niPMPil tin Onion. One of the lit'ttltlilpst vegi'lnlilr-g tt tho onion; yet, strniige to miy, very frnr pooplp nno It 11 llliernlly ns they nlioitld. U'iIKmI onions used frpiif ntly In a fnmlly of children will wnnl of ninny of the (IIsphni'S to which tlio llttlu ones are HtiliJ'H't. The principle objection to the prntnls. etious use of thl v win Me I tlint tin odor exhaled nfter eating la no offen sive. A nip of strong roffop taken Inline dlntoly after eittlng I claimed to bo ex cellent In coimteriii'tliiK till effect. Although for n day or ho nfter entlng onion the breath may liavp a tllxngroe nblo odor, yet nfter till iltno it will bo tmicli sweeter tlian before. Tor croup onion poultice nro used with success, providing the clillil Is kept out of draughts and a Hidden chill voided. Tho poultice ore mnde by warming the onion In gome oil until oft, then putting them on the child's feet end chest ns hot a they can lis borne. Except In very obstinate cases, when taken in time, the croup readily yield to onion. Tul, although an old fashioned rem edy, I a trood one, a any mother who has brought tip n family of children can attest. Onion are excellent blood purifier, and for eradicating boll or any of the blond humor nre very elll.'nelou. They are good for tho complexion and a friend who ha a wonderfully clear, fine complexion attribute It to the lib eral use of onion a food. I'eoplo suffering from nervous trouble nre much benefited by using these vegetables frequently, elthei cooked or raw. When troubled with a bard cough. It a raw onion is eaten the phlegm will loosen almost Immediately, and can be removed with very little effort Those troubled with wakefulness may Insure a good night's rest often If, Just before) retiring, they cat a raw onion. There are few aches to which chil dren are subject as hard to bear and a painful a earache. One of the best remedies we know of In to take out the heart of an onion (a red onion Is the best if It can be had, although, lacking till kind, any other can be used) and roast It. When soft put It Into the af fected ear as hot as It can be borne. L'nles the cause Is deeper than ordi narily the pain will cease In a very short time and will not return. If the angels keep up with tho fash ions, they are wearing their wing this year on their beads Instead of ou their shoulders. Tobacco VMr'i Sure Throat. It's SO common that every tobacco user has nn Irritated throut Hint gradually (level ops Into n wrious comllitoo, frequently eon sumption, and It's thd kind of s ioro'thront that novt-r gets well as Icing ns you use to bacco. Tho tobacco bnhlt, sore throat ami lost manhood cured by No-To-lluc. Hold nnd guaranteed to cure by Druggists everywhere. Book, titled "Don't Tobacco Bpit or Hmoke Vour Lit" Away," fp-o. Ad. Htorllug Item, dy Co., New iork City or Chicago. Te demise t'e sirstem Effectually yet gently, when costive or billons, or when the blood Is Impure or per manently euro habitual constipation, to awok en tho kidneys nnd liver to a healthy activity, without Irritating or weakening them. In dis pel headaches voids or fevers, use Hyrup of Hus. 8. K. C.bnrn, Star.. ("Hrle Sc-itt, writes ! 14 1 find Hull's Catarrh Cum a vuluuulu remedy." DnH'ci-ts sell It, 7-V Your Health Denends Upon pure, rich, healthy blood. Therefore, see that your blood Is made pure by Hood's Sarsaparilla The only true blood purifier prominently In the public aye today. Got only Hood's. If.-Jt. nill art harmoniously with nUUII rllia Hood's Sarsupurllla. 25c, r v uu $16aF For thU f1rt(lfiM T1lti Arm Much In hvyreil, frtlKht I'niii in vour n. arel railroad sine inn. 'i he reari i ni clirap made Mnrlilltt. Mil aw"! iifvutii Imv iTiw, iHiin io naf Miithlnonii Him market, mii tor niHleilHl.nnlxli.wiTtihitiiifliipnntl fhK quiilll lr lm it" rmi Ho. -J, wintt u rut, M4J S' 4, Itvn drawi,-. M t 7 I N. at-viMi clrnwiTi, Wl. LATAl.tml' J'ltlK .IMI. II latA.NT, Jltt Ciui-k M.iC'hlraiiu, 111. 4i rrT AGENTS Make JCJJ SJ Money Soiling SchrAso'M $1,000,000 Xllicu.zxx.ra.tlo Cure. On." MPM atllli4dX. Bf!( GOOD Whvf Iif'il HMti ai liiHt i-rany atviut U: Ii'n tlino laK Writ in-lny. KWANMON IMI Kl'. IMATIU CLICK Kl.. 167 Uwuoiii t cnlemu. B Ann I v Tnliml c rt I1IIUIU B LUU If tt'i.i tor niihyni II W r liu IiIinmI, ih ivliiK hh uy itni'lt'H, if lli)tetitn, nlimv kln. nv njvlug n trcnh, rowy color tn the t-. Ii m nouilrliliikt to tho i,vhtt'in. Will t int lypi-)ttlu. miui Iu tnrT'iun. t'ttutainn iio (tii, i n ttrund Itlootl I urtfyit'K tonic. 