The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 25, 1895, Image 2

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Power cf th Government Concerning
Corporation and Labor.
In the course of an addres In Bt. Tniil
VDlled States Lntor Commissioner Carroll
I. Wright referred to the decision of the In
terstate commerce commission In regard to
thejustnes of freight rate, nnd said: "The
adjustment of difficulties arising between the
employes of rallroadi and corporation must
rent wpon precisely the tame principle;
yet It must bi emphatically understood that
the government has no right and no power to
fix the rate of wage, li cannot, under any
circumstances, tlx the prle of commodities."
There le no room for complaint concerning
lack of employment In the Wheeling district,
llut few workmen are Retting as much for
their labor as they were three year ago, bnt
wage are picking up slowly as the demand
for labor lucreasee, and there is reason to
hope that by the first of the yenr nearly all
line, especially iron, steel and glass, will be
paying almost the old rate. However, tha
Increase In wages la coming from higher
selling prices, and wnges do not reach the
ralea which would have been paid with com
ar.odlties eelliug at the tame rate aa three
years ago.
The call for Iron and steel worker has
never been greater than at present. Every
mill, furnace and steel plant In Middle Ohio
Valley la fully employed, and mnny of them
are arranging for Increasing their produc
tion at an early date. The Uessemer w orkers
are getting the cream of the business, and
the furnace men are following rccond.
Scarcity of Skilled Workmen,
The increasing activity In the Iron and
steel trades la developing a scarcity of skilled
workmen, saya the Iron Age. 'Ihua far no
serious dltbculty has been experienced In se
curing the men needed, but the supply la
seen to be aieadlly growing smaller, f ewer
applications are now being mnde when va
cancies are announced or when employora ad
vertise tor additions to their force Only few
months since the reverse was the case, A
manulacturer could then make a selection
from on enormous number of men. Nest
year, It la apprehended, the lack of a sum
(lent supply of good men will be felt quite
severely. Especially is tble the case in the
line In which a long apprenticeship la essen
tial for the development of the practical skill
Coke Strike Ordered.
The miners' delegate convention at Scott,
dale, fa., passed tbe following resolutions,
which declare a general strike.
"Hesolved, 1 bat this convention Indorse
the action of the convention held at Connell
vllle, Kept, 5. 1805, and call on all men to
cease work until such time aa tbe demanda
of the convention are granted.
"Kesolved, That tho foregoing resolutions
date from to-day. Kept, 16.
"Whereat, It has been tbe policy of the
men of thla region to have all men receive
the advance before any be allowed to work,
therefore be it
"Kesolved, That any company granting
tbe demanda for ail their works be allowed to
run at taid advance,"
They Want an Advance.
At Dubois, Pa, Biz hundred Dell, T.ewla
A Yates miners held a mass meeting
and decided to demand a uniform scale,
now, and an advance of S cent a ton, be
ginning October 1, with a proportionate ad
vance for machine mining. A committee
presented tbe demands to H. II. Elliott, gen
eral manager of the company, and returned
with tbe report that there would be no ad
vance under the present conditions.
Bav Secured a Bit? Contract.
Tbe Union iron and ateel company of
Youngstown, Ohio, has obtained a contract
to supply the Staudard oil company and a few
other arms In a combination with (35.000 tona
of boop iron. Tbe iron will be nine-slxteeu,
23 gauge. Tbe rate la 2H a ton. Thla con
tract will go far toward keeping tbe mills
busy the next two years, at the end of which
time tbe contract mutt be tilled.
Employe! of tbe Illinois Steel company
threaten to strike If tbey are designated by
numbers instead of names.
Tbe H. M. Myers shovel company, of Hea
ver Falls, statea that tha year just closing
baa been one of tbe moat pronfierou the
company haa ever enjoyed. According to
tbe promiae given the men about thia time
laft season, it la expected there will be an
advance In wage October 1 of 10 per cent.
Tbe Pittsburgh and Lake Erie railroad
having an extraordinary rush of freight
traffic. The preaa baa been ao exteualve that
the official were compelled to borrow 10
locomotive from other roada entering Pitts
burgh. Within a week more than 100 new
Den for freight train have been employed.
Representatives of tbe Cambria Iron com
pany, of Jobnstown, In., were in Holildayt
burg, 1'a., inspecting tbe C. ay port furnace
with a view to an immediate resumption of
operation there. Thia furnace waa aban
doned five year ago, and ita renewal ie due
to the general aotivity in tbe pig metal In
dustry. . A large force of men will be em
Would-be Lyncher Repnlaed at a Jail in
A mob of 75 men made an unsuccessful at
tempt to lynch Harrison Fuller and Frank
Simpson, two negroes confined In tbe Hen
derson county jail at Lexington, for attempt
ing to assault the widow l'omeroy and her
16-year-old daughter on tbe nigbt of July 11.
The negroe wire captured shortly alter the
crime, and to avert violence tbey wore aent
to Nashville, where they remained up to last
week, when tbey were brought to Lexingtou
for trial. A continuance of tbe case waa
granted by Judge Taylor, and Fuller and
Simpson were returned to jail.
