le Star Sulmcriptinn $1.60 per year, in admnee. C. A. NTKIKNM Kdllor and IMib. W EDXF.3DAY. APRIL 24, 18H5. Passenger trains arrive and leave Itcyn oldsvllle as follows: Allegheny Valley Railway. Eastward. Westward. Train, - - 44 a. m.lTraln t, - J. 40 a.m. Train I, - 1.00 p. m. Train 1 1.41 p. m. Train a S.IW p. m.lTraln 10, - 1.48 p. m. BKTS'OLPaVIM.S rosT-orrics. Malls arrive and leave the pout-office ai follows: Arrive. Depart. vkom the west. rnTmun. 1.1ft p. m. - 7.00 p. tn. 111.80 p. m - - .) p. m. nun tb kast. ron ma wst. I. 00 a. m. 1.00 p. m.lMs a. m. - 1.14 p. ru. Arrive from Rathmel and Preecottvllle II. no a. m. Arrive from Panic Tuesdays, Thurdays and Saturdays at l.an p. m. Ieparts for Preecottvllle, Rathmel, Panic 8.00 n. m. Office hour 7.00 a. m. tos.on p. m. Money order office open fnim 7.00 a. m. to f .30p. m. Register office open from 7.00 a. m. to son p. m. Irf-vni Holiday from 7.00 tos.no a. m. and from 12.00 to 8.00 p. m. K. T. MclJAW, I. M. ft Little ol Everutning. Oh, for a town clock. Gocbol Friday night. Get out the sprlnklor. A bicycle club. You bet! Patronize home merchant. Get your seed oats at Swartz'a. Friday it Arbor day. Plant tree. Reynoldsvllle ia to have a bicycle club. Car No. 1 white teed oata at Swartz Bros. Put a town clock on the new school house. The people tay Robinson's shoes are the best. Dont fall to hear Geo. H. Gocbol on Friday night. Moat everyone calls for Trilby at Deem or & Co's. Wide anklo shoes, hand turned at Deemer & Co's. Shipments coming in dally of shoes for Deemer Ac Co. China silks, wash silks May 3 and 4 at Deemer & Co's. Prices cut in two May 3 and 4 on silks at Deemer & Co's. Nicest line of sun umbrellas In town t Deemer & Co's. There are sixty bicycles in this town, and still they come. It's a fitter and wearer the Electrlo shoe. Decmor St Co. All goods delivered promptly by Robinson & Mundorff. Be with the tide on May 3 and 4 for ailks at Deemer & Co's. 525 ladies, or more, wanted on May 3 and 4 at Deemer St Co's. Plymouth Rock eggs for sale. In quire of Dr. S. Reynolds. If you want to save money, buy your dry goods at Blng Sc Co's. Come to Robinson's and see the Aunt Betsy shoes for old ladies. It is wonderful the amount of lace cur tains Bing & Co. are selling. Customer's testify Robinson's was a live shoe house Saturday last. The young folks especially should hear the Lecture Friday night. Saturday was a good business day for the merchants of Reynoldavllle. A young lady was Immersed in the Baptist church Sunday evening. Bell, the clothier and merchant tailor, is making a fine all wool clay for 918. You will buy silks on May 3 and 4. Prices will soil them. Deemer & Co. There Is one thing sure, Blng & Co. have a nice lino of ladies and misses hose Pickles, yes; still a few loft and they are fine. Ask Robinson & Mundorff tho price. At King & Co. 'a you will find baled bay, salt, flour and a full line of general merchandise. Button hole boquets of trailing ar butus waa wore by a few Reynoldavllle people Sunday. The Tin Born swears that "brevity la the soul of wit" when the message is marked "collect." The Christian Endeavor of the Bap tist church held a social at Dr J. C. King's last evening. Gentlemen, call and aee the fine line of suiting we are making to order for 16. Bell, the clothier. John Mitchell got one of the fingers on his left hand smashed while at work In Big Soldier Wednesday. Quality of goods and low prices speak right out in meeting and say Robinson & Mundorff' is the plaoe to trade. John Fuller's bicycle was badly dis figured last Thursday by another nicy cle running into it on Main street The Woman's Relief Corps sold all they had prepared for the festival in the G. A. R. hall Saturday evening. There is some talk of starting a growl ing school in Reynoldavllle with a lady teacher who ia an expert in that Una. Buy from the man who advertises in this paper. Such men are wide-awake and their prices will be found all right. The I. O. O. F. 76th anniversary to be held in PunxauUwney on Friday of this week will be a large