The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 18, 1895, Image 1

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Job Work Department
The Star Oilico
If replete with the Latent,,
Stylet of Type.
Local, Goiiatu and State
Wo are now prepared to show a
line Lam of
Ladies' Coats
and Capes!
They were bought before the
cuclomt'itt the advantage of the .same. Coine and
nee tlieni, and do not forget tli in
is the place to get your
Our new Black Goodt are beaut Jen and the price in low.
I' a 87 to Wear.
Hiptor Back.
ixo undarttrapi.
Never movet.
sr:u;:ruitKD AT
ccommoRilcd and Endorsed hy Ililiest Authorities.
St. Louis.
.flNGET, London,
Eng., 1891.
i American DrilQ "Tlie
nlct anrt Phar can ouver iruss, ana subsequent sale
UlSb (MU nidi 0f them with gratifying success by the
DiaGeiltlCal druggists, have demonstrated the fulfill
New York.
The Pharmaceuti
cal Era.
New York.'
The Medical Epit
Perfect Adjustment and
Nent Work Dime
on Short Notice!
A 1. 1, TIIK -
Meivs tor $1.00 a year.
& CO.
i;mv, ami we will give our
c& OOS.
3 JlII Ym
Something of
Paramount Importance
To People
Who W ear Them.
A Light, Cooi, Efficient Truss,
Ono tlitit would retain tho hernia under all forms
of exorcise, and could bo worn with com
fort bus long been looked for.
Silver Trust is light, clean and
comfortable to wear, and can be uaily
put on or oil'; in fact, it it simplicity
itself. Eminent phytic iaiiB of tlie Unit
ed States, Canada and Europe have
recognized itc great value, and the re
ports from dealer and patients are mot
favorable. "
"Tbe Silver Tnirm, f rom its adaptabil
ity, peculiarity of shape, and mode of
application, adjusts itself to every pos
ture of the body without displacement,
and is worn with comfort." From Clin
ical Lecture by Richard Davy. F. R. S.
E., Surgeon to Westminster Hospital.
rapid introduction of the Amer-
ment ot all claims made for them by the
company. They are, unquestionably,
the neatest, lightest, cleanest and most
easily adjusted truss of any on the mar
ket, and almost every druggist who has
stocked this truss pronounces it to be
the truss of the future."
"Tho wearer of a trims is always looking for some
thing better, and It In, therefore, an easy matter to
command attention when the American Silver TrunH is
brought to tho notice of a prospective buyer. It Is
light and simple, made of ono continuous piece of
metal, without nuts, screws or rivets, and can bo
formed by tho hand to the exact shape of tho body,
and when placed in position does not move."
"Dr. J. A. Coinlngor, Indianapolis, Ind., formorly
Dean of the Medical College of Indiana, and Surgeon
General of the State of Indiana, who has .used this
truss for two years In fully ninety per cent, of his cusoh,
recommends and ondoruus It as entirely satisfactory in
more cases than any other appliance he has ever
- ,
Satisfaction Guaranteed by
Alex. Stoke
Bat la flnlte .l All Till Stenllne; HUM Cnn.
tlnues The IM-rllne of tlis Town of Kim
berley lNipnliithm Ha Flown to the
Onlil Field About Johnnneiihnrir.
"The Fuiith African diamond mines
are worked almost entirely hy native
laborer)) tho Kiillirs, Zulus, Hottentots
and tho rest," said a diamond merchant
"Those receive good wages, nbont $125
per month, mid nro hired for n term of
threo Inoiitlifl. lairing tills period they
nro confl'vd In mmpoimds located on
the e.lgu cl' ihe mines. The compounds
coti'ist o'ri'V.'K of build ings of corrugated
iron, forming n hollow square, surround
cd by a high board feiiro mid coverlet
Several uorcs of gi'uuud. Within this cor
ral nro itirv!, ".hospital, binirHtig house
and ether conveniences. Wood and Wit
ter nro furr'shed free, lint ii" alcoholic
lliruors ore allowed. During their term
of sorvloo tho natives nro not allowed to
have any communication with tho out
side world aud are under a system of
close porsoiif.l surveillance in order to
pievei t tliu theft ef diiini 'inls. When
they ciimo up from tho mine shaft, they
nro carefully searched, ami in. my iu
genioiiB methods nro ndopted to reduce
the lew from CiIms ounce fo a minimum.