Detween midnight and day the mob went
to the jail, broke open the two outer door.
and ou reaching the cell of tbe negroeatbe
crowd waa tired upon by tbo bberlfl and
deputlea, seriously wounding Hugh Cook and
iignuy wounding two men named joue
and Joiner. The wounding of those three
sen caused the mob to duband.
Manufacture re In the Western DUtriot
Perfect Their Combine.
Arrangement for a combine of all the win
dow glaa manufacturer in tbe Western dis
trict were perfected In Chicago, Sent. 16, and
tbe price of window glaa w boosted oi
per cent Hereafter tbe entire production
of the 70 window glaa aonoern in the dis
trict, whose oapaolty la 4.B0J.0O0 to 6,000,000
boxee a year 1 10,000,000 to 12,000,000 worth
will paaa through the bauds of but two
sale agent, one at I'itiaburirli and another
in Indiana. The product of the window Blase
manufacturers will be turned over to custo
mers lu the aame manner that the (trawbourd
manufacturer recently agreed to dispot of
their product.
Mr. Bridget Nolan and ber two children
were fatally burned by a eoal oil explosion in
Heat hn closed St. Lcula schools.
A (onp trust will be formed In California.
Another challenge bnt been Issued tor the
America's cup.
Tncoma propose to bold an oriental and
occidental t.;lr In 101)0.
The raulflc const crop will fnll thort of hall
tbnt of previous yeurs.
I'ralrle fire have dettioyed thousands ol
acre of hay In Oklahoma.
Five men were killed In a tragedy over a
poker game at McKlnney, Ky.
A. It. U. membership In Ohio la anld to have
doubled aince the Pullman strike.
There were three deaths from sunstroke In
Chlcngo, Thursday, and many prostration.
A tornado swept over Poor county pen
insula, Wisconsin, demolishing thirty build
ing. Kince Inst advice, there haa been an In
crease of the cholera plague In Orlenta
Tbe Wisconsin would-be train robber full
ed because they didn't have enough dyna
mite. Three hundred Iloston Iron tnolder hnv
(truck tor higher wngea nnd better condi
tions. A railroad collision at Saxony killed at
least 12 soldier and injured GO. Many are
The Chinese expect to retake possession of
the I.lnotung peninsula about the middle of
Tbe New Jersey ltepubllcana nominated
lobn W. Orlggs, an ex-State Senator for
Thirty negroes who attended a picnic nenr
Camilla, Go., were poisoned. Three of them
have died.
The Hoverclgn Grnnd Lodge of Odd Fel
lows selected Iallat,Tex.t as tbe placet for It
next meeting.
There are said to be 2,000 men in the pro
vince of Miittinzns ready to take up arm
against Hpaln.
Chancellor Hobenlobe, of Germany, has
induced the Kaiser to refrnin from prosecut
ing tbo Socialists.
Generals Ilowen and Trivlno have been
convicted of treason against Alfaro, the new
President of Ecuador.
Tbe funeral at Havana of the victim of tbe
aunken Spanish cruiser waa the occaaion ot
an Imposslng demonstration.
A condition bordering on Anarchy prevails
in tbe district of Imornla. Madagascar, where
every one la fighting lor power.
Court recorda at Hamburg, Ark., have been
destroyed by unknown parties who desire to
wipe out evidence ot Indictments.
Itos C. Van Bokkolen. receiving teller of
the Merchants' Loan and Trust Company, ot
Chicago, is missing. Ho Is 133,010.
England has advised Itally that the latter
;an in no way rely upon English support In
tbe event ot Frnuce'i condemning tbe com
mercial treaty between Italy and Tunis.
The report that the St. Louis Car company
and the American Car company will consoll-
Jtile has been confirmed by tbe oflluert ot
both companies.
An immense quantity ot rifles, swords and
lartrldgea Intended for the Cuban Insurgents
boa been seized on tbe Island ot Andros,
where they bad been aeuretely brought from
Sew York,
A building In course ot construction In
Klostoratrrtsse, Oobeo. in Brandenburg, col
lapsed burying 10 workmen In the ruins.
Nine ot tbem were killed and tbe other aev-
eruly Injured.
John and Jamet Howard, two desperate
moonshiners ol Knott county Ky.,bad a light
with revenue officer, Tbe Howard brotbera
were mortally wounded. while Deputy Marsh
al Ingram was badly shot.
The British cruisers Aeolus, Spartan, Ilaln-
bow, Caroline and Dapbue nre ascending tbe
Iliver Yang tse-Klang In consequence of In
formation tbnt foreigner are being threat
ened with violence In the interior ot China.
Taiwan Ju, tbe old capital of Formula,
and Cbang-Hwa, an adjacent fortified town,
were captured by a body of 2,000 Japanese
Augnt 26, after a short contest, in which 24
ot tbe auallaut were killed and wounded.
Tbe feica celebrating tbe twenty-fifth anni
versary ot tbe entry of tbo Italian army Into
Home, which began on the Htb Inst., cul
minated Friday in the unveiling of tbe monu
ment to General Garibaldi on the Janlculum
Tbe atenmera Conatantlne and Trevenlok
collided oft tbe entrance to the Itlver Tyne,
England. The Conatautine waa cut to the
watera edge and waa run ashore to prevent
foundering. Tbe crew wa rescued by mean
ot life line rocket.
