The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 26, 1895, Image 5

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    it Star
t.'..f........',f .... f A) wi. ifffi !'rf tirv
4'. A. KTHI'll Killtor mid I'nlt.
rvitvrlrv' WmH.
I'liMi'iurcr trtiln nrrlvo nml Irnvn Itryn-
ilrisvlllo ii follows:
Allnlimy Vitllnj JMIwini.
Eastward. Westward.
I nil nil. - (t.14 n. m. tram n, - i.tuii.m,
Train I, - - l.ii" p. m. I ruin x, p. m.
Trulii:i . - AM ii. in. Train 10. - -H.4HII. in.
nrvum.iwvu.i.K powr-orricK.
Mull nrrlvi, mid lenvn the lot -office 114
Arrlvi. Dl'lllirt.
rnoi this whst. ron tii k kast.
I. is p. m. - - ".no p. m.l2.:m p. m - - B.'jop. m.
rmMTiirrsT. nm twm.
i.OO n. m. - 2.i p. m.lMS it. in. - - I. lit p. m.
Arrive from Hntlimi'l nml 1'iwntt villi
11.:mn. m.
Arrive fnim 1'nnli1 Tiii'dnys, Thiirdny
unci Hiitnnliiy at S.: p. m.
Kcpnrt for I'rc-eottvllli', Kiillimrl, I'linle
S.On ii. m.
i unco nnur i.i"' n. ni. ni."' p. m.
Moticv order office oim'II from T.OOn.m.lo
?.:mp. m. Hi-ulster ofhYi' npi-n from " in ii. ni. p. m.
1 ll..llfl.iva fctti, ?lin InRIM tn nml
from n. m. K. T. MrilAW. I. M.
fl little ot Everything.
A liulno ntun nmy meet til Mil
With ri-rttilnty nml cii-e.
If hi- but promp'tly trim hi will
Torntfh tin- fuvorliiK Itrri-n-.
When loaded trnlnii In-nvy grade
An' f'omlntx to n stand,
Tlii'y pull tlx1 throttle open wide
Anil ui' a lit III' hiiimI.
If hunlne wheel nri slipping mix,
If ule prove triiili' deen-asi',
Tn'iit liilne wheel like olhi'f wheel
Apply n little grease.
The "sund" In common iip I tfrlt,
The motive power I "chink,"
The medium, the printer mnn,
Till' "grciiw" Ih prluti'r' Ink.
Tho fire bi'U has come.
One week until tho 4th.
Sun umbrellas at Dooinor Co's.
Attend Gilblom' clearing out sale.
Four-to-the-yard-flags at Deemor fc
Milllren is doing a big business In
Collarett buckles tho finest lino at
Ed. Gimdor's.
For nobby foot wear seo Gilblom tho
llvo shoo man.
There is Homo talk of a brewery belli";
built at DuBols.
Shallles, lawns and iluek dress goods
at Deemor & Co's.
Best shoes, best styles and lowest
prices at Robinson's.
Yon will save money by attending
Gilbloro's clearing solo.
It will be a circus on tho 4th. Como
In and sec, us. Dcomor & Co.
You will mnko big wages by buying
shoes at Gilblom's closing out sale.
Stop and look In tho window at C. F.
Hoffman's and see the blouse, sets.
If you want Bi'ushoIIh carjiet go to tho
Reynoldsville Hardware Co's. store.
Tho Jr. Leagno of tho M. E. church
will hold a picnic In tho Reynolds grove
Fans. Jap, Japanese, Supances and
Amoneso, largo assortment at Deemor
& Co's.
Railing has been put up on tho side
walk In front of Shaffer's property on
Main street.
First-class workmanship Is what you
get If you have your watches repaired
at C. F. Hoffman's.
Tho darktown fire brigade alono will
bo worth coming to Reynoldsvlllo to seo
on the 4th of July.
Tho nicest bread, buns and cakes at
Robinson & Mundorff's. Fresh supply
constantly on hand.
Thf Excelsior band returned from tho
band tournament Friday night without
bringing a prize with thorn.
Milliren' had another big day In
clothing last Saturday, they could not
keep count of the suits they sold.
The financial statomont of the
Wlnslow township school district will
be found in this issue of The Star.
Seven picture agents from Chicago
struck Reynoldsvlllo last Friday
morning, and It rained tho same day.
