The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 12, 1895, Image 7

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tn Its simplest form, rnrnelm Is nn In
rtnimiiHllon of the external pnrt of the
enr. In oilier cnses the Internal enr Is
attnt'kptl, nml the illseuse tnkps ou
lunch more serious rlinrru'tor.
When nn enrnehn In long continued,
or the liiflnintiuithm In esiHnll.v se
vere, no time should lie lost In peeking
the mlvlre of some excellent iihyslcinn
or specialist. Hrrnfiilous children are
most llnlilo to affections of the Inner
An earache limy Mart from variety
ot I'HtiM'K, like n culicclitui ot wax iu
the rar, or the Introduction of some lr
rltutltig substance. It sometimes arises
from extension of Ititiiiiniimtlnti In the
throat, nn In scarlet fever nml moiisles.
IHHIctilt teething Ik snld to he not Infre
quently n ennse, especially when that
process In tiuusiiBlly protracted. The
most prollflocuuse.liovvevcr.lsiindoiiut.
dly cold.
lnllnniiniitlon' of the ear In tistinlly
prompnnliMl tiy the symptom which
fives the nfTeclloii Its name, but It Is
sometime hnrd to distinguish, the na
ture of the trouble In the raw of young
Infants who are unable to Io anything
but cry and toss Ituvssniitly. A close
'examination of the ear, however, will
usually revenl n slight redness, espe
cially of the canal, and on pressure
there will be futiud extreme sensitive
' uess.
The first point In 1he treatment of
earache Is to remove, If possible, the
cause of the tnfliitiintion. Should there
be a collection of wax In the ear It
should be softened by drop or two of
oil or by injections of warm water or
milk, and then removed.
The Inflammation may then be direct
ly attacked by placing hot flannels,
either wet or dry, over the orlllce of
the ear. If the pain Is very severe,
what Is known as a laudanum fomenta
tion may be applied. Tills Is nado by
wringing a Annuel out of boiling water
mid turning a Utile laudanum over the
surface of the cloth, which Is then
placed over the ear and Allowed to
Injections of hot water may else be
made directly Into the ear, great care
being taken not to force the liquid
too abruptly.
it there Is a dlschnrge from the ar,
a mild solution of carbolic acid or bo
rax should be used every day until It
censes. The usual duration of a case
of Inflammation of the ear Is from two
to three weeks. Youth's Companion.
A Fine HpoHruen.
A eprtaln rich man was very fond of
'exhibiting his pictures In an ostentn
tlous and patronizing manner to artists
of his acquaintance. One day a young
painter lunched with him, and was es
corted a round his gallery, and the
-youth, wishing tn curry favor with a
possible patron, exclaimed after very
picture exhibited:
"And a very Hue specimen of that
The picture owner, however, though
lie was rich, had a sense of humor, and,
untieing his audience stifling u yawn,
"Now, tiere is a remarkably fine Sal
volntlle, yon perceive."
"And a very line specimen of that
master!" exclaimed the artist, enthusi
ast icall v.
In time a man's thoughts begin to
bow .themselves on Ids face.
TwImwto Ieetmye Vitality.
Kervous system paralyzed by dentine
menus loC manhnort, weak eyas, and a
f:eneml all gone look and feeling Hint robs
ifo ot Its pleasure. Tobacco is tho root ot
many nn impotent symptom, nu.l No-T.i-llao
a guaranteed cure I hut will uiuko yon strong,
vigorous and huppy in mom wh.vh than one.
N"-To-l);ii RiinntntOL'it and noli by Drug
gists everywhere. Book, titled "Don't To
haeeo Nplt or Smoke Your Life Awnv." Ad.
-Blurting Hemedy Uo New lurk or Chicago.
Mrs. Whwlowe Roothlnc Hyrnp for children
teeihinir, softens the irum". reduces Inflamu
tiou. allays ualn. cures wind collcltte.a bottle
if afflicted with rnreeyesnse Dr. IsaacThnmn
r on' bye-water. l)ruiuiataaollatG per bottle
If You are Tired
Alt the time, without special exertion, as
tired (a tUe morning us when you retire at
eight, jwa may depend upon It, your blood
is impure and is lacking In vlinllty. That la
why It does not supply engtb to nerves
and muscles. You need
Hood's Sarsaparilla
To purify and enrich your blood. A few bot
tles of this great medicine will give yon
strength and vitnllty because It will inuks
pure blood. Get Hood's.