gathering of Odd Fellows. The fool aayeth in his heart I will buy me an umbrella, but a fellow in town knows a trick worth several of that. Clearfield SpiriL W. II. Doll, tho clothlor, sold fifteen moro suits on Saturday than ho has any other day since going Into business In Roynoldsvllle. Tho Reynoldsvillo Building and Loan Association sold (4,000 at tho regular monthly meeting held in tho Flynn hall Monday evening. Tliore Is almost an epidemic of ty phoid fever In Driftwood. Laura, nine-year-old daughter of Andy Denny, Is down with the disease. Bonjamine Homer, an employee of the tannery, got his face badly burned by getting acid on It just about quitting time Saturday evening. Ono trouble with trading at Robinson A Mundorff's If you tako a dollar and go there you get so many goods you need a wheelbarrow to get them homo. There is a bill before the Legislature making it unlawful for Building and Loan Associations to put money up at auction and sell it to tho highest bid der. Tho Tin Horn believes that in most canes where a man thanks God that he Is "not as other men," tho other fellows are Just as deeply grateful that he Is not. Thoso who trado with Robinson fc Mundorff march right up besldo the band wagon. They get so much for their money they live well on small In come. We wore in error in stating last week that Hopkins big saw mill, two tntloa west of Reynoldsvillo, had began saw ing for the season. The mill started up yesterday. Tho funeral sorvlces of Mrs. J. W. Fink was held In tho M. E. church Thursday afternoon, conducted by Rov. II. Jolbart, of Stanton. A largo crowd attended tho funeral. Tho RcynoldHvlllo Hardware Co's. store has a large line of samples of Brussels carpet to select from. If you want a new carpot call and see what they have to offer you. Irene, three-year-old daughter of James Irving, got a cinder in ono of her eyes Saturday. A doctor had to scrape the eye lid. Tho little girl suffered considerable with tho eyo several days. Tho Tin Horn regrets that there are so many men In tho world who notice and critlclso faults In members of their own families which are passed unobserv ed by them in their every day associ ates. Imitations is said to be the slncerest flattery, but you will find It expensive to use an imitation of "Adamant Plaster." A book that will toll you all about tho "right kind" of H. Alex. Stoko, agent. Robbors attempted to go through Wm Copptng's store In Prescottvlllo a few nights ago by cutting a Bosh out of a rear window of the store. Thoy wore frightened away before securing any thing out of the store. A Sunday school convention of the Clearfield Baptist Association will be held in tho Baptist church at this place on Tuesday, April 30th. There will be three sessions. A number of delegates are expected to attend. Glenn Milliron is agent for a new laundry and he advertised to send one shirt and collar to the laundry this weok free for any one who would bring them in. It Is hardly necessary to add that he sent a big washing away this woek. Bob Smith says whon he put his plow away last fall It was perfectly sound and when ho got tho plow out a few days ago tho mole was cracked In two places. Ho claims that It was the extremoly cold snaps during tho winter that broko the plow. Have you your property Insured? This Is the time of yoar for fires. If you are not insured don't wait, but call on or address C. B. French, the Roynoldsvllle Insurance agent, at once and get his rates. The best companies represented. Office, Nolan Block, with G. M. Mo Donald, lawyer. The Easter servlcoa held in the Rey noldavllle M. E. church last Sunday morning were more than ordinarily fine. Considerable preparation waa made for the event, and the result waa one of the most enjoyable entertainments the peo ple of that quiet but intellectual hamlet had seen since the war. Punxsutawney Spirit. Italians are flocking to Gal ton, Pa., to work on the extension of the Buffalo & Susquehanna railroad. Fifteen Ikes loft Reynoldsvillo last Thursday for tho above named plaoe, and three car loads of Ikes passed