The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, June 12, 1895, Image 2

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That wa a Expected but Hia Successor
Caused Astonishment.
The place left vacant at the President's
enblnet by the death o( Judge Oersham was
tilled by the transfer of Attorney General
Olney to the socrotnryshly of state, while
Judge Judson Hnrraon, ol Clm-limnd wn se
lected by the president to succeed Mr. Onley
as head ol the department n( Jtistlee. The
latter nppolntment came a a completo sur
prise to everyono hern, and It Is believed thnt
the attorney-gcneralsnlp was tendered to
Judge Harmon, only tuiit day.
The selection nt the Cincinnati man Is gen
erally attributed to the inlluence ol Hocretary
Carlisle, of whom the new attorney-general
Is an old friend and associate. It shows once
more the reliance with which the president
places In the Judgment of his secretary of the
It Is believed that the atterney-generalship
was Urst offered to two or threo eminent
New York lawyers, who did not care to re
linquish their vastly remunerative prnetleos
In order to assume the more arduous duties
of chief law ollluer of the government for
the comparative Insignificant salary of 8,000
a year.
Mr. Harmon was for a long time Judge of
the common plea court, and is about 60
years of age, aud one of the most conspicu
ous lawyers In the west. Upon the retire
ment of ex-Uovnrnor lloadly from hia Cin
cinnati firm on his removal to New York, Mr.
Harmon took his place at tho head of the firm
of Harmon, Coition, Goldsmith k Hnadlv.the
last named being the son of ex-Oovernur
lioadly, of Ohio.
Judge Harmon Is not only recognir.ed as
one of the foremost lawyers and jurists of
this state, but Is one of the most popular
citizens. lie was born near Cincinnati 4! i years
go, has always lived thore, and is known by
alL His father, Itev. K F. Harmon, was a
Baptist minister, well known throughout the
Ohio valla;-. Judge Harmon graduated at
Denlson university, a llaptlst Institution, nt
Granville, (., In 106. and began the practice
of law in Cincinnati In iS0.
He was a Republican till 1872, whei he
Crreeleylr.ed. He was elected superior Judge
In 1H7H, re-elected In lHS.'l, and when ex-Governor
George Hoadly went to New York, In
1H87, Judge Harmon resigned from the bench
to become the head of the firm of Harmon,
Colston, Goldsmith A Hoadly, which repre
sents several railroads and other corpora
tions, and with which firm he will coutiuue
his connection. When Judge Harmon re
signed In 187, Governor Fornker appointed
ludge William Taft, now United mates
circuit Judge, and formerly solicitor-general
to the vacancy.
Keating of the Pennsylvania State Pro
hibition Convention.
Representatives of the Prohibitionists of
Pennsylvania met In annual state convention
fit thj New Grand Opera House rittsburg on
the Cth. State Chairman tl. D. Tattoo, Ol
rbilndelphla. presiding. D. B. Sherry, edi
tor of the Chester "issue " of Delaware
county, was made temporary chairman.
Mayor McKenua welcomed the delegate.
Colouel Bain, the Kentucky tempernnce ora
tor, followed the mayor, and he in turn gave
way to National Cbairmun Dickey, of Mich
gau. Rev. J. A. Bailey, of Lawrence county, was
chosen permauent chairman. J. W. Vlcker
man. of Allegheny, and J. A. McConnell
and F. P. Hersaberger, of rittsburg, were
placed on the state central committee to rep
resent Allegheny eounty. Just before the
noon adjournment the oommittee on resolu
tions retired.
The report of Treasurer Spangler was made.
Hlnce January 1, 1HW. the total receipts
amounted to (1,345.01; the expenses were
1.247.114, leaving a balnnoe of 17. 17.
Hevretniy H. L. Castle, of the platform
committee, announced that the oommittee
bad reported upon two of the resolutions to
be incorporated In the platform. One recom
mended the general adoption of the eight
hour dav. The other wax on the silver ques
tion, there being a majority report favoring
free colunge, uud a minority roport opposing
it. Debates ocoupied the balauce of the af
ternoon session, and both reports were finally
Inid upon the table. All of the other reso
lutions were adopted, as follows:
For the total suppression of the liquor
traffic; the protection of Sunday as a day of
rest; grunting the rights of suffrage to wo
men; better educational facilities in the pub
lic schools and opposing Htate appropriations
to sectarian schools; extending tne period of
naturalization of all foreigners to six years;
opposing all trusts and combines, aud set
tling all between capital and labor
by arbitration; adjustment of all tariff ques
tions by a non-partisan commission vested
with necessary powers; union of all reform
parties; thnt the President, Vine-President
and United Htates Senators be elected by the
direct vote of the people; representation of
all political parties In legislative bodies In
proportion to the vote of each party; govern
ment control of railroad, telegraph and tele-
fihone lines and puldlo roads, aud oppoalug
ndlsorimluate foreign Immigration.
When the preamble was read the omission
of the name of Christ as the ruler of all na
tions gave, rise to a lengthy debate, which
ended In inserting the name.
There was no contest over the nomination
for state Treasurer. Judge Jirlggs, of Phila
delphia, named W. H. Berry, of Chester, and
the choice was made by acclamation.
