Srtte -At Star Subtcriplim $l.0 per near, in nrfranre. C. A. ftTKPllKNMt, F.dtlor and Pub. WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 18115. QTvavrltre' 0ub. PnMiiir trains nrrlve nnd lcavo Ueyn- oldsvlllc a follows: Allnhrm Vallni liaihnni. Eastward. Westward. Trains, - - t.U a. m.lTrnln B, -7.4(1 a. m. Train I, - - UK) p. m. Train 2,- -1.42 p.m. Train It, - t.K p. m.Tniln II), - K.4H p. ni. nitrNoi.rmviM.t posT-orrics. Mulls arrlvo and lenva tlio post-office as follows: Arrive. Depart. rnOMTIIRWKXT, ron TUB BAST. 1.1)1 p. m. - - 7.00 p. m. 112.30 p. in - - (I 50 p.m. rnon tub bast, ron tub 1.00 a. m. - - 2.0) p. m.U.lA a. m. - - 1.1ft p. m. Arrives from llnthmcl nnd I'rcscnttvlllo U.H0K. m. , J Arrives from Panic Tuesdays, Thnrdays and Ksturdnys at 'J.;m p. m. Departs for l'rcsrottvlllc, Ttntlimi-1, I'nnlc 8.00 p. m. office hours 7.00 a. m. tos.nnp. m. Money order office open from 7.00a. m. to 7.30 p. ni. Register office open from 7.IN) a. m. tofUPOp. m. Legal Holidays from 7.ofl to s on a. m. nnd from 12.00 to a. n. m. K. T. Mi Oaw, 1'. M. A Little ot Everything. Ariel, Ariel, Ariel. Lent begins to-day. Thin is Ash Wednesday. Ariel. Ariel, Ariel, Arlol. Ten degrees below zero Sunday morn ing. Brockwayylllo has good prospects of a coflln factory. Robinson's. New shoes dally. Trices bents the world. A new girl arrived nt the homo of H. Alex Stoko on Sundny. A good niaplu sugar season will fol low the severo cold spell. A good store room to rent in the opera house block. Enquire of J. S. Morrow. Two sled loads of Epworth Leaguers wont to DuBols last envening on a pleasure trip. When you want good reliable shoes at reasonable prices you can find them at Roblhson's. A house and two lots for sale in West Reynoldsville. Enquire at this office for particulars. Corwln was out Friday taking pic tures of the snow drifts on the pike west of Rcynoldsvillo. The Punxsutawney JVrtr must have lost part of its exchange list. The Artr fails to arrive at this office. A two-year-old child of George Leech, of Rathmel, died on Sunday and was buried in the Prospect cemetery yester day. A very desirable house and large lot Tor rent. For further particulars in quire of Mrs. M. B. Wynkup, West Reynoldsville, Pa. The Baptist Christian Endeavor So ciety took in over sixty-seven dollars at the festival held In G. A. R. hall on "Washington's birthday. A literary meeting of. the Epworth League will be held in the lecture room of the M. E. church this evening. All young people are invited to attend the meeting. Mrs. Jane Bodge, of Rathmel, aged 6 years, died on the 21st inst. and was Twirled In the Prospect cemetery on the 23rd. Rev. Hicks conducted the funer al services. Cad G. Matson is moving to Brook ville this week and L. S. McClelland, ex-proprietor of Hotel Bolnap, expects to move Into the Commercial House and assume proprietorship of it. There will be services in the Luther an church next Sunday at 2.30 P. M., conducted by Rov. Rosenbaum, of Du bois, who was unable to be here last Sunday on account of a funeral. John C. Dillman is making improve ments in Hotel Belnap. A telephone was put in the office last Friday. An addition is being built onto the hotel for a restaurant and billiard parlor. For the first time since Reynoldsville became a voting place and the Repub lican and Domocrat parties have boon in existence, the Democrats will not bo represented on the next election board. It has just been made public, that John. D. Patterson and Miss Mamie Alman, one of the teachers in the bor ough school, were married at Brook ville on the first day ot the present year. Dr. C. N. Bell will be at Hotel Mo Oonnell Monday afternoon and Tuesday forenoon, March 4th and 5th. He can tell your disease by looking at you. If you are sick consult the great Dr. Bell, M. B. D. Appropriate exercises were given by the scholars in the Reynolds block on the afternoon of Washington's birthday. About one hundred parents and friends . visited the four rooms that afternoon, which was great encouragement to- the teachers. An obedience to the