The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 07, 1895, Image 7

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    I Can't Sleep
Is the complaint of many nt this season.
The reason In fouml In tho fnet that tbs
nerves nro weal; nnd tho body In a fever
nml unhealthy condition. Tho nerve
ltmy lie restored ly Hood's Harsnparilla,
which feeds thorn upon piim blood, nml thin
tiiedtcinn will also create nn appetite niul
tonn up tho system, nud thus ivn swuut
rclrcMiinii sloop nu I vigorous health.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
In tho iinlrtmn blood purlfler prominently
in the puiillu ) toilny. (1 1 six for 3.
UMAJtM DItlei ''t harmoniously
n009 S rUlS lbsid's Sarsnpsrtlia
Health In Onnpowdpr Mill.
Apart from tho diitittor of explosions,
which, by tho wny, ore loss frequent
tlmn I Rfticralty supposed, gunpowder
mllln or fxeoeillniily healthful places.
Such a tlilna n n workmnn dying of
oniinutnptlon In iiulionril of, the expla
nation bi'ln tlmt tlin constant breath
ing into tho lung!) of dust In bcnWUMnl
to them. 1'von horse employed In gun
powder mills are found to be fatter
and Meeker than their fellow from the
name iitnhle, worked clnewhere. As to
the death rata In powder mills, tlio
popular Ideas are much exaggerated,
the average freight yard being vastly
more fatal than they. Statistics show
that from the beginning of this cen
tury, when the Dupotit powder mills
were established, tip to the present
year, there has been an average of
not quite one death a year from acci
dents or explosions.
As among the employers, so among
the men. Kear Is nlmont unknown, the
black-faced fellows shoveling the tm
powder about as If It were coul, and
walking through It knee-deep, as they
would through so much flour. They
are perfectly happy, these stolid Irish
men, who go on risking their lives year
after year for about the same wages
as are paid for less dangerous employ
ments; that Is, $10 or $5n a month. And
yet they are exceedingly superstitions,
It not being uncommon for a man to
throw up his Job because he has had
warning or his wife lias dreamed of a
white horse. There are various dreams
understood by powder men to foretell
an accident or an explosion, and it Is
very difficult often Impossible to get
a man who has had one of ttieso to ge
Dear the works.
Cigarettes anil Crime.
A clgnretto smoaer need not neces
sarily be a criminal, but the experience
of the police In charge of the station
houses goes to show that nearly all
criminals are cigarette smokers. As
a rule the first thing that a criminal
asks for after being locked up Is a
package of cigarettes. Loulsvlllo Com
Skinny BnfTerer Saved.
Tobacco users aa a rule are owoys below
Dormnl weight because tobacco destroys di
gestion and cnuncs nerve Irritation that saps
brain power and vitality. You can get a
quick, guaranteed reliuf liythe use of No-To-Bae,
and then it you don't like your freo
doro and Improved physical condition you
can larn the use of tobacco over again, just
like the flint time, No-To-Bac sold uuder
guarantee to cure by Druggists everywhere,
book free. Ail. Htorling llumedy Co., Kew
York City or Chicago,
The late Hlr Andrew Clark estimated his
working hours nt little short of 10 per day.
Fure and Wholesome Quality
Commends to puhltc approval the California
liquid liixntlvo remedy. Syrup of Klsrs. It is
pleasant to the tutttc and by acting gently on
the kidney, liver and bowels to clean: the
system cnYctuully, it promotes the health and
comfort of nil who use It, and with million it
1 the best and only remedy.
Rev. II. P, Carsoi, Scotland, Dak., saysi
M iwobJttlosof ti ill's Catarrh Cure complete
ly cured my little girl." Said by Drag tsls,?jj.
Great Britain has but six or seven species
of owl, and some of them are aarelv seen.
1 utieo's Cure for Consumption both In my
family anil praetlce. Iir: li. V. i'attxkson,
lukster, Mich., Nor. 5, 1MU.
Huxley's "Lay Bermnns, Addresses and
Reviews" have been primed no fewer than
Dine times.
Da Tea Kaaw Iia faaset
Tnd'gostlnn: Io yon know when yon have
it? Do you know Its ca-'se and cure? A-k
your druggist for Rlpans Tubule. One give'f.
The capital for tha building of the Jungfrau
Railway is to consist of 9,000,000,000 of tran
ces. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrup for children
teething, softens the gums, reduces iuflamit
ticn. allays pain, cures wind colic. Si o. abottls
Over t230,000 worth of silk is annually dls
triluted grails at the English dispensaries,
Tr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root enret
fell Kidney and Bladder troubles,
h'uutpblet and consultation free.
