Sprier Or, in other wor.ls, Hood's Bsranprirllla, is ft universal need. If Rood herilth to to he ex pected during tho coming Sanson the blood muft be rmrliled Dow. All the Rerms of dis ease mu.it be destroyed mid the bodily health built up. Hood' Bs.rse.pa.rill. 1 the only true blood purifier prominently in the public eye toddy. Therefore Hood's Snrsaparilla in the best medicine to take In tho (prlnK. It will help wonderfully in caws of weakness, nervousness nd nil diseases earned by im pure blood. Got Only Hood's Because Hood's Sarsaparilla Is the Only sea - vy i a ruo obooq truririer Prominently in tho Protected. Mr, nicks I don't koo the nood of Jinvlng the rotimlsinnn in the klulioo ever; ovpMiik. Knllo Fnlx, mum, I win so nfr.iltl of tho crx'krnnrhoit tlown there thnt 1 rnllcil for pullce protection. New York World. , Po mnny do tlielr charity work by advlMltiu others to jjlve. . PatrlrVa. Two St. Patrick's days in snceesslnn that of ISill and 1193 have been remarkable for b?lng clear and cloudless. Nevertheless, there wore typical wind flurries, and while the old Saint is euproiwl to hnve driven out serpents, he has never sucoeeilud in driving out rheumatism and like pains Hnd aches, which hold their own Bt this time of tho year. No, it has been left to another Balnt to accomplish this: fit. Jacobs Oil, and whenevr used for rheumatism it cures promptly. Don't trust the weather, but have ft bottle Dandy all the tliuo. Parsaln eahmen nre Lot allowed to smoke ft pipe while on duty. HIGHEST AWARD rjP WORLD'S FAIR, q IMPERIAL (BEST SUITED TO $ Dy s pe ptic.De I icate, Inf i r m and AGED PERSONS TheSAFESTFooo.n THE SICK ROOM FOR INVALIDS Nursing MothersJnfants,. CHILDREN iT-l DRUGGISTS. Cf 1 oh n Cap le & Sons, New York. .DC iu &L. Douglas Wtaf wnWCriTPon a kins. O. CORDOVA NT. mCNCNACNAMCUCD CALF. J4M FincCalf&Kanoarou ' J.HULICE.SSOLES. 2.l7BDYS'SCrl0OLSH0a Ovor Ono Million People wear the W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value lor the monev. They equal custom ehoes In style end lit. Thalr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. The prices are unllorm, stamped on sola. From Si to $3 saved over other makes. 11 your dealer cannot suppl you we can. fciipuael, Antfi-lu. ItitbeiiB, Tttww The "LINENE" sre tlia Beet and Moat Economl eel t-ollars aud Units worn: tUey are made oi Una cloth, both aides finished alike, and belli revaiai Die, one rullur la equal to two ol auv other klud. Tlu-i tit mil, mar mil aivt louf mil. A boiot Ten( Collars or five feus ol Uuue lor Twsuty-i'Ws A wimple dollar and Pair of Onfra by mall Is IIS Oeute. Name style eud size. Address . BKVEUttlULK COLLAIl OOMPAWY, rtnenkliaBt.. New York. ilKJlbTBt.. DAVIS CREAM SEPARATORS Combined Separator, e'eed Cooker, and Cbuia Power, imple, Praot'cal, Efl90tlVt Durnbli Cheap and Good. Comitate lalry IB llaelf. Havee Time, Labor end Mouey. Book Mailed Proa.wnieiur It. taTAUCNTS WANTED. .DAVIft at NANKIN Siuu. wiru. iiWi OhloaftO, llle iufifsFfaS1 ?. Taateeuoua. US ,n Cough luruD. In tlmft frolMy druggleie 0 OO 11 edacSfine " My little girl has always had poor npe petite. I have given her Hood's 8arsapnril In, and since I hare given It to her she has had ft Rood appetite, and she looks well, I have been a great sufferer with headache and rheumatism, I have taken Hood's 3arsapa rilla, I am now well and have gained In fttrenirlh, My husband was very sick and all run down. I decided to give him Hood's Raroaparilla and he began to gain, and now ho has got so ho works every day." Mas. Assift DitXLAr, 383 E. 4th St., 8. Boston, Mass. r" r Public Eyo Today. ONE OF EDISON'S SCHEMES. It Failed Throngh the Kindly Consid eration of a Kreluht Crew. "It was while Thomas A. Ellison find I wpro co-trnmp operators togothor years nro that the then very nunmlng pculiis of tho groat Inventor was ninile innnlfpst nml utilized by him to ru1 Bcrve lils purposes In obtaining sleep