simple laws of hygiene and the use of Ayer'a Sarsapa rllla will enable the most delicate man or sickly woman to pass in ease and safety from the icy atmosphere of Feb ruary to the warm, moist days of April. It is tho beat of spring medicines. To-morrow Is the last day of Febru ary. Hicks says we will have cold and rough weather In March, but will have an early spring. Torpidity of the liver, and disorders of the stomach and bowls, cause head ache and the failure of nil desire for food. Ayor's Cathartic Pills stimulate tho action of the stomach, liver and bowls, euro headache and restore tho appetite. Bo safe by having your business and dwelling property Insured with tho old est, strongest, tiro tested, old lino companies, which policies can be hod at tho lowest rates of C. B. French, tho Reynoldsville insurance agent. Office over Reynolds drug store. Those, who attended tho entertain ment given In Centennial hall on Mon day, Tuesday and Wednesday of Inst week by Col. Grover, under tho auspices of the O. A. 11. Post, were well pleased. The Colonel Is a good talker and the pictures of war scones, Ac, wero ex ponent. We havo had (13 days of good sleigh ing, but unless wo get a fresh supply of the "beautiful" the runners will give way to tho wheels. Tho people have no reason to complain If tho snow does go. Good use has been made of tho snow in tho past sixty days. A largo number of sleighing parties have gono out from Reynoldsvillo this winter. Tho Dubois ('oii)iVr made anything but complimentary remarks about the Reynoldsville school houso before tho election, nnd tho assertions wero so truo that The Star did not attempt to dony that the paper was right. Tho abnvo facts being truo It would not havo been out of place for tho (VwnVr to have informed Is readers that tho citizens of Reynoldsville voted almost unanimous ly on tho 19th inst. to build a new ?2."i,- 0(H) school house. Mr. nnd Mrs. A. W. Adams, who reside near Presenttvillo, were honored by a surprlso party from a number of their Scotch friends of Rathmel Satur day evening. Mr. and Mrs. Adams are natives of Scotland and it was a bonnio good ttmo they all had together Satur day evening talking of tho homo across the sea, singing songs In tho mother tongue, Ac. Before returning home they partook of a Scotch supper which they had brought with them. Mr. and Mrs. E. NefT wero In Brook vllle Thursday evening attending the memorial services held in tho G. A. R. hall at that placo by the Grand Army and Woman's Relief Corps on tho death of Theodore Henderson and Mrs. Eliza Jano Thompson. W. F. Stowart, Esq., delivered an oration on the life and character of Rev. Henderson, nnd Rev. Dr. Conway, pastor of Mrs. Thompson, made appropriate remarks on the life and good works of the departed lady. II. J. Nlcklo, who has been running a store in the Woodward building for several years, Is moving her store this week into the room formerly occupied by Reed's shoe store. Miss Nicklu, by selling goods cheap and dealing strictly honest with all her customers, has suc ceeded In building up a large trade, which she expects to hold in the now location, and also solicits the patronage of others. Her stock is first-class, prices low and she is polite to her customers. A small frame house opposite the Catholic cemetery, which has been used for a polling place for the voters of West Wlnslow since West Reynolds ville became a borough, was burned down about one o'clock Wednesday af ternoon. Tho origin of the firo is sup posed to havo resulted from children playing with fire. The alarm raised quite an excitement in Reynoldsvillo as It was reported that the tannery was on fire. The fire company responded but their service was not required. Saturday night Bort Woodward and Chaa. MoKee were stopped on Main street, near C. Mitchell's office, about ten o'clock by four follows who had boon Biipping from the intoxicating cup. One of the men began to tear tho cape off Bert's overcoat, but ho found he had jumped onto the wrong man and he would have received what ho juBtly deserved had not one of