The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 08, 1895, Image 7

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    That Tired Feeling
It is remarkable hnxr ninny penpla
there Are who have That Tired Feeling
anil lecm to think it is of no impor
tance or that nothing nee,l be done for
it. They woull not be so cureless if
they realized hotr really serious the
malady is. But they think or say "It
will go off after a while."
We do not mean the legitimate
weariness whioh nil experinnoe after a
hard day's work, but thnt all-gone,
worn-out feeling which is especially
orcrpowering in tho morning, when
the body should bo refreshed and
ready for work. It is olten only the
ood's Sarsaparilla
flakes Pure Blood.
Crttlna Old.
One of the worst things nbnnt getting
old Is thnt you will li.tve to wear Ann.
nels In hot weather to keep the rheumfv
tlsm off. You never see old women
wearing dresses so thin they show lacs,
through. Atchison Globe.
The world demands more of a Chris
tian that the Ulble does.
.Nursing Mothers,Infants
W- L. Douglas
S3 SHOEo?.
00. cordovan:
4.3 &P Fine Cut &nga!W,
Srun rnu t atai nnir
'X'4 W'L'DOUGi,A3i
- axm iUli,.""lA?.';.
Over Ono f.'.llllon People wear th
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Sices
All our 6!ios3 nro cqtiairy entlstactory
Thry (rive the hcr.t vil .e l-.r the money.
1 hey eiiual custom lv n (lernd tit.
Itlilr wearing quilltles urc unsurpassed.
1 he prices ore uniform, stamprd on souk
From f 1 to Sj nvH over other makes.
It your dealer cnnii' t mm;;! you we can.
P N U 19
phftfl. Amvlo. ittitH-n. 'Inn'J
TIi M.ISKNE" iftht Best md Mont Rronom1
I'ulUr nl Cufl worn; tliey nr itmde of fin
rloth, txiilj mill iinlriticd Hr, nl bitiw rversi
blr, one roller lt oail to two ut ny ottivr kind.
'I hen ft vUt vear irW' and lout veil. A ho? of
T"ti CoUtnor Fit Pun ol Cull for Twity-i'.v
A Kampl Collar and Pair of Cnffn hf mQ for ftll
Out. KtntylituJix, AltlroM
A Franklin 8t. Mew York. 17 Kllby 8t. Boston
nM.lM ill'P'l I RK
WorDiilKhtamt day. I'm
so Ad Ju .uihlf Pail w bk'h
eno be niale larppr or
smaller to rutt rhanelne:
condition of RCPTVWt.
imtshtsd. lllu. fat. nt atTiirrly
assledbr u.V. Bouee Mfg. Co. 744 Bnuutway.N.Y.CIty
- New Invention, adjusted to lines; can't be
lel, steles or lorgotltn ; it in out of eight end
doesn't liilerf. io with hone, harness or vehi
cle Do yeu drhn a korte 7 If eo, send for a
HANDY HlrCHES. On.'o uned. Ton won't part
with It for ten tlmee lu price. With full direc
tions for 28c. Rochester Novelty Co., Koch., M. y.
Dentnore Tpyewriter,
Edison Phonogrtph,
8eoond-Hand Typewriter.
Treated fre.
Wmmf ccass
cured many thou
uml riui vie
feOOK of tttrrotiiU ( mlrarnli.ita rum sent FttftKi
ind in ten uyat iei rwo-inita 01 an ivmpuis rarcmuvca.
Oa4hlr4 mere butter eed mt hleber
III7 tbenkralherkseiiS enelene.
Sim from I to !, Com. Pmvhlel
Ssilee) Pre. Aajenta Wantael
Davis hakkin su ura.
CO., Sole lAuaieoturtle, fhleesn. 1U.
FureTure within two houre. No iliconveu
lences PRICK U.IIO 1'AV AtTUt t ttK.