1 will wim itit xiv it to (inyoiit ttf il. Atltlrt-M . M. C'OJ J, liuk biuux City, low, 'Alt alilVlCM Usl In lIBtflltaiLlllV of Mcmon. im'uU I or luwutorri liulilt. or Uuw tugut ir ASK YOUR DRUQQIST FOR THE BEST FrOoOO INVALIDS JOHN CARLB 50N8. New York. M CUHtii WniHt AU list FAJL&. I I d Best Couth byrup. Tal Ouod. Vse I I INDUSTRIAL SITUATION. MR CARNEGIE'S VIEW. The Country on ths Threshold of Revolution. BIS In speaking of existing conditions and ths Improvement thnt has rnintly bsoa experl enocd, Mr. Andrew t'nrnngle Is quoted ss bavluii snld recently iu Nnw York; 'Tlio country nt lnri?e does not renllze the boom which tins tieeii etnrteil lu the Industrlnl world. Iron nnd steel mills all over tnc country luiveooiitrnatml their lull enpneity (or tovurnl months ahead, and many are actimlly iiimhle to Inks additional orders. Hliicn the bulk of those contracts wre book ed there bus been nn advancx ol fifty oeuls In put Iron. Cousuinxrs will llud this tall that they will tre unable to place orders a the entire capacity ol ths mills of ths oountry will be occupied. 1 no country Is on the threshold ot the biKest revolution In bust line It bns ever experienced and It is not loiitf wny oft." 1 he Iron Trade Iteylnw, of Cleveland bns titllhed a number ol Interviews with some ol the Inritest and mm prominent manu facturer, in the country. In whloh expres sions such ns mails by Mr. Cnrui(l have been made. The Interviews thus published show beyond the shadow ol s doubt tbatthere has been nnd still In prosjre-s a KHnernl and widespread improvement In coudltlous Kenernlly, which far exceeds the expectations and most saniiulne hopes ol those who have been watching closely ths trend ol the times. AN INDUSTRIAL ALLIANCE. Between American and Foreign Glass Workers Is Proposed. The Americas Window Ulass Worker's As sociation has token ths preliminary steps to wards ths lormation of sn International fed eration of ths wludow Iflnss workers of the world, by menus of which. It Is hoped, to pro tect and advanse the interests ol tnose lu all countries where the Industry thrives. At the oomlutf convention of the American associa tion to be held In l'lttsburg beiflnulng July 8, this proposition will probably be mnde one ol the most Important to be cousldered, sud nn alliance with the orgnuizud workmen ol Del glum and Franco will be negotiated. A strike baa been In progress in Ilelglum for several weeks, and the Americnu workmen desire to ascertain the true status ot the trouble, with the object of giving the foreigners fluanclal assistance. An alliance such as Is now pro posed, existed between the workmen ol America and Ilelglum for s number of years, but lost Its identity some time ngr, because ot the withdrawal ot tue Americans. LABOR MOTES, Labor questions in Itussls ars decided by a Judicial process ol even banded Justice be tween employer and employed. Iu the cose ol s strike the party who hits broken the la bor contract Is Imprisoned. If an employer Dude it ueccessary to reduce the rate ot wngos or to dismiss s inrge number ol workmen, he sends private information beforehand to the Uoveruor and factory Inspector, who endeav or to llud employment for ths discharged workmen. The Warren Foundry snd Machine Company ot l'lillllpsburg, N. J., hare notified their 000 employes that, commencing July 1, they will receive an advance ol lu per cent, on their wages. The foundry has an abundance ol orders on band, with prospects ol continu ance lor the ensuing year. In ao agreement for the arbitration ot strikes recently adopted in England each side is to make s doposit ol niouey, which shall be forfeited on failure to keep the agree ment. The arrangement seems an effective means a! making terms of arbitration bind ing. Ths Florence Iron snd Steel Company, recently reorganised at Cleveland, O., have leased the old Worsen iron works, wuien were shut down while beiug leased by the Kiudlay llolling Mill company, snd have re sumed opetatious with s force of 30. For the first time In two years, tho White Eewing Machine company, ol Cleveland, U., Is operating all the departments