MANY USES FOR PAPER. Inventl ve Yanheea Have Devised lont Pecnllar Modee of Kmptoylnsj It. ' We have had thr golden age and tha Iron aire anil various other age, Imt the present will probably be known na the wooden or paper age. Paper dress mnlerlul masquerading as silk la thn latent Invention In the tiarer line, and threntena to drive the silkworm out of business. Spruce saw-duet, cotton or jute waste and alcohol are put Into the machine and mine out at the other end shining, dellrately colored, rustlluii allka. suitable for the moat fastidious lady's gow n. Of course, this pnper atlk doesn't near ao well aa the real fabric, but think how much cheaper It will be! Enthusiastic paper manufacturer ay the new woman and the new man will dine off paper dishes. It la not Improbable that the hat of the future will be an Indestructible paper affair, Impervious to tire or water. Over In 1'arla any enterprising milliner will be able to aliow you stylish bonnets and beta made entirely of pnper, frame, trlminltig, ornaments and all. Parasols of paper do not seem to have lieen thought of yet, but satchels and trunks of pnper lire common enough. The pa per trunk, despite its frail sound, la the despair of the Imggngo smasher. It refuses to smash. Bo do pnper car wheels. They have been In use for years on some of the most Important railroads In this coun try. It must not be auppnved that the wheels are made entirely of paper. This material only forms the Interior shell. Having been subjected to terrific pressure. It Is molded and firmly bolt ed to the outer rim, which Is of ateel. Greater durability and lightness are claimed for these wheels, but don't let the Idea of lightness lead you to get nmler one. If yon do, you may possi bly have use for one of the paper cof fins which are being turned out at Wholesale by a firm at YVestfleld, Mas. The railroad train of the future Is likely not only to hove paper wheels, but to run on paper rails. These nr. made entirely of paper, nnd are formed In molds under great pressure. They have been used to some extent In Hus Bin and Germany, nnd are said to be free from many of the defects of the ordinary steel rail. Puper horseshoes are another Kuro penn Invention. Among the advan tages claimed for them Is that they niHlntaln n rough surface, enabling the horse to get A good grip on the smooth pavements. Herman paper milkers have put on the market n suh atnncc called "papier sculptor," which Is used Instead of clay for modeling. It 1m simply paper pulp kept soft enough to be worked. Pnplermiiche ceilings nnd wall decorations are very fashionable.' They may look like leath er or broende or a thousand nnd onn handsome embossed effects, but they lire wood pulp, Just the sume. The house-furnishing departments In the. big shops furnish Interesting evi dence of the extent to which paper en ters Into ordinary life. Paper pails and tubs are appreciated by the suburban dweller who hasn't "set" tubs. They are much lighter and easier to keep clean, as well as cheaper than the old style. Ho Is the much-nliused cuspidor. Peach baskets, berry baskets nnd but ter boxes are made of puper, and al most everything under the sun salt, which used to come In pretty blue and white bags; oatmeal, crackers, ice cream, candy, shoes, corsets, dresses la sent home In a paper box. In Japan, they say, some folks live In pnper houses, and In this country pnper boats are In use. Nor must the necessary Mcwer pipe be forgotteti. Pnper pipes for carrying water, steam or electric ity tire not uncommon. As conduits for electricity they are considered safe, even though the wire be not Insulated. Ptooeer Bank Treasurer. Mrs. Susanna lunklee of Newton, Mass., has the distinction of being the first woman bank treasurer in Amer ica. She was elected to the office in 1S74. 