UUAHANI ItEMtliy CO., Uolirville, M. V.
e e fcra e and edvioe tut t pntt uleoliiy of
tvfrnlou. beuii for tuveulort Uulde, or buw lotfute
luttul. J'A'l'hlCK o'AHhEU Wauiixutoii, U.O
and prollla Irom eiilee of FAMILY tlDl'PITM,
alund unprecedented. AUUree ltt.4'tNANT'N
AMIAKII'M, - bkowhecaii, Mulue.
fsunoeasfully Proecut Claims.
i Jjlliui4Wt MU, ie'UtbutlM-'Hiil'MkiUilUlli MltJ H.Mltl.
ry at i
I I Batt Coiuih bjrrup. TMiueliuud. Cnl I
forerunner of nervous prostration,
with all the horrible suffering that
term implies. That Tired Feeling and
nervousness are snro indications of an
impure and impoverished condition of
the blood. The craving of the system
for help can only bo met by purifying
the blood. Hood's Hirsaparilln is the
one great blood purifier. It expels all
impurities, gives vitality and strength,
regulates the digestion and makes the
weak strong.
" In the sprint? I felt very mtioh run down
no strength or appetite. I began to take
Hiod's Barsaparllla anrl my appetite Improv
ed nml I did not have That Tired Feeling."
II. U. Bqoirks, East Lflverott, Miiwseuusolts.
Th Trl of Knchlnir.
TTie trade Is In the Imnils of China
men who, drossoil In white or blue cot
ton, with short linen drawers, some
times nnked to the wnlst, or with pljf
tnlls twisted nround their hends, sur
vey with listless ludolenco the cus
tomer who enters their shop. In tho
streets the C'hlniimiin Is In the major
ity, lie unloads the ship's cargoes,
rushes along between the shafts of
small, heavily-laden carts; he carries
long poles of Iminlxio on Ills shoulders,
from which dangle at either end trays
laden with saucers full of rice, fish,
vegetables, nnd cups of bolilng ten.
The lime trees on the roadside throw
light and dancing shndows on the pass
erby; and the chninered patterns of
leaves quiver on the earth as on tho
backgrounds of Chinese pictures. Oc
casionally a Malay chief comes by,
with nn escort of boatmen. He walks
slowly, leaning on a long staff mounted
In gold, bears himself with the dignity
of an arlHtirfit conscious of his supe
riority. An enormous white turban,
embroidered with gold thread, Indicates
that lie Is one of the faithful who lins
niado a pilgrimage to Mecca. He wears
a flowing tunic of green silk over a vest
of pink brocade. Ills sandals nre fas
tened by leather straps uttnehed to
large gold knots wedged In between
his toes. Ho wears neither sword nor
krls, lu obedience to the laws of Sara
wak, which deprive Its citizens of these
weapons when they tnke their walks
abroad. This precaution was very nec
essary some years ago, when Malays
were subject to running amuck. Tho
Pyaks lmvo never been attacked In
this manner. They have occasionally
been known to commit suicide as an
psenpo from evil fortune, but they do
not nvenge themselves on their kind.
These people seldom visit Kuchlug.
Blanket Grows Whisker.
William II. Forbes, of Spencer Cor
ners, I'ulton County, Is the possessor of
a very old horse blanket, which differs
from Its fellows in thnt It has a well
detlned coot of hair In various stages of
development, alive and growing, says
the Albany Tinies-I'nlon. While possi
bly of a finer and silkier texture. It Is
an excellent reproduction of a horse's
coat, which the blanket formerly cov
ered. Mr. Forbes first discovered this pecu
liarity In October last, when taking It
down from the peg In the barn, wbero
It bad hung undisturbed during the
summer. He was naturally greatly as
tonished to discover two patches of
growing hair, one on either side, where
It bad been exposed to the light and
nr. xne nnir is or ongnt Day coior, anu
is now fully an Inch in length. Prob
ably tho most peculiar feature of the
affair, however, Is the fact that the hair
has spread from the two patches until
It has entirely covored the blanket with
a fine growth, varying In shade and
rolor. It has not only been subjected
to a critical Inspection by several repu
table men, but has undergone a micro
scopic test by two prominent physic
ians, of whom Dr. Henry C. Pinch, of
Bnodalbln, makes affidavit before Judge
Sardner "that the balr now growing on
the blanket la true balr and that the
roots of the same are alive and. In pro
cess of development"
A Bare Bla. w
tin. Ford John, you were drinking
last night I noticed It In your con
versation. Mr. Ford In my conversation?
