The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 27, 1895, Image 7

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Rational Council of Many Societies Meet
In Washington.
The formal opening ol the leeoml trennla
session of the Nntlonnl Council for Women ol
the Unltod States begun at the Metropolitan
Hotel, Washington. 1). C, Monday. Mrs.
May Wright Bewail, Its president called the
meeting to order. The council Is a represent
tatlTe body composed ol delegntes trom all
the various associations ol women through,
f ut tho country. Twenty associations are
represented. The triennial address ol presi
dent Mny Wright Bewail, ol Indlnua, eon
eluded the morning session.
Mrs. Bewail, In tho course of her remarks
aid the clubs organized by women In all the
leading cities had thus far beea Isolated, but
It was hoped that a convention would be cull,
ed wlthlu a year to form a national federa
tion of women's clubs. A reception was held
It the Ebbltt house, at which tho ollleers and
M-ofllelo vice presidents ol the council greet,
ed the delegate and visitors attending the
Ilellglon was tho toplo at the evening ses
Hon,. It was divided Into two 1'ixts, the
first oontrolled by tho National Free llap.
lists' Woman Missionary society, and the
second by the national council Itself. Mnry
K Davis, president of the llnpllst society
named presided. Mrs. Fronds Stewart
Mosber, of Michigan, spoke on "The Dblcal
Adjustment of Wumnu's Home and isoclo
logical Duties," and Emellne llurllngane
Cheney, of Maine, discussed "Practical
Christian Living."
Mrs. Isabella ( harles Davis, of New Vork.
recording secretary of tho cnuncll, read a re
port giving an abstract of the work of the
standing committee of the council to secure
tho recognition of women In church con.
ferences. Mrs. Mnry Dickenson, of New
Vork, then spoko on the attitude of tho lead
lug religious denominations toward woman's
growing service In the churches.
The council will hold throe sessions dally
for the next two weeks.
The following women are dclegntes to the
council from tlio organizations named.
National American Woman BulTragn As
sociation Busan U. Authony, Carrie Chap
man ( ntt.
National Women's Christian Temperance
Colon Frances E. Wlllard, Clura V. Hoff
man. National Free Daptlst Women' Missionary
Bociety Mary A. Davis, F.mellne llurllngamt
Illinois Industrial School for Girls (nation
al charter) Mrs. II. A. Wallace, Margaret
Isabel Banders.
National Women's llellet Bociety ZlndaD.
II. Young, Kmellne II. Wells.
Wlmodaughsls lluth U. D. Havens, Em
ma M. (Illicit.
Young Ladles' Nntlonnl Mutual Improve
ment Association Kmmn B. Taylor, Mlnnif
J. Bnow.
National Christian League for the Promo
tion of Boelnl Purity Elizabeth B. Urennln,
Caroltnia 11. Knell.
Universal Peace Union Hannah 3. Bailey,
Belva A. Lockwood.
International Kludergarten Union Barnb
A. Htewart, Virginia E. Oraeff.
Women's ltepiibllcan Association for tbf
United States J. l'.llen Foster.
National Association of Loyal Women ol
American Liberty Mrs. I. C, Manchester,
Burab D. La rVtra.
Women's F'orelgn Missionary Union ol
Friends Eliza C, Armstrong, Hannah J.
Women's Relief Corps, auxiliary to the.
Grand Army of the Republic Emma B. Wal
lace. Kate Ilrownlee Buorwood.
Nutlonnl Association of Women Stenogra
phers Nulla CI. McLaughlin, Harriett A.
National Council of Jewish Women Mrs.
H. Bolomon, Badie American.
American Antl-Vlvlsectlug Sooiety Caro
line Earl White, Mary F. Lovell.
The following are permanent officers: May
Wright Bewal, president; Mary V. Eastman,
honorary vice-president: Frances F. llagley,
vlee-presdent( llacbel Foster Avery, corres
ponding secretary) Lillian M. N. Btovent,
treasurer; Isabella Charles Davis, recording
secretary; Mrs. Harriet Taylor Upton is ths
press committee of one.
'-Ilellglon and Woman's Work and influ
race Therein as They Bhonld Be Practiced in
the Various Walks and Relations of Life,"
was the thome to which the National Coun
cil of Women devoted their session Tuesday
The war feeling In Mexico Is subsiding.
