H Stay. Sutnrri))linn $l.fiO )wr yrnr, in atlrnnre. V, A. HTKMIUNSON, Kdllor and Vnh. WEDNESDAY, JULY 17. 18WV fl Little ot Everytiilng. Special election August 24th. Iabor Day I Urn next legal holiday. Robinson' shoo Bit! In It for stylo and quality. Tho Sunn of Veteran Initiated four new memlxM- Monday night. Lawyer O. M. McDonald ha had a tek'iihono plueeil In hi olllee. Tho outcome of a courtship nowaday Is largely a question of Income. A mmher of miner aro going to othor pinoe to nook employment. Stop and look In tho window nt C. F. Hoffman's and nee tho blouse sots. Rev. 1. r. Womor filled tho pulpit In tho M. E. church Sunday morning. If you want ltrussells -ai-ct go to tho Roynohlsvllle Hardware IV. More. A merry-go-round will Ixi put tip at tho corner of Main and Fifth streets. Tho town was full of seluxil teacher and woiild-bo-tonohors last Thursday. More and hotter shoo for your dollar at RohliiHon's than you got elsewhere. Thcro was no preaehlng services In tho Presbyterian church hint Sunday. Tho racket storo has heon moved Into Flshor's now lron-clnd building on Main Street. Tho next U. U. A. M. reunion will lie hold In Brookvillo tho latter part of May in 18'X. A number of ladies of tho W. H. ('. of this place went to Sykesville yesterday and held a picnic. Big drop In Hour at .1. A. Welsh's. Any best Minnesota Hour for $1.20. Get prices on lMirrol lots. Ordinances for tho owning of Grant and Tenth and other streets .will he found In this Issue of The Star. A full stock, gixxl goods and lowest possible prices tolls tho story of Robin son Sc Mundorff's immense trade. The building next dixir to J. A. Welsh's is being papered and fitted up lor a second hand furniture storo. Mrs. wm. nriuon, ot tho Heecliwoixix, fell last Monday on her way to tho well and dislocated her right shoulder. There were no arrests made in Reyn oldsvlllo on tho Fourth of July for drunkennoss or disorderly conduct. Tho Clnrlon Assembly opens to-day and will close July 31st. Tho Assembly is a good plaeo to sx-nd a few days. Tho first rhoap excursion for tho sea son from this section to Niagara Falls was run over tho B. II. & P. H'y Sun day. It Is reported that tho huckleberry crop this year will bo enormous. Tho bulk of the berries nro of tho early bluo variety. Two of Kd. C. Hums' small boys wrecked a buggy near S. M. Gourlcy's one day last week whllo out for a pleas ure rldo. According to tho reports tho corn crops will be large in product in most all parts of eastern and western Penn sylvania. During the past ten years, from .Inly 10, 1885, to July 10, IS!)."), there have been 3,68(1 marriago licenses granted in Jefter8on county. A Polander struck Pat Madden on the hoad with a car sprag Monday whllo at work In Big Soldier. Mr. Madden has a very sore head. Tho best of goods at lowost prices, strictly for cash, suits the people. This accounts for rush at Robinson & Mun dorffs, Centennial building. Clarence M. Fllcklngor and Miss Dorthy M. Bonnet, of this placo, were united in marriage on the evening of July 4th by Rev. Jas. H. Jelbart. , 'Squire W. F. Ingraham, of Brook vllle, was buried at that place on Tuos dayof last week. Mr. Ingraham had not enjoyed good health for somotimo. A valuable horse owned by Ed. C, Burns, the liveryman, died near Emerlckvlllo Saturday evening. Two young ladios wore driving to Brook Villo. The school directors of Wlnslow town ship will meet in this place on tho first Saturday In August to elect teachers for the township schools for the winter term. Wm. H. Ford, District Deputy, and Esq. E. Neff were at Sykesyille on Tues day night of last woek Installing otlicers in the Jr. O. U. A. M. Council ut that place. Moore & Dickinson are headquarters for the world's famous Minnehaha Flour, the highest grade patent flour made, and we guarantee every sack to give satisfaction. On Tuesday of last week the Borwlnd Whlte Co. shipped tho first coal from their shaft near DuBols. It has been three years since the company started the work and a half million dollars has been expended on It. The B., R. & P. R'y