through Roynoldsvllle Friday on the 1.00 p. M. train over the A. V. R'y bound for the new line of rail road. James Irving, new manager of the company store, moved his family to Reynoldsvillo last Thursday. The Brockwayvllle Record speaking of Mr. Irving during hla stay at Beeohtree says, "he has always taken an active in terest in every enterprise for the re ligious, moral and social advancement of the community." The Engineers of the Allegheny Val ley Railroad Company oommenoed work on the Brookvllle branch road thla morning, and will prooeed to make a final location and stake off the line ready for the construction oorps, which will be put to work at onoe, and it will be only a few weeka until the job is com pleted. Brookvllle Republican. Free Lecture. Goo. II. Gocbol, of 1'hlladulphla, President of tho Junior Prohibition Lenguo of I'n., will lecture In the Cen tennial Hall on Friday evening, April 20th, at 8 o'clock sharp. The English Quartette will also bo present and ren der somo of their grand music. A good time Is expected and ovorybody Is re quested to attend. Admission free. Will go Thursday. The following mombors of the Key stono band will go to Rochester, N. Y., to-morrow to furnish music for Norrls Bros.' Railroad show during the coming season: Goorge Beck, Thos Koarns, Wm. Scott, James Kearns, Scott Ayers, Albert Evans, Frank Smith, Joseph Gotsler and Chas. Watson. If the cir cus compares with the band that will ac company It, the show will bo a good one. Raymond McDonald Dead. Wllllo Raymond McDonald, son of Pat McDonald of this ptaco, died last Fri day night from brlghts disease. He would havo boon sixteen years old 2l)th of May. Funeral services were hold In the Cathollo church Monday morning at nine o'clock. The past six years the boy baa made his home most of the tlmo with his Undo John McDonald at Degnan & McDonald's lumber camp near Falls Creek. Ooing to Punxsy. Reynoldsvillo will be well represent ed at the I. O. O. F. anniversary to be held In Punxsutawney on Friday of this woek. Special train leaves Ratbmol at T.00 a. M. and Reynoldsvillo 7.15. Fare from Roynoldsvllle to Falls Creek and return, 25 cents. Connection will be mado at Falls Creelf for train to Punx sutawney, and the fare for round trip from Falls Creek to Punxsutawnoy will bo 75 conts, making round trip from Roynoldsvllle or Rathmel 11.00. Smith's Spring Poem. Hon. W. O. 8mlth, of the Punxsu tawney Spirit, an erstwhile lad of this place, falls not to mention Dan Sharp and his sassafras in the spring time. Following is Smith's production for this year: When f rogleta trill their merry Inys And warmor grow the length'nlng days) When suckers 1)110 and robin slug, We may suspect that It I spring. Hut we are never certain quite 'Till Daniel Sharp cloth hove In sight, Trudging across the Windfall Hill, Hack of the town of Keynoldsvlllo Plodding over the tender grass With a fresh Invoice of aaasatras. Of Course we Need It. Mr. Whitmoro Is trying to raise enough money by subscription among the business men to run the sprinkler this summer. It is to pe hoped the merchants will aupport this worthy enterprise liberal enough so that Mr. Whltmore can run it. They had a sam ple of dust on Saturday. The sum necessary to keep the sprinkler going Is a small amount compared to goods that would be destroyed by dust, be sides the annoyance and inconvenience of having dust blowing into the stores all day. Support the sprinkler Did You Ever See Him? Whenever you hear a man finding fault with hla local papers, open them up and ten to one he haa no advertise ment in them; five to ono he nevor gives them a job of printing to do; three to one he does not tako the papers; two to one that, If he is a subscriber, he Is a dollquent; even odds that he never does anything in any way that will assist tho publishers to run their papers, and four to ono that If the papers are good ones and full of life, he la the most eager to soo them when thoy come out. Thon he goes to a saloon to borrow and read one of thorn; spends ton cents on his drink, and