To Press rve Gettysburg Battlefield,
t'nited Htates District-Attorney F.llery P.
Ingram filed a petition In the United Htates
circuit court at Philadelphia, asking to have
condemned the two strips of land belonging
to the Gettysburg olectrlo railway company
which are wanted by the United Htates to
preserve the Gettysburg battlutleld. The dis
trict attorney proceeds underthe nutlonal mil
itary park act, approved by oongress Febru
ary 11, 1BU3.
Two Hundred Killed.
An official dlspatob received from Herr
von Futtamer, the governor of the Cameroon
district of German West Africa, aunounoea
there bos been severe flghtiug with the rebel
lious Bokoko tribes. Four of the strongholds
ofttbe rebels have been stormed by the Ger
man colonial troops, 2J0 tribesmen were
killed and many others captured. On the
aide of the Germans 12 ooluuial soldiers were
killed and 47 wounded. In the list ol casual
ties there are no Germans,
The) Bebaia Have Ecuador.
Advleea from Guayaquil, Ecuador, say the
the government possessions are now evacu
ated to the provlnoea ol Plublnoba Canar,
Axuay and Loja, the other 11 being almost
completely in the bands of the revolutionists.
The four principal ports, table, Esmeralda
and Mania, are also beld by the lusurgents,
and the Interior prorlnoes will be coin pulled
to surrender.
Thrss Boys Drowned.
Three boys, Emmett Hweeney .Patrick Mor
ris and Michael Hberldan, aged 11, 12 and
11 years, respectively, weut bathing In Lake
Erie ttuuday. They were only a short dis
tance Iroui the shore, aud the wuter was not
very deep. Young Morris was seised with
oraups, aud bis two eouipauloua went to bis
rescue, when all three were drowned. The
parents of the lads lived in adjolmug bouses
ou Lake street.
Jnme McMullen, of Pittsburg, who murder
ed bis wile, wu sentenced to deulu, by Judge
Ohio Democrats propose to spend 12000,000
In campaign expenses.
Russia Is having the same trouble In ex
porting meat as the United Htates.
The Collma dlsnstcr will be Investigated by
the United Hlates Government.
Three miners were killed by a caveln at the
Doo Kim lead mine near Ilismarck.
In Cleveland, O., 2,000 bench moulders
tt.reateu a strike.
The Chicago money pool of the eastbound
railroads has collapsed.
Two children died at Evanston, III., from
the eating of degenerated sa isage.
A federal Investigation of the Collma dis
aster Is In progress at Han Francisco.
Fifty lives were lost by the cloud burst
In the Wurtemburg portion of the Black
Three hundred acres of timberland has
been burned In Parke and Clay counties,
England will protest against any cession
of Chinese territory to Russia for services
United states Consul Hiram Lott died
Thursday In Managua, Nicaragua, after a
sickness of five days.
At Rome It Is stated upon good authority
that Mgr. Hatolll will be created a cardinal
at the next consistory.
The Lake Htreet Elevated Railroad
Cbicngo, has decided to discard steam and
adopt electricity.
Residents of Covington, Neb., are In fear
that their town will be washed Into the
treacherous Missouri river.
The wages of the 600 employes of the War
ren Pope factory and machine shops of Thll
llpsburg, N. J., will le Increased 10 per cent.
July I.
United Htates authorities are on the war
path agnlnst cattle companies and private
Individuals guilty ol fencing In Colorado pub
lic lands.
Reboot teachers professing the Catholic
religion have been barred out of ths publle
schools of Kansas City, Kan., tor the next
erm at least.
The Illinois house ot representatives
passed Coon's senate bill for the taxation o'
gifts, legacies and Inheritances exceeding
The Democratic Silver League of Alabama
has issued a call for the formation of connty
leagues, preparatory to the holding ot a
state convention.
The charred remains of three persona were
fonnd In the embers of 14 freight cars, wreck
ed and burned on the Iron Mountain, near
Benton, Ark., Thursday.
National Chairman Hnrrily says be will
not call a national convention of Democrats
to discuss the E.i n y question until the re
quisite number of committeemen ask it.
Lieut. Gov. Nye, of Indiana, says that the
illver discussion will end with a sound
money plank In the Domocratle national
platform. Nye la a candidate for gover
nor. A party of seven persons wore swept away
while crossing a swollen stream near Douglas,
Wyo., four of them being drowned Mrs.
Elder and her baby and Mrs. Powell and her
It Is said that armed depnty marshals have
been placed In the distilleries controlled by
the whiskey trust. The receivers aro said to
fear a raid by the original owuera of the
Two thousand people saw two colored
murderers legally banged at Birmingham,
Ala. The mother of one of the murdered
men and 100 othor colored women were iu
the crowd. Two weeks ago the murderers
sold their bodies lor V18.
The Chinese minister has formally de
livered to President Cleveland a letter of
thanks from the Chlncso emperor for tho
kindly efforts of the United Htates to re
store peace between China and Jnpan.
It was handsomely encased in royal yellow
Three murderers were banged Friday at
Ban Queotin Cal. They were Patrick Collins,
who killed bis wife; Amillo Garcia, who slew
an old Frenchman, for money, and Anthony
Axoff, a highwayman, who shot a detective
trying to crrest him.
