The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, March 20, 1895, Image 1

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    VOLUME 3.
S!lkS()f course you will
want some Bilks this spring.
Every lady will want a silk
waist or two. Wo have some
elegant styles for ladies'
waists. They art; simple
perfect and very cheap.
LlnillQS We have the new
Sleeve Linings, which are
indispensible this season.
WalStS We have an end
less assortment. See them,
in all styles for the coming
Wrappers Yes, we have
them in all the Latest Pat
terns and Styles. You can
save money and labor by
using one of them.
Muslin Underwear we
carry a large line of these
goods, including Night Dress
es, Chemise, Corset Covers,
Drawers and Skirts.
Black Sateens-our une
of Blk. Sateens embraces all
prices. We have them in
the plain and colored figures.
&6rfl6S Take a look at
them. We have them in all
the leading shades, 46-in.
wide, and price very low.
Wnlte Goods Embroder-
ies, India Linens, Plaid Indias
and Striped Dimitys, Swiss
Table Linens one. of the
best values you ever saw.
The weight is excellent and
bo is the quality.
Teazle Downs Teazie
Downs are known as Outing
Flannels. We have them. The
season is now here for that
class of goods.
A. D. Deemer & Co.,
The Leaders, Not Followers.
nine Hardware Co.,
And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store.
Roofing and Spouting Done to Order.
L , 'Pi?q OIL
ioHAMPiotTfr jj jlL
L- , - r ro-v, f ,
E wish to inform the publio
Selling - Out
Our Entire Stock of
Giotmno and Gents' Furnishina Goods
We most respectfully aBk that you come in and see our
prices and examine our stock before
purchasing elsewhere.
Tailor-made Suits to Order from $17.00 up.
Merchant Tailors and Gent's Furnishers.
SllOeS-We take particular
pride in having Nice Stylish
Shoes for the young men.
Don't fail to see our line. You
are sure to get what you
Ladies Yes, the last
freight in landed for us sev
eral dozens of Fine Shoes,
new and sightly styles. Do
not fail to see our line.
Gentlemen This week we
can show you the best line
of Dress and Working Pants
ever shown in the town. Call
in. Wo like to tear them up.
Hats Our line is composed
of the newest shapes, and
prices low. Look at them!
That will convince you.
Sweaters You will be sur
prised at the Good Qualities
and the Low Prices which we
are selling them for.
Muslins Now we can sup
ply you with all the Staple
Brands in Bleached and
Brown at prices lower than
any other competitor will ask.
The prices are so low on good
goods one would think you
was being shown inferior
goods. That is not the case.
Only good goods at the low
est prices.
Groceries Call in and get
our prices. That will con
vince you that we really do
have them along with our
other goods, which makes
one of the best general stores
to be found in Western Penn'a
and prices the lowest.
BURNER J!! ""v-.Di" " nD.0
t salary or commission.
Sand for Catalogue of
Price and Terms.
eea cidar avi.
that we are
Mftntiscrlpt. of thit Nevr nutl tho Old Ten
tmiipntii Uftpii Itewrltlnn.
Tbo Now Testament, tin wo know it,
coition down tons nftrr hnvlng boon kept
fur hunihodfi of yoius In timnuHcript form
by tho priests, "fathom of the uliurcli, "
nml otlior.i Tho writings lmvo been
copied mid roooplod probably sonrea of
times, nt knot as of tun ns ooonslim re
quired, bolutf always rouoweil bofuro
becoming nnintolllgiblo by uso and
wonr. The two oldest of thoso mnnu
scripts now known nro tho Coriox Suul
atiotis and the Codox Vntlciimis, each
of which dntcs from tho fourth contury,
A. 1). Tho lnngnnRosoriginnlly used in
this work wore Hebrew mid Urook, but
nftor tho year 800 A. D. the manu
script woro all, or nearly all, written
In Latin. The Inst mentioned language
was that adopted by tho Komau church
in their translations and was known as
tho "Vulgato, " booanso commonly usod
iu the churches. As fur back as tho sev
enth couttiry portions of the Vulgate
wore trauslntod into old English, and it
was also tho version nsod by WicklifTo
(Wyclif), Purvey and their predecessors
and was tho first book printed from
movable typo, 1450-8.