his "pards" como to the rescue and dealt Bort a hard blow on tho right check which resulted in a black eyo and cut lip for tho young pedagogue. Tho four "toughs" should havo boon arrested and lodged In tho cooler. One of them was arrostod about two hours afterwards for disorderly conduct and locked up until Sunday evening. Two picture.' agents "struck" West Reynoldsville yesterday morning and one of them began selling pictures with out a borough license. Constable Riggs arrested tho fellow and took him before Burgess Herpel. The agent refused to pay license and was locked up to await a trial In the afternoon. Tho one who was at liberty telegraphed to tho com pany at Chicago they represent and re ceived an answer to suo tho borough for $5,000 damage for locking up tholr man. Tho trial was held In the coun cil chamber of that borough with C. Mitchell as attorney for the borough and M. M. Davis for plaintiff. The agent was fined 13.00 and costs, which he refused to pay and was allowed to go bis way. There seems to be a doubt about the ordinance requiring a license to take orders and sell goods from house to house "holding water." Sock Order. The Reynoldsvillo Woolen Mill Co. has received an order for three thous and dozen pairs of socks from one party. A Correction. Wo made a mistake In reporting the result of tho election In Wlnslow town ship and had Edward Jones elected as supervisor Instead of Sam'l Fyo, who run ahead of Jones just two votes. Fyo received 144 votes and Jones 142. Stroke Paralysis. Thomas Sypbrlt, of McKean county, who is visiting his brothor-ln-law, Arn old McKee, In West Reynoldsville, had a stroke of paralysis last Friday which will very likely result In death. Mr. Syphrlt Is thirty-seven years old. Can't Begin too Soon. At tho regular meeting of tho school bonrd, which will bo held next week, plans will bo made to begin work on the new school houso as soon as possible. The board will certainly not think of putting up anything but an "up-to-datn" school houso. Setting Up Machinery. Tho new machinery for the Reynolds villo Novelty Manufacturing Company has arrived and is now being wit up In the Centennial building and will soon be in working order. All tho machln has not arrived yet. Tho balanco will como next week. Traffic Increasing. Thn freight traffic Is hettor on tho A. V. R'y now than It has been for some time, especially throuuh freight, such as steel and iron being shipied from Pittsburg east. Four solid trains of stool and Iron, passed east over tho Low Grade Sunday. Considerable produce has loen shipped west over the rond in tho past two months. Powder Exploded. Two Italians wero badly burned In tho Big Soldier mine Monday afternoon by a keg of powder exploding. One of the Ikes had gono Into the mine that day for the first time and ho was watching his "pnrd" mako a "cartridge" to fire a shot when a spark from one of their lamps foil Into the keg of powder. It Is a miracle they were not knocked Into "kingdom como." Keep on a "Hustle." Tho wind is blowing favorable for the Now York syndicate to erect their large pig iron furnacfls at Reynoldsville. If the syndicate proposes to locate at the place that will ho most advantageous to their interest, how can they do other wise than come to this town. Notwith standing the fact that our town can meet all the requlrments of the syndi cate in site, coal, railroads, Ac., Ac, yet It would bo well for our citizens to koep on their "hustle" until the syndi cate finally decides whore they will lo cate. A Gas Leak. On Monday morning the court house nt Brookvillo was full of gas and the gas company notified the commissioners to put all the pooplo out and lock tho building until tho leak was found. The court house was locked up and men were put to work digging along the line outside of the court house. Soon after dinner it was discovered that tho inch pipe that foods the lamp in front of the court house had broken. After this had been repaired and still the court house was full of gas, Judge Clark adjourned court until the May term. After tho