The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, February 27, 1895, Image 4

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    fyit'l'i't rtitiif ..,,'.f t it ) ('.('. itl I'lnMl'i.
. . I I I'll J ., t:llr uikI Futt.
W K.M. Y. "t-'KHKUA HY 27. 'li.V
. ' nvli' rt mli'iii ltr:ll (til (!'. pil'ill-hctti'ViMy
V t'.lii'-..l.i v af Kiiyrntlis tlliv ,htVti'Hiiti tn.
I'll . M'Vii:t' 10 I ltt lnlMi"M of K '.V IHlti W v ( I lr
Kit'! If't"' noil I'oniiiy. Non-ji tUt Ii-m'I. w ill (
All -t i(h r i rrrn'-. iitH 'vlll In1 rtM'i'lu I ly frli'Nil
ly tiiAiifii tin1 hl'iii'hl!; i'Iii.
tit-i"-ic j,tn ir li'ol..viti' itilviinro,
rutnllKltlU'lltlntM llllf'llill'll fur llllhlh'lll llll
mil-' '' r i j m I I ly 1 III' m I Imm V niitnr,
n.i for imhlli-iiMon. hut iih n iininititt'i uf
gito'l fill'll InliMV-tllnir tll'WH lll'tUH m)lilM'il.
VIvrr'Kiii'r rui nmtli' kmnviMin iippUm
tlon in (In- n'tl'T In AiiiciIiK' Itlm k.
I,'i'rli:v iiMiinli-ailoiiN mii'I rlmn::i' nf
fiHvi'iNinM'nlM hIkmiIiI tciirli till otlii'i' liy
Monthly iiiittii.
Vllri" :i ! I I'fiinminilrlil Ions In C. A. Htt'pll-
IH.III. l!rV!M.. Villi' I'll.
K.M''r'f !it itt iwioiiri :il Wi'yiirTlflHvlllf,
Pl ! iiOMi fill lll'lll niMltl'r.
Tho world In full of ni'-n who (nt'-ml
to n'cmir Ivn' fiiiMtir by mid liy. who
aro Vrrv nlmv nlvmt iflnir t work.
Tim Jimrnnl i( t'li 111H Id wnnts wuno
on'1 to invent h way to li t it I tip muni of
the onld weiilher v; liuve li -en hiivlntf
for dnjj diiyn.
Accoiilinu to linn. V. O. Smith'
ntHtement the new Iyirlshttlvo Aipor
ttonment will iriv" .lelTermm I'niinty two
A bill will h.- prenented to tho Iyjfls
lntntv to I'lutni!' the tinio for holding
ti'achers' Institutes from winter to tho
summer vnention.
Representative Sot'tr. of Ohio, in tho
richest mnn In ('.itnrreH. Ho in worth
about iM.'.ltOO.iMMl. mid Iihh mi Incotno of
$1,000,000, mainly from his tobaeeo fac
tory. That pays almost as well as rim
ing n noii n try newspaper.
Tho man who miiken information
apainst n blnsphemer and Invokes the
law to linve him properly punished,
does as much, and inmv, for the jrood of
the jieople by that one act than ten ser
mons from a pulpit on the third com
mandment. If all tho money that has been paid
for sleighing: parties in Rrookville this
winter had been put into the hands of
tho poor overseers. It would have
bmifjht food for all tho people, now "on
tho borough," with sumo loft over to
pive to other poor families that havo
lived very frugally. Rrookvillo J)cmo
trnt. Tho same could bo truthfully up
plled to Reynoldsville. However, tho
people want pleasure and they don't
stop to consider how much suffering
could bo alleviated if they would deny
Newspaper men always know more
than they write; they always shield
more than they expose; they are always
more moroiful than cruel, truly remarks
an exchange. Tho man who trusts tho
avurago nuwsjiuurtuun may rely on tho
fuct that ho will be treated fairly. It
Is the mean, contemptible, suspicious
hypocrite that tho newspapers are al
ways after. No manly man is ever hurt
by a newspaper. And no ono is quicker
to sco the manner of men than tho nows
papcr writers who study men and their
actions duy unto day.