Laborutorv Uinghampton, N.V.
Ceylon bat 3.7(10,000 population and does
sn annual trace wllb Great Britain of 40,-
Ifsfflictedwith sore eyes use Dr. IsasoThomp
ton's Ers-water. Druggists sell at &e per bottle
And now it alleged that margarine contains
fewer microbes than ordinary butter made ol
When Dr. R. V. Pierce, of Buffalo. N. V.,
published tbc first edition of bis work, The
people's Common Sense Medical Adviser,
bt announced that after 680.000 copies baa
been sold at tbe regular price, 1 1.50 per
copy, tbe profit on which would repay him
for the great amount of labor and money
expended in producing it, be would dis
tribute tbe nest balf million free. As this
number of copies has already been sold, he
is now distributing, absolutely t ee, 500,000
copies of this . most com
plete, interest- f COUPON Ting and val
uable common I No. 1 1 It I sense med
ical work ever published
tbe recipient only being required to mail
to bim, at the above address, this little
COUPON with twenty-one (21) cents in one
cent stsmps to pay for postage snd pack
ing only, and tbe book will be sent by mail.
It is veritable medical library, complete
in one volume. It contains over 1000 psjres
and more than too illustrations. The tree
lidilion is precisely tbe tunic ss those sold
at $1 except only that the books are
bound in strong nianilla paper covers in
stead of cloth. Seud Now before all are
given away. Tbcy arc going off rapidly.
" J K V l
Ysnte's real name In Isaiah.
1'nttl has been on tho oporntlo stago for
forty-five yearn.
John !. ltnckefeller and William Rocke
feller are both enthusiastic bicyclists.
Itev. t)r. rarkhtirst's congregation allows
him n va-utlon of tlireo mouths In each year.
Gladstone In reported as saving) "I Imtii
getting up In tlin morning, and bitto it tha
sumo every morning."
Thomnn R. Reed In spending the summer
In the pretty cottaire nt Hrund 11 'ncli, Me.,
Which ho has Just purchased.
Mm. Henry Ward needier, who In In ho
eight v-thlril'vonr, started from llrooklvn for
tlio i'lvlllo to visit bur son, U vrbcrt
Prince Adolphns, of Tceir.whomnrrieil tho
daughter of tint Uiiko of Westminster, In ro
Iiortcd to bo a cuudidato (or the throne of
Bernard Wine, tho most talked of poli
tician In New Couth Wales, Is only thirty
four years of ago. At tlmnge of twenty
seven he was Attornny-Uunernl.
Tho Emperor of Germany smokes cigars
alHint seven Inches long, each of which ts
kept in a hermetically scaled glass tube to
preserve tho aroma uutll It Is used.
Captain Oeorgo W. Conch, of the ntenmer
Old Dominion, In tho oldest steamship can
tain In tho world in length of serviee.havlng
been in commission forty-nine years.
Tho new Duke, of Hamilton, Tremlir Teer
of Hcotlnnd, Is almost a chronlo invalid. Ho
has never recovered from a stroke of paral
ysis a few years ago. Ho Is unmarried.
Comptroller of the Currency Eckels was
an excellent baseball player before ho as
sumed his prem-nt high office, but now ho
docs not Indulge in bis fondness for the No
tional Gnmo.
The RIKht Hon. Walter llama Long, tho
new President of tho British Board of Agri
culture, In n great sportsman, rides to hounds
like a whirlwind and is an exceptionally
skillful cricketer.
Chief Constructor Thlllp Itl"hborn, of tho
Ctiited Htntes Navy, ts one of the few officers
of high rank who arn not graduates of An
napolis. He began his career an an appren
tice In tho Charleston Navy Yard.
" Oovernor Hastings, of rennsylvanln, in
probably the handsomest Chlof Executive of
which any Htiite enn boast. He has n line
appenrnnco and a winning manner which
gains him both admirers and friends.
Genernl von Hannekln, tho young German
officer who played an important part In tho
recent war between China and Japan, light
ing on the sldo of the former. Is now in
Berlin, and is tho recipient of much atten
tion. Bir William nnroourt, defeated in Derby,
has been returned to the British Parliament
from West Moumouthshlrw with no opposi
tion. Henry Lnhouchcre has been returned
to Parliament, although with a reduced ma
jority. Queen Victoria Is a pronounced Tory in
hor personal feelings, and is overjoyod at
the turn In British politics. On tho con
trary, the Trlnco of Willi's, while not much
of a politician, is rutuor friendly to the
Joseph Chamberlain Is fifty-eight years of
age. lie has not it gray hair in his head,
and his locks are as thick and glossy an they
were twenty years ago. Ono of Mr. Chum
berlalu'a strongest points is his pleasant and
Winning eonvematlunul voice.