says he ia too poor to subscribe for a paper. Ex. Bicycle Club Organized. The bicyclists of Roynoldsvllle mot In W. H. Boll's tailor shop Monday even ing and organizod a bicycle club, with a membership of twonty-flve to start with. Fifteen of these joined the L. A. W. The following officers were elected: President, Goo. F. Cant; Vice-president, C. F. Hoffman; secretary, W. H. Boll; treasurer,. Ed. Gooder; trustees, Chas. Kah, John H. Scholield, H. W. Boosing. All members of the olub will get suits alike. The trustees will rent a room somewhere In town which will be fitted up for the club. The trustees will try to get the room over the First National bank. There will certainly be some bicycle sport in Roynoldsvllle this sea son. . A Large School. Prof. T. B. Mitchell opened a summer school in Knoxdale yesterday. The Professor is one of Jefferson county's wide-awake teachera, and we are glad to learn that hla school opens under fa vorable auspices. Brookvllle Republi can of last week. After Mr. Mitchell had made arrangements to conduct a summer school in Knoxdale, his brother, Lex N. Mitchell, found the normal school In West Reynoldsvillo had gone away beyond hla most sanguine expecta tions in attendance, and ho called on T. B. Mitchell for assistance, and as the Knoxdale aohool only numbered about twenty-five scholars it waa given up the first day and Mr. Mitchell came to Reynoldsvillo to assist in the normal school. There are three teachers in the achool now) Prof. Lex N. Mitchell, T. B. Mitchell and Miss Maggie Butler. The aohool numbers 64 students. Change in Business. It is very probable that thoro will bo a chnngo In the Reynoldsvillo Hardware Co. firm, Scott McClollnnd and E. D. Sooloy rotlrlng from the firm and A. T. McClure and Frank Smith, of Pancoast, will go Into tho business with Jns. K. Johnson, one of the present memliors of the company. An Invoice will be taken and thon the deal will be con summated. Mr. McClure is an enter prising and successful farmer. He had about six montha experience In the hardware business In West Virginia some years ago, and he will assist Mr. Johnston In tho store. Ho will not move to Boynoldsvllle until fall on ac count of his farm Interests at Pancoast. Mr. Smith la an energetic and success ful farmor and lumberman. They are both honest and genial gentlemen. TJnelo Ed. Sooloy will do a llttlo farm ing this summer, but has not fully de cided to sottlo down to thnt business. Scott McClelland has not decided yet as to what vocation he will follow. He may assist Cashier Kauchorin the First National bank. Used Her Umbrella. Two young ladles who live east of Ratbmol, on the Luthersburg's road, came to Roynoldsvllle one day last woek and on tholr way home were attacked at a lonely place on the Fuller hill by a young man of this place Ho caught one of the ladles, threw her down and attempted to gag her with a handker chief. The othor lady pommeled the assaulter over the head with her um brella. This was more than the young chap had figured on and he retreated and the ladles proceeded homeward. It Is reported that one of the maidens had boon Into one of our banks getting some money and that tho young man had Been hor get It and followed thorn for the purpose of gutting the money. Whether that was tho reason of the as sault or not, It was a bold ploco of busi ness and the chap should bo brought to justice for It. Albert Green was arrested yesterday charged with assault tn the case men tioned. Ho waived a hearing and will bo tried at tho May term of court. Beautiful Monument. Nlnlan Cooper has had a fine dark qulncy granite monument placed in bis family lot In the Beech woods cemetery. It Is of cottage doslgn with throe bases. Tho word "Coopor" In large raised letters, Is on the third boso. It also haa a polished die entwined with an ivy vine, and surmounted with a nicely moulded cap, making a very handsome memorial. The monument was put In by E. E. Stewart, of Reynoldsvillo. A Melancholy Event. Mrs. David Groves, of Holvetia, died on Friday afternoon, aged seventeen years, and