ol Its factory on lull time ten hours a day. Employment lsuow given to SOU men, a large increase over a lew montus ago, A striking evidence ol returning prosperity is sgriculture is given in the statement that sn extraordinary number of the "ubaudonud farms lu the state ot Mulue have become oc cupied this spring by tenants who appear io be permuuent ones. Alter an Idleness of sovorul months tho filant ol theKeystoue Iron company ut Kjud ua, I'tt., has been put in operation, with Vit men employed. The Heyiert rolling mills, Idle two years, have also been started up ou full time. Employment Is now given to 4,290 persons by the l'ennsylvuuta bteel Company at Its plant at Hteeiton, I'a., which Is within a Luudred of the largest number ever employ ed by this oompauy. The Norfolk snd Western miners' strike Is dragging along without much change. The m-n seem determined to hold out, nnd the operators show little Inclination to forue mut ters. The Keystone Iron Works rolling mill In lieuding, l'tt.. bos resumed operations after an Idleness ol three years, in consequence of which employment has boon given to oyer ISO bauds. The Lockbart Iron and Steel Company has Mumml operations with new men at its Mo Keo's Rocks plant, where s strike was Inau gurated about six weeks ago. The Rome Cotton-tie Company, at Home, Go., which has been Idle for mora than two f ears, has been put in active operation, giv ug employment to 200 persons. Ths large steel plant of the Wellman Iron and bteel Company, at Thurlow, I'a., after a long season of idiuuess, will be put la opera tion this week. Every mining district In West Virginia ex eept along the Norfolk nud Western Jtallrond where the strike is still in progress, reports business Improving. More than four thousand men will bs af fected by the wage restoration of ten pel lent, to be made next week by ths Pennsyl vania meet company. Wages have gone up ten per cent In the chain factory of James McK iy A Co., Flits burg, I'a., during the past week. The Otis steel company put Its plsnt at Cleveland, O., on double turu lost week, giving employment to 500 men. The ton mill blast furnace, ol ths Wheeling Bteel and Iron Company, Wheeling, W. Va., has resumed operations after long idleness Ths Cherokee Zlne Company, of Pittsburg, Kansas. Idle lor mors thai) two years, tans started its plant. Forty-six JJorsss Burned. : Fire broks out shortly aftor mldulcht Is the rear part of the livery stable of Kell A Co., at 8'JH-U Filth avenue, Pittsburg, and before it was irotten under control, the prop erty and adjbiuluu buildings were destroyed. On the second? Hour were stabled 61 horses of Ihewt ouly Ave were gotten out Of the 4u horses burned to death, were owned by hell ft Co., and the others were the property of Ouklund residents who bourded them there. A number ol carriages and other ve hicles were turned. Kell fc Co. place tbeli total loss at tlS.OOOi fully lusurad. Ths loss sustained by privat Individuals, whose horses wets destroyed, Is put at $3,000. NEWSY GLEANINGS. A cornnr In camphor Is reported. Chins promises s big crop of ten. The Napoleon fad shows signs of fn Una?. Rnuth Australia Is having s buslnass re vival. Hot winds nro damaging the crops of the Northwest. Mount Vesuvius Is In s Bints of violent eruption sgnln. Itussln Is to estnhitsh a permanent lega tion at the Vatican, Home. Commissioners from Mosquito snk Colom bia to annex tho reservation. Tim passenger rates from Chicago to Bt. Louis have been reduced to 4. Ths Oermans are hnvlng a lively time sup. pn-ssliig the Cameroon uprising. Tho Rnlvntlon Army officers of Chatta nooga, Tonn., all ride the bicycle. Therm ars 17,000 or 1,000 penplo In ths Dew district just anunxnd to Now York City. The Lake street elevated road, Chicago, decided to discard steam and adopt eleo trlclty. Cattlemen In Argentina, sre contracting to deliver dressed oxen lu Liverpool at too per 700-pound carcass. About 100,000 cases of Columbia Itlver salmon have been IkiukM f"r the l)rltlh Isles this soamiii, as against 30,000 Inst year. Thers have been so many tourists nt Jerusalem this yenr that many preferred tents outside the walls to the crowded hotels. The Michigan Legislature fulled by Just s tie vote in the House to pass a law restoring cnpltul punishment for murder In the