Proclaimed by the Emperor of China In
an Imperial Decree.
A boly war against Christian and foreign-
r has been proclaimed by tha Emperor ol
China. While proteasing to aid in the love
ligation of the autl-mlsslonary outraire and
to behead tbe Vegeturlau the Emperor la
siruuiauug in me mine tongue a fierce de
gree. It read in part a follow:
"A stupid, black-baired race is establish
lng sundry acuta, and tbey regard not tbeii
awn uvea, out pretend to rise again aa im
mortal men and women, . Faithful Confu-
jiana must shoot and atoue and behead them
without meroy.
"I, tbe Emperor, command tbe utborltiee
to eradicate tnese weed and vermin. Kill
Ibe aerpeni! Throw tbem to the wolve and
tiger, because there la no aalvatlon for them
altuer aualnat beaveo-aeut calamine or nils-
lortunea cauaed by banian agenciea,"
The maas of tbe people are now thoroughly
persuaded-that tbe blgbeat provincial author.
(ilea approve tbe persecution of strangora.aud
ueuvte met mey win oe anieiaea from pun
lahment. no matter what exoeate tbey may
be guilty of. The execution of about 20 Veg
larian will nut materially chanue the anti.
raent. Tbey will be regarded at martyrs iu a
worthy cause.
Tbe Vlceroya are supreme in their domain,
and ao long a they are understood to sanc
tion atlacka upon ioreiguera no restrictive
measures can be put iu force. The oul
thing la to apply to the blgbeat authority ol
the kingdom.
A Chicago dlapatob announces that tt
Calumet blast furnace in South Chicago,
which atonped bualnea three year ago, boa
returned operallone, giving employment tc
11,000 men.
All on Board tha Steamer Saved, bnt 85
Soul Oo Down With th War Veaecl.
The Spanish warship Ranches Bnrcnb.cto-
gnl, with Admiral de dado Parejo on bonrd,
was struck by rhe Incoming constlng steamer
Mortem, in front of Morro castle, Wednesday
midnight, and rank almost Instautly.
Anmirni rnrejo nu-i :n ol tne crew or the
warship, including Onnt. Ybanea nnd three
other ofllrera, were drow ned. The remainder
of the crew, 1 1(1 In number, were saved. 1 he
bodies of Admiral Pnrejo and dipt. Ybanez
were recovered.
The Sanchez Rarcnlfetcirul wa an Iron.
bark-rigged cruiser ot 1120 tons displacement
nnd 1,100 nominal hnrse-power. She waa
built at I.aeyne, In 1H7H. She waa 803 feet
long, 30 feot wide, and had a draught of 12
feel. Hhe carried aeveu guns.
The warsbtn was havluu iort when the
disaster occurred. The usual signals were
exchanged between the war ship and tbe
steamer, but at that moment tbe cruiser
electric light were extinguished, wben tbe
collision took place. The cruiter'a bow.'prit
(truck the steamer on the starboard bow,
making a largo hole above the water line.
The sound of an explosion which was prob
ably the result of the concussion, was heard
and the cruiser wua fuuud to be gradually
sinking. Hants from both vessels were low
ered. Admiral Parejo aud the other officer
and the greater number of the crew embark
ediu the bunts, but the Immersion ot the war
ship was so sudden that the boats alongside
were engulfed by the suetlun. When the dis
aster happened there wns no panic on either
The latest report show that the missing?
are n follows: Ensign, pursuer, doctor. Ilret
anil third engineer, 12 murine, 8 fireman
and 10 sailors.
The Mortern we badly damaned. but she
tsood by and gave assistance to tbe crew of
fluking warship. Alter picking up nil tha
survivors that could be fouud, the Mortem
proceeaeu inio port.
j lie steamer i.dam. from New lork Sep
tember 0 for Amsterdam, waa struck early
Ihursdav morning, during n fog In the Lug
llah channel by the steamer Turkestan, and
foundered lu less than three hours. '1 he
Ttirkestnu stood too, while, the trawler Vul
ture took off all the crew nnd rassenuera of
the Edam In safety. They were landed In
i iymoutn, me passenger were all in the
steerage. There was ho panic. T he Edam
wns valued at 1 250.000. and her cariro lit
H 20.0011. both full insured. The Turkestan
escaped a badly damaged bow.
A Check to the Iron Boom-Grain Ad
11. (I, Bun A Co.' weekly review ayt: In
spite ot gold export wheat advanced for
ome day, in all nearly 2 cents, ninlnly be-
cnuse a single speculator bought, but on Fri
day tell about 1 cent. Corn roae nnd fell In
sympathy with wheat, with a little reasor.
Good report ot turelgn crop, weakness ot
flour In Minnesota and large exports of corn
from this country all work against a rise In
wheat, though scarcity ot contract grade
may help a speculative advance.
Pork products have been reasonably
yielding, with prospects ot a large crop; but
lefore the close bad a stronger tone. The
cotton market, lifting and falling a fraction
eueh day alternately, shows no settled ten
dency, big atocka unbalancing an undoubted,
but aa yet nut deOulte, decrease In yield.