Countess Glennott, second lady of honor
In waiting to tho Queen of Italy, worked in
Newark, N. ., as a cigarette, maker wnmi
she was a chlliL Hhe returned to Italy at
the age of fifteen, attracted the fancy of the
Queen, was made a sorvont and tnon a oourt
But Ono District Needed to Make up the
Mew British Parliament.
With the exception of the polling In Orkney
and (Shetland, which was formerly represent
ed by Mir L. Lyell a Liberal.snd the result of
which will not be known ULtll the end of ihe
week, the new parliament Is now complete,
the division ol parties Is ss follows: Con
servatives, 841; Liberal Unionists. 70: govern
ment totut. 411. Liberals, 174; Mct'urtbyites,
70; Parueilltes. 13; labor. 2: total otipositlon.
250; government majority, 1&2; Conservative
lliua I lie lonsorvnt vra and Liberal-Union
Ins, with a net gain of DO seats, will have the
largest majori'y In the memory of the present
gvntrutiuu, Ine Conservatives are made In
dependent even of a coulltlon of all the otbei
partus. Including the Liberal-Unionists.
Xhe uggregntH vote iu the contested elec
tlous in Ureal Britain was as follows i Con
servatives aud Llberal-l'nlonisls. 1,725.445;
x.iurrius, l.u.o.itlt i.iiuor, ou.ouu; total,
3,404,01. But us 114 ol the Unionist candi
dates lor parliament were returned unopposed
no reliable estimate eau be formed of the
electoral strength of the parties.
The Liberal aud Radical press are dally
cukukciI In trying to explain the defeat, but
to little purpose. The broad fact of the situa
tion is tbut the Conservatives are not likely
to be dlspluced for Ave or six years, unless
uisseuaious suouiu ansa in tue cabinet be
tween the seutlons led resneetlval It sir.
Bsilt.ur i Conservative) and Sir. Chamberlain
neru i nionist .
ine miuiaiers i I prepare a brief and color
less ruyai speach, then dispose of the esti
mates una aujouin parllumeni until February.
Destructive Lumber and Forest First is
North Michigan.
Firs raged In the lumber yard district, in
the northern part of Mmoralnae. The mills
and 50,000,000 feet of lumber aud thousands
ol cords of slabs were destroved. Tba lira
extsuded over 30 acres of ground. Two men
were killed and several Injured, The total
lots in lumber alone is estimated at between
(800,000 und 11,000,000.
Whltadals and Gulliver, two small towns
on the Mault Hie. Mine runway, are lu great
danger oi aesiruuuon uy iorei ures.
Sluywood, a pleasure resort east of Glad
stone was swept bv Are.
Two Boys Lose Their Lives by High
Water at Ft. Boott
An unprecedented precipitation of rain In
tha southeast corner of Kansas Tuesday
morning flooded tbe streams and wreaked
destruction to Ufa and property. In seven
nosrs 4.22 Inches of waterfall lu FL Hcott.aod
In tbs svenlug tbs entire lower portion of
the town is being inoudated. Two fatalities!
Have so far resulted, from tbs suddsn rise.
Walter Austin and Willie Gould, two bovs.
were drowned on oee of tbs nrlnoioai streets
of Ft Hcott, and O. Austin, father of ous of
tbs boys, was oarried 200 yards in tbe treach
erous eurrent, and finally rescued from tbe
top 01 a use uy uoaimeB.
Cyclone and Cloudburst.
A cyclone and cloudburst nt Wellston.Ohlo.
flooded streets aud cellars, carried away
water works dam, and drowned sums Italians
workiug lu a street railway cut before tbey
eould escape. During a henry gala the
scuooner iiepuune, com laden, beveme water
logged and sank In 40 feet of water two miles
off Lorain. The tug Cascade rescued Ihe
erew of eight mea who were elluglug to the
rigglug. The suboouer and her caigo will
probably be a total loss, hue Is owned by E.
twiug, 01 01. oiuir, aiicu.
The Coulterville stage wss held op six
nines iroin sierceo, iaity a masked robber,
He secured the Wells-Furgo treasure Lux,
Klin vuiuxuie contents..
