxou is domi nant in many minds. Professor Colo muu Sellers in Ciissier's IMiin:iziiio. QUEER FINANCIAL METHODS. Row thn Dully lliilitlnn nf Hunk lug It Con ducted In Manwllli's. Wo lind to mnko our wny through n crowd occupying a largo room or small hnll In which business was conducted. This linll wns filled with people, soma of whom were there to look nfter their own or other people's affairs, mid others of whom had obviously dropped In for n casual chat. Almost nil were smoking cigarettes, an amusement which they shared with a good many of tho bank clerks. When wo had not through this crowd, my friend and host presented his check at a guichot. Tho man behind tho guichot gave him a metal disk stamped with a number. Armed Willi this, my friend liiiulo lin way to another guichot, behind which stood not a chirk, but nn ordinary porter wearing tho livery of the bank. Thin porter had his hands full of similar metal disks. After a weary waiting ho called out tho number Bay, 803 ou my friend's disk. Then my friend advanced, identifying his cheek by another uumlicr obtained at the first gnichet, and then received his money, not in tho currency or form which ho wiRhed for, but in hucIi shape as the porter had at hand to dispense from tho authorities above him. Then, Borne of tho notes being only locnlly ne gotiable., luy frieud hud to go to a third gniclu t to seo if they could ho changed into negotinblo notes. On occasions this la impossible, and tho unfortunate holder uf thn chock has either to leave pnrt of the money ho has oomo for until a favorublo opportunity or uccept what he oan got on the chnuco of paying it awny or getting it changed or both with some of his tradespeople. Beyond this there is no clearing house system. Each bank makes acharge for cashing a chock on another bank, and those charges practically swallow up tho tiny amount of interest nominally allowed on a con stant balance. And this is how tho daily rontino of banking is conducted in the first bank of Marseilles, Longman's Magazine. Women's WifH. The Now York tiaa says that during tho lost two years there has boeu a steady decrease iu tho wages of womon, and it seotns likely to go further. Thoro are several causes for the dooroase. For one thing, men are now entering em ployments which formerly belonged ex clusively to women. Those men are mostly Polos, Hungarians and Italians, Who will work for the smallest of wages. Foreign women are also coin ing in and accepting wages which Averioan women cannot think of tak ing. Employers resort to various meth ods for forcing down wages. Daring the holidays thoy take on chonp help, and when the rash is over keep the new girls and drop the old employees. Many womon are said to be working for from 80 to 60 oents per day, and the army of unemployed is steadily increasing. Advance. Mary Anderson's Experiences. The forthoomiug reminisoenoes of Mary Anderson's life on the stuge and her impressions through her professional career will be eagerly roocived and should be read by all stagestrnek young women.. If