will run a spe cial excursion from Reynoldsvlllu to Ontario Beach Saturday, July 27th. Train will leave hero at 7.00 p. m. Fare for rouud trip 12.50. Tickets good for flvo duys to return on r.gular trains. Dr. C. N. Hell, M. H. D., will lie at Hotel MoConnoll Monday afternoon, July 22, and Tuesday foretuxin, July 23. Forty dollar per month and expense paid gixxl men for taking order. Steady work. Apply Protective Nurse ries, Geneva, N. Y. The uicnilxir of tho Pennsylvania State Editorial Axstx-lntion aro taking their summer outing at Buffalo and Niagara Falls this week. A young man named John Smith cut his right hand very badly last Friday while at work on I). Bollinger's log job several mile west of Hey noldsvllle. . Mrs. George Khond fell off a chair onto a stove last Saturday and cut a gush nn inch and a half In Iter head and received several bruises on her Ixxly. If you get your watche repaired at ('. F. Hoffman's It will lx done right and don't need to Ixi warranted. ( f course wo guarantee It to he done right. Miss Crawford will speak in tho Cen tennial Hall Snturday evening. July 20th. at . 8.IM o'clock, in the Interest of tho W. ('. T. C. All are cordially In vited. Dr. .1. V. McKnlght, one of Hrook vllle's oldest citizens, was taken to a Philadelphia hospital tho first of last week to reeelvo treatment for mental trouble. The members of tho Young Ladies' Foreign Missionary Six-lety of the M. E. church held a grove festival near tho home of Mr. Sechrlst on Pleasant Avenue last evening. Tho Prohibition Jr. league will give a five entertainment In Centennial hall on Friday evening of this week. Tho program for tho entertainment, which is a gixxl one, was crowded out of this Issue. On Tuesday, July Until, the 11., R. A P. will run an excursion from Reynolds ville to Niagara Falls. Train will leavo Falls Creek at 1.42 P. M. Tickets for round trip $3.50. Tickets gixxl to re turn until August Nth. A sewer is being put In on the north side of Main street from the corner of 4th street to tho run nt Sutter's black smith shop. Tho property owners furn ish tho sewer pl)xi and the lxirough stands tho oxix-nses of putting it In. At a meeting of tho West Reynolds- vine school board held on Monday even ing tne enure list ot teacliers tor the lxirough .school was elected. The teach ers nro as follows: C. K. Hawthorne, principal, Jennie White, Hannah Stnuffer, Tacy Dempsey. Wo received an invitation from Cnrwensville Council, No. 1370, Royal Arcanum, to attend a basket picnic to bo held at tho Poo-woes Nest, Cnrwens ville, to-morrow, July IStli. A numlx-r of the memlxu's of that order at this placo cxiMH-t toattend tho picnic. Tho Falls Creek lbnthl has again undo its appearance on tho sea of journalism as bright and newsy as ever. 1 Jin. Hangert certainly has an abundance of pluck. Wo hoxj tho llirtiltl has gone up In smoko for the last time and that the olllee. may remain in the town for all time. Lawyer F. R. Hindman, of Clarion, visited Esq. W. L. Johnston in West Reynoldsvlllo several days ago. Law yer Hindman was just returning from an overland pleasure trip to New York, Philadelphia and ITarrlsburg. His boys accompanied him. It txik them six weeks to make tho trip. Mr. and Mm. S. M. Gout-ley wero cnlt od to Perry township on Monday of last week by tho sudden death of George Gourley, S. M. Gourlcy's father. The deceased was an honorable and upright man, highly respected In thocommunity where ho lived. Ho was about threo scoro and six years old. Heart trouble caused his sudden death. A. A. Jackson, nt ono timo superin tendent of tho Low Grado Div. of tho A. V. R'y and a resident of Reynolds vlllo, died on the evening of the 8th Inst, at his home In Norwood, a suburb of Boston, Mass. His remains woro buried at California, Pa., on Friday. Mr. Jackson had passed his 0.'lrd birth day. Ho was an uncle of Mrs. H. Alex. Stoko of this placo. Tho Improved Order of Red Men will observe tho second anniversary of the organization of tho order In Reynolds villo on Saturday evening, July 27th, by a supper and entertainment