A mild type of Influenza ha spread over
Another body has been unearthed in tha
ruin of the Delavan House, at Albnny.
Ward McAllister owned only (10,0)0 worth
of personalty and no real estate.
Jnmos B. Gentry, the murderer of Actres.
Madge Yorke, 1 still alive, and the ahanco
are that he will recover.
The Governor of Texas has eommutod to
to life Imprisonment wlfo Murderer E. W
The Oorman Chamber of Commerce have
passed a resolution opposing the blmetalllo
Governor Morton of N. Y., hoi signed the
Lawsoa bill preventing the display of for
eign Sag on publlo buildings.
Searching party found the dead bodlos oj
four men 19 miles below Now Orleans. The
men had gone on a bunting expedition and
were frjzen to death,
English authorities have fined Captain Gor
ion, of the Crathle, whose ship ran down the
Gibe, causing the death of 331 persons, 10
hilling for a broach of the navigation law
last October In the Tyne river.
lit. Rev. Thomas H. Clark, the Episcopal
bishop of the diocese of Rhode Island for
over 40 years, has gone mad. He is now
confined a a private sanitarium at Fore
Hill, Mass,
. The Legislative Council of New Mexico has
eon&nned all Governor Thornton's nomlna
lions, and for the first time In 30 year all the
territorial offices are filled by Democrats.
Samuel Eldodt suoessds Banker R. J. Paten
a Territorial Treasurer,
Window-gloss manufacturers, representing
about 80 per cent of that Interest la the
United States, at Cleveland deoided to form
t new organization to b known as the Na
tional Wludow-glass Manufacturers' Astoela
Bailors Rescued In a Storm.
Thirteen ship wrecked seamen reached New
Fork elty, on board the White Blur steamer
laurla ihey were Captain Jones and crew
of the British ship lilalio, rescued on Feb.
10, when their ship was unmanageable in a
heavy norm. The rescue wa effected with
reat difficulty alter six hours' continuous
Taa Jealous of a Fug Dos;.
At New Albauy, Ind.. because bis wire al
lowed her pug dog to kiss her, and would not
permit Dim the same privilege, Peter Bow
nan assaulted her. Two sons attacked him
with clubs end fractured his skull. Ths boys
were arrested and biased in Jail to await the
results of bis iniurles, wblob are serious.
Wednesday's storm extended from Bed
river to central Texas, as . t west as Abtlens
and east to Longvlew an Marshall. It It
ths worst in fifty years, and if eontineed
it will be the hardest ever known In Texas.
Students Escaped From the Buildings
Before it Was Too Lste.
By a fire of mysterious origin, the Benvet
Pa., college was completely destroyed at an
early hour Haturday morning, entailing a loss
of not less than (73,000. A number ot the
students were asleep when the fire was dis
covered and made narrow escapes; some ot
lliem were compelled to turn out In the cold
wind clad only In their night clothing.
Shortly before 6 o'clock the college Jnnllor
discovered flames coming from the roof ot
the building which wns a three story brick
structure. The alarm was Immediately given,
but In a few adniite the entire building wo
In the power ol the flames.
Many ol the students, who are mostly youni,
laities, were not out of bed, and when they
discovered that tha building wns on Are a
panic ensumed. Everybody tried to get out
at the snme time. A number were compelled
to leave the dormitory lu their scanty night
clothes, ana as tue nir was coin, sunerfi
considerably before they could reach places
ol safety. The borough Are department re
sponded to tho alarm, but when the hose
carriage reached the building the water plugs
were found to be frozen. The building win
practically lu ashes before the department
got to work.
The college buildings were In the center ot
the town and were extensive and In excellent
condition. Improvements were recently
completed on the buildings to the amount of
(1.1.110 . Lost fall the institution, which was
formerly known as the Beaver Female Heini
nary and Muslcnl Institute, was made co
educational, with an attendance of about 100
Tho Institution was established In 1141.
Hon. Daniel Agnew, ex-chlet justice of the
supreme court of Penusvlvanla, was one of
the prime movers and took a deep Interest In
Its welfare. Bishop Blmpson, ol the Metho
dist Episcopal church, also looked alter the
young Institution lu 1189, Dr. It. T. Taylor
was elected president, whleh position be held
until about a year ago, when be was succeed
ed by President Alexander. In 1S73 exten
sive additions and Improvement were made
and ithe number of students so Increased as
to make the college of great Importance to
Bearer and vicinity. Last vear. as stated,
additional Improvements wero made.