Unnrl'e Dill. tul" hitiiiniMi cun-iipa-
IIUVS ill tlut
turn. l'r.ce t iwuu
IV W ST work aaaiiy tmrtj Ihroork
rSI an aarly pt'ltnationtvr 1.ih'.1 Air.ney 10 .ell ibt
to 'sriara anil llalryiuea. On atyla wa kauwa In
last numbar of Mil. journal. Another will soon b.
piotared out. MaanwSlla, wrlta for llandaoma Ulna
raud Book Free. IMV1S a KANKIN BLIMi. AND
a.O. CO., Sol MaluitaMurers. M W. Laaa St .Caleaaa.
wanl advice aa to palentablilr of
mrawa. twiid for unnlnra Oulde, or bow u (at
laujit. fAiHiua o'r AHlitU Vi muro. i.0
fusts WHtST
m lima pna py qruggtala.
1 I Ik, WMI. V
The best
Dyspeptic,Delicate,Infirm and
A MM CARLB SOU', fi$w York.
Westing-houss Hachlns Company Add
f 260,000 For New Buildings.
The stockholders of the WeatlnghouM
Comnnny of MlKburg without a dl'sentlng
vote, decided to lncrvae the capital stock
from tSOO.OtM) to 750,000. This was dons to
meet the expenpes ol the new buildings In
course ot erection nt F.rut rittsburg.
The main building ot the new shops will be
002x230 feat. A building for the hammer
shop and power plant will be K(Klt6 ) feet.
The construction throughout will be ns near
ly fire proof at poaslble. The speciUcatlons
call for a steel structure with brick wnllt,
slnte roofs, wire-glees ski-Ugh:, etc. Within
the main building, through which switches
are run direct from the main line of the
lvnmo-lvanla railroad, will be the machine
hep, erecting shop, foundry, pattern shop,
warehouse, ofllces, etc. The crime runways,
each aixty foot span, with electric cranes, ex
teud the length ol the building. The remain
ing apace is taken up with galleries provided
with lighter crane.
A lurge addition of new machinery will bs
made. The bsmmer shop will be equipped
with one eight-ton, one three-ton, one two
ton end severs) smaller hammers. It Is estl
mnted thet theeoat of bnllillugs slons will
reach 4UO.OU9. The contracts call for com
pletion November 1, find it Is hoped thnt the
plant could Le removed by the tint ol the
year, but It Is doubtlul If lbs Changs can bs
made lu that time.
Will Manufacturs Bicycle Tubes.
A company bat been formed In New Castle,
Pa, for the manufacture of tubes tor bicycles
and boiler flues, of steel drawn oold, without
welding. Among the members are a few of
the stockholders ot the Hbeusngo Valley
teel mill. David C Wallace has been made
treasurer, and the capltul is MO.OVO. A
committee in charge ot John II. I'reston will
at once look lor a site, aud their plaua will be
msde. Theeapsclty ol the plsnt will be4,
OOo.OOO feet ol tublug yearly, and about 10J
men will beemployeJ. It Is assorted tbut
the works will bvrunniug in Uctober.
Working Miners) Beaten.
Early Tuesday morning a mob ot from 8 0
to 600 striking miners, from Dillonville end
Long linn, headed by a brass band, deaended
on the Oaylord coal works, on the Ohio side
ot the river. After chnaiug away all the men
outaide, they entered the mine and dragged
out a numberof workmen. These were ter
ribly Lenten and maltreated. An unknown
Pole, will probably die, aud the Injuries of
half a doren othurs are serious, lbs mob
has dispersed.
Iron Men Assign.
I, A. and Lindsay Kelley, owners ot the
Kelley Nail and Iron Company, Center blast
furnace and one-third owners In the Ashland,
Ky., steel plsnt, assigned without preferenos
tor the benellt of creditors. The assignment
Is due to the recent decision ot the court hold
ing the Keiley's Individually responsible tor
judgments secured against the Exchange
bank of W. D. Kelley, deceased. Assets aud
liabilities unknown.
Hallway Chartered.
Tba Coraopolls, fliwickley A Economy
Btreot Hallway company, capital 1 00, 000. was
chartered to build a line eight miles long.