loaves a young husband to mourn her loss. A short tlmo before her doath she gave birth to twins, the little ones dying a few hours before their mother. The mother and her babes wore buriod In one grave In the Clayvllle cemotory on Sunday after noon. Punxsutawney Spirit. Expecting to 8tnlce Oil. Dr. W. B. Alexander has a bottle of petroleum in hla bank which la from an oil well within three mlloa of the tract of land owned by L. P. Seeley and W. B. Alexander on the North Fork, from whioh thoy sold $100,000 worth of tim ber, as mentioned last week. If they strike oil on their land It will be quite an Investment for Sooloy and Alex ander. Double Wedding. Father Brady married two couples at the Cathollo church at eight o'clock yesterday morning. Tho young peoplo married woro: Jutuos McCloskoy and Brldgot Connell, of Rathmol, and Thomas Donohno and May McCallian, of RoynoldHvillo. House and lot near publio school building, Grant St., healthy and pleasant location, five rooms and large kitchen, good water, fruit trees, etc, for sale at once, also printing outfit cheap. In quire of F. D. Hoover. Boll, the clothlor and merchant tailor, ia making a fine all wool clay for $18. Ladtoa, on May 3 and 4 we are going to soli silks at knifed prices. Deemer &Co. 327 ladloa are wearing our trilby ahoe. Deemer & Co. Remember our apeclal silk sale May 3 and 4. Deemer & Co. 1200 yards of silk will be on sale May 3 and 4. Deemer & Co. All the ladles call for and wear our trilby shoe. Deemer & Co. We will surprise you on silks May 3 and 4. Deemer & Co. Do not fall to soo our line of silks May 3 and 4. Deemer !c Co. Geo. H. Goobel at Centennial Ball Friday night. Builders look to your walla. "Ada mant" ia the perfection of wall plaster and la the result of a life devoted to aolentlflo research. I can show you an interesting story about some of the imitation, H. Alex. Stoke, agent. Mary, look at the ladloa in at Blng & Co's ! They have found the plaoe to get fine goods at reasonable prices. Let uagoinr Gentlemen, call and aee the fine line of suiting we are making to order for 16. Bell, the olothier. 1200 yarda of silk will be on sale May 3 and 4. Deemer ft Co. All the ladles call for and wear our trilby ahoe. Deemer A Co. We will surprise you on lilka May 3 and 4. Deemer fc Co. Remember our apeclal silk sale May 3 and 4. Deemer & Co. Miners Convention. A convention of delegates represent ing I'i.IXH) miners and mine laborers in District No. 2, U. M. W. A., was held at Dultols on Friday of last week, pre sided ovor by T. A. Bradley. After passing a resolution to hold a conven tion at Houtzdalu on May 22nd, 1805, the committee on resolutions offered the following resolutions which were adopted: WHEREAS, We, the delegates In convention aassembled on the lHth of April, representing 15,000 miners In Central Pennsylvania, request a restora tion of the prices paid previous to the last reduction In mining. Therefore be It Remlred, That we ask all mining localities not represented In this conven tion to Immediately make a similar request. liemlird, That we Issue a circular letter tn all the operators In Central Pennsylvania making known to them the requestor this convention and that a commit too of employees be requested to present the demands. liemlrrd, .That each locality make a voluntary collection to defray the ex penses of organizers to bo sent Into tho various places not represented, all money to be sent to the secretary treasurer of the district. The following circular letter, dated DuBoIs, April 10th, 1895, slgnod by T. A. Bradley, Thos. R. Davis, W. B. Wilson, and also to be signed by a com mittee of tho employees of the companies Interested, Is to be sent to the operators of the district: Dear Sirs: At a meeting of the miners of Central and Northern Penn sylvania, held In DuBoIs April 19th, 1HU5, the following resolutions were adopted: Remlitd, That we request a restora tion of prices In all classes of work which prevailed previous to the last reduction. Remlitd, That we request an answer to this proposition on or before