AIDED WILKES BOOTH THOMAS JONES, THE MAN WHO SHIELDED LINCOLN'S MURDERER. Kept Him In Hiding: Ws Hays end llclpi d Him to Bench Virginia The Reward of 300,000 Offered by the Government find Not the Tower to Move II Im. There died in Clinrlci comity, Mil., put long ngo Tliom.w A. .louea, at llo ro of 74. Jones hold a position in tlio Washington navy ynrd, hot win dis missed thronRh tho iiiflnonco of Con gressman Mmld of Maryland, who had informed tho socrotnry of tlio navy thnt Jones had tilnycd a lu'oiuiiienl. part in tlio Furnpo of John Wilkes Booth, tlio assassin of Provident Lincoln. "It's quito tnip," ndmitted Joiich nt tlio, time of his dismissal, ".lohn Wilkes Booth, with a hrokcu nnklo, sick nnd snflVrinK tho tortures of tho dnninnd, was placed ill my hands to bo spiritid nerosn tlio river, nnd tbn (.'MO, 0(11) re ward, or even (3,000,000, would not have caused inn to turn traitor to tho (onthoru Confederacy, tho ponplo I loved, and surrender n mnn whoso life wai In my kncpiiiK, cvon if I did know he had assassinated President Lincoln. " Jones afterwnrd told how Booth came Into his hands. "It wbb on the mnrnlnp; of the ICth of April," ho said, "when friends of Samuel Cox enmo to my honso on Ilneklelierry farm, Maryland, and tcld rr.o that Cox wanted to seo me at onoo. I lind hoard tho evening In 'fore that Lincoln had been killed. I hnd a horso saddled nnd rodo over to Cox's, who told mo that Bootli and David Horold had been there and wanted as istnnoo to (jet across tho river. I was told whore tho men wero in a pine thicket about a milo and a half from the house. "I was givon instructions how to reach thorn without being shot certain sins by whistling, etc. Upon reaching the deuso pines 1 met llerold, to whom I explained that I was sent by Cox. 1 was thon piloted to where Booth was. Ho lay on tho grouud wrapped iu a pile of blankets, and his faco boro traces of pain. Booth askod many questions as to what pooplo thooKht of tho assassina tion. Ho appoarod to bo prond of what he had done. 1 at the time thought he had done a Rood act, but, groat Uod, I soon saw that it was the worst blow ever struck for tho south I "I did the best 1 oould for tlio poor follow. I carried him papers to read and something to eat and tried to keep hint in good spirits until I got a chance to send him across tho river. Tho country was full of soldiors and detectives, and I did not know how soon I oould got him away. "I think it was tho following Tuesday I went up to Port Tobacco to see how the land lay, and it was thoro, iu tho barroom of Brawnor'i hotol, that Cap tain William Williams, ohiof of the United States sooret service, said he would give $300,000 to any man who would toll where Booth was." "That's true," admitted Captain Williams at the time of the above inter view, "and he would have boen General Jonos Instead of a discharged employee from the navy yard if he had given the information. " "I did the best I oould for Booth and Horold," continued Jones. "I did not know thorn, hut whon Cox put them in my keeping nothing would have tempt ed me to betray thorn. I oould have placed my hands on Booth, but honor and truth were wort more to me than the entire wealth of the government "At the expiration of the sixth day I heard the oflioors