The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 27, 1895, Image 8

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VERSATION without a wine
Ilotr Cnrlnltii tint nu Antntenr llnlloonl I
Out of i I It n J!lln t p In llm Alr-II.
Voice' Item In d Over four Mllm-Oa
hv-'Vh Artcil lis IVc-lvrrs.
TV.' ttv ' "!y i f li'tiijlsffilicrtnv '
Vlil'!i lncii'd voire lmvo lirrll convey
liy I lio medium of plueiil water. Am
Aillf"ii(l icl t!iilt1i) t(I Im of ImviiiK tittle 1
In -..:innry Vt".; on iiv.ry still !..;.
V illi :i companion 1 mile distant nl
tlin Iiit rnrt of n l:ilc", niul another
pniiln cup tli't Ft'iry villi 0110 of ycll:
wlii'h wero In :inl nml r turticil near n
Water ( tent of firco miles. Tlioo t :i! ?
me ruit outi'.diiK l y n well nntlunii
ciitp'l story toM hy C:irlitt:i, onco the
mir famous wnmnn balloonist In tlr.i
world. In li'r s'm-y nlr, instead of wa
ter, wni tlio i:n ilium, ninl tho distance
of tho conversation was four mllca. It
too It jilaon nbovo tho outskirts of fit.
LottU mmio yonrs nno.
"It wiw nn norntiantio exhibition,"
ivys C'urlottii in tellinu the utory, "nml
a yonnn uian tiaineil White, who win
ilK xjii riotierrl In luillnoiiing, liml ngrerd
to make nn ascension. I had nlrcady
ponn np nnd wiw quietly drifting, rnrt
on nn r.isy nir current when ha utarteil
out. Ho liail hud oiioiikIi expcrieiioo to
know how to handle tho viiIvcb nnd
miiidlinH", nnd ho Intcnilnil to H" np n
milo or sound thru tlcurcml ctvdly. Now,
tho upper nir Is full of varying onrreiitfi.
You limy Iin (;nini? duo west nt ft hivlf n
in i 1 n nil it into, nml wlii'ii you pot up n
fi'W hundred yanls f :ut lnr yon iimv
Btrii.o n current that carries you il. "
east. Mr. White cheeked his upwind
career in n v-e-t hound draft, ho th-1
When ho finally dnte.l out of that vv.i
rent into miiio v.mvi ro n good long Uh
taueo npart.
"I nl ways Imvo n powerful glass with
liio v. li' ii I inislto nn nwontdnn. When I
turned thin n'l him, I saw that ho was
in troiiblo. His balloon had twisted a
littlu lit pueli n way tint: I judpod it
was likely to twist more, mid ho was
clambering nround tho ropes trying to
ripht It, hut without niuoh niinrnnt
conception of what was best to da I
Wns friphtrucd lor biin, for when tho
ban of n bnlloon turns too much tho mis
bopins to eseapo rapidly, nud tho results
are likoly to be serious. I know that
rotces could bo heard a loop way in the
nir, for I hnd often heard people a nillo
bolow mo shouting, so without know
ing how far tho two balloons wore apart
I deeided to hail tho other one. I path-'
crcd all my brent li and shouted: I
" 'Hollo, hollo, hollo!' I
"Then I turned my glass on the other
billoon npnin. Up where the nir is so
clear ns it is a milo nbove tho earth onei
can sco nt great distances with wonder
ful distinctness. Through my plnss 1
could seo Air. Whito start and look nil
around him. That was qnito awhile aft
er I had shouted. Ho didn't seem to nt
derHtand whero tho voice came fron
but. finally I saw him put his hands to
his mouth, evidently making a speaking
trumpet of them. I waited nnd waited
and wns just about to shout again when
tho lingo pnshnx nbove mo bepnu to
thrill with sounds. They seemed to buzz
along its sides nud difluso the nir, only
to collect and conio whirring nnd rum
bling down the funnel to bo ponred into
my enrs, nnd they formed in n touo that
seemed mndo up of a million other
" 'Hollo! Where nro yon?'
"It wns tho most peculiar sound Iliad
ever heard. When it hnd scattered itself
into silence, I took out my watch, and
timing myself shouted:
" 'Throw out one sandbag. I'll come
to you !'
"Forty seconds later my balloon bo
gnu to vibrato again, finally forming
the words:
" 'AH right. In tronblof
"Thuro was method in my tolling
him to throw oat tho suudbng, as it
was nfterwurd of uso. I throw out a
number myself, for I reckoned that a
littlo nbovo me I would find a current
to carry me toward Mr. White. This 1
did and was soon within a short dis
tance of him, aerially considered. Tho
trouble with his balloon was a slipht
disarrangement of tho ropes, which I
bad myself cxperienoed, no I told him
what to do, and bo was soon all right.