a woman of "our Mary's" genius, and one who achieved the suo cess bofore the footlights that she did, can declare, as she does, that the day when she voluntarily turned her baok npon it all and left the stage forever was the happiest she had soon, what eon the boards offer other women f New York Times. ' The Editor's Idea of It. ' "Yon should live near heaven," said the preacher to the editor. "I know it," replied the editor, ''bat these mountain lots oome so high. " Atlanta Constitution. leaf la Kloetrirli)r,Wnrt Another electrical phrnot oaf been transferred from technical setrlcO to the broader and more popular realm of slang nmiRo. The Review some months ago cnlled attention to tho expression "Yonr trolley's off," which hns oome to be thn latest equivalent for "Yon 're off your base." And now the simple phrase "live wire" has beoomo slang. To an electrician "live wire" means nothing morn than a wire charged with a current of electricity or through which a current is flowing. The apti tude with which this phrnsa adapts it self to a slang meaning Is well shown in tho remark which a member of the Lotus club uttered In reference to a Rus sian drink t "Vodka is a 'live wlro' when you don't know how to drink it, and when yon do it is comparatively tame." In this sense wo hnvo a new substi tute for "hot stuff," "Jersey lightning. " Conversely "ilend wire" might refer to a comparatively Insipid drink, such as lemonade, or Anolliimris. A poor play, an niitiincful concert, n dull IhmiIc, may lie criticised n "dead wire." An ab sorbing play, a tuneful concert, an in teresting book, nro "livo wlro. "Elec trical Review. X il rent Cuiidlitnlt-. l-'or ymir favor is ( Mto's Cure for tho throat ii ii' I lungs, wo can conlldently ivcuiniiii nd It to all ns a miieHor ivtin'ily for coughs, colds, asthma, bron chitis, ami nil lunjr nlTi'dlons. It will stop a cough iiilcker than any known ivnii ily. Wo guarantee It, to euro you. lnslant relief In nil cases of croup and v. hooping cough. If you nro suffering, don't delay, hut call on us and get a sample Isittlo of this great guaranteed remedy and ho one of tho grent party on tho road to health. Samples freo, Largo bottle. fiOe. ut W. II. Alexander's, solo agent. To See Yonr Own Eye. "Did you ever see yonr own eye?" gsked an tinscieiitiflu person. "It is a very simple matter. The most satisfac tory view is obtnined by shutting, sny, tho left eye, and pressing gently npon the right side of the right eye. You will then sen, apparently nt the right side of thn nose, a round dark object about tho size of tho npplo of tho eye. Thnt is what I take it to be, and I suppose thn retina is in ado In somo wny to re fleet thn outer portion of tho eye, though thn phenomenon may bo only nn optical illusion. New York Telegram. Cruelty to Carpets. Mrs. Zibznli Mrs. Uazzor's enrpet cnu't bo very gixid, I'm suro of that Mrs. Ihizlln Why not? Mis. Zibzab Just look over thero in her ynrd and see tho fearful boating she's giving thorn. Roxbnry tia.etto. Hhiloh's euro, tho groat cough and croup