give orders for the cavalry to go down in 6b Mary's ooun ty; that tho assustiius were there. That was my ohunoo, and I made good time to where Booth and Horold wore con cealed. Booth was glad to know that his time to get into Virginia had oome. "The night was dark, and Horold and I lifted Booth on to my horse. Our prog ress was alow. We finally reaohed my house, and I went ia to get them some thing to eat, We then proceeded to the river. Booth waa lifted into the boat and waa placed in the stern, while Hor old took the oars. I then lighted can dle and showed Booth by his compass how to steer to got into Haohodoo creek and gave him directions to Mrs. Qneson berry's, who, 1 thought, would take core of him. That was the last I saw of ' Booth. "When hotioes were posted np that to furnish bread or water to Booth meant death, " went oa Jones, "I felt pretty shaky. I knew that Booth had hit the Virginia shore. I was arrested and taken to Washington, whore I waa iield for aer tin weeks. Then I waa dis charged because nobody believed I knew anything. "New York World. est af the Theader 04. "Trembling mountain," m msssiva -pile of peculiarly arranged rocks lying on Hog us river, almost directly north of .Montreal, waa known to the Indians by combination of words signifying "seat of the thunder god. "According to 'their traditions, the thunder god for merly sued a broad and deep indentation on dta anmmit aa a seat, and that there in ibe would ait for three days In spring, even la summer, five in autumn and two in ariater. They also believed that during be time he waa present great chasms would open in the sido of the mountain, from which fire would stream for hours without oeaaing. Nothing la known eonoeruiug the early history of the mountain, but It la thought that tho legend refers to old time voloanio aotion, u opinion strengthened by its geographical name of "Trembling mountain. "St. Lonis Ropubllo, An Opening "Why don't you quit the stage and . start a aeoondbaud book store?" ' "1 don ' see why there is any espeoiol call for me to start secondhand book tote any mor than any othor busi ness, " repliod the aotor haughtily. "Oh, 1 thought it would suit you pretty well It is the very plaoe for back untnbws. " C'iualuuijti Tribune. A SMART CAT. Bow Its Convinced Himself That It Was His Own Image. The late Dr. Romanes, in his "Ani mal Intolligonco," gives two stories of cats, which, on seeing their own reflec tion in a looking glass, convinoed them selves that the reflection was an illu sion. In the case of a vory Intolligont cat of mine, he wont, I think, a step beyond this namely, he satisfied him self that it was iu somo way his own image. Even if my deduction is wrong, the first part of his proceedings was so ingnlnrly like those in Dr. Komaiies' accounts that it seems as though it were a uniform law of cnt nature to act in this way, and so far it may not bo al together uninteresting. I put tho rat on a talilo in front of n smnll toilet mirror. After looking at his reflection for a short whilo ho went bo hind the glnss. Then ho returned to bis soat in front and again watched it at tentively. After n few moments ho rap idly dashed behind it. Ho again return ed to his scat in front of tho glass, and while retaining his seat and