while on duty at a ninull town In New Vork State," said Colonel L. C. Weir, rresldont of the Adams Kxpress Com pany, to a Cincinnati Knqulrer re porter. "We had both secured posi tions as operators at the railway sta tion, I being the day and Mr. Edison the night man. As Mr. Edison's whole mind was absorbed In Ms elec trical studies lie spent lils entire time when oft duty and supposed to be sleeping In lils experiments, and when the time for hint to relieve the day man came lie was very much physic nlly and mentally fatigued. In fact, I have seen him come In the offlec to begin Ills day's worlt almost worn out. But fortunately there was little for him to do other than answer the cnlls sent over the wire every two hours by the dispatcher to ascertain If nil the operators were on duty. To Kd Iron to have to keep awake for such trivial duties as this was very trying,, and though then quite a novlate he conceived of a plan by which he could sleep and wnko In time to answer the cnlls. "It was this: Near his Instrument lie placed lils cot and over the head of that lie placed a bucket. By means of a rubber tube ho conveyed the water from an overliend tank to the bucket, which was so constructed thai within less than two hours enough water would be conveyed from the tank to the bucket to completely fill the bucket, and when It began to pout over It would drop In his face, awaken ing him In time to answer his call. Ity this means lie continued to make his electrical experiments through the day und sleep at night and answering every call for three mouths, when one night n belated freight was gldetrnck ed at lils station. The night was verj sultry, and the crew sought the ofllct for water. They discovered the buck H almost full of water, and also Mr. Rdlson sound asleep. Without awak sning him they emptied the contents it thef bucket, supposing It to be drink ing water, and departed. The call same. Edison slept soundly on, ob livious of all about him. Tho bucket refilled Jtist as Vie succeeding call went over tho wire. Springing tip, he answered It, and tho question, 'Where tvere you when tho previous call was lent?' preeted his cars Immediately and was a punier until he glanced at tho old otneo clock and saw be had lept four Instead of two hours. Frauk and brief was his reply, 'Asleep. " 'Report at tho office hero to-morrow an'l get your time,' spoke the dispatch er, and the next day we were tramp ing for now pastures. It was several days afterward before Edison learned of the secret of the failure of his new Invention to do its wore at the proper time and cause bis dismissal. He swore me to secrecy at the time and I had not thought of It In years before until just now," Working Tonee for It. "Smith is a good-natured man.' "Why do you say so?" "Jones is telling him all the cute things hut baby says and Smith Is laughing heartily and seems Interest ed." "Smith wanted to borrow $3 from me Just now- and I couldn't let hlui have It." New York Tress. Meu may, for broken wood or glass, Borne strong cemeut invoke; But there Is no cement, alas! To help a man who Is broke. T-Sew Vork Herald. 1 Like an open book, our faces tell the tale of health or dis ease. Hollow cheeks and sunken eyes, listless steps and languorous looks tell of wasting; de bilitating disease some place in the body. It may be one place or another, the cause is generally traceable to a com tn on source im pure blood, and im pure blood starts in the digestive organs. Pr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery purifies the blood, stimulates digestive actiou, searches out disease-germs wher ever they exist and puts nte whole body into a vigorous, strong and healthy con dition, ft builds up solid, useful flesh,' rubs out wrinkles, brightens the eyes and makes life reully worth living. STATE ELECTION RETURNS. A LIGHT VOTE. Party Lines Iunored In Many Munici palities. Wisconsin. Wig .Dsin elected