Tyndale's version was from nUoruiau
translation of the original Greek, inado
by Martin Luthor.
The "authorized version, " or King
James' traiiHlation, was inado by 47 of
the most emiuout British scholars and
was finished iu the year 1011. Tho
Latin Vulgate was the main version
nsod by thorn; but, so far as they wore
ocossiblo, other manuscripts, both in
tho Greek and Hebrew, wore oonsultod
and oompored.
Tho muuuHoripts of the Old Testa
ment have had similar experiences, hav
ing been wrlttan and rewritton thou
sands of times since the first oolloction
was put iu writing by the priests and
leaders of tho Israelites, about tho year
1500 D. C. All of tho older copies havo,
of oourso, boeu worn out or lost ovor
siuco long beforo tho birth of Christ,
tho oldest copies in manuscript form
now in oxistenco, so far as is known,
dating from tho yoar 00 A. D. St
Louis Republic.
JewLh Immunity From Dlneane.
Out of a total population in Now
York of 1,801,000, 70.40 per cent, or
1,883,000, live in 80,188 tonoment
bouses. Apartmont houses of tho bettor
class aro not included among touomout
houses. It is a somewhat romarkublo
fact that tho lowest death rato in tho
city is iu one of the most thickly set
tlod tauoinont bouse districts, oocupiod
by some of the poorest pooplo, iu tho
wards where tho Jewish population Is
tho densest The death rato among tho
orowdod Jews was in 1801 only 18.73 to
oach 1,000, and in 1808 only 17. 14. The
comparatively cleanly habits of those
Jews, their observance of tho Alosaia
law about food and thoir abstluonoe from
alcoholio liquors aro givon as explana
tions of their low death rate. In tbo
Italian distriots the death rate is donble
what it is among the Jews and the pop
ulation not so denso, and even in the
wards oocupiod by wealthy people the
death rate is greater than among the
Jews. Tho Fourth, Fourteenth and
Eighth are the Italian wards, and the
doath rate in 1803 was 83.78, 85.13
and 81.08 respectively. Springfield Ro
Ouo very hot day the late Dr. Goorge
E. Ellis, tho historian, going to an in
formal dinner with a friond, wore a
very comfortablo but unfashionablo thin
ooat and manilla hat A notoriously
orthodox clorgymau began to bantor tho
Unitarian divine regarding his big
straw hat, whoroupon Dr. Ellis replied
that ho would not have a word said
against that artiolo of apparel, inas
much as it had been a good friond of
bis for four years. "Why," exclaimed
bis friond, "how oould it havo l.istod so
long?" "Because it has been Calvin
ized," replied Dr. Ellis. Tho host, mis
understanding the word, inquired with
amazomont how the hat oould be gal
vanized. But Dr. Ellis, with a sly
twinkle in his eye, lookod straight at
the orthodox minister na bo roplted: "I
did not say 'galvanized. ' I said tho hat
had boon Calvonized dipped in brim
stone. "San Frauoisoo Argonaut
Mot Sxualtlre.
Sophy (who aooeptod Mr. Charles
Fleetwood the night beforo) Does Mr.
Fleetwood strike yon as being a sensi
tive man, Pauline?
Pauline (who doesn't know of the
engagomout) Gracious, no I A man
who has been rojocted by 14 girls with
in six months and gets fat on it oannot
be sensitive. Why, Sophy, what's the
She had fainted. London Tit-Bits.
A Bnmbla Fart.
Theodorus I always rend tho parlia
mentary report very earfully, bnt
havo never cone across any speeoh of
yours yot
Bernard (M. P.) Howls that? Have
you uevor uotiood the words, "Choors
and hoar, hoar?" That's whore I come
in. Stuivers Bind.
D Dldu't Catch On.
"May I may I kiss those ruby lips?"
"Sir! Do not think of suoh a thing
for one moment I"
"Well, I I oould hardly holp asking.
I beg your"
"Don't you think, Mr. Hoppy, that
one moment is up by this time?" Now
York Bocordor.