trouble was mndo known Monday morning it was hardly neces sary to lock the court houso; as no one cared to linger around the building. Eighty Volumes. Last Friday was a "red lotter day" for the West Roynoldsville schools. Prof. Mitchell, Maggie Butler, Jennie White, the teachors, and tho scholars of the school are making special efforts to got a good library in the school, and they decided to observe Washington's birthday by having a "book reception." As a result eighty new volumes wore added to the library that day, which makes a total now of one hundred and twenty-soven volumes in tho library. A list of tho now books and thodonators will bo found In this issuu of THE STAK. Specimens of very nleo work done by the pupils adorned the walls of Prof. Mitchell's room. Ushers were station ed in tho hall and visitors wero taken to any part of the building they desired to go. Narrow Escape. Eight ladles, members of the P. O. D. of A. of Dubois, came to Reynoldsvillo In a slod Thursday evonlng to attend tho "blow, out" given by the P. O. S. of A. at this place. The party crossed tho R. & F. C. R'y track at Prescott vlllo about nine o'clock In a snow Btorm and the drlvor did not hear or soe the coal train coming until his horses wero on the track and tho engine a short dis tance from them. The driver had presence of mind enough to turn his team off tho track just as the iron horse whizzed past within a foot of the sled. It will be impossible for any member of that party to ever receive a greater fright than they did at that time. Of course they all escaped with' out even a scratch, yet they felt a cold chill from the breath of the Monster Death as it passed by. A Literary Dissertation. Bt Eooak A. Po-Etic (W. J. Weavcrl. 'TIs passing strange how (treat change. Will oftentimes nrrur. For lilder "Haggard" would have looked If wondrous "Hho" 'd "Hen Hur." Again, me! Ii Inks 'twould havo heen fair II nd Edgar Allan I'ne Wlihln the tsrot have grasped an oar And helped poor K. 1. "Hew." What heller on a winter's morn Will drive away all frowning To he hut told, sit tin nnd ent The hurkwheat rases are "llrownlng." In early days It seems to me The people were mistaken. They didn't use fresh meat at all But fed poor Frnnrla "llaoon." The iiiiestlnn too nrlses, now, If Hawthorne was a Sprinter, When storms arose and liltr.nirds eame Where then did William "Winter." Spring romes a pure, then summer, all Artlvhy nnd misllc. Fit rnlmly down on summer's evo And list to A. I. "Hustle." When ocean wnves run mountain high And Inky darkness thickens The elenienis nrraved for war Will raise the very "Dickens." While sitting 'mongst the famous men I'pon a htghlitirked ehalr Pomeone to raise disorder, then IHd pull Augustus' "llure." When rnmplng out In summer time And 1'Milng In the hrook, llrtng In your catch artd rlran It nice And leave Hose Terry "Cooke." Keep In the luninds of reason, nnd Esteem each other highly. Care taking not to wrangle or To get lamea Whltrnml) "Itlley." Should you he prone to family Jars You stire will rue the day. For 'twas Just such a thing as this That turned poor Maxwell "Ucy." Our English friends enthuse upon Their Itass'es English ale. And oft we wonder If 'twas that Made Edward Everett "Hale." If forlorn maiden In despair With no one left 1o mourn her Is contemplating suicide I'ray let chni les Dudley "Warner" Thnt such a step Is very rash, Although her spirit's sore, And urge her to esteem herself And love Sir Thomas ".Mourn." Far hnek In rruel slavery days When misery's tide dlf flow U(Md things In darkles' eiihlns then Did Harriet lleerher "Htowe." Move ralm through life, contented and (let on without a Haw, sir. Vsc naught hut gisul tobacco and He careful what you "Chaucer." Sleighing Episode. Thursday afternoon two Reynoldsvillo youths who have not yet begun to culti vate hirsute between the huso of tho proboscis and tho edge of the upper Hp, put on a "boiled" shirt, a good sup ply of "smoll-em-good," hitched a big bay horse into a two seated sleigh, got the choice of tholr young affections from tho