a Justice of the Rupreme Court to succeed Justice Wlnslow, who tths the candidate of the tint and 'fin a general enll for re-eloctloa. His opponent was Judge George I). Clemcntson, nlso a candidate on a goners! call, ns no pnrty nominations were made. Tarty lines were to some extent drawn, as Wlnslow was n Pomoernt snd t'lementson n llppublicnn. The vote wss light, end the re turns Ittdii-nti the election of Clemcntson. Wnllber, lleputllcnn, Is reflected Jiidue of the Municipal Court ovnr Nye, Indupoudent, by 8,000 to 10,000 plurality. Hepubllrnns hnve elected mayors of the following Wisconsin cities: Aililand, Itlvor Kails, l'elnvnn, Columbus. Mnrshllfld, Mnus ton, riparta, Waunncs. Hlnck ltivor Tails, Manitowoc, Hudson. White Water. Lake Ovneva, Hartford, Centralis and Water town. Hcmocrals were elected In Mineral rohit, riymouth, Iurnud, I'ralrle I'u Cnien, Alma, Madison, Chilton, Kcnosita. Berlin, llipoa Fox Lake, bhawnno and Beaver Dam. Illinois. In Chicago the returns Indents that the Meiiuhllcans have obtained complete victory, electing Ueorge Hwilt their candidate foi Mayor, by plurality close to 40,000. Inthi state so tar ns heard from the fallowing are the results: In Mohuu the l'eoplo's party gets the Mayor, six out of eight nldertnen and the remainder ol the ticket, In ltock Island the Hepublieans secure all but the city clerk and two aldermen. Iu I'eorla they elect all the township ticket except collector. Iu hprlnglleld the Democrats secured evcrythlnp but two sldermen. Intjulncy the Democrat! get the Mayor and probably all tho cli council. In Litchfield the pnrtles divide th onlces about evenly. In the Tenth centre slonnl district. (I. W. Prince, tlalesbtirg. He publicnn. is elected by about 7,000 plurality over llastala, Democrat. Nebraska. Kpeclals from nil parts of the stato on municipal elections show thnt rr,y "ne have not been drawn In municipal elections iu Nebraska In many cases, but when they were the liepublicaus gained except at Hat lags aud I'lattsinoutli, where the Demoernts carried the day. Frank Orahatn, liepulilican was elected Mayor of Lincoln by a large ma jority. The Populists showed do strength where they bad tickets up. Rhode Island. The state elected a governor and other state officers. The llnpubllcan candidate for governor Is Chnrlcs Warren Ltppitt ami the Democratic George L. I.ittlelield. At the last state election the Republican majority was 0.307. Llpidtt was elected by 10,600 plurality, leading his ticket slightly. The senate stands thirty-two Republicans and three Democrats; the lower house slxty-nino Republicans and three Democrats. Texas, Charter elections were held throughout Texas. Tarty lines were drawn in but few cities, and show Democratic victories. Dallas elected Frank Holland mnyor nnd a Demo cratic board of aldermen. The Demo. c-n's wera successful at Fort Worth and Waco. Municipal elections throughout Kansas generally show victories for Republican can didates. The prohibition question was the predominant issue. Election returns from forty-four Missouri towns show twenty-five wero carried by Democrats, nine by Republicans and five non partisan. T he most noticeable feature of the Minne sota municipal elections wasthe successof tho license ticket in nnarly every place whero the liiiuor question was at Issue. BUCKEYE LADY VOTERS. Plana of Party Loaders TJpsst in Sev eral Instanees. The women of the State of Ohio had their op portunity Monday, and many took advantage oi It Under a law passed at the lost session of the legislature, the women were given school suffrage, and ever since the cam paign opened tnere has been much Interest taken in the preparations of the gentler sex to exercise their Dew prerogative. Uplnlon was divided as to the probable ofloct of tba political work and aspirations. The number of women who voted is, rela tively speaking, not large, but it surprises tome of the old-lime