Bescue of Peary.
The whaleboat Kite has been chartered at
Bt. John's to carry an expedition of ten per
sons to Greenland to resoue Lieut. Peary, the
Artie explorer. Emll Dlebltscb, Peary's
brother-in-law. will have charge of the party.
Mrs. Peary will not accompany the party, but
will wait for the return of her husband at Ht
Louis the Kite is to start about the middle of
next mouth.
A Gold Standard.
Benor Don Gana, the Chilian mlninter, bas
received the followiug cablegram from Huntl
ago, Chile; "It 1 very gratilymg to me to
Inform you that alter 17 years ol the regime
ol paper money, Chile has returned with satis
faction aud ooulldtiuce to the gold sluudard.
The law is In loroe." This is signed by tbe
minister of iluauoe.
Will Take out Machines.
The coal miners ot New Htraltsvllle, Ohio,
have withdrawn from the United Mine Work
ers ot America, and agree with tbe Hocking
coal and Iron company to dig coal for 40
oents if tbe coiupauy will take out Its
machines. This proposition will be acoept
ed. Miners' Wairea Raised.
Tbe first advanoe in wages among Alabama
mine operators was mad by tba Pioneer
mining and ruauuUat jriog eompauy Friday,
who raised tbo wuge ot 700 mtuere 10 per
cent. It Is understood that other operators
Will follow.
Bad the Heada Baaaltad.
Four cartloads ot salted beads of rebel
Babauina tribesmen have arrived at Rabat on
their way to Fes. Ou arrival at Rabat the
beads were found to be In such bad condi
tion that the government officials uuuipelled
number of Hebrews to result Worn.
Standing of the League Clubs.
W. L P.O.
W. U P C,
rittsbiirg......M 14
New York... ID IN .(114
lloslull 11 18
I hliillgo........ t!4 17
Cleveland..... Kll iti
Baltimore Ill 14
Uuclnuall...'! 10
I'hlladelphla IS IN
llruoklyu 17 IV
W'ashlngiou. ID SI
Ht. Louis 16 Kft
Louisville HO
Snowed Nearly All Say.
It snowed nearly all day Tuesday In tbe
Cripple Creek district, Col., but at night the
weather cleared, although tbe street auf
Idwalks are covered with snow,
Commerce and Manufacturing in the Ori
ent Bound to Receive a Boom.
Minister Denby of China, In a dispatch
dated May 22, bas furnished the Htnte De
partment a synopsis of the treaty ot peace
between China and Japan. Tbe commercial
provisions are as follows:
"A new trenty of commerce to be made
Immediately alter this treaty Is ratified, and
until that treaty Is made Japanese to have
lavored nation treatment. Hlx months from
the date of tbe present treaty, April 17, the
following concessions to take effect:
"First Tbe following ports to be opened
to Jupanese trade, residence, Industries and
manufactories: Hha Hhih In Hapel, Chung
King In Kwbnin, Huchow In Kiang Hu, Hong
Chow lu Cheklang.
"Hecond Hteam navigation on the upper
Ynngtse river, from lohnng to Chung King,
and on the Wuosung river and the canal from
Hhanghal to Huchow and Hong Chow,
"Third Japanese may rent or hire ware
houses for storage of goods In Interior China,
free of taxes or exactions.
"Fonrth Japanese may engage in manu
facturing and may Import machinery at all
open ports."
In a previous dispatch, dated April 22,
Minister Denby states that vice Consul Ban
dlnal, ot New Chwang, In the territory still
occupied by Japanese troops, had received
communications from the Japanese authori
ties announcing that a special commission
for the port bad been appointed, and that
commerce would be carried on, with certain
restrictions usual and essential during mili
tary occupation. The customs duties, tees,
etc., levied upon Imports and exports are to
be the same as prevailed under Chinese rule.
Spain Disavows the Firing on the ADIan
ca A Satisfactory Answer.
The 8tnje Department ifcelvcd from Unit
ed States Minister Taylor at Madrid tho com
plete and final answer of Hpain to the de
mand ot Becretary Gresham for a disavowal
ot the firing on the United Htates merchant
ship Allianca. Tbe document bas been
awaited for some time with Interest, and it
was undoubtedly one of the wain subjects
which Acting Heoretary of Htate I hi brought
to the attention of tbe Cabinet at the meeting
The answer wss most cordial In tone, and
Is expressive ot the fullest disavowal of the
course ol the commander ot the Spanish gun
boat which fired on tne Allianca. It Is said
to be entirely satisfactory to this government
and il fully meets lu letter and spirit the de
mands made.
The following official statement concern
ing Hpaln's answer was made at the Htate
"In tbe Allianca affair, Hpaln In Its reply
disavows the act of tiring upon the Allianca,
expresses regret at the occurrence Itself, and
assures this government that measures have
bceu taken lo prevent a repetition ol the
Orover Ooe to the White Bouse and
Mm. Cleveland to Gray Gables.