Tbe surprising Increase in production and
advance lu prleea of Iron seem to be bringing
a natural check, aa prleea have gone ao high
aa to cause eume purchases from Europe.both
of pig and linished products, and have also
caused a distinct shrinkage in home demand.
Tbe (allures this week have been 21.') In the
United Statea against 210 last year, and 32 In
Caundn against 48 last year.
Bradstreet'a aaya: General trade through
out tbe I'nlled State ahow further improve
ment in tin the second week in September,
more particularly in manufacturing aud com
mercial Hue at the East and South. From
the Central, Wealern and aomo Western States,
notably Iowa, there are advlceathat purchos
es of sensounble good have been checked
thla week because of the hluh temperature
throughout the region specified, but In the
South Atlantic, (lull and Southwestern State
and on tbe Paolllo coast general trade baa
been Increased In volume.
Oene. Howard and Wheeler Talk to Sur
vivora of Both Side of the Conflict.
General Qranvllle M. Bodge, president ol
tbe Society ol tbe Army of tbe Tenneaaee.pre
tided at tbe reunion ot tbe aurrivor ot tbe
trmy ot that name who aorved in either the
Union or Confederate rnnka. The meeting
ira held in large tent In Cbattanooga,
'Ibe first speaker was Gon. O. O. Howard,
ibe one-armed Christian Colon loldler and
retired major general ot the army,
Uen. Howard was followed by Uen. Joseph
Wheeler, of Alabama, tbe well-known Con
federate cavalry leader, who traced in detail
ill ibe event leading up to tbe battle ol
A large part ol Gen, Wheeler' addresa
waa devoted to a review ot tbe chief eveuta
In the blatory of the Army ot the Tennessee
and a statement in detail ot tbe enormoue
losses sustained In our civil war, a contrast
ed with the great battle ot anclont and mod
ern hlatory.
Several other spoke among them Gen.
(Vlllard Warner, of Cbatlauovga, who dis
cussed "The Socialism ot Statea aud Munici
palities." The military park dedicated Thuraday ex
tend from Sherman Heighta, In Tennessee, to
Glass Mills, Ua.. a distance ot 22 miles, over
all of which, wllb tbe neccsaury approaches
Ibe government of tbeae atntea buvo ceded
jurisdiction to tbe l ulled States. At present
tne government own Detween 10 ana li
iquare mile 0,60 acres, of which 3,500 are
Sieured of underbrush. Congress bit author
ised the purchaae of a total area of about 1C
iquare miles. It boa already expended ou
the park tTaO.OOO. lucludlug the appropria
tion lor the current year, aud alao t20,000 for
the exDensea of the dedication.
From live observation towere erected lo tbe
park limits, can be aeeu the cene of tbe bat
ilea of Cbickamauga. Orchard Knob.Lookout
nouutalu, Waubatchle, Mlaalouary ltidge aud
Drown Ferry,
Odd Fellow Pa th Amendment to th
At Wednesday ! teuton ot th tovereign
grand lodge of Odd Fellow, at Atlantic City,
resolutions were Introduced to revise tbe
ritual of the Patriarch' Militant, and to
amend tbe Insurance law of the order; re
ferred to tbe proper committee.
Surprise waa occasion bv receiving th
reaiguutlon of Sovereign Grand Treaaurer
Isaac A. Sbepard, of Philadelphia, due, he
wrote to failing health. It wo accepted by a
standing vote, Itlchard Muokle. of Phila
delphia, waa elected to till the vacancy.
At tbe afternoon amnion ibe oouatitullonal
amendment providing thataoealooo-koepere,
barteudera or profeaslonal gambler (ball be
eligible to membership In the order, came up.
Thia raiaed a spirited debate, which laated
for more than three hour. The vote waa
flnully taken amid th utinoat confualou, and
the amendiueut passed by a vote of 167 to 82,
the requisite cumber being 135. This amend
ment has been iutrdltuaed at tbe annual ea-
l lion for (out or Bv year patt.
engagement in Whloh th Spaniel
Force Were Victor.
In a battle near Bamajuanl 15 Spadlsh tol
dlera were killed and three wounded, and 14
Insurgents left dead on the field after they
Bed. Tbe Insurgent attacked the village of
Arltnao, but were obliged to retrent. The
railroad bridge at Albino, near Cienluegos,
has been burned bv Insuriteiits. Five insur
gent were killed and 15 wounded in a light
at Purnlo ielegrafo. Tfrnvoluinn of General
Mnlla has returned to Puerto Principe alter
an absence of eight days. General Mella re
ports that he had aevernl brisk sklrmlshe
with the IliMirgi-nts, but thnt he could not
force them luto an engagement.
lhomne I-.strada Polroa, of New lork, de
nies that Senor Enrique Moreno I recruiting
fur the Cuban. He say the Cuban revolu
tion Is not In need ol men, but arm and am
munition tor those who now have only ma
chetes. Cuban sympathizer said that Mexico
would recngnle tbe Inaurgenta na belliger
ents la a few day. Tbey based their asser
tions on private dispatches received from the
city of Mexico. Seuur Uour.alo de (Juesnda,
general secretary of tbe Cuban revolutionary
party in America, 1 iu Mexico and made the
arrangements. Tills will silo arm aud
men to be shipped from Mexico.
