THE FATAL THIRTEEN. A Story. Whlrli Mnjr Not Tto Trm, Tlinl Will Ilx Fnort for the Knpcrntltlmn. Thirteen motiibiis iC tlio Fpvnrid Flshtiirt club of l!nir;!n (l"fl"d tlm "11 superstition ono sultry day l.irt, enilmrkeil in a yncht I-.uIhiikIiih l ono of tbo party mid mnrln n flny of it down tlie river. Tliey visiteil mime of tlio filensnro resorts on (iriind islmnl, nto n line lunch, drunk beer mid ro tllVIH'd trt tllil ritV i'.i"Ut 10 u'rli-e'i i;i thfl PVoninR. As evidence of v.hnt thry hnl dono lefnro a plintn;:rniilier nt Hour Spring Orovu imd.hml i;rni:;i picture Hindi'. Tim phitiKr:MH'r win iv ilerert tn strike oiT 111 Mpies, oiki fnvrnr'i member, nnd then vtroy tlio nnj;nHvi'. Tlio Sprudcls is n fjreat sncliil-polill-cnlorganir.ntiouof DufTuto. It limrwir ly 1,000 members. Last winter It enred tlie big Broadway nrscnnl mi l gave ball for chnrity, which tvns r.t tended by 10,000 people. Tlio 13 men who imulo tlio trip wcra nil comparatively ynuiiii iumi, not 0 :0 over 43, nnd nil robust nnd bcallliy. Within two months threo of them Ir.'.vj dloil suddenly. Tlio first of tlio 13 to fc.) tvss Michael North, n wholesale cijiar dealer. He caught cold in the rally winter, had n hemorrhauo of the hniRn nnd died suddenly. Ho was 43 years old and a mnnof utrongconstitntion. About two weeks later the Bprudols wuro hocked tn learn of tho sudden death of Albort Daotzhold. Ho wont into tho street while In a hontcit condition nffer contest iu n bowling alley, caught cold nut was carried off by pneumonia in two days. Ho was 81 years eld, nearly , Teet hlRh, weighed 180 pounds nnd ha tho red cheeks of a girt The third to tlio was tho man of nil the members 01 tho clnbwhom 1111'iy would pick out ns tho bot risx. lie w ,.s TJermnn H. Kamper, nn mint' nv n"i leto, n man who never dirslpr.tcd, (1 f . t tall, Rplundii'ly prop irtioned n -1 "0 years old. lVmmonin killed lil .ni i two days. Tho rest of tho 13 began ti fe '! un comfortable, Ono Any, while. Ion!::::;; nt tho picturo taken nt Sour Spring (! iv , it struck John Schwabl ns a romarkablo fact thnt tho threo men who had died Stood ill tho fvent row in the 1 ieture. He coniniunieated his discovery to t: .1 others. W hen tbo picturo was taken, 1 110 men stood four in row, with tho tl.iv toonta man in tho roar. Buffalo 'Di.i patoh in New York Sun. WHO TO "TELEMAQUEf The MydtorKraa Indlvltlual Who 'fuakeil Count Dnnirace anil Caught On. Here is tie first explanation of a hitherto inexplioable oircuniKtauct of tho Gould-Cnstellnne marriage: Among tbe guests nt that most adver tised of American marriages was it man, newly rich, not distinguihhed for clo ganoe of manner, broad th of -education or for anything save an iiiordinnto and abnormal itch to "got into souiety" and a monmner.tal choek in furthering an ambition cot uncommon to ipxiplo of his nnteopAonts. Butho-tvns thoro, nnd all the Four Hundred Sooked 011 nnd wondered, es pecially those that woro not invited. It turns out now thnt this'ltonrty old buck of hnniblo origin, small beginnings and aulMcnded aspirations got his invi tation to the wedding through Count Boniface ia Castollnno, the bridegroom. As everybody knows, Count Boniface had very little money prior t his mar riage wiUi tlie Aniorioau hoiruKS. He was forced to borrow. He wns short of oolluterai or other material aecurity, but hi social position was valuable in tbe eyes oX Xlie man to whom I have referred. The Utter came to the coast's assist ance and indorsed his notes to the amount of $200,000, I nm told, nnd thereafter was tbe count's bosom frioud. Wherever the Count Castnilnuo was, there was "the little jokor." and of course