degree. The Bt. Louis United Elevator Companr find that Its elevators are short iMHI.IHK) bushels of wheat, nnd nobody can account for Its disappearance. It Is becoming each day a morn serious problem fort tie Navy Department to man our new shlis with the small number of sailors allowed by law. Tho cherry crop of Ranta Clara County, California, tills year will exceed 0,000,00) poiiu'ls, an Increase of nearly two million pounds over last year, A Chicago butcher has broken the record lor siioedy cattle dressing. With a helper ho succeeded lu killing and dressing a stoer iu live minutes and seventeen seconds, Duron De Wnrdener had his elbow smashed by a Uroadway cable car In New York City some time ago. Ho sued for damages and bos just received s verdict of 125,000. The Postmaster an J Assist'iut Postmaster of Heavy. Laurel County, Ky.. brothers-lii-law, too, had a light lu which both of them were Instantly killed. Jealousy turulxhud the motive. Qunn Ylck Nam has been trying to Park hurst Chinatown, In New York City, ami he Is now in trouble, as the leading gamblers there have offered the highbinders a reward for his head. It Is estimated that between four and five million pounds of wool will be shipped from Casper, Wyoming. Bhenrlng commenced there about April 1, tho shearers being paid at the rate ol seven cents ier fleece. It Is reported that Frank E. It. Woodward, who went to Cuba to join the revolutionists determined to "make a reputation or die In the nttemtd," has realized Ills ambition. He was killed In the fight at lloca de Dos Itlos, where Marti fell. The ravage of chinch bugs In tho wheat fields of Eastern Kansas have become so de structive that tho farmer of many counties are applying to professor Hnow. Chancellor of the Htnto University, requesting lilin to send them Infected bugs with which to stop the work ol destruction. Iter. Dr. John Hall, of New York Cltv, When tho Prenhytorluii Deneral Assembly asked for 1,000 INKI, Hturted the fund b'v Huliseriblng the tlOOO saved by the death of the Income tax, and urged all Presbyterians to contribute the amount of the tax which they would otherwise have puid. Prominent People. Dr. Farkbtirst bos sailed for Europe. The Marquis of Lorne Is going to writs the libretto of an opera. Tho Empress of Austria is subject to fre liient fits of insanity. The German Emperor has again taken to riding before breakfast. The King of Blum in his state attire Is worth more thun tl,000,000. Krupp, the German gun manufacturer, pays ail income tax ol two, 000 a year. The dignified Chnrles Francis Adams bowl ing along on a bicycle Is one of the sights of uosion. A recent suit In New York discloses thnt Ihe late Henry r).lvos,"Nupoloon of Finance," left 43'J0. Joseph H. Choiitu's fee for arguing against the Income tax before the Hupreuie Court was 1 150,000. The bicycle of the Khedive of Egypt Is a gorgeous maehlne, almost entirely covered with silver platl;. Governor Greeuhalge has vetoed morn bills than any other Massachusetts Uoveruor within the memory of man. General von Ilanneken, who has played so great a part in the Jupnu-Chinese war, is on Lis wuy buck to bis home in Germany. It Is said that in spite of all the talk aboug Governor Altgeld's abuse ot the panionlut Cower he has pardoned fewer criminals than is predecessor. Prince Bismarck, by bis physlcian'sadvlce, declined nn invitation from the Emperor to attend the opening of thu liultio Canal, It Is said that the Marquis of Queonshorry gives uway more lu proportion to his menus than any other man iu the British peerage. Plancon, the French baritone, proposes to become an American citizen. He likes the United States nud expects to Invest most ol his suvlugs iu luud here. Edmund O. Hops, ex-United Rtates Senator from Kansas, whose vote saved AndrewJobn son from iiuK iioliiiieiit, is uuw a job printer lu Albuquerque, New Mexioo. Henator Hoar has hail tho following sign placed ou his grounds lit Asnobumskt, Miihs.i 'Notice You Are Welcome, iluild No Finis, Bring No Uuns, and Pull Up No Flowers by the Hoots," Baron Do Wnrdener hud his elbow smashed by a Broadway cuble oar in New York City some time ago. lie sued for damages and bus Just received a verdict of 25,000. Postmaster-General Wilson, who soldom smoked before be was forty, has become an Inveterate