Cnnon Trlstrntn'a collection of aivKTefl
birds, comprising '!),isKi specimens und
0.3IKI Kpt'clcs bus been secured for tho
Liverpool imifoiiiii.
Kton, the most fnmotts of llrltlsli pub
lie schools, . now hns 1,01U students.
Among them uro four tails) nutl bcvcd
eldest sons of peers.
A London clcrgymn.11 will have a doc
tor occupy Ids pulpit hospital Kundny
to urge tlie clninm of the hospitals oh
public sympathy nml support.
Tho new IIi'IUnIi silver dollar coined
for the use of nierehimlH nml bankers
lu Hong Kong nml the Straits Net de
ment weighs 41(1 grains IMW flue, eitilv.
ulcut to the Japanese yen.
In Geneva, Hwltzcrlund, tho street
railway system Is expected to earn
enough In the next llfty years to turn
over tho roads nt the eud of that time
to the city without compensation.
A Uci'iniui hat Invented a chemical
torch which Ignites wheu wet. It 1m to
bo used on life buoys. When olio Is
thrown to a man overboard at night ho
can thus see tho light und Und the
Tho total number of Jnpnnrso killed
In tho war with China was only 7W.1.
Tho Cliliiexo were tlie llrst people lu tlin
world to UNO gunpowder, but that Is
obot't all they have beeu ablo to do In
that lino.
It Is reported that whales In large
numbers and of huge proportions are
tumbling lu on tho shores of Massa
chusetts, and the incursion Is said to bo
duo to a scarcity of food lu tho deep
waters of the ocean.
-k man who lives near Newburg, Ore.,
recently sold a well-matched yoke of
oxen for fit) and bought a team of linn
buy horses for fiK). He says bo will
buy a set of harness and then have
money left from tbe snlo.
Rev. John I). Long, pastor of a church
nt Oak Island Ilcach, has cleared that
neighborhood of mosquitoes by pouring
kerosene oil lu tho nut-rounding ponds,
nnd by so doing has earned tho title of
"tho modern Kt. l'atrlck."
A Loudon restaurant uses an electrl
cully heated pliite to keep one's food
warm, ho long as the current Id turn
ed ou ono can dlue In as leisurely n
way as ho likes. There Is no danger
of receiving a shock from touching tue
Tho new city of Depew, which pro.
poses to muko ItulTalo ono of Its sub'
nibs, has the distinction of being a mill
ionaire town. Vanderbllt und Astor
united for 01100 lu their lives over Its
foundation walls, und Its stockholders
ore millionaires.
The twenty female teachers appoint'
ed a fow days ago to touch In tlio West
Chester, I'a., public schools during the
ensuing year were required to sign ail
agreement not to get married during
tho year for which they were appoint.
A chemical works on the banks of
tho Ithonc, iu tho canton of Geneva, Is
devoted to the manufacture of artifi
cial musk, nnd It Is found that the
OkIics, more especially the trout, in the
river, which nro caught In the neighbor
hood, hnve ft musky flavor.
The natives who gather sulphur from
ropoentapetl secure small packages of
It which they fasten to their backs.
They then slide down the snow on the
mountains, after tho manner of the
woodcutters of France. For this ven
turesome work they get about 20 cents
a day.
It Is tho custom of the Bank of En
gland not to piiy any fractions of a
penny. In tlio case of dividends on
government stock these fractious have,
In tho course of years, amounted to
$7t0,000, which amount, it was stated,
was a few years ago paid over to tho
chancellor of tho exchequer.
Of the thirty-six generals In the Ger
man army nil but two are nobles. Of
tho seventy-five lieutenant generals all
but thirteen, of tho 140 major genernls
all but thirty-eight, and of the 214 colo
nels all but eighty-live are nobles. In
the Prussian army there are forty-nine
regiments In which every ofllcer Is a
German bankers who have visited
the l'laceritus camp In Arizona aud
are satisfied of Its worth propose to lay
a three-foot steel pljie line six miles
from Arastra creek to I'lacerltas for
the working of six giants at hydraulic
mining which will employ 500 men. The
yearly output of these placers under
the most primitive methods has been
$1,000,000 for the past twenty.
W. Astley was driving a number of
fat steers to MUltken, Mich., to ship,
and allowed tbe herd to drink their fill
at a pond near town. One of the steers
gave a realistic Imitation of going mad
for that moment, and after running tbc
town for two hours was finally shot.