What good does It do to have your
watch warranted if tho work is not dono
right? C. F. Hoffman can do it right.
DuBols will have two state champion
ship races on July 4th and 5th. The
fastest ridors In tho State will be in
those racos.
It Is very likely the State Editorial
Association will go to Niagara Falls the
week commencing July 8th, for the
summer outing.
The Driftwood Gazette has entered its
nineteenth year. Bro. Earl has had
charge of the paper ten years and issues
a good local paper.
James Schreckengost, a teamster at
Smith's camp, the old Sensor oomp,
and Miss Ray, of Corsica, wore married
on Wednesday of last week.
The postoffloe at Panooast, which was
discontinued six or eight weeks ago, is
to be re-established in a few days. S.
T. Wilson will be the postmaster.
A largo brass key was lost some
where on Main or Fifth street Monday
afternoon. The finder is kindly request
ed to bring the same to The Star
Builders look to your walls. "Ada
mant" is tho perfection of wall plaster
and Is the result of a life devoted to
scientific research. I cau show you an
interesting story about sumo of the
iuilUUuu, II. Alox. Stoke, agent.
Rrussolls rarNt, from a cheap tapes
try to velvet, at tho Reynoldsvlllo Hard
ware Co's. store.
Homo of tho Pittsburg drummers
register at tho hotels as being from
Greater Pittsburg.
.1. ('. King ft Co. are putting down a
cement walk in front of their business
plneo on Main street.
A full stock, good goods and lowest
possible prices tells tho story of Robin
son V Mundorff's Immenso trade.
If you have failed to get a pair of
glasses that suits you, go to C. F. Hoff
ninn and ho will fit you correctly.
Don't forget to call on Ed. Goodor
when your watch Is out of order, as ho
gives you best satisfaction and warrants
all work.
K. M. Ilmwn, James Irvlngand Alex.
Riston started for Hatnmersley Fork,
Potter county, this morning, to fish
three or four days.
The Allegheny Valley Railroad Co.
will sell excursion tickets on July 3rd
and 4th, good for return trip until July
5th, IS!i.1, Inclusive.
When tho street commissioner of
West Reynoldsvlllo gets through with
the work on Broadway tho street will
bo a civil it to tho town.
C. B. French, Frank Reynolds, Am
nion Swart-, and Harry Copping went
to the band tournament at Phtllipsbnrg
last week on their wheels.
The best of goods at lowest prices,
strictly for cash, suitstho people. This
accounts for rush at Robinson fc Mun
dorff's, Centennial building.
Two young ladles at the State Nor
mal at Clarion, Ella Lamb and Ella
Iiiivc, were struck by lightning during
tho electrical storm Monday.
Reynoldsvlllo and Rathmel ball clubs
played a game at Rathmel yesterday
afternoon which resulted In a score of
0-12 in favor of Rathmel club.
Miss iou Foust nssistod In tho post
office yesterday, Postmaster MeGaw
and wife attended tho funeral of Mrs.
McGaw's sister, Mrs. W. C. Bush.
There is something suspicious about a
church member of long standing who
goes about praying as awkwardly as a
bachelor drossln' a baby. Ram's Horn.
If you get your watches repaired at
C. F. Hoffman's it will bo dono right
and don't need to bo warranted. Of
courso wo guaranteo It to be dono right.
Daniol Grulis, a West Reynoldsvlllo
lad, had his left arm broken aliovo the
elbow a few days ago by falling into a
bucket whilo fighting with another
A mini of money was found near tho
West End Hotel Monday. Tho owner
can have it by calling at the tannery
office, proving ownership and paying
for this notice.
Moore & Dickinson are headquarters
for tho world's famous Minnehaha Flour,
tho highest grade patent flour made,
and wo guaranteo evory sack to give
Mrs. W. C. Bush, of Falls Creek,
sister of Mrs. E. T, McGaw, of this
place, died Saturday night and was
buried in tho Beechwoods cemetery
yesterday afternoon.
The Reynoldsvlllo Hardware Co's.
store has a largo lino of samples of
Brussels carpet to select from. If you
want a new carpet call and seo what
they havo to offer you.
Work was begun Monday on rebuild
ing tho Millor & Pifor saw mill In Para
dise Sottlomont that was burned down
on tho lfith Inst. Tho mill will bo equip
ped with tho latest improved machinery.