As I explained to him when we reached
tho earth, we had been talking over an
aerial telephone, the gasbags being the
only material objects up there collecting
all the sounds and acting as huge receiv
ers." ' ' Woll, ' said lie, 'yon got me ont of
a very bad scrape, bnt I never was so
oared in my life as when that voice
surrounded me. I tbongbt the balloon
was talking, and that I had gone crazy.
" 'It was a pretty long talk,' said I,
'for, allowing the voice to travel five
seconds to a mile by my timing, we must
have been oloso to four miles apart'
" 'That's simply impossible, ' said lie
" 'Very well,' I said. 'That's why 1
told yon to drop that sandbag. I throw
some out, too, aud we can find ont how
far thoy landed apart.
"It wasn't much trouble to find peo
ple who bad found the bags and knew
iust where thoy were. Fortunately they
lad laudod near a railroad track, so tho
distanoe estimating was made easy for
us. It was 4 If miles. I guess that is the
record up to date for long distanoe talk
ing without a wire. "
Bis Names.
A pair of twins was born in the Back
Bay district. A bright boy set about to
try to unme thorn. Ho said, "Will they
be called Peter and Repeater?" But ua
His mother would not listen to the
name Peter. Then he said, "Let them
be called Max and Climax."
"No, "Bhe said. "They are both little
girls, so we cannot name one of them
Then be said after much thought.
"Let them be called Kate and Dupli
eate." After that his head was band
aged, awl he was aent out to play.
Unfon BignaJ.
mint ftxr Itonrrmlsnts Mlftht Have flntl
In Intercut from Thrm.
A womnn recently died in a neighbor
ing town, nnd besides n granddaughter
nnd her cynical husband sho left a few
relatives and fHO in gold, with other
things. The womnn wns over PS when
sho died, aud the H0 Included ber wed
ding presents. Liko mnny persons In
those dnys, sho held fast to the slitnln l
eagles nnd bad hnd them for nearly 7?
yeurs. When sho died, of course the
birds wero distributed mining tho heirs.
The rynlenl husband, who was luurrled
to the old Indy 's favorite granddaughter,
mused upon tho sn in pobl and strip
ped his thoiiphts of nil sentiment ns he
speculated in his mind what miplit hav
been. Ho Is not qnito through llpiiii
yet, nnd his constant query Is, I" grand
mother hnd only put that f so in tli -bank
when sho first pot it, what n clnleli
of gulden eagles wo would lmvo lio,.'
lie mused on this ns ho got rendy o:i
cold mornings to go to work, nnd his
favorite topio of thought wns suggested
ns ho jingled n nickel and a hunch of
keys looking for his enr faro. Then he
begnn to figure that money nt (I percent
double in about II yearn, and ho list
sleep ns ho thought how many tluirs 1 1
yenrs wont into 77 years. When tie
cynical husband finally referred th"
question of his losses to n bnnk man, li"
lonrnod that in fiO yenrs tho fsn in g ii I
would have amounted to 1,47:1.110
Without figuring any further on tlv
problem, tho bnnk man said ho I
easily mushier that $10,000 wns lost bv
saving tho (HO.
It is not nu nnusunt thing in some , ;
the old banks to linvo nu account don! ! .
many times over nnd fiver again. ( 'i"
day last week in tho Worcester conni .
institution for ravings an account v.n.
reckoned nt f'.'l l.llll which nrigiti:i!'
wns but fit), (iii. Nothing has over l-t
ndded toortaken from the bank neenunl
nnd it was left to nceiiniulato. It tic.
about f0 yeaiM for the original sui i t
Rather nil that moss. Tliero wus niioi'i
er instance in tho sanio bank wim
tliirty-ono limes tho original sum v.r -pnld
to n depositor. No ono v.v?
ders that somebody discovered and s r
that money makes money. Worec.-u.-(Mass.
) Unxcttn.
Th Flint That lie Mla Against A I
reigns or Old itit,
Bulwor'a appearance was decided I'
what is generally understood by "oris
tocratio,"or what tho French call "ills
tiuguo." Tall, slim, with finely cut b.i
tnres, prominent among which wns r
long nquillno nose, with an nhnudn -i
crop of curly brown hair and n In!)
beard, tho first impression ho produced
aided by n enreful toilet, was nun o1
easo and elegance. At a dinner tab!"
whero he liked to speak, and, if pnsi
bio, to speak alone, ho was certain k
useful as well ns ornnmentnl, with lie
largo bluo ribbon aud star of the Ordc
of tho I)nth. Tliero wns n certain liai
vote, strnngo ns that word may soum1
when npplied to so continued n mini '
tho world, in his vnin anil very nppar
cut strupglo against tho irresistible en
croachments of nge. Ito did not givo in
with that philosophical resignation
which might lmvo been expected of 0110
so clever nnd in porno respects so wise.
