The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 21, 1895, Image 4

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    fcltc j5tar
Hiilixcrijilim $t.M ),cr inr, in mtntnrt,
v. A ftTi-:iiiKMM, v.illtor nnl Putt.
An liidi'pciiil'-nf local jmpiM', ntilillslicd every
V'riliicninv nt l!"Vlii'Wvllli, .IHIi'lsoll Cn.
T'n., devoted to till' tilt i-ri1 m of Itivilolilsvlllo
nnd .letTersiiii county. Non-iolltl'-iil, will treat
nil with fiiirncis mill w ill In-especially frloml
ly tnttiltds I'll liibr.iln chi-,
Piiiwcrlpt Inn re ice 'l.nnpor vonr. In mlvnnoo.
('oiiiniililloiitloiis Inti'iiili'il for iillillriu Ion
must In o-iip:iiili-d liy tin' writer's inline, fur nnlilh-atlon, lint ni n minriintco of
gvl fiilili. liitrri'-illiii; ni-i' lli-ni solicited.
Ailvi'i'i uin rates made known on tinnllrii
tlon at the iiVilce in A i 1111I1N' ItliM'li.
I.imiIiiv oiniinntili-atlivm mill rhiiniro of
nclvrtUi-'nu'iit should reach tlil ntllro hy
Monday tlonll.
AIiivh nil lcnmlcatlons to ('. A. Stephen-urn,
Vt-veolilsvllle. I'll.
Kiitrred' it' th, i,i.totN'-o nt lteynoldsvllli",
f-i.. ui'.'oml ciris tii it II matter.
S-1f inniso don't intromit to much,
oven thnuyh It 1).' for comity tniiTln
tiMiilrnt. It in iinnonnoi.d thiit the Supremo
Court of-this Ktntt; hns rendered n il o-rli-inn
to lit" effort tlmt n property
owner who lms boon notified to repnlr
a siilewtiiU run lie held rosponsllilo for
any Injury tliut moy befall n pedestrian
liy rtiim of bis neoleot.
A kind word costs untiling. In busi
ness It It jii"t ns easy to bo klml
ns to l)t' crnbb.'il, just lis onsy to
bo repulsive niul from u business
standpoint kindness, trentlonoss and
courtesy hid nhvnys profitable. It Is
the cnu-loous man who stunils tin; best
t'bitnee of siieci'ss. It Is the cross, un
civil ninn whose business will never
likely j,'o with much vim until this
Sheriff ifct hold of it.
Knowledge of others is imperative for
tlm prosperity niul wolfuro of every
human b"lnr. We nro social beings.
Tlie social life becomes as necessary as
Iho indiiduul life. All human pro
Ifivss is possible, only because of human
intereoui ie. To know others thorough
ly, wo must associate with them. Thero
nre. fiirtuiiato and unfortunato associa
tions. A careful selection must bo
made. Study tho book of humanity,
but in forming1 your estimate of a man,
look rather to tho heart than to tho in
tellect. A man of massive, brain may
not prove a valuable acquaintance, but
tho Infiueneo of a kind, loving heart can
never bo lost. Heart friends nro the
true friends. Know them, of all others.
"Eveiythinsr comes to him who
waits." snvs an old adage, but old
adages are not always to be relied on,
and we are very much inclined to doubt
the truth of this ono. At all events, It
must have been in tho "long, long ago,"
when people were content to sit and
wait for something to "turn up," or for
fortune to scatter gifts into their listless
hands. Tn tho latterdaysof thepresent
century when railroads, steamboats,
telegraphs, telephones, clcctrio lights,
web printing presses, cheap newspaiiors,
free postal delivery and othor wonderful
Inventions and discoveries aro prolific,
the man who would keep up with tho
procession cannot lose much time by
sitting down to wnit, but must get up
and hustio.
Tho bill passed by tho Legislature
and signed by tho Governor providing
for tho maintenance of parents by their
children Is of importance to tho whole
State. Tho new law says that In addi
tion to tho remedies now provided by
law, if any male child of full ago, bolng
within tho limits of this commonwealth,
has neglected or hereafter without rea
sonable cause shall negloct to maintain
liis parents not able to work or of su in
dent ability to maintain themsolvos,
for any alderman, justice of tho peace
or magistrate, upon affirmation, mado
ly said parent or parents, or by other
pers m or persons to issue his warrant
for tho arrest of tho person and bind
him over with sufficient surety to ap
pear ut tho next court of quarter ses
sions, there to answer the charge of not
supporting his parent or parents. Ujton
conviction, the court shall direct the
payment of such sums as It may deem
necessary, not exceeding $."0por month,
for the maintenance of such parent or
parents, and tho party shall stand com
mitted to jail until such sontenco Is oom
pliud with, or good security is givon
that suid sum will be paid.