Imitations is said to bo tho sincoroBt
flattery, but you will find it expensive
to ii8o an imitation of "Adamant
Plaster." A book that will tell you all
about the "right kind" of H. Alox.
Stoko, agent.
Tho girls will again have a chance
next year. It will bo tho last leap year
for eight years. Tho leap years that
fall in the last of a century are not
counted, so there will bo only twenty
eight days in tho February of 1000.
It was expected that at least one
hundred and twonty-flvo peoplo would
go from Rathmel and Reynoldsvlllo to
Ridgway last Friday to attend the K.
of P. reunion, but the rain reduced tho
number so that only nine persons loft
tho two places on tho special train.
Soven mon were put in the lock-up
Saturday evening. Four of them were
fined $12.00 aploce, one $5.00, and two
lot off without being fined. A Hill
street man paid $2.00 for burning brush
on an alley, making the totul fines of
Saturday evening amount to $5.00.
John M. Syphrlt and Miss Mary E.
Allison, of Paradise Settlement, were
in Roynoldsville Monday night and loft
on the early train yesterday morning
for Now York State. When askod if
thoy were going to tho Empire State to
get married tho young man would not
deny it.
Frank O. Suttor wont to Philllpsburg
last week and brought an eight dollar
bicycle lamp home with hlra, which
was offered as a price in a mile bicycle
race. There wero only throe entered
for the race and two of them would not
race when the tinio come and Frank,
who was on tho track ready for tho
spurt, was awarded thu prize.
Last Wednesday morning Mrs. R. D,
Beer sent a beautiful boqtint of roses to
TllR STAR office, which filled our sanc
tum with perfume, for Bevernl days.
Accept our thanks.
Mm. Richard Humphrey, of Derry
Station, Westmoreland county, who
has been with her daughter, Mrs. O. H.
Broadhead, for some time, returned to
her home on Monday.
H. J. Nlckto Invites evorybody to
call at tho Reed building and examine
her stock of all kinds of goods usually
kept In a variety store. Tho goods are
all good quality at reasonable prices.
From tho Llndsey 1'imn wo learn
that, John W. Phllllpl, of Punxsntaw
ney, has been apointed by President
Cleveland as agent for tho L'to Indian
reservation in Colorado, and will leave
for his post of duty In aeonpleof weeks.
Tho West Reynoldsvlllo school Ixinrd
at a meeting on Monday evening elect
ed Claud Hawthorne, of Bellvlew, Pa.,
principal of tho borough schools for tho
ensuing term at a salary of $.V.IN) jter
month. No other teachers were elect
ed. Tho Presbyterian Endeavors of Royn-
oldsvllle and DuBols will hold a picnic
at FallB Creek on Friday. Tho En
deavotvrs from this placo will go to
Falls Creek on a special trnln over tho
Hcynoldsvltle and Falls Creek Rail
road. Mrs. Margaret Mcintosh, of Warsaw,
widow of Henry Mcintosh, died on Fri
day night and was burled In tho Beech-
woods cemotery Sunday. Tho deceased
was alxmt eighty years old. Sho was a
sister of Mrs. Ninlnn Coxr. Her
funeral was a very largo ono.
Prof. T. R. Hlllnrd, who went from
Reynoldsvlllo to tako a position In tho
I'rospeet College, Butler Co., for a
twelvo-weeks term, has just recovered
from a hard tussle of fivo weeks with
typhoid fever. lie was at his homo at
Eauelalro, Pa., during his Illness.
Havo you your property Insured? ThiB
is tho tlmo of year for fires. If you are
not insured don't wait, but call on or
address C. B. French, tho Reynoldsvlllo
insurance agent, at onco nnd get his
rates. Tho bcBt companies represented.
Office, Nolan Block, with G. M. Mc
Donald, lawyer.
In accordanco with its usual liberal
policy, tho Buffalo, Rochester and
Pittsburg Railway will this year soli
excursion tickets for tho 4th of July
holidays, between all station on their
lino, at a slnglo faro for tho round trip.
Tickets will bo sold July 3d and 4th,
good for tho return passago until July
5th, 1 !.-.
Prof. A. .1. Postlethwalt has return
ed from Grove City Collego. Ho ox
pcetB to travel as a book agent for
several months. In caso It may not bo
notice, only by Mr. Postlothwait's
most Intimate friends, wo mention that
he Is making an effort to raise a mus
tache. At present it is difficult to tell
whother ho will succeed or not.
