The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 08, 1895, Image 4

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    fcfre -fr Star
Hubn'vifitinn $t.M ftrr trnr, in mirmirr.
r. A. ftTi:iHl:Mo:v, lictlmr l'iit.
Vi:i)N'i:sl)AV, MAY 8. IKK,.
An liiili'iK-nili'nl local pniwr, pnlilNliril every
NViitni-i1fty iit Heyimlilsvtlle, .lenvrnn t'o.
I'a., tli'voietl to the Intereitu of Kryimlilivllle
linn .TriTi'iMni'ounl y. Noti-tHilltli'iil, will tretit
nil with fiilrntx. ami will lit'iwpiH'litlljr frlnml
Ijr towartl the lulmrlnu rliim.
Hiitnt'rlnllnii (trier. 1 .Ml nvryrnr, In atlvatien.
(Jonuniinli'atlnna Inli'iiiletf for niililli'atloii
ntiiKt. lie niM'ominliMl Itjrtlin writer's name,
not for mitillcntlnn. Imt nn a Ktiaranten of
good fnltlt. Inlin-itliii new Item noltrlti'il.
Atlvertllnir rate marie known on appllra-
tlOII M lilt' Ollli'P In Arnolds' llllH'k.
lifnvlitr ciiiiiiiiiiiileatliiii mill t'linngn of
RrtTiTllcini nlK nhtmld reach lhl tilHce liy
Momliiy niHin.
Adrirew nil communication fo C. A. fteph
(iwin, Kt'ynoliUvllln, I'll.
Entered nt the poMofflcp nt tleynnlcHvllle,
Pa., an necoml elaiui mull matter.
The House nt Hnrrlsburg passed a
bill iHHt Thursday making Fob. 12th,
AoraiiRin Lincoln s Dinnuay, a legal
, holiday. .
Tho WhuV-Hlnlr jiidleiafcontcst that
hait been going on in Indiana county (or
sometime, was decided by tho court
Saturday In favor of .Indue Whlto.
The contest cost Indiana county $1,i)0.
Blair will take an appeal.
Tho House Legislature Apportion
mont Committee have agreed upon the
bill to roil pport Ion tho state Into Sena
torial d 1st rlcts. By th Is reapport Ion men t
Clarion ronnty will he added to tho
thirty-seventh district which heretofore
ban been comjiosed of Jefferson and In
diana counties.
An exchange says: "Over ono hun
dred bast? ball players have signed con
tracts to piny thla year at salaries rang
ing from IM.OilO to M.rtnn for six months'
playing, and the oollego bred man who
la keeping books for $1100 a year, or min
ister who serves a charge for a pittance,
must regret that they did not go In for
athletics Instead of knowledge."
Farmers are warned against wheat
swindlers who are said to be working In
the eastern part of the statu, and who
are liable to drop among you at any
timo. They are canvassing with a fine
grade of wheat, which they allege will
yeald an average of 50 bushels to the
acre. Tho grains aro larger and thero
are moro of them on tho stock. You
will bo refill I red to sign a contract to
lot the agent have half your crop, and
If he doesn't get your farm you will be
In great luck.
A beggar who steals a loaf of bread,
to satisfy the cravings of hunger, or a
suit of clothes, to cover his nakedness,
Is speedily punished. But a sot of base,
knavish rogues, who by their dishonest
tricks and practices rob and cheat hon
est, Industrious workmon out of their
hard-earned savings and even steal tho
-widow's mite in ordor to resldo inBplen
did houses, wear fine raiment, and live
In pampered luxury and wanton laolvi
ous, are allowed to strut about as though
they owned the earth. Ex.