Tho Preatdent Touche th Button and
Open th Fa ir.
President Grover Cleveland touched a but
ton at Buzzard Bay at 2 o'clock Wednesday,
aud Instantly tbe wheel of the machinery at
the Cotton State and International exposi
tion, 1,000 mile away, leaped Into 1 1 To. Can
non blnxed and thundered, 110.000 people
cheered, a thousand llnga floated from the
tops of the many buildings, and the great
South a Industrial exposition wns officially
Atlanta 1 alive with People. Strauirer
have been coming lu for two week to be
present ntto-ilay exercise', but tbey were as
nothing In number compared to the thous
ands who arrived last night and this moruln.
The city Is profusely decorated with bunting
and the national colors.
The parade ol civic and military to lies,
which acted as an escort to the official of the
exposition und It gueais, wn the most Im
posing procession ever seen in tbo south.
Several thousand Grand Army members
came down from Ctilckntnnugn, and were
conspicuous on the strnets. They received
marked nttentlon from the citizens. The
Identical Hag which waved from Kenenw to
Allatooua, the fiiinotia signal on which ,was
wrlten the song, ' Hold tho Fort, tor I Am
Coming," wua brought here from Massa
chusetts. Tbe lieutenant who officially waved
the flag went upon Kenesnw mountain and
about tbe time the exposition was formally
pronounced open, waved the aame slanal
which he received 31 year ago from General
Sherman and waved to General Corse. Judge
Emory Speer, ol the United Stnles court at
tuacon, delivered tbe address of the day.
Seven Antl-Chriatlan Rioter Exeouted In
Xu Cheng.
A dispatch from Shanghai says that seven
of tbe prlsonera convicted ot complicity in
tbe recent maesaares of Christian mission
aries were executed at Ku Cheng to-day In
tbe presence of tbe foreign consuls. Tbe
British aanboat Linnet had arrived.
On August 27 the Emperor of China Issued
an edict "epioring tne massacre ol the Christ
lam. and calling upon all mandarins, vlce
roya. Tartar geuerale and others In civil and
miliary authority to summarily arre.t and
punlsb all agltntora und those guilty ol other
offenses against the Christiana. Lire punish
ment la threatened all official who condone
or Ignure tbe crimes naalnst the missionaries.
Little value Is attached by foreigners to this
edict, It being well understood thnt the orders
ol tbe Emperor of China have virtually no
force outside tbe walla ot Pekln.
Particular ol the attack ou tbe Catholic
mission at Wa-Nal, a village seven dnya'
Journey from Cunton. have been received.
ihe affair tuok place on July 2. wben a giuig
ol 330 bandit attacked tbe orphanage. The
place was burned, a missionary losing bis II le
in tue lire, and one child wua cut to pieces.
Tbe missionaries shot dead three and wound
ed many ol the Chines before they drew off,
For two days the baudita besieged tbe tiny
gnrriaon of 20 combatants. A few days after
ward the bandits again attacked the little
band of Christian, but peace waa puicbased
by a payment of too tael. Then another
band of robbea came and they had to be
bought olf alto, though not before tome more
tivet nad been lott.
Controller Eckel Exp. aim Bow th Oold
Shipment Com About.
The Hon. Jamet H. Ecklet, comptroller of
th United State treasury, made tbe follow
ing ttatemeut on tbe request ot represent
ative ot tbe Associated Press in London:
"Belug thus far away from Now York, and
not knowlug tbe exact local condition pre
vailing there, which are producing tbe ship
ment of gold abroad, I feel that I can any
nothing upon that aubject, which will be of
special benefit to the public. Generally
speaking, tbeae gold anipnienta come about
from the fact that tbe American people are
buying a great deal abroad, and not selling
surllcieul of their own product to equalize
thing, thut necessitating a aettiement ol tbe
balance due lu gold. We maintain a financial
tyttem which makes tne united Stntea treas
ury a general market of supply for all re
quiring gold. Contequently, more or leu
embarrassment comet to the almiuiatration
of tbe treasury department wben these
balances require to be settled. However, the
treasury ha always managed to malutulu un
questioned the payment In gold ol it obli
gations, aud always will do so. Tbe system
under which It la lorced to operate makea it
ometime ex pensive to do so, but a long a
representative In cougres refua to chnngo
that eysieui.uud ua long at tbe voter tolerate
them, the people have no right to complain
of the expeue.
Tne aaaociated bank of Itocheater, N. Y.,
hipped to the assistant treasure ot tbe Unit
ed Statea, at New York City, 1250,000 In gold
ooln, and will accept in returu legal tenders.
T'bla action on Ibe part of the banka waa
taken In the hope that th bank iu olbei
parts of tbe oountry may do likewise.
Tattered Gray Uniform.