Dorp down 'nenth tin- Immomi of tho ocean,
Unsnun'lol by plunimt't or llw,
At ponow f nun tlio storm nml mmnWInn
That rnttt o'er Its blllowM of brlno,
TIhto aro secrets tlmu !mll not futhnra,
TltcrH aro Jnwels unknown ti cnrth'rt mart.
iti-on, ns trim nml ns im-rlms
Is the voice of tbe foml, fnlthfnl hi-nrt.
JtttHiu liuillelt Uavla.
Modern IUroTrry For the t'tlltKntlnn off a
Heretofore UaeleM Oflfel,
One of tho methods whereby jTofH has
boon mndo from sawdust Is tUr msnn
factnre from it of oxalio acid, wlneli is
simple procoss, producing a material
in wide commercial demand in tho art
of dyeing and othor oliemlnnl arts. As
intimated, the procoss is not only sim
ple, but the ontflt for conducting it does
not involve a largo investment The
principles involved are not complicated,
and the process can bo carried out by
eheap labor under tho superintendence
of a fairly intelligent director.
Oxalio acid is frequently mot with
in the vegetable kingdom, especially iu
combination with gases which destroy
its poisonous oharanter. Oxnlato of lime
is found in considerable quantity iu the
rhubarb plant Oxalato of potash is
found In tho sorrel, and oxalate of soda
in salicornia and sal soda. Formorly the
acid was obtained from tho sorrel, Oralis
Bcetosolla, but mora recently from sugar
by tbe action of nitrio acid upon it
The nitrio acid and sugnrare boiled for
some timo, then evaporated to dryness,
and the oxalio add formed is pnrlfiod by
crystallization from water. A much
cheaper material than sugar is sawdust
In this case an alkali must bo omployod
instead of an add, as well m at a high
er temperature. Tho operation Is con
ducted in an iron vessel of suitable size
and shape, and either caustlo soda or
potash is employed, tho ylold being
greater with the latter.
Some rooont experiments mado go to
prove thut ami xtnro of 40 parts of cans
tio potash to 60 parts of cnustio soda
will prodnoe as large n yield as when
potash alone is used, provided tho opera
tion be performed in shallow vessels
with thin layers of the material, avoid
ing as far as possiblo tho fusing of tho
mass. Soft woods, such as pine and Mr,
produce larger quantities of oxalio acid
than hard wood like oak. Tho propor
tion of tho wood to alkali should not
exoeed 75 to 100, and tho temperature
should bo about 480 dogroes R Philn
delphla'Prcss. Might or RlRht.
I have often askod my radical friends
What is to bo dono if, out of every hun
dred enligli toned voters, two-thirds will
give thoir votes ouo way, but uro afraid
to fight, and tho remaining third will
not only vote, but will fight too, if the
poll goes against thorn. Which has,
thon, tbe right to rule? 1 can tell thorn
whiohwill rulo. Thobrnvoand resolute
minority will rulo. Plato says that if
ono man was stronger than nil the rost
of mankind ho would rule all the rost
of mankind. It must bo so, bocauso
there is no appeal Tho majority must
be prepared to assort thoir divine right
with thoir right hands, or it will go the
way other divine rights have gone be
fore. I will not believe the world to hare
boon so ill ooiistruotod thut there are
rights wbiob cannot bo enforced. It ap
pears to me that the true right to rule
in any nation lies with those who are
best and bravost, whothor thoir numbers
are large or small, and throe couturios
ago the bust uud bravest part of this
English nation bad determined, though
they woro but a third of it, that popo
and Spaniard should bo no masters of
theirs. Froude in Longman's Maga
zine. Fortune's Freaks, '
Twonty years ago a young man mar
ried one of tbo smartost young ladios
anywhere round, and tho young oouple
scorned to start in life with ovory pros
peat of happiuoss. But tho girl was am
bitious to be rich, and because she was
not was very much dissatisflod. Aftor
keopiug bor husband in a peck of trou
ble for a time she loft him and got a
divoroe. Ho wont Into bankruptcy, and
sbo very soon married a wealthy man
and rode behind a span in aologant oar
riaga Today the former bankrupt la
wealthy and prosperous, has a new wife
and a happy homo. Every comfort sur
rounds them. His wife of othor days
now lives In poverty and has to sorub
for the bread she eats. Her husband's
woalth, under poor management, shrank
to worse than nothing. The roses have
gone from her ohouks and tho light from
hor eyes. It's as complete a turn around
as one ever saw. Low 1st on (Me.) Jour
nal Knife llladea.