"Notwithstanding nil that Is done,
liovruAor, th i theft of dhiim i:d. still
continues. It Is estimated that from 10
to SO pr cent of tho dinmonds fonnd
arc stolen every yenr. In order to pre
vent this a very stringent law wan piiM
ed, providing that all rough diamonds
should bo registered with tho detective
hnrean of tho government nn soon n
they were found, and that every nrm
who sold a dimii' iel must give with it
a certificate of registry.
"Tho penalty for having nil unregis
tered reuj,!i dlumunil i.i s-ven years on
tho Capo Town brenKwiiter, and the
niero fact of pocsesxion is prinm facie
ovidetieo mid will seenro conviction. Hn
it hnppens that if ono laborer wnnts to
do up nnnther ho nmnaijes to slip n
rough dinniond Into the other laborer's
coat, nr into hl room, nnd then tolls
tho polirn to keep a sharp lookout. Of
conrso tho politic make a search, thf
contrnband stone is found, and tho man
is in for a term of seven years. A great
mn'iy unjust sentences have unquestion
ably been seemed ill this way, but do
spifo the) npprRi'Jon to tho law tho com
pany is powerful enough to keep it in
"Thero aro other diamond fields out
rido of tho If imberley district, but they
aro ditilenlt to work und aro mainly ex
ploited by iligg"N working on thelroff n
account. Tho total product is not largo,
mid tho work is very arduous, tho dig
gers being most ly men who havo Wn
thrown out ef work by tho oonsolldntton
of tho Kimberley mines into ono vast
corporation and tho subi eipient restric
tion of production. This latter, by the
Wny, has lind a enrions effect npon the
town of Kimberley itself. As lato as
four yoars ago Kimberley had a popnln
t'on of 2P0O or IN), 000 people. It wsb
laid out for a groat city and enjoyed for
a time a big boom.
"Fine brick blocks nnd residences
wero built, hotels nnd theaters and wa
terworks nnd everything pertaining to
S modern city Now A good third of
t'ios.0 places uro empty, and Kimberley id
as dead as a New England town that is
di poiidi nt upon a fciuglo milL All tho
supplies and machinery for tho mines
aro now bought of courso by a single
company, so that more .than two-thirds
of the TmKinop" of tho town is gniio,
Tlieio is nothing there to sustain a town
except the Uiiue, and with tho opening
up of tho goldflulds much of tho popu
lation moved on north to Johannesburg.
"Althongh tho oxistonce of gold in
tho Transvaal had been known for years,
yet the liners disliked the invading
prosjiectors nnd fur a lime kept thuiu
out by law. Afterward a more liberal
spirit provailcd, and tho Boer govern
ment offered reward for tho finding of
paying goldtiolds. But it was not until
1882 that tho now celebrated gold bear
ing roef in which the balk of South Af
rican gold ia found was discovered, and
it was not until four years later that the
opening of tho celebrated fcihuba mine
and its phenomenal yiold, gave rise to a
fever. Then prospectors poured in from
Kimberley and the Capo, coming by
push cart, wagon, Inwoback or on foot
In a year there wore 10,000 persons irJ
the district The center of tho exoito
ment was the litilu. town of Borberton,
lint this section was soon thrown into
the shado by tho discoveries on tho Wit
Watoraraud. But whilo the excitement
lasted the Do Kaap fluids, as they were
known, lmd their day, and 06 com
panies, with a nominal capital of $1SS,
000,000, wore floated, and many of the
sharos sold at a tremendous premium.
JUost of those mines are now abandoned,
though tho Shoba mine is still a big
produoer. "New Vork Suu.
Too Slow For V.