One of the leading feature of Friday'
eveuta at Chattanooga mat cauaed perhapi
more comment, more euthualaatio cheering.
and wblcb will make a laating impreaalon
upon thoae who eaw it waa a company ol
Confederate veteran attired in their tattered
old ublform of gray carrying tbe atari and
trip. They formed a part of the big parade
and aa tbey passed through the itreet tbey
were tendered an ovation that would bava
honored an emperor. Not one ot theaaold
war dogs was under 00, and yet they marched
with a precision of step that wovld have done
juatlce lo Weat Point cadet. And oue ol
them, tbe one next to tbe color bearer, car
ried un olive wreath, au emblem of peace aud
A Churoh Split.
Tbe churoh trial dismlaatng Itev. Mr. Bee
Bee from the paatorate ol the Norton Baptist
ohurcb at Delaware, O., baa resulted iu a
pi it la the oougregatiou, taking a number ol
meiubere who nave organized anew cuurcn.
A new building la In course of erection. Tbe
nowly-ureated body ol the church will be
koown a tbe "Christian Nation." Itev. Bm
Bee waa deposed on acoount of utteranoe
made lu tbe pulpit against member of lucret
order and uaer of tobacco.
Clubbed to Death-Burglar at Fayett
City and Olen Campbell.
There I no trustworthy evidence at present
of a general disposition among tbe coke
worker of the Connellavllle region to preci
pitate a itrlke. Koine ot their alleged lead
era are trying to embroil them In wagedl
pule. - -
The judge of common Die in Philadel
phia have decided to wear gowne when alt
ting ou the bench, following the example ot
tbe raembera of the supreme court. Tbe
gowns will be patterned after thoae worn In
r-ngnan court.
Pickpocket reaped a rich bnrvest at tbe
State and county fair at Unlontown. From
report received nt the police headquarter
over 0,000 wa taken oneday. J. J. Hum hart,
treasurer ot llunbar school board, wa robbed
of (5.01X1 In note and checks and consider
able money, while on a trnln bound for the
fair. li. II. Itnmsey. who wa with him. wa
relieved of 400 In cash. It. P. Gibson bad
f 100 taken out of bl pocket while purchas
ing a ticket at the box office, Numerous
mailer robberies ate reported.
The Swift Hardware company at Corry foil
luto the bauds of the sheriff ou judgment
amounting lo 420,000.
Burglar entered the store of George W.
Spolter A Co., nt Fayette City-, Sunday night,
and got off with t25 in cash and ubout tlOO
worth ot good.
Work on the new electric railroad from
Erie to Meadvllle 1 being pushed. i lie Hue
will run from Erie to Gnmbow, 2i mile,
thence to Cambye, 0 mile, and i hence to
Meadvllle. 20 mile. A Buffalo, N, Y., yn
d lento I behind tbe scheme.
A rear-end collision on the Baltimore A
Ohio ut Hyndmnn, toppled over an engine
and partially wrecked soven freight cur.
Trnfllu wa delayed five hour.
Farmer Matthew Purcell, of Summit
couuty, died Irum a clubbing nt the hands ol
Anthony Eurbart, to wbom be hud refused tc
give sandwiches that weru demanded by a
Suuduy party of which Earbirt wua a mem
ber. George L. Herrlngton wa appointed post
master at Bannlngton, Fayette couuty.
lltiralnp Mnlarmt tha Hriii atr.M nl W I
Hpanglerat Gleucampbell, Indiana county,
...... I .iii ., r ... . , 1. 1 ,
nun rcuiiwi tiuu nuu liuv lu. VI wulSKey
and olgnr.
The public achoola of Beaver Fall opened
with an attendance ol 1,407 pupil, being
about forty more than on tbe opening day ol
last yenr.
Nathan Shaw attempted to take bl life at
Connelltville by jumping oS the river bridge.
He wat resoued by friend. Drink wu the
Tbe Sa tllck Ga and Oil oompany closed a
contract tor drilling a second test well near
Kartbaus, a abort distance west ol Lock
John Lewi' store at Jacksonville burned
Monday night. Los on building nnd good,
One hundred survivor of tbe One Uun
dred nnd Thirty-third regiment met at John
town Tuesday.
Mish Bros., fouodrymen and cual dealer
at Lebanon, have cunlessed judgment ag
gregating over $30,000.
Tbe school director of Vnnport have de
cided to close up uutll October 1. or longer II
necessary, owing to the prevalence of scarlet
fever In that town, wblcb bos reached almost
an epidemic.
There I much tnlk In Clearfield of annex
ing tbe borougb to West Clearfield.
Albert Anderson wa drowued in th
Youghlogheny river near Ohio Pyle.
Archie, the 7 year-old ion of John Besgh
ley, of Upper Burrell township, Westmore
land comity, was struck by lightning and
killed. His 2-year-old sister was stunned,
auu a earn aei on ure and aeairoyeo.
Judge Ewlng, of Unlontown, revoked the
liquor license ol KOhaooe A tlllott, proprie
tors ot a hotel at Ohio Pyle, because of
testimony tbat tney nad sold beer on Sun
day, Joseph Norcros, ot Fayette county, com
milted suicide by hanging himselllu bia barn
lu JefTeraon township.
At Huxclton Lote Latshaw wna killed by
Italian miner, who also (tabbed Andrew
Uotpaoder so badly tbat be cannot live.