in tho G. A. R. hull. Supper will bo served from 5.00 to 7.00; the entertainment will begin at 7.30. Tickets 25 cents, which en titles tho holder to supper and admit tance to tho entertainment. A now firm, to be known as tho Reyn oldsvlllo Furniture Co., will open up business next week in tho building next door to J. A. Welsh's grocery store. They will handle now and second hand furniture. Cash will be paid for second hand stoves, furniture, &c. This will be a great ad vantage to those who want to soli some of their old furniture and buy new, and to those who want to buy second hand goods. George Warnick thought one day last week his time had come to shuffle, off this stage of action, judging from the way he used his lungs. George was helping put in the sower on Main street and while working near the racket store the earth that had been thrown out of Itho ditch at that point rolled in on him. The men working with him had to hovol the dirt off before he could bu rolcuned from his unpleasant position'. Will Oct Married To-day D. F. Robinson, the shoe denier of thl place, will bo married to Mis Bessie Stono at Heaver, Pa., this forenoon. Mr. Robinson will bring hi brido to Reynoldsvlllo Friday. They will occu py Mr. Robinson's beautiful homo on Main street. TllR STAR extends con gratulation. Prof. IMIard to West Sunbury. Prof. Hillnrd, who was elected princi pal of the Reynoldsvlllo scluxils, has accepted the prlnelpalship of the West Sunbury schools at a salary of tl.000 for a term of eight months. This will make It neeessiiry for the Reynoldsvillo schixil Ixiard to elect another principal for the coming term. Examination Thursday. County Supt. . I. H. Hughe held tho annual examination for teachers at Kcynolilsvillc on Thursday of last week and tho class was one of tho largest that has ever been examined nt this place. It was composed of over sixty young gentlemen and ladies. Tho examina tion was conducted In Supt. Hughe usual fair way and the applicants work ed faithfully and earnestly. Locked in a Church. Two Reynoldsvillo ladies wero locked In tho M. E. church Sunday evening, and nfter some difficulty succeeded In ninkinu tlielr exit at a side dixir. Tho ladle attended league prayor-meotliig and not knowing that there wa no preaching, nfter Ijonguo meeting, they went from tho lecture rixim to tho auditorium of tho church. They waited until almost eight o'ehx-k and then dis covered that they were safely hx-ked in the church. Bicycle Jump off Tram Road. Scott lluikett, a young man of tho Horni Settlement, enine very nearly riding Into the rediscovered Future a few dny ago on a bicycle. Scott, who thought tho bicycle a tame and harm less thing, was riding on a tram road that was alxiut fifteen feet from tho ground when the wheel suddenly de cided to jump off and did so, taking Scott along. His back was badly Injured by his iinexxcted and sudden contact with tern llrma. He will not do any work for a time. Special Election. In another column of this Issue will lx found a notice for a sxcial election to Ixi hold on Saturday, August 24th, for tho purpose of Increasing the In debtedness of tho lxirough of I ej nolds vllle MMO for tho purixwo of planking Jackson street, Fifth and Tenth streets from Main to Jackson, and to extend the paving on Main from Presbyterian church to Tom Reynold's residence. Council 'first decided to hold the elec tion on the 20th of June ami then changed tho timo to August. Struck by Lightning. Lightning struck tho homo of L. P. Hronholtz In Iteeehwoods on the after noon of July 5th and shattered tho house considerable and gavo the family quite an electrical shook. Twenty-two lights of glass wero broken. Ono of Mr. Breuholt.'s daughters had just left tho bod room on the second floor through which tho electrical holt passed into tho parlor on tho first floor. Tho house was Insured. Mr. Hrenlioltzand family certainly had a narrow escnxj from lxi Ing suddenly ushered Into eternity. The Fourth of uly. Since tho lust Issuo of TlIK STAK tho Glorious Fourth was celebrated In Reynoldsvlllo. It