The directors are C. L McDonald, Allegheny t
1. C. Wbltla and Hlmon Harold, Dearer Falls;
John 8. Duss, Economy; John W. Arras, John
A. Ferguson and Ueorge A. Loahell, Cora
Twenty-five Iron moulders at ths foundry
of Earley A 8ou, South Eighth street, Pitts
burg, struck for an advance of 10 per cent
The II . 3. Helns company have taken out
sn Allegheny building permit for an tlN.000
tables, to be ereoted on Muln street, Alle
gheny. The Bohults Bridge A Iron Company of
littsbnrg, is preparing the structural Iron for
for a 17 story building to be built in Detroit,
Mich. It will cost 11,500,000.
The Bellaire, Ohio, Nail Works Compsny
has closed a contract for the ereotlon of a
tin-plate factory and sheet bar mills, to cost
1300,000. Work will be commenced at once.
The Amalgamated association has served
the required tiO-day notice on the Mahoning
aud Hhenangn Valley Manufacturer' associ
ation terminating the Amalgamated seals
now in effect on August L
The Barnesville, O., and Quaker City, O.,
window glass works, the only window glass
works in Eastern Ohio, have been closed
down, and will not be placed In operation
again this year. Hix huudred and fifty peo
ple are out of employment.
whaTtrainmem want.
Condemn Federal Courts and Advocate
At Oaleaburg, III., the Brotherhood of Hall
way Trainmen's convention passed resolu
tions recognising all other labor organisa
tions, urging federstion of railroad employes,
protesting against the use of military power
by the several stales or the national govern
ment, a voeating abolishment ot the convict
labor system, recommending the organiza
tion oi legislative boards in the several tales,
condemning the present law as administered
by Judges of federal courts, pledging the
uruiueroooa vote lor no candidate ol elllier
bouse of the legislature not Dledged to sun-
port fair and just labor legislation, sod re
questing the legislature of Pennsylvania to
prohibit the usurpat.on of power by the
a uutiuttiuilltt M. iiw-iii, railroad
Dsbs Issues a Statement.
Before going to jail to serve out tho sen
tence Imposed by Judge Woods, Eugene V.
Debs, president ot the American Hallway
I nlon, IsBued a circular to members of the
order from whieh ths following exoerpts are
taken i
"A cruel wrong against great and beloved
order, perpetrated by Wm. A. Woods, United
Hlatea circuit judge, bus been approved by
the United Stale supreme court. Our order
Is still lbs undaunted friend ot ths toiling
masses and our battle cry now as ever, Is
the emancipation of labor from degrading,
starving and enslaving conditions. We have
not lost faith In the ultimata triumph of
truth over perjury, ot justice over wrong,
however exalted may bs the station ol those
who peretrats ths outrages."
department stores.
Legislation Against Tbsm Proposed la
The Illinois senate committee wblcb In
vestigated ths department stores ol Chicago,
bas reported, Ths report bitterly condemns
department stores, and declares that strin
gent regulations will slone save tba smaller
oonoerns In tba city trout being entirely
driven out ot existence. Bills to thnt euu
were presented, empowering ths city couuvii
to Impose cumulative license charges, ou
stores iMutllug In more ttiau one uiass ol
goods, and to declare department stores
nuUsuoes and close them. The penalty is
fixed at a line of 5 to 20 for eucn day such
Illegal uuslueas is maiutaiued. The bill, were
read aud ordered to second reading.
According lo rumor, Urs. James Corbet!
bos sued for dlvotoe.
Willie you are true to ,Uod DoDooy
ran Jjurt you but yourself.' w.
Itow He Trhhed United fMatea
"I lienrd to-tiny," rptnnrkeil the ex
deputy I'lilted Hlntps mnrslinl, " thnt
Hill Hprnildlln, of North Carolina,
tvns (lend, nnd It rettilndpil mo of the
rhnse I gnve the Reiitleiiinu once, or
he gnve hip."
The rpportpr ptillpd his chnlr tip
A notch or1 two closer end nodded for
the mnrshnl to go ahead.
"Hill," he rontlnupd, "tvns the boss
tnnonshlnpr of the district In which I
workpd nnd for yenrs he und been
Innsp In the nionnlnlns nnd nobody
could cntch him. One dny I heard
from hltn front a 'trusty' of the mount
ains;, nnd with four men, I started to
pick him up If possible. He hnd a
brothpr, John, quite a reputable cit
izen, except thnt he would hnrbor
Hill nt bis house nnd help lilm to get
nwny, though he never In any other
way trnnsKt'pssed. I hnd nevpr seen
either of them, but I hnd a tintype of
Hill nnd trusted to that to Identify
my ninn If I ever happened on hltn.