John Tracy wss fatally Injured at Erie by
a collision with a bors and buggy while he
wo riding bl bicycle.
Tbe veterau ot tbe Sixty-seventh and One
Hundredth and Tblny-tbird Pennsylvania
regiment held a reunion at Johnstown
I uesday.
It is rumored again tbat tbe Washington
Electric Street hallway Company contem
plate ao extension to canuonaburg.
Stephen Gilnbard wa killed and John De
wltky fatally hurt by tbe tailing ol an Iron
bar at tne New caeiie ateei mm.
William O'Donnell, aged 84, waa knocked
off tbe bridge between Beaver Falls and New
Brighton by train and waa Instantly killed.
The Erie grand jury haa Indicted Henry
Duffy, J. C Stone and William Walrutb lor
torturing and robbing Oscar Horton and bit
wife near I ulon City, a year ago.
During tbe race at tbe Hollldnyaburg fait
Mr. John Tood, of Altooua, waa fatally in
jured by being knocked down by a horse
wnne ana waa croasing tne iraca.
Over 17.000 Death in Japan Alone With
Many In China.
Notwithstanding tbe efforts of tbe Chinee
and exchange official to mppres tbe news
lu regard to tbe cholera, the truth baa at laat
com to light concerning tbe plague. Japan
anu .Norm mine are alive with cholera germs.
Siberian officials have declared Japanese
open port Infected, and from official source
it 1 learned tbat up to August 20 17,358 peo
ple bave died In Japan from tbe plague sine
It trt in Pescadores.
Advices by th steamer Rio Janeiro report
tbat In Tokio, where tbe beat 1 terrific, th
disease gerra bav been nursed Into virulent
life. Little could be learned concerning
Yokohama, but severthel tb plague l
ruaiug mere.
In China tbe dlae baa a Arm footbold
and I preadlng rapidly at Ulo Fow. Mlaa
Turner and the child ot Dr. and Mr. MoFar
iaud, of the Cbu Cbul London mission, were
tine ken and died. At Nanking much nines
prevail among tbe foreigners, mauy ot them
paving been forced to flee from tbe couutry.
Tbe ravage of cholera in Japau are fur great
er than bav been reported.
Bottle Manufacturer Agree.
All Ibe glaa bottle manufacturer weat ol
tbe Allegheny mountains, have buried tbe
batchet. A two-day's convention, In which
all the 15 manufacturers lu the W cetera die-
trict, whaempbiy uulou labor, were renre-
eented. closed to-day. No pool waa formed
and there waa no advance in price. "In
fact," ald Secretary Arthur Aylinir. ot Mil
waukee, "we almply cum to an agreement
that living price would be auttatued by the
maauiaviurer m (at lutur.
They Ak For a Partial Restoration ol
Former Wage.
Advice are that 2,000 miner employed In
the mine of Bell, Lewi and Yates at Du
bois, Fa., nre on a strike. Tbe trouble dnlei
back to the bard timet of 1901, when the men
iuvig utiles
in the men
per ton In
tie kept nt)
evlve the
asked for n reduction of 30 cent li
order that by so dolug they might be
work, vt nen nusinns hegan to rev
men a-ked for Iheold scale ot wages anil
Were relused.
On Mundny a mat meeting wa held
Resolution were adopted requesting thi
adoption of a new scale of wee bv the com
pany. For pick mined coal 8 (.cent per ton
is axeu io uciooer I, and from thence oo 41
cents la asked, the scale for mncblne ininei
coal to remain nnchanged until October 1
wneu a new scale I to go Into effect.
I be mine affected by the atrlke are th
iteyuouisviiie, London and Dubois and tw
other mines not operated ao extensively.
As yet the mining company ba made
Oiler of settlement.
Th Blmetallio League Consolidated ill
to On Body,
Tbe free tilver force of th United Staff
1 III be consolidated, nnd headquarter! wi
be established In Chicago, General A. .
Warner, president of the National himi.,iu
league. Will hn the lireslflntit rr !
dated body, and Secretary Edward B. Llgh
vi iu. Auieriitu iiiiiietaiiio union, will o
etipy a similar position in the new bod J
1 his much wns agreed upon at the conciu
Slon OI me COblerunee nl Him sHvaf ... ... ..1
the Auditorium hotel. A committee of nln
wa appulnted to keep the beaduuartei1
llfien. 1 he fnmmlllpn ImiimiI it, J
It was desirable to bold aa early conlereuol
Iiiitlounl convention to nominate candidal
lor president and Vlee-nretldent ol tl
i'lliteil SIHIB4 liriOfl ttlntfnrtll nl In. In..-,
deut bimetallism tor the L'ulted States.
A Big Force of Relisl Put to Flight ti
5 Reported Killed.
A dispatch from Guautanamo any Ibnfj a
force ot government troop made an attuick
Monday upon a camp ol rebel, 800 atrotr,
under tbe Insurgent leader, Gil, at Laptedra.
Tbe rebela fled, leaving olght ol their dead to
iu neiu, tcgeiner witn n quantity ol arras,
provision, pomps, eto. The government I
waa eight wounded.