Is rather late to glvo a long account of the doings In this place. Tho town wus well dec-orated, tho crowd lurgo and orderly and every thing passed off nicely. From early morning until late at night there was a continuous "bang" of big and llttlo flro crackers. Hose Co. No. 1 had chargo of the celebration In this placo and unto thorn great credit is duo for keeping bo many of our people at home that day and attracting others hero. There woro visitors here from New York, Chicago, Pittsburg and othor cities. Tho firomon did not make a big finan cial success out of the alTuli- on account of having heavy expenses to prepare for tho celebration and carrying out the pro gram of tho day. Big Soldier Inundated. Tho miners In some purts of Big Sol dier mine had an experience on Satur day, July (Ith, of a rare nature in tho mlnog ut this place. There wero four or five acre of water In the old Sprague mine und tho men were working towards It In the Big Soldier mine, but by some misunderstanding tho miners thought they wero several hundred yards from tho young Aood confined in the old Sprague, therefore, when in driving a heading one of the miners, by a blow from his pick, opened the way for tho flood to got a start it was only tho work of a second for tho wator to enlarge tho opening and Hood Big Soldier when tho men were least expecting It. Tho alurra wus given as quickly as possible and the men ull escaped without wait ing to get their dinner buckets or coats. Some of tho men waded in tho water up to their knees. Mino props, powder kegs, dinner buckets, coats and every thing else that floated wero carried on tho bosom of tho wator as It tuudo a mad rush to oseaixj from tho mine. It might have proven a denth trap to many of tho minors. TANNERY ABLAZE AOAIN. Beam House and Rocker Yard Burned to the Oround Sunday Afternoon. On Sunday afternoon nt alxiut 2.M o'chx-k tho tannery at this place, proper ty of tho F.Ik Tanning Co., was discover ed to bo on fire. Tho blaze started In the beam house or on the second Ihxir of tho building, over tho Ix-nm house, where a largo quantity of hair was stored and being dried. In the upper part of the building everything was dry and there was plenty of material fur the fire to feed on, so that by tho time the alarm was given the lire had gained considerable headway. The Reynolds vlllo fii-e companies responded promptly to the alarm anil sixiii had throe stream of water playing on tho flro from the lino of the Reynoldsvlllo Water Co. Tim tannery company have a niimlx-r of water plugs around their building and get a supply of water from wells, and sixin half a dozen streams of water wero thrown on the blaze. Tim fire spread so rapidly that by the time the men wein In shuixi to light It two buildings, the Ix-nm house and lix-ker yard, were all In liauics, mid It was only by a des perate struggle that the balance of the tannery was saved. The building aro all close together, most of thorn con nected. The rocker yard was Joined to the main building, where a large quanti ty of leather was Ix-lng dried, and the fire had reached a couple of rixims of leather lx-fore It wus extinguished. After two hours' hard work by the fire men and citizens the llames wore under control. Two hul Id bigs wore burned to the ground and several other damaged. The Dullois flro companies were tele graphed for assistance and enmo down on a sx clal over tho A. Y. R'y, hut when they arrived the flro was under control nnd their engines worn not un loaded. How the flro started Is not known, as no one was In the building at. the time. Work was begun on Monday morning at clearing away tho debris, and now buildings will bo creeled at once. The dnmnge is estimated at alxiut 27.IHK). The loss is almost covered by Insurance. On Wednesday, D mher l.'lth, 8!CI, tho tannery was totally destroyed by fire, and was rebuilt and refurnished in a first-class manner, so that it was one of tho best cquipK-d tanneries of tho Elk Tunning Co. For sometime after ixung roiiiiilt work was not very brisk, but for the past two months has lx?en