keeping his eyes fixed on tho Image be struck about behind the glass with his paw in different directions. His next action was, I fanoy, suggest ed by seeing tho Imago apparently strike with its paw also. Keeping his seat and retaining his eye fixed on tho imago, he proceeded to (if I may uso tho word) postnre in front of tho glnss. He raised his paws ultomntoly, licked them, touched the glass, moved his head, eta I havo tried to simply describe the faota and as far as possible avoid drawing conclusions. Science Gossip. HIS CREDENTIALS. Blchant Donovan Thonght The? Onght to Oet Him a Place on the Force. Richard Donovan arrived hero on the Umbrla on Monday from Black Rock, County Cork, Ireland, and was taken to Ellis Island. Later ho was lod beforo tho board of inquiry, when it was discovered ho had only 10 shillings as a starter for a fortune. Ho is nn ingenn ous, woll built man, with a round, rosy face. During the examination tho fol lowing dialogue took place: Commissioner MoSweenoy Donovan, what do you intend to do in America? Donovan Shure, yer worreship, it's mosilf phat's got a lettor to tho right honorable Mr. Richard Crokor, lord chamberlain of North America. Donovan produced the letter with a flourish. It was written by Miss Kate Connolly, also of Blaok Rock, who, it is said, is a distant rolativo of Mr. Crokor, and in it appeared the name and address of "Alderman Kane of S37 East One Hundred and Forty-first Street " After it waa read Commissioner MoSweeney oontinued: "Whot are you going to do?" "Shure, I intind toworrk." "Have you been hired?" "No, but I have d d good letters, and atween the min as is mintioned iu 'em don't you think I kin git on the porlioe?" And this opened the gates of Uuolo Sam to Riohard Donovan. New York Recorder. The Compass Plant. On tho western prairie is found tho compass plant whose leaves point to the north. Wo wish to direct you to the groat health giver, Bacon's Celery King for the nerves. If you are buffer ing from dyspepsia, liver complaint and Indigestion, if you are sleepless at night and awako in the morning fueling lan guid, with coaled tonguo and sallow, haggard looks, Bacon's Celery King for the Nervos will cure you and restore you to blooming health. Trial pack ages free. Largo stzo AOc. at W. B. Alexander, sole agent. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. Notice Is hereby (riven thnt Letters of Ad ministration have Wen granted tn the under signed on the estate of Joncph Hyphrlt, late of Wlnslnw township. Therefore hi I persons knowing themselves Indebted to wild estate are requested to imiko Immediate payment, and those having claims against the same will present them duly authenticated for settle ment as early us convenient. I'ostofnce ad dress, Reynoldsville, Pa. Noah Svphhit, Martin Hyphhit, April IS, 18H5. Administrators. 