The faculty and directors held a meeting
and made arrangements to continue the
school In another building. It is probable
that steps will be taken at once to rebuild the
A mst! In the price of lienf is threatened.
Italt Is trying to induce England to old
her in Africa.
Tits leather trade is prosperous, leather
is always In demand.
Coloxzl Boors Is contesting for a seat in
Congress from Maryland.
Tns Massachusetts Bonnte has adopted n
rulo for tho exclusion of lobbyists.
A at a is pinning to take BOO!) people from
Boston and colonize them in Tennessee.
Tits Colombian Government nnnounce
that the revolution is practically ended.
Trta Berlin Relchsanzelger publishes a gen
eral prohibition of Import of frozen meats.
A FLontnA hotel-keeper declares that never
before havo tourists sought as low rates a
rosTMASTFB WrAVisn. of Louisville, Kv
uses wagons like milk wagons for collecting
Tit Rwls Oivornmnnt mado a profit of
limit (1,000,000 year in lie monopoly in
Fn.LT 1.000.000 acres of the host land In
Oklahoma will be open for settlement this
Ths. Navalo Indians In New Mexico have
aeon compelled by the cold weather to eat
their horses.
Mixioo's delay In dealing with Guntemala
Is for tho purposo ot gaining time in war
The train robbers who looted nn express
far In California the other day took only the
gold ooln aboard.
Trig total tonnage passing through the
Ran It Rte Marie Canal during the season was
vnluod at (143.000.000.
Nw York Citt has inaugurated a brisk
war on the tramn. He must either clear out,
or go to the workhouse.
Owimo to the unfavorable season in Eng
land for clover seed, it is expected that
American exports will be very large.
Tnit Unltod Rtatos Supreme Court is said
to be Ave years behind its docket. There am
some 750 cases awaiting its decision.
Kaihkb Wilhelx Intends Inviting France
to send a representative to tho fetes attend
ing the opening ot tho Baltic Canal.
Withik a year or so four cities will bo sup.
plied with eleetrio light In every street. They
ire Quebec, Budapest, Btrnssburg and Frank
fort. Axono 4029 children subjoet to cruel treat
ment in the United Kingdom during a recent
month no fewur than 1237 wore known to bo
Railboad men say that the late great storm
oocasloned greater Interruption to the run
ning of trains than did the famous "blizzard"
at March Wth, 183.
A CAnLOAD of pig tin, amounting to 822
bars, is on its way to Now York from mines
aear Durnngo, Mexico. It is said to bo the
eoond shipment of tin ore ever mined on the
American continent.
Jamks Battle, of Detroit. Mich., In point
of servloe the oldest Fire Chief in the United
States, has been retired on half pay. He has
Been Chief of the Detroit Fire Department for
thirty-four years, Uis rotlremout is due to
111 health.
AccoBDiMd to official figures, 41,301,109
tons of anthrn-ito coal were marketed in IMH.
(hough probably from 6,000,000 to 7,000,000
tonB more wore mined. This is less than tha
13.0S0.533 tons in IH'JS, or the 41,81)2,300 tons
ot 18U2, but exceeds the output of any year
previous to 18112.
Am assay of the eopper ore taken from a
mine recently discovered at Ware, home Point,
Conn., made by a Denver assayer, makes a
favorable showing. The ore is not only rich
in copper, but also contains gold and silver.
The assayer believes that the gold and sllvui
will pay for the working, leaving the copper
as profit.
Maboabet Cook, aged eighty-nine, whose
funeral took place a few days airo at Colum
bus, Ohio, was aboard, as a babe and with
her parents, of Robert Fulton's steamsblr,
Clermont wben the ship made the trial trip
August 1 1, 1H07. The passengers are all dead
now. Fulton bought Mrs. Cook's parents a
basket of peaches, being pleased With tbeli
oonQdenoe lu bis vessel.
Another Whiskey Trust.