he igot an Invitation tn the wod- ding, an4'0f course be went. Yoa cast bet that this particular ex : ample of the newly rich newsr misses a - trick la bta social game. And such is the complex and hetero geneous cfaarauter of our social fabrio that, in spito of certain drawbacks, li!;o the insect without wings, he will got there just tho same. I have uot mentioned by camo this charming friend of tho noblo Count da Castellnne, ibnt for nn appropriate cog nomen I'll dub biui Ttlom.ique. Cliolly Knickerbocker in Now York Eccordcr. A Battle Over Whlekera, St Louis is the scene of a livaly bat tle between organized employers nud the waiters In hotels and restaurants, etc It is tho same old strife over whisk ers. The employers want the tnen to be clean shavuu, nnd the employees re fuse to allow tbe hirsute adornment which oovers their faces to be removed. The trouble has even extended to the baokmen and ooschmon, who have com bined with tbe waiters and have taken a firm stand against allowing their whiskers to be removed. They have beeaaeeking to obtain the sympathy of the labor organisations of Bt Louis, but the members of tbe Bar bers' onion are against them and are ready to out the objeotionable whiskers off, shave them off, ebop them off iu short, anything to reaaove them. Tbe legislature has taken a hand in the trouble, and two bills have been in troduced, one requiring nil waiters in hotels, restaurants, eta., to be oloan haven and the other muting it a mis demeanor for an omployor to discrimi nate against an employee arho wears a Beard. Albany Argus. Wot la His nutriot. During the last onmpaign the candi dates woro all obliged to run tho gant let of raffle tickets, church fair tiokuts, subscriptions, eta. Ono of tho mayoralty candidates was approach od by a tall, motherly looking lady, who Bweotly so. lieitud money for tho missionaries in Africa, "Africa," oxcluiuiud tho cuudldi'.tc, "not a cent It is out of my district" Wilkeslwre Leader. THB PRESIDENT'S PROTECTORS. Tti Arnifit flnnrrt Wlilrti Kprpn Watch For Cranks Abnnt the White I tonne. No president in the history of this country has been so careful iu having hiiusolf guarded as Mr. C'lovolnnd. It stnrtotl with the Coxoy craze. Be fore tho ooniinonwealers began their march toward Washington bnt six po licemen of tlio metropolitan forco wcro detailed to do dnty in tho White Howe grounds. Beside these wore the regu lar corrsof W hito House watchmen and doorkeepers. But when tho common wenlers camo Marshal Wilson asked Major M0010, chief of tho Washington police, to detail 13 more of Ills men for Whito Houso duty. Blnoo that time tho cutiro forco of 18 policomcn, besides the regular watchmen nnd secret Bcrvlce men, guard over tho White Uoubb nud Us occupants. Three soutry boxos, with lookout win dows, have beon erected in front nnd on either sido of tho building. In those armed guard do duty day nnd night, whllo others patrol tho grounds. In the daytime ample guards are about the bouso nud grounds watching (or cranki or others who may enter with malicious dostgns, Whotlier tho prosidont personally or his friends insist upon this personal guard is not known. Certain it is, how ever, that 110 information can be got from any of thorn. They as car of nil expel tho camera (lends from the grounds as they do a crank and have so far pre vented a snap shot nt even a sentry box. When tho provident drives, ho is fol lowed by a well nrmod soorot sorvlce man, who trails along a short distance behind tho oxecutivo carriage in a bug gy driven by a companion. Soveral times ho went on horseback, but the buggy idea lias been found to attract least