2C 'OJiAMfclQtjJ WE wish to inform the public that we are Selling - Out Our Entire Stock of Clothing and Gents' AT OOST! We most respectfully auk that prices and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere. Tailor-made Suits to Order from $17.00 up. , BOLGER BROS., Merchant Lent. Strange to tell, the fnmlliar term of Lent has not hing in Its origin significant of fasting. It Is derived from tho Saxon term lengthen, tido or spring the tlmo when each successive day steals a few minutes from its night. In English literature we have ropoatod allusions to Jack o' Lent, a sort of puppet, general-' ly personated as a lean and ragged scare crow, which boys Jeered and throw stonos at, much as the Guy Fawkos of later days was treated. Philadelphia ledger. Yet They Were Mot Inflammable, Farmer You hnd a fire at the manse this morning. Any sorious loss? Minister Yes; ten years' sermons were completely burned. Farmer (with tho memory of mnny a weary Sunday morning) Faith, but they mndo a gran blaze they were so dry, ye konl Loudon Tit-Bits. Shiloh's Curo is sold on a guamntoo. It cmvs Incipient consumption. It is tho b"t rough cure. Only ont cent a dose, 2-Vt., 5Vt. and 1.()0. Sold by J. C. King tt Co. Hats of the modern style wore first made by a Swiss at Paris in 1404. Be fore that time hoods and enps wore gen erally worn. TAKE THE JB .- "I ' $1.00 ltottio. s.-.i l A ! It fa e"id en ft Br.:-- v. 10 ry t u -r - 5 Jy r 11 Sluts. It cures J-.- .t H .-.J and is tho bwt Oou,;.tr.ul Cvauj C o- Sold by J. ('. Kins' Co 661 an Education. Kriiirnllnn unci fortune fro tin ml In hnml. (ie l uti t'ttnrat Ion id tlx (Vntrul Htnl Nor- ninl rVhool, Ihvk 1 1 ii vrn, I'n. r trM-rliiM Hi'i'oniniiMtiitlonmifid lowrtifii. Htnto nld 10 HtutU'iitH. For tlliivirnliMl nitulomii' nriilivM I A ME! K1JION, Ph. P., PHnrlpH., hot'U Mn vrn, Pn, yO Every Woman Sometimes noeds a roll- n!!a n:onlli'.y regulating methane. Dr. F"AL'S PENNYROYAL PILLC. Are prompt, fc nnd cwrtain In remit. Th rmrtt. Ine (Ir. ivnt'M never dlwi polnt. bent aurwtaeiv 1.00. ro.-.l M M icio Co.. Cleveland. O. For hhIo At II. Alex Hlokc'mlrtiv Htoro. J. S. MORROW, IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA - HOUSE BLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa. ATT TMCHTHI PLACE OF aANfiEROUS will SM0UNL (JOES IN ANT STOVE BITItKKlt N0 tmMM' DIBT 000IL H VMi,A4Xt CHFlPta TU1H WOOD 01 tOAL CHEAPER THAN W000 OR COAL. WAJTT AGENTS on V salary or oommmion. sna ror catalogue or PrlOM and Torma. RAT10KAL OIL BURNER CO. a Cf OA AVI. CLEVELAND, OHIO. Furnishing Goods you come in and eee our Tailors and Gent's Furnishers. I I ft N. HANA Has brought the Best and Lowest Prices ever m'li in thin town. Come anil wo for youm-lf. A Fine Lino of Summer silks I plnin anil flirnrod. Kilk that was sold at 4Dc, now 2."; sold at fiOc., now 1171; sold at fiiiu., now 4.". Fino lino Honrlctta that was sold for 4)e., now 2-". Fino line of PIniity nnd Jnooimt Duclu HR 10 nnd VZi. Dress GiiiKhains for So. A fine lino of Ladles' Capes from 2 to18. Children's ready-mndo Knton SuitK, atfo 4 to 12 years. Fino assortment of Novelty Goods in tho Ladies Department. Clothing - Department! Suits that wero sold for 7, $,10 and now for and ?. Children's Suits for te. Cheviot Shirts for 21e. You will save money by cnUlng and oxnmlning our stock beforo pureliaslnjr elsewhere. N. Hanau. PEOPLE'S Will Sell on Friday and Saturday! 