Headed by the receivers of the Whisky
Trust, the distillers of spirits and high wines
have orgrnlzed another combination in op
position to the whisky trust It is known as
the Spirits Distilling Association aud com
prises all save per cent, of the hlgb-wlne
distillers in the United States. An advanoe
o two cents for spirits bos already been
agreed upon and an advanoe ol six cents fot
uuder-roof spirits.
Train Bobbery. .
About midnight Friday night a frslgbt
train on tb Baltimore and Ohio Southern
railroad was held up near Vigo, O., by three
masked men armed with shot guns and tha
trainmen were relieved of all their valuables.
It Is the oi inion that the bandits mistook the
freight for the "Turkey" train, a fast freight
which carries an express ear.
The census bureau will cease on March 4.
The remainder of the work will be don by
90 clerks, under the Boo re lory of ths Interior.
A suroeon's knife
HrM yon ftelfnt of hormf and rimnl.
There i no longer n-wwily ffir ltu
In mfttiy tltttiei formerly refrnrded a
incurable without cutting. The
Triumph of Conservative Surgery
In well nimtmted by the fact that
DI1DTII17P c Breach U nnwtitrf
lUI I UIXL. fl,K curei without the
knife on. without Mn, Chtnuy, chnf
I tig triiwa cnn le thrown away f They
never cure tint often iii'iure inflamma
tion, tttrnugnlciUou ami Uenlh.
TUMORS Ovnrinn. Vhmr (Herlne)
I UJHVSI3 nml tnnuy othem.nre now
removed without the perils of cutting
other diseases of the lower bowel, are
permanently cured without pslu or re
snrt to the knife.
QTONP " Wsdder, nn matter
OIlflVL. ,nw Inrge, Is crushed, pill
verlred. irnslied out ntid perfectly re
moved without culling.
CTDIfTllRP oU'rlimry Psssngels
40 I llv I UIVL. nimrrnioveri without
cutting In hundred of For pmn
phlcl. rrfrrences Slid ell particulars,
send loceols (In stnmp) to World's IHs
pennrv Stedlcnl Association, 60J Main
fclrctt. IlulT;ilo. N. V.
Slid those soon to be
conic mothers,
should know that Dr.
Pierce's l:avorlte
Prescription robs
childbirth of Its tor
tures, terrors and
dangers to iinth
mother and child, by
aiding nature in pre
paring the systini
for parturition.
Thereby "labor"
and the period of
confinement are
greatly shortened. It also promote the
secretion of an abundance of nourishment
for the child.
Mrs. lion a A. Ot-vtmiF. of OntUr, (httlim Co.,
7pm.. writes: "When t Iwgnh tnklttg llr.
Pierce's l-'nvorite Prescription. I wns not nlte to
stntnl on my feet without stiOerfng almost denth.
Now I do nil my housework, wn-liing. ennking,
sewing snd everything formy fnmilyof eight. 1
sm stouter nmv Ihnu I hnve been In six yerirs.
Your Hnvnrile Prescription ' Is the Ite.t to take
before confinement, or at lenst it proved so with
me. I never fullered so Utile with any of my
children as I did with my Inst."
A Church or Ice.
Tho offlcers of the Xctituno line
steamship riitamco, which arrived In
port recently from Hotterdum, vlu Sun
(terluml, witnessed nil curly morning
Bceno In nild-Atlimtic which First Otll
cer roplmm nays whs beyond descrip
tion mid any humnn power of repro
duction. The beautiful sight wns
caused by the sun shining upon a huge
Iceberg nbout 7 o'clock on the morning
of August 2, and continued for fully
flfU'en minutes. The Iceberg was 270
feet high and &50 feet long, and was
on the edge of a dense fog. It was
ehaped exactly like a church, having at
one end a towering spire that was
pierced pear Jhe top of tho spire in lin
uiacuiuto white.
About fifty feet from tho top the
sun's rays blended Into a soft pink that
was most beautiful to behold. Back
of tho splro was a slanting roof that
tho action of the fog and sun caused to
appear in a deep blue. Near the spire
was a perfectly shaped Gothic arch, in
which had been melted a fissure so like
a window as to almost muke one bo
lleve it was built there by a mechanic.
The sun shone, through this In all its
brilliancy and dazzled the eyes of those
aboard Bhip. The fog formed a deep
background near tho water and made a
marine picture that could never be
(tainted. Besides all this, the siln,
shining on the many small projections
of the berg, made the whole look as
though millions of pparkling diamonds
had been piled together. The ollleers
say that many Htatues and fantastic
figures were discernible about the
mountains of Ice. Tho seamen and
ollleers were awed by the beauty and
grandeur of tho scene. Baltimore
4 mHrienn
Established a Value.