masculine politicians who thought the ladies would back out at the last minute. Returns show that in many cities and towns the lemlne candidates lor members of boards of education were sucoessiul. They figured prominently In settling more than one bitter contest The Inclement weather undoubtedly kept down tba total vote, but the lesult was BQ agreeable, surprise, Akron Republicans elected two ladies mem bers of the board besides sweeping the city for other oilioes. East Liverpool Prohibi tionists were lucky in having a woman can didate for she was elected. Xenla, Bt Marys and other towns war oaptured by the new voting element Republicans generally were successful throughout the state except where personal matters wera injected Into the campaign. At Cincinnati there was do election, the terms having recently been arranged so as to have all expire the same year, la Hamilton county Mrs. Captain W. W. Pea body, of MsdisouvUle, was eleoted to the board of edu cation, and she bad a woman us competitor. At Harrison, that aounty, three women were defeated; at Carthage one woman was elect ed; at Norwood the women were duleated. The women were delcated at Camden. Elsewhere they voted as follows: At Van wert60 voted, at Ripley 60, at Martins Ferry D out of a vols of 1,300. at MansUuld and at Morrow they turned out quite strong, and re fused offers of precedence by men. Tbe returns of the feminine vote from small towns, Dot relerred to elsewhose Id tbe press dlspatahes.ire as follows: Flyrlo Olny one woman voted. Uuoyrus Eight hundred women voted. Cadis Seventy-live women voted. Two out ol three members elected to hoard of education wero women. London Four hundred and eighty-three women voted. Two women wera elected members of school board by large majorities. Mt. uilesd, O., Two womeu elected to tba school board. One hundred and sixty-three womea voted. Oxford A womun, Mrs. Harab It Porter, was elected member of tbe school board. Wash ington U H. Two huudred womeu voted, but ball of them voted for men. Xeuia One woman was elected meaitwr ol tbe bourd of educutloD. Portsmouth The eutlre Republican ticket Was elected op re. except mg one councilman. The live women 'candidates went all defeated Michigan Eleotlona, Republicans again carry Michigan by a de cisive majority, tuethse of which aauuot yel be approximated. The election was lot Supreme Judge and L'ulverslty Regents. In complete returns show viutonea lor the win Ding ticket tn almost every large towu. Among t g exceptions er Marquette, were tfie lude.adeni candidal lor mayor bad s5U majority, and Manistee, which baa gone Democratic bv a small plurality. Quizzing as a fine Art. On the occnslon of Lord Melville's ttinl before the House of Lords, Hook lind a seat among the spectators. lie cotild not resist the opportunity of mys tifying, his neighbors, it lady and her daughter from Hussex. When the Illshops appenred Iu their stntc attire wearing scarlet nnd lawn sleeves o.or their doctors' robes he confidentially observed to the lady: "These nre not gentlemen; they nre ladles, elderly ladles the dowager peeresses In their own right." When the Speaker of the Iloitso of Commons appeared, and attracted at tention by the rich embroidery of his robes, the lady Inquired: 'Tray, sir, who Is that fine-looking person opposite?" "That uuitlam," said Hook, "Is Car dinal Wolsey!" "Xo, Blr," cried the lady, with a look of angry disdain, "we knows a little better than thnt; Cardinal Wolsey has been dead many a good year!" "No such thing, madam, I assure you,' replied Hook, with Imperturbable gravity; "It lias been, I know, so re ported In the country, but without the least foundation; In fact, those rascally newspapers will say anything." Tern Die Bar. Cannot Conti o.o with Africa. J. Hoss writes In the Englneerlnc. nnd Mining Journal that since the din nmiid discoveries In South Africa the Krnzlllnn dlnmoiid-mlulng Industry lint fallen so low that the annual output It now not over l."o,oon, when thirty j ears ago It was upwards of 82,r00,iH)0. Itinzlllnn diamonds are so much sninl ler than the African thnt It does nol pay to mine them against African com petition. A FAMOUS iXSTITL'r.OS. The Invalids Hotel and fturirlral Insti tute or HnrTMlo, N. V. From the Jnnfon lltiwld. What can be sc.