Tbe President and family havo abandoned
Wood Icy as a place of residence for I he pre
sent summer aud will make the White House
their abode until their departure for Rue
cards Bay. Woodley bas been closed for the
Mrs. Cleveland, the children and nurses
will leave by rail for Gray Gables. They will
be accompanied as fares Falmouth, Mass.,
by Mrs. Oiuey, wife of the Attorney General.
It la not yet settled when the Presldeut will
go to Gray Gables.
Whan tha War Ended.
It bas been discovered that tbe rooent rul
ing of Assistant Becretary of tbe Iuterior Rey
nolds In a pension case, to the effect that the
war ended when hostilities ceased In July.
1805, Is In direct conflict with a decision ol
the United htates Hupreme court, rendered In
December, 1MU7. The court thea herd that
tbe war did not terminate until August 20,
lhetl, when Presldeut Johnson by proclama
tion announced that pence had been restored.
In view of the discovery of this decision and
the number of rases luvolved, tbe case of
John Barleyonng. upon wblch Seurotury
Reynolds passed, Is likely to be reopened.
Bain Proves a Blessing-Loesse Will be
a Million Dollar.
A downpour ot rain Tuesday afternoon
quenched the forest flroi in the vicinity of
Bradford, Ta.
Knapps Creek, N. Y the town that was
threatened with destruction escaped with a
loss ol three dwellings aud ISO ol, well rigs
aud two tanks of oil. Between Duke's Ou
ter and Kuupps Creek 200 rigs were destroy
ed, together with a large amount ot staudlng
The oil Ore at West Branch, was extinguish
ed by the rain and all Urea lu tnat direction
are under coutroi. The total losa throughout
tbe Bold will not fall short of a million dol
lars. Elk county has experienced a number of
forest tiros but this surpaeted them all. The
fire at Russell City was one that dreve terror
to the 600 people who Inhabit tbe place.
At 10 o'clock a brisk west wind sprung up
and lauaed the burning uuderbrush and hem
lock iliubur Into one solid mass of lire, cover
lug a stretch of three miles lu width.
' ihe people, who were about exhausted
from flghtiug the lire for the post three duys
were forced lo Uee lor their lives. Tbe flumes
spread so rapidly that the people had to leave
everything aud run to the clearing, two miles
dlstuut, at Highland Corners.
WoHien with children lu their arms, scream
ing aud bemuaulug their fate, ran and stum
bled as they escaped from tbe tiro. Many
women tell exhausted and were trampled ou,
but reached Highland iu safety. Noiulug it
left ot the onue hustling Utile place.
England, Vrano and Buesia Assembling
A dispatch from Vienna says It to reported
that In consequence ol tba unsatisfactory
character ot the Porte's auewer to the Ar
menian proposals ot the powers, a uava'
demonstration will be made In the Bos
uborus, by England, Franca and Russia.
The Armenlau commute bas received iu
tormatiou that Turkey baa refused lb de
mand of the Christian power lor a Joint pro
tectorate over Armenia, and that lb tlveia
are aaaetnblyig lu the neighborhood ol Con
stantinople. Stolen Bars of Go d Found.
Th f 80,000 lu gold bars stolen from th
Carson mint was recovered Tuesday, In a
most unexpected way. Tbe government offi
cers dug ui the treasure lu lu woodshed ol
William Piukler, an employ in lb inciters
ana reHuuners' department, who bad not
been even suspected.
Piokler was betrayed by a woman with
whom he bad been living and whom be bad
Th Missouri Democratic state committee
decided not to eull a stale convention ou th
money uuestlon, .
Armour, Rockefeller, Baker, Kent and
Logan th Big Winner.
The recent phenomenal rlso In the price ol
wheat, probably Ihe greatest ever known In
so short a period, caused Immense sums ol
money lo be lost and won on the Chicago
Board ot Trade,
The general public, so often flnecnd by the
glad cry "wheat Is going tip," were very
chary during tha earlier portions of the bulge
this spring, when Inside ot three weeks May
wheat rose fully 80 cents n bushel, But as
each succeeding day passed and the market
continued to rise the old fever was aroused
and soon the general publlo was to be seen
In Its old and long deserted haunts around
the bonrd and soon It was the center ot wild
It seems that the great public profited more
from the rise In wheat thnn any other particu
lar Individuals and It seems also that the
great public refuses to prohibit by experience
for they are still overwhelmingly In the mar
ket, wblch Is working steadily on the down
grade and every Indication now points to
their putting their handsome prortt bnck ex
actly where they got It and going home with
experience, perhaps, but surely to reflect.
1'blllp D. Armour, the millionaire meat
man, Is said to hare Individually netted 5,
000,000 on tbe rise. In addition John D.
Rockefeller, Armour and an unknown New
Yorker were banded together In a gigantio
Jool which Is said to have netted between
12.000,00.) and 18,000.000.
W. T. Baker, president of th board of
trade, Is said to have won about 2.600,000.
John R. Lyon Is credited with a profit way up
In the hundred thousands. H. A. Kent, of
the Gas Trust, operated on a larger saale,and
some say he must have mad 0l)O0. 000. F.