smoker. Hecretary Morton, on the other band, has given up the habit, Director-General Davis is about to make bis official report of the World's Fair. It will oonsist of 10,000 pages ol type-written matter and 8000 uumouuted photographs. It will not be published, uuless Congress puts up the money. Congressman Coggswell, of Massachusetts, who died recently In Washiugtou, Lad a re markable career in the army during the Civil War. Before his twenty-second year be bud risen through the grades of Captain, Lieu-teunnt-Colouul una Colonel to that ol Brlgu-dior-Ueueral. ' Killed His Mother-ln-Lsw. Joseph Wastgate, ot Lauaostur, Pa., an Ironworker, 42 years old, shot aud Killed his mother-in-law, Mrs. Curistiaua Hsubrigbt, aged 01 years Monday ulght. He theu shot himself lu the bead, iufllaUugwbal m prove a futui wound. Because of his dnukln ; Wastitate's wif bud iroue to bersioiiurs laklug the oblldruu. lis culled luerdut u g it men uis muuier-iu-iaiv ut tue uuor na, suofi oer, sayiug. i uave uud tay reveu, d tay reveus" it, tbs 15-ve.o May Belle Crycb eld. tbs lfi.rear.nld a, Loula heiress, who disappeared a few dayi U40. has beeu found lu u oouveut wlurs slit went voluntarily, bus refuses to leave. OWE SCALE ADOPTED Wans List for Iron and Bteel Sheet Mills Arranged, A scale for ths union sheet Iron mills ol the United Rtntes was agreed upon at Pitts burg Thursday. J. G. Battelle ol the Manufacturers' as soclatlon was nppolntcd to give out the now ot the conference. All other conferees were prohlMted Ireeilom of speech upon the sub ject, lu telling of the results ot the confer ence, Mr. llattelle said: "Gentlemen a scale lor the sheet lion mills of the United Htntei bus been formulated ami adopted by ths conference commutes of the Association ol Iron and Hheet H eel manufacturers nnd tbs Amalgamated association, to be in effect In the Iron and steel sheet mills of ths United Htntrs and to govern the wages of the work men In such mills for the scale years lH'J5-0fl beginning on July I. "The scale provides the snme waies ns are now In effect In the mills, but the workmen nre Immediately to receive an advnnca In the selling price ol sheets. 1 cannot say whnt II Is, but It has been sureed upon. Whsn the prh e of the sheets goes past that selling price wanes ol Ihe workmen will be ndvnuced ac cordion to a if I ven ratio.'' It wns nflerwnrds lenrned the rntlo referred to was the same proportion as the one gov erning the present bar Iron scale. This Ii the II rst time tbe bar Iron scale bas not been the basis ol tbe scale for the sheet mills. Inasmuch ss Ihe price ot sheets is steadily ndvnnslng. the workmen hnve hopes ol gain ing their old wages tiuder tbs present scale WHEAT AND CORN. Rsport of ths Weather Bureau for ths Past Week. Tbs weather bureau, In Its report of croj, conditions for ths week ended June 17, lays: Ths past week has boon generally favor able to crops, except In the states ot ths Ohio Valley, New York and portions of New Eng land, where rain Is much needed, nnd drought Is becoming serious In some sec tions. "Harvesting ol winter wheat has become general, except over the northern portion of the winter wheat belt, where It will begin this week. In Oklahoma and Houthern Kan sas harvesting has irnen completed, llenorts from ths Dakotas Minnesota aud Iowa ludl aate the outlook for spring wheat, which Is now beginning to head. Is excelleut, "Corn continues In excellent condition la southern states, and la growing rapidly In Kansas, Nebraska, lows and Wisconsin, and while the crop is generally doing well else where, It would tie Improved by ralu In the states ol tbe Ohio valley. CROPS IN EUROPE. Generally Good Ezospt tn Husela, 8we , den and Norway. The following reports on ths condition of European crops, at tbe end ot May, have been received by ths department ol agricul ture. Great Brltlnn, bay light, cereals good. Francs, wheat crop. 200,001,000 bushels; other crops fairly good. Germany, wheat averaire, rye abort. Austria-Hungary, cereals scarcely an average, lloumuula, generally good. Hussla, generally unsatisfactory) frosts and floods. Sweden nnd Norway, wheat aud rye poor; season yery late. Italy, good average crops. Belgium aud Holland, good average crops. Hpalu, crops generally an average. lteports Irom Buenos Ay res state