-omnlhhed bv ludlelons en. terru i-e. wiien Imekedup liyaMlity and pro feHsbtnil diill. is tthnwn bv the intigulflrent lniildinnoflhcInviili.il' Hoiel ami Huivli'il liiKlitute at llufTaln. TliU model niilar lum fin nMie. one nt the ! jlit of Hit IT.ilo. not alone lot lis architectural lx-anty. Inn mi an. fount of the world-wide fame of Dr. Hbv V. I'ieree, wbo elullishi'd (be Institution tn'tnv earsago. and is to-ilav lt nmnauinif director nnd problem. A beautiful live-torv hni lil Ingiiltuatedon Main St reel, the nrincliml bu-U ne-.n,vt of PufTnlo, the Invalid' Hotel enn well l said to nurpussauy Institution of Its kind in the couutr). Mxleen physicians form the meilleal slalT of till Institution, who det-ote their tinvto the paiients in the building, and to correst. ilence by letter whli iiiilcnu who eonsult them from all over the Unile I States. Encli physician or surgeon Is i bosen for his skill und pvoji ieney In etirinv one chi of chronic iliwMse. Thus the patient line for Ills plivxli inn nit experienced nwciullt who Is thoroiiuhlv Inmlliar with the esse. A material aid to tltr medical treatment are the machines lor givlim 'nicciiuiilrnl movements,'' or massage, elec trical apparatus. Turkish baths, etc., with which the Hotel Is thoroughly equipped. Large and airy rooms, parlors, reading rooms, el.'vnttr, und luuuy other conveniences make tlus A Pt.KASANT ItEUECIAI. noUE, and fnr lilllerent from the private hospitals as commonly kuovvn. The Worid's llispi.nsai-v Medical A'wm iatlon, of whieli Dr. i'leri o Is President, is the owner of the Invalids' llo:el and the large laboratory, called the World's liispensary, as well. (Maudlin on the same lot, which runs through to the nci etreet Imck. Is the huge laboratory, elx stories In height, winch f rnisbes ample room for man ufacturing Dr. Pierce's l avor.tu Prescription, Ir. Tierce's Uolilen Medical Discovery, Dr. Pierce's I'leaeunt Pellets, Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy, Dr. I'ieree 's Kxtract of Mliarl-Weed, or Water Teiifier. Theee are proprietary rem edies which have Wen sold for over a quarter ot a century all over tbe United. Htates, from the Atlantic to the Pacific. Carloads ot these medicines ere shipped every day iiotu Hullalo to iHiinls Kust, West and Couth. An tdoa ol the extensive business carried on by this As. octillion can be sained by w hat is said of it by the poNlulttce authorities at VYatdiiiiirlou, 1. C, who i-eisjrt that this one firm openiWs an nually for stamps more than all the imnksaud neweiiaiK-rs of liutfalo cimildned.oi- over f UK). MR. 1'he insil mailer amounta to Iroui si.iniO to 4H,inni pieces daily, Tho first story oi the Worlu's Dispeuiary building Is occupied by the sliilipiilK department; I lie second floor is devoted to the large newnpaiier advertising de lartment anil the mailing; third tlu.u', prinu uk room aud hiader) ; fourth floor, drug mills and paiiel warerooui; Huh hour, bo.lling, wrapping nnd packing department; on Ins sixth floor is one ol TBS BKHT-I'LAX.XED LaBonATOKIES In the country, in charge ot a thoroughly scientific uliemisl, formerly of fcl.e Harvard meudcal schia.1 lah-iratory, in fact, the equip ment, the machinery and the system with whicu tueee large Institutions are equipjosd, aud the marvelous maimer iu wnloh every thing work alonrf as though by clookwura. Wouid well lepv s vl-H t, m .i. Zeoland, ii.cu nua no lawji.a. Stats or Onto, Cirr or Tolbdo, i Lt'CAS t'OUNTV. I" Fraxk J. I'assBV makes oath that he Is the senior partuerot the llrmof F. J. Uhknsv as