100 Reward. B100. The readers of this papar will aa p'.sserl to laaru that liter la l least ona dreaded disease that eoienra has been abla to cure In all lis stages, and tbat la eatarrh. Hall'a Catarrh Cure la the only positive cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh being a con etimtionai disease, requires a oonntllutional treatment. Hall'a Catarrh Cure Is la keu in ternally, olih directly upon the blood and mucou surface of the system, thereby de stroying the foundation of the ilis.ase, and giving the patient strength by building nptha constitution and assisting nature in doing I la work. The proprietors have so muoh faun in Us curative powers that they offer One Hun dred Dollars for anyuas.thal It falls to ourt. baud for list of teat imonisls. Addrass F. J. I'sknky Co., Toledo, 0. r bold by Druggists, 76c Don't Irag Your Feat. Many men do because the nerve centres, weakened by the long-uontlnuad use of to bacco, become so afTeoled that they are weak, tired, 11 Met, listless, eta. All this can be easily overcome if the tobacco user wants to quit and guln manhood, oerro power, and 'joy vigorously the good thiuga ol life. Take No-To-l)ac. Guaranteed to cure or money refunded by Druggists everywhere. Hook true. The Rlerllng liemedy Co., New York City or Chicago. FITS stopped free by Dr. Rum's On sat Ncmvs KvvrosaH. No flu after flrst day's use. Marvelous cures. Treatise and $2.(1(1 trial bot tle tree. Dr. Kline. Wl Arch bt Phiia., Pa. makes the Weak Strong Hood's Barsaporilla tones and strengthens the digestive organs, orentes an appetite, and gives refreshing sleep. Remember Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the one True Blood Purifier, I M IT 84 ATIKG GRASSHOPPER WAR. A Machine Used to Exterminate an Insect Test. Hundreds of Millions Killed Dally By Its Aid. Farmers throughout Minnesota ami indeed the eutiro Northwest, are Vtatcliing with ureal interest thn prog ress of tho war vtiiged by Professor Otto Lupgcr, Mliile. Entomologist of Minnesota, against two species of grasshoppers, nhicli are becoming uncomfortably numerous in certain sections of the State. 'J'liero is every reason for them to manifest thn deep est concern ns to tlm outcome of the contest, for upon till failure or sue cos of the efforts of the state's olllcii ) ling slayer to exterminate tho pests depends tho making or mnirinu; of tin fortunes of inativ, ami, in a measure, the prosperity of I lie agricultural ami stock raising region of the North west. The two species causing alarm are tho White Mountain or migratory and the California hoppers. The latter are tho larger species '"'t "-'y nro not so formidable as thu oilier, as they do not multiply so rapidly. Till migratory hoppers are very prolific creatures, and furthermore nrn ex ceedingly hiirdv, thriving; apparently ns well on the toughest weeds as upon tender grasses. At present the authorized execii tiolieer of bugs lilts it decided ailviin tnge over his miniature, foes, though the latter outnumber him by count less millions, for they hav ) no means of defence except their little hop, while lie luis tho "hopper-dozer." This is an exceedingly ingenious con trivance, designed especially for war on the grasshoppers. In eppearatio it, conveys suggestions of a lawn mower, a cat-rigged sailboat and a biff dust pan. Tho last is suggest id by the body of the do, ir, which is a trench of tin or sheet iron, H feet long, 2 feet wide nnd 8 inches It is mounted on wheals at either end, and has along the front cd.) it wido iUngu of tin, tho front edge of which roaches within about threo inches of the ground. It is propullod from behind with a double handle like that of a lawn mower, and bid ween tho handle ntrl thn tiviin body risjs a wall of white canvas. This wall mtv be extended by side wings slanted for ward, to head oil' any f the more wary hoppers who may direct their brief hops away from thu rear wall and toward life and