G. Logan, the broker, Is also credited with a
handsome profit well up toward the seven
figure mark. The number who profited to
the extent of a few hundred or a few thous
ands Is probably perhaps beyond any nctnal
computation. Procably the most conspicuous
loter was Edward Fardrldge.
Robbed of Much Merchandise. Clever
Capture By a Detectlv.
Freight train No. 11 on th Lake Shore
railroad was held up Sunday night between
South Bend and Mishawaqua, Ind. Tha
train was a through merchandise train. Th
engineer was compelled, at tha point ot a re
volver, to stop. Two persons watched blm
and the fireman until tbe rest of tha gang
ran through the valuablo merchandise cars.
Several cars were broken Into and th
stolen goods were loaded Into wagons. Th
train officers In the caboose started to as
certain th cause of delay, but did not get
far before they were ordered to surrender.
Th gang succeeded In removing several
hundred dollars worth of goods. Tbe train
was then allowed to depart.
Detective Frank Brobst brought five local
characters to South Bend, securely hand
cuffed together. It took blm soma time to
explain how It happened that be was there
at Just the right time. Brobst says he was tn
a box car with some tramps, be being In tan
guts ot a tramp (working on some case.)
when tbe train was held up. He was an eye
witness to nearly all of the proceedings. He
followed the wagon for about six mile,
when they finally drove Into a dense swamp.
Brobst followed, and In a short time the
party arrived at their rendezvous, au old log
nous In th swamp. II captured th flva
without any trouble, and using on of th
teams, brought them to town. Brobst says
be thinks there are about twenty In th gang
and that tbey aro all bom people.
Sultan Refuse to Acknowledge th
Right of th Powers.
The reply of th Turkish government to
the notes ot tha representative ot Clrea'
Britain, France and Russia, in regard to the
proposed reforms In Armenia, has been de
livered to the envoys. The porte's answer
It not satisfactory. The Turkish government
does not agree to the principle ot the control
ot th proposed reforms by Ibe powers. Af
ter receiving tbe reply the envoys ot the
three powers held a meeting, at which
they decided to reler the whole
matter to their respective governments.
Tbe position Is serious, us lust week the
British embassy Informed tbe ports that
(rent Drttiun bad resolved not to accept any
modifications ol the propositions ulfectlng re
forms In Armenia, aud the representatives ol
the othor powers Interested have made tbe
same declaration to tbe pone.
Tbe reply of tbe Turkish government
causes surprise and It Is thought that such an
answer would not have been given without
eucourngemont from some European power.
But tbe presence ot tbe British Mediterranean
squadron, consisting ol seventeen ships, nt
Beirut, points to an agreement between
Great Brltlan, France aud Russia to force
Turkey to comply with the demand ot the
powers. Consequently Interesting news may
snortly be flashed from Beirut, Hyrla, where
it if believed tbe British fleet will be called
upon to support the demand of tba tbree
B Fay th Penalty of th Murder of
Samuel MoCoy.
John Elsmlnger, the 22 year-old murderei
of Samuel McCoy, who broke Jail and wan
eered all over tbe country bofore he was re
captured In New Orleans, was banged at 1
o'clock Thursday afternoon at YYaynesburg,
John Elslmlnger was 22 yea old and had
a wile and a two-year-old child. He was tbe
son of Frank Etslinloger who moved here
from West Virginia a few years ago. His
victim Samuel C. McCoy, was lu partnership
iu the huckster business with Mrs, Thomas
Welsh. He was about 31 years old, aud bad
a wife and three children. Tbe crime was
brutal one, tbe ouly motive being robbery.
Of Itscomiutssioo, Elsiuiiuxor said iu a oou
tension made to the Rev. Mr. Williams: "1
am guilty of the crime ol which I am charg
ed. And now I will tell you what led to all
this crime. It was cards and bad company.
I plaved aud lost. I wanted money. If I
bud taken father's advice and stayed at home
at ulght aud attended a riuuJuy
they wished me to, all might have been dif
Th Island of Formosa Tarn4 Ovr to
Japan and a Governor Named.
Lord LI Cblng Fang, tbe son of Viceroy LI
Hung Cbnng and Mr. John W. Foster, who
have been to th Island ot Formosa, for th
purpose of formally transferring It to th
Japanese according to th form of tba treaty
ol ib Hblmonoski, bar returned to Shang
hai. Mr. Foster In an Interview, after his return
stated that Admiral Viscount Kalba) ma, for
merly chief of Ihe Japanese navy department
ha bea appointed Governor ol Formosa.
Tbe formal transfer ot the Island of Formosa
and th Chinese pronerly ou that Island, was
affected at Kee Luug, on Huuday, June 2,
when tb dovuuieui necessary to lb trans
fer were exebauged. Mr. Foster will return
to lb United Htate by lb first steamer.
Demand Ten Cent Advance.
Miners of tb Kuuawhu aud New Rivet
valley regions demand au increase of 10 ceuts
per ton after Juua 16. Word come from
rocauontng. a., that more soldiers arrived
there, tb operator claiming that sine tb
Earuut witnurawai ol tne inllltla lb strlk
ig miners have grown bolder.
An Inter; at Ing Carsmony to be Observed
at Canonaburg.