A dispatch say that In the battle which
took place Inst week at Purio and in ttal
vicinity 25 rebels were killed, and the ret)
leader Sancbox wa wounded. The leaf el
Cnutero, who led tho attack upon tbe pluifa-
iiun oi Aiiumiru, was Killed.
4retii. 1-lour and taad.
WflEAT Nu 1 red 66
No. red b4
ltili u yellow ear, 41 -4-J
ho. t yellow shelled DO 0
Mixed ear mi 40
l)A'l No. 1 white wr,u ui
ho g while !
Kxira No. I white Hi t
Light mixed im ail
h No ) h 40
No. 2 western 48 4v
FLOCK inter i ntents bienda. 4 64 75
1- amy Spring patents u Ml SMI
Fancy straight winter I) 50 8 60
etraight iXX bakers' g Ml 110
Hear Under tf 411 8 Ml
rtre flour . 8 M c "
UAi &u 1 timothy 15 :o 15 ;&
No. J 1 M J4 (10
Mixed clover. No. 1 18 W H 00
New liny, from wagon.... Ill OU JT 00
FttU No. 1 White lid.. Ion )H Ul IK M)
No, 8 White .Middlings IT no 17 60
brown Middlings is nu jii .'0
brau, bulk 14 u) 14 M)
ST it AW Wheat 6 5 to
Uat 6 74 li 00
Dairy Products.
bTTTEH Elgin Creamery J
r'aucy Creamery
rucy country noli
Low gratle and cooaiug
tlitfcMi Ohio, new .
W iscousin feWIIOfc
Llinbuiger. newinake.
ti .
I tult and Vegetable.
I't.Ac nr, nu
I-K.MO. nu
bkANti Hand-picked, per bu,.
Luna, lb
Fo'iAione Fine, In car. bbl
r rolu etoie. bu
CAbUAOK iioiue grown, bbl...... i euuw. nu
Foultr, Kto.
LWe Chickens, y pair
Live lJucks. V pair
Pressed cnlcaens, t lb. .
Live '1 urkeys. V 10
Edits Pa and Ohio, fresh
tKA'llltlUv k.llrallveOeee,VIU
No. 1 &x Live Ueese, t lb M
Couutry, large parked
tlKIlK-Clover til lb 6 50 B 6 5
Timothy, prime...
I 76
Kaoij couutry mixed.
UOMiY-White Clover
MAi'Lfc SVilLP, new
CiUKK Couutry, sweet, bbl...
1 40
w heat-No. g na
Kl h No. g ..
IOKN lined
bt"l 1 in Ohio reamery.
Floi'R gua.
VWlhAi-.No. t Ked ; "
luiw-rio, ii Mixed 46 17
uaib a mine it ji
01 1 j .n ireauiery, extra.. go ki
h.vji.b ra. nrsta 15 j(j
Hi t mate .""".'.!.'!!ZI 5a
LOIt.N-No. gy
OA I B-W hite W estern
KL'l'iEK creamery 14
kOQb ataie ana i-enn
CiMTKii. biota Vajui, JUer Laaarr, ra,
Prime. 1 ,400 to 1 .600 lb 5 as a 8 00
OooU. 1.HMI to l,4Ui Iba . ft cm J a
Oucd butchers, l,iH) to l,auuiba 40 - sou
Tidy, l.uuu tu l,16un... 4 t ha
Fair light ateera. vuu to luuu lb.... g 4 lu
Common, 7uU to MAUJb g gj i 10
a 004
Light weight 4 70 4 aa
Medium ...... 4 75 (13
H'evy 4 iu 4 n
Kuugbe and Htaga . SOU 4 15
Sxtra. 4 to lots Ibe
Uuod.eft to lie Iba
r air. 70 to M Iba ....
....... Ill S 8
- I 75 U 00
II 00 g 40
1 Ul 1 75
1 00 4 50
Chicago. Cattle Common to extra ateera
(H SUtsUou; stockera and feeders, :lliini i
i-uwa aud bulls, t).AU(si;i.75; calve, tvi.ijftiLOti
bg heavy,; common to uholue
unxed. t.te.144.t0; choice assorted, li.4ot4i,tki'
Ilk-til. .'t.WJwl H; pigs, i.Kk.4.4U thep-ln
tenor to choice, tl.iu.'.lo; lamb, 3.00ut,7S.
Cincinnati Hogs select shipper. 4 454 60;
tuu-hvr 1.4Ua4.4i; fair to good packer tcijft
tu4.4u: fair to light l.iuu4. (5; ooniuioa aud
rougbUH.lHto4nO C attle-good hlpTHrsM,:ttoA0U
J()Odto4holce44.MtoMs;rair 10 medium tMtto
1.6t t couiiuou t0niov,ft. Lamb exiratknui
tood to cbOi.he 44 CO 10 4.50couimoa to fair 4.0O
50 1 M
1 00 g (JO
It. 1 26
M g HO
5 l-y a
1 ou 1 40
40 50 J
no 7t y
f.0 tJw
10 lll
11 114
13 1-4 1
66 CO I
40 46 I
t6 40 I
a no
1 CO J
7 ' 1
14 1 1
70 eO I
U0 I 60 I
"". 15 ' 111