liberty. Til ere is nothing formidable to the hopper in the canvas wall in itself,' The small creatures might butt their heads against it all dsy and sudor no harm. It is on the rebound from the wall that tho hoppers get the full benefit of the dozer by falling bank into tho sheet iron trough. This is kept about half full of u cheap grade of coal oil, a touch of which is certain death to the insect pes:. The hop pers that become immersed in the fluid die almost instantly, while thoie that succeed in hopping out, after be ing besmeared with the fluid are soon overtaken by symptom of paralysis, aud later die. from their inability to move about in quest of food. The growth of the grasshopper poet in Minnesota has been gradual during the last three years. The first season they were noticed in the Red liiver Volley and in Pine and Chicago coun ties, where they are now the most numerous. They were very few in number and causod no alarm. They pluuted their eggs aud the next sea son there were more of them. This season there nro countless millions, aud in the sections in which they have been bred they threaten the absolute destruction of the crop unless they themselves are exterminated before they reach their full growth. They are now little more than a half an inch in length, and it will be four weeks or more before they have attained their growth and are able to fly. Within that time the campaign of the etoiuolo gist must be completed. ' In the sections mentioned there are now 4"'0 hoppur-dozcrs ut work. Esch machine catches an average of about two and a half bushels ti day, and the hoppers run about 80,00!) to the bushel. It is estimated that the hop per carried olT in the machines num ber not more tbau one-fifth of the en tire number destroyed, The balance bop out to die later. Thus ii will bo seen tbat about 400,000,01)0 hoppers daily fall victims to tho 400 hopper dozers. More inauliiiies are being built, all the Stato ofllaials lire en couraging thu farmer to carry ou the fight with energy by promising to re imburse them for any expense they may incur. It is hoped by Professor Lugger tbat the pests will be so nearly ; exterminated tbis season tbat it will bo a comparatively easy mailer to) complete the work next summer by making an early start, New York Hun. An l.leclrlc Thief ( atelier. On I lie II flit floor of n large manu factory on thn West side of Chicago is a department employing a number of girls, who have been complaining for several monthsof theftscommitted in t lit; i r dressing room on the sixth floor, while they wera at work. Milk handkerchiefs, veils ami money dis appeared from time to time with in creasing frequency, until the manage ment began to rcnli.n that it was time steps were taken to detect, the thief. As the dressing room was kept lockod, tho Key lining accessible only to those employed in the department where the losses wero reported, it was de cided that onn of tho girls using the room was rifling tho pockets of the others. Accordingly, n trustworthy girl was taken iuto the conlblencu of the man agement, rt double wire was sewed in the lining of her cloak, connecting a spring jaw in the pocket with the two hooks on which tin clonk hung, Tim jaws were placed in contact with one of tho wires nu t insnlat.'d from e:'.ch other by a small tongue of leather pinned bMneen them while forced apart, an I this tongue was sewed to tin bottom of a purse. Kadi of the two hooks (which were of lrns) sup porting the garment wan held in place by a long brass screw which went throiii-h the partition and connected itli a uio on the outside of the dres sing room. Here the wires were curried along nmler a molding, through the floor, to a single cell tery, ami a bell, place 1 in the series, were hidden in the room where the girls were at work, fifty feet away. A switch was placed in a convenient position, nliicli