Spring has come and with the advent
-of warm weather look out for a host of
-crooks, sharper and. fakirs from the
. lttos on their annual pilgrimages to
fleece the unwary. Already our ex
changes are teeming with complaints,
but if all our readers adhore to the rule
to pay no money to strangers for future
delivery of goods, sign no papers for
traveling sharpers, kick lightning rod
swindlers off their premises and refuse
to patronize gllb-tongued peddler, they
-.will have nothing to fear,
An act to "encourage the use of wide
tires upon wagons," now pending in tho
legislature is likely to pass. Should it
become a law all persons using only
draft wagons on the publio highways
with tire not less than four inches in
width for hauling loads not less than two
thousand pounds weight, shall receive
a rebate of one fourth on their road tax.
It is believed that the rebate on taxes
provided in this measure will be more
than made in benefits which will accrue
to tho roads by the use of wide tired
The postmaster general has issued an
ordor to the effect that hand-stamped
alternations or additions to price lists,
invocles, catalogues, or other printed
matter, converting the same into ordors
for goods or making any announcement
of the character of a personal communl
cation, are held to be equivalent to
writing or typewriting aud will there
for submit the matter upon which they
may be impressed when mailed, to the
letter rate of postage. Mere business
cards, however, or other baud-stamped
edition clearly of an advertising char
acter may be impressed upon third class
matter without subjecting it to the
higher rate of postage.
The one great rule of business is that
of honesty, absolute and unqualified
honesty, write Edward W. Bok in the
May Ladies' Home Journal. All the
rule of business are worthies if they
are not founded oS that one and only
foundation stone to true commercial
success. Honesty I not alone the poli
cy in business; It 1 the one and only
policy. Upon it, and upon It alone can
a good reputation be built, and a man Id
business without a reputation for honesty
might just a well stop. Any deviation
from the rule of honesty In buslnesli
may bring temporary gain, but It in
variably mean permanent loss, On
tfae other hand, a strict adherence toaa
honest policy nay mean a temporary
loss, but it is sure to result in- a iwrtna-
Reduced Rates to Denver, Col., via P. R. R.
For tho accommodation of person
who it cairn to visit Colorado on tho oe-
elision of the meeting of the National
I'.iliteatloiinl AHscM'iiilliin. at Denver.
Col., July T to 12, the Pennsylvania
Kallroatl t'o. will sell excursion tickets
on .Inly .1, 4 and ft, to Denver, Colorado
Springs, Mnnltou and I'uelilo at the ex
tremely low rate or W m from New
York, fju.&i from I'ltliiuleliHiln, WM.m
from Baltimore and 'Washington, $47.25
from Harrisburg; proportionate rates
from other point.
These tickets will lie good for return
passage from Colorado points on July
12, 1.1, 14, and )", with an extension
until September 1, if desired.
A sitcelal train or 1'ullmnn liufrot
Sleeping cars will bo run, leaving Now
ork nt 10.10 A. M., July 4, stopping nt
prominent intermediate points and ar
riving at Denver on July fl.
This ononis a great oiinortunitv for a
trip to tho world-renowned Hoeky
Mountain resorts In Colorado nt a com
paratively small cost.
ftpprlnl Nolle .
No medicine was ever given such a
severe test of Its curative qualities as
Otto's Cure. We nre distributing snm-
plo bottles freo of chnrgo to thoso
afflicted with consumption, asthma.
coughs, colds, pneumonia, croup and
nil insonscs oi tno throat and lungs,
giving you tho proof that Otto's Curo
will cure you. Don't delay, but get a
bottle of us to-dny and commence tho
use of this great guaranteed remedy.
Sold by W. B. Alexander, solo agent.
Samples five. Largo Ixittles 50e.
If von Intend nlssim'tnir wiiii hnuui
It will bo to your Interest to use mate
rial that has proven Itself to be right.
a utile nook lor asking that tolls vou
all about the "right kind," of It. Alex.
Stoke, agent for Adamant Wall Plaster,
King s inusor cemont.
Lnudln's Flak Jubilee Slmrors have
returned to Chicago after an alwcnco of
years, nnd last evening gave a concert
in Central Muslo Hall to a good and one
of tho most enthusiastic audiences that
have ovor assembled there. Its ap
plause was constant, and if It could
have had Its own way, would have kept
the singers there all nleht. These
quaint and fervid melodies, so utterly
limine, tuner mnsio, iney sing witn a
gusto and fooling whlto singers can
never rival. Chicago JMhi Tribune.