There ore few things much sadder to
wldo awake American than the soooud
day of a game of orioket. Chicago Rec
ord. Australia means "south," and tn
land now known by that unme was for
morly callod New Holland.
Tho doublet was a closo fitting coat
Introduced into Frauoe from Italy about
MOO. .
YVnmtars Hint Mny lie Rrrn Thrrln
Thronnh Mlrrocoie.
To tho ordinary mortal a drop of wa
ter is what tho primroso wns to Petor
Boll, a drop of water and nothing more,
but to tho student of nature, armed
With a high power microscope, it imme
diately becomes a world teoming with
living creutnrcs, tho most iniliuto repre
sentatives of animal life. Thoso thoughts
Wnro suggested by reading Professor
Uraeo's description of a butt In ho otico
witnessed while examining a collection
of rotifers, which woro amassed in a
single drop of fresh water. Among oth
ers, Mr. Grace noticed a flue specimen
of infusorinii, which wns swimming
back and forth among tho rot ifers, as if
Intent on mischief. On tho following
day it wns noticed that the rotifer col
ony lind lost several of its members, nnd
that, tho iufusoriuu's form had rounded
out until ho resembled a miiiiaturo St
Louis bartender. Mr. Grace now re
pnlvcd to watch tho infusorian's move
ments and ascertain if possible the
nritlus operandi whereby, tho capture
of Mich expert swimmers as the
rotifers aro known to bo was effected.
A few minutes' wait sufficed. Soon it
was noticed that the infusorinii was
slowly and continuously working his
way around tho foot of a rotifer, which
was resting on tho glass slide.
Around and around ho went as slyly
ns a monso in on oats bin, ami when he
had Unified it was noticed that the
rotifer's foot was firmly cemented to tho
glass. The infusorinii, seeming to know
his victim wns secure, began to goad
tho tethered cieaturo and torment it in
all tho ways that devilish ingenuity
could suggest. Ho would jump upon its
bnek and bito it in several places with
lightninglike rapidity nnd then spring
oil and seize a leg and pull it almost
from Its socket Mr. Grnro says that ho
witched this unequal combat for nearly
a half hour, when it was noticed that
tho rotifer was dying from exhaustion.
Killing tho dentil of his victim, the in
fusorial! proceeded to dovonr his prey, as
ho donbtless had done the others that
wero mitising.
Mr. draco nest examined a small
body of water, consisting of four drops,
111 which there wero several infusoria
and rotifers. Tho former proved the
enemies of tho latter, just us in tho sin
gle drop previously examined. It was
alto noticed that tho InfiiHorinn, having
devoured a victim, would almost imme
diately divide into two or four now ani
mals, o.ich of which won Id quickly
swim away in search of pvey, just as its hail dono before. Ht. Louis Ro
public. No "Three Katstwl of tho KnalnV
For all practical purposes thero woro
only two estates in tho Kuglish parlia
ment, lords nnd commons. Thus the
pbruso of the threo estates, which had a
meaning in Franco, beennio meaning
less in Kngland. For centuries past thero
bus been no separate estate of tho cler
gy; some of their highest, members
have belonged to tho estnto of tho lords
und tilt) rest to the estnto of the com
mons. Hence bus nrlsen n common but
not nnnatnrnl misconception, ns old as
tho long parliament, as to tho meaning
of tho throe ostatcs.
Men constantly ttso thoso words ns if
they meant tho throe elements among
which tho legislative power is divided,
king, lords and commons. But an estnto
means a rank, an order or class of men,
like tho lords, tho clergy or tho com
mons. The king is net an estate, be-
causo thero is no class or order of kings,
tho king being ono person alone by him
self. Tho proper phrase is tho king and
tho three estates of the rilm. Bnt in
England, ns I lmvo already shown, tho
phrn io is meaningless, ns we have, in
truth, two estates only." E. A. Freo
man's "Growth of the Euglitih Consti
tution." Samuel J. Tililen's Umbrella.