Ho fought anninst it tooth and nail.
Lord Lyttou's hair scorned dyed, nml
his faco looked ns if art had been called
in to rejuvenate it. A quack in Pari.
had protend-'d to euro his growing deaf
ncss, a constant sourco of lcgitimnii
grief to him. Ho was radiant ono uu
tumii 011 his' return to town bocauso hi
thought ho was cured, but not for long
The copious tiso of snufT was 110 doul I
part of tho attempted euro, of which
tho most palpable results wero lurgc
dark rod or bluo pocket handkerchiefs,
qnito out of harmony with his other
wise clepnnt toilet. His expressions ol
regret at his impaired digestive organ?
bad something ludicrous about it. He
would point with a sigh to a rosy cheek
ed American applo aud sny, "To think
that thero nro peoplo who can eat that!"
Ono of his physical infirmities Im
deafness proved a bnr to bis ambition.
Ho was sorely disappointed when Lord
Beaconsflcld, instead of including him iu
bis last cabinet, "kickodhim upstairs"
into the house of lords, principally bo
cause ho could not follow tho debate.
Rudolph Lehman's "Recollections, "
Mrs Hearst Gives a Library to a Town,
The free use of perhaps the finest and
best appointed library and roadiug
rooms in the whole northwest was pre
ontod, with appropriate ceremonies, to
the citizens of the town of Lead, S. D.,
on Christmas night by Mrs. Phoebe A.
Hearst, widow of Senator Hearst of Call
foruia. The library and reading room
occupy the third floor of a new ball re
oently erected by the Miners' union at a
cost of $100,000 and contain iu addition
to a woll selected stock of literature, em
bracing the leading periodicals of Europe
and America, all of the paraphernal!
neoessary to play the popular games now
in vogue. Once a fortnight a free niu
sioul reoital will be given in the main
reading room, Mrs. Hearst having em
ployed a librarian with excptionnl
musioal talent and sunt, with the fur, a magiiifioeut piano for that pur
pose. Chicago Tribune,
MoUtuiw and Tempermtnre.
A cnbio foot of air at the tempera
ture of zoro (Fulirenlieit) can ooutain
only .6 of a grain of wator vapor; at
83 degroes it can hold 3. 13 grains; at
65 it can oontaiu 6.8 grains, and at 08
it can hold 18.06 grains of moisture in
suspension. Theso figures go to show
that summer air can hold at least nine
timet the quantity of dampness that air
can whou roduoed to the temperature of
freezing. St Louis Republic,
India rubber ia recovered from shoes
by treating with diluted solphurio aoid
and afterward steaming tba finely
ground prodnot under a pressure of six
atmospheres. The steaming process
seems to effect a de vulcanization by oxidation.
Why rmes Not Some Writer Cm an Ksklmn
as Heroine?
The division of the rnrth among con
temporary novelists hns not an yet in
cluded (Ireeiilaml, whero somn new
writer enn Iny tho sreno of n story In
which the heroine will wenr sealskin
trousers nnd calm her troubled heart
With mighty drafts of train oil.
Neither has any novelist seized upon
China, whero great things may yet bn
dono by n story teller who really knows
something of that modern nnd multitudi
nous sphinx, the CbinaiMiiii.
But with these exciptious tlvro N
very littlo desiralilo territory which is
not prn-emptod. This of rourso glently
hampers new novelists who nro com
pelled to write novels dealing only witli
English men nnd women nt home.
Knghuid Is tho common posrin of
every body, nnd even tho American v. titer
who does not wish to imitate either Mr.
Harto or Mr. Ilnwells is compelled Hi
lay tho scene of his stories iu London
or iu somn 0110 of (lie many littlo Kng
lish colonies to be found in oniitinenlnl
The English novelist who wishes In
I writon story characterized by somo littlo
! uovolty is reduced to inventing Dodos or
other fabuloui creatures, an attempt
i which fails 111010 frequently than it sue
. oeeds.
I This state of things is so plain to ev
ery writer that I wonder that no ono Inn
rushed in to occupy tho (ireenhind or
1 the Chinese field.
A Greenland story would nt onco nt
tract attention bcciiuso of its novelty,
nnd wo who linvo nevi r been to (ireen
hind could warmly roeounizo tho tint 1
of its local color, and tho profound
knowledge of Eskimo character rlmwii
by tho writer.