cure, is in great, demand, l'oekot sl.o contains twenty-dvedoses, only ilou. Children love It. Hold by J. C King ,V. Co. Somo folks wonld uever havo any gold if they had to dig for it and never any sunshine if they had to crawl out of tho shudo to find it. Atlanta Constitution. A man's or woman's height should bo six times tho length of tho foot, bnt thoro uro occasional exceptions. Buckram was nt first any sort of cloth stiffened with gum. Bold by Dm wrists or sent by mail. 86o No. and f LOO por package. Samples free. MTTA The Favorite TOOTH tOWJli ItVf fortbeTeetband lireatb,26o. Hold try J. U. Klnit&Co JJKI'OKTOF THE CONDITION or tub FIRST NATIONAL HANK Or EETXTOIjISS-VIT-i.E nt KeynoldHvllle, In tlio Htatn of Pennsylvii lilu, ut the closo of liualnuiM Huiitumbur full, 1HI0, HESOUIICKSI I. nuns and dlsroimtH $77,75(1 111 OvenlruftH, secured and unsecured.. UIM 87 II. W. KonilHtOHiM'iireclreulation.... B0.IMM) 110 I'mniluiimmi U. W. Ilmids U,7A 01) Hlecks, HtHHirlllm, etc 1.300 00 Kurnltiiru mid Hxtures i.tttX nu Due from Hiinivd reserve HKonts. KI.IITO 'IX Checks unit oilier cash liitms 8,ilc! m Nolen nf oilier Nalloiml bnnks 170 00 Kriu'ttonul pit our currency, ulcklus, nnd cunts 63 S3 Lswfut money resurve In bunk, vli: HXH-le fs.124 SO I.eillli-toiiller notes 2, list 00 10,809 80 Redemption fund with U. B. Treas urer (6 per cent, of circulation). . 1,3.7) 00 Total flW),Dsv 77 I.IAII1L1TIKS. Capital stock puld In 150,(100 00 Huriilus fund ,U00 00 Unuivlilud pniOU, Ions uxnciisus mid tuxes nuid 1.274 08 Nulloniil Diiuk notes onlslundlng... 27.IJIK) 00 Due toolhur Nutlonal Hunks ifiM HO Dividends unpuld TS 00 Individual deposits subject to chock 72..B HU Time ccrtltlriitiw uf deposit 7,3:) 00 t'uh lor'n chocks ouutundlng ttt 00 . Total 1103,1)81177 SteU rPtsuvlfult, Otuty t Jafferm, : I, John II. Knucher, Csshlorot the nlxivo nanied bank, do solemnly swear that the bIhivd Htateniciit Is truo to thu bust ot my knowlodice and Is'llcf. John H. Kauciisii, Cashier. Bubscrllicd and sworn to before me tills lind day of Octolwr, IMA. Albrht Hkynolds, Notary Public. Cohkkct Atuist: O. MrrCBRM,, ) J. c. Kino, V Directors. O. W. I.', ltfUU.rUH Atfl5 IT WILI. NOT CUQE. U Get an Education. Education and fortune go hand In hand. Get un education at the Central HI ate Nor mal tk'hool, Lock Haven, Pa, Flrat-claaa accommodations and low rates. Btate aid to students. For Illustrated catalogue address JAMKs EL1XJN, Ph. D., Principal, Lock Haven, Pa. ntantl. We would he pleased to have you call at our sUre for a free package of Ftncon's Celery King for the Nerves, which we are distributing to all allUctod with dyspepsia lind all Mood, liver nnd kid ney diseases, liaeon's Colory King Is simply doing wonders In building up worn out constitutions, and Is tho grand sH'clllo for nervousness, sleeplessness, headache, and alt derangement of the stomach, liver and kidneys. Haiuples free. Iargo packages fitVi. at W. I). Alexnniler's, solo agent. fttitllroab fflitt OTablr. JKNN8YLVANIA IlAIMtOAD. IN KKKROT MAY 111, 1SI15. Plillnileliililn ft Krln II ill I roil d Division Time Table. Trains leave driftwood. KAHTW AHII t:OI n m-Trnln s, dully ovept Pundny for Hinihuiy, llui rlnhurii mid lulerini'illiite nln tlotis, nrrlvltitf tit Plitliidi'lplila A-'?:i p.m., New York, H:l p. in. lliiltlniorn,n:l!V p.m.) WiiMliliurtoti. 