that the maize crop of Argentine republic will be phenomenal aud will astonish Europe as m-jch as the wbest crop did last year, Tbe wheat orop is about the average. Scotch-Irish In Session. Ths seventh nnnunl session ol ths Scotch Irish Society ol Americs convened in congress nt Lexington, Va., Friday. The congress was called to order by Hubert Bonner, its president, ot New York. Judge Mcl.nughlln, rector ol the Uulverslty, introduced tbe ora tor of the day, Governor O'Ferrall, of Vir ginia, who extended welcome to ths society. Mr. Bonner replied. Dr. Joseph 8. Mcintosh, of Philadelphia, explained the object of tbe society, which he said is ol non-seclarlan nature, and threw much light on (the organisation. Joseph A. Waddell delivered tbe historic address nt the day, discussing the settlement of the Valley of the Hhenaugo by the Hcotcb-Irish people. The official body ot Washington and Lee University held a public reception for the congress at nignt. Declined an Honorary Dezree. Wllberforce University, the oldest institu tion in the country lor the education of ne groes, conferred the deuron of I.L. D. upon President Cleveland. The Pre-ddont has sent nn autograph letter to President Mitchell, of Wllberforce, declining the honor. Wllber force Uulverslty is couduoted under the aus pices ol tbe Afrlcnu Methodist rhuruh, and was founded by Bishop D. A. Payne. The Presldeut bas receutly suown tna Institution favors, aud It was iu return for these favors that tbe university desired to confer upon bim the honorary decree. Tbe President, in bis letter, is snld to have expressed bis high aiipreclntiou ot the institution, but, not twins a college graduate, nud having declined a similar houor from one of America's greatost universities, be regarded it ns but consistent to adhere that course. Against Union Labor. The supreme court of Missouri deolsred unconstitutional the law forbidding the dis charge by corporations of employes who re fuse to sevur tueir connection witu labor or ganizations. This law was enacted two years auo and provides pennltlos ranirinir Irom a flueof t5o to 1,000 and six months Imprisonment. The court holds that this is class legislation. A uon-unlou man could be discharged without notice and the law would not interfere, while a union man could not be discharged if bis discharge was based upon bis connection with a uulon. The Government bns demanded that Rpali immediately pay the Mora claim ol 41,501), 0JO, or measures will be taken lor Its collec tion. A IliK MlHtufce. The biggest uiistuko aud tte funniest I ever know a merchant to nuike wns when one of ray friends concluded to spend $70 to linve Illustrated Blgns painted on fences and barns In the country. Tlio pictures were all humor ous and In colors, to bo painted on a white background. One was a bullfrog reaching out after a bug; another a dog, catching a fellow by tho sent of his pants, and another a snake nnd a bird, a sort of a take-off on the "early bird catches the first worm." Well, the painter used whitewash, and cheap colors. After tho first rain tbe bull frog picture and the words of tho ad vertisement got wonderfully blended together, and the bull dng was made to chow the advertiser's name Instead of the other fellow's trousers; at least that Is tho way the blur tiiado It ap pear. After the second ruin there was only a vague sort of nn Indication of an advertisement, the' water having washed out some words and letters and leaving others untouched. Tor lu stance, tlio lino "Purchase your Hug gles" on ono sign appeared as "Chuso our Bug." Farm Machinery. mittlnff Horse's Nostrils. Rlltting a horse's nostrils Is still prac ticed In some pnrts of the world, ns In l'prsls, Mongolia, and even In .Northern Africa: ftnd pontes with slit nostrils ara often seen In the Himalayas and In Af ghanistan. This mutilation Is resorted to In the erroneous belief that the horse) can Inhale more air when going at a fast pace, and also that It prevents neighing a disqualification of much Importance during war, or when It Is desirable to travel as silently as possi ble. It was practiced In Hungary not long sgo, If we are to accept ns evi dence tho copy of a finished sketch of a horse's head, by the celebrated Zof fanl, given In Col. Hamilton's work on horses. It Is rather surprising