Abrain S. Hewitt, who was a great
friend of Samuel J. Tilden, ono day
brought into his office an old cotton um
brella, with a broken rib or two and a
fow holes. It could not have cost over
60 cents. Ho placed it in tho accustomed
corner, beside a fiuo $10 silk umbrella
belonging to J. L. Huigh, his partner.
When starting homo in the afternoon he
walked off with Haigh's umbrella, leav
ing his own, which Huigh had to use,
as it was raining hard. On opening the
old ooton affair Haigh noticed a piece
of white tape sewed on the inside near
the top, and on going to a light read,
"Samuel J. Tilden, Gramoroy park,
New Vork." The noxt day ho returned
it to the same comer and said to Mr.
Hewitt, "This is Mr. Tilden's umbrella
yon forgot last night " "Oh, yes," said
Howitt, rising and going aftor it, "I
am vory glad to get it back. Mr. Tilden
is extromely oaroful about his umbrel
la." "But where is my silk o. that
you took away lust night?" Haighsked.
"Oh, I don't know anything about
that," was tho reply, and that was all
the satisfaction that Haigh ever got.
New York Press.
A Jtemlnclor.
"I do not hesitate, Mr. Stalate'she
remarked gently, "to say that yon are
a young mau of excellent habits, but I
am very much afraid that yon would
spend too muck of your time away from
"Why do you think bo?" . .
"Because," and she yawned a littlo,
"you spend so much time away from
home now. " Washlugto-n. Btar,
Measurements Allowing That the Space Fot
Itrnln In It la Kxtraordlnarj.
Bismarck's head, says a correspond
ent of L'Authropologie, has 4-een care
fully measured according to Mio rules of
anthropometrics by the sculptor Sehnph
of Berlin, who mado the stutuo of Bis
marck set up at Cologne. The measure
ments prove that Bismarck has a head
of extraordinarily largo sizo. Measured
horizontally from tho frontal bono to
tho occiput tho head is iil2 millimeters,
or more than 8.85)1 inches. Tho dis
tance from temple totomplo is 170 mil
limeters, or a tiiilo over 0.00 inches.
Bismarck's cranium has a capacity of
1,005 cnbio centimeters, aud his brain
should weigh 1,867 grains.
These iignres become especially sig
nificant when compared with tho meas
urements of other heads. Of 2,500 heads
measured at Baden Baden only one ex
ceeded 200 millimeters horizontally
from front to back, and that one moas
nred 200 mill'mi tLiJ, or ia iiiilliiufcteis
less than Bismarck's. Tho uieau meas
urements of i)0 mcmU'is ef the Natural
Science society at Cailsiulie were 105
millimeters from front to back by 155
millimeters from temple to temple. Tho
biggest of these heads measured 206 by
102 millimeters. The cubio measure
ment of 246 Qmxmn beuds wns nearly
COO cubio cent) tseters under Bismarck's,
whilo tho fi'lmated weight of Bis
marck's brain is 86 per cent above that
of the ovi rngo adult Kuiopenu brain. In
fact, Bismarck is a mau not only of
blood and iron, but as well of brains.
He Know lltr I'erfeotly.
Tho outspoken ways und canst io say
ings of Dr. Jephsou of Leamington, cel
ebrated in tho forties and fifties, have
furnished tho kernel of many anecdotes.
Ono day he wus called on by ono whom
Brantomo would hav ' callod "nno
grnude dauio do j ar la monde," tho
Marchioness of . Having listened
to a description of her nialudy, the Ora
cle pronounced judgment :
"An egg und a cup of tea for break
fast, thn walk for two hours; a slice of
cold beef nnd half a glass of madeira for
luncheon, then walk nguiu for two
hours ; fish, except salmon, nnd a cutlet
or wing of fowl for dinner, with a sin
gle glass of madeira or claret ; to bed at
10 and rise at C, etc. No carriago exer
cise, please. "
"But, doctor," sho exclaimed ut last,
thinking be was mistaken in his visitor,
"pray, do !::;o'.r vho I cm? Do you
know ahem ! my position?"