"Tea. Tou were so painfully correct
In your pronunciation." Cincinnati
Tribune. . -
Bow Be Lost It
Kind Lady How came you to lose
one eye?
Trunin Look In' for work. Life
Women certainly have their own way
a great deal, or there wouldn't be se
many children studying elocution.
On Bret Introducing (hie world-Aimed medl
cine to the uniicted, end for tunny ycure thrre
nfler. it won eold under a Poeltlv. Guarantee
of (jiving entire aatwlacliou iu every ceae lor
winch it ie recomineutled. ho uniformly euc
ceimliil did it prove in curing the dieeuwe, de
rauiieineiitB and weukiieaeee of women that
chtime lor the returti of money paid for it wer.
exceedingly rare. Since It. tuuuufacturrra can
now point to thouuiide of noted curee effected
by it in every purt of the laud, they believe ila
lui it record a eufneient guarantee of lie areat
value ae a curative agent, therefore, thev how
rent llarlaime to the confidence ol the afflicted
Kin-.? upuu that record. Uyall uiedlciue dealers.
Beglnnlna' of the American Industrial
Vnlon at Chlcas-o.
The tnltlstlve steps In the organization ol
the long-tnlked-nf American Industrial
Union were taken In Chicago during the past
Week and the organisation effected. About
200 delegate took part la the proceedings
and the new ;order stnrts out with a locnl
membership of about (00, In Chicago, while
It I strtled thnt a Bum heir of Independent
labor organizations and unions throughout
the rnuntry bare signified their willingness
to nulllate with the movement.
The Industrial Union is to lie International
in character, and the general plan ot the
organization Is much like the American
Kntlwny Union. The preamble and constitu
tion propose, In brief, the establishment of
employment bureaus, general eo-nperatloa
nna the Introduction of a general elgut-bour
work day on Kept. 1, 1HU7. All diVerencea
between employers snd employes ere to be
settled by arbitration, and the only thing ot
a political nature contained In the preamble
Is a declaration favoring the universal suf
frage for women.
Th. co-operative feature is the one upoa
which greatest stress la laid. It Is proposed
to ask for tho establishment ot postal savinirs
banks for the use of wage-earners, and from
the funds thus accumulated tba organization
expects to establish Industries whioh n III ab
sorb the unemployed and enable them to
become at least eolf-aupportlng. The new
Union will keep In close touch with the ex
isting colonies, thirty-five or
more of which have already been established,
and, Instead ol setting anide large sms of
money for strike funds and the payment of
high inlnries to officers, It is Intended to use
all tbe available lunda of tba organization for
the establishment ol more colonies or the In
crease of tbose now In exlstenee. Huoh a
thing as a strike is lobe unknown to the new
organ Isntlon,
Une ol the articles ot tbe constitution pro
vides that no one who Is addicted todrlnk or
gambling can hold office In the organization,
and any officer contracting these bnbtts will
be expelled from membership. The doors
ot the new organization are open to every
body except the representative! cf monopo
listic! corporations. Farmers, mechanics,
tradesmen, laborers and professional peoplo
are all Invited to enlist, nnd no discrimina
tion is made as to religion, sex or color. It
Is expressly stnted that It Is not tbe purpose
of the now organization to make war on the
old one, but to nld them lu every possible
way. lu lnct, It will make a poiut ol asking
tbe older L'nious to come Into the ro-opern-tlve
feature of tbe new without losing tbe
original Identity.
It Is set forth as a living principle that,
wllh natural opportunities always open, to
the unemployed, and with a general elh'ht
bour work day, there would never be any
serious disputes on the question ot wages,
but thnt they would regulute themselves by
tho naturnl order ot supply aud demand. la
order to have the opportunity always open to
absorb n surplus ol workers In any given
place, the Americnu Iudiistrlnl Union pro
poses to establish uenr-by colonies, where
any tnau who Is willing to work con nhvaya
tarn enough by bis labor for sell-support.