At Centennial Hall May 21st!
Gentlemen, call nnd see the fine linn
of suiting we are making to ordor for
in. Bell, tho clothier.
At King & Co.' rou will find baled
hay, salt, Hour and a full line of eeneral
The Pcnimvlvanln Stain r.lllr.i.l.,1
Association has four tuilnrji rn onloof.
from for the summer outing this year.
The Executive Committee will prepare
a aosenpuve circular oi (Jliautauqua
Lake, Niagra Fall, Atlantic City, and
Atlanta, Georgia, and submit them to
tho memhersh In hv mail ami ftm filn
receiving the most votes will be accept-
Stick pins in all varieties and all
prices at Ed. Uooder's, the jowolor.
In other
there are no flaws
are not in keeping with your Carpets and Fur
niture, and if your Window Shades look faded
and tired, it's time for you to criticize. Tell
your husband about our stylish Wall Papers,
Ask him, in that
take a walk with
when you get him inside, turn him over to our
salesman and you'll see your home grow bright
and beautiful like a budding bush under
warm sunshine.
"Wall IPapers,
Reduced Rates to Philadelphia via P. R. R.
On the occasion of tho tied lent Inn of
the Odd Fellows' Temple nt Philadel
phia, Mny 21. isrfi. the Pennsylvania
Itallrond Company will sell, on May 20
nnd 21, excursion tickets to Philadel
phia and return from nil iolnts on Its
system past of Pittsburg nnd Erie, north
of Uuuntleo nnd south of Canandnlgua,
Inclusive, nt a single fnre for the round
trip, with minimum rnto of fifty cents.
Tickets will l)o good for return passage
until Mny 2.'t Inclusive.
This rato Is open to the public, and
offers nn excellent opportunity for a
visit to Philadelphia at a very small
Fast and frequent express trains run
from Philadelphia to all principal New
Jorsey seashore resorts.
Mrs. T. 8. Hawkins. Chattanooga,
Tenn, says, "Shilo's Vltallsor saved
my life. I consider it tho best remedy
for a debilitated system I ever used."
For dyspepsia, liver, or kidney trouble
It excels. Price i.'tcts. Sold by J. C.
King A Co.
Latest styles of gents' hats nt Dcemer
A Co'.
The petiole (nearly all) with one ac
cord proclaim Hohlnson & Mundorff's
cash grocery the place to trade
Centlemon: I cannot forbear from
writing a line In approval of your
HihkI'b Celery. I have been a sufferer
from nervous headaches until I thought
my bead would burst. Nearly every
remedy I tried seemed to aggravate my
sulTcrlng. Two bottles of your wonder
ful medicine have made my life worth
living and the world brighter for mo.
Please accept the thanks of a grateful
womnn. J. MlLMfF.NT Vkiinkh, 2T8
McMillan Avenuo, Cincinnati, O.
Men' working pants at Deemor &
The Tin Horn say that while it Is
tho province of woman "to do and say
tho kindest things In the pleasantest
way" It seems the delight of too mnny
men to do tho coarsest things In the
meanest way.
Deemor & Co. always have fresh
67,000 yds. Lancaster Gingham at
Doemer & Co's,
The Ilcynoldsvllle Hardware Co',
store has a largo line of sample of
Brussels carpet to select from. If you
want a new carpet call and see what
they have to offer you.
Pickles, yes; still a few loft and they
aro flno. Ask Hohlnson Sc. Mundorff the
See our new crepons. Deemor & Co.
You can have your watch warranted
if Ed. Ooodor repairs it.
H. J. Nlcklo Invites everybody to
call at the Heed building and examlno
her stock of all kinds of goods usually
kept in a variety store. The goods are
all good quality at reasonable prices.