running at its full eapaeity, 3.10 hides per day. President G. W. Child and District Supt. J. S. Schultze. of Ridgwav. eamo hero on Monday to view the ruins and make arrangements for beginning work on tho new buildings. A shed was erected yesterday In the center of where tho new lx-um house is to Ixi built, und a few Ix-aius put up, where a number of men will work while tho new building Is being constructed. - . . . John Flickinger Killed Under Car in Big Soldier John Flickinger, a driver in Big Soldier mine, was killed Saturday fore nmin, July 0th, while engaged at his work. Just how tho accident happened that ushered him so suddenly Into the Great Beyond is not fully known. Mr. Flickinger had twon a driver in tho mines tor eighteen yours and was driving throe mules, hauling coal cars out of one of the headings so they could be attached to tho ropo hauling, when tho accident occurred. The drivers have what they ciU a "banjo" which they fastr n onto tho front end of a cur to rick upon. Tho 'banjo" is fastened over the end of tho cur with a luxik or clasp and il is supposed after Mr. Flickinger got his mules going all right thut hogot onto tho "banjo" without looking at It and that tho "banjo" was not properly fastened and let him drop In front of tho train of enrs. Ho was found under tho first ear and tho "banjo" was under the third car. His son-in-law, James Sample, who is also a driver, was not far behind Mr. Flickinger and heard him hollow whoa twice to the mules, and the second timo In such a way that Sample thought some thing had happen ed and ho went forward to seo whut wus the mutter. Ho wus tho first ono to arrive at tho scene of horror, but after ho got there Mr. Flickinger groaned once and expired. His left breast wus crushed und ono leg broken. Tho de ceused was forty-eight years old the 5th of lost March. Ho leaves a wlfo and six children. Ho was a member of Mu.omutilu Trilw, No. 341, Improved Order of Red Men, and Century Council No. 780, Royal Arcanum. Mrs. Flick inger will got sixty dollurs, funeral benefits, from tho Red Men und $3,000 Insurance, from tho Royal Arcanum. Rev. Solner, Luthern preacher of Luthursburg, conducted tho funeral services at Mr. Flickinger' late homo at tho eastern ond of Worth street on Monday afternoon. A largo number of relatives, neighbors and members of tho two lodges named woro present. Tho remains were tukun to tho Syphrlt cemetery for interment. No Lack for Agents. Tho Wlnslow township school direct ors uppolntod a committee to seo about gutting some now books for the ensuing term. .Tho committee mot on Friday and all the school book agents In the state must have heard of It, judging from tho number who wero here and wanted to furnbh the ooir.mlttoo with books. SOCIETY'S WHIRL Mr. A. 1J. Weed I at Onkmont, Pa., thl week. Mr. L. J. MeEiitlro I visiting in Clintonvlllo, Pa. H. 11. Gilblom and wife wore In Punx sutawncy Sunday. Harold Arnold went to t'Bw May to remain a few week. G. W. Fuller and T.C. Reynold were In Bradford lust week. J. E. Blng, of Jeannotto, Pa., wa In Reynoldsvlllo last week. Walter Spry and Tom Reynold drove to Hnxikvillo yesterday. Win. M. Foster was In Perry town ship several dny Inst woek. Dr. B. E. Ibxiver wn In Sharon, Pa., several day the past week. W. (!. Elliott, editor of the Vuhmtirr, was III Pittsburg last, week. John Denny, of Driftwood, was In Reynoldsvllli) on Saturday. Elijah Trudgen has moved to Mt. .lewett, MeKcan county, Pn. Mis Alvlo Marsh, of Punxsutawney, Visited at P. Foley' last week. Mis. I. J. Slat lory has been visiting In Clarion county the past week. Miss Sadie White, or Hrookvllle, Is the guest of Mrs, C. F. Hoffman. W. D. Hepburn, of Salem, Oregon, visited at A. H. Weed's last week. Mrs. E. T. MeOaw visited In Falls Creek and Ucoohtreo the past week. Mis Emma Stewart, of Rural Valley, Pa., I visiting Mrs. John H. Ewlng. Rov. Stead man, of 1 leech tree, visited James Irving In this place last week. Mrs. Henry Beck, of New Bethlehem, visited her son, John Beck, last week. Miss Nellie Elder, of lloeehtree, visit