broke the current, until the oilier arrangements were completed. After closing the snitch the only opening in the circuit was at the spring jaws, which would In brought tog.'ther by removing tho purse and insulating tongue. The trap had been sut but three hours when tho b 'll van?, and the owner of the clo.tli hurried to the room where I he garments were kept and there found the guilty girl, and upon this evideuco the girl was im mediately nccused ami discharged after she had admitted her guilt, Western Electrician, How Wrecks III in. Tho ways of derelicts are interest ing and peculiar. There was one ves sel that broke in half in tho North Atlantic just where two currents met, and one half went north ami the other south, yet they oaine ashore with more than 1,1):):) miles between tli 'in. The Mauntitico, first reported abandoned on D.icember 8, 18S0, was last seen on duly 13, 1HS7, after n drift of 2,(V)D miles in 21ti days. The Vincenz Pcrotta, nb indonc.l in September, 1882, came ashore on Wntling Island in February, 18H, after a drift of 5, '.).") miles m G'll) days. The Telemaoh, about thesamo time, drifted 3,510 miles in fijl days. Two schooners, abandoned during the same gale in November, 18S8, on the American coast, drifted 4,100 aud 4,800 miles in J) 70 and 317 days re spectively. The Vest'alinden, abandoned in No vember, 1801, was last reported in April, 1802, after drifting 2,23:1 mile in 151 duys, One of the longest drifts of aban doned ships on record is that of tho schooner W. L. White, abandoned in March, 1888, which came ashore at Huskier Island, one of tho Hebrides, in January, 1880, after a drift of 5,010 miles in 310 days. These derelicts are obstacles for the early destruction of which some means ought to be discoverable. A miss may b.i ns good as a mile but shaving must be einbarrassingly closo when it comes to passing, like the Virgo, between two inttsts of a dcreliiit in a slate of submergence. Tit-Bits. Save Your Eyes. A medical journal recommends, a a means of saving tiie eyes from the effects of continuous use in sewing, typesetting, reading, etc., a habit of looking up from the work, at short intervals und gluuuiug about the room, Tbis, practiced every ten or fifteen minutes, relieves the muscular tension, rests the eye aud makes the blood supply much better. Pleasure In Ills Work. "That sour old fellow, (Iriimpus, has a job that just suits him. "What's that ?" "He's station master where fifty trains go out every day, and he sees somebody mis every otio of them," Cbicsgo Itecord. OUR INDUSTRIAL REVIEW. A PROSPEROUS QUARTER. . . Massachusetts Mills Paid Good Dividend as a Result. The report of the mill returns at Pall filter, Mass., for the July quarter shown that It has been prosperous. Thirty corporation representing flt),170,000 in capital, paid regular dividends, amounting to ;15fl,t?0, an averngH of 1.R7 per cent. The average fot the Afrit quarter was 1.72 per rent The Dordnr city mills pslil an extra dividend of lu pur cent, loo.oiiil. and the Hsgsmore nuns sn extra dividend of H per cent, 72.000, from Itis surplus hinds. J he Anuawsn msnulactnry, Metseomst compsny, llnrnatiy inaiitilactiiring company and Htavttns nisnii fnvtiirliig company punned divlilents. The llourue mill psld dividend amounting to 4 tnr cent, the 1 ru paid 0 per rent, nod the Dion ;l percent, nnd 10 curpuratlon paid i per cent eaclu Fifteen Hundred Strike. Fifteen hundred cos I miners, employed In the mines along the l.nup t'reck Itallroad, V. Vs., went out on a strike Haturday, de manding su advance of 10 cents a tun nud a cheek welghmsn. Hnreiolure the coal hss been paid for by the car, at the rate of 60 reals lor a two-tun mesnured car, which the nunsrs claim holds nearly three tons. 1 he demand Is that each car of enal be Weighed. ss Is provided tor under the Ktnte law, and that 111) ceu s a ton I