' Boot and 8h?emakre Union
The permanent organisation ot the Nation
al Hoot aud Hhoa Workers' Union, composml
ol thret or four Nntiouul Unions representing
different branches of the boot nnd shoe in
dustry, which have heretotore been antago
nistic nud hortllB toward oue another, bus
finally been effected, the flail conference of
the delegates in Ilistnn during tbe past
week having resulted in the forming ot the
organization. For several days tho Conven
tion wrestled with a majority and minority
report on a preamble and constitution, the
committee having promulgated two distinct ,
declarations ot principles, ine majority re
port was llnally adopted, after a loug and
splrltod llut. It reads as follows.
"Organization being necessary as the first
step towsrd tbe amelioration of labor, nnd
realizing tbat weapous of offense nnd do--feme,
socially, economically nnd politically,
nre nil necessary for the flual emancipation,
ol labor, we have with this end in view,
organized the liuot end bboe Makers'
Tba minority report was a straight out and
bold declaration of Mociuliam, to be brought
nbout by independent political action upon
the labor class lines. This report was la the
baavs ot Mr, John F. Tobin, who fought
h!.rd tor Ha adoption, nnd, although it was
defeated, be was subsequently elected Presi
dent ol tbe organization, after having de
clared himself to be an avowed Hoclallat
Iu performing the functions of tbe office, Mr.
Toblo will be required to do a great deal of
traveling throughout tbe country, aud es
pecially In tbe Eastern Htates, and be bas an
nounced that his intention Is to sow tbe seed
ol Socialism wherever he goee. Tbe new
organization has a membership aggregating
several thousand.
Pittsburg the Wsak Spot,
Ex-President Samuel Oompers of tbe
American Federation ol Labor, addressed a
meeting ot garment workers at 252 Filth
avenue, Pittsburg. lie said tbe garment
workers of Pittsburg were ' tbe weak
spot Id the chain ot large cities where ibe
"sweat shop" evil Is met All otther large
eitiee are organized. In N.w Vork, he said,
"sweat shop" competition has been reduced
to tbe minimum, and the task system wiped
out by organization. He sold the same
could be done here If the effort was made.
Pittsburg garment workers, he said, were
Ins-only ones who work 14, 16 and 18 hours
a day lor lees than 10 hours' pay.
A gBS.OOO Factory.
Tbe Daogberty typewriter eompnny has
awarded contracts lor a manufacturing plant
to be located at Klttannlng to cost H5.OC0.
The buildings are to be completed by July I.
Tbe mala building will be two stories bigb,
40x100 feet wltb a wing. Fifty bands will be
given employment The cltizeus ot , Kit
tanning donated 11,500 and one acre ol
The very large number ot manufacturers
who have during the past tew days restored
or partially restored tbe schedule ol wages in
tores before reductions ware made necessary
is one ol the most encouraging signs of the
times. It Is a significant fact tbat most ot
these advances have been made voluntarily,
tbe general disposition oa tbe part ol the
smployets seeming to be to restore the wsges
as rapidly as the Improvement in business
warrants, but to resist demands ol employes
which are made prematurely.
Among favorable Indications or tbe Im
proved condltos ol trade, tbe rise iu the
prices ol wheat Is not the least In Importance
That great staple bas been ruling so low tbat
tbe farmers bad begun to fear that It was
hopelessly down. Wltb tbe Increased activi
ty la manufacturing came a gradual advance
In wave, and comparatively small as these
improvements have beea as yet, their Influ
ences are gradually spreading.
Sherman's Battle Ground.
Tbe Chlukamauga park commission bss
completed tbe purtLL.e of lieu, bbrrniuu's
battle ground at tue north end ol Missionary
ltiilge, Chattanooga, aud It now benomes a
port ot tue Nuliouui Military park. Tbe
tract contains any acres, aud embraces tbe
ground ol assault A liiu army ol the Tenu, aud tbe positions about Xuuuel bill de
lendwl by Gen. liragg's army, ibe central
drive of she Matlouui park, twenty aides In
length, has aiready beeu completed, to and
through the tract tuus purchased, and his
torical tablets, batteries aud uionum nta will
be erected upon it belure the dedication ol
Hepteuibvr next.