An advanced Eskimo maiden with 1
wild desiro to wear petticoats instead
of trousers nud to ill i d; tci in I ..d 1 f
train oil could hardly fail to charm tint
' render.
I am nfraid, however, Unit tho ml-
! vniiced Eskimo nmld would not 1 nvvivn
beyond tho first four or llvu chapters,
for I understand that whenever nn Es
kimo woman exhibits symptoms of ml
vanccd thinking sho is immediately set
1 adrift on an ice floe W. L. Aldeu iu
' Idler.
An Easj Mattvr to Float on the fiurfnre nt
the Thick Water.
Tho Dead sea, or more properly tho
Bait sea, is also called iu Hcripturn tho
son of the Aralmh; iu tho Apocrypn, the
Soilomitlsh sea;in thoTalmudical books,
sea of Bait nnd sea of Hodom. Tho
Dome Dend sen seems to linve been first
used in Urock, nnd the Arubio iiaino is
Bar Lut, or tho sen of Lot. It has n
length varying from 40 to 40 miles and
is only about three miles across nt its
broadest part.
From the analysis of tho United States
expedition It Appears that each gallon
of tho wnter, weighing 13. '4 pounds,
contains nearly 8 jj pounds (fl.1110) of
nintter in solution, nn iiiiineusoqiiniitity
in view of tlio fact that sen water,
weighing 10'. 4 pounds per gallon, coii
tnins less than one-half pound. Of this
3 'j pounds nearly n pound in common
salt (chloride of sodium), about two
pounds clilorido of lungncsima nnd Ic-s
than one half poundcbloiidoof cab i.1,,1
(muriate of lime). There dues not ap
pear to be anything about it inimical to
life, nnd tho story of a recent tourist
confirms this. Ho says:
"As for tlio Dend sen, it will, in con
tradiction of tho nnnie, forever pn.-erve
a preen and living memory in my mind.
No fish oii survive iu it, wo nil know,
but for a place for a swim, or, uhovonll,
for a float, commend mo to it beyond all
tho Wimiopciiaukoes in the world. How
it bears yon up iu arms I How it annihi
lates tho t.-iome ponderosity and dig
nity of tho laws of gravitation! How it
introduces you into the inner conscious
ness of dainty uriul and thistlodom nnd
all other airy, fairy crenturesl Tho more
you weigh the less you weigh. Thero is
tho renl hydrostatic paradox. An ele
phant in tho Dend son would foel him
solf n gazelle. Thou what a mirror its
stoely surfneo was that morning, nnd
how beautiful its reflections of the moun
tains of Palestine on tho one baud aud
of Moab on the other I" Brooklyn
Eleetrle Lights,
A Vienna professor pivea it as his
opinion, nfter much research on tho
subject, that all delicate persons nud
those who suffer from nervousness
should uover remain long iu a room
lighted by olootrio lights, its effect on
the nervous systora being such that aft
er awbilo thoy generally beoomo uneasy
and depressed and find it impossible
to concentrate the attention for any
length of time. Yonng persons, on the
contrary, and those with strung uervos
find the influence of the light extremely
beneficial, especially whon the brain is
overworked and tired, the ofToct being
much the same as that of strong coffoo
i. 0., increased nativity of the nerv
ous system.
Through Algerian Spectacles,
In a dolightful paper bofore a club
recently Mrs. Fannie C. Barbour, tho
writer and travelor, gave a description
of ber visit to some Algerian ladies.
Through the interpreting friond who ac
companied her the hostesses conveyed
their polite pity at her extraordinary
oostumo. "Whore," they asked in
plaintive pity for the uufortunato
American, "aro her Turkish trousers?"
When told that sho enmo from Amer
ica, they asked where that was, and on
hearing that it was noross a great sen
complacently remarked: "Not so great
as our Mediterranean. Thoro is no sea
like that."
rood For Han and Beast.
"We read sometimes," said Mr. Bill
tops, "of people 'eagerly devouring' a
newspaper, but horses sometimes do that
literally. Twioe lately I have seen horses
eating newspapers. Perhaps this might
come under the head of 'taking in every
word.'" New York Sun.
, A row, a row, i rich rod rose
Upon my laity's lirr-ist,
Its prtnU liirKc, Its dis-p,
Its ntvin with preen li-nvi-s dressed.
Tin rlrh with Iwiuty, In eolor rnro
Oh, whnt n eoinbiniilleii!
The same ns she whose smile on mo
1 ecu 111 nuoriiuun
But the mso, tlm rose, the rlrh red rose !