7:ii p. m I'tilltntiu Parlor ear from WllltiiniMHiri nnd imsseuizer couches from Kline to I'hlladelphlii. S:;tti p. in. Train II, dally except Pmuhiy for Marrlsbui'K nml liiterinedlnle stations, iir rlvluKitt I'h I IimIi I phlit 4 : A . m.i New York, 7:rci A. M. Pulltniiii Hleeptttu cars from llarrtsburtf to Phllielelphln nnd New York. IMilliidelphhi piisHenu'ci'H eiiu remain In sleeper undisturbed until 7:1m A. M. 9:ik1 p. in.- Train 4, dully for Hiinbiiry, Murrls built and liiletinedlale slatlons, arrlvluK at l'bllllilelihlii, ll:.V. A. M.I New York, ll::M A. M. on week days and lil.W A M. tin Hun day llaltliNnre, il:iu A. M.i W lediltujlon, 7::m A.M. IMillmiiii cars from Krle and Wllllanis port to riilllldelpblll. I'asseliirers In sleeH'r for lltiltliiiore and WiiMhltiirtoii will bo lraufiri.l Into iisbltislonsleeptr at llar rKlimir. Piisseiuzer eoiicbe from Krle to I'bllllilelpllllt mill VllllanisHilt In lllllll inorii. WKHTWAIID 7:M n. m. Triiln I, dally except Sunday for Hbluway, I in lltiln, Clermont nnd Itilet -meolate slallons. Leaves HldKwity ut U:U) p. M. for Ki le. P:rsi a. m. --Train 3, dally for F.rle and Inter mediate points. 6:'.'7 p. in.-- I ialn II, dully cxropt ftiinduy for Kane and Interniedlule slut Ions. TIIKOI'IIM TltAINS Foil lUtll'TWOOl) i'ltuM TIIK KAST ANDHIM 'I'll. TttAIN II leaves I'lillndoli.hlii H:W A. m. WiimIiIiiifIi.ii, 7.MI A . M.i Itafl tlnore, S:ail A. M. VllkelMirie, liel.iA.M.i dully except. Sun day, nrrlvliitf til lirlflwiHiil nl 11 : iT P.M. Willi Puiltiiiiu Parlor cur from Phlliidelplibi to WllltiitniHtrt. TKAIN s leaves New York ill S p. m.i Phila delphia, lli'-H p. m.i WiishliiKloii, lulu ii. in. llitlllinore, ll:rn p. m.i dully arriving ut DrlflutMHl nt le'ifl it. m. Pullman slccidtitf eats fiim I'blladeliihlii lo Kile nnd from Washington mid Halt liuore to WlllhiiMMHirt mid Ihrolllfh ptissencer coaches from IMtllll delphla to Krle and lliilllmoru In Wlllliims poi I. TUAIN I leaves Itenovo nt :M n. ni dally except Hiinday, arriving at Driftwood 7:M u. m. .lOlINHONIimtO HAIMIOAD. (Dally except Hiinduy.) TKAIN III leaves Kldgwuy nt II : m.i .lohn soebiirit ut te.45 n. tn., arriving ut Clermont in iu:4iiii, m. TKAIN gu leaves Clermont at MeMI a. m. nr rlvlng ut .lohnsoiihiiig ut 11:44 n. m. und Kldgnny ut r.':ii u. in. It IIH1WAY & cr.KAHI''lKi,I) It. It. DAILY KYI-KIT SUNDAY. WAKD. NOKTIIWAItD. ;m: spationh: a.m. km: HOUTII P3ij. i J in i Ii is II I'1'1 ii liiii ii Ii :is in IJ Ii lo Ii 44 Mi Urn in I un in I in m 1 14 in I :n in It.-, in :m ;is 4J fti Kidtiuny t;r. ti.m Khind Klin II 32 Mill Haven I .'I II 17 I'Miylund III II 10 Sli.u-1-MIIIh lit! OIKI o.i lllue Itnek 13 Ml r. r I 07 Vlueviird Kim V2M ft r.l III t in -rler I ! HI H Is VI IlriH'kayvllle li:is 11:1(1 :r.' McMliin s'liuimit Ii m fl .'