ed friends In Reynoldsvillo last woek. Miss Ariel tn Robinson, of Tlonestn, la., I visiting relativi-s In this place. Dr. C. W. Brown, of Washington, 1). ('., Is visiting his brother, F. M. Hi-own. Edwin Selfert, of MeK'eesport, former ly of Big Run, was In town last Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Hoffman, of John souhurg, visited In this place the past week. Miss Annie lilrehfiohl, of Clearfield, was a visitor at Dr. W. B. Alexander's last week. Allxu-t Seeley and Rolx-rt McKelvoy, of Pittsburg, are in Reynoldsvillo to re main a month. Harry Curtwrlght, of Chicago, III., visited his sister, Mrs. Ed. Ijwis in this place lust week. Mrs. Jiimes M. Marsh, of Sligo, visit ed her mother, Mrs. M. Carey, In this placo last week. II. F. Robb, who has been In Balti more, Mil., several months, returned home last week. Prof. A. B. Ramsey, of Franklin county, visited Jacob Henninger nnd family last week. Wm. Cartwrlght and wlfo, of East Brady wero visitors in Reynoldsvillo since our last Issue. C. M. Garrison, bettor known as "Neil" in Jefferson oounty, of Pittsburg, was in town Friday. S. K. Furnian and wife, of Harris burg, arrived here lust week to visit Mrs. Fur man's mother. Ed. Gixidcr, Robt. J. Thomas and Wm. H. Ford went to Mix Run last Thursday trout fishing. Miss Narrie Furgeson, of Putney vllle, Pa., bus been visiting In Reynolds villo tho past two weeks. Benjamin Huugh wns In Union town ship lust woek to see his brother, Har vey, who is dangerously ill. Mrs. John M. Hays und daughter, Phyllis, have been visiting ut Punxsu tawney tho past two weeks. A. P. VanTassell, tho tannery man of DuBols, drove down Sunday to seo tho extent of tho fire at this placo. Mrs. C. C. Cochran, of Butlor, visited her sister-in-law, Mrs. W. C. Gibson, in West Reynoldsvlllo lust woek. W. G. Whlto and John Bassett went to Euclcb, Butler Co., Pa., last week to get work In tho mines at that place. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Karns, of Ouk mnnt, spent Sundny with Mr. and Mrs. A. 11. Weed In West Reynoldsvlllo. Snm'l E. Rell and Thos. H. Morrison, of Smethport, Pa., visited W. H. Bell, tho clothier, in this place last woek. Spencer S. Rumsey, of Berlin, Wis., is visiting his uncley S. B. Rumsey, Supt. Low Grado Div. of tho A. V. R'y. Misses Lulu Pearl Foust and Lucilc Mitchell aro enjoying a visit at Tyrone, Altoonu, Warriors Marks and Hunting don. Bernard MoCraokon, who has been In Southern Pines, North Carolina, since last full, returned to Roynoldsvillo lunt wook. Mrs. D. C. Oyster and Miss Sarah Stoner, of Rldgway, visited tho former's brother, Matthew Mohnoy, in this place last woek. Hon. S. B. Elliott returned Monday evonlng from a pleasure and business trip to ButTulo, New York City and Tioga county. Miss Cora Mllliren, who has been at tending school at Ada, Ohio, for ten months, returned to her homo at this place yestorduy. Mr, and Mrs. F. K. Arnold were In Clarion tho past week visiting George Arnold, brother of F. K ., who Is nenr lng tho gates of death. Miss Maud Miller, of Edonburg, Pa., who was tho guest of Miss Blunehc Davis for tho past two weeks, returned to her home Saturday. A. P. Holland and wife, G. E. Crier and wife, and W. V. Sehwein.of DuBols, drove to Reynoldsvllln Sunday and took upxr at Hoto.1 McConnell. John t'lrleh, who ha been at Wllliamsport, Pa., for a year, ha re turned to Wot Roynohlxvlllo to work in Herx-1 Hro.' machine shop. Mr. and Mrs. Louis O'Neill and daughter, Mrs. B. F. Bimh, of Chicago, are visiting Mr. O'Neill's sister, Mrs. George Melllnger, on Grant street. M. J. Coyle, one of tho proprietors of the City Hotel, was called to Butler OMiirity hist week fo seo hi brother, Stove Coyle, who wa badly Injured on an oil well. Paul J. McLnln, a young blcyclo rider of Pittsburg who won novoral prize at Dullois the week of tho 4th, sx-nt last week with Hruiio and Jo. Mitchell In Reynolilsvlllo. J. E. Kernott, of Chicago, nnd H. A. Kernott, of East Llvei hm)I, Ohio, visit ed their brother nnd sister, K. M. Ker nott nnd Mrs. L. J. MoEiilIro, In thl place