Sip VOLUME 3. RKYNOLDSVILLE, PENN'A., WEDNESDAY, AVllll 10, 18135. NUMUKJt 47. The Big Store mill Tiny I'riees Slash A GRAND One year ago if we hrul'tohl you that in April,-1805, Dollars you would have laughed at uk but, nevertheless it iw Ichh money than shoddy cotton were one year ago. AVe have all new goods this spring, therefore, we can and will pell you that our Competitors can pell you their old shelf-worn stock. t5 ... j 111? m J J I x Spring Suits for Men! Men's Nobby Sack and Square Cut nuns, spring ana summer weights, dark colors that would of gold fop $5.00, onorea at our store at only 92.11 A lot of Men's Fine Casslmores, Chov lotts and Worsteds, medium woight, suits all sizes, nioely made up, perfect fitting cai-monts that would have sold for 1U.OO, ottered at our store only at As m i Aft t.n u uu una 90 uu An incomparable line of the largest and finest oolleotion of Spring attire for Gentlemon to bo found in any store in the county. Every garment shown is new in style and make. No back nun bcrs, no old styles Prices are lower than they have been lor ia years. We want every gentle' man to see our f 10.00 line. It is really astonishing what a good All-wool Suit Viu.uu will Duy this season. All the new and popular weaves for spring and summer in perfect fitting garments, thoroughly made and trimmed with an appearance of style and finish, only equaled ana matenea ny tailor We can fit your eye, your form and your pocnet-Doolc. (Jome in and see us See Our Window Display I Trunks and Valises I We are offering you a Trunk that lias double stitched leather handles, malleable Iron corners, reinforced all around, reversed slats, cover, hat tray, all (or $2.00; actually worth $4.00. And we have Trunks from $2.00 to $0.00, all sizes and forms. Telescopes that formerly sold at $1.00 and $1.25, at our store only 75o Black and all oolors of valises from 50o. up according to size. Call and see them Above all, we want you to believe what we say, and cordially invite you to call, and be convinced that we are the Lowest Price and The Only Reliable Clothier, Hatter and Reynolds Block. M in UCCESS d a GREAT SALE! Sweaters! We have them from 17c. up. A close ribbed, heavy weight sweater, well made and well worth One Dollar; our price Forty-five and Fifty Cents. Heavy wool sweaters in blue, black and white, close gauge, double kint col lars, worth Two Dollars; our price One Dollar. Then we have greys, creams and maroons. Every sweater from 17c. up is all hand sewed and has extra long neck. tn Urn a at c SIM a. CO c X t w: .'.Li., in H, Sir, .- - 7 CO CD C3 CO Everything New in Style or Color in either Stiff Hats or Fedoras 1 Newest Style Stiff Hats in Mocha, Tan and Black Is represented in our Superb Showing of Spring Headwear for men. The quality of the Stiff Hate that we show at the following prices cannot be matched: 8c, $1.25, $1.50, $2.00, $2.25, $2.50, $3.00. ' Boys' and Children's HaU and Caps, Tarn O'Shanters, Eatons and Fancy Headwear. Every New, Novel and Sensible Style. See our Window Display. 9 Prines you could buy a Ten Dollar Snit of Clothe? for Five a fact, woolen goods are placed on the market to-day for tnken advantage of this great change in price by buying Good New Clothing Cheaper, yes, for one-half the price SPRING SHIRT STYLES! Fresh from the field of fashion; f ant colors. Per cales, one. turn down and one stand up collar, and a pair of cuffs,' link or plain, alt detachable, with each shirt, Neatest pat terns, pin-checks, pin-dots, $c., perfect fi t $'u a ra n teed, prices from 50c. up. Also a large line of boys' fine Oxford, cheviot shirts that formerly sold at 50c, the price at our store only 2 c. Also the same in men's at 25c. Perfect fit guaran teed. See our Window Display. CO .i. i..,. 't - - - CD i umyiM CD CO pi J UMBRBLLfVS! We have a Fine Line of all the Latest and Leading Patterns of Umbrellas. We have black sateen, guarantied fast color and well put up, that is actually worth $1.00; our prioe 63o. We show steel and wood stalks all sizes at the follow ing prices: 70o., 95c, $1.00, $1.15, $1.50, $1.00, $2.10, $2.25 and $3 00 Call and see them GLENN A. MILLIREN. Small Prices f&Sf W 1 c n c Bio Business I Boys' CLOTHES! Boys' very noat and survlvablo Suitx, Caaslmoros and S:itiiictH, this suonon's raako, sizes 5 to 14, that would luivo sold at $1.50, at our storo only 67o Boys' Double Biuavitod, All-wool Cheviot, CosHlmoro and Imported Worsted, mudo in tho lioijjhtof fuHhioti, would havo sold at $2.00 and $3.00, at our store only l)8o Your choice of over 300 pairs All wool Cheviot, Casslmere and Imported Worsted Boys' Knoo Pants, worth double our asking prico, that we offer 25o. and up Thou we have the Ironclad Double Breasted Suits (same as above out) that formerly sold at $4.00, $5.00 and $6.00, at our store only $1.50, $1.75 and $2.00 Men's Fine Balbrlggan Underwear that formerly sold at $1.00 we are offer lng you for 25o. or 50o. a suit get prices and Bee the goods Men's Furnisher in