.i :is llarveys Kim I1HI n io 4.1 l ulls Creek 12 rm ft 15 :i.'i imiiois lioTi mm I'KAINH lkavk KIIKIYVA Y. Fast Train s, Tin I a II, Train 4, waid. Wcsiivurd. 7:. 7 a. m. Train :i. 1 1 ::it a. in. 1:4.1 p. in. Train I, :i:im p. m. 7:rKi p. in. Train II, S:2a p. m. B M. I'KKYOHT, (leu. Manager. J. K. WOOD, lien. Pass. Ag't. -OUI'TATX). liOCUKSTKH & PITTS i UUItUlIKAILWAV. Theshorl line between Dullols, Hhlgway, llrudford. Ha Iu in i ii ' ii. Ilullalo, ibs'liester. Niagara Falls and points In the upper oil region. On nnd nfler June I7lh, 1SH4, passen ger trains wilt arrive niul depart from Fulls ( reck si ill Ion, dally, except Hominy, us fol lows; 1.30 p. m. nnd R.:t0 p. in. Accnmntodutious from I'unxsiilawiiey and lilu Hun. B:50 a. in. llulTiiliiiind Ibs'liester mall For llns'kwiivvllle, Kldgwa.y,.lobnsonbiirg,Mt, .lewelt, liradford.SiibiiiiHiieu, lliillulo und Kts'licMtcrt eotiiiectliig ut .lohnsoiiburg wllh P. ft K. train H. for Wilcox, Kane, Warren, Corry mid Krle. 10:f: n. m. Accommodation For fykes, Dig Kim and I'linxsuliiwiiey. 8:110 p. m. llrudford Accommodation For lleechlree, llns'kwuy vllle, Kllmonl, Car men, Kldgway, Joliiisiinburg, Mt.Jowctt mid llrudford. 6:10 p. in. Mull-For Dullols, Pykos, Dig Hun Piinxsulawuuy and Wulstoii. Pussengers tire reitiested lo purcbuso t ick ets before entering the enrs. An excess charge ot Ten Cents will lie collected by con ductors when fares lire puld on trultis, from all si utliina whuru a llckot olllce Is maintained. Thousand mile tickets nt two cents per mile, gisal for passage between all stations. J. H. MoImttiii, Agent, Falls creek, Pa. K. a. Mathkws E. O. La pit. General Hupt. Gnu. Pus, Agent Hullalo N. Y. Kocbestur N.Y ALLKGH EN Y VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY commencing Sunday May 20, 185)5, Low Urudo Division. SABTWAIIIl. No.l. No J. No.B. 101 109 A. M. P. M. A. M P. H. P. M 10 45 4 l 10 57 4 e-i 11 DO D 25 5 13 11 ss 6 H.I S HO 11 4(1 8 41 6 2s 11 05 Oil 6 47 12 25 t 211 07 12 ai 1 2d a ih la i 6 as a 25 l on a 67 a 44 1 OS 7 05 8 ft:! 1 2.1 7 25 7 00 10 M 1 BO 1 X 7 4 7 10 U 00 1 40 1 4S 7 47 1 Z.I 1 60 7 6S 7 i4 I 05 g Oil 7 40 a 15 a in 7 so t 20 8 27 g 01 II 411 8 44 8 IS 3 M 8 64 8 2S i mi a 26 a r5 P. M. P. H A, M. A, M. P. II WKSTWAUU. " No.2 No.a No.10 106 110 A. M. A. M. P. M. P, M. p. U 10 10 S 00 a 35 10 43 6 32 7 OS 10 62 6 4'i 7 Id u ou s 60 7 a.! 11 20 8 10 7 44 11 110 a 20 7 64 II lid 0 20 8 Oil 11 47 a 87 8 12 1 05 a 6(1 8 25 13 10 S 00 !2U 7 20 8 Hi 12 20 B 10 H4 ,7 2S 8 40 42 7 4(1 8 4s 68 7 67 9 05 3 10 8 00 II 17 3 20 8 111 I 25 8 80 8 as (44 3 6S 8 67 10 04 3 Oil R 05 10 is 8 15 16 10 36 t 47 3 47 4 00 10 00 Red Bank Lawsonham Now lletbluliom Oak Uldge Muysvllle Buuimorvllle .. Hrookvllle Hell Fuller HeynoldsvlUe. PancouHt Falls Creek.... Dullols Hubula Wlnterlmrn ,1. PenHeld Tyler , Olon Klsber. . . . Itoneaetto Grant Driftwood Driftwood Grant Henozette Glen Fisher Tyler Pen Held Wluterburn .... Biibuln Dullols Falls Creek I'aucoust. HeynoldsvlUe.. Fuller Hell. Hrookvllle.... Bummervllle.. Muysvllle