We had about fifteen tulles to ride
from heiidinmrters, nnd without In
forming anyone of our proposed raid,
we started After our man In different
directions, with the understanding
thnt we would meet nt a pertain point
point not fnr from .lolin's house.
Meeting there we separated ngnln,
I to go to .lolin's hotiNp and the others
lo take other points where there wns
n chance of llndlng the game. As w
were dressed, ns nearly as possible,
like the lnoiintnlneers, we ran tinnli
less danger of being shot from the
rondslde, nnd also of exciting less
suspicion lu case nny one of us found
himself In a crowd of the moonshiner's
friends. Well, I rndo up tn .lolin's
house nnd after tnlklng a while to a
woman, I met there, about buying n
sewing machine, I asked her If Mr,
Kprnddlln was nt home. Khe went In
to find out (we hnd been talking at
the gate), nnd In n minute Mr. Pprnd
dlln cnttie nut. Hottiething about the
man excited my suspicion nt once and
1 watched him closely.
" 'Are you Mr. Hprndillln?' I asked.
" "1'hnt's my name,' he replied,
" 'You live here, I suppose?'
" 'I reckon I do when I'm home.'
" 'Are you nt home much, Mr. Sprnd
dlln?' I asked, easily.
" 'Ktinugh, I reckon.'
"I thought It wns nbout time I was
showing my hand, so I got nt It
" 'I think,' I said, nn I whipped out
my revolver, 'thnt you arc the Mr
Hprnddlin I am looking for Mr.
Wm. Sprnddlln, I believe, brother tc
the Mr. Kprnihllln you thought I
thought you were?
"I expected him to make a break
of some kind, but he didn't He stood
as If ditzcd, nnd lie wns ceilnlnly
speechless, for he simply nodded nc
nfllrmatlon of my charge. The wo
men tore nroiind, but I quieted then)
nt the point of my revolver and cor
ruling the whole lot of them out In
the front yard, I stood guard till one ol
my men ciime, then I sent lilm for tht
others, and in the course of n couple
of hours, I had my posse together,
and putting our prisoner on one of hi
own hot'Hcs, we started nt breakneck
speed for hcnilquiit'tpi'H, hoping lij
haste tn get our mini there safely be
fore the neighborhood was aroused
and n rescue attempted. You know
that these inoiintnliieers are great on
standing by each other and nn enemy
hasn't much of n show ngnlnst a com
blnntlon of tliem. It was by reason
of such combinations that Kill Hprud
dlln had so long escaped, and now that
we had lilm, we didn't want to lost
him. Well, to make n long story short
wo mnde the trip very nicely, only
once or twice having to dodge Into tht
bushes to let a suspicious crowd ol
natives go by, and when we did gel
our prisoner home we hastened to
double Iron lilm nnd lock him In the
strongest cell In the Jail. Next morn
ing I went n ron nil to see my prisoner,
and tho Jailer met mo at the door.
" 'Hay, Captain,' wns his greeting,
'Hill Sprnddlln must V got away lu
the night'
" HJot away?' I almost screamed
for I wns looking for a promotion
on this capture and the loss wns a bit
ter disappointment. 'Got nwny?' nnd
I began to swear with unction.
" 'I reckon so. Leastways, lie nln't
In thnr.'
" 'Well, where In blnnk Is lie? 1
" 'I dunno.'
" 'How do you know he got nwnyT
" 'I Just reckon so, 'cuusu his brothel
John's In thnr.'
"Then the whole thing flashed on
me and the meek submission of the
notorious moonshiner wns explained
I had lilm cornered, and bis brolhei
Joint and the family knew when 1
searched tho house for they knew nit
In spite of the sewing story
I gave them I would llnd Hill and
carry him off. The plan to snvo Hill
wus fixed up when the woman left
me at the gate to go In and see If Mr
Ppraddlln wns at home and I hnd been
fooled right straight through, aud
BUI bad been given more thun a dnj
to get out of the country In. We hnd
no charges against John that nmount
ed to anything, aud when he left ins
to return home, I'll be shot If he didn't
Invite me to come and stay two oi
three days with hi in."