Which plows ea tier flown of pray
Is very flcnrt'e this lltnn of year I
It cost my last weclr's pur j
Mliineiinolls Times.
No llmiht A limit It. I
"Do yon play by note?" inquired one '
of tlio summer residents of Illncville of
tlio violinist of the "Berry Corners' or
chestra, " Which lind been discoursing
I enr piercing strains at a lawn party.
I "Nlvver n lioto do Ol play by, sorr, "
replied Mr. Flaherty, mopping his heat
ed brow with n handkerchief of sangui
nary hue.
I "Ah, by enr, then?" snld tho snm
mer resident, witli a Rinilo of gracious
"Nivver nn enr hilps me, yer honor, "
; lesponded Mr. Flaherty, roturnfng his
1 linndkerclilef to bis enpneious pocket.
"Indeed! Mny I ask how yon whnt
you do play by, then?" persisted the In
! quirer.
"By main strin'tli, bo Jabbers," snld
I Mr. Flaherty, with n weary nlr, ns ho
plunged his nncieiit instrument into its
preen bag. "An it's moiphty dry wnrrk,
nu flint's thrutli, sorr." Youth's Com-
A Itenl Pnvlns;.
Tlio Lady Shopper Whnt? Pny f 5
for a lamp liko that? it's outrageous.
nnd I won't pay it.
I Tho Afitnte Salesman Yon forget,
' madam, that the price has been reduced
to 1? I. !!'..
Tlio Lady Shopper (reaching for her
purse) Oli, very well then. I'll take
it. Chicago Record.
Knew Ills lluslncHit.
"That's tlio seventh timn this morn
ing," said the shoe merchant ns n cus
tomer left tho store, "that you told mo
in a touo of voice that couldn't escape
being overheard that n woman remind
ed yon of 'Trilby.' "
"Yes," replied tho now clerk, "nnd
that's tho seventh womnn that I've sold
a pair of shoes to. "Washington Star
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AllAMM, I'il I', Ti-' ' . . '
Adialttert for l':i: X' U. n
aopoooooo oocooc fieoof
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
ReynoldsYille, Pa.
f TU. F0H ACftSt. IT Will.
An njrreenWo T.mrntlvo and Nrtora Tonta
Bnlpby DniirirlstsorseDt by tnsll. KjuMo.
Bad $1.00 per rarhsgn. Bnmples freo.
Ifrt Tin 51,0 Fnvorlte TOOTS f OWMfc
IlV 11 VfortlioTeothnnil Jircatli.liOo.
H , .. ii., .i . . i . in
Grocery Boomers
Ai niJY uiii.i:i; voi: t an
""' j voi; WANT.
Q Salt Meats,
Smoked Meats,
- AMI A I.l. KIKIIS lir
Kit! "ITS.
TOHACt ( ).
l-'veri tliio;; in the lino of
Fivsh (iroc.'i'ii's, Feed,
iotnln ihlirrvrd free mil)
Itlnrr In loirn.
('till on il unit frt ivIith.
W. Sell ul ,z & Son
FllANKJ. ULACK, Proprietor.
The lemllim hnlelof the town. Ileii(l(imr
ters for eoininereliil inen. Hleum heiit, flee
him. tin t It room hihI elosetH on every flmir,
sninile riioiiiH, billiard i-imiiii, telephone con
nect ioim fir.
J. V. Il LLM A A', Proprietor.
I"lr-l elii-iw In every imrtlculur. liOciitod tn
Hie veryeehire of the liii-iiiiess:irt of town,
l-'ree 'turn to and from trnlii and iMininuMllous
Kiirnple riNine fori-oinnii'relal traveler.
Q( m i:i : '7a ii i iotkl,
'. '. ('A II It IICll, I'roprUtor,
SnninU' rnnniM fn thu jrrmiml lliMir. Hoiwf
iHMitcfl hy n:it nml nun. OiniillnH to nnd from
nil train.
jooinrs windsoi: hotkl,
1217-2!! FltsHKliT STRKKT.
Ml lu'd riHtins, l!ntc4 iJ.OO nor lny Aint'rl-
11111 CIlHI. I'.lllfM'k fl'dlll I, li. II. I fHkl 1111(1
' i hliH'k fiwnt New 1. A:, li. K. )tHl.
And Held fCstnte Airenl. Iteynoldsvllle, Pit.
Ofllrc nn West Main street, opnoslto the
('fimniiTi'ifil Holi'l, Kcynolilnvlllu, Vit.
J)U. H. E. HOOVElt,
Itcitlilciit (lenllKt. In hnllillnii near Motho-
rllt eliui-eli, oiiMisitu Arnold liliK-k. Gentle-
noftit In i)M'rutniir.