Then a live mud turtle measuring two
and one-half Inches across the shell
was found In iu throat The animal
bad swallowed It while drinking
One of tlie landmarks of Vlncennes,
Intl., Is the Harrison mansion. Gener
al Wlllluni lLanry Harrison came there
as governor of the territory about 1800
and lived twelve years on Ills planta
tion, which then adjoined the town and
was called Grouseland. It was In the
front room of this house that many Im
portant meetings were held. It was
here that the celebrated Interview was
held between Governor Hurrlson aud
Chef Tecumseh,
Ub the I'ointe de I'enuiarch, In Urlt
tau, the southwestern point of tho
Flnliterre promontory, midway be-
twetn Ilrest nnd L'Orient, a uew light-
lions- Is being erected whose light will
be slen KH) miles In clear weather, and
froii twenty-five to twenty-eight miles
wluf the weather is hazy. It will bo
an lectric light of caudle
powjr, and will rise 1S3 feet above the
ea kvel, and Is to be ready by the lie.
tfluu.ig of 1807. Oue-huif the cost will
bo pnld by n bequest of SOO.ono francs
left bv tho Mnrottlse Do Hlocttlevllle.
tho other half by tho government.
A fanner of New York crossed a lino
breed of plili'kotia with tlin "Imhlln
dwnrf" geese. Tho result Is a wel
footed chicken, which, while not do-
voted to swimming, frequently takes
to tho water. The fowls arc largo nml
their flesh Is said to be of excellent fla
vor, resembling that of the woodcock.
A serious drawback to raising them In
any number Is that they plno away tin.
less fed ou dried watermelon seeds at
least onco U week.
At Ilomn the other tlnv nn enormous
crowd assembled In the square of HI.
I'eter'H to watch two women drifted
In black who crept across tho square
to tho church doors on their Knees,
brushing the ground with small brush
es nnd repeatedly kissing tho stones
they had denned. One was a Hungar
ian, the other n Spaniard. It was found
that they were allllcted with religious
monomania, nnd they will bo scut back
to their own countries.
It Is well known that there nro den
tists In Ioniloti nnd 1'arls whoso spe
cialty It Is to fit lap dogs with a set of
falso teeth. It now appears from n
1'nrislim monthly magazine of fashion
that there nro tailors nnd fashion plates
for dogs. The list of garments Includes
mackintoshes, Jaeger Vests, comfort
ers and respirators, sldo pockets with
n handkerchief Inside, fur collars, small
silk umbrellas, which dogs uro taught
to carry over tho heud.
I'ioi Coffee, I'lcktea and Ice Water
Among- the Features.
A cIobo observer of working women
and their methods of living Insists that
the majority die at or before 83, aud
gives the conclusion that their man
ner of life makes this Inevitable. As
tin Illustration of methods, a girl clerk
lu the shoe department of ono of the
liiiinoUHo modern establishments Is
cited. She sat at table with 1110 yester
day, and her repast consisted of two
glasses of Ice water, two chocolate
eclairs, and several pickles! Think of
HI This to sustain her through a long
afternoon of Uttlng shoes. She dresses
well! neither big sleeves nor smart
gowns pass her by. A homo-mado hat
minus feathers never rests upou her
head, but her worn, ueueiiilc face
would suggest less feathers aud more
nourishing food. The majority of
these women lunch upon a piece of plu
und a cup of coffee, or a rich spiced
pudding nnd a glass of Ice water. Oc
casionally ono will rush through an
order of fried oysters and hulf a dozen
pickles. The wonder Is that they live
through the second year. From tho
table, where they scarcely allow them
selves time to swallow the several
mouthfuls ordered, they hurry out to
walk or shop, using thus forty of the
sixty minutes allowed for dinner. Then
buck to the store to stand five hours In
high-heeled, unfomfortable shoes, their
pitifully attcuuutcu waists tightly
clasped In corsets ttud bauds, nnd their
trembling little stomachs containing
Ice water and pie. Add to tills tho anx
ieties naturally attcudlcs a working
woman's life, and Is It surprising that
their faces look harassed, uervous and
bloodless? This Is the state of things
for a large proportion of woman work
ers, though working girls' clubs aro
doing much to educate them out of it.
The young ninii clerk lives very dif
ferently, even wheu hardly better nblo
to afford It Substantial food forms
the basis of his meal, with vegetables,
a glass of milk, and probably pie, but
ho takes It rather leisurely, and strolls
back to the store rested and refreshed.