paid. The demsnd is almost Identical with that made by the Norfolk sad Western miners, the first of May. INDUSTRIAL NOTES. I'ollowlnir are late tntelllgenoes from many Industrial point of the country, of Interest to employer and employe: Hharon The Htcwnrt Iron company ad vanced wnge PI to 13 of uts per day. Pottsvllle Irou and Steel company will re lume operations In three weeks, giving em ployment lo lino men. Mlddlesboro, Ky. The Watts Hteel nnd Iron Hyudlra'.e have made another 10 per cent raise In wanes of employes. This Is Ihe largest basic ttcel p nut lu the Houlh. V HmlnKtuD, Del.- The Kduemore Iron Company has advanced wage of It employ es 10 per ceul. to take cflect s'ter August HI. too wutkmeu nro made happy. Marlin s KerryThe laborers nt the Laugh lln mill have received an ndvance of 6 pel eenl: the employes In nearly all the other de partment! will receive an advance avursglng 10 per ceut. Lebanon Thn Pennsylvania Hull and Nut company have advanced the wane of pud dler and rolling mill hand 10 per cent, to commence August in, being the second 10 per cent advance within a month. The Le banon Iron Company bnve advanced Ihe puddler and rolllug mill linuils 10 per cent, to gu Into effect nt uuce. Contracts were let Isst Thursday for a new tin mill to be erected by I ho lleeve Iron Co.. at Canal Hover, O. The big glass works of Ilryce, Hlgbee A Co. at Homestead, has resumed operation em ploying UtlO men, alter a suspeusion ol ovei two inuuths. The manager of the forgo tannery at Halt Ill", Huntingdon county. I s.. have voluiitnrlty added 10 per cent to the wage of their til) em ployes, to take effect at once. The mine of the nunlow coal company at Punlow, W. Vs., which have been Idle for the past year, have heun leased to fronton parties and are being placed In bpe for opera tion. Khnrpivllle fnrnacetnen agree io advance Ihe wage of tioo employe's 10 nud 16 cents a day If they would hut mnke auother demand until January 1, It I said the offer will be rejected. The Knights of Labor msHs-ineellng, held by the assembly of garmet eorkers at Cblcsuo whs broken up by members of the federation of Labor, who pitched the Knlgbla from the ball. Three or four men were badly hurt. The bituiniuoua eoal operators of Indiana ny that they will not concede the demand of the men lor the AO cents, but will hold nut fur the 51 cents, the. differential on the Pitts burg aeale, until October, when the advance 1 to made. All the miner and furnacemen of the Valentine irun company nt Jlelletonte, Pa., have been granted a voluntary Increase ol 1U rents per dsy in wage. The order affect 400 men. The company has order abend foi nearly a y ear' work. In a few months Sharon and Sbnrptvllle, Ta., will be enjoying an era of prosperity that they have out lelt for year. The re. viva I of buslnes ha already been frit. ' he rumor that the Atlantic. Iron Work will start na now taken the form of a reality. Trackmen employed In laying rail for th- Mauoulng Valley eleclrie lallray, between Youngstuwn aud Girard, Ohio, struck foi l 60 per day, aud new men were employed. Tn strikers werr psld off. and learned, I but alter deducting l 60 per week for board, tbelt wages bad amouuted lo what tboy bad de manded. The Irwin. Ta., Plato (Has Work, after lyiug idle tor nearly two year, darted up lull with .100 employe. Hiiive the work bsv passed Into the bands of the present owner great Improvement have beau mad and over 40.000 ha been spent in putliug them In Brut-class condition. The force of band will be Inereased bortly. The lama chimney eale has been adjusted for tbe ensuing year. The worker made a da rn and for last year'uoalH. which waa granted. Tbe manufacturers offered a number of new pattern that lo some case required more work and In others lees than thoie prevlded for In tbe ca:e. Considerable time wa spent In coming lo au agreement on tbe minor