April 27th, 1805. Rembtd, That we notify the opera tors of Central and Northern Pennsyl vania by circular letter, of the request made by this convention, and that the circular be presented by a committee of the employees of the respective coal operators. Believing that a compliance with these requests will not Injure the oper ators of the regions named, and will be a great benefit to their employees, we earnestly urge that you comply with thorn. Utopia Program. Following is the program of the Utopia Socloty of Roynoldsvllle for April, May and June: Response to roll call shall he quotations from the subject selected for apeclal reading of the week. Roll call shall be followed hy twenty-Bve minutes discussion of current events. April 1, IBM. Mary Stuart , Mrs. J. B. Arnold Character Sketch Lord Byron..Mra.A.T.BIng Special Reading Childe Harold April B, 1NM. Queen Ellraheth Mrs. F. M. Brown Character Sketch Wordsworth Mrs. Q. F. Cant. Special Reading While Doe of Rylstone April 111, law. Lady Jane Orcy Mrs. W. O. Elliott Character Hketch Robert Browning Mrs. II. R. Johnson. Bpeclul Reading Flight of the Duchess April It, IWrt. Queen Victoria Mrs. Jaa. McCrelglit Character Sketch-Tennyson. .Mra.O.W.I'alen Bpeclul Heading Elaine April 19, ISM. Loula Napoleon Mrs. V. R. Pratt Character Hketch Madame De Btael Mrs. 8. II. Reynolds. Bpeclal Bonding Corlnne May 6, lawi. Empress Josephine Mrs. L. M. Blmmona Character Sketch .... . Victor 11 ugo Mrs. O. A. Stephenson. Bpeclal Readings LeaMleerabloa May 13, lHDS. Eugenie Mrs. A. T. Blng Character Sketch Jules Verne Mrs. J. B. Arnold. Bpeclal Reading . .Around the World In 80 Days May W, ISM. Arthur Wellesloy Mrs. O. F. Cant Character Sketch Du Maurlor Mrs. F. M. Brown. Bpeclul Reading Trilby. June S, INM. Michael Angelo Mm. 8. T. Daughnrty L'huracter Sketch Lord Lytton Mrs. W.C.Elliott. Bpeclal Reading Last Days of Pompeii June 10, 1HM. Leonardo da Vinci Mrs. IT. R. Johnson Extract from Romola Mrs. J lis. McCrclght Bpeclul Reading Romola June 17, 1KI15. Raphael Mrs. O. W. Pnlen Character Sketch Dilute ...Mrs. V. K. l'ratt Bpocliil Bunding Dante's Inferno June 24, lsfW. Rubens Mrs. B. II. Reynolds Extract from the Iliad. ... Mrs. L. M. Simmons Special Roadlng Homer's lllnd July 1, isns. Titian Mrs. O. A. Stephenson Special Reading The Odyssey Cards of Tbsnks. We hereby extend our thenks to all who wore so kind and helpful during the Ulnoss and after the death of wife and mother, Mrs. Jullanna Fink. J. W. Fink and Family. We desire to render sincere thanks to the people of Roynoldsvllle and vicinity for sympathy and assistance shown to us In our bereavement. Mr. and Mrs. Nicholas Downs. Notice. If you intend plastering your bouse it will be to your interest to use mate rial that has proven ltsolf to be right. A little book for asking that tolls you all about the "right kind," of H. Alex. Stoke, ap;ont for Adamant Wall Plaster, King's Windsor cemont. Gentlemen, call and see the fine line of suiting we are making to order for $18. Bell, the olothier. If you want Brussells carpet go to the Reynoldsvillo Hardware Co's. store. Be with the tide on May 3 and 4 for silks at Deemer & Co's. China silks, wash ailks May 3 and 4 at Deemer & Co's. The people (nearly all) with one ao oord proclaim Robinson & Mundorff's cash grocery the place to trade. Do not fall to see our line of silks May 3 and 4. Deemer & Co. Nloest line of aun umbrollaa in town at Deemer A Co's. Prloee out in two May 3 and 4 on silks at Deemer Co's. Captain Sweeney, TJ. 8. A., Baa Die go, Cel., aays: "Shlloh'a Catarrh Rem edy Is the first medicine I have ever found that will do me any good." Price 50o. Sold by J. C. King & Co. SOCIETY'S WHIRL. Wm Barkley was at Shnwmttt last week. Miss Maybel Sutter is visiting at Port land Mills. Miss lloslo Armstrong Is visiting at Freoport, Pn. Miss Cora Lowthor is visiting friends in Falls Creek. Alox. Riston was at Baxter, Pa., last week on business. Walter Arms, of Helvetia, visited In this place Sunday. L. W. Mlsslmer, of Anita, was In Roynoldsvllle Snturdny. Miss Kthel