ntteutiou nnd to be moro prefora Wo. Atlanta Constitution. Howie's (Ireat Knife. The bowio knifo obtains its name from Rozin P. Bowio, who lived in Maryland in tho early part of this cen tury. Ho had n brother who had many enemies, and ho, bolng turbulent and fond of hand to hand debts, stood iu need of pood weapons. K undertook to furnish him with a weapon sotno what superior to nny thnt could bo found in thoso parts nt that period. A knifo was made out of a blacksmith's lilo, and A blade wns had nine inches long, to which was fastened a handio of six inches. The knife was simple, strong in build and had au admirable tompor. Bowie used it in 19 sanguinary ooutcsts, nnd then, happening in Philadelphia, be met with a cotter who fashioned it over for him. Bowie afterward Bottled on the Mississippi, and entertained the colobratod actor Edwin Forrest, to Whom ho gave tho original knifo. For rest plaoed the knife in his collection, where he retained it nntil his death. Hardwaro. Call to Prohibitionists. KEYNoi.wsvn.i.E, Pa., May 13, '1)5. lliadiwirler Jiffrmon County I'mhihi tion Kuvctiliir Committee. The Proh iWtinnlHtu of Jefferson coun ty are horoVy called upon to asnemble in annual convention at RcynoldBvllle, Pa,, in Certtannial hall on tho 24th day of May, 1805, at 10.IX) o'clock A. M. Said convention is culled for tho pur pose of nominating candidates to bo voted upon at this full's election, elect delegates ftw the Prohibition State con' vention to he held in Pittsburg June 0th, also county executive officers, and to transact such other business that shall prosMjoty come before tho convon tion. In the noilng a grand mass meeting will bo heWn at the same ball. State Chairman 15. D. Patton will deliver an able address. Other prominent local speakors ase engaged for tho occasion. Good musk Sn attendance. S. Shaffer, Chairman. An Important Itrm. Do not van to your money on vilo, watery mb&turcs compounded by Inex perienced persons when W. B. Alexan der, sole agnnt, will give you a bottle of Otto's Cure free of charge. If you have coughs, colds, asthma, consumption, or any disease of tho throat or lungs, a few doses 0 this great guaranteed rem edy will surprise you. Hold a bottle of Otto's Cure to the light and observe its beautiful goUun color and thick, heavy syrup. Samples free; large bottle 50c, Frank fird, Del., July 20, 181)4. Gentlemen: I have been suffering from Insomnia, caused, I suppose, from disordered liver. A friend of mine recommended Hood's Compound Extract Celery. Although I am not a believer in mediolnes of this kind, rather than suffer any longer I was prevailed upon to give your mediciae a trial. Had any one foretold the results that followed, I would have disbelieved them. Thanks to tbe excellent effects from two bot tles, I am working eight hours per day and sleeping like a top. Patrick Hennessey. Sold by Stoke, the druggist A Hl(h BoUar. ' 'Those two seats next to yon, "said the sjsfaer at the crowded theater, "seem to be nnooonpied. Please let these gentle men sit down in them. " "Those seats, me good man, " respond ed Cholly languidly, produolng his checks and looking at the usher through bis eyeglass, "belong tome ovabooat Please stand a little to one side. Yon obstwnot me view of tbe stage." Chi cago Tribune. Sh lion's Cure is sold on a guarantee. It cures incipient consumption. It Is tho best cough cure. Only one oont a doso, 25ets., DOutB. and (1.00, Sold by J. C. King & Co. mBm r.ivts. snif r-i.ooiiotiic, Onecentadoeft It is seiil on n r.unrnnloo bv ell dri'ir- ptiM. It cures Tirtritont CensuTm!on and is the boat Courcii and Croup Cu e. PohlliyJ.r. King Co 66t