gentler sex into the sleigh, and the four drove to Brookvillo. Af ter supper the young people started for home and they had so much confidence in the "beast of burden" that the lines wero wrapped around tho whip and tho whip was dropped 4n the front part of the sleigh. The horse did real well In keeping In tho road for ashort distance, hut missed it on a big snow drift and an accident occurred. After tho excite ment abated It was discovered that a shaft had (Men snapped In twain. The girls were taken to a farm houso hardby and the boys tramped the neighbor hood o'er trying to borrow a pair of shafts, but failed. They were in a pre dicament. A broken shaft, light poekot-books, long distance from home, two girls to care for, the farmer's beds all full before they arrived. One of the maidens wanted to walk back to Brook villo to "grandpu's." It was finally decided that tho young people could hold down tho chairs in the parlor if they wanted to. They sat up all night and made such a racket that the family could not sleep. In the morning the boys stood around the barn yard with their hands In their pockets watching tho farmer lad repair tho broken shaft. How About It? There is no reason why Roynoldsville could not have a Y. M. C. A. It would not cost an Immense amount of money, but It would be an everlasting benefit to many of the boys of our town, not only now but In after life. Boys will elthor read, be amused or loaf. "Ah! there Is tho rub." What do they read? How are they amused? Where do they loaf? Can you answer, parents? How are the boys of this town sowing? Im portant questions these are. If no one else will start tho ball a rolling for a Y. M. C. A., what Is the matter with tho Christian Endoavors and Epworth Leaguo putting tholr shoulders to the wheel? How aliout it? There was talk sometime ago that tho B., L. A Y. C. M. Co. would help along some such en terprise. If no ono else takes hold of this mutter tho editor of this paper will make an effort to see what can be dono. Wo need some placo for tho young men to assemble to spend their time profit ably, either for physical or mental Im provement, and a good Y. M. C. A. would provide just such a placo. If the B., L. A Y. C. M. Co. or any person, or persons of this town want to becomo philanthropists in a true senso of the word, let thorn now hold up their hands and say what they will do to aid ir get ting a Y. M. C. A. in Roynoldsville. New Stores. A new grocery store will be opened In one of the store rooms In Centennial building about the first of April by G. II. Mundort and Sam'l S. Robinson, of Ila.leton, Kansas. These gentlemen have boon In the grocery business In Hazloton for ten years and understand the business. A Philadelphia gentleman has rented one of the large store rooms In the Reynolds brlok block and will open a large clothing store in the room about the first of April. C. S. Armagost will open a grocery store in the room next door to the post- offloe. WASHINGTON'S BlUTi Junior O. U. A. M. Ptescnlrtt I io I with a flag. Tho .Junior O. U. A. M. t i, i :u presented tho borough (clime villi u new flag on the afternoon of tie lend anniversary of Washington's bir i .'ay. Tho scholars of tho four renin In iho Reynolds block, Jr. O. U. A M . I' ). H. of A. and tho Ki ystono band f 1 1.. I In lino near tho Reynolds ami marched to the school hoiito en tin. Mil, It was as pretty it little proc ssieii as ever paraded our streets Th. r nu n something like two hundred e lldr. n in line and almost every ono of them lu.d u flag. It wus a largo display n( 'Old Glory" In small form, and llio tl ilu "tots" that carrl. d tho slurs and strip"s would break out frequently In loud hur rahs. A cold, still breeze was blowing nt tho time Bnd when the children wero stationed In front of the school Iioiim they soon had tho patriotism knocked out of them and muny shivered nnd suf fered from tho cold. Rev. E. Lewis Kel loy, tho Buptht minister, made the presentation speech, and Prof. Hilllard. principal of tho school, respoiuh d. Tlio now flag was run up on top of the