Mitchell, of Driftwood, Visited In this place last week. Mrs. Qetus Schlsblg, of DuBoIs, vis ed In Reynoldsvillo this week. Hon. A. C. Hopkins, of Lock Havon, was In Reynoldsvillo last week. O. W. Miller, a Big Run banker, had business in this place last week. Miss Mary Drlscoll Is visiting her Uncle, Thos. Wlndln, at Shawmut. W. (J. Kline, of DuBoIs, spent Sun day with his parents in Reynoldsvllle. Ed. P. Wlndlo, of Ridgway, visited his parents in this place during tho past week. J. C. Boyles of West Reynoldsvillo, visited friends at Lawsonhatn the past week. J. F. Alexander and James Schwem, of DuBoIs, visited in Reynoldsvillo Sunday. Ell Boyer Is traveling for the cigar factory of O. II. Boyer & Co. of Reyn oldsvillo. Dr. II. P. Thompson and wife, of Portland Mills, spent Sunday In Reyn oldsvillo. Mrs. Chas. Montgomery, of Sllgo, Pa., visited her mother in this place this week. Mrs. V. S. Shlck and two daughters visited at Gelstown, Pa., during the past woek. Allen Gathers, a Winslow township farmor, was at Maysrllle, Pa., lost week to buy a horse. S. T. Hoover, of Winslow, Pa., visit ed his son, Dr. B. E. Hoover, In thla place last woek. C. H. Pntterson, of Brookvllle, was In Reynoldsvillo last week to attend Mrs. J. W. Fink's funeral. C. B. Freeh Is in Center county this woek. He rodo to Clearfield on hla bi cycle Monday afternoon. N. C. Broadhcad, superintendent of tho tannory at Instanter, Pa., was in Reynoldsvillo last Thursday. Dunnison E. Bull and wife are visit ing Mrs. Bell's parents at Hamill, Indiana county, Pa., this weok. Frank Hoover, William Bush and Frank Haymaker expect to go to Washington State about the first of May. Rev. Jos. H. Jelbart and family, of Stanton, visited Mrs. Jelbart'a mother, Mrs. Joseph Butler on Grant street last week. M. J. MoEntecr, passenger conductor on the A. V. R'y was called to Oloan, N. Y., last Friday to attend the funeral of a niece. Mike Carey, of Myersdale, an engin eer on the B. & O. R R., visited his mother, Mrs. M. Carey, in this place last week. Wm. Burke, of Pittsburg, a passenger conductor on the B. & O. R. R., visited hla fathor in West Reynoldsvllle the past week. Conrad Mendol, who has been In Pittsburg throo months, is visiting his daughters, Mrs. Chas. and Mrs. Ilonry Horpol, In Wost Reynoldsvllle. Miss Louise Koehlor, who taught a winter term nt tho Mt. Ploosant school, nonr Bonnozotto, returned to hor homo in West Roynoldsvllle Saturday. J. n. Mclntyro, ticket agent on the B., R. & P. R'y at Falls Crook, and Capt. Lahoy, proprietor of Hotel Ever green, Falls Creek, were In Reynolds vllle Monday to attend the funeral of Raymond McDonald. John, thirteen-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. C. Mitchell, died of ponu monla at 10.00 p. M., last Thursday and was burled in Buulah Saturday after noon. Services were conducted at the house at 2.00 p. M. Saturday by Rev. E. Lewis Kelley, pastor of the Baptist church. This is tho sixth -child that Mr. and Mrs. Mitcholl have burled in Beulah. "As the sweet flower that scents the morn, But withers In the rlsingduy; Thus lovely was this Infant's dawn. Thus swiftly sped It's life awuy. "It died ere Its expand soul Had burnt with wrong desires. Hud ever spurned at Heaven's control, Or ever quenched Itsnuered lire, "It died to sin, It died to cures, But for a moment felt the rod: O mourner, such, the Lord declares, Buch are the children of our Uod." If you have not yet done so call at Robinson A Mundorff's, get acquainted, see their goods, get prioes, etc. It will pay you. Bell, the clothier and merchant tailor, la making a fine all wool clay for $18. Lad lea, on May 3 and 4 we are going to sell silks at knifed prloee. Deemer (feCo. All book accounts must be closed by cash or note before May 1st, 18U5. J. C. Kino & Co. Wide ankle shoes, hand turned, at Deemer & Co's. 525 ladles, or more, wanted on May 3 and 4 at Deemer 6 Co's. It's a fitter and wearer the Electrlo shoe. Deemer Co. 327 ladlea are wearing our trilby ahoe. Deemer Si Co. See Robinson's $2.50 line for ladloa. They are beauties.