"Perfectly, mailarue," was the reply.
"I am piesci'liing for an oldwuuian
With n deraug'd stomach. "Nineteenth
Th Poltoit Jqrlr.
Fiiiin tho dny ho i i born to tho day of
his death no hrnxh or comb is over al
lowed to bo used on him, and ns, from
tho unnatural condition in which ho is
kept, ho is prevented in a great moasuro
from shedding his coat tho fuuctioi-s of
tho skiu boeomo suspended, and tho aui
mnl gradually assumes year after year
an nceiiniiilation cf cents, all matted
together with stablo filth, till at length
they almost trail on tho ground. When
he hns assumed this cilrru rdinnry and
bearliko nppearanco, be ia pointed to
with no littlo prido by his owner and is
termed bonrnilloux, or sometimes gucn
illonx. Such is ignorance aud prejudice.
From " Horses, Asses, Zebras, Mules,"
by W. R. Tegetmeier.
M. Duudet, the eminent French au
thor, was for a long time an usher in a
soooud rato echool ou a pittance which
scarcely sufficed to keep body and soul
together. After a time he grew sick of
this hard and unromunerative kind of
work, aud then mado his way to Paris,
where ho arrived with only a capital cf
two shillings and a bundlo of poems.
Ho was fortunate enough to find a pub
lisher for tho latter almost at unco, aud
it was not very long before he obtained
journalistic employment, which kept
him going until bo found novel writing
lutTlciontly lncrntivo to provide him
with a living. Now he can command
Almost any prlco ho likes to ask for bis
books nnd articles, and must be a very
wealthy man. Paris Letter.
Bill Nye and Paul M. Potter.
It will be pleasant to learn that Mr.
Potter's next venture is to bo in collabo
ration with Bill Nye. They ore busy at
work on a comedy, which, with Mr.
Potter's cultured talent for drainatio
construction and his experience in stage
literature, Nye s crude und luexhausti
ble humor, his wit aud philosophical
turn, ought to be a great go. Chicago
Sufficient Cante.
"I hear Mrs. Youngwife has doubts
of hor husband 8 sanity?"
"For what reason?"
"Ho told hor she was a hotter cook
thuu his mothor. " Dutroit Free Presi
neat and the Eyes.
Tho fact appears that thero is a very
marked difference in the wuy tempera
ture is borno by tho eyes when it is be
low 2,000 degrees F. and when above
that heut. Up to such a v egrco a man
can look at tho metal in a l'urnace with
comparative easo, but before it reaches
8,000 degrees he is compelled to wear
colored glasses.
The Suo and Fox Indians are said to
be the purest blooded red men in the
country. They neither marry nor give
in inurriuge outside their own tribe.
8omo wonM qu.-ifT thntr neutnr
From enrven eiip of uold,
That, like nil epon fl'twnr,
Wilh imttn Him unrolled,
Exhnles a llqntri rr-iKrnnoe
Of lnxnry nntolil.
Borne would qnnfT their nectar
From Vonus' f'TM'y
Tho crimson fount of folly,
Whro f.ulKinK p:tion flips,
In drowsy drenm of vwlncs, '
Through which time thrill and slips.
Bnt t wonld qnntt the nectar
Whom, fount in ever free ,
Pnro '-ihyni from tin. mountnln,
Hnlt liruteua from tlto sen.
AH fr!iiit?ht with morning's fervor,
And wild wind' poetry.
Tnlfft nil earth's exultation!
Itc ry sw-. dlvl-ie,
It ferfnned irid ls eiirplo,
Its rare nnd fnlr nnd fine;
The brcbzo is hiaveu'n brcwliitf,
Ood's bloHln :i hi:- v!no
Mary Borri Chir-nin.
Why Rtiiiu'.J Ho 3u Giril.i iUiax'tiie
Thluirs That Are Not? ,
Apiiik'jophor dwelt i:,a houso owuod
by Cleon. But one tiny Cleon to
tho philosopher and said, "Why havo
you not sent lno thb money for lost
mouth's rent?" The philosopher said he
know of no reason except that he h:vl no
money, having gotten to the bottom of
his purse.