"It's just like a woman to scold ubout
the little troubles and bo bravo about
the big ones. To overestimate their
own beauty far less than they underes
timate their own goodness. To faint at
mine and spank tigers with a broom
stick. To valuo a baby above tho world;
or a pug dog above a baby. To keep
nino commandments more easily than
tho tenth. To look at tho most unde
serving of mon through the kindly spec
tacles of pity. To try independence,
succeed in it, but prefer it not. To toil
lifo long for social position, or throw it
away in an instant.
At the last session of tho Legislature
an unsuccessful attempt was made to
have a bill passed and signed by tho
Governor making Jefferson county a
Mcparate judicial district. lion. V. O.
Smith Is making an effort in tho pres
ent session to have such a bill pass.
Mr. Smith, in his pnpor, says: "Tho
pooplo of JutTorson county generally
' are deeply In teres tod in the passage of
a bill that will ullord them relief from
the present crowdod and overworked
condition of our courts. We have been
running behind for half a dozen years,
and business has been accumulating
until it has become a serious embai1
russmeut. Tliorj is evidently at this
time entiretly too much work or ouo
judge. Tho judicial apportionment bill
l It , ..1... .1.... T..f
ill un iri'nt;iii nuujfu jji ih jui: kiiut .in-
lorson county bhull iio constituted u
separate judicial district, with Clarion
attained, and shall elect au additionul
judge next November. The bill further
provides that tho Governor shall ap
point a judge, who shall serve until
January, 1HIMI, und that when the term
of office of tho present judge has ex
pired, then the district shall havo but
ono Judge. This is the arrangement the
Governor desires. He thinks it would
lot us out of our present difficulties
without increasing the number of judi
cial districts, to which he is opposed.
Should the bill pass la this shape it
. would ba oertuln to receive his signa
ture, while an arrangement that would
leave Clarion, with only 30,000 popula
tion, a separate district might not
receive his sanction. If the population
of the two counties continues to increase
provision can be mode (or a new judge
before the term of the present judge
. expires, and we need bo put to no
In the West ReynoMsvllle Public Schools
Following Is a list of the books donat
ed to the 'School Library" with tho
name of the donor:
"Hen Hnr," W. C. Henry; "Miseries
of 1'arls," Mrs. Krances K. Campbell;
"Moore's l'oems," Mrs. W. C. Gibson;
"The Ancient. Lowly," Alex. Dunsmore!
"Sehottish Chiefs," Wm. Hhobert;
"Daniel Hihine," "Irving's Sketch
Hook." "Life and Public Services of
Lincoln." W. H. Stiinffer; "Mrs. Drown
ing' Poems." Kttn Sykes; "Milton's
Poems," Mrs. (. V. Hykes; Proctor's
Poems." A. D. Weed; "Scndder's Pri
mary and Advanced United States
Histories." Joseph Hunter; "Data of
Kthlcs." "Captnins of the Grent Roman
Republic," "Whlttlcr's Poems." T. D.
Mitchell: "Tennyson's Poems," Mrs.
Martha Ross: "Dream Life." Smile Hro
sheer; "Hume's History of Kngland 1st,
2nd and ilrii vol's," "Seneca's Morals,"
Hessie Mitchell: "(1000 Tons of Gold,"
Arthur Utter; "Past and Present,"
Myrtle M. Ross: "Heroes und Hero
Worship," Mrs. W. S. Ross; "Byron's
Poems," Miss Kate Doverspike: "Life
of Sherman," John Orr; "Scenes from
Kvery Land," "Anderson's Fairy Tales,"
"Pilgrims Progress." "Captains of tho
Old World." Lex. N. Mitchell; "Cele
brated Generals." Conrad Mendel;
"Grant's Tour Around tho World,"
Mrs. Margaret Hollinger; "History of
Norway, Sweden and Denmark." Con
rad Mendel; 'Goldsmith's Works." Liz
zie Koehler; "-0,000 Leagues Under tho
Sen," "Tom Itrown at Oxford," Harry
Herpol: "Tapper's Poems." Mrs. C. P.