Maurice Thompson tells of a certain
buyer of sheep who went Into the
mountains of Eastern Kentucky,
where the following dramatic Incident
took place between him and a grim
mountaineer who had one ewe for
sale: Buyer That ewe Is worth about
75 cents. Mountaineer lilt air wo'th
Jest a dollar 'n' or half. Buyer You
are Joking; the old thing Is lean
and Mountaineer (drawing a
largo pistol and cocking lt)Strenger,
w'at did yo say 'at that air cwo wag
wo'th? Buyer (briskly) Nlgu on to
seven dollars Is what I said.
Accept None of
ECAUSE inferior
preparations are bought at wholesale at a price
so much lower than Royal, some grocers are
urging consumers to use them in place of the Royal at
the samt retail price.
If you desire to try any oi the pretended substitutes
for Royal Bakino Powder bear in mind that they are
all made from cheaper and inferior ingredients, and are
not so great in leavening strength nor of equal money
value. Fay the price of the Royal Bakino Powder
for the Royal only.
It is still more important, however, that Royal Bakino
Powder is purer and more wholesome, and makes better,
finer,, and more healthful food than any other baking
powder or preparation.
With His Arm flndly llroken tie Writes)
and Works Every Day.
Col. Julian K. Lnrko, the Crimean
war veteran, met with nn accident re
cently. In which he demonstrated thnt
the heroic soldier Is born and not evo
luted by a rigid system of drill. Ho Is
one of tho bright writers on nn after
noon paper and has charge of the real
estate department, (in onu of tli cold
est days of last week, when tho breath
seemed to freeze and Icicles gathered
on tho mustache and beard, the Col
onel, chipper as a chipmunk, although
ho Is over 00 years old and Is nil scarred
lip with wounds received In battle,
called at tho Itenl Estate Excliangi?,
says the New Vork Commercial Adver
tiser. In descending the steps from
tho streets that lead to the exchunito
he slipped on the frozen Ice and fell
heavily on his left shoulder.
Like a nimble athlete of thirty yearn
he picked himself up, and, after finish
ing his business at tho exchange, ho
went to his oillce, and wrote n column,
coolly smoking a long Havana, known
as the "Smuggler's Delight." His
brother members of the qnlll noticed
that while he was writing his left arm
hung limp and motionless at his side.
Finishing his copy and calmly knock
ing the ashes from his cigar he said:
"Now 1 will look at my arm." He tried
to lift up his left arm, but he discovered
that It was not only broken, but comdd
erably fractured. His shirt and coat
sleeves were soaked with blood. Sev
eral wished to run for a doctor, but !ro
simply said:
"Oh, It Is nothing; I'll go out and
have It set." He lighted a fresh cigar
and went out and found a surgeon,
who tried to lecture tho brave old vet
eran, who hits fought through wars,
because he neglected his arm so long.
"Oo home early and stay there a week,"
said the surgeon, after he had splin
tered the broken nrm. The surgeon lit
tle knew the vitality of the Colonel and
Ills devotion to Journalism. The next
day he turned up In the ofllee and wrote
five columns of statistics, the data of
which he had been gathering for souio
His coolness and heroic conchnlanee
In suffering great pain have won tho
admiration of all the editors and re
porters on tho papers and they propose
to honor him In some way, either by
tendering him a banquet or giving hill
a silver loving cup.
Durable Ilricns.
Excnvatlons In Bubylon have brought
to lluht a number of bricks, the stamps
on which prove uieui to be nt least
4,000 years old. They appear to be as
good now as wben they were first
Ths Fopallul.
Why shouldn't there be a third party? It
Is true they disturb the smooth runulng of
the regular organizations and sometimes
overturn elections, but what is popular Is
founded on merit i As for instanca, among
nil the remedies used forsprulnsnnd bruls s,
HI. Jacobs Oil is the most populur becuusu It
isknown to be the best I heuce it Is the Pop.
tills! In medicine, Tha more because it
cures so promptly and surely. There Is no
crippling Irorn sprain where this old remedy
is used. It imparts now life and sirength
and the pnln vanishes. Truly it lsal'upu
Straw plaiting gives employment to 0,000
women lu Europe.