Hon. W. O. Smith, editor of the
Punxsufuwney Sjiir'l. who has occupied
an easy chair in the House of Represen
tatives at Harrisburg two terms, aud in
all probability will be a candidate for
anothor torm, and who is raising a fami
ly, gives vent to tho following advleo
about children: "One of the greatest
evils of the age and likely has been of
every age since primeval man crawled
out of his cave and hunted a snake for
bis breakfast, is that of scolding chil
dren.' This habit becomes chronic with
many women. They are eternally find
ing fault with them, never have a word
of approval or encouragement. Their
commands aru numerous and fierce.
"Do this, or I'll whip you," or "Don't
do that or I'll knock you over," are so
constantly dinned into a child's ears
that it becomes Indifferent to thorn,
nnd is very little disturbed by the oft
repeated threats of punishment. In
this way mothers lose all control of
their children. The little ones should
be governed with a stern but affection
ate discipline. Punishment should
never be promised unless deserved, and
should be as sure as fate when prom
ised. The certainty of punishment is
much more effective than the severity
of it."
Reduced Rates to Boston, Mass.
From August 211 to 1!1, Inclusive, the
Pennsylvania Hiillrnud Company will
sell excursion tickets to Boston, Mars.,
going and returning by tho snmo route,
at a single faro for the round trip, ac
count Twenty-sl.xih Triennial Conclave
of Knights Templar, to be held In Hos-
ton, Aug. 2(1 to ,'H). Tim tickets will be
good to return leaving Huston not later
than September in. and must hi used to
destination on Pennsylvania Itnllroad
not later than midnight of September
II. Kxenrslon tickets, going vli one
route and returning via another, will
lv sold on the same dates at a slight
advance over the one-fare rate for tho
round trip.
I wish to announce to the public that,
commeneicing Aug. 22ml, T will sell my
entire stock of watches, jewelry and
silverware at auction, and that I will
remain In Heynoldsviile at the old stand
where 1 will continue to do repairing
and make n specialty of the optical bus
iness. Hespectfully,
C. It. Hoffman.
They aro novelties, silk and wool,
wool nnd silk our dress goods. Deem
er - Co.
Look over your city lists, make out
what you want, let us give yon prices
on same goods. Everything being
equal, patronize home. We guarantee
Whnt's In a Name?
The l'unxsutawney Spirit favors the
consolidation of l'unx'y and Clayvlllo
boroughs. So do we. Xow will some
ambitious young attorney who has lots
of timo nnd knows how, proceed to take
tlie proicr steps toward greater l'unx
sutawney or a greater I-lndsey, or
what's tho matter with calling it Liud
sutawney or l'unxsulhidsey, or well
anything at all, just so we get together
in proper shape. I,indsoy l'ress.
They aro going at 1 :H1 J gait our w
dress goods. Ileemer V Co.
II. .1. Mekle Invites everybody to
call at tho Heed building and examine
her stock of all kinds of goods usually
kept in a variety store. The goods are
all good quality at reasonable prices.
Attend the auction at C. V. Hoffman's
jewelry store, commencing Aug. 22nd
nt 7.30.
They aro going at L.tli gait our new
dress goods. Deemer & Co.
The 2fith triennial conclave Knights
Templar will bo held In Boston, August
2tith to 30th. For this occasion tho B.,
It. & P. havo made a rate of 8in.3." for
tho round trip from Falls Creek. Tick
ots will bo on salo from Aug. 2.'ld to 2(lth
inclusive. Thero will also be a special
train on Sunday, Aug. 2.1th, leaving
Falls Crook at 10.20 A. M., arriving at
Boston at 10.4."i tho next morning.
Largo invoice of novelty dress pat
terns at Deemer & Co's.
Wanted To buy 20 to 100 acres of
land near town. J. C. King & Co.
Dress goods, lutest for the fall and
winter, at Deemor & Co's.
If you only can give mo fifty cents or
a dollar on your account it will help mo.
Remember that over 200 accounts would
holp mo at ono dollar apiece.
J. A. Welsh.
In Advaiice, Gets
! I ! I ! ! I ! !
We have decided to offer THE
Strictly in Advance, to new and old nubscribers.