The old log college built mora than one
hundred years ago has bee i removed from
Its orlttlnnl slto, and re-locn .:d cn the campus
of Jefferson Academy at Cinonsburg. Tb
event will be publicly celebiuted on Tuesday,
June 1ft, and will be a mi et memorable oc
casion, Tha following prominent speaker
have been Invited to deliver addresses: Gov
ernor Hastings, ex-OovTuors Pnttlson and
Heaver. W. H. West, ot O lo; Rev, Dr. II. C.
McCook. of Philadelphia; Rev. Dr. Nlcoolls,
of Ht. Louis, Rev. Dr. Gregg, ol Brooklyn,
and Rev. Dr. J. 11. Paxtun, ot New York.
Addresses will also be made by others rep
resenting Institutions and churches identified
with tbe old log college.
ron LintatL stcdiu.
The millionaire sugar refiner, Charles C.
Harrison, who has tor a year been acting
provost of the University of Pennsylvania,
and who was permuntly ulented to that po
sition, gave tne institution fouo,uuo outright.
Tbe fund Is tor the enoourazement of liberal
ttudles aud the advancement ol knowledge.
inonmiRs miKTiMa.
The Producers' oil eompany. limited, at lis
annual meeting at Warren re-elected lor the
coming year Its board ot managers, as fol
lows: David Kirk, Plttsbui. i H. F. Htralght,
lirainorai A. i. V.OOO, rtarmit J. w. Lee,
Pittsburg, and Clarence Walker, Butler.
Mrs. Louisa Bwarla. wife of C. F. Hwarts.
residing at Warreusville. near Willlamsport,
commiuea suiciae oy culling uer tnroat With
a penknife, dying In a tew uitnutes. For
some years Mrs. Hwaris baa Leon subject to
Irequeut attacks of melaucho. , which de
veloped Into a mild lorm of insanity. Dur
ing theso spells she becume poMteseeu ot a de
lire to kill bursell or some oue else. Hue
was 35 years of age and leave bcr husbaud
and tbree daughters.
The Johnstown Ftbod Correspondent' as
sociation beld Its aunaal reunli.u at Harris
burg, Haturday, and beld a bhuquet In tbe
evening. Governor Hastings dropped In In
the evening and asked that tbey call blm
Dan In memory ol old time. But for tbe
death of Mrs. Hastings' brother be would
bave given tnom a reception at tb executive
Tba patternmakers of tb Johnson com
pany struck at Johnstown. The bone of
contention I an attempt on tbe part of the
manager to change th method of work
from day to piece, ine employes assert mat
Ibe change means tbe men would receive
about 1 2Btotl 68 per day Instead ot the
present wages, which are from 2 40 to
Fire at Bharpsvllle resulted In a loss
about tlOjOOO. I). M. Hadley'a livery sta
bles, W. h. McBurney's grocery and store
and W. K. McBurney's residence were re
duced to ashes, other adjoining residences
wers badly damaged. Insurance about 3,00J.
Mr. and Mr. John W. McCoy were refused
a new trial at Greenabnrg aud sentenced to
tb penitentiary for eleven year each for th
muraer oi rrant urinxiey at tue central
works last fall.
It Is given out that th Humphrey
glass works ot Bleubenvllle, will be
itarted up soon. Mr. Humphrey I to buy
out other stockholders who object to having
Ibe plant operated at a loss.
Near Conway the body ot a man was fonnd
beside the railroad tracks. Upon the left
arm war the word In India Iuk, "Michael
Loreur., 1801," and a fish, On tbe right arm
sras a mermaid.
Frank Williams & Co., of Buffalo, have
purchased a half-lntorest In the J. D. Boyd
joal works at Smock station, on tbe Pittsburg
Virginia & Charleston railroad, tor (46,000.
Tbe commencement exorcises of the Cali
fornia state normal school will be beld June
17. Twenty-seven youug men and women
somprlse tbe graduating olass.
Teter Ford and Robert Joyce pleaded guilty
at New Castle to having robbed tbe Porter
residence at Pulaski, and were each sentenc
ed nine years in the penitentiary.
Th polishers In th H. M. Myers A Co.,
shovel works at Beaver Falls, weut out on a
ltrike tor tho restoration of a wage reduction
made a year ago.
Fire at Altoona destroyed thcjlurultiire fats
tory of L P. Hbimer, and several adjoin
ing stable. Loss, 3,000, oovored by Insur
ance Zan Czepkowic, who stole (450 from
August Demeter at California was captured
by officers at Uniontown and the money re
covered. Thomas D. Gray, a McDonald constable,
who shot and killed James Morgan an escap
ing prisoner, was acquitted at Wasbiugton on
tbe charge oi muraer.
After a warfare ol years tbe United States
Cracker Trust has finally gobbled up the Erie
steam bakery, in consideration was salu
to bo (250,000.
Fire destroyed an entire block of buildings
at Shenandoah early Baturduy morning aud
150 persons are nomeies. ine loss is call,
mated at (165,000.
Frank Riley, a young mechanic, was drown
ed while bathing In ibe Susquebuuna
Lnuesboro. Ills body was recovered.