Children's fine shoe at Dcemer &
Bell, the clothier and merchant tailor,
is making a fine all wool clay for 918.
words, don't criticize where
to pick; but if your Walla
eloquent way you have, to
you down to our store. Then
Catch the idea?
. Jsit
life i u
1 !
Children's Suits in Double Breasted and Single, age 4 to 13,
Children's Suits, two pair Pants and Cap to Match
1 1
1 1
ii ii
ii ii
IVIotliers. You want
we have for your boys for 75c,
and look them over whether you want to buy or not. No trouble to
show goods.
For the slim, fat and short men, the
Finest Line ever displayed In any city
store, and every pair warranted not to
rip. Mon's Pants for 7."o., $1.00, 1.25,
1.C0, 1.75, 2.00, 2.50. Mon's All-wool
Pants for t2.50, 3.00, 3.50, 4.00 and 5.00.
Boy' Long Pants for 50o., 75o., 11.00,
1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 and 3.00. Boys'
Knee Pants with double knees and seat
for ISo., 25o., 50o., 75c., 11.00 and 1.25.
Remember we guarantee every pair of
pants not to rip, and every pair that
rip we give you a new pair
We could have you read for one hour, if we had the space, describing the
many valuable bargains we can show you. If you don't want to buy call and look us
over and convince yourselves that we never advertise something we have not got.
bought our woolens by the whole piece and can make you a Strictly All-wool Suit for
the small sum of $16, $17, $18, $19 and $20 and, as everyone knows, Mr. Kerndtt (my
cutter) you can depend on a first-class fit. We use only the best trimmings. Call
and look our goods over in this department, and remember that we buy all our goods
of the manufacturer and not from auction houses as some of our would-be clothiers do.
Thanking you for past favors and hoping for a continuance of Bame, I remain
BELL, the Reliable
Clothier, Hatter, Furnisher and Merchant Tailor.
P. S. In our Merchant Tailoring Department we carry piece goods and not sam
pies, affording you a better chance to Bee what the cloth looks like
Until you
Men's, Boys'
& Children's
ville, is displaying for Spring and Summer. Just
look at a few of his priceB for this season:
Men' Suits, All-wool, in Single and Double Breasted for
Boys' Long Pant Suits, Single
" " " " "
! !! ,'!
' " "
" " " " "
.. .. .. t. .
" " " " "
" " " " "
i. i. it it it
" " " " "
to see our fine line of washable Buits
$1, 1.25, 1.50, 1.75, $2 and 2.50. Call
Men's Shirts
The greatest line we have ever had.
Other season we got 75c., but this year
we can show you 200 different styles
for 5()o, MonT8 Shirts for 25o., 50o.,
75c, 91.00 and 1.25
Boys' Shirts
for 20c., 25o., 40c., 50c., 75c. and 11.00.
It will pay you to look us through on
this lino as we can save you money.
We buy from tho manufacturer and not
from Jobber
Men's Fine Balbriggan Un
derwear for 50 cts. a suit. Guarantee you can't
match the same less than 11.00 a suit
anywhere. Call and see
see the Fine Line of
6 50
10 00
12 00
14 00
or Double Breasted, All-wool for I 4 00
" " " 4 75
!! I! II 500
" " " 6 00
" " " 8 50
.. t. .. 76
" " " 8 00
" " " 8 50
it it ti 900
" " " 10 00
for $
for men 18o., sweaters for boys 18o.
Sweaters for men 50o., sweaters for boy
50c. Match the price If you dare
Hats and Caps
over one thousand different styles for
men, boys and children. The largest
lino ever displayed. Men' hats, all
wool, for 60a., 75a, 11.00. Men' all (ur
hats for 75c,, 11.00, 11.25, $1.50, $2.00,
$2.50 and $3.00. We can give you them
in soft or stiff hat at same price. Boys'
hats, in soft or stiff, for 50c., 73c., $1.00,
$1.25, $1.50. Mothers, see our fine line
of boys' cap for summer, It will pay
you to look them over. Boys' caps 10o.,
25o., 50c. and 75o.