de tails, but an amicable settlement was reach ed. Doth the worker and muuufaaturer ere Mttolled, und the oomiug Ore will start with Ibe best ol feeling between employers and employes. A very prosperous and busy run Is predicted. The adjustment afleel more 0)an 2,000 workmen. Built Over a Well. Tbe eau of Ihe collapse of tbe Inland building in New York, in wbicb flfteea live were lost, came to light when tbe engaged In clearing away tbe debria lu the cellar uncovered an old faibloned well under Ibe foundation. It was aituated directly under tbe cenual pillar of tbe structure, the undermining of which precipitated Ibe du aater. Tbe well wa only eighteen inubea below the concrete base on which tne pillar rested. Wonderful Gold Discovery. A party of prospeetor who bav Jutt re turned lo Han Irauolsoo, on Ihe steamer tiolden Mate, after a long tour of Investiga tion In tbe Aleultnu Islaudi, annouuo) mat they have foutid Ibe richest gold deposit iu the world. They refuse to locate their dis covery definitely, but it Is suid to be ou u mall island u.l south of Kodiak Island. 'Ibe ore I ald to be so rich tbat It can be out from the rock iu almost a pare oouditiou. Iron Mines T i B Closed Tb mine nueft:a at 1-pe olnif, Mich., an nounced i tint Ihe different companies have concluded to pull Ihe pumps aud allow tbe workings to 1 1 1 1 with water, uo e the m-n decide to return lo nutk nltbiu tbe next lew days. raaght Oalvln's Only Hit. Vmplre Oalvln's decisions In the re rent Chicago-Pittsburg series of ball games have caused a great deal of talk among thn "fans" and Incidentally has brought out a great tunny stories about the genial .tames. One of these re lates to .lames when he was at the xenlth of his fume aa a pitcher. All season (Inlvln had been twirling In rare form, but tils baiting, never strong, had been particularly weak. The others used to say that when Jimmy saw a hot one coming across the plate he would shut his eyes nnd "swipe" at It. The season whs drawing to an entl and Jalvln had made scarcely a hit. It was a trlllcnl point In the game, with two out nnd the bases full, when (Inl vln walked lo Ihe plate. Kvery one ex pected him to shut his eyes nnd fan the nlr. lie may have closed his eyes when a swift t'tio emtio toward him, but he didn't fun the nlr he caught the ball with the cud of his bat and sent a sky scraper fur Into center. It was a beau tiful lilt and gave the fielder a race tn Ihe limits, where, ns the ball en me down, he renrhed out and gathered It In a phenomenal running one hand enteh. (inlvln had reached second whin he saw the fielder gather In bis solitary long hit of the season. He kept mi running, straight Into the cen ter Holder's garden nnd directly for Hint individual, brenlhlnc Arc. The player who I in I gathered in linlvln's only hit saw him coming, recognized his dan ger nnd scaled Ihe fence for a safely. Jimmy Walvln never forgave him for catchlbK what wtis apparently a homo run. lean of Scottish llukea. The duke of Hamilton nnd Hi stolon Is the premier duke of Scotland. The dukedom of Hamilton was 'Toiled III Itl4:t. during the civil war. Karl Craw ford and llnlciirroN Is, next to the enrl of Sutherland u title merged In the dukedom of Sutherland), the premier carl ou the union roll of Scotland. The eiirldom was created In l.'IIIS. He lore omen llnnceil Halter. Komiiu actors attained wonderful perfection In Him bullet about the time of Augustus, nnd ballot (lancing was popular down to the Inst days of the empire. It was only in the hitter nnd more degenerate daj Hint women op pen red on the Htu go. Highest of all in Leavening ABSOLUTELY PURE ln r find W tutlr .miit iiiti1ity ninftidf tn imhltr iippruvHl the 'Hliftirnlti li'iniil IniHthc ri'iurily. Sirup nf Kite. It l I li'iiniuit to the ttiMr hidI hy itctliitf sternly mi the kidney, liter nnd lmw' to leHtic the mtimie t he rViilth