C. Z. flOltlHlN. JOHN W. IIKED.
llrookvllle, JcfferHon Co., I'll.
Oftlee In riMim formerly occupied ly Gordon
& Oil licit Went Main Mlrect.
Brookflllt. B.ymldiTllli.
Attorney unci Couiwllovs-Ht-Lmc,
OIH.-e nt Iteynoldlvlllo nnd llrookvllle.
WAH SING. Propriftor,
Corner 4th stivet and tfonlon alley. Klrst
cIiihh work done lit i-enxonulilo prices, (iivo
the laundry u trlul.
Every Woman
M! s bomonrai'S ceeas a reu-
ablo monthly regulating
Are prompt, ato nnd curtain In remit. The neon.
Ine lOr. Prnl'm nercrdiuppolnt. Sent aujwUeiVi
11.00. roatMllclaeCu-.CleTtUiid.U.
For aulu nt II. Alex Htoko'n drug etore.
X n uwci T 4 vrpi? n Km ot'R
XXt liiilAO iVii lllil' new uoolC
hy Ainerteii'H (I rent est llumorlht,
Evry ww of his pi'uvlotirt bookH huvo hud Im-
nil'DMt KltU'H. IIU llt'W lHH)k NUI'HSHtM Uliy-
thlritc Uo Iium liori'tnftirt written. Two tttorit'tt
hi oiut volunio A Trttfd mid m t'omedy
A ifreiit I'liunro for utci'iitrt. Wo iilvooxi'lUHlve
territory, for trnnn umt'fiiU purtUMilurM ml
Uii'kh, J. V. UKKI.KU & CD., Arch nt., IMiliu.
Get an Education.
F.dueutlon nnd fortune go hand In hand.
Out uu vducutlou the l enlrul Hlute Nor
mikl Hehool. LiH'k Haven. I'u. Flrttt-cluiw
uceonimodiitlone,nd low rule. Btute aid to
tuduniN. Mir iiiuMtruteu vutuloKue auureiw
IAMKS KltlMJN, i'h. .. Principal,
LiK'k Haveu, Pa.
L-Tino-W S ' ' I
mot cunt., M
Umitry Produce
ttntlroah STInts QTnbUa.
Tlii'Khort line helwei n IiiiIIoIk, Hlditwsy,
IlllHtlnrO, hiiliiiiiiuii-ll. Illllllllo. ItiN-heMliT.
N in w ii i- Kullh nml iHilnin hi inn iiHr oil
ri".' ion.
On tied iifn-r .lime l?lh, txiil. pnHmn
iret tinlim n ill itri lM-nnil (leinrl from I-'iiIIk
I'mi'Ii hi ii I Inn, dully. en pi Huniliiy, ns fnl-
l.tfil I'. M. mid 5. .Hi i. m. Aieoiiiirndiitliin
finiii I'tin sio ii . iii y mid hltf film.
ti:,o A. ,M. liiiiiiijoniin lioelietei run II- For
llio-k m iiy v lllo. tdilv v. iiy .loliie-niiliiirir.Mt.
.0-,, liilillliiill ll I n n ill IM-II . I'tllililfi lilif)
l;K-liesiei ; eontiei I itliz III Joliliiiiliiti-g
nlili I. A- ti. iiiiiii il. for IVfli'ox, Kline.
W in ii-n. I'm iy nml I- tie.
IO:i. A. M. AeeiiiiiiiiiMiiit 'nil I'm- HykPM,
Itej I; ii n nml I'utixiiiiiwr'i-y.
U '.o '. M. Iiiiinliiiil Aei i iiiiii'iilin Ion- I'nr
liei-i-lii ret. r.i.H-im-iiyvMie. Klltiinnl, t iir
loini. ItiiliM-, .! ill li 4, in 1 iti t e, Ml.,lewett
nun It i it. I ri n ii .
fl:l- I'. "I, Mull l'..r Hnlliil. Hkei. lti(t
It ii ii. I'liiix-iir n w ei y nml iiKlon.
I 'll --I'llI-O'l'H MM' ll'OIH''- l-ll III plliell-.p Hl-k-
e. I.eliije i mei ii,-.. i hi- rum. An etei
eliiill I Ten I eici, Mill 1 1- i-ullei-leil liy ein-
lllh lnm w In , f in,. ,,,, ,if tillllin. finm
nil -.iii. Ii'ic hen-ii l ,it. ei nllli i-1-. rnii i ill li lmrl.
I liiiti--.M ml mile II, kett hi iwoeeniH pr
mile, uim-iI loi iii-.-.iit,i Lelwi'i-n nil mihIIoii-i.