build ing, and tho school children sang.''Red, White and Blue." A largo crowd be sides tho scholars wore present to wit ness tho ceremony, but tho crowd was not as largo as it would of boon had thu day been warmer. Corwln, tho photographer, and Imls Molllnger took pictures of the crowd while thn flug was bolng presented. Banquet and Mishap. The P. O. S. of A. of Reyiioldsvlllu held a banquet in tho Reynold brick block Thursduy evening which was a pleasant affair. It wns tho regular mooting night of tho lodgo and a short session wits held early In the evening after which a number of invited guests mot in tho lodgo room where speeches and songs wero indulged In until after ten o'clock and then It was announced that supper was ready. Three long tables wero spread In one of the store rooms on thn first floor and wero loaded ed with good things. After tho supper was over the people ascended tho stairs to tho lodge room and listened to the remainder of the program prepared for the evening. About midnight, when the mooting was drawing to a close, a mishap occurred that raised a great ex citement In tho lodge room. Two Du bois ladles were standing In tho ante room talking, ono with her back to tho stove, and several people wanted to pass by and tho ludy stepped back and upset the stove. The matting was good tin dor for the hot couls. Fortunately there was not much fire In tho stove at the time and tho hot coals wero gather ed up before any moro damage was dono than to destroy a little matting. There were from seventy-five to one hundred peoplo in tho lodge room who had no way of escapo only through tho ante room or jump out of the third story window, and it is hardly necessary to add that whon tho alarm was given and tho smoke began to roll Into tho lodge room that there were a number of peo plo badly frightened. Court News Lost Friday was sontence day In the Jefferson county court, and the follow ing persons received their sentences. A gang of "light-flngored gentry," who rendezvous near Big Run, of whom Isaiah Wolfe, Samuel Schreckengost, alias Charles Gordon and Harry Fleck wore members, who done a few jobs in tho neighborhood of their homes and In Clarion county, were tried in Jeffer son county court last week for appropri ating other people's property to their own use and Judge Clark gave his per mission for Sheriff Gourley to escort them to the penitentiary for the follow ing terms: Wolfe, five years', Gordon, three years; Flock, one year and six months. Sevoral weeks ago Wolfe and Gordon were tried in the Clarion coun ty court for larceny and Judge Clark sentenced Wolfe to five years in the "pen" and Gordon eight years. This makes a total of ten years for Wolfe and eleven years for Gordon in tho peni tentiary. Frank Lolphart, an Italian, was sen tenced to tho penitentiary ono year for assault. Sheriff Gourley took the four candi- datesto tho penitentiary Monday morn lng. John' Walton, throo months In tho county jail for assaulting his childron. II. D. McGregor was convicted of larceny but was granted a now trial. William Roploglo, who was classsd with tho Big Run gang for larceny, case continued. Annie Campell, a school girl from near Coal Glen, was tried for assault and found guilty. She was fined tft.OO and costs. J. Van Reed, for assault, toO.OO and all costs. For Rent. House, corner Bradford street and Ploasant Avenue. Throo rooms down and five up stairs, gas In house, well of good water and good oellar, etc., also barn on lot. Enquire at Star office. All kinds men's rubber at Robinson's, 50, 00, 65 and 75 cents. Ariel, Ariel, Ariel. Robinson's bargain oountor has some extra good Talus in Rhaea. SOCIETY'S WHIRL. Lawyer G. M. McDonald was In Pitts burg this week. Milton Dempsey spent lost Sunday In or near Bennezetto. Hood Ktmx and family visited In Brookvillo tho past week. Mrs. E. Stephenson and daughter, Josephine, are visiting In B iechtroo. Rev. P. P. Womer. of New Haven, Conn., Is visiting his parents In this placo. Mrs. L. A. Juckson, of Allegheny, is visiting her daughter. Mrs. H. Alex. Stoke. Mr. and