hih! nmfnrt. nf till w Imi i-e H, hihI w Ith inilll'ifiH II its ihu Ih M nnd nnly i-erneriy, A Smw Vimw o" Life. Tf t nrnritn hw n'tn tin trvi n ii,l)lf nnin fivni iit'lto.t. An I tmn tiiriiritifiK hnw few ti ;!' ' mi v it. V ! n "I'm hill. fir "Mi lis-il fi qitr or "t miVI lei..M or "Kvrllilntf fri in Mill- I im if in indie1ion K M the hitio n nf nl yniir miwffi-ie. ttnrl n tnx nf Tfmtrt 'Inhttlei would give )oii an entirely new view of IK?. Mr. WtnMow'e Soothing Hj nip for ehlldrea tiethlna. vintlenft the umt. reduren Inflfirnt .Mi.iiJJaye iwiu. cure wind college buttle SUty thuuvnnd ndm of land are deTOted tn celery (;iowintr In the United Htaloi. f r. Kllmer'e Swamp-Hoot ruret rll Kidney nnd Mlndder t rouble-. J'jinji'lilet and consultation free, l-utiurmorv hinvhumi'tun N.Y. Vatlel declare that lo war all vlnea, fruit i I reel and srowing crop eboiild be pared. Afiar byel( Inn had ttiren me up. I waa j taved hy I'Imo :ure NaiT-H Triru, William- 1 port, Pa, November w, iKti Tbe head of every tbineie male Infant fa haved when be la about a month old. Jf afflicted with rnreevetuee Pr. laaarThomp tcn'tfcvwatr. Uructfieuaellatatic per bottle Tbe largest apple orchard tn the world oovera 1,637 acree, In Fairmont, Kan. DO YOU EXPECT Become a Mother? If so. then permit us lo say inai lJoctor Pierce's Favorite Prescription is indeed a true "Mother's Friend," FOB IT MAKES Childbirth Easy hv nrenarltifr the system for parturition, thus assisting Na. lure and shortening Ibor. " The painful ordeal of childbirth is robbed of its terrors, and the dangers thereof greatly lessened, to both mother and child. The period of confinement ia also shortened, the mother strengthened and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. Send twenty-one 1 11 ) cents for The Peo pie's Medical Adviser, looo pages, over 300 illustrations, giving all particular. Sev eral chapter of this great family doctor book are devoted to the consideration of diseases peculiar to women with sugges tions a to successful home treatment of same. Address, World' Dispensary Medi cal Associclion, Buffalo, N. Y. ROMAN t'ATIIOUrn WHF.HK ARK YOt: We yuur .f rvlfes. Vt went a mans fr In .very .-ounty 10 bandit agents and 'on irol sala ol Tb. Holy Kosary. Illustrated. 1 b nnesi Catholic book sver publifthmt. Approved by Won. i(jnorH., III. Cardinal Ulbboua and Archbishops Kyan aud I'orrlgnn. Heoond edL Hon ready, (irsl miilon ol 5,1X10 goua in four inouiha. This txrrltory hss not tieen worked ret. Hlg commission. Hriisiiulck. Ih.rmh 'jllc Art Hub. Co., 10tf Arcbslreat, I'blladelpbla, To "Thoughtlits Folk Hive tha Hardest Work, But Quick Witted People Use SAPOLIO Caused by Varrlnnllon, "mm flit Jnurnnl, lirh nit, .VicA. Itvsry one In the vicinity of Meldmm eve nun and Chninplnlo street, Detroit, knows Mrs. McDonald, and many a neighbor hat reason to feel grateful to her for thn kind and friendly interest she lias manifested in ease of Illness. Hhe is a klnd-henrleil friend, a natural nurse, and nn Intelligent and refined lady. To a reporter she re-en! ly talked at soma length shout Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, giv ing some vsry Interfiling n!au" In hr own Immnilialn knowledge of marreloiu eures, and the universal bsnnfi'-sii'ie of Hie remedy to thoso who had used it, "I have reason to know," said Mrs. M.t Donald, "somnihlng of the worth Id this medietas, for It has been demonstrated In my own Immediate family.. My daughter Kittle Is attending high school, and ha never lasn vary strong since she began, I suppose shestudles hnrd, nnd sho has quite n distance lo go every day. When the small poi broke out all of the school children had to b vaccinated. I took har over lo Or Jsmes-in and he vaccinated her. I never saw such an arm In my life and Iho doctor said he never did. Hhe was brukeu out on liar shoulder nnd ha-k and wa Just ussMk