.1. II. M Ini vhK. Alfcnl, I nil-i-icck, I'll.
I! il. Maiiiihk j;. r. I,.n't.y
lieeeiiil HiiiiI. tli n. rim. Aiient
Miillnlo N. Y. lloeheler N. Y
IN KFTKCT NOV. 2.r. 18i4.
I'litliKhlphlti A- F.rfp !tfiltnm1 IU vision Time
Tithli. Tin I if Inivc IhtftwfMKl.
A M-Trnln H. dtiily exrrpt. HutKtiiy for
Minhtiiy. Hui i i.-litii u tind iiin-f incoiiilc Htn
iniM, itrrivtiiif tt t rhflfHh'lpMit (it. vi p. ni.,
N-w York. p. m. j tiiliiinorn,(l:4." p.m.;
iishinifioii, 1:m p. rn ln J I rtui ri 1'iirlor rur
fioin W lllinrn-Hii i nnrl pitHHrticr rtmr.Uv.H
fiotn Kline 10 I'lilliHlclphtti.
'.ii'.l'A V, M. Tniin l(, fin My exrcpi Sunrlity for
HitrrKhiii tf iiiifl Inlci mcdiiiM' Htnl Ionm, ar
i lvlimnl I'lillndt'lptilii 4 :;hi a. m.j New York,
A. M. IMi II man Sleeping vtr from
ll:n rihmir to I'h 1 1 :ihl pt 1 1 iiimI Nw York,
rhtlutlflphiii pn., cnvcih ciin triimln In
h-i'pi'i iirMlixlin I i d until i: . .
!'::;.' P. M. Tt nln 4. dnily for Sutilniry. Ilarrl
I u i u and InH'i n ten line hi tit inn.i, m i i vtinr nt
riiiltiilclplnii. ti:.:: A. l.: New York, U:mXl
a. M.ini l t-i ii ti I lo:(i a M. on Hun-
dny; Uu It Imoti". :'. a. m.j Vti"hln-Mon, ?:;)(
a.m. I'll 1 1 inn n r:i' v, f ion i :, j(. nml Wtllliims
iK.i t to riiitiiit l'lt ii. I'ns-rniicis In Hl(cprr
lor I t;i it in toir n ml nliiiiurion will bo
1 1 ii iiM i ri en liiio n-liimr ton Nlct'pcr nt Hnr-ri-liHif.
t'lucr coiicIh'h from Kilo to
I'hiliHh-lpliln nnd Mllinmspoit to Itnltl-
7:'J(i A. M. Tniin t. dully pxcopt S:m()uy for
Itldu'VMiy, hulUiis, nWniont nnd Inter-
fiiediuie stiitfons. Leaves Itidirwny at
V. St. for Krie.
!:.vt A. M. Trnhi 3. dully for Trio and tutor-
rnt'diiiie polnu.
(i:2 V. M. Train 11. dnlly oxrppt Hiinday for
Kano nnd Intnnned into tat Ion.
TKAIX II leaves IMilhidelphla ft: AO A. m.;
W'nsliliiffton, 7.W A. m.i Hum mow, H:M A, tt.;
Wllkeslmrre. in:.'A.M.; dally except Hun-
duv. itrrivlnix at IhiflwtKxl at 0:27 p. m. with
I'tillman l'arlor ear from rhlladolphia to
vt niiamsiMiri.
TItAIN leaven New York at p. m.; Plilla
di'hililn, 11:20 p. m.i Wnshlnffton, 10.4" n. m.;
Unit Imore, 11 : . V i p. ni. dully arriving nt
iM-lftwiKMl at 1:.V a. fit. I'ullman Hleej)tnn
ears from I'hllndrlnhlii to Kile and from
Washington and Italilmoto to WIMIamsport
and through pussi'inrer coacneH rrom rniiu
delphku to Ki le and Haltlmoro to Wllllumn
port. TltAIN I leaves Itenovo nt 6::tt n. m., dully
except Sunday, uitIvIiik Ht Driftwood 7:5
n. in.
(Daily oxwpt Sunday.)
TltAIN 19 leaves ItUUwnv nt 9::i0n. m.t .Tohn
Kontur nt 1i:4A a. in., ui rlvlnn at Clermont
at 10:40 a. rn.
TRAIN 20 leaves Clermont nt I0:.W n. m. ar
rlliiK at .lolinsonlmi'if at 11:44 a. m. and
Jiidwav tt UMt a. m,
S M. IMiEVOST. J. n. woon.
(ien. Mummer. Oen. rass. .a r.
' 4n
il .VS
III 111
III l.'l
in ;r;
in 42
In .vi
13 in
I :
I n
I lit
I ml
12 .HI
13 M
12 .V!