Haw's This t
TTs offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fot
any ease of Catarrh that, cannot bwcuisd bj
tlaii's 1'atarrli Cure.
F. J.Cbknkv A f!n.. Prfim. Tolftdn. 0.
We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che.
tley for I he lio-t 1ft years, and believe him per
fectly honorable in all business transaotlons
snd flnanoially able to oarryout any obliga
tion made by their Arm.
Vbst A Thuu, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo.
Waliiivo, RirrvAit A Mabvi.i, Wholesals
Druiciflstn, Toledo, Ohio. .
Tfa'l's ( 'atarrh Cure Is takon Internally, aet
Inn directly uon the bloo l and mucous sur
faces of the system. Price, 7Ao. pr bottle, buid
by all Druggists. Testimonials free.
Net an Experiment.
Tne use of Ripens Tabnles for headaches,
dlepHia and other stointioh disorders Is not
an experiment but an assured suvctus. They
will do ull that we say they will.
California has 2 1.000,000 fruit trees, acoo rd
Ing to recent estimates.
I use rieo's Cure for Consumption both In my
family nil a practice. nr. . w. i-attcksom, ink'
ter, Jlk'b., November 4, lsui
Substitutes for
and cheaper made baking
March April May
Arc tho Best Months in "Which to
Purify Your Blood
And tho Beat Blood Puriflnr h
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Which riirifios, Vitalizes and Enriches tho Blood
At this season everyone should take a good
spring modiclno. Your blood must bo puri
fied or you will he neglecting your health.
There is a cry from Nature for help, and un
less thero Is prompt and satisfactory response
yon will be liable to serious Illness.
This demand can only be met by the puri
fying, enriching and
elements to be found In Ilood's Sarsaparilla.
" My mother-in-law, Mrs. Elizabeth Wolfe,
nt the note ot 73 years, was attacked with a
violent form of salt rheumi it spread all over
her body, and her bands and limbs wore
dreadful to look at. At the same time, my
little daughter Clam, who was Just one year
old, was attacked by a similar disease, liko
scrofula. It appeared In
AolOld Deed.
A few days ago a singular deed was
presented at tho register's oillce In
Newark, N. J. It was mmle In 17SU
and had never been recorded.
Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp-Koot cures
nil Kidney and Hlmhler troubles,
l'stiijililet and rotiMillatlon free.
Laboratory lliriKliaiiipton, N.Y.
illsmark never uses any pens save those
made of goose quills.
Hcotlnnd's Homan Cathollo churches have
3D2,O00 members.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing- Byrnp for children
teelhinir. softens the icunis. reduces tiiflinna
tlon, ulluys puln, cures wind collu. 'c. a buttle
A London omnibus carries on an averag
2,600 passengers each week.
Karl's Clover Hoot, the ureat blood purifier,
J lives freshness ami clearness to the coniplcx
un and cures constipation. 2ftct. fleets, fl
Lawyers wero known In Iinbylon 230) D.O.
Both tbe method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it b pleasant
and refreshing to the torto, and acta
gently yet promptly on tho Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, elennses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is tho
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the tasto and ac
ceptable to the stomach, nromnt in
its action and truly beneficial in its
effects, prepared only from tho most
healthy and agreeable- substances, its
many excellent qualities commend it
to all and have made it tho most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figa is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
wishes to try lu Do not accept any
10UISVIUI, Kt. f IV tQRK, Atf.
FiENSION Washinulon, I. ',
'Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
Lota Principal Esainlnai U.8. peuslon Bureau.
3yraiu Uul wur, liauJuuMuitlUa claim., ally auu.
rm Sire I (n,l ailvice onto patruuijllliy of
Invenlon. ttnt fnr Inri'nlors llulilc. nr how lu t a
lateral I' AT KICK OKAllHKL. Wi.msnTos. U.O
WATT W NKWSIETTKK ot value sent
nnilL Oli FlttiK to mailers ol this tiaiirr.
thus. A. Baldwin Co., 4U Wall Htrevt, N. V.
for Ta. farms,
affflaVsllaBvll BU I EllO 11 TtfT ftCTS BIKt
Iff Ml I LftJ up, InolutUng lulldirica. Call
vuor ftuureaa w. n. uruauuua, ak... wa roim,
you need Pearline.
n -r x
Peddlers and some unscrupulous grocers will tell you.