Ho is costumed lu a loose, comfortable
suit of light-weight woolen, his feet
resting upon, not over, the soles of
comfortable shoes; his circulation Is
unimpaired, and his body fairly well
nourished. What wonder that he keeps
his nerves well covered, that 111 tem
per Muds less home upon his face, and
that we find him cheerily selling rib
bons long after the girl with whom ho
knocked elbows as a cash boy is for
gotten. Having lunched for years
where hundreds of working girls and
women go for tbe midday repast, I sum
It up that one In twenty-five orders
something tending to strengthen. The
other twenty-four leave tbe table more
illy fitted for the afternoon's labor than
when they sat down. Baltimore Amer
ican. Texan Gets Ice from tbe Kky.
A remarkable successful plan of ob
taining artltlclul ice has been Invented
by a Ingenious farmer of El Fjiso, Tex
as. Even in the hottest summer day
this son of the soil will partly till u
tin can with water, attach it to the tail
of an enormous kite, and send It to the
grout height of three miles, where lu
the rarefied atmosphere It is promptly
frozen, completely tilling the en u. Aftei
a sufficient Interval for this purpose the
kite is rapidly hauled In with a wind
lass, and the cake of ice removed from
the can. But the Inventor Is now per
fectlng an even more effective plan for
manufacturing ou a large scale, lis
sends up a huge kite, l."0 feet long, by
a steel wire cuble. I'ndor the kite is
susended a pulley, over which runs nu
endless chain, benring at Intervals
books by which the cans of water art
bung. As the cans of water going up
Just balance the cans of ice coming
dowij but lltllo power Is needed. The
can are filled with water from a pond.
As each hook passes the operator lv re
moves the can of Ice and hangs In lis
Mead ono of water. The cable travel:!
but three miles nu hour, and, as tlio 0I4
lute Is kept at nu tiltlunlo of from four
to six miles, tho cans remain In the
cold strata of air quite long cuotigh for
the water to become solidified. The
Inventor expects to be able to furnish a
lo-cent lump for 3 ceuU. Now York
Best I'rcvcntlvo of IHsenso of All
K Imls TonghciiH the llodjr.
We best nrm ourselves ngnlnst nil
Cold diseases by availing ourselves of
every measure which will tend to
"toughen" us. Whoever does not do
this, will, tho farther tho winter ad
vances, become always weaker from
lad; of exercise nnd nlwnys less able
to resist Then soon become establish
ed such unwelcome guests ns rheuma
tism, Influenza, diphtheria nml lung
fevi r. lioth tho Intter Hud a favorublo
footing in the respiratory organs de
bilitated by catarrh. Should tho cold
spell be but short and mild, nnd often
Interrupted by sunny days, only the
weakest persons suffer. Uut If tho
winter Is very, raw nnd long, even
strong constitutions fall a direct prey
to diseases, or their bodl.'S, usually
their entire organism, are so unfavora
bly affected that they now have weak
ened constitutions disposed to diseases.
This Is why tho various lung troubles,
especially Inflammation of tho lungs,
reach their culmination toward the end
of winter, llnlly exercise In the fresh
air, under changing conditions of the
weather, nnd at nil times of year, Is a
menus of resisting tho evil Influences
of tho weather. This method of pre
vention nnd cure (prophylaxis and ther
apeutics) Is made use of lu tho so
called climatic watering places. Uut
even at home we may accustom our
skin to quickly changing conditions of
weather by accustoming It to quickly
changing temperatures. This Is done
by warm baths with a cold showct
afterwards, which Is followed by a
strong muscular movement that gives
a reaction to wartutli again. Thereby
not only nro the nerves stimulated to
quick action lu thus regulating the
beat of the body, but also all the rest
of the nervous system Is strengthened
and hardened, and with resistance
against other depressing and sickening
Influences, ngalust ennui nnd morbid
ness. Whoever battles valiantly
against uulieulthful weather, ran bo
come his own master and can even
secure for himself vital strength nnd
tlie enjoyment of health. Chautau-
Missouri's Old Soldiers.
Missouri Is a greut country for sol
diers. During the great civil war It
would appear that almost the entire
male population of sutllcleut age was
called on to bear arms. Between the
Union and Confederate forces there
was, as I'hll Kearny phrased It, "love
ly fighting along tho whole line." There
was no community that did not ex
perience tho sights and sounds, tho ex
cltements ami alarms of war. After
hostilities had ceased the military ele
ment was largely reinforced from be
yond the Mississippi. In those days
Missouri was considered a new country
nnd was sought by Immigrants. Cer
tain portions of tho State were counted
as "homestead country." The disband
ed soldiers of both armies came to Mis
souri. This gave us a great martial
population. Kansas City Star.