12 .VI
12 :w
ll :m
II ."
ft 54
! II
12 '.-2
Tln nit Knn
.Mill lliiven
SIioi ib MIHh
lllue Koek
Ylneyiinl Hun
( nrrler
Hrnekwiiy vlllo
At i' M In n hiininnt
1J 44
I2 4H
I 14
I 1U
13 2H
12 211
13 US
lliirvi-VM Hun li W 2H
I 'll I U Cri'ek 12 ill ft 15
IlilKoli 13 U5 SOU
ll i
F.nstwiird. Westwnrd.
Tniin h, 7: . a. m. Train 3, li:M a. m.
Tniin II, 1:4. p. m. Train I, Sinn p. m.
Train 4. 7:Mp. m. Truln II, 8:2S p. m.
COMI'AN'Y oonunonoinir Sundav
May 2, 1S!)4, Low Grado UiviHion.
STATIONS. No.l.jNo.ft. No.t). 101 1011
A. M. P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M
Itedllnnk in 4ft 4 in
I.awMonlium 111 ft" 4 ft2
New Hetlilelieni II IHI ft i- ft 12
(ink KWIiro II :ix ft ; ft 3111
Muysvllle It 4il .141 ft 2
Hiimmorvlllo... 12 Oft nil ft 47
Hrookvillo 12 2ft 3D 6 07
Hell 13 III 8 2li 6 i:i
Fuller 13 4a :m 2ft
KeynokUvllla.. I On Aft? 8 44
Puni-oiist 1 IX 7 0ft 8 .V!
I-'hIU Creek 1 2n 7 2ft 7 00 10 ftft 1 IB
Iiuiioi l ;ift 7 im 7 10 ii oft 1 4ft
Hnliulit I 4H 7 47 7 211
Wintertmrn .... I ftn 7 ft 7:14
Pen Held 2 ( K 08 7 40
Tyler 3 tft tl 111 7 fto
OUinKlHhor 3 28 H 37 N 01
Heneiutte 3 4:1 H 44 H IH
Clrnnt 3 ftll 8 S4 8 2N
Urirtwood 20 S 2ft 8 ftft
P. M P. M A. M. A. M. f. M
STATIONS. NO.2 No.fl NO.10 108 110
A. M. A. H. P. M. P. M. P. M
Driftwood 10 10 Bun 8 lift
(iriint 10 42 ftit! 7 1181
Heneielln 10 ft2 ft 42 7 18
(lien Klslier II oil ft Ml 7 XI
Tyler 11 20 8 lo 7 44'
Penlleld II III 8 ill 7 ft4
Wlntnruurn .... 11 IM 8 28 8 110
Hiilmla 11 47 8 117 8 12
IlllHols I Oft 8 VI 8 3ft 12 10 8 00
Kill Im Creek 1 211 7 20 8 112 12 20 ft 10 1 .'U 7 2S 8 40
Keynoldnvillu.. 1 42 7 40 8 4m
Fuller 1 ftH 7 ft7 9 OA
Hell 2 in 8 Oil 17
IliiHikvllle 2 20! 8 111 0 2ft
Hilinlnervllle.... 3:111 8 1b 9 44
Mnyivlllo 2 fts 8 ft7 10 04
(liiklililue :l (III 9 Oft 10 is
New Bethlehem a lft 9 lft 10 2ft
Lawsonhtim.... II 47 9 47 1
Hud Hunk 4 Oil 10 00
A. M. A. M. P. M. A M.I P. M.
Trains dally except Sunday.
JA8. P. ANDEUSON.IiKWL. Pass. Aot.
Private - Hospital,
Prlvuto treutment ulven, by exports, for all
diseases, niudleul or suruli-ul. A liLvliiir-in
ward whuro ladles may have the benuntnf
attendance hy a skilled obstutrlcan, and
tnoiiiUKiiiy truiiieu nurses, and at ine same
time hix-uiv strict nrlvacv. Himh-IilI iLttentloii
r:lven to all female tmuliles. skin disuusesaiul
utitf atfectlons. Nervous diseases perHonully
treated hy Dr. D. E. Wiles, physician in
cnarite, a Ki-auuaie 01 juirerson ueuicai liii
Icifn nf Phila. A corua of skillful andcoiiinet
eut physicians In constant attendance, aided
by trained nurses. Hates moderate, nine Inf.'
treatment wilhln the reach of the cinllclwl.
Patients admitted at all hours. For full par
. I 1 .. ..l.luuu riu I A V Unau
8810 Firta ATiiroi, PITT8BUSO, PA