that the fashion wns not renewed In England, for two or three centuries ago, to pre vent a horse neighing, It wos recom mended to tie a woolen band around the tongue. Markhnm snys: "If either when yon nre In service In the wars and would not be discovered, or when upon any other occasion you would not hnve your horse to neigh or make a nolsa, you shnll take a lyste (band) of woolen cloth, and tye It fast In many folds about the middle of your horse's tongue, and believe It, to long as the tongue Is so tyed, so long ths horse can by no means nnlgh or make any extraordinary noise with his voice, ns hath often been tried and approved of." A very barbarous and useless opera tion for the prevention of stumbling In horses wns fashionable toward the end of the seventeenth and beginning of the eighteenth centuries; this was the ex posure of the tendon of a muscle that assists In dilating the nostrils, and twisting It round two or three times, when It Is divided. "In doing this you shall see the horse bring his hinder legs to bis fore legs almost, when you have thus pulled and turned the sinew two or three times." Bitch a statement will glvo some Idea of the pain the animal experienced during the senseless opera tion. The Nineteenth Century. Too Htrong. The tobacco raised In Tteloochlstsn ts exceedingly strong and cannot be smoked by any but the most vigorous of white men. The natives do not ap pear to be Affected by It. After a woman has been In love three or four times, her heart becomes pet rified. fr $ "f ir t f COOK BOOK FREE. Every housekeeper wants to know the best things to eat, and how to prepare them. "The Royal Baker and Pastry Cook." Contains One thousand useful recipes for every kind of cooking. Edited by Prof. Rudmani. New -York Cooking School. Free by mail. Address (writing plainly), mentioning this paper, ROYAL BAKING POWDER CO. 106 Wall Street, N. V. fr $ $ -fr Ret Ho Convenient. Physicians Indor-e Klpans Tubules by nre Scribliitf tbe remedies tbey (ouIhIii, hut in form uot so convenient. Inexpensive uud ac curate as lu it Ids us Tabules, Mrs. Wlnslow's Poothlns Hyrnp for rhllilren I leetiiing. sortens the kuiiis. reduces inrinrnn liou. allays pain, cures wind colic. 5 o. a bottle The floriculturists of New York met and organised a trust to control tbe (lower trade ol the city. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-IIoot rnres all Kidney nnd Kluilder troubles. Pamphlet and consultation free. Laboratory liliigbanipton, N.Y. Tbe Dirlgo Telepone Company bns sold out to tbs liell telephone monopoly. If nffllcted with soreeyesuse Dr. fsaneTbomp sou's tie-water. DruuKistsscUatjc per bottle We think IMso's Curo for Consumption is the only medicine r 'oughs. Iknmk 1'isk- MAHU, l-prllltfllclil, ills., October I, I MM. Work begins this week of tearlne down the rookeries on "Mulberry Lend," in New York, lor tbe new publlo park. OTHERS recovering from the illness at tciuliiiK child birth, or who suf fer from the ef fectsof disorders, derangements and displace ments of the wo manly organs, will find relief and a permanent cure in Dr. Tierce's Favorite Prescription. Taken during pregnancy, the " Prescription " HAKES CHILDBIRTH EASY by rirepuring the system for parturition, thus assisting Nature and shortening "labor." The painful ortleal of child birth is robbed of its terrors, and the dunirers thereof ereatlv lessened, to both mother and child. 1'he period of con- . nnemetit ts niso jjreatiy siiorteneu, me mother strengthened and built up, and an abundant secretion of nourishment for the child promoted. t M U 44 "Don't Hide Your Light Under a Bushe!." That's Just Why ne Talk Abaut APOL A Slave From llnjlicol. (From tin Jlett W'iiiir, Minn., Rrpnb!ican "I am now twenty-four years old," said Edwin Swanton, of White Itock, Goo Itaus County, Minn., to ifnnUwas repre :itBe live, "and ss you can see lam not very largs of stature. When I was eleven years old I became nfnleted with s sickness which bate fled the skill and knowledge ot thephynl'-ian, I was not taken suddenly ill but on tiin con trsry I can hardly state the. exact time v';a It began. The first symptoms were pnii s la my back and restless nights. Thedls'je Old not trouble me much at first, bu' It teemed to have sett led In my body to May and my bitter experience during tilt lust thirteen years proved that to be the rase. I was of course a ohlld snd never dreamcl of ths suffering In store for me. I eompla'nel to my parents snd they concluded t.rt: la time I would outgrow my trouble, but ..ion ihey heard me gronnlng during my sleep they became thoroughly alnrmed. Me li-.