Harry L. Schlablg, of Buffalo, N. Y.,
is visiting his parents in RoynoldBvIllo.
Harry camo on tho train to DuBols and
from there started to rldo his bicycle to
Reynoldsvlllo accompanied by his
brothor, Gettus, who was also on a
"blko." Coming down a hill Gottus'
bleyclo got away from him and ran into
Harry's whool and fixed it for tho re
pair shop.
Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Brown, Mr. and
Mi's. Jas. McCrolght, Mr. and Mrs. G.
W. Palen, Mr. and Mrs. S. T. Doughorty,
Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Elliott, Mrs. H. R.
Johnson, Mrs. G. W. Brumbaugh, Mr.
and Mrs. V. R. Pratt, Mrs. Dr. S. Reyn
olds, and yo editor, of tho Utopia
Society of RoynoldBvIllo, wore royally
ontortalnod by tho Whittlor Club at
tho homo of Chas. Corbott, Esq., in
Brookvlllo last Thursday evening.
Tho Epworth League of Reynolds
vlllo elected the following officers last
Wednesday night to sorvo for six
months: President, C. A. Stephenson;
1st vice-president, Port Harries; 2nd
vice-president, Lola Edder; 3rd vice
president, James Robertson; 4th vlco
president, Magglo Lattlmer; secretary,
George Roller; treasurer, George Englo;
organist, Carrlo Albright: librarian,
John Reddecllff; chorister, S. M. Low
thor. Ellsha Cox purchased thirteen acres
of land adjoining his farm near Sandy
Valley, which he will have laid out in
town lots with tho expectation of build
ing a small town there. Thoro is a
four foot vein of coal in that neighbor
hood which will be opened In the course
ot time and Mr. Cox expects that to
make sales for his town lots. Two Du
Bols mon have already bought one lot
apiece In the new town without a name.
It is likely the place will be called Cox-
S. V. Shlck and wife, M. C. Coleman
and wife, Solomon Shaffer and wife,
Clarence Clover and Miss Barbara
Deemor will go to Brookville to-day to
attend the weeddlng of Byron Mead
Moore and Miss Emma Mablo Deemer,
which will take placo at the home of
tho bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. D
Doomer. The wedding will be a grand
affair. Rev. R. M. Warren, D. V., pas
tor of tho M. E. church, will irforra
tho ceremony. Thursday tho young
couple will start for a wedding Irlii to
Philadelphia and tho sea shore
Have Your Money Ready.
Tho firo company commit tee will call
on tho business men of Reynoldsvlllo
this afternoon to collect tho money
subscribed to help meet the expenses of
preparing to celebrate tho 4t,h of July.
Tho committee kindly requests every
isidy to have their money ready to give
when they call.
Bpectal Meeting.
Tho town council and Hose Co. No. t
held a special meeting In tho council
chamliers Monday evening for the pur
pose of selecting somo plneo to put thu
fire alarm bell that arrived last Wednes
day. It was decided to put tho bell on
tho corner of Main street and the alley
at thoReynoldsvllle Hardware Company
store. A committee was apslnted to
have a suitable place fixed and have
the bell put up as soon as possible.
Will Sue for One Thousand.
Mrs. HBnders and Mrs. Maiden stei
ped off the sidewalk, which is about
five feet high, in front of Solomon
Shaffer's projs.'rty on Main street one
night last week and Mrs. Sanders wus
Injured. Sho proposes to buo tho
borough for one thousand dollars dam
ago. Lawyer Mitchell has tho ease In
hand. He met with tho town council
at a sH'elal meeting Monday evening
and presented tho claim of damngo for
one thousand dollars.
Can be Arrested for Fraud.
In another column of this issue will
bn found an artlelo headed "newspaper
laws" which would bo well for those to
read who are In arrears for their sub
scription to this paper, for In some cases
tho law will be enforced before many
weeks. There are a few people who
owe us throe years sulwcriptiun and we
proposo to enforce the law If needs 1m.
Wo havo no desire to give any ono
trouble and hopo wo will not havo to.
Tho man who takes a paper and refuses
to pay for It can Iw arrested for fraud
and sent to jail.
Hunted All Night.