an Education. Filuenllnn nnd fortune in lintitl 111 hand. del hii I'dueiilleii at the Central Htiilo Nor- ninl HehiKil, l.oek II 11 veil, I'll. I- It-Mt-cllmfl necnninioiltttlon nm! low rate, flttite nld tn ntutW'iits. Kor IHiiHiratetl nilnloKue ntMreiw I AM Kf KI.IION, I'll. P., rilnelpnl, IOt-k llnven, I'a. HO Every Woman Sometimes tieeus a rsu obla monthly regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S r PENNYROYAL PILLS, Are prompt, sufe ind eeruin In mult. Tlie xtiu. Inelllr. Ivnr-inPTerdlnppmnU Bont aufWlielVi 1.00. ro-.IMcrtictnelX) ,Cieelna.o. For mile nt II. Alex moke's ilrim store. D JHSOLUTION NOTICE. Notlro n hori'hy irlvrrt thnt the piiHmfMht IIMiiy I'MNtlllal llflWl'VIl illt. I. .MHMI-MtPM, r. I. Hcrlcy iiimI SriHi M. 'IWIhihI, nf Ui'.vntiMs- villi t I Hi ilH'l' r iiH' in in iinini' ui iiryiMHiiM- vlllii llartluitiu ( 0.. wilt, on tin- hi It ihty of Mn v, M'i.y IIIv.hI fty iniMinil (niwcnt. All ill-tits nwlnir 1( nld tirtnM-shlp iih' 1i bo vt ivlviillty itlh'r int'inlM't-nf Hi in find till iIi'IiiihmIh on Hiiil pn nrlilp lire 1i Ih pic wiitiMl to rllheriif llicni fir piiytnmit. p At, iv. .runr"n( K. I. Hkki.kv, SmTT Ml'Cl.l M.AMt. Hixilt 1.-f 'ItilltiriJ will tin In tho WfVlliilllu. villi-llunlwaiit 'u. rtot- wlii'ii nil n me Imlebti'il tn Hiihl fl 1 111 will plensi I'ttll iiimI hm t le either 1y t'li nr note 011 or Iwfore lite 1.11 11 nay in .piiih 1 -.. aimt 1 1111 1. 1 1 in.' Mir ImhiKh will n left Mr rolicrtloii. To the Building Public! Math. Mohncy Is now ajrent for tho Fltzoerald Wall Plaster. Any one who desires to havo work In that lino, would resnoetfully invite them, for prices nnd further Informa tion, to cull on M. MOHNEY, Ueynoldsvllle, Pa. lUlUUlltU liti OF li El'XOLliS VILLI. CHPITHL $80,000.00. O. lmtrltrll, Praldrnt IKtl MrClclland, Tire Pr. John II, KM'lior. aliler Dlrrctora: 0. Ml1e1l, Rcott Mettelland. J. C. King, Jom'irti Klmusii, it. r.. Iirown, 1. W. Culler, J. II. Knucher. noon acneralbanklnKriUfilneiwand mllclta Itia accoama or mnrvnanta, pmnttMinimi men, farmura. nechunU'H. mliiuni. lunilwrmun nnd oilier. pmnilHtnK the moot careful attention va (ue Dianaeaa ui an peraona. flnfe Dftmalt Itoxea tor Krnt. First National Hank batldlnR, Nolan block Fire ProoT Vault. PEOPLE'S Bargain store! Is the only cheap store in town. Special bargains every day in Ladies1 and Gents' Furnishing Goods! Note our prices: Five-fourths oil cloth 15c. per yard. Men's top shirts from 15c up. Boys' knee pants 15 c. per pair and up. Men's working pants from 78c. up. Finest line of trunks in town at cut prices. Fine line of men's and boys' straw hats at very low prices. Ladies' and children's un derwear from 5c. up. Come and get one. Our motto is Quick Sales and Small Profits. Call and get our prices and be con vinced that we are cneapes store in town in our line. People's Bargain Store XL Frst Moll nno 1 linn: L 11 IV OTKLMcC'ONNKLL. TtKYNOLtlSVILLK. PA. FNAXKJ. HLAVK Pmpriftnr. Tlio Irndliitf Imlrlof tho town. Hnnflrjuiir r fur i'(mnn'ri'ltil nitn. Htt'iim liciit. fite 1Mt. Illllll CtMUllf Mild I'll Hl1 ft Dtl HVtTV fllMtr. firttnplc riHmift, btlllurd riHitn, loli'iihone con- IHMMIOfW ftl', JJOTKL nr.LNAP, HIC YNOLDSV1 U.K., I'A. C. 1HLLMAX, Pmioittor. FIikI rln In every nnrlli-iilnr. f.nrntofl In he very eentre of lite lnt-tlne purt. nf town, 'reo Mum to nnd from trittni mtil eonnnorilniia Rumple room? for eommerelnl truvt'lei. TmOOKVITXF, PA., VlllL '. (VI H HI Eli, V.nnWor, Hnnmlt rom on ilin ffrnunrl floor, limits ciitfd ly natural gnn. Otnttltnin to and from 11 tritltiH. OOHE S WINDSOR HOTEL, 1217-21) FlLHF.RT STRF.ET, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A, PltES'WM