50 Dozen of Men's Working and Dress Shirts at a Great Sacrifice I Men's Top Shirts, worth 50c, 60c, 65c, 75c and up, go at this Sale for 35c Greatest value ever known in town. Fine line of Spring Neck wear, worth 30c. to 40c, co at 20c Come and get one. Children's Summer Gauze, best quality, for 5c Fine line of Men's Dress Pants at Slaughtering Prices. Come and get our prices before purchasing elsewhere. People's Bargain . Store. A. KATZEN. First National Bank OF REYNOLDS VILLE. CAPITAL 980,000.00. C. Mitchell, PrMl4a avotl McClelland, Vic Prca. Jolin II. Raucber, Cashier, Directors! O. Mitchell, Bcott McClollund, 3. O. King, liMoun nirutiHH, u. k, itrown, O. W. Fuller, J. II. Kaucber. Doe a general bankliiKbuuliiesiiund aollclls ino account 01 merciiuuiH, pmiMiiuiiHi men. farmer. niucliunh'H. nilners. lunilierinen and 01 turn. )roinlnlni tlio numt caiuful atuiutlun 10 ine uuMinuiui or an pui-Hon. Bute Pouoalt Boxes fur rout. Pint National Buuk bulldiuR, Nolan block Bariain Store Flr Proof Vault. Grocery Boomers w nUY WHKHK YOU CAN OET ANYTHING YOU WANT. flo cm, Salt Meats, Smoked McuIh, CANNKD GOODS, TEAS, COFFEES AND ALT, KtNll or Country Produce VUU1TS, C )Nl,r.(T10NEHY, TOIiACCO. ANHCIOAHS Ev.'rytVilniT In IIih lino of Fresh Groceries, Feed, (iooil ilfllrered free any place in town. Call on an and get prlre. W. C. Scliultz & Son H U L. & O N OOME IN! Where? TO THE "Bee Hive" store, WHKHK L. J. McEntirc, & Co., The Grocery ma n, deals in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods, Green Goods, Tobacco and Cigars, Flour and lei'd, Baled Hay and Straw. Fresh goods always on hand. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. A ttliare of your patronage is respectfully solicited. Very truly yours, Lawrence J. AcEntlre & Go., The Crocerymen. lot.. JOTEL McCONNELL, REYNOLDSVILLE. PA. FRANK J. BLACK, Projirielor. The loading hotel of tho town. Iloiidquiir tors for coinmercltil men. Hleiim hettt, free bun, linth rooms nnd closets on every floor, nnninle rooiim, billiard room, telephone con uectionit &c. II OTEL DELNAP, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. . C. DILLMAX, Proprietor. First eliiKS In every pnrtlciilnr. Irficiited In the verv centre of tlio business nnrt of town. Free 'bun to nnd from trains nnd commodluug sample rooms for commercial travelers. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOK VILLE, PA., PHIL P. CARRIE It. Protirklor. Bumplo rooms on the ground floor. House bested by natural ga. Oiuuibua to and from all trains. M CORE'S WINDSOR HOTEL, 1217-29 Filbert street, PHILADELPHIA, - PENN'A, PRESTON J. MOORE, Proprietor. 84! bed rooms. Hates (3.01) per day Ameri can nun. I'liiioi-k irom r. u. u. iicpot anu M block from Now 1'. II. U. It. Depot. lK4lUonou. NEFF. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Real Estate Agent, Reynoldsville, I'a. ! MITCHELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on West Main street, opposite the Commercial Hotel, Keynoldsv me, ia. R. B. E. HOOVER, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Resident dentist. In building near Metho dist church, opposite Arnold block. Gentle ness in operating. O. s. aonDO. JOBS w. MUD. QORDON & REED, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Brookvllle, Jefferson Co., Pa. Office In room formerly occupied by Gordon uoruott west slam street. w. t. Mtcaioiiif, InskTllU. . M. M.D0IIAU), systKnlUi. jocracken & Mcdonald, Attorneys and Counmllortt-Law, Offices at Reynoldlvllle and Rrookvlllo. It EYNOLDSV1LLE LAUNDRY, WAII SINO. Proprietor, Corner th street and flordon