the county! km if B,8 8LANDER. Twm lint a tin-nth And rot a woman'- fitlr name wilted, And f riencln mwo warm irruw cold and stilted, And Ufa wan mine than ilrnth. Ono rnnomrd word, Thnt Rtmrk tt cownrd, polsonrd blow, In crown wliisi hnhl and low, And fit tho wldn world heard. Twm lmt ono whlsjwr on Thnt mutti-rrd low for Tory iihame, That thing the nliindcrrr dnre not name, And yet Its work waa done. A hint m llfiht, And yet eo mighty In 1U power, A humnn will In one short hour Lies crushed beneath IU bltRht. GERMAN ARMY MARRIAGE. Officer May Not Wed Without the Con Bent of Their Superior. No German officer enn mnrry withont the censont of his colonel, according to Poultuoy DIkoIow in "Tho Borderland of Cznr nutl Knlner, " and this consent enn ho obtained only after a careful in quiry Into all the cirenmstaucos sur rounding the proposed alllnuco. First, is the young lndy suitable for ansooia tiou with the wives of tho other oftlcorn? Second, will the bridegroom be able to live respectably and bring np his fam ily? Third, nro his. means, or those of his wlfo, invented in proper seonritlos, so that ho is not llablo to lie expelled by tonsou of bankruptcy? The extraordi nary social advantngos enjoyed by tho German officer mid tho pecuniary re sponsibility growing naturally from such advantngos make his small pay, which amounts only to about $1 a day in case of a firnt liouteunut, appear own smaller than it is. An American lady who bad been spending a winter in Dresden told Mr. liigelow that all the bachelors of the garrison were famished with a list of marriageable womou, each namo orna mented with the property she might bti expected to inherit This no doubt was a nilstalto on her part, but it is a very common ono, Uoriuan officers stationed in desirable towns are vory apt to get into debt and have to choose between leaving the army in disgrace or luarry lug a rich girl Mr. Uigelow adds; "From my own exporionce in Uormany tho officers would appear to havo mnrriod for lovo and to be happy in coiiHoquouco, " ami yot "the number of thoso who get into debt and fail to sucuronriuh wife is oonxldrrnhlo, although it makes no particular ripplo in the surface. Such men simply di nap pear and turn up sooner or Inter in America, whero they tako employment ns ooaohinen, wniturs, tonohors or instruct ors in riding schools. Tho ohnugo of lifo is very violent and Is adopted only as profernblo to sulcido. " Flower In Northern Itiumlo. An English traveler in northern Rus sia writes to The Gardener's Chronicle that nothing surprised him more than tho nuiversnl pronouoo of well grown flowering plants in dwelling rooms. Even in tho cells of monasteries and iu tho studios of oity photographers farther north than Archangel ho found such plants ns oleanders, crotons, pelnrgnnl nins and fuchsias iu almost every room. Tho double windows, so necessary to koop out tho cold, havo a draft tight spuoo between thorn flllod with flower ing pluuts, nud It does not soom noccs sury to open thorn for air during tho short hot summer. From September to Juno tho country is buriod in snow and shut iu by loo. Tho average toinporutnre for January is only 10 degrees. The July tenipernturo, however, has an av orago of 00 degrees F., Which is hardly to bo wondered at when it is reinom borod that tho snn shines 23 hours oat of tho 34. A Whlntler Story. One of tho best of tho Rossotti stories oonocrns Mr. Whistlor. Onoo Rossotti asked Whistler how he liked a sketch he had niado for a picture. "It has good points," was the answer. "Go ahead with it. " A fow weeks later ho was asked abont the piotura "Doing fa mously," saiC.RossettL "I've ordered a stnnning frame for It " Some time later Mr. Whistler saw the oauvas, framed, bat still virgin of paintbrush or paint "You've done nothing to it, " said Mr. Whistler. "No." ruplied Ros tetti, "but I've written a sonnet on the snbject, if yon would oare to hear it " When the recitation was over, Mr. Whistler said, "Rosetti, take ont the canvas and pnt the sonnet in the frame. " Pall Mall Bndget Oantlou Turkey. The Russian government hat asked permission of Turkey to make measure ments of tho sea of Marmora in order to dotermine scientifically whatohauges have ooourred through the late earth quakes. The porte bos givon the doslrod permission, bnt the Russian man-of-war will be escorted by a Turkish ves sel, and a Turkish naval officer will as sist at all tho iclontiflo examinations of the coast A aeattarlnc Bhot. "Ton ought to know better than to put small coins into yonr month," said the old goutlomau to the hoy who had just blacked his boots. Whereupon three richly appareled la dies who wore hurrying post to oatoh a street oar paused a moment and lookod. indignantly at the speaker. Chicago Tribune. HI Objection. ' She Even though yon do not admire Browning, yon must admit he makes one think, Mr, Chaplelgh. He Ya-a-a-s. That's precisely why I pbjeot to him. Harlem LI fa FLOUR MILLING. The ftotllnf Pro, Itu Chanced