"You will havo to move out, said
Cleon, "to make room for a oordwniunr
I kiKnv who wants iliis house nnd lias
money. "
"Would you, then," said the philu-io-plier,
"turn mo out when I am so com
fortablo hero, having dwelt in this house
80 years?"
"It is niy comfort," snid Cleon, "and
not yours that I consider. "
"Then yon prefer a cordwainer, I
oonolude, to a philosopher. "
"No," said CIoiu;"a landlord has
no preference except to prefer rent mon
ey to no rent money. "
So tho cordwainer moved into tho
philosopher's house, and the philosopher
wont to live In tho iu?nii Ivivil of tho
But once there, although coutuiited
onongh, becanso ho was a plrilosophrr,
yet ho oonld not avoid tho obtrudvo
fuels .f Hn u'.KiDhco Oi' all tiii. ifcs
which in his former habitation had
grown habitual to him.
This was tho first tiling that puzzled
him how that which us nut could lie
so obtrusive. "What," said he, "can bo
so entirely ii'inosU'tent as a negjti u?
And yet hero I am confronted with an
obtrusive negation. "
"I miss," snM ho agaii.,,'u chest of
drawers, a tablo, a fireplace and tho
Bern 'fry from tho window when I n--ed
to sit I wonder if it will bn so ufter va
are driven out from our bodies
death, tho final, inuxJraLlo luuilloid, de
mands a rental wo cannot pay. "
Iu time, lnv.vover, the philioopbor
gradually ceused being oppressed by -tho
ohtiusivo memories und grljw ucoualom
ed to new iwsooiatior.s.
"I woudor," said he, "if it will Iri
so when wo nro immortals after death
at first p.'.infn! r.'gref i for what v. e l.tu a
lost, and in the end nothing of the old
but faint memories nnd a new set of us
suciuticus. I voadc. always auU won
der ).in-t if phiionuio.y will ever be any
thing better than clever wondering
about tho wondorfal. " Chicago Opeu
Court ,
An Early Kitrothal.
In tho early days cf California tho
daughters of tho Luges woro sought ia
marriage by tho best families of tho
stnta It wns a that?" they were
oven courted in tho cradle, ns when tho
young ofllcer, Colo.iel Ignacio Vnllcjo,
heirifr in Pan T.nis ( ibisno on tho occa
sion of tho birth of a daughter to the
Lugos, asked hor father for ho hand of
tlio day old buby. provided when, tho
timo cumo to fulfill the eoutract the se
norita should bo willing. This seeming
ly ab.snrd lotrotliul took place. Tho
child grow up to bo an intelligent as
well as uttractive young woman, mar
ried her betrothed and bcciuno tho
mother of many ohUdron, among them
Mariano Gnadalupo Vallejo. Overland
Gratitude is u short cut to sincere and
lasting friendship." Some people com
plain that they have no friends. Have
they never hud a favor done to thoin?
Why, every muu has had a score of fa
vors done him every day of his life 1 .
Thoso who bear it in mind, who say a
word of hearty thanks, who watch a
chance to do a favor in return, never
lack friends. '
An Iy Murk. t
"May I awsk what you hava?" re-"
quested tho tenderfoot politely.
"Ace high," said Alkali Iko grimly.
"Oh, dear mo. And I've only got
three kings. Seems to mo I neveh have
any luck at pokah. "
" 'Taiut all luck, mister, it's spcri--enco.
You'll 1'uru arter awhile. ' 'Now
York Recorder.
Tailor I have called after my ao
oouut. Dr. A.
Debtor Here is the money, but I
havo deductod 6 shillings because you
have cumo in my consultation hour
London Tit Bits.
Shlloh's Cure Is sold on a guarantee
It cures Incipient consumption. It hatha
best cough cure. Only one cent a doso, '
2oU., 50cU. find $1.00. Sold by J. C.
King & Co