Koornor; "Tennyson's Poems." "Scott's
Poems." John Waite: "Last Days of
Pompeii." Diirhnrn Waite; "Oliver
Twist," Mattie Waite; "Tom Rrown's
School Days." Karl Dempscy: "Life of
Kit Carson." Fretl Dempsey: "Prince of
India." 2 vol's, II. Alex. Stoke; "Waver
ly," Fred Stauffer; "A Tale of Two
Cities." Mrs. Chas. Herpcl: "Whlttlcr's
Poems," Mrs.M.K. Weed;" Wordsworth's
Works." Mrs. J. C. MeF.nttre; "Hums'
Poems," Joseph McKernan: "World's
Kncyclopeditt,'' Mrs. Alex. Best; "Scot
tish Chiefs," Master Arden Weed;
"Tom Drown at Rugby," Lizzie Dur
rls; "Tour of tho World In 80 Days,"
Mrs. Wm. Durge; "Kossuth and His
Generals," Mary Johnson: "McClelland's
Own Story," H. L. Hoke: "Milton's
Poems," Mrs. G. M. Davis; "Gems from
Poets," Mrs. M. L. Moore; "A Cloud of
Witnesses," Mrs. S. H. Hall: "First
Stops in Sclent itlc Knowledge," Rev. II.
R. Johnson; "Byron's Piwms: "Kmer-
son's Essays," Jennio White; "Lticile,"
Mrs. Samuel Sutter; "Goldsmith's
Poems," Jennio McCready: "Irving's
Sketch Book." Mr. and Mrs. J. D.
Woodring: "Lifo und Voyages of Col
umbus," M. C. Phnlen: "Good Morals
and Gentle Manners," O. O. Williams;
"Pilgrim's Progress," Mrs. G. G. Wil
liams; "Two Hundred Years Before tho
Mast," J. T. Guthrie; "Linn's Poems,"
Minnto Kbenthauser; "Hume's History
of Kngland," 4th, 5th and 0th vol's,
"Washington and His Generals," vol.
1, Maggie Butler: "Washington and
His Generals." vol. 2, Britta Butler;
"Napoleon and His Marshalls," vol. 1st,
Prof. T. R. Hillard; "Naixileon and His
Marshalls," vol. 2nd, Prof. A. J. Pos
tlothwaite; "History of U. 8.," John
Bartlo; "Scott's Poems," Mrs. Henry
Tho toachers and pupils are very
thankful to all who contributed to their
store of learning.
Tea Salesman A good reliable man
to sell teas, coffees, spices and baking
powder to families in Reynoldiivllle and
vicinity. Bond required. For terms
address, Grand Union Tea Co.,
M7 Markot St., Pittsburg, Pa.
Room No. 3.
Average grado of each pupil for
monthly examination ending Feb. 11th:
A Grade: Olive Reynolds Oil, Viola Mc-
Gaw 0!, Lizzie Bolger 100, Laura Bren
nan l0, Ronnie Gibson 17, Maurice
Flynn i7, Thos. Degnan 8, Eva Womor
!M, Elsie Ross 00, Alfred Dellart 08,
Sadie Ford DO, Nottio Addlesperger (Ml,
Jennie Hasklngs 87, Fivd Barto 110. B
Grade: Lizzie Shughrow 100, Julia
Flynn 100, Willio Bronnun 87, George
White 00, Churles King 100, Harry Me
Entiro 00, Ameliu Morrow 100, Iferthu
Marliull 100, Albert Sutter 00, Hattio
Sehultzo 100, Agnes Kcarns 100, Annie
Rhoden 00, Eujreno Black 100, Albort
Geisler 00, Ethel Lofts 100, Kittle Low
ther 100, Lizzie Hunter 00, Lizzie Mo
Pherson 90. Mabel ITctrlck 100, Mabel
Foust 00, Mary Ross 00, Agnos Robert
son 00, Jessie Robertson 100, Sadie
Tralnor 08, Foster Whitmoro 100, Jos,
Mulr 00, Ktta Booth 00, Maggie Evans
100, Chas. Lord 100, Leon Ferris, 05,
Geo. Heekman, 07, George Boh re n 100,
George Farrell 04, Will Kline 91.