Two Ken Canabt In a Burning Building
While Trying to Save a Sick Person.
A fire In a row of frame buildings, nst
End, Pittsburg, caused the death ol three
men and a property loss of 110,000. Tbe
origin of tbe (Ire Is a mystery.
In one ol the buildings burned a man Iny
dying with typhoid fever; In nn adjoining
room was his wife, wltb a child but 4 days
old, Tbe mother and her babe were rescued.
Tbe unfortunate man was Unmut l Weaver.
He lived, witb other families. In tbe build
ing, llefore an alarm could lie sent In the
flumes had communicated to the npnrtmenta
of tbe Weaver family. As soon as the fire
appenred Mrs. Kohneldcr, who lived in the
building, ran out nnd (old some men nt out
the sick man nnd bis wife, Hix men rushed
through the lire end st once found Mrs.
Weaver nnd bnr child, She was screaming
lor some one to save her child and her hus
band, and was wild with fright bHie was
picked up and csrried scross the street to a
neighbor's bouse, the child going with bar.
When the fire broke out among those who
tried to carry Weaver out was Fred Bnydrr
and a mnn named Mitchell Why the two
men did not nt once pick up Weaver nnd
save him and themselves will never be known
but It is sntd that Mitchell shouted thnt
Weaver bad Just died and be ougbt to be ear
ned out In tbe cot. l bs time occupied In
moving the cot toward the door of the room
was Intnl to both men, lor with a rush the
names swept from the store, where they
started, and engulfed the whole house before
tbe heroic men thought they ware lu danger.
Dynamite Dick and Bitter Creek B'.aln
With Their Boots on.
At Bpengol's undertaking establishment at
Guthrie, O. T., lie the bodies of two ot the
most notorious desperadoes ol tbe Dalton
Doolin gnng. The dead men stretched out
on two boards were George Newcombe, alias
Bitter Creek" alias "Hliiughur Kid'' nud
Charley Pierce alius "Iiynamite I'iok.
The advent ot tbe officers with the remains
of the outlaws was n complete surprUe to the
community, as no one bad been apprised ol
tbe fact thnt the bandits were being pursued
much less that there had teen n light, aud
tbat two ot them had teen kllltd. The)
nero brought In just as they were when kill
ed, In lull clothes, with their boots and spurt
on nnd armed the teeth, llelilts wlnuhextert
each had on a revolver nnd belts of cartridges
lor both instruments ot death.
Tho outlaws were killed nt the southwest
corner or l'awne. county nt the bouse ol the
liuuu brolbers, near lngnlls, the old rendez
vous ol the outlaws, by Deputy Marshal Ham
Hchafcr, nt tbe bead ol the six other marshals
The baudits weut to Muuu's house about 8
0 clock lu the evening. It being moonlight,
they were ensily seen, nud "Hyuamlto luck''
was killtd outright, being lined with buck
shot, "Hitter Creek" made a light, and two
Winchester bullets knocked biin ell his
horse before be could pull trigger.
The two men killed nre a pint ol the gang
Dint held up the llock Island truln at Dover,
ti me time ago. 1 hey had t ecu chased ever
since. Charlie Pierce, nlins "Dynamite
Dick" Is a liull-brother to "Tulfn Juck," who
was killed in the Cheycno country by Deputy
MurMinl Dudley Hunks. The express com
panies have big rewards out tor these outlaws.
The Slate and Lookout Man Charged
With Oross Neg lgence.
The Elbe Investigation was resumed at
Lowestoit Wednesday morning. Th cor
oner, In summing up the evidence, said It
was clear that the diunngo sustniued by the
Cruthle In thu collision prevented her from
proceeding on her voyage. As to the colli,
sion Itself, It was for the jury to decide
whether It was oue of gross nud culpable
negligence, and It so, to ttscerhilu who was
to I.lauio.