Lucky Miners in the West.
The days of "striking It rich" in the
mines of the West are by no menus
over, though with tho big prospecting
and developing companies In every
promising Held tho chances are per
haps slimmer than iu the old days.
Four men In the Slocan district, Wash
ington, who have been working on a
tunnel for over a year, following a
streak of ore, and not making enough
to pay their meager board, last week
struck a four-foot body of solid silver
ore that runs S73 ounces to the ton,
which has made their prospect hole
worth at least $100,000.
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
Powdertd tnd FrfUDL
h fronrjr'j? and purr&t LYB
nisuie. UnUKeoMier Lv. it being m
fluo powder nnd packed la can
with removable lid, Ute corneal are
Jw.-ye rtty for ue. Will make
tbe 6W perfumed Hard boap la 'M
in to u lee without ooUUo, la lb
beet fur oleauiflQC watte plpce, dte
InlVorluff Bluke, oloee;, woaalof
botUrt, LiAtnta. tree, etc.
an. Ait it-. PbiL, fa.
OoaibteMd Stpwator. r 4 ijeoker. aaa CSua fewer.
Cheap and Qood.
Consist DU17 la luslf.
RtiM Tints. Ustwr ssa
Mour. Book Mailed
Free), vnu lor tk.
luu. m ssru. vu,
Chicago, III,
franklin Colleae New Athens, o, Hoard
luitlou, room, aud books, f.i a week. Cat free
r n v si
A oO$t luutrte byrup. Tatius twod. T7ee ' 1
rJ In time. Hold hj (InifnriitA H
Say Aye 'No' and Yi'll Ne'er Be Married."
fuse All Our Advice to Use.
l.llVN'SJ I.I pi:.
Tronbteil lllin for Yettts and Tlir-ntetted
to Knit In 1'Mralysls srlenrn 1 sine
to Ilia Iteietie at t.a.t nml To
day lie Is n Welt 'tun.
From tha rout, tUlln'mrtjh, M,
In a comfc rtable ham", located 011 a gntln
Slope of his ancestral lierllii'e, nnd sit 11 1." 1
about one mile or morn without the tlirivlni
village of I.iwhlinrg, Pa,, Invs IMwinl
Miles i.)iiff, .Air. Duff Is n veteran oflhe. w,
nml 1 vnd almost llip'o yi-nrs In tho l'jilrl
lteliuent, Pennsylvania Voluiili'rs. m'ter
linvliur been wound-l while n m"in!n'r of
Co. "K." 12th Ohio Volunteer Infantry, nt
the hatlleot Kroiorleksonrg. and for wlilnli
ho recniveil an hon rni e ilist-hure. He w.14
ngnln wounded In the head nt f Mly.imr'r,
and when ninln flisinisi"l tor pliyn!i. in
ntiillty to nuiliire tho long marelcvs'iir 1111 in
fnntrymnn, but ro-enllstiid In the l,-mrr
)IlsMlipl Marine Corf, and s'rv"l on tie
gunboat "Autocrat" untiltliu llmii s'irri" nif
ami dis'-hurgi" of the military for.-e In 1S.!6.
After tlin war Mr. Duff was n resident of
Allegheny, t;;is engaged In the dry
goods business nn Market Htri-ot, this city.
Hillsieipiently hi eiifnj'eil In oil pr flu -tion
St Oil City nnd other phcos In the upper oil
country, ami later relume I to his an 'intral
home to care for tie deeliniitgage of his par
ents, and to manage the fnrm, on n part of
which he now lives. Ifis cosy homo Is ninv
embraced within tlin suburbs of the village,
Bud Is surrounded by a large number of res -ilenees
of tho prosper mis merchants mil
tiiaiiilfnetiirersol tlie town, which lias gn.wii
Out to nnd cnltrnees a (.art of the farm iiismi
whieh bis fnther lived lor a lon peri o I of
It wn whllo sitting In his e-imrortaMo
homo, looking out over tlin valley nu t the
lninlseitpo which chimin the spe tntor, as
seen from his door, that 51 r. Dun" told tho
writer of Ills oxiiorienees Ms n soldier, and
the results of the wounds wiileli ho rocmve'l
while wearing tie! uniform of his cotorrv.