last week. AHx-rt, Ernest and Cecil Stono, of Oakmotit, Pa., returned to that place lust week after a ten days' visit with tlielr parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. W. 8. Stone, in Reyuolilsville. Frank P. Alexander and Loul Melllnger rode their bicycle to Drift wood, a distance of almost sixty mile, lust Sunday und came home on the early train Monday morning. Miss Mary .luckson, who has been for tho past seven year ono of the teachers in the Government Indian Boarding School at the Whlto Earth Reservation, Minn., is homo on a vacation. Misses Mildred Fuller and Minnie Whltmoro started for Baltimore, Md., this morning toattend the B. Y. P. U. of A. International convention which convenes at llaltlmor to-morrow. , .1. J. Sutter, Jos. S. Morrow, Misses Mnybell Sutter, Maud Reynolds and Amelia Morrow nro enjoying the outing of the Pennsylvania, Editorial Associa tion at, Buffalo, Niagara Fulls nnd In Canada this week. Will E. Black, at ono timo foreman of TlIK St A It olllee, who bus been work ing in the job rooms of the AVics at Homestead for n number of months, ha been visiting his parents in Reynolds vlllo tho past two weeks. Mr. and Mr. Judge Carl A. Wagner, and family, and Mrs. Lucy Wagner, of I'ort Huron, Mich., have been visiting at Esq. E. Ni.-ff's tho past two weeks. Mrs. Lucy Wagner Is Mrs. Neff 's mother and Judge Wagner I hor brother. Mrs. Nell's mother will remain with her for sometime. Judge Wagner honored TlIK Stak office with his presence one day lust week. An Honest Confession. It Is doubtless if tho renders of the DuBols 1'mirtvr were ever more sur prised, since that pas-r was launched on tho sea of journalism as a daily, than they woro lust Thursday morning when they read the long urticle heudod, "O, Save 'Our Fuir City,'" in whleh tho Con, if ,- acknowledged thut tho streets and alleys of that town "aro full of peo ple every day and evening who may bo thinking about bad things," and that of "all the multitudes soon In the street of Dullois but few, comparatively, it Is asserted, can Ixi singled nut for a certain ty ns carrying heads freo from all thought of amusement, wiles, tricks, sports and even waywardness, excepting tho silent sentinels In front of tho cloth ing and cigar stores." Tho ('mtrkr ends Its honest confession by saying: "The devil Is In our people and they must be taken care of." Well! Weill! It has been known In Reynoldsvllle'for yonrs that tho dovll had a largo family at DuBols, but up to the present con fession tho Courier has been "winking" ut tho wickedness in that town and would got fighting mad if any othor paper dared even hint that there were naughty people in DuBols. The query wit h The Star Is: What has happened to the ('tmrirr'i Has the editor been taking an active part In church work, or hus ho some fears of being suddenly transported to the placo where daily paiHjrs aro not issued and editors are numbered with the "Angel band?" Didn't Know He Had a Gun. One morning last week as a citizen of this place was standing on tho corner of Main and second streets having a few "words" with his "better half" a stran ger came along and stopped to toll tho man how cowardly it was to quarrel with a woman. Tho Reynoldsville man did not relish tho lesson on politeness, and being much larger than the stranger ho attempted to flog him. Tho llttlo man, however, was too quick for him and landed the first blow, which rolled his opxncnt In the gutter. The enraged man sprang up, drew a rusty revolver from his hip pocket and the stranger bolted. He ran down Second street to tho Sandy Lick, plunged In, swam and waded across, and when last seen wus disuppenring over tho hill west of town. Although the stranger showed considerable nerve to tackle a man larger than himself, yet when ho looked Into the barrel of a revolver his his coiii-ago fled and ho was not long la starting after It, never even looking around to seo If he was pursued. My storo nnd property is for sale, or will sell stix-k and rent the property. Wm. CoPl'ixu. i Bring your job work to this office. .