The jury returned a verdict that, in their
opinion, the collision was due, to gross neg
ligence ou the part ol the mate and look-oul
mnn of the Crathlo. Owing to the absence
of evidenoo from any ol the crew ct the Elbe
the Jury were ot the opluion that there ra
not sufficient prool that the t'rnlble was sole;
to blame for tbe disaster to justify n verdict
to tbat effect. The captaiu ol tlie Cratuie
was entirely exonerated.
The Doctor Must Blake Known His Com
pound ingredients.
At Leavenworth, Eana, Judge Meyer, ol
the District Court, has mado a very Impor
tant order affecting the rights of Dr. Leslie
E. Keeley. W. F. Johnion, of Topeks, sues
Dr. Kreley lor f 100,(00 deranges, the peti
tion reciting tbat plaintiff bad been made a
Jbyslcal wreck because ot tbe gold cure,
edge Myer la grsntlng tbe petitioner's r
quest rules Ibst Dr. Keeley must make known
tbe Ingredients ol the bl-cblorlde ol gold
cure. Th. court holds that the cure Is not a
property right nor a trade secret; it is uspro
tectcd by a patent, has l.eeu in use more
than two years, and there is nothing to pre
vent Dr. Keeley IroA testifying and tbst he
must tell what it is. .,
Bon of Kentucky's Governor and Bis
" Paramour Shot Dead. e
.Arobibald Brown, son and secretary of
Governor John Toung Brown, was Shoot and
killed by Fulton Gordon, who caught Brow
in company with Mrs. Gordon, at 1025 West
Main street, Louisville, Ky. As Gordon shot
Brown, Mrs, Gordon attempted to make ber
escape, Lut her husband followed her down
tbe stairs and shot hur dead. Gordon was
arrested ha front ol tbe bouse nnd soknew
ledged lbs double murder. Mrs. Gordon
was Nellie Bush, ol tbat city. Ber lather was
onee state librarian, and ber grandfather,
Zaobarlub Wheat, was chief Justice ol the
state court of appeals. The coroner's jury
rendered a verdict of lustlliable homlnnia
Evory Iron Shjp la Frisco Bsy Hired to
Carry Wheat ;
Eveij Iron ship In Ban Franclico harbor,
with one exception, bas been chartered. Ibis
is a condition ol affairs whioh bas never been
before at this port. A year ago Mission bay
was crowded with idle B.-ltlsh ships, but one
after tbe other they have been eogaged at
prioes ruuglug trow 25 to 81 shillings. Tbe
sudden deuiend ol wheat carrying vessel was
a mystery until tbe statement was made thut
tbe 200.000 tuns ol syndlasta wheat was to
be sold and shipped lo Liverpool, The en
gaged tonnage in port now amounts to 58,
b&i, while at least lurty more veuels which
are on tbe way to bau Francises have also
been engaged.
Searohin For Lena.
United Bttiles minister, Alexander W. Ter
rell, bus obiulued iroiuiho Turkish govern
ment lue rucilous for th. governor ol Lree
roum to luciliuiH the mission ol William A.
tSacbilebt-u i-l bl, Louis, wbo baa been sent
by tba American U. cycling Association to
search lor Hie remains ol Frank U. Lour, the
1'iiisburg, wbo haa 'been miming
lor alotit a year, and who is reported to
have Leva shot dead On the road between
Kotirtall and Zahar, Arweula, while making
a tour ol the world.
At Denton, Md.. Marshall E. Prloe was
convicted ol murder In th. first degree for
the brutal killing of Miss Bullle E. Dean on
March iia.
fin '
Tho Cbnrch and the Young Man.
How hard and faith fully many clergy
men are spending themselves to gather
the young men to Christ, and In grout
measure spending In vain, because they
labor amiss. As long as the home U
negative, fni It s will continue compara
tively small. On the reformation of
the home lu this respect wo should
bring stendy effort to bear.