nllev. First- cIuks work done ut reusuualilu prices. Ulve ine lauuury a iriui. D :R. R. E. HARBISON, SURGEON DENTIST, Beynoldavllle, Pa. Office In rooms formerly occupied by I. H, McUrolglit. VaUcaab 9m C:vl. IIUFFALO, IKKIHESTEU A PITTS UUHGH RAILWAY. The short line between Dtilloln. Hldiwny, nrnilturd, Hnlnninni'ii, llulTiilo. IliM-hcHtcr. Mimnra KrIIb nnd point In the upper uli ruxloii. On nnd sfler June 17th, 1W4, pnn-ien-ser (nilim will nri'lvemid depnrt from KhIIh ( reek Hlntlon, dully, except bumltiy, h fol low h: 1.80 p. m. nnd S.W) p. m. Arenmmmtntlnns from l'utiKvtitnwm'y nml HIr Hun. S.ftO n. m- lliilTuloiuid KtM'heHler in nil For Tlfvliwn yvllli', l(ll mi n ..Tilin-iml.iii ir.Mi, Jewell, liindfoKl, Kiiliiinaui s, Mulliilo nnd HiM.'lH-iert rontKH'tlnii nt .loluiMttiluirs with I'. A K. trnln , for Wlleo.x, Kline, Wnrren, Corry nnd V.rle. 10:5:1 n. ni. A inunodiiilon For Hyken, lllff Hun nnd I'nnxmituwney, 8:llO p. nt. Ilinilford Aeroniinodnllnn-For IteeehlriM', Hi-iM'kwnyvllle, Kllniont, I'nr iiioii. Hlilw ny, JoIiiikoiiImii k, Ml.Jenett ii nil lli-nilfoi-il. ft: 10 p. in. nil Fur HiiUmIo. Pvki'i, ItlU Hun PiinxMUtiiH iiey ninl WnUtnn. rii'".niri'i-w nre letiui'ii'il lo puM',ine lli'lc I' lii-fo nietliitf t In i'iiih. An exri"n litlt't:!' of Ten (Vol will ln fitllt.,.!,.,! liv f,,n. dui'loia when fines nn- pnlil mi Iriilrw, fnim nil it in Ions w here n lli kei otlli'e l nmlnl nlned. i niMi-iiiKl mile lli ketH nl two cent per mile, irood for piihhii'',. lief uern nil t!ltlonl. I. II. Mi'Intvhk. Aitenl, 1 nil. creek, I'll. It. (I. Matiikws K. ('. L.M'KV, Oenernl Hunt. lli n. I'n. Arfent . Ilulliilo N. Y. HiK'hi'Mier N. Y PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD. IN EFFECT NOV. 23, 1894. Phlllldelllhlll Frle Rnllrond DIvlalMn Tltnn Tnble. Trains leuve lirlftwood. EAHTWAHD 0:04 s m Trnln s, dully except Piindnv 'or Sutihuiy, lliirt'lsliiirir nnd Internieillnte jfu tlons, nrrlvln nt PlilliHlclplilu 0:it) p.m., New Yoik, 9:IIH p. m. llnllliiioio,H:4;1 p.m i Wnshlimlon, 7::iti p. in I'lillninn I'nt lor ear from W llhiinisiiort nnd pnssciiKer conches from Knne to IMillndc ItihlH. 3:W p. m. Train B, dnlly except Bundny for iiiirriHoiirH nnu iniei-meninte sintions, nr rlvlimnl I'lillndelphin 4::m A. m.j New York, ?::tl a. M. I'lillmiin HIiM'plnii curs from lltii rlsliiit'it tu I'hlladelphla mid New York, l'lillinli'lplila piisaenuers can remnln In slrf'tM'r unilMurhcd until 7:'Mi a. m. :M p. tn. Trnln 4, dully for Hiinliury, llnrrls hiuit nnd Intermedlnte stntlons, nrrlviiiK nt I'hllnilelphln, (l:.VJ a. m.; New York, ll:Ua A. H. on week days nnd 10.1.1 A M. on Flui dity; llnltlmnre, :20A. M.i Wnshlnnton, 1.M A. M. I'll I lino ti cms from Erie nnd Wllllams port to Philadelphia. Pnssenirern In sleeper for Hiiltlmore mill Wnslilmmm will ho IrniiHrerreil Inlo WiihIiIiiicIoii sleeper nl llnr rUlnirif. Piissenirer conches from F.rle to I'hlliiilelphllt and VlliililiisHil't to It it 11 1 more, WFSTWAHI) 7:!H s. m; Trnln I, dully except Riindny for iiiouwny, imiiiois, weiiiiiini mid iniei nieillnte stations. Leaves Hlilnwny nt H:II0 p. M. for Erie. t:M n. in. Train 8, dnlly for Erie and Inlor- miMllnte points. 