Co., doing business In the City of Tnludo, County and State aforesaid, and that said firm will pay tno sum of ONE HU.VDRKI) DOL LARS for each aud every cue of C uarrh that cannot be cured by the use of II all's iatahku Cubs. Fiianh J, Ciusir. ewurn to Vefore me and subscribed in my presence, this oiti day of December. A. D, ISoo. . A. W. ULBASON, 1 SEAL I ' JVofitn Pufe'fa, Rail's Catarrh Cure Is taken Internally and acta directly on the blood and mucous surfaces oi tba system' Send for testimonials, free. F. J. Chenry & Co., Toledo. O. tarSold by Druggists, tie. "A Fresh Bngllsh Complexlea." That healthy pink and white might just as well be the typical American complexion, if people would take reasonable care of their health. Kipant Tabules go to the root of the trouble, because a stouueu lu good order produces gojd blood. Tbe tint English Derby was run on May 20, 1784. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup fnr children teething, softens the gums, reduces luflama tiou, alluys pain, cures wind colic SS c. a butt Tbe water in the Strait of Gibraltar Is ISO fathoms deep. Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-Root cures all Kidney and HUiddor troubles. Pamphlet and conaoltntlon free. Laboratory liinghumpton, N. Y. There is an immigration boom la the state ox Vtanulugtuu. Alter physicians bail given me up, I was saved by Mao's Cure Itsi eH Emli'l, WU- llauisport, l-o.. aovemuer iu, laut. USUAL PRICE, Tha AEBMOTOB AMTI.rREEINO THREE-WAY t s Break, baa baa a very lares sirchunbsrliss a very Isrga spout speoiof, i Bb f urnisbsd br S07 dealer this side of tba Rocky Uounlaioa and can Da furnisbsd by soy c Aermotor sf em for thsm. It Is always As a rule bs is a Srsl-cUss, live, tellsble, la cat entire list of Iboossade-ef sgeopv AERMOTOR FORCS PUMP AT M.BO, BETTER THAN USUALLY SOLD AT 4)8 OR, IO. Sealfoteue Pump Csulofua. Buy Betblag but aa Aermotor Pump, and do not pay store tbaa Aermotor prices for It. We protect tba public We) furnish It food geode at low prices. Ws bsve eatablisbed twaaty branch bouses la order that It may get goods cheaply aad promptly. Yoa consult your owa interests by insisting oa no only Aermotor prices but Aerostat goods Al Aeraoler vises. Be suit aad see ear poef put wedfjpl gito Feed Cutter M lis, . AERMOTOR CO., Ohloago, - - ' 1-''''''s-ssai aySk,-csj You want the Best Royal Baking Powder never disappoints; never makes sour, soggy, or husky food; never spoils good materials ; never leaves lumps of alkali in the biscuit or cake ; while all these things do happen with the best of cooks who cling to the old-fashioned i methods, or who use other baking powder i. If you want the best food, ROY L Baking Powder is indispensable. t sovst sssmo sowots L'lyevevevev-a.sy'fW.lva Thought. "ThouRlit Is not simply the sea upon which the world of action rests, but, like tho air which pcrvndos the whole solid substances of our globe. It per meates and fills In every part It Is thought which gives to It Its life. It Is thought which makes the manifesta tion of Itself In every illfferout action of man. I uopo we nre not so deluded ns men lmvo been sometimes, as some men are to-day; that wo shall try to separate these two lives from one an other, and oue tnnn say, 'Everything ilepends upon my action nnd I care not what I think, or, as men have said, nt least In oUier Umes, 'If I think rluht It matters uot how I net.' But the i'lht thought nnd the rlht action make one complete and single man.' Phillips Brooks. o?sri5 enjoys Botb tlio mctliod and results vthea Syrup of Tigs is taken; it Is pleasant and refreshing to tlio tat-to, and acta f rally yet promptly on tlio Kidneys, I aver and Bowels, cleanses tho sys tcm elTcctunllv, dispels colds, head aches and fevers and cures habilunt constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho only remedy of ita kind ever pro duced, pleasing to tlio tasto and ac ceptable to tho 