OukHldue New Uetblehem Lawsonham. Bod Hunk.... Trains dally except Sunday. DAVID CCAHGO, OlsX. Bcpi Ml. P.ANDEHaON QSJI'I,. PASS. AOT. JOTEL McCONNKLL, ItRYNOLDSVILLR. PA. FJIANKJ. JiLAVK, l'nyrtctnr. The lending hotel nf the town. lendiiinr ters for commercliil men. Hteain hent, freo hus.hulh riNims nnd closets on every floor, sample riNims, bllllunl riMitn, telephono con nis'lbms An. JJOTKL UKLNAP, KRYNOLmVILLR, PA. J. C. Dl LIMA N, rroprtrtor. First class In every pnrt Ir iilnr. Lis ated In the very centre nf the business pnrt. of town. Free 'bus to nnd from trains aiKicommrHlloiis siimpln rooms forcommereiul travelers. tOMMKUCIAL HOTEL, rmooKviLT.rc, pa., PHIL '. 'A H HI Kit, l'mpHrlny, Bumide risims on the ground Ihsir. House healed by nut iirul gus. Omnibus lo und from all trultis. JJOOllK'S WINDHOIl 1IOTKL, 1217-2!) FlI.llKKT BTKKKT, PHILADKLl'IUA, - l'KNN'A, ritUSIVM J. Ml MUM, Pmprhlnr. !M2 lied rooms. Kales (fi lm per day Ameri can Plan. ISIilis k from P. It. It. liepol. mill H hbs'k from New P. A. It. It. Depm. iHlwrcllitttrou. j4i NKI-'K JUHTKtROP'J'HK PRAtJK And Iteat Estate Agent, Iteytioldsvllle, Pa. i MITCIIKLL, ATTOUNKY-AT-LAW. tilllcn tin West Main street, opimisIIo tho ('ommerclul Motel, Iteytioldsvllle, Pn. I) II. II. 10. IKXiVKK, UEYNOLDSVILLIC, PA. Kesldent deutlsl. In bultdliiK iienrMelho dlst cbiircb, opiswlli) Arnold blts'k, (lentie liess In operating. o. 91. IIOUOON. QOItDON .V ItKRI), ATTOUN K YS-A T-L A W, llrisikvllle, .lefferson Co., Pa. f Xllce Iti rtsim formerly iMcupled by Gordon & Corbet I W est Main Street. W. L. MeORAOREN Brooktlllt. 0. N. MiDONALD, Rfyaoldivlllt. M :KACKKN ft MclMlNALI), Allonit ij mid ( 'tmnxi Ihim-ul-Lmi, Olllces nt Iteyuolillvllle mid llrisikvllle. JJKYNOUlSVILLr: LAUNDItY, WAII HIN(!, l'lnprirlm; CnrncMlh street mid llordon ulley. First class work done ut reasonable prices. Give the laundry u trial. I) It. It. K. HAItlllSON, SUKCKON DKNTIHT, Iteynoblsvllli!, Pa. Ofllceln risims formerly ts'cupted by LB. McCrelgbt. Tho stimmor Is over; tho cool nights mnko ono think of putting on heavier woolens. Wo nro tho peoplo who can supply your wants:. Wo luivo boon In tho eastern murltotH und can show you tho finest lino of Men's, I3oys' and Children's SUITS ever brought to Itoynoldsvlllo. If you want a nico, nobby suit for winter wear wo can fit you in Suck, Cutaway or Double JSrcastod Suit, in all tho latest goods, at rtKik bottom prices. Also, wo can show you tho llnest lino of Overcoats, In Men's, Hoys and Children's at tho lowest prices you ever saw. Headquarters lor UNDERWEAR! Woolen Undorwear Is what you need now. We have bought underwear In case lots, direct from the manufactur ers and can save you some monoy. Our prices will surprise you. Garments that we considered cheap last year at $3.00 a suit, wo can soil you at $2.00. Woolen Blankets! We can show you everything in the blanket line from the cheapest cotton at f0o. a pair to tho finest lamb's wool 11-4 blanket at (3.75. N. Hanau. 