New Use for the Cycle,
Btill another novelty In cycledom
the chimney sweep's tricycle. Kesl
denta In Brixton, a suburb of Londou,
have been somewlint startled by tho
spectacle of an Individual of sable and
romber appearance careering around on
a tricycle, to which his brushes and
other apparatus are attached, and ut
tering the well-kuown sweep's cry.
She I can't help thinking I have seen
your portrait tu the newspapers some
where. He Oh, no doubt; It's often
been published. She Then I am not
mistaken. What were you cured of ?
Beventeen Lams Passengers of the Col
itna Land in 'Frisco,
- - -
Beyentoen of the survivors of ths ttl-tated
fated steamor t'o ima arrived In Run Frauds
co on the iiu Juan, When (he docked, hun
dred! of friends sod relatives of those who
went down on the Collma were assembled,
waiting the landing of the passengers.
Groups of women with tearful faces end
knots of anxious men Implored every one on
bonrd for tidings of the lost, all hoping
sgnlnat hope that there might have been
some mistake in the dispatches end soma
nsine omitted among the saved. How keen
wss their disappointment in the face of In
evitable sssnrauce that there was no hope
was shown In tholr bitter lamentations.
On the upper deck of tbe summer wers s
few happy people whose pleasure e lutrasted
sharply with ths grief of the bereaved. These
were tbe friends ot the survivors, who were
embraced and congratulated at their miracu
lous rescue.
The 17 men saved from a watery grave
when they bad given np all hope of reeeus
were a sorry luoklng party when thuy ar
rived nt the main docks. Home had theii
arms lu slings. The beads of other were
swathed iu blindages. They limped us they
wnlked, aud their bruises were plainly In
evidence. All were looking thin i n I weak
and showed plainly the effects of the terrible
strain during the feurful hours wheu they
waited for succor. (
The stories of ths survivors all cnnllrmed
the telegraphio accounts of the disaster.
Tbeysgree thst the esuse of the foundering
wns tbe top-heavy condition of the I'olims
due to ber bulky deek load. From the be
ginning of tbe voyage south, they say, the
steamer acted badly snd would not auswet
tb i helm.
The storm which sunk her was encountered
about V o'clock Monday night, May '11, and
blew furiously during the next 11 hours
The vessel lost steerage way nnd swung
shoreward In the teeth of a furlout southeast
erly gsle, when she lay helplessly battered by
tbe tidal wave.
The steamer lay helplessly on her side foi
about 15 minutes nnd then tipped over nul
sank. The women and children werndrown
ed in their state rooms, where they were
oonflned during the gain. The paisungeri
who hail keen on deck were throwu Into the
ses. Many were killed nnd horribly muti
lated by the lumber on the deek, blown by
the wind nnd burled upon tba heads of Hit
struggling men In the water.
1 be rait on which Cusblm;, Hutherlsnd,
Illchsrdson snd two others were nlloat drift,
ed for about U hours. They gave up all hope
until tbe Han Juan hove In sight. They at
tracted her attention by hoisting a piece ol
red cloth aud waiving their clothes.
On tbe raft with the passenger were two
sllors. due seir.ed a small basket ot claret,
ol whloh both drank. They became drunk
and quarrelsome. To save the lives of the
rest ol the craft, ths men say they were
obliged tu push one sailor, mad with drink,
Into the sen, where he drowned.
The pssseugers say there was no time to
launch ths boats or put on ths preservers
when they realised the serious plight of the
C'olima, aud, besides, ths fury of tbe storm
msde It Impossible to launch or man ths
boats successfully. Those who secured life
preservers lost them In them In tbe water.
Newsy flteanlnga.
Russian wheat Is growing poorly.
There sre6304 Indians tn New York Hint.
Chicago is aroused over her filthy streets.
Japan now hns more thna 2001 miles of
Fever ts making terrible ravages among
the French troops iu Madagascar.
A 1,000,000 brliigeover the Missouri IVvcr
will be built by Hloux City (.lowaj capital
ists. An opportune rnin saved much of the
u-"t and corn crop in Kansas and Hoiitheru
A Hcandlnnvlnn Immigration movement
has been started In North Carolina.
Tho sdvocntea of confederation in New
foundland are becoming more, suugiilir.
Mchnnubelt, the. Chicago dynamiter, wiio
threw the Hnymuritet bjiu'i, is mild now to
bo In Houduriis.
Cereals in Oreal Britain nre proinislui
and there is nn excellent prospe.-t of nn un
usual fruit eeiMou.