Mrs. James Craig, of Ean- ora. spent Sunday with .1. H. Bell's family. Fred. K. Alexander hits boon at home for a week suffering from an attack of thu grip. Mayor Lattlmer Is In Wllliamsport this week attending tho G. A. R. en campment. John T. Stiver returned Monday evonlng from a trip In West Virginia and Maryland. C. H. Calderwood and Homer Nealo, of Punxsutawney, wore visitors in Reynoldsville Friday. Walter Arms, a civil engineer of Ho'vetia, formerly of Reynoldsvillo, was In town Saturday. Jus)er McEntlro took his wlfo to the homo of her parents, near Dayton, Pa., lust Saturday on a visit. Prof. T. B. Mitchell, of Knoxdalo, visited his brother, Prof. Lex. N. Mltch- oll, in this place last week. Mrs. John W. Peters, of East Brady, visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam'l Lattlmer, In this place the past week. Scott McClelland wont to Pittsburg yesterday to see his sister, Mrs. Hile- man, who is in a hospital in that city. Daniel Brewer, ono of the county commissioners, spent Sunday with his son. E. S. Brewer, in West Reynolds villo. Clarence Booth, who has been a citi zen of Reynoldsville for four years, will move his family to Limestone, Clarion county, to-morrow. Mr. Booth owns a small farm near Limestone B. B. Dunlnp, the Fitzgerald Wall Plaster Co's salesman, was hero last week looking after the interests of their trade. M. Mohney Is their established agent in Reynoldsville and vicinity. Mrs. Wm. Bnrkloy went to Williams- port yesterday to represent John C. Conser Corps No. 75, of Reynoldsvillo, in the Woman s Relief Corps conven tion being held at Williamsport to-day and to-morrow. Tho Pennsylvania Department en campment of tho Grand Army of the Republic will take place In Williams port, commencing to-day, 27th ln. E. Noff, Esq., will represent John C. Con ser Post, No. 102, of Reynoldsville, in tho encampment. A Katzon arrived homo from eastern cities on Monday where he bought a largo stock of goods which he will soil at astonishingly low prices. Will quote prices in this paper soon so all will be convinced that his prices are away be low any ever offered hero. Rev. Jacob Booth, who has been do ing carpenter work, Ac, for a number of years and preaching the gospel oc casionally, moved his family to Dixon- burg, Indiana county, yesterday, where he has accepted a call to buckle on the gospel harness and devote all his time looking after the spiritual interests of tho Baptist church at that place. Book Reception. The teachors and pupils will give a book reception on the afternoon of March loth. The object in having this Reception Is to give the parents an opportunity to see the work that is being done in tho different rooms by tholr children. The teachers and pu pils are very anxious to increase the number of books in the School Library, as there are not sufficient volumes In the Library at present to supply the demand. Now is the time to place good reading in the hands of the boys and girls. Give thorn something good to read and they will read it. A prize will be given to the person guessing the number of books brought in during the day, or to the person making the nearest guess. Tho prize will be a souvenir cup. Tho cup will be silver and suitably engraved. Every person bringing a hook will bo entitled to a guess, but every one will bo made welcome. Those bringing books aro requested to write their name and tha number they guess on a slip of paper and bring it with them. A Blush Denned. A blush, one of the rare things of to day, can bo scientifically defined, at least a Cinclnattl physician attempU it and gives us the following: "A blush Is a temporary erythema and calorific effulgence of tho physiognomy, letiolo glzed by the preceptlvenussof thesunso rium when In a predicament of unequl librlty from a sense of shame, anger, or other cause, eventuating In a paresis of the vaso motor nervous filaments of the facial capillaries, whereby being divest ed of tholr elasticity, they are suffused with radiance emanating from an in timidated praeoordla." Ariel, Ariel, Ariel, Ariel.