A Jackson st. lad of tender years was
disobedient last Thursday and was pun
ished for his naughtiness. That after
noon about five o'clock ho left tho
parental roof, accompanied by his dog,
to go anywhere to escape home. When
tho father camo homo from work tho
boy was still absont. After supper a
search was mado by tho father and sov
eral othor mon. They hunted for tho
boy all night and It was not until tho
next morning that ho was found at a
log camp about four miles out of town
along tho Punxsutawney read.
Populists Convention.
Tho Populists of Jeffoi-son county
hold n convention In tho K. of K. hull
In Reynoldsvlllo last Thursday after
noon. County Chairman Perry pre
sided. Tho convention elected J. B.
Censor, of Llndsey, as delegato to State
convention to bo held In Williamsport
on July 4th. Mr. Censer wus instruct
ed to inform tho Statu convention that
tho Populists of Jefferson county aro
opposed to narrowing down tho Omaha
platform. Ho is also to consult the con
vention in regard to gutting a suitable
man to put up for Judgo for Jefferson
county. Chairman Perry resigned and
J. N. Baughman, of this placo, was
elected county chairman, with power to
appoint committeemen when vacancies
occur. There was no nominations mndo
for county o!liceB. Tho convention ad
journed to moot at call of county chair
man. Electrical Pranks.
During the heavy storm that visited
Reynoldsvlllo about noon on Monday
two houses wore struck by lightning,
Jos. S. Morrow's, in this placo, and R.
W. Miller's, in West Reynoldsvlllo.
Neither houso was much damaged.
Lightning struck ono of tho flues In tho
main part of J. S. Morrow's houso and
knocked off a half dozen bricks and
that was tho only damage visible to tho
flue or thut part of the houso, but the
sink In tho kltchon, which Is in tho ex-
tremo end of the wing of tho house,
ww) torn out. Mrs. Morrow was work
ing at the sink and had just stepped
away for something whon the light
ning demolished tho sink. Mi's. Mor
row received a slight shock. Tho light
ning struck ono end of Mr. Miller's
houso and mado tho shingles and
weather boarding fly and set the houso
afire. Men from tho tunnory soon put
out the firo.
Polish Jubilee.
A number of Polunders were having
a hilarious tlmo at u house near the
company store Saturday night drinking
beer, dancing, fighting, swearing,
firing revolvors, &o., until tho civil
ized neighbors could stand the racket
no longer and sent for tho police. The
police went to the scene of debauchery
and tried to disperse tho disturbed of
the peace. Four of the Polandors
would not koop qulot and proposed to
defy the officers. Ono burly follow was
bo unrully that the mace had to be
liberally applied before he could be
controlled. He took tho mace from
one of the pollcemon and tore all the
buttons off his coat. The Polander had
to be taken to the doctors office and it
took the doctor about ono hour and a
half to stitch and dress his wounds be
fore ho was put in the lock-up. One
policeman would havo had no business
with tho Polandor. Tho four Poland
ors wore locked up and had to pay $12.00
apiece for defying tho officers.
Reynoldsville Will Celebrate the Olorioua
Fourth In Orand Style.
Great preparations are being mado to
celebrate IndeMindenee Day in Reyn
oldsvlllo In a manner becoming a live
town. Full sheet posters havo boon
Mwted in various places announcing
somo of tho doings at this place. From
theso large poster we get tho follow
ing notice: Tho great and only Fore
paugh's circus will bo outdone at Reyn
oldsville on tho grand and glorious 4th
of July. An Immenso program has
been arranged and will bo conducted
under tho auspices of Hose Co. No. 1.
There will 1m a parade In the forenoon
In which brass and martial bands, civic
societies, hose companies, darktown
fire company, etc., will participate.
Bicycle, hose, foot, wheelbarrow and
sack races for which liberal prizes will
bo offered. Tho display of firo works in
tho evening will lie the grandest ever
seen In tho city. An elegant dinner
will 1x3 served In tho G. A. R. hall from
1 1. .'10 A. M. to 2.00 p. M. by tho lioso
company. A platform for dancing will
be erected near tho Hose rooms) where
those who care to can trip tho light fan
tastic during tho afternoon and even
ing. NoexX'nse or trouble has been
spared to make a great success of this
celebration. Thoso who miss coming
to Reynoldsvlllo will regret it.
Miners' Mass Meeting.