A Houtliern development association Is be
ing organised iu Chicago, in which railroad
men nro prominent.
Throe hundred young women of DanUury,
Conn., have signed n pludgu not tu niiirry'u
man who uses liquor,
Special timber ngnuta esllin'ito that 17,
500,000 feet of lumber has liwn xtolou from
Northern WIsi'ouhIu Government lau lt,.
The a! wince of bluebirds Is note 1 In every
part of the country, und all tin) bird sharps
are wondering what has become of them,
Tho patent leather niiiniifuotumrf of
Newark, N. J., liavo decided to advance the
prices of their product from fifty to 10J p-ir
The tarring of Mary Dunoa:', age.l sixty
three, of New Hichmond, Wis., routed tim
better element who will rumlowu tli-j Whlfj
The fish in Fox Iliver, Illinois, nre dying
With a strange diaeaw, a sort of fungus
growth, and great alarm is felt iu Klgiu, ill.,
which gets its drinking wntor from 1 1
river. The famous millinery olaiililnnnt ii
London known ns ".Madame Louise'' passu
Into the hands of a stock company for it con
siderution of 750,0IO.
A general docrense of the area devote 1 to
wheat throughout tho entire, wheat raising
region Is reported, dim both lo low prims
and tho winter killing ot the crop.
The annual session of the HtipremJ C Kn
oll, Hoyttl Arcauum, closed at St. Louis, Mi ,
alter the longest session in the history ot the
Onler, ten days having bam sp i:it lu its
Among the Indications of butti),- times are
the orders for new ears Issued by the rail
road companies. Ill the live, mouths of t IU
year more orders for car building have been
received than iu all of lose year. Ho far the
orders represent an expenditure ol tlO.000,.
. TheLoulsvlIln (Ky ) Onui.l Jury rH.'u-iel
to Indict Fulton (l iniou for killing ills wifo
and Uoveruor Itrowu's son, whom be fouu.l
lu an Immoral resort in that city. lit) is
now aires msu.
Bo great was Ihe interest nttaciilug to the
reoent cat show iu Nev York: that the Na
tional Cat Hhow Assoeialiou has been incor
porated aud will I 'reed, deal in aud exhibit
cats and other domestic uuliunls.
Light by Reflection.
A .manufacturer lu Kurope did nol
And satisfaction In any of tho usual
methods for the lighting of his cloth
mills. lie tried gas Jets, arc llghte
and Incandescent lamps, nil of which
failed to satisfy him, beciiuso they
either did not give light ennuli or toe
much llglit, or cost ahudovj. lie fin
ally painted the walls of his room
white, ami hcuenth n cnnlu num.
ber of arc lights suspended rcltcctor.
This threw the light up to the white
celling, from which It wni .'eflecteil tu
the room below, and this method of
lighting Is reported to bavt becu n
Rnortnon Pendulums.
The only structures In Jiipim which
seem to be enrthquske proof are the
pagodas, which are erected before tho
temples. There nre many pngoilna
Which are seven or eight hundred
yer.?a old nnd ns solid ns when first
built There In a reason for this, nnd
It lies In their construction. A pa
goda ts practically a framework of
heavy timbers which start from a
wide base, nml Is In Itself n substan
tial structure, but It Is rendered still
more stable by a peculiar device. In
side the framework and suspended
from tho apex Is n long, heavy balk
of timber two feet thick or more. This
hangs from one end, nnd to the other
end nre bolted, at ench of the four
Ides, four more heavy timbers, nnd
If the pagoda be very lofty slill more
timbers are added on to these. The
whole forms an enormous pendulum
which reaches to within six Inches
of the ground. Whcu the shock of
an earthquake rocks the pngoda the
pendulum swings In unison nnd keeps
the center of gravity always at the
base of the framework. Consequent
ly, the equilibrium of the pngoda Is
never disturbed, and this Is the ex
planation of the great age of many of
them, when from their height one
would suppose them to be peculiarly
susceptible lo the effect of an earthquake.
Llqnor Drinking In Two Conntrles.
It has generally been supposed Hint
"hnrd times" lend to hard drinking,
but the Hrltish statistics do not bear
out that sttpposltlou very loglncally.