The old subscribers will be expected to pay up
all arrearage to get the benefit of this of
fer. The offer will hold good until
January 1, 1896!
Is a First-Class Paper published every Wednesday at Heyn
oldsviile by 0. A. Stephenson. It contains all the
Local News of the town and vicinity, Tele
graphio Home and Foreign News, Short
Stories, Grand Anny Matter,
Farming News and Illus
trated Articles.
Don't borrow your
List of Jurors,
The following jurors have liocn drawn
from Heynoldsviile borough, Wlnslow
and Washington townships:
Grand Jurors: Winslow twp Mi
chael Camplx-ll, James H. Foltz, J. C.
Williams! Washington twp Wm.
Hurkhouse, Stewart Dougherty, M. L.
Petit, Jurors: Heynoldsviile a. T.
Dougherty, H. R. MeKoo, James Simp
son, G. W. Stoke, H. J. Thomas; Wlns
low twp Keener Johnston, Henry
Snyder; Washington twp .Tames Pat
terson. Traverse: Roynoldsvillc Jos. Hoody:
Winslow twp J. L. Long, Alex. Mc
intosh, J. n. Sykrs: Washington twp
W. A. MeConnell.
Mrs. T. S. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Teiin, says, "Shllo's Vltalizer saved
my life. I consider It the liest remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver, or kidney trouble
it excels. Price T.lcts. Sold by J. C.
King & Co.
Our dress goods department is a Paris
emporium. Deemer A Co.
I nm desirous of cither selling jny
store and property In Heynoldsviile, or
selling the stock In my storo nnd rent
ing tho property. Any person wanting
a good location now has an opjiortunity
of securing one. Wm. COPPING.
The neatest and nobbiest lino of dress
goods ever show In tho town nt Deemer
& Co's.
At King Co. 's you will find baled
hay, snlt. Hour and a full line of gcnernl
Wnnted !!!! Indies to call and see
tho line of dress goods at Deemer &
Subscribe for The Star nnd get all
tho news for one dollar a year.
The neatest and nobbiest line of dress
goods ever shown in tho town at Deemer
& Co's.
Perhaps there may be lamps to clean
among your duties. If so, perhaps you
will like to learn that if a new wick, be
fore being used is soaked In vinegar and
allowed to dry, It will never smoke.
And that your chimneys should never
bo washed, but rubbed clear with a
cloth dampened with alcohol. When
your burners get black and sticky,
carry thorn to the kitchen, pour vlncgnr
Into a pot, odd a tablespoonful of salt
and leavo the burners to bolt In this.
l hey win come out nearly a9 fresh as
Wanted 0l!l Indies to call and seo
tho lino of dress goods at Deemer &
An exchnngo whoso editor probably
knows how It Is himself very properly
suggests: "If you are looking for
man who needs your prayerful attention
to keep him out of mischief just tako a
peep Into tho mirror every morning be
fore going down town. You can't watch
that fellow too closely."
Hundreds of different patterns to se
lect from in dress goods nt Deemer &
Homes in Florida
Tim Florida Homo and Plantation Cn. have
the llsKM.-il of the -!ioliMst IMxsttiii Pino mid
rci'lnlim-il murk lumls In Contra! Florida.
Heiiltlifiil fllniHto, intra air, rlrli soils, ttood
water and near railroad. Absolute monopoly
of tlie early itot-tliot-n markets for fruit anil
triieu. 1 oi-nis easy, aiiuii"h for iiirormiiiion,
11. F. KUllins, Clarion, Pa.
Dollar ! $1
I ! ! I ! ! 1 I I !
STAK at One Dollar a Year,
neighbor's paper when you can get
STAR for
Street Ordinances.
(No. 30.)
AN ORDINANCE opening Grant
street, as laid out In the Oeorgo Van
Vliet plnn of IloynoldsvUlo Borough.
hkttion 1. lie It ordained and en
acted ly the Town Council of tho Bor
ough of Heynoldsviile, and it Is hereby
ordalni d nnd enacted by tho authority
of the same, that Grant street, as laid
out and located In the Georgo VanVllet
plan of said itorouirli, from the Houtli-
east lino of Buss street to tho South
east line of said plan, b) and tho Mime
is hereby opened for nubile use. In Its
full wldlh of forty feet as shown hy the
plnn attached to ordinance No, 31, and
the plan til fuelled to this ordinnnco.
Hkction 2. The dtimaues caused
thereby, nnd the benefits to pay the
same, and tho ditmnges caused Itv tho
grade, together with tho benellls to
tmv tilt Hlllllo. til hn lovli-il HM4i'Smrl mill
collected in accordance with tho Act
of Assembly in such cases made and
provided, and reculntlng tho same.