Tho first of last week the B., L. &
Y. C. M. Co. drew sixty men out of tho
Spraguo mlno and Bhut the Hamilton
down indefinitely, throwing a number
of men out of employment. Among
somo of thoso taken out at Sprague
were seller, Industrious, American-born
citizens who havo worked In tho
Spraguo mlno since it was first opened
and own proorty at Rathmel. A largo
number of tho miners and mlno laborers
held a mass meeting at tho Fuller
watering trough on Sunday afternoon
to discuss tho deplorable condition of
tho minors of this region and tho injus
tice of tho company toward somo of
tholr employees. Tho meeting was ad
dressed by Messrs. Alnsly and Rico, of
DuBols, and George Harris, of Reyn
oldsvlllo. Tho minors concede the
company tho right to reduce tho num
ber of their employees, and also
aeknowlcdgo that there aro too many
mon hero for the amount of work, but
thoy think it an injustice to throw In
telligent and sober citizens out of em
ployment and keep a lot of foreigners
who are no credit to any community,
olthor financially or morally. A com
m It tee was appointed to wait upon tho
officials to see If there was not somo
mistake about taking out somo of tho
men ut tho Spraguo.
Tho Bell, Lewis & Yates certainly
havo a right to conduct their business
as they please, yet It does seem strango
that they throw mon out of employ
ment who pay taxes, uso their lnfiuence
for right and build homes for their
families, and omploy mon who aro just
tho opposite. Ib that justico towards
truo manhood ?
Newspaper Laws.
If subscribers order the discon
tinuance of their periodicals, tho pub
lisher may continue to send them until
all arrearages are paid.
If subscribers neglect or refuse to take
tholr periodicals from tho postofflce to
to which thoy aro directed, thoy aro
responsible until they have Bottled tholr
bills and ordered them discontinued.
If subscribers move to other places
without informing the publisher, and
tho papers are Bent to tho former ad
dress, they aro held responsible.
Tho Courts have decided that refus
ing to take periodicals from the oftlco
or removing and leaving them uncalled
for, is prima fucio evidenco of inten
tional fraud.
Any person who receives a newspajxar
and makes use of it, whether he has
ordered it or not, is held by law a sub
scriber. Publishers of newspapers can, under
tho law, arrest any man for fraud who
takes a pax)r and refuses to pay for it.
A Deserved Promotion
Philip Koohlur, who has resided in
this placo for over twelve years, will
movo to Hyndman, Bedford county, Pa.,
In a few weeks. Mr. Koohler Is a faith
ful employee and understands the tan
nory business thoroughly, and the Elk
Tanning Co. has offered hlra a position
as superintendent of a tannory at Hynd
man, which tho company recently
bought, and Mr. Koohler has accepted
the offer. Mr. Koehler has been one of
the pillars in the M. E. church at this
place tho past ten years and will be
greatly missed. His family are all
social and pleasant and have a host of
friends hore who will regret to say
good bye to them.
4th of July bunting at Deemer & Co's.
Gilblom is the only up to date shoe
man. Be wise and trade with him.
Stick pins in all varieties and all
prices at Ed. Gooder's, the jeweler.
Largest stock, best goods, nobbiest
styles, lowest prices Robinson's shoos.
A largo assortment of ladies' belts at
C. F. Hoffman's.
Milllren' prices on clothing and hats
are below all others.
Look out for tho 4th at Deemer i Co's,
Wanted To buy 20 to 100 acres of
laud near town. J. C. Kinu & Co.
Fred Hchurlg was In Tyrone tho past
Mrs. C. Mitchell Is visiting in Drift
L. M. Simmons sx-nt Sunday In
L. A. Jackson, of Allegheny, sient
Sunday In town.
Mrs. May Witter, of Keating, is vis
iting In Reynoldsvllln.
Mrs. W. G. Bishop, of Pittsburg, Is
visiting In Roynoldsville.
Mrs. Joseph T. Guthrlo Is visiting
her sister In Salem, Ohio.
Frank A. McConnoll, of Punxsu
tawney, was In town Sunday.
Q. S. Reams, of Big Run, simnt Sun
day night at F. K. Arnold's.
Rev. P. P. Womer, of Somcrsville,
Conn., is home on a vacation.
Mrs. Saiu'l S. Robinson visited In
Punxsutawney tho past week.
Dr. S. Reynolds and son, Walter,
spent Sunday In Ixk Haven.
Mrs. 11. B. Cooper, of Drockwayvlllo,
visited In this placo Inst week.