Tbe Reading Iron Company restored Its
tube employes wages to tne lB'JJ rate, an ad
vance of 10 per ceut.
T U nA.mA- nn,.ln... Ihn Amah. I.....
coui works, tell dead from apoplexy while
bis band was on tn turottie.
Tbe Beaver oounty commissioners have
bills outstanding to the uinount of (6,000
with little lunus to meot mem.
Darby Agan was Indicted at New Castle for
the murder of Martin O'Mullu, who was
killed by being hit on the head with a club.
Tbe body of Anna Kay, 35 year old. was
found In tho canal at Bristol. Foul play is
Dead of a Fiercely Jaaloua Fish Vandal
In Jeraey City,
John Czdb, aged 60 yean, a Pel, ol Jer
aey City, shot and instantly killed bl wile
Mary jtged 42. Tb oou pie lived In an old
boat boas on tb Hackensack river, at lb
loot ol Durham avenue, and were known as
f ish John" and "nan nary. - luey oau
been on i ad term for a long tlm and Czdb
was insanely Jealous ol hi wife, who wa
quit good-looking ana very vivacious.
j-oat uiRui urn ljiuu lauou iu vuiu. uu..w,
and at daylight this morning Cr.db started
out lo tlud her. He suspected John Oreta
maun, a married man. of bur boring Mrs.
Cailb. aud b watched Oralcinauu' house
from behind a tree for two hours. At :15
o'clock OrelKinuun aud Mrs. CxdU oain out
of Ihe former a bouse. Ctdb pulled a re
..I... f.rt.n him nu,b -., tilt. llMH,
and tired at bis wife. The bullet struck th
woman tn the breast aud passed through her
heart. She tell dead without a word. Greta
maun rau off and Cadb disappeared toward
ou bom. 11 was arrested lulor.
Tb Year Book ol lb Agriculture Depart,
meut Is Iu type.
Bun'. Hollar nt tha nnnrflln n
merclal Affairs.
was fallinir lust two Venra nan with a.nlB
fast In some bran"hes that the more conser
.nuvo icnr u i t utfi i iiiniiiininnii Mill
the period of dullness which ?omns In end
market after an unusual rise, brings us yet
nothing like a corresponding decline. In
dustries gain muen, nan or lull back a little,
aud then gain once more, The demand tor
consumption steadily Increases as tha em-
Iilovmeut and wnges of the people'lncrease.
mmnnd for money expands, one Lank re-
loning mi per cent larger In the discounts
or the country, and nuotbor 23 per cent
more commercial loans ilmn a year ago, and
II but two report soma gsln.
the serious question remains, whether tha
crop will be full enough to sustain a large
business. But the worst reports today are
better by far than th estimates recently cur
rent. Wheat rose 2 cents, foil bnck 2 with
realizing ana bus again risen 8, with n west
ern estimate of a crop H0,00i,,uoo bushel
smaller than Inst year. It is penlnumt to rn-
memoer unit oiiicini ann most unoniclal re
ports, down to a lute period last fall, put tha
yield about HO.000.OIM) bushels lower thnn It
s anown io nave ueen. western receipts
were 204,000 bushels more than Inst year. nod
In Ave weeks have been 7,071,0:11 bushels
against 6,001,050 bushels Ian year, while
Atlantic expoits, flour Included, fi70,noo bush
els smaller for the week, Imve been, iu tlvs
Weeks, 7,738.HiS bushels, against 11,045,478
last year. 1 here Is neither holding back by
farmers nor anxious haste In purchasing by
lorelgners to support belief In scarcity.
Iron pushes upwnrd, like the great build
ings Into which so much of It goes, and th
advance in Mulshed products hits become
general. Of structural steel 11,600 tons wi re
turned out In May by the Homestead works,
breaking the record, and prices rise to 1.3
cents for beams and 1.2 for angles. Tba
Enstern Bar association bas raised the price
of refined Iron to 1.1 cents aud the Amalga
mated association demands ot Pittsburg aod
western makers a change of wages, wilb 1.1
cents us Ibe basis. Coke producers are said
to have substantially agreed upou sales by
an agency, anil allotment of the output and
an ndvauco in prico to (1.60 or higher.
Chicago works are In full operation, but
tbe demand from mrrlaultiiral Implement
makers lags because the o milng harvest Is In
doubt. Tin is wenker, with a rise In the
world's visible supply to 25,071 tons, about
five months' consumption, but copper is
stronger at 10c tor hike, and lead la higher
at a. 9 cents.
Failures for the week have been 195 for
the United Htates against 215 last year, and
25 In Canada against 40 last year.
Jap on th Slops. '
A heavy Japanese Immigration has set.
In toward the fruit fntms of southern
California. Recently a thousand Jananea
coolies went to Rritlsh Columbia, and at
now entering the states en route for southern
calllornin. luey are armed with certificate
from a United elates commissioner in Vic
toria, which oosts them from (2.60 to (5,
I ma whoi.isai.s rairiss sax iiivxn miiw.l
(train. Klour and (aed.