M-:TK)V 3. AH ordinances nnd parts
of ordinances conflicting herewith b-j
and the siime arc hereby repealed.
Ordained nnd ennet-d Into a law this
ilth day of August, A. 1). IWi.
Attest, President of Council.
.1. S. Hammond, Secretnrv.
Burgess' OHIce, August in, A. D. ln".
(No. 31.)
iN OnDTNANCK opening Grant
street, from the South-east lino of the
George VanVllet plan to the South-east
Hue oi lands now owned by tho heirs or
Mrs. Chariot) Burns, where the same
would intersect with an extension of
Tenth or Taylor street, to a width of
forty foot.
SUCTION 1. Be It. ordained nnd en
acted by the Town Council of the Bor-
otiL'h of Heynoldsviile, and It Is hereby
ordained nnd enacted by and with tho
authority of the same, that Grant street
from tho South-cast lino of tho Georgo
VanVllet plan, to the South-east lino of
tho Burns Kstate, where the samu
would Intofpoct with an extension of
Tnvlor street, now Tenth street, from
Main street, to the width of forty feet,
tlie street committee nro hereby au
thorized and directed to open tho sntne.
The center lino thereof bolng described
as follows: Beginning at the South-east
line of the George VanVllet plan, at a
point where tho center lino of Grant
street Intersects with tho said South
east lino: tlienoe through property of
tho Georgo Hhonds Kstate, South,
thlrty-ilvo degroes thirty minutes Kast,
five hundred nnd seventy-four foot:
thence through property of William
Wiley, now Charles Mathews, South
thirty-five degrees thirty minutes Kast,
twelve and a half feet: South forty-live
degrees fifteen minutes Kast, ono hun
dred and thirteen foot; thonco through
property purchased In 1 S7i by Joseph
Spoors from Albert Heynohis, South
fortv-fivo degrees fifteen minutes Kast,
ono hundred and eighty-nino feet;
thence through land ol Burns Estate
South, forty-five degrees fifteen minutes
Kast, two hundred and eighty and five
tenths feet to tho East lino thereof,
whoro the center linn of Grant street
would Intersect tho North-west linn of
an extension of Tenth streot from Main
street, according to tho accompanying
Skction 2. The damages caused
thereby, and tho benefits to pay tho
same, and the damages caused by tho
grade, together with tho benefits to pay
same, to bo lovled, assessed and col
lected in nccordnnco with the act of
Assembly in such casos mado and pro
vided, nnd romilntlng the same.
SKCTION 3. All ordinances nnd parts
of ordinances conflicting herewith bo
and tho snmo nro horeby repenled.
Ordained and enacted Into a law this
fith day of August, A. D. WKi.
Attest Pres. of Council.
.1. S. Hammond. Sec.
Burgess' Otllco August 10th, A. D.
1S!.". Examined nnd approved.
(No. 32.1
AN OUDINANCE opening Tenth
street, formerly Taylor streot, from tho
East lino of Main street, betwoon tho
Burns Hotel property and property of
,T. L. Test, Eso., to tho East lino of
Grnnt streot, as shown by plan attached
to ordinnnco no. ;il, and tho plan at
tached to this ordinance, to tho width
of thirty-five feet.
Suction 1. Bo it ordained and en
acted by tho Town Council of tho
Borough of Heynoldsviile, nnd It Is
hereby ordnined and enacted by tho
authority of tho samo, that Tenth
street, from tho East line of Main
streot. between the Burns Hotel prop
ortv and tho property of J. L. Test,
Eso.. to tho East lino of Grnnt street,
as Bhown by plnn attached to ordinance
No. 31, and tho plan attached to this
ordinance to tho width of thlrty-flvo
feet. Tho street committee nro hereby
authorized and dirooted to open tho
snmo. Tho center line being described
as follows: Beginning nt the East line
of Main street, at a point where tho
center lino of Taylor st root, now Tenth
street. Intersects wltn sata nasi lino
thence North forty-fivo degroos thirty
minutes East, three hundred and sixty
foot to tho East lino or (irant stroot
whoro tho center lino of Tenth street
would Intersect with said East lino
Section 2. Tho damages caused
thereby, and tho benefits to pay the
samo, and tho damages caused by the
grade, togother with tho benefits to
pay the same to be levied, assessed and
collected in accordance with tho Act of
Assembly in such cases made and pro
vided, and regulating tne same.