Mrs. George Rbonds returned Mon-
lay from a visit In Philllpsburg.
Miss Mertle Boyles, of DuBols, visit
ed Miss Eleanor Reed last week.
Dr. Harry King, of Philadelphia, is
visiting his parents In this place.
Col. H. Boyles, of Sllgo, Is visiting
his iluiighter, Mrs. J. Van. Reed.
Mr. and Mrs. William Copping visit
ed at Whltesvllle, Pa., last week.
Mrs. Thomas Windle, of Shawmut,
ylslted In Reynoldsvlllo this week.
Dr. J. W. Foust Is visiting the homo
of his mother near Huntingdon, Pa.
Mrs. J. H. Vasblnder, of Drookvillo,
Is visiting Mrs. David Postlethwalt.
A. I j. Beck, of .Sharon, Pa., visited at
J. Van Reed's several days last week.
Mrs. N. Tlanau and Bertha Prloster
are visiting at Brookwayvlllo this week.
1). M. Dunsmore returned Saturday
from a trip to Philadelphia and Atlantic
John Nolan and Tom Carey are homo
from the St. Vincent Collego on a vaca-
Miss Nelllo Hoffman, of BeeehwoixJs,
visited Miss Maud Hutchison in this
Dr. II. P. Thompson and wife, of
Portland Mills, visited In town this
Mrs. W. K. Marshall and Mrs. W. F.
Marshall visited in Parker the past
Howard L. Kauchcr is at home from
tho Clarion State Normal to spend tho
Miss Brltta Butler, who was at Grove
City College, returned home Friday
Harry Heckman moved to Carrior,
Pa., last week where ho will work on a
saw mill.
Mrs. Hettio M. Zetler, of Emerick-
ville, Is visiting her daughter, Mrs. C.
N. Lewis.
Mrs. Hood Knox was at Falls Creek
yesterday attending tho funeral of Mrs.
W. C. Bush.
Joseph Morrison and Nlnlan Cooper
wero In Brookwayvlllo on a visit during
tho past week.
Mr. and Mrs. W. F. McCain, of Char-
lerol, Pa., visited at Solomon Shaffer's
during ths post week.
Mrs. E. E.Trultt, of New Bethlehem,
visited her sister, Mi's. Jasper McEntire,.
at this place last week.
R. W. Porterfleld, of Oil City, presi
dent of the Oil City Fuel Supply Co.,
was In Reynoldsvlllo last week.
Mrs. Chas. Montgomery, of Sllgo,
visited her mother, Mrs. Wood Reyn
olds, In this place tho past week.
Miss Lotta Sutter Is In Lock Haven
this week attending the commence
ment at the State Normal School.
Misses Jennto Dally and Nellie Bird,
of Ponfleld, visited the former's sister,
Mrs. (I. M. McDonald, last Friday.
Mrs. G. W. Crepps.of Now Bethlehem,
Pa., visited her sister, Mrs. C. S. Ar
magost, at this placo the past week.
Mrs. J. Bowman, of Mlddlesborough,
Ky., is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mi's. John Benson, in West Keynolds
villo. Frank Hartlo, an engineer on the R.
A: F. C. R'y, took engine No. 3 to the
shops at Dunkirk, X. Y., last week for
Mrs. David R. Cochran started Satur
day for an extended visit cl Kittanning,
Walk Chalk, Pittsburg and Youngs
town, Ohio.
Mrs. John H. Corbett went to West
Sunbury Monday to be present at the
commencement in the-college at that
place this week.
Mrs. George Elliott and little son,
Frank, of Philadelphia, aro visiting the
former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse L.
Test, at this placo.
Jacob Henningor, ex-street commis
sioner of this borough, will go to
Philadelphia to-day where he will re
main until after tho 4th of July.
Mrs. John Morrison, of Brookway
vlllo, stopped off at Reynoldsville last
week to spend a day with relatives hers
on her way homo from Pittsburg.
Mr. and Mr. P. Nolan, of Johnson
burg, and Mr. and Mr. P. Kane, of
Toledo, Ohio, were visitor at Daniel
Nolan' in Reynoldsville during the
post week.
Mr. and Mr. G. W. Palen went to
Greenville, X. Y., yesterday to visit
Mi-s. Palen' parents. They will visit
other places in tho Empire stnto before
returning homo.