WHKAT-Nu 1 red J
No. S red
tOKN No. yellow ear
siixea ear,
No. yellow shelled V
OATH-Nu 1 WUile
No. I white wi ,
Kitra No. s white
Lltftit mixed - b'V4
RYk No I U
No. II western i-
4 IW
ft 10
4 T
il l
4 no
il M
,1 IK)
i.i 00
in no
). w
17 HO
:o uo
6 iS
7 50
FLot'K N inter patents niruds.. 4 mi
fancy Pprllig piileniH
Fancy atraiytit winter 4 !
Mralght XiA bakers' - Si
Clear Winter .5
hve flour 4 v.
11AY No. 1 Itmotliy IS J
No. II 11 1I
Mixed clover. Nil 1 1" M
Loose tlmotbr. from wai:iiiia..H 1 lu
FKtlJ No. 1 While Md., lou IV fit I
No. a White Mlililluigs I' iu
II row n Middlings 10 W
Hran. bulk I
8TKAV. Wheal 5 6d
Dairy I'nnliicte1
Bl'TTKH Elirlu I reumery ill (a) M
Fnucy Creamery li IH
fancy touuny KolL 11 14
liw grime aud cuoiilltg 7 H
CHhhr.. Ohio, new " 7tf
New York, new Ms u
W isconsin e-wisw. V.'tj 18
Llinbuigr. iiewiiiiikB lu 11
1 rult and Vegetables.
liKANS Hand-picked, per ou ..... II 00 2 15
Lima. Ib ft 1-a Vfi
I Ul AiUnS cur. Iiu 41 10
rroiu sloro, bu 5i t0
BKbTH per ool 1 il 1 v
CAHHAUK Home growu, ubl 1 (HI 1 60
Tl'K.NII'B per bbi IJ 7
OMuNB ellow, OU 1 a.i 1 80
J'auj.MI'o per hhl M 7ft
Poultry, Jfcte.
Live Chickens, V pair
Live Ducks. V I""1 '
Dressed Cbiccu, ju.
Live Turkeys, V
KtlUM I'a aud Unlo. Iresb
70 75
Ul U
18 au
11 14
HI 14
UtATHKItS LxllullveUeoao.tllU dj IM
Nu I fcx. Live l.cuao, fl lu 4U 4ft
country, lurge pacsud i.ft 40
M Iscellauemis.
frEEDS Clover 14 lbs
'1 iiuotby, prime
blue Urass
RAUb country mixed.
llONEV While Clover
6 40 (ul 0 60
If J '4 IO
1 sW 1 HU
14 1
14 IU
4 W 6 110
4 Hi
HAII.U blKUr, new
clDEIi Country, sweui,
WIlLAT No. Sited ,
la r. No. s
COHN Mixed
OA in
BU I I LK onto c rouinory
S 75 US I 53
FLOt'H . i OOujU 40
W IIKA'l No. !i Kud -
COHN No. 4 Mixed
OA id Nu '4 While
HUT'IKK i. rcaiuoi-y, extra.
kuoa fa. lirsis
FLOl'lt-rmcnu is ,'0,,4 15
WilLAT Nu S nod Ml M
Mt Mate M 67
COIlN Na 6 67
HA IS While Western bi H
BL ''I'l&'K t-reumeiy 14 lu
fcoob Bis is sua i'oiin li n
CkxTBU. bTott Yaainj, kUwr Usistt, r,
Prime, 1,400 to 1.000 lbs t 5 40 5 60)
liood, l,m lu 1,4110 lbs l(j 6IU
Uood buU'Uers, 1 . lo 1,UUU lbs. ... 4 Ml
'lldy, l.oou lu 1,I6hb 4io 4 (to
Kulr light steers, UUJ to 1UU0 lbs ... 4 1ft 4 40
Coiuwuu, 7UI to VOUlb T j 6 60
Philadelphia 4 (6 4 W
beat ) orkers aud mixed.. 4 fu 4 &s
Cuuiuiou to lair Voi kors. 4 IU 4 46
gxtra. OB to 106 lb..... 8 05 8 uu
Uood. H6 to HI lbs tl ) a 05
Fair, 76 to S6 Iba g 10 4 6J
Common I 5:1 4 no
spring Laiubs 8 60 to
Chicago. Cattle C'oiiiinun to extra steers
$i.,ftitu.uO; stockurs aud leeders, .Viiuil y5
cows aud bulls, 4l. 7.W !.."; calves, J..'Ailli.OJ
Hogs heavy, sl.Mil.sii; common to cuolue
mixed, 4U4&.4-'iO; choloe Assorted, $1 Tl):
llglil, l.IHl.ttl pigs, I.IKHI.KI. hliiiou-iu.
ihloi lor lu choice, 4i.uii-t..1. luiubs, 4&;iUu.b.0J
Cluclmiall Hogs soleot shippers uoue:
butchers l.r.ual..v tuir iu good packers 1.40
to4.6h liur to light i. Uo4 4"i: common uut
rotiifh! MIOI..15 I nlllu g Hid lilp"rl, luioi 111
good luchoico 44 ..MtloMI ; fuil' lu medium ailsllo
$1,411; uollimou t'.'..Mto1.5.l. 1. anils ellrut'MIII;
liood to tuoico 4 6utui.6; coiiiuiuu lo lair
to 1.6)