"Tlin wound received on tho b.i.-k of my
! head," said he, "has trouhloil nin ever s.iri
It was Inlllete.l, morn or less, but In I lie o it
three years much more tlinu formerly, ' At
Various times I was nfToetoil with teicvjiis
twltehlngs nml Involuntary nioviinenls ol
thu musclca of my itn-e aud limbs that I was
alarmed lest it should terminal-! Witn la--uIvhK
I consulted various doi-t ,r., Ire I a
number of medicines which frlen Is recom
mended, but derived no bcwlli mull a
nephew brought mn some of tlio I'ink Mil--for
Tale People. II n had heard of some r -markable
bene.'lts conferred by Hits romeo '
on various ones whom he knew, and prom
ised to hrlic? me some, which he 1I11I very
soon after bis visit nt which he llrst men
Honed them. I took them ns direct 1 011 tlio
box, nnd i-onfi-ssthat 1 did so mo-e to p!ao
my nephew than with nny expeelallon that
they would do me any good. I was most
agreeably surprised, however, niler I hud
been Inking them for n few days, to notico
that my nervous twit"hlugs and Involuntary
muscular movements were pron )iie.ce lly
less noticeable, ami that I felt isitter 111 every
Wav. Jly npstile, which hud le-11 capri
cious and lltful, bcg'iu to Improve, and fo i ls
of which I am very fond, but which for i
long tlmo I was obliged to deny myself,
caused mn no discomfort, and I liogun to got
strong and robust. I exsirieneed such good
rcsulta from this remedy that I continued
taking it until I felt mvseif no longer In need
ol It. After taking the Pink Pills for per
hafts four mouths, as directed, I have never
bad a sign or symptom of 11 return of tho
mnluily which worried me for years. To-dny
I mn ns robust as a man of my ago can ex
pect to bo, especially after having endure.!
ihe exposure and rigor incidental to tho
life of 11 soliller. I nttributn my cure to tho
I'ink Pills for Pale People, and think them a
most wonderful remedy for building up peo
ple who nro run down physlcnlly ami men
tally. They seem to Impart strength and
tono to thewholesystrm. acting Idun lly an 1
Is-uellcently on body ami brain. At least
that hns been my experience, nud tothos
whose disorders are of a nervous nature, I
should thing they could get nothing bettor
than I lie I'ink Pills. In my own eaxe, I know
that they relieved me of pains will 'h ranked
moall over, and dissipated nuiis-a and pulu
In the stomach which made ii!n miser title,
nnd the pleasures of the table, which to me
is a greut pioHMire, something only 10 lie re
membered, not to Is) enjoyed. It is il.fTereut
now. however. Mv llpietito Is ju,t 11s keen
nud I relish food n well as I ever did, and
that Is saying not a little."
Jlr. Duff said it tins U'l n several months
since he bus taken any medicine, and ho
thinks he has no need for any. If said be
would tako the I'ink IMIs if be felt the need
of any medicine, but ho Is persiui.lcl that
when pcnplodonot ueud medicine it should
be let alone.
Dr. Williams' I'ink Tills contain all the
cluim-nts necessary to give new life and rich
ness to tha blood ttud return shattered
nerves. They are for sale by nil driiirgisls,
or inuybebad by mull from Dr. Williams'
Medlclno Company, Keheiiwrtiulv. N, V.. fci
60c. per box, or six bcixrs for ti'l).
S Powder
TbeOreatest fledlcal Discovery
of the Age.
Medical Discovery.
as discovered In sn of oar eommoa
paatura weeds a remedv that cures every
kind cl Humor, from the worst Scrufuia
down to a common pimple.
B has tried It in over eleven hundred
rases, aad never failed except In twocaMS
(both thunder humor). He ha bow la
his possession over two hundred oertl.
catea of Its value, all within twenty mllss
I BostoB. 8end postal card tor book.
A benefit la always experienced froaiths
rat bottle, and a perfect cure Is warrutai
tfben tba right quantity is taken.
When the lungs are affected It causes
shooting pain. Ilka needle passing
through them i the same with the Liver
r Bowels, This la cause I by the duats
Being slopped, and always disappear la
reek after taking It Uad the label
If th stomach Is foal or bilious It will
sues squeamish tevllnir at UrsL
No change of diet ever necessary. Eat
the beat you can iret, and enough of it
bote, one tablespoonftil in water at bed
Um. bold by all Ura.-.-it
AGENTS t week N-w Scheme
Kullll llk J. U .loliit.loo, N.-wpoit. It. I-
Don't Re-