Thus, In 18W, the amount expended for
consumption of liquors per capita was
about flH.fio, while In 18!U the sum per
capita hnd fallen to 17.7."i. tin the
other hand, the figures for the decade
show tliut while drinking hns decreas
ed to some extent since the "flush" year
of 1H!K), the general tendency through
the past ten yenrs has been to spend
more for liquor; as In ISTi the per
capita expenditures was but $KI.'2,ri; so
that In spite of the hard times the
drinking Is greater than It was ten
years ago. In the United Ktntes, while
In the hnrd times the consumption of
some kinds of liquors, such ns distilled
spirits from fruit decreased, the gen
eral tendency was In the direction of
Increased drinking, so that not only do
the figures for 1N!3 show largely In
creased consumption over the figures
for 1884. but the per capita consump
tion ts also lurger than It was In 18U2.
Boston Advertiser.
Having announced to A man flint she
will never forgive him, a woman's next
worry Is that be will not ask her to be
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Kcport
Adjust Famllv Dlflerrnrs.
ftad temper is often merely bad dige.tion.
Many quarrels attribute 1 to ierverfe dip3
Sit Ions are due to disordered livers.
Hip in. Tatmle adjust family differences,
and would prevent thein, which i better, if
taken In tlm-.
itipans Tabules, taken after meals, morning
snd evening, for a wuile, reguhiie the system
sad awvcluu the teiur.
Hall's Catarrh Cure la a liquid and Is taken
Internally, and acts dlt'ecily ou t tie blood anil I
mucous surfaces of the nystem. Write for tea i
tiluuulals, free. Maliiifai'lurt'd by i
k J. Chunky Jtt Co.. Toledo, a
l'lso's Cuie lor Consumption tins no equal
as a ( ouitli medicine. K. t. Aiihoit, BS'I en
eca street, liullalo, N. V., May U, InU.
In a mllo of railway there are about 3,113
I)r. Kilmer's Hwamp-Root enres
all Kidney and hladder troubles.
Pamphlet and consultation free.
Laboratory lliughamptou, N. Y.
About 85 per cent -of the population of Bra
zil are whites, 85 per cent mulattoes, 25 per
per cent, negroes und 5 per teut. Indians.
Tbe earliest known life assurance company
was established in HW'J, In London. It was
known as the "Society ot Assurance for Wid
ows sud Orphans."
srf and all derangements of the
jM rj Stomach, Liver and Bowels.
aChni 0 alt druggists.
3jSJ ONCE "gc"
$1,000,000 CURE for
mm ' ' mm 141 -H K Afi It U II KI H 1 Tlf! r-.. .....
When Hamlet Exclaimed i " Aye, There's the Rub ! "
Could He Have Referred to
IEFFF.IISOW M. Cf.Ot'Mf f.lll t'H1 A
TKMI'TfMI OKI'-en l ltOM lilt)
Ills II re I 111 was too I'nor to leiin.l Afton
tlnn to lluslness. A tlrrnt Sultrier
for Many Venrs Hut tins No
(from Ihe SprinjftrUI, Mats., V'nion.)
There Isn't a gun manufacturer in the
Tnlled States who does not know Jefferson
M. ('lough, and why? Docuuso he lias beea
Intlmnti ly associated nil Ms Ufa with the de
velopment of ihe two bet Americnn rllles,
the Kemlngton and Winchester. For yearf
lie wan Superintendent of the F.. Rmlngto4
A Hons' great factory nt Illoti, N. Y. Aftef
leaving there he refused a tempting c, Ter o
the Chinese Government to go to China tr)
superintend their government fa'dories,
and accepted Instead the superititendency ol
the Winchester-Arms Co., nt New Haven, at
a salary of 17,600 a year.
It was after this long term
i of active laboi
und himself lru)
as s business man thnt be foun
capacitated for further service by ths end
bsrgo which rheumatism bad laid upon hlirj
and resigned bis position morn than twd
years ago, and returned to Belchertown
Mass., where he now lives nnd owns tht
Phelps farm, a retired spot where he has Kit
hundred sores of land.
Kelng a man of means he did not spare ths
cost snd was treated by leading phvslnlaus
snd tiy baths at celebrated springs without
receiving sny benefit worth notice. Iiurini
the summer of 1H93 snd the winter of 189
Mr. Clough was confined to his house it)
Ilelchertown, being unable to rise from hut
lied without ssslrtance, and offering con
tinually with acute pains nnd with no taste
or desire for food, nor was be able to obtain
sufficient sleep.