J. MOOliK, Proprietor. i(42 tied rooms. Ttutes per day Amerl nn I'lnti. PililiM k from I'. It. It. Ilettot nnd i Mock from New 1'. fc. It. It. lli'ixil. E. KBm JUSTICE OF THE TEACE And Iti'iit Est ill i' Ant-tit, IteynoldHvllle, I'a. c MITCHELL, ATTOHN E Y-AT-LAW. OlHre on Went Main atrrel. npiHmlte the Coiiiinercliil Hotel, Iteynolclsvlllu, ni. I) It. 11. E. HOOVEK, HEYNt )L1)SV1 LLE, l'A. lti'sldt'iil tli'iillt. Iii liulltlliiK nenr Metlin- (llst rliuivh, opiiosltu Arnoltl bliH'k. (ii'iitle- iii'hh In opt'riit lutr. C. 1.. tlOIIIION. JOHN W. I1KKI). QOHDON' & HEED, ATTOUN E YS-AT-LA W, HiiNikrllli', Jelti'rHon Co., l'n. Olllt'c In room formi'rlv occiiiilpt hv Gorilon ftCorlictt Winl Main Ntrvet. w. l. Mccracken, BrnkTillt. S. M. M.DON At,0, RjboUitIIIi. jyj(!CHACKEN & Mcdonald, Altnrnryn diitl CiiutmllmtHil-Law, Offlceaat Iteynnldlvllle and llrookvlllo. It EYNOLDSV1LLE LAUNDRY, WAH SING. Proprietor, Corner 41 h xlrept nnd flordon alley. First claM work done at rammalle prloea. Olve ine launury a trial. R. R. E. HARBISON, SURGEON DENTIST, ltpynnldKvllle, I'a, Ofttre tn nMimn formerly occuiiled bv I. H. Mi'Cri'tnlit. N. HANAU Has brought the Best and Lowest Prices ever seen in this town. Come and see for yourself. A Fine Line of Summer silks! plain and figured. Silk that was sold at 4iio., now &; soia at ooo., now dii sold at ooo., now 4a. Fine line Henrietta that was sold for 40c,, now 25. Fine line of Dimity and Jaconat Uuchoiis IU and Dress Ginghams for So. A fine line of Ladles' Capes from I: to 118. Children's ready-made Eaton Suits, age 4 to 12 years. Fine assortment of Novelty Goods In the Ladles' Department. Clothing - Department! Suits that were sold for $7, $8,110 and 12, now for a and to. Children's Suits for 90o. Cheviot Shirts for 24o. You will save money by calling and examining our stock before purchasing elsewhere. ' N. Hanau. &ubacrlt for The Star, If you want tha New Get Ready! rOR T,U WARM WEATHER 1 S We have tlit!iii in nil tlicm. A-iiievicmi Dimitie.s, I3elfnst Diiriiiies, Percales, Chnllie, Greimdiiies, Jiicoiiet Diichesso Lawns And ninny other kind. We never hnd such a fine Rejection nnd the prices are low. EES I N G & OO. G O O D w E wish to. inform the public ji i i Selling -Our Entire Giotlilno and Gents' AT COST! We most respectfully ask that prices and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Tailor-made Suits to Order from $17.00 up. BOLGER BROS., Merchant Tailors and Gent's Furnishers. ReynolQSYillB Harare Co., DEALERS IN HARDWARE. STOVES and RANGES, TIN, SHEET IRON - AND - COPPER WARE, AMMUNITION, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WOOD AND IRON PUMPS. And everything kept in a Roofing and Spouting Done to Order. REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. UW - OOME IN! Where? TO THE "Bee Hive" store, WHEBK L. J. McEntire, & Co., The Groceryman, deals in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods. Green Goods, Tobacco and Cigars, Flour and Feed, Baled Hay and Straw. FreBh goods always on hand. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. Very truly yours, Lawrence J. Mckntlrc & Go., The Grocerymen. L C a Shades. You nliould see that we nre 4c ijc - Out Stock of- Furnishing Goods you come in and see our First-class Hardware Store. fTT TAKEI THI PUCE OF DANGEROUS Vlli GASOLINE. GOES IN ANY STOVE. TlTTl?VT,Tr no smoke, dirt or odor, a liVlXlMJlX CHEAPER THAN W00O OR COAL (ffi&h WAKT AGENTS on II v salary or commission. I F fl TTi sena ror uuiioiiu NATIONAL OIL BURNER CO. 602 CCOAN AVC. CLEVELAND, OHIO. J. S. MORROW. DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa.