THiNK WE ARE TRICKY. Brttlah Provincial Nrwapanrra Baff th u Im Ht to l'J What II Owh. Soma British provlnt'lnl newsri.Mira have been oommetitlnK,' with oonstiliira ble asperity, upon whnt they rcRiirit m Auiiirinitn slmrp priictioo ovnr tho Paris During award. All are possossiMl with the Idea thnt thn Ilritish Hon hns Ixwn foolml mid think it In timn ha Imkuu j;rnwlitK. The Nj-woastlo Journal, a Tory newspaper not without influence, the i it her ilny liuiclo thoso n remarks: "It noes iitinliiKt thn Yankee uruiu either to linml over money lllinu!ly oh tntueil or money tlna by contract or the award of arbitrators. Whnt with being kept outof onr A Inbnnm surplus money; pnyingfor thn costly IlerliiKsca Inquiry and still waiting for compensation for the seizure of British sealliiK vessels, thia country mny well reimril Amnrlean arbitration an a kind of 'Head I win, tail you low' Kiune, nt whieh wsshnulil In future refuse to piny without sonlo guarantee aiiimt being deeeivoil by a rigmarole of phrase and h'Knl verbiage Into fresh losses and damages In addi tion to those which flrat led to tho noil trovorsios in rolntinn to tho Bering Hen fisheries and tho Canadian fisheries lung ago." " At Aftar Election Corrvftponileufw. "The shortest correspoiiilonre on rec ord, " said Congressman Covert of New York yesterday, "passed botWiTii Amos Cummings ni.d rue n few month ago. Shortly after tho November election, when Atnoa was defeated for congress, he was nppointedVibway commissioner of New York nt n salary of $.",()0 a year. When 1 heard ot it, I aunt Amos thin letter: ' 'Doer Amoa' Then 1 drew a pic ture of a human hnnd ami wroto in red letters across the palm tho word 'Blinker 'Yours, divert.' "Two daya Inter I received a reply. It rend thua: " 'Denr Jim' Underneiith wna n humnu hund stretched in tho opposite direction from that drawn in my letter mid bearing on tho pnlm the word 'Thanks.' In thn corner of tho paowns ail excellent delineation of it champauno glass half filled with wine, and under it tho words 'With pleasure. Yours, Amos. ' "Hut I always believed thnt Amos' reply wna not geuuino. You auk mu why? Beciuiso 1 never saw him with a half filled gluss. Itwnscither brimming over or empty. "Washington Times. Th r'.AVt.u of a Normoa. Once, when Cardinal Mannin-t wa prenching in Koine, ho rixingnizeil .I.ilm bright umong his listeners. On the in stunt ho determined to preach to hiui and dwelt with as much forooand effect us hit could on thcal.iims of tho Blessed Virgin to our veneration. Two or three years Inter he met him and reminded him of this Incident. "1 remember it perfectly," snid John, "and I shall never forget it, I wns dt lighted with everything thnt moruin-;' u grntilled smile cuiuu on the card! nal's face "excepting your sermon. " "Memoir of an Author," Fitzgerald .- -. - - J 1 ReiolMu Harare Co., DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES and RflNG&S, TIN, SHEET IRON AND , COPPER WARE, AMMUNITION, WOOD AND IRON PUMPS. And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store. Roofing and Spouting Done to Order. , ' REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Mew Ramad tor Insomnia. An expert In nervous disorders In Paris recommended to an Amcrlonn gen tleman a cure for Insomnia which was tried with such success that the patient baa preacrihed It to many of his friends. It is simply to keep your eyes open when yon want to go to sleep and cannot A person Whose hrnln is too active will sometimes closo the eyes and vainly endeavor to sleep. The very closing of the eyes seems to concentrate tho menal faculties on business affairs and other distractions. Tho theory of tho French physician Is that if thnvintimof insomnia will As his eyes upon soma gleam of light, aomo shadow, or even ou thn dnrkucas Itself, he ran relieve his mind from thoughts that perplex it and divort attention from himself. Try the experiment when you are sleepless and seo how nnaonsclously your eyes will close and your thoughts begin to tnko possession of you. Struggle to keep them oMn nnd fixed upon an object, either real or imaginary, and before yon are aware of it thn struggle will have ended and sleep will Is) victorious. African (irmberka. The social grosbecks of Smith Africa live in large societies. They select n tree of considerable size, nnd literally cover it with grass roof, under which their common dwelling is constructed. The roof serves thn duublo purpoao of keep ing off the hunt nnd tho rain, nnd 400 or 601) pairs of birds are known to have the tame shelter. The nests in this aerial dwelling oro built In regular streets and closely resemble rows of tenement houses. DOES Yonr Roof Leal ? People desiring a Tin or Metnl Hoof stopped from Leaking should consult or correspond with fl. HEGKMflN. PuHois, Penn'n, patentee of PARAGON ROOF COATING, The Kent in the world. All work Guaranteed. HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, Our Triumotial March ! Along the Avenue of Trade proceed with exciting progress far in advance of rivalry! Meeting with ' Ovations at Every Turn ! WfSH GOODS Thai mu Sui'o to Pleaso .All! Summer - Bilks! They are" Beauties, and Going Fast I Headquarters for Lace Curtains ! They will be needed now. See our line before buying , any place else. SPRING CAPESI This is the place to get them. BING & CO. A Paint Pointer! BRAINS H. Drugs, I?aints, Oils, Wall Paper, "Window Shades. Many people believe that all paint are alike that they are nothing but oil and color mixed. That's the case with common, inferior paints. Are also used to blend good paints. So is conscience. Paint made without a blending of skill and honesty is no good. We keep only the Best. It would not pay us to handle poor paint at any price. We have all sorts of the good sort, ready mixed and fit for use. ALEX STOKE.