-al advice was sought but to no avail; I grew rapidly worse snd was soon nnable to move stiout snd finally became confined com inn ally to my lied. The best doctors tlist could be had were consulted, but did notliing for me. I tried various kinds of extensively ad. vert I sod patent medicines with but the rams resnlt. "For twelve long years I wns thus s suf ferer In constnnt ngony without respite, shscesses formed on my body in rapid suc cession nnd the world Indeed looked very dark to me. About this time when all hops wns gone nnd nothing seemed left but to re sign myself to my nvist bitter fate mv atten tion was called to Dr. Williams' Piiik Pills for Pale People. Like n drowning tnnn grasping si s straw. In slieerdesperatlon I con cluded to make one more attempt not tore gain my health (I dare not to hope so much) but If possible to esse my pain. '1 bought s box ot tbe pills snd t'ie Seemed to do me good. I felt encour.ieij nnd continued their use. After tnkltm- sis boxes I was up aud able to walk aroii-. l tbs house. I bnve net felt so well lor thirteen years ns during the nt year. Only one year have 1 tnken Dr. Williams' Pinlt I ills snd I am aide now to do chores and a iend to light i uties. "Do I hesitate to 1st you publish wlmt I have said No. Why should IV It is th i truth and I nm only too glad to let other suf ferers know my experience. It may he those whose cup of misery is ss full to-di ss mine was In the psst." Dr. Williams' Pink Pills contain, In a cc- . densed form, all the elements necessary ,j give new life and richness to the blood and restore shattered nerves. They are a so Specific for troubles peculinrto females, mieh as suppressions. Irregularities and all forms of weakness. Theyluild up the Mood, and restore the glowof health to pale nnd sallow cheeks. In men they effect a radical cure in si I cases arising from mental worry, over work or excesses of whatever nature. Pink Pills are sold In boxes (never In loose bulk) at 60 cents a box or six boxes for and may be had of all druggists, or direct by mail from Dr. Williams' Medicine Coimnuy, Bcbenectady. N. V. fr fr 'fr $ $ f $ "J ! $ $ "fr r TheOreatest riedlcal Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery. DONALD KENNEDY, OF ROXBURY, MASS., Bas discovered In ens ot our common pasture weeds s remedy that euros every kind c I Humor, from ths worst Scrofula sown to a common pimple. Ue bas tried It In ovsr eleven hundred eases, and never failed except in twoenses (both thundsr humor). He has now la bis possession over two hundred certify cates of IU value, stl within twenty mils Of Boston. Bend postal card for boo c A bsneflt Is always experienced from tbs first bottle, and a perfect oure Is warrant When tbe right quantity Is taken. When the lungs are affected It causes shooting pains. Ilk needles passing through them i the same with the Liver or Bowels. This Is caused by the ducts sing stopped, and always disappears la week after taking It. Bead the label. If the stomach Is foul or bilious It will Sense squeamish feelings at II rst No change of diet ever nscessarr. Eat the best you can get, and enough of lb Cose, one tablespoonful in water at bed time, bold bv oil Druu-L-uta L EWIS' 98 LYE f owdercd and Ftrfumtd, - (rTmnTmo.i Tb trfwioM' and vumt LYS made. Unlike other Lva. (t bain a flaa powder and packet In a can with rtfmorabla lid, tha con ant art aiwwyi rvatly for um. Will aak tna 6st fxtrtumad Hard Soap tn Mi nilnuws wtfe.ur buihg. It lath brat for eltanlnf waaia plpaa. dla lulWUug ainka, uloaaia, waaalaf botU4u, palom, trrea, ate. jfcMA.tAi,T nva. co. tian. Aata.. Phi.,, Va. IV ron liriflAT WORK aaall aamratf throaa rM I an aarlysipi'Mcattonlur Lornl Agauo to mil im DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS lu kartaara and Wli yuan. Otia atjla wm ahuM la last number this) journal. Anothar win auo a aa ptulurad out, Maaawhlia, wrl a for Hadauaa ilia Book Prta. Divm kakkum bum.. vmo HDM. it)., aula Maufauiui an. tutt W. Lk at ,iHianm O