"If there Is to a parent one duty nioro
sacred than nnyother, for faithfulness
In which more strict account will bo
taken, and which will more seriously
affect a parent's eternal hope, it Is this
of raising children religiously. Iu neg
lect not only robs Ood of 'a seed to
praise Him,' thwarts Ills glory In tho
world, and Christ's reward for 'tho
travail of Ills soul,' but Is a most un
natural crime against the child Itself.
Will not Hotl requite for the tleep hurt
Inflicted?" Ilev. W. II. Lnlrd.
Teoplo pour things Into their friends'
ears us If they had control of tlielr
friends' tongues
... On the Spot.
"Out damnod spot," was what troubled
Mrs, M'icboth; but it was som 'thing Intan
gible til it sho saw. In tho active soos.jn of
spring and summer SHrts thuro nro spots
that aro not vlsl-.insry, but which bring with
them pain nud great dlwonifort. ltrulHCH.
black and blue, nre the accompaniments of
evory active sport. They often crlpplo and
aro always a sore trouble. Come Irom what
source they may, tho thing to do on the spot
Is to use Ht. Jacobs Oil froely and promptly.
There is nothing surer and it wipes out the
pain as wo would wipe off a slate. In like
manner suddon attacks of rheumatism, to
which people are liable at this season, can lie
promptly cured by applying Ut. Jacobs Oil
to the pain siwt.
Rather more tbsn 6,000 solicitors practice
In London
Ilea'lb Is Veer Vest
A box of Hipans Tabu Irs can b. stowed
away In your vest pocket. It cuatt you only Ui
cente, and limy save you as many dollars'
Worm ut time and ductor bills.
F. J. Cheney A Co., Toletri, O., Props, ol
Hall's Catarrh Cure, offer fill) reward for anj
case of catarrh thnt cannot be cured by taking
Dall'a Calami Cure. Head for testimonial,
free, bold by Druggists, Tou.
Mrs. Wlnsiow's t-oothlngyrnpfor children
teething, softens the gums, reduces luflania
lion. allays pain, cures wtLd colic. Ac. a bottle
Meobaulos head the list of Inventors
Clergymen come next.
Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root . cures ,,
all Klilney and Bladder troubles. .
Pamphlet and consultation free '
Laboratory Hlnghamptou, N. V.'-
Tbe Sahara Is so named from tne Arable
word signifying "desert,'). '
Piso's Cure is the medicine to break up chil
dren's Coughs aud Colds. Mrs. M. U. Bi t NT,
Hprague, Wash., March a, iblM.
but it's
Tou sn imitation, be honest in
"this it as
Tou sn Imitation, be honest uttd it eovi.
the Pot Called the
the Housewife Didn't Use
Marked Down.
"And you proposed to her twlco be
fore she accepted you?"
"It's strango that she changed bet
"Not nt nil. When she refused mt
the first time. It made me feel so cheap
that she couldn't resist the cliaucu fol
a bargain." Washington Ktar.
itcspect lor the I'inr.
Itiisslaii Journals are still in mourn,
lng for the Cr.iir. They will continue,
to surround their front page with a
border of black until a year litis elapsed
from the diito of his death.
Both the method and result ivhea
Syrup of Figs is taken; it ia pleasant
nnd refreshing to tho tarlo, nnd acta
cenlly yet promptly ou tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, clcnuses the sys
tem effectually," diepcls colds, head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. By r tip of Figs is the
only remedy or ita kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to tho taato and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and truly bcncCciul in tU
effects, prepared only from tbe moat
Wealthy and tigreeable substances, it
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it "the most
popular remedy known
Syrup of Figa for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try ru Lv not accept any
r m v iv
The Washing of the Feet
gets to be a weighty matter, in these
days when colored stockings will
shed their colors. Pcarline does this
work beautifully.
It's not only thoroughly effective,
healthv. Doctors recommend
Pearline as a soak
for rheumatism.
Try it in the bath.
It will give you a
new idea of cleanlU
ness. Bathing with
Pearline is a perfect
and some anicrupulons grocers trill teU yon,
good at
tne asms at resrllne. 1 19
-Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer tends
4X JAMES I'YLB, Nsw Vork.
Kettle Black Because