Pookotknifo blades are very unovonly
temporod. Even In so called standard
outlory some blades aro hard and some
are soft For the latter thoro is no rem
edy, but the tomper of hard blados can
easily be drawn slightly. TuUe a kitohon
pokor and hoat it redhot, havo tho blude
that is to be drawn bright and hold it
on the pokor for a moment. When tho
color runs down to violet blue, stick the
blado iuta a pioce of tallow or beef suet
until cold. NowYprk Loducr.
Breast plates inlaid with gold wore
found iu an armoror' shop in Horoula
neum. Shiloh's Cui'o is sold on a guuranton.
It euros incipient consumption. It Is tho
best cough euro. Only onu cent a tloso,
2.')cU., nOots. and ftl.OO. Hold by J. C.
King & Co.
Owing to the size of our room, we find
it impossible to have a Special
Opening Day, but during this
week we invite all to
come and see the
Most Maeniiicent Stock
of GOODS ever brought to this
We luive the Finest and Most Elegant
in Silks and other goods that it is possible to find
We have made a special effort to please the young ladies of
our town by bringing a large line of
Light Silks for Waists
and other light goods for Tarty Dresses. Now, Ladies, is
your opportunity to get party dresses c heap.
fine Line Ladies' Spring Capes !
Wo arrived in the city just in time to get Special liar
gains in
and we intend giving our patrons the benefit of the same.
Lace curtains from 30 cents up.
B1NG & CO.
and BEST
Ever brought to our town in
Spring and
Dress Goods I
Brandenberg never was
sold less than 20 to 25c. per
yard; will sell you now for
Turkey Red Damask,
" Prints,
China Silk,
Better Goods than you can
buy any place else.
The same Great Reduc
tion in
Men's - and - Children's
Children's Suits, 1? .90
" " 1.00
" " 1.25
" . . 1.75
" Single Coats, .50
Youths' Suits, $3.25 to 8.50
Men's Flannel Suits, 5. 50
" Worsted " 7.50
" Fine Cheviot Suits,
$0 to 9.50
A fine line of Men's Pants
Come and examine my goods
before you purchase else
where. N. HANAU.
"Bee Hive" store,
L J. McEntire, & Co.,
The Grocery man, deals in all
kinds of
Groceries, Canned
Goods, Green Goods,
Tobacco and Cigars, Flour
and Feed, Baled Hay and
Straw. Fresh goods always
on hand.
Country produce taken in
exchange for goods.
A Bhare of your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
Very truly yours,
Lawrence J. McEntire & Co.,
The Grocery men.
First National Bank
ckpithu ao,ooo.oo,
O. nitcliell, Prenldenll
Hcott !Hi-4'lellant, Vice Pre. J
Jo liu II. Kmii'lier. 4'unliU'r.
O. MUolii.ll, Hcott MenUliinU, J. C. Kiutf,
Jubt'ph PtrtuiKN, U. F. lti-iiwu.
O. V. r'ullor. J. II. Kuuohor.
Dot's u Ktnit'iiil biinkliiir luliii'H nnd solicit
tho HtH'ountH itf iiu,ivhiii(l4 prnf'Mloiml men.
ful-mtTH, IhlH'lllMttl'li. lnlllt-I-te, luilltll'l'ltll'll mul
oIIhtm, pioniUliDi i hit uiiii.1 curi'ful alluulioii
to tliu buaUlua of till pul'kon..
Siifo lk'iHwlt Hoxcii for rent.
Flint National Dunk bulMInx, Nolun block
Fire Proof Vault.
ubcrlbe for
The W Star,
If you want the Ne ws.