as she could be. To sdd to II all neuralgia set In, and the poor child was In mlssry. Him I naturally of a nervous temperament nnd rhe suffered most awfully. Even nfter she reentered the neuralgia did not leavo lisr. Blormy dnye or days that were, dump or pre ceded a storm, Iib could not go out nt nil. Hhe was pale and Ihlu, and had rv appetite. "I have forgotten jul who (old me ali'iiit Ihe Puik Plll, lint I got some for hr aud they cored her rigid up. Hlie hai n nine color In ber fare, eals nnd straps well, goes to school every day, and is well and strong tn every particular. I have, never heard of any thing to build up Ihe Mood tn compare with Pink Pills. I shall always keep them In the house and recommend them to my neifth bfirs." Dr. Williams' Tink Pills for Pale P,plo are considered an unfailing specific In sued rilseasos ns locomotor ataxia, partial paraly sis, HI. Vitus' dunce sciatica, neuralgia, rheumatism, nervous headache, thn after e -teets of Is grippe, palpitation of lha hear., pale and "allow complexion". Hint tired fee' Ing resulting from narvous prostration; sll diseases resulting from vitiated humors in the blond, sunh as scrofula, chronic erysipe las, ee. They are also a specific fur troubles peculiar In females, such as suppression", irregularities, and all forms of waaknes?. lu men they effect a radical euro In all rsse-i arising from mental worry, overwork or es cesses nf whatever nature. Dr. Williams' Pink Pills are sold by all dealers, or will he sent postpaid on receipt of price (AO cents it lirnorslx boxes for 2 ftf - they urn never sold In hulk or hy the 100) hv addressing Dr. Williams' Medicine Co., H-'heneelndy. N. Y. Tower. Latest U.S. Gov't Report The Greatest fled lea I Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S Medical JDiscovery, lONalQ KENNEDY, OF RCIBUBY, MAS3., a discovered In one of onr eoarmea pasture wards a remedy ibat euro every kind cf Humor, from the worst Scrofula (own to a enmmoD plmule. He has Irled II in over elevea hnedred rasas, and never failed esoept In two ease (both thunder humor). He ha now Is hi possession over two hundred eerttfl eales of It value, ail within twenty mile Cl Boston. Hend postal rard for book. A benefit Isalwaysexperieneed from the Irsl bolile, odJ a perfeoleure I warranted When the right quantity I takes. When tbe lungs are affnetad It canse (hooting pains, like aeedls passing Ibrnuich tbemt the tame with the Liver r Uowels. This 1 pause I by the duet kelag stopped, and always disappear In a Week after taking it Jlad tbe label. If tbe (tomaob la foul cr bilious II win tauttramlh feelln.- at first No obnnge of diet ever oeoeasary. Eat the best you can get. and enough of tt. t)oe, one lableapoonlul In witter st bed time, bold b ail JJroiTL'Ut PN II 34 ' PROFITABLE DAIRY WORK Can only be aeeotnplltlifd with the very best of tools and appliances. Cream Be pa farm you are and bettei lb aklmnied liable feed, make no ml Dsvii. Neat, catalogue j With s Davi rsior on me (ureof more buttar, while milk 1 a val Farmer will take to get a Illustrated mailed pheb Agents wanted SAYia E BANKIN BLOO. s KFO. 00. Cr. Randolph 4 OMrborn St.. Cicn. I I EWIS' 98 LYE powdered tad Perftuaed. (PA TV! TWO.) Tha eTft0Mf nd pun fVK made. Unlike other Le, tl be Luc a noA powder Dd packad la a vita retnovetile ltd, tbe ooaient are alwy reaily far dm, Will mikn tte ttul Mfad Hard Bttap- in i Mtoutee without botHnp, c la Ilia beat for eieanalDf wiw pipM, Ola iMfnot.Dg tiatu, eloeeti, wailug bottle, iiAliiU. treca, etc. rftNAA.rtALT MKd. CO., Ceo. A,U faiia.. fa. Uf Wl IIT C44 airent tor thia county to 1IC iff AH I introdtf -a iha faaleat eelllna; gtMHtiiever known. Pertnanttiit work ami Imik pay. Imubtkiai. I'l rm&hinu I tt, Oweuborw,Ky. Frank Hn Co ' New Athena, (V, Board lultloD, rot no, a id bonka. e3 a week-- at free. I 1 Beat CotKb sjrup. Tis flood. Vm I I