B. G. W(X)l)VARU, Teacher.
Shiloh's cufe, tho grout cough and
croup cure, is in great demand. Pocket
size contutns twenty-five doses, only 25o,
Children love It. Sold by J. C. King
&. Co.
Salesmen wanted to sell Non-Nicotine
Midget cigars. Samples free. Salary
or oouimisslon. Good side line. Address,
Landis & Co., Shlppensburg, Peno'i
At King & Co. 's you will find baled
bay, salt, Sour and full Una of general
Figs and Thistles.
Ram's llornl
Trouble runs to meet those who go
out to borrow It.
The deyll watches the feet. God sees
only tho heart.
Wrong doing of every kind has in It
the seed of murder.
Some of the devil's lest work is done
by careless people.
Tho devil keeps close to the man who
gets mad quick.
Ono step toward God will put tho
devil behind your back.
Tho man who bends ono of tho com
mandments breaks them all.
A lie is always a few shades blacker
than the sin it tries to hide.
No man gets religion right unless it
makes a big change In his life.
Men who serve God only when they
feel llko it nevor do a full day's work.
Every stono thrown at a good man
hero adds a jewel to his crown In
The devil has no special anxiety
about tho man who Is well pleased with
Tho devil likes to hang around a man
who never says no as though ho meant
It doesn't pay to bo a wobbler In busi
ness, and it is just as foolish in religion.
Faith without works is not worth any
more than a watch in the same condi
tion. It is poor policy to hlro a man to
watch a bank who believes that stealing
.thickens is right.
There are men so small that when
they give a quarter for tho henthen
they think God ought give them a big
wheat crop.
Resolutions of Respect.
At a regular stated meeting of Rath-
mel Shining Light Lodge No. 37, A. P.
L. A., the following resolutions wore
WlIKHKAS. It has pleased God in
His all wise providence to remove from
our midst our beloved sister, Klla Duns-
more (District Deputy), therefore be it
Hritnhvrt. I hat whllo we bow In hum
ble submission to His divine will, we
fully recognize and mourn tho loss of one
whom wo esteemed and loved.
cnlir(l. That wo extend our heart
felt sympathy to tho bereaved family
and as a tribute of respect we
jdnnire, 10 1: ratio too charter lor a
period of three months and have tho
foregoing published in the STAR.
llesortfully submitted,
W. M., Alice Stewart, 1
P. M., Susie Marshall, Com.
P. M., Alice Guiney, )
Captain Sweeney, U. S. A., San Dio-
go, Cal Bays: "Shiloh's Catarrh Rem
edy is tho first medicine I have ever
found that will do mo any good." Price
50c. Sold by J. C. King & Co.
Advertise in The Star.
Remember that
are good cycles and the world
Special No. 1 Koadster, weight 27 TT.s., H85.uu; JNo. a
Full Roadnter, weight 25 lTs., 100.00; Model
No. 3 Light Roadeter, weight 22 ttB.,
$100.00; Model No. 4 Ariel Racer,
weight 18 to 20 fra., $125.
In addition to the above, I am agent for the Celebrated
Line of Bicycles, comprising
in price from
For One Year.
The only Complete Line of
Sporting and Outing (ioods to be touna in tne town.
Two for One.
We are making a special offer to each
of our readers paying a year's subscrip
tion to the Star in advance, and to all
new subscribers paying in advance, we
will give them th? best local paper in
JelTorson county and will give them
free, either thn HVninJb'ii(f or Amrrt
run Fttrmrr, for ono year. The two
palters nliove mentioned are excellent
monthly papers and tho subscription
price of eacli Is 50c. a year. Tills offer
Is made only to thoso In Pennsylvania.