the En tire Mean of Operation. In tho roller process the whole prln olpln of the manufacture of flour wns ohungod. Infltenri of getting all tho flonr possiblo ont of tho wheat in ono or two reductions on millstones, tho idon wn i to make as little flonr as possible on tho first production and leave a largo per centage of middlings afterward to hn re duocd to what Is known as pntont flonr. Nowadays the number nf reductions va ries from four to eight or more. Millers are now able to grind with a length of rolls equal to 140 inches per nuit of 100 barrels of flour in 84 hours and do good Work. Roceutly the "planslfter" has stop ped into notioe and is used with a very great oapaolty both as a acalpor nnd as a flour bolt. The purifier is greatly Im proved, varying In size from eight feot in length by three in width to three feet square, with the attendant dust catcher. Many mills creditnble to the ingenuity of the builders have been devised to per form a number of operations In very mall space, ootnprlsing rolls and sepa rators, and also several pairs of rolls in ono frame. In tho wheat cleaning room tho tendency has been to use tuoru ma chines than formerly and to clean thi wheat better. The flour as it comes from the reels is now packed with great rapidity and exactness, and the bran in sumo of the larger mills is compressed Into half tho former ppaco by a maeliino that will pack 40 tons a day. In short, the whole improvement has been on the lino of smaller machines with greater capacity, taking loss room, using a shorter road from the wheat bin to the flour sack, and with a reduction in the amount of power required to make a barrol of flonr. A mil) hnilder states that in n well planned 100 barrel mill a barrol of flonr per 8R-1O0 of a horsepower is fair work, whllo in a 1,000 barrol mill it is at about tho rate of 25 horsepower per nnit of 100 barrels dolly capacity. Chicago Record. NECKTIE3 ALWAYS NEW. Mr. Feather laartin the Set-ret i f Ki; (JlnkM Attractive AsKui-ti-icnt. "I mu somewhat curious by nature," said Mr. Fonthers recently, "and sumo timo ngo I was struck by tho romr.rltablo number of now neckties worn by young Mr. Ginks, who sits opposito ma at our boarding houso table. I proceeded to study thorn, tuid tiftor a week or two I diHoovorod thnt they weio not only til ways smooth nnd fresh, bnt thnt their nppcurauco was regulated according to thoir hues. For two days ho would wear a black and gray tie, for instance Then a black flowered red ground alTair wonld oroop ont from his bosom, and then two or throo more combinations would bo worn. At last I could restrain myself no longor, nnd I asked Ginks to explain to me his necktio system. He lookod mysterious and beckoned mo to a so eluded corner. " 'Mr. Feathers, he said earnestly, 'I fool that I can con (Ida iu you thor oughly. Tho senrfs you havo so kindly admired are five in number and nro all I have. I woar ono until it gots soiled, and then I drop it in gasolino ontsido of my window. Aftor tho liquid ha.i ovnp orated I tako the scurf in, ami ovcry eign of dirt has disappeared. By doing tins in rotation with tho flvo ties I keep up an appearance that would cost more than I could afford if I depended upon now ones, ' "I thanked tho young man for his vory interesting information, " said Mr. FeatherH in conclusion, "nud I do not doubt that many othurs liko him know tho value of gasolino as a oluniibin ur ticlo and put it to good use. I hnp they all uso it in tho open air, however, as it is a Tory volatilo and inflnmmahlo liquid and is liablo to explodo if nxpcscl in a room whoro tbero is a gas light or a fixe. "Washington Star. An Imagination. When a Third street man came into the house the other evening, they were manipulating something in the kitchen that filled the halls with an odor which oonld soaroely be called sweet "Whew I" he exolalmed to his wife. "What the mischief ia that that smell ol" "Why, "responded tho wife, who had got nsed to it, "it's nothing bnt yonr imagination, " "Well, I guess not, "he said indig nantly. "If I bad an imagination that moiled like that, I'd take it ont and have it disinfected at once. " Detroit Free Press. The Negro Nosa. Some years ago Frederick Douglass addressed a convention of negroes in Louisville. He said in the course of his remark that he did not think an amal gamation of the white and black race desirable, the pure negro being, in his opinion, the best of the race. While peaking his eyeglasses continued to slide from their perch. "Bat I wish," interpolated the speaker, "I wish we oonld get np some sort oi on alloy for the negro whioh wonld insure a nose capable of holding speobaoles. "Buf falo Courier Shoestrings were first worn in 1797, and the English buckle maker present ed a petitiou to the tkrone asking that these articles be prohibited. Shlloh's Cure Is sold on a guarantoo. It cures lnoiptunt consumption. It Is tho boat cough cure. Only ono cent a dose, 25oU., (SOoU. and 11.00. Sold by J. C. King & Co.