Early lu the year 1RM Mr. Clough heard ol
Tr. Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People,
He begun Inking these pills about the first ol
March, lH'M, snd continued to do so until
the first part of Peptemlier following. The
first effec noticed was a better spi etite and
be began to note more ability to help himself
(iff the I ed and to be better generally. Last
August i ISM i he was able to go alone to h s
summer residence and farm of 163 acres . i
Oreuadier Island, amoug the Thousn '.
Islands, In the river Ht. Lawrence, w!
from the highest land of his farm he c
mnnds a view for 13 miles dowu the r
and GO of the Thousand Islands can be , .
Instead of being confined to his bed Mr.
Dough Is now and has beeu for some time
able to be nbout the farm to direct t(e
men employed there snd he la thankful foe
what Dr. Williams' rink Pills have done tt
These pills are manufnetored by the Dr.
Williams' Medicine Compsny, Huhenectodyi
N. Y., snd are sold only lu boxes 'e-ariug the
firm's trade mark and wrapper, a. 60 cents a
box or six boxes for 42.60. and are never sold
In bulk. They may lie had of all druggists
or direct by mail from Dr. Willis us Medi
cine Company.
Te Clesaee the Bretoaa
Effectnally yet gently, when costive or billons,
or when the blood la Impure or per.
Binnently cum habitual constipation, to awaka
en the kidneys and liver to a healthy activity,
without Irritating or weakening them, todlaw
pel headaches, folds or fevera, us Syrup of
The Greatest nedlcal Discovery
of the Age.
Medical Discovery.
Boa discovered In one of onr eommoa
pasture weed a remedy that cures every
kind cJ Humor, from the worst Scrofula
down to a common pimple.
He has tried It in over eleven hundred
rases, and never failed except in two oases
(both thunder humor). He bas bow Is
bis possession over two hundred certl
catea of Its value, all within twenty mils
Of Boston. Bend postal card for book.
A benefit la always experienced from ths
first bottle, snd a perfect cure Is warranted
When the right quantity is taken.
Whoa ths lungs are affected It eaisns
shooting palna, like needles paasi ig
through then) i ths same with ths Llvur
or Bowels. This la cauaed by tbe duots
kelng (topped, and always disappears la
Week after taking It Itead the label.
II ths stomaon la foul or bilious It will
suae squeamish feeling at first
No change of diet evor neoceaarv. Eat
the best yon con get, and enough of it. '
Dose, one tahlespoonful in w;iter at bed
time. Hold bv all Dru -.-iHta
Fowdtrad and Perfmd,
Th ttrongeM. anil purest I.Ysf
iiisvle. I'nlllte other L 11 belutf
iin powdfi stQtJ pack-, la caa
with reniovulilt) lid, tbn conieuts vr
alw..y rvAly fnr um. Will maka
ti f.if piiumd HaM Bump lo A
mlnut without boiling. It tit
brat for cietiVluK wtta.r plp?i, til
.litVailng Miiikft, t'losMi a, wovhloj
Lot tlm, iittlnta. trecH, etc.
ffc.VXA. WALT rIMl. CO..
Qua. Atitj., Fbl., Fa.
P N U 114
CAr. for romnl?M tyftam forts
sf Wsiiuli ganu euttlBM iJMltM' tw4
CUTilran'a Oar man la r.y mall poat
la d, or for 91 will aanrtyouoomt
avstetn and uolveral lara.aalmT
tart Half avttrutnr. Our Hrir iaitrur
tor la a tvnlt of 1H) p fat laaoht yoa
how to raku maurrnnt , Arat.eui
and At ail iiyleaot trmrmi bow
But ansa t.athr, trim a ad mat
ifm upi alo aJI mbar u awful aa1
praitlesil Infoiiuailou asoiiaJ i
flral-oiaaa ireaa ad cloak maklM
tOntat PaUara Co .aii ii. Clark tt,.:hle", IU.
tatUd. Curad 'jAUUi people. Flaai.t. Ouraa
(tout, ail Rheumatism., Neuralli.. HJcblr aadura
iKwvura praiae ic. narmieaa. t urea J. v.
'Mark, Pre. Htnriilan Bank. Chloaaxn C. A., Jr., 334 Alexander Ave., N. Y. Ciy. aa1
H. A. Hawjrer, Lynn. Mtaa. ,4 vara ntae! Waft
od eartb, True ttim mlala free. Write to-day.
aWAaaua ttucATiti Co., U! Daarboru au. CUUi.