8toniocli, prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects, prepared only from the most healthy and agrceabla substances, its many excellcut qualities commend it to all and havo mailo it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 60 cent bottles by all leading drug gists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on baud will pro cure it promptly fur any oue who wishes to try it-" Do uot accept any substitute. CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. SAN FRANCISCO, CL, lOUISmiE. Kf. Hi IV YORK, H t. P1TFMT4 THADE HARKS KxiimlDu'lon r "snil silvlue IK istutublll)r ill nvrniuu. iM-hil lor Inreulorii Ulilile, or Ihov lutfi-t a patent, f AlltlL'K O'fAUHEU Wsshikutus. 1. O fJH XtZS Sir powdered soap could be. It has all the good properties of any soap and many more, too. There's something in it that does the work easily, but without harm much nrbre easily than any other way yet known. Beware V.S FALSE smd it iati. you an imitation, be honest' "One Year Borrows Another Year's Fool." You Didn't Use SAPOLIO last Year. Perhaps Yon Will Not This Year. $15QPAERM0T0RVjto Jjf en FUK6B r-UltrlK bss a wiudmill sbul-oS at tbe above price. sisat tor any- lbs rsssoo lr better io (0 to en Aecmetor I wide - awake fellow 1 pbst le you csa Hod one slow, stupid, behiod-loe-mm times a t CO., tos waust., Ntw-voee. Ilroad nnd Typhoid Fever. A serious note of nlitiiii was struct last summer by Surgeon Mnjor Renuls ot the Eturllsli army, who sent a com muulcnUiiu to a London medical Jour nnl, suowlnit thnt typhoid fever wai spread nt M or rut, lu Intlln, by half baked, doughy plumcnkcs, eaten by tin soldiers of the Knsllsh army nt the. station, where Impure water was tiset In making the dough. A month Intel Drs. Waldo and Welsh published tbel: t'Xperlineuls on the temperature n' which bread Is baked and cnrefullj reconled tho bacteria found lu liiltlsl breads. JTr fcesrt Is very ts4 to-nlghtt Unrest Is la the air, I cannot tell just what it Is, Dapjyila or despair. It Is dyspepsia, and A 7?pfl7s Tabula will dispel It. rxng 'us AN EASY WAY TO GET RICH! Tiny An Intercut In irll mini for two do), ant, aK'ttmfjtt bunluM tiH'th'HU, ISn num-y wailai), t'ouimlleil by pnniitultt tiifU. Kfc.mm"HlHl by ltitc(r ftnd i-om. tSuH-rrinI'm tt torkr, two rioiiftisi pr niotitn for n MiUHt t'in. Hsp'mo hm it i iil i nf g it oro nMi(iil I'd-, u rlt for full la fnrni'Ulon. 1IIK i;OI.IKi: 4.I INKA THIS IN. I l , I'.O. H.m t, liri.vt-r, 4 olorado. RUPTUREGured j.ufl'f.iii. at IlOl.liH Itl l'il liH Worn nliilit au't lu;. . Vlb an AilJII-tslilel'S'l wlik-U enn 1. ltiS''e liirtt-r o.' smaltfr to mlt rlini'rlt's riiiiilltlnnof lit I' 1 1' Hi:. .invnn. llltr-.. I nt. tit sicilrt'lv snslcd by n. V. HiueMfB.Co. 1 14 I rosiln sr.S.Y.Otte SALESMEN wanted i-sSLss: nLLUIIIsWIl wbni,,H. ,,,,1 retail imdei 4-11 on IrrfaC to every butlucw man or firm; lib Ml painrr, it umy dvanctMl tor tulvcrtlntug and eipsMiM'; pcrniniirtit po!tlun. AU1rM, with tump, KINU M1-4J. CO.. l 41. Cblcko, III CllYOlilv UnhIhiiuIoii, 1.1'v 'Succe-sfully Pronpcutea Claims, tatrVrliicipalKsmlnii U 8. Pauaton Buraau. i t I u Uut uui uUj uiUvaliiiit cluiuia, att aluva. "Shave your Soap" so the soap makers say, es pecially if vou're washing delicate lf f a O thincs. Now. in the name of common sense, what's the use ? When you can get Pearline. in powder form for this very reason, why do you want to work over soap, which, if it's eood for anything, gets very hard and difficult to cut. Besides, Pearline is vastly better than anv Peddlers and some unfcropnlorji grocers will tell yon, "this is as good as" or "tha same as Pearline." IT'S Pearline is never peddled, if your grocer sends 893 JAMES PVLE, New Verr dsi .-u. y9 fsw csitlnis to . jsfjTa lever attached, ' Of ooorss. Il Is bsttae to so to aa thiol you nsy waul nulcn be bsodlse, be Is aa Asrrootor weak It la doubtful It fellow. We furnlea elso s 8 FECIAL