5yubcrlb for The Star, If you want the Nw. One In Advance, Gets The Star FOR ONE YEAR! I ! ! ! I 1 ! ! ! Wo liavo ilotMwl to offor TIIK STAIt at Ono Dollar a Year, Strictly In Advnnoo, to now and old Bulwcribers. Tlio old Hii1)H(;rlbor will bo exported to pay up all nrreanigo to get tlio benefit of thin of fer. Tlio olTer will bold good until January 1, 1806! THE STAR Is a Kirnt-Clap Taper publinlied every Wednewlay at Ileyn oldnville by C. A. KteplicnHon. It contains all the Local NewB of tlio town and vicinity, Tele graphic Homo and Foreign NewH, Short i Ktorien, Grand Army Matter, J Farming News and IIIiih- trated Articles. Don't borrow your neighbor's paper when you can get TIIK ST A It for ONK DOLLAI1 A. YULAJR! 11 A U 1) V A U K A It It A 1) W W I) A II II A K It A W 1) U A II WOODKNWAILK QIJKEXSWAIiK CAUI'KTS The most complete lino of House Furnishing Goods in Jef-. ferson County. We do not buy "Cheap John" goods to fool tho peoplo, nor represent flu ii la tn l.ii litittfir flinri tlinv nn llT r I -.11 J.I .. - ... . 1.. " i nil I'll ii ii if ii ii i nt i ii'iii un 11. - 1 1l Jl . A. 1 'na jws fin. , i i w wi w iim peopio an me nine, out you cannot 1001 ail tne , peoplo all the time." Wo do not want to sell inferior goods and fool our customers nnd only have the peoplo that can bo fooled all the time left to buy from us. We want your trade and know we can give you Satisfaction. Come Earlu and Late to tlie Reynoldsville Hardware Co.'s Store. Rf'tni'tTilx'r imr Viirnitnrn nrirl f!tirTiita nro mi rli A Second 5d 3 First National Bank OF REYNOLDS VILLE. CAPITAL, 9SO.OOO.OO. C. nitcliell. President; eotl .tlrrtelland, Vice Pres. John H. Kmacher, Chler Directors)) 0. Mitchell, Boon McClelland. J. 0. King, Joacph ftrituHH, O. K. Brown, O. W. Fuller, J. Ii. Knuclier. Doei a general bnnklnKbuslncm and nollclla the accounts of merchants, profuiMlonal men, farniera, mechanli'ii, nitnuni, liiinhermen and othen. prnmUlnir the mint careful attention to the ULulnetw of all penona. Safe Deposit Boxes for rent. First National Bank bulldlnff, Nolan block Flr Proof Vault. Every Woman Sometimes needs reli able monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, ssis sod esruin In remit. The csni tne (Dr. Pul's) nitre r disappoint. Bent suywtosfe, SUMl feamnkiln0iClswlaDS.O For sals t B. Alex Bloke's drug store. r Vsi,.,, Dollar ! Jl I ! ! I ! ! I I I ! -i FIjUTTTUKE 11 i; T N I I KRIJTINUUF . I . A. s? J 1 A 1 1 9 Will l tL HM) LIIIIU lHlt, lJtll L Ul .A A l 1 J J Floor. OIL TAKES THE PUCE OF bN0ER0UI GASOLINE. GOES IN ANY STOVE. BURNER S2 -lZ0 WAXT AOEMTS on y salary or eommlMlon. ooiiu lur awiuu y i . i Prioea and Term. I V NATIONAL OIL BURNER CO. 602 Ciosn AVI. I CLEVELAND, OHIO. OOME IN! Where? TO THE "Bee Hive" ston WHERE L. J. McEntire, & Co., The Groceryman, deals In aV kinds of Groceries. Canned Goods. Green Goods. Tobacco and Cigars, Flour and Feed, Baled Hay and Straw. Fresh goods always on hand. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. Very truly yours, Lawrence J. Alckntlre & Go, The Grocrymn i m ri fir tho Timn nni nn r 1 A i rri