6:2" p. in. Train II, dully except Kiinduy for iviine lino iniei nieuiaie siai ions. TIIHUl'UII THAINH Foil HRIFTWOOD FKOM THE EAHT AMI HUUTII. TRAIN II leaves I'lillndeltihln H:l A. m. Wnslilnulon, 7.IW A. M.t llnlllmore, K:IA. M. Wllkeslmriv, Id: IA A. M.t ilnlly except Hun ilny. nrrlvlnir nt Ih-lftwiHid nt tl:'I7 I'. M. with I'lilltimii Parlor cur from I'hlladelphla to Wlllliinisport. TRAIN II leaves New York nl R p. m.t Plilln- neipnin, ii:a p.m.) nnsiiuiKton, 111.40 a. m. llnltlmore, ll:M p. m. daily nrrlvlnir nt ilrlftwood nt (1:5(1 a. ni. I'lillinau sleejiliiif cuts from lMillndeliihln to Erie nnd from Wnslilnvton nnd Hiilllniore to V'llllanisHirt mid tlu-oimh passenirer conches from Plilla delphla to Erie and lliiltlmoio lo Wllllanis IMirt. TRAIN 1 leaves llenovo at 6:115 n. m., dally except tluudity, arrlvlnx at Ilrlftwood 7:J1 a. m. JOHNSONBURG RAILROAD. (l)uily pxwnt Sunday.) TRAIN ID leaves Hldjcway at U.llOn. m.; John- soiiourv iimi:,., a. m., arriving at Liermont at 10:4(1 a. ni. TRAIN 20 leaves Clermont at 10:50 a. m. ar riving at .loiiiisonimrK ut 11:44 a. ni. und KUlKwny at 12:00 a. ni. JIDGWAY & CLEARFIELD R. R. DAILY EYCEPT SUNDAY. fOUTIIWAKl). NORTHWARD, P7XT HTATIONf. A.M. P.M. 12 10 12 IN 12 22 12 III 12 :ih 12 42 12 44 12 411 I (Kl 1 10 1 14 120 149 0 40 4H 0 52 1002 10 10 10 15 10 17 10 20 1(:I2 10 42 10 48 10 55 1105 Ilidirwav lao 120 1 10 10A 12 50 12 54 12 52 12 50 :) 6 22 615 605 0 011 654 6 61 64H AHA 5 25 620 615 600 Island Run Mill Haven t'royland Hliorfs Mills Illue Hock Vineyard Run Carrier llrockwayvllle McMInn Hummlt llarveys Run Falls Creek Illinois 12 m 12W 12 26 12 20 12 0S TRAINS LEAVE KIDCIWAY. Eastward. Westward. Train H, 7:. 7a. m. Train 8, 11:H4 a. m. Train 6, 1:45 p. m. Train 1, 8:00 p. m. Train 4, 7:68 p.m. Train 11, 8:26 p. m. B M.PREVOWT, Uen. Manager. J. R. WOOD, Oen. Pass. Ag't. ALLEGHENY VALLEY RAILWAY COMPANY commencing Sunday May 27, 1804, Low Grade Division. S AST WARD. No.l.NoJ.No. 101 lot A. H P. u. A. U. Red Bank Lawsonham.... New Hethlehem 10 45 10 57 11 80 11 8N 11 40 4 40 i 5: 6 25 S 8:1 S 12 Onk KldKe 6 20 Aiaysvuie Hunimervllle,.. Brookvllle Boll Fuller Reynoldsville.. Pancoast Falls Creek Du Bols Pabula Wtntcrburn .... PenHeld Tyler Glen Fisher Honeiette Orant Driftwood 6 41 6 281 12 05 12 25 6 00 6 20 6 26 6 38 5 4 6 07 6 18 25 12 81 12 4.11 1 O 6 67 7 05 6 44 6 52 1 OM 1 2tl 1 85 1 4H 1 5 1 05 2 15 2(1 1 4:1 7 25 7 00 7 10 7 SI 10 66 11 06 186. 146 7 84 T47 T 5H 806 8 16 8 27 8 44 8 64 825 7 B4 7 40 7 60 8 01 8 181 8 281 3 63 811 I 65 P.'Bl r. A. M WESTWARD. NoJI No.6INo.10l 106 I U0 P. M Driftwood Grant , Beneiette Glen Fisher.... Tyler PenHeld Wlnterburn ... Babuls DuBols Falls Creek.... Pancoast Reynoldsville. Fuller Hell 6 00 6 82 t 85 7 06 7 16 7 Si I 7 64 ( 00 8 12 825 82 6 4: 6 6a 10 to 26 87 66M It 10 it to 1 no 1 10 T 28 8 40 8 48 (05 t 17 its ( 44 10 04 10 18 T40l 7 67 6 08 8 18 8 88 8 67 Brookvllle Hunimervllle Maysvllle.... OakRldve.... f (16 t 15 ( 47 10 00 New Bethlehem 10 85 l.awsonham. Uod Bank.... A. U P. M Tralus dally except Sunday. DAVID OCAROO, QaM'b.8UPT JAB. P.ANDERSON Gss'L. Pass. Aot. To the Building Public! Math, Mohney U now agent tor the Fltzoerald Wall Plaster., ... Any one who desires to have work In that. linn, would rfluneotf oil v invite thorn, for nrlwa and thin" Infoillia- t( tlon, to call on M. MOHNEY. Reynoldsville, Pa. ( c I