Section j. AH ordinances and parts
of ordinances conflicting herewith
be and the same are hereby repealed
Ordained and enacted Into a law this
6th day of August, A. D. 1895.
Attest Pres. of Council.
J. S. Hammond, Seo.
Burgess' Olllce, August 10, A. D. 1805
Examined ana approved.
Reynoldsville. Pa.. Aug. 5. '05.
Notice Is hereby given that the fol
lowing ordinances were presented at
meotimr of the town council of tho bur
ough of Heynoldsvlllo on the Gth day of
August, 1HU.", and wore referred to the
committee on ordnances.
J. S. Hammond, Clerk
AN ORDINANCE authorizing the
opening of tho extension of Ninth streot
( formerly Bradford street) from tho
East line of Main streot between the
lot of Jerry Hockman and the sohool
btjuse lot through the property of
hnrtes Prescott to tlie West line of
rant streot according to tho accompa
nying plot or plnn.
WHKHEAS, The Town Council of tho
Borough of Heynoldsviile deem it neces
sary to open tho extension of Ninth
street nforosald to the West lino of
Grant street, therefore,
skction 1. Bo it ordained and en
acted by tho Town Council of tho Bor
ough of Heynoldsvlllo, nnd it is horeby
ordained and enacted by authority of
tne same, mat the street commttteo no
nil is hereby authorized and directed
to cause to bo surveyed and opened tbo
extension of Ninth street (formerly
ailed Bradford St.) from tho East lltiu
of Main streot between tho lot of Jerry
Hockmnn nnd tho school house lot
throuirh thn property of Chnrlos Pres
cott to tbo West, lino of Grant street nt
n width of fifty feet In accordance with
tho accompanying plnn.
skction z. J. lie damages caused
thereby and the damages cnused by
the grade thereof and tho benefits to
iny the snmo to be assessed and rol-
ected In accordance with tho provisions
of tho Acts of Assembly of tho Com
monwealth of Penn'a relating thereto
and regulating the same.
Skction ,l. All ordinances or pnrts
if ordinances conflicting herewith bo,
and tho samo aro hereby repealed.
AN ORDINANCE authorizing tho
opening of the extension of Willow
Alley, from the line between Charles
Prescott and Jerry Hockmnn and Chas.
Mathews, throtigli lands of Charles
Mathews. Joseph Speers and tho heirs
of Mrs. Charles Burns to tho North
west lino of an extension of Tenth (for
merly Taylor) street, and tho assess
ment of dnmnges caused thereby and by
the grado thereof, according to the
accompanying plan.
w hkheas, Tlio Town Council of tho
Boroutrh of Ttcvnoldsvillo. doom It. neces
sary to oen tho extension of Willow
Alley, rrom tho line between Charles
Prescott and Jerry I leek man and
Charles Mathews, to tho North-west
lino of an extension of Tenth street;
Skction 1. Bo It ordained nnd en-
noted by tho Town Council of the Bor
ough of Heynoldsvillo, nnd it Is horeby
ordained aud enacted by authority of
tho same, that tlie Street Committee bo
and 1b horeby authorized and directed
to cause to be surveyed and opened tho
extension of Willow Alley, from tlie
lino Ixi t ween Charles Prescott and Jerry
Hockmnn and Charles Mathows,
through lands of Charles Mathews,
Joseph Sneers, tho heirs of Mrs. Charles
Burns, deceased, and others, to tho
North-west lino of an extension of
Tenth street, at a width of fourteen
foot in accordance with the accompany-
ng plnn.
Section 2. Tho damages caused
thereby, and tho dnmnges caused by the
grado thereof, and tho benefits to pay
tlio samo to bo assessed and collected
In accordanco with tho Acts of Assem
bly of the Commonwealth of Pennsyl
vania relating thereto and regulating
tho same.
Sections. All ordinances or parts
of ordinances conllcting herewith bo
and the snmo aro hereby rejiealed.
juiiiv umuMii
Dealer In
Dry Goods,
Ladies' and
Glass and
5 and 10 Cent Counter a
Specialty ! Fine Line
of Jewelry.
Opera House Block,
Moore & Dickinson,
(Successors to Schultze & Son)
Are now prepared to satisfy
the wants of everybody in
the line of
Fancy and Staple
Groceries, Crockery,
Glass and Ghlnaware.
We guarantee our prices
among the lowest for a stand
ard class of goods, and would
much rather sell our custom
ers something we know they
will be pleased with than an
inferior article.