KATXfO ",hi ' w ad u" or " Pesrlme." IT'S
P i i VV CLJL C FALSE Pearline a never peddled, if yaur rrocer sends
Tou an imitation, be honest umd it tack.
You Will Realize that "They Live Well Who Live
Cleinly," if You Use
Largo 80.-09
tinder each side of her neck) had the attend
ance of the family physician and other doc
tors for a long time, but soemed to grow
worse. I read of many people cured of scrof
ula by Ilood's Sarmpnrlllo. As soon as we
gnvo Ilood's Baraapnrllla to Clara, she began,
to get better, nnd before the first bottlo was
gone, the sores entirely bcahxl up and there
hns never been any sign of the disease since.
She is a
Healthy Robust Child.
ner grandmother took Hood's Sarsaparilla
at the same time, and the salt rheum decreas
ed In Its violence and a perfect cure was soon
effected. It took nlmut throe months for her
euro, nnd she ascribes her good health nnd
strength at her advanced aiioto hood's Har
saparilln. It has enrtalnly lie-n a Oodsond to
m y f omiJy, " JIbs. fjorau Woiri, Zaleskl, Ohio
Wt want to
send thrse
tsdies from
this locality
rsTSSsl on our secona annual l era usr
SGronxr Va(itioi) Trip to AtUotkOty.
Every expense paid by us. No coupons.
Writs at ones for psrtlculars to
6o snd 6a Second Ave , Pittsburgh, Pa.
It It not lurprtilnf
7 titmt ft rmflr
That hit lffn
The Phjilciaii'ff Trump Curd
yor ceutury IJ) aco nf trumrxt.
sShotJld now,
P-irih Artie tim,
ptito prepar rt
Tmik It posir!
7'o offer It to Ui publlo
n fnrm
Avaliahta for ImmMim nm
jlntl cn pal lit of txMns; preMrvtd
"Without low of lrtat
For nwJtvad ?
Or until (hi occasion arlaes 1
Such ft urprlM ax lata In
Ripans Tabues?
HtpanaChamlcaJ Co., 10 Spruce St., Kaw Tor.
.Price, B0 centa ft box, of druffglata or bj malt
We L.Douglas
J sJmsj n 0 ICs rir rots A KINO,
Over On Million People wear the
W. L. Douglas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes era equally satisfactory
They elve the bent value tor the money.
They equal custom shoes in style and lit.
Ttufr wearing; qualities are unsurpassed.
The prices are uniform, stomped on selt4
From Si to S J sived over otfcrr makes.
11 jour dealer cannot supply 7wvnj can.
Raphael, Angrlo. Uubrne, Tsieq
Tits "LINF.Nf:"are tha Bast sn4 Most Eeonoml
fnl Collars and Cliffs worn; tliey are Uiade ol flna.
cloth, both allies flnialiad alike, and heme revarah
bin, one collar la final to two or any other Kind.
Thfv rft vefl, var vtU mtvi tVtC V4lt. A bos of-Ti-n
Collars or FivaPeutot Culls for Twenlr-Fte-Cents.
A Hample Dollar and Pair of Cnffe by mail for SIS
Caul, fteiueatyleand eise. Addreee
n FrmnkUa St.. Mew fork. 17 KUby St..
Worn hirfitsui'i tlA. htm
O Adjtutablt Pan h bleb
cod 1 Oisvia larger or
mftltor tofultcliftnglrj
Illu. Cat. svnt fttTUrlv
araled by u. V. H. uaa Vfg.Cn,
n. wv4 Drtsadway.TX:ity
LUHtS Wrltrtf Ail ILSfe taiLS.
Beat Coo Kb fajrup. Tata UuotL
in time, r-oiq ot aruggiita-
A Pleasant
tha fact that easy washing
has been made safe. Until
Pearline came, it was danger
ous. Pearline takes away the
danger as it takes away the
work. I here is no scour
ing and scrubbing, to
wear thing's out : there
k -
Sv -sasia-
13 n.5 trouble in keeping things clean.
Pearline is better than soap. With
soap, you need hard work ; for easy work,.