We Pay
the highest price for farm
produce, and ask all our
readers to call and see ua in
the Schultze building, oppo
site Bell's clothing store.
Goods delivered promptly 1
FIIANKJ. It LACK, 7'ropricfor.
Tho loiMlltnr lintel (if tlio town, lli-ii'liiiiiir-
tef fur roniinen-liil men. Htmm lieitt, free
hits, luitli riMinis iinrt closets on ovory floor,
siiniulo rooms, blllliirU room, telephone cun-
llfll'llllllS otu.
. C. DILLMAK, I'rtiprictor.
First cIiim In nvnrr tmrlli'itliir. Loomed In
tlio very i-t-iitro of tlio liiisltu-ssiitirt of town.
Kri 'litis to titifl from trains mid cinmnodloiiM
giiniU rooms for coiiiniorclul travoloni.
V1I1L '. CA It 111 Kit, VroiirUtm;
Sntiitilf, ffMima fin ttin iri,iiitid flfMir. ItmiaM
hi-ittcil liy imturtii gun. Omnllius to and from
ull trains.
1217-21) FlUlEKT STREET,
PltESTUN J. MOOItE, VrrirMnr.
IM"! tit-d rnonis. Itatos P"-(I0 tier llii Amoi-1.
run Plan, p.lilook from I'. It. H. Iteisit nnd
H Mock II nm New I'. &. It. 11. He pot.
lttiCf llrt!tcr.
E. Nm'-
And Heal Kstato Acont, Roynoldsvlllo, ln.
OIHrp on West Main stroot, opposlto the
Comnion-lal tlott-1, Hoyiioldsvlllo, I'll.
Kcslilcnt dentist. In building nonr Metho
dist rhitri-h, opposite Arnold block. Oiititle
noss In operHtliiK.
C. X. coupon.
Ilrookvlllo, JofTorson Co., Pa.
Oniro In nitnn formerly oi-cunled by Gordon
Corbett West Main Street.
Brookvillt. RiynoldiTllli,
jjcCRACKEN & Mcdonald,
Attorneys and CountietloriMit-Laic,
Uftlres ut Kcynoldivlllo and Ilrookvlllo.
WAII SING, 1'miirktor,
CorneMth street nnd Gordon rilley. Flrst
rlass work done at reusoiuiblo prices. Give
the laundry a trial.
Heynoldsvlllo, Pa.
Office In rooms formerly occupied by J. 8.
The Town Council of the MoroiiL'h of Reyn
old vllle, by ordiniiiicediily enacted. passed and
approved the ikl day of .liiiie.A.D.IM.ordalned
that an election lie held on Hatiirday, the
21th day of August next, at the Burns Ilonso,
for the purpose of obtaining the assent of tho
electors of tho llorouuli of Keynoldsvlllo to
the Increase of the inilobtedness of tho
Itorotiiili for the ptirposiwtf making municipal
Improvements, viz: IMank Main street from
rrcMliytcrlnn church to Thomas Reynolds'
barn; Tenth street from Main street to jack
son street ; Jackson street from Tenth streot
to Fifth street: and Fifth street to Mala
street. TJio last assessed valuation of tho
lloroiiell of Reynoldsvillo Is titH,:i:.Mi. Tho
ainoiiiit. of existing debt. Is li.4-':!.is. Tho
amount of the proim-icd Increase of Indebted
ness of Reynoldsville lloroimh Is -,( 0,1X1.
Tho tierociitage of tho proosed Increase on
tho least preceding assessed valuation Is
I.9B-I- per vent.
Attest Scott MrCi.KM.AND,
J. 8. Hammond, President of Council.
Sec rotary.
Has brought the
Best and
Lowest Prices
ever Been in this town. Come
and nee for yourself.
A Flao Lino ot
Summer silts!
pliiln and figured. Silk that wua sold
at 40o., now 25; sold at 50c, now 37 i;
sold at 55c, now 45.
Flue lino Henrietta that wag sold (or
40c., now &j.
Fine line of Dimity and Juconat
Duchess 10 and 124.
Dresg Ginghams (or 5c.
A fine lino of Ladles' Cajen from $2
to $18.
Children's ready-made Eaton Suits,
age 4 to 12 years.
Fine assortment of Novelty Goods in
tho Ladles' Department.
Clothing - Department!
Suits that were Bold (or (7, $8, $10 and
$12, now (or $5 and $t).
Child ren's Suits (or t)0o.
Cheviot Shirts (or 2 to.
You will save money by calling and
examining our stock before purchasing
N. Hanau.