Wanted! Every smoker to send us
seven two-cent stamps to help pay post
age, packing, Ac, and we will mail a
box of Non-Nleotlne Midget cigars, only
ono box to one address. Address,
Landis & Co., Shlppensburg, Pa.
Karl's Clover Root will purify your
blood, clear your complexion, regulate
your bowels and muko your head clear
as a bell. 25c, 50c. and $1.00. Sold by
J. C. King & Co.
Cash is the motto. Closer prollts and
cheawr goods to tho consumer. It is
an absolute necessity to ourselves and
the town, as many are going away for
their goods. For prices call and see
our goods. Kixu & Co.
Ladies', misses', hoys' and children's
rubbers at Robinson's.
For Salo Tho Wm. Barclay property
situated between Preseottvillo and
Rathmel. For particulars Inquire of
L. A. Hays, Rathmel, Pa.
Ariel, Ariel, Ariel, Ariel.
Notice Is hereby Blvpn thnt letters of nil
niiiilstnitioii on the t'stttip of Meitjiinilti Viilm,
lute of lli'iidersoii township, .tefTei-son county,
I'll., deeeiisril, have Int'n urnnlecl to the iin
flelltrneil, to whom nil net-sons Indebted to
sntil I'stiite lire re,itestpil to make imytm-nt,
iiikI Ihoif hiivlntf claims or ilemtiiius will
nmke known the sinne without ilelnv.
II. W. Yens, Administrator.
IVhriinrv 2:iil, two.
For $1.75.
Beautiful Half Tone
,engravings 2x."l Ins.
or ai.iii. You can
print hundreds of thousands on any
printing press. Send photo and tl. 75 and
receive the out. Sample free. Address
Jefferson Jackson,
415 Dearborn Street, Chicago.
VOTK'E-In the Court of Common Pleas of
A' JelTerson County, I'enn's.
In the Vntterof the Ills-I
solution of The Keyn-NaS May Term.'W.
oldsvlllv Conl Company )
Notice Is hereby Riven Unit The Reynolds
vllleCotil Company tiled Its petition In tho
Court of Common iMeiis of .lelTerHon County,
on the eleventh day of February, IsM, prny
Iiik for b decree of dissolution, and that t lie
Court hits Hxed the eleventh ilny of March,
IWV nt 'j.nn o'clock p. M., for hearing snld np
plli'Htlon for dissolution, when find where all
Imtsoiis Inleresled can attend If they deem It
expedient, and show enuse tiimlitst. tho Krant
I11K of the prayer of said iet It loner.
Kraxk I'lKl.DINd,
Mkaxs A Ci.aiik,
Solicitors for Petitioners.
MM '
does not produce a better,
nine different styles, ranging
$20 to $80.
' Free!
Base Balls, Bats, Gloves, Masks,
Druggist, Bookseller and Stationer.
Dry Goods
The Place to Get
lannel Dress Goods.
)ress Patterns.
36-in. All-wool Henriettas,
Our Black Goods are fine and
before buying Elsewhere. A new line of
Sprino Dress Ginotiams,
legular price 10 cents, we sell
going last. JNine tourths
yard. Four-fourths
Special Bargains!
of every description, which is
utely up to the Highest Standard in every detail of manu-
acture and hnish than can be
Tills in lipnrimmrtpra tYii
plete line in town. All the
our unequaled qualities.
Our Fall and Winter Underwear is complete in every
We are now making
Suits to Measure
Remember we do not send your measure off to some ready-
made house and get a hand - me
and put it on to you. We make these suits in our ehop at
11TE wish to Call the attention of the citizens of Reynolds
U ville and surrounding country that we are now
to be found in Western Pennsylvania, Btocked with New
i resh Goods, bought for Spot Cash and to be sold at the
Lowest Cash Prices!
Our Stock Comprises the Following
Lines of Goods:
Henriettas, Cashmeres, Complete Line of Novelties, newest
shades. See our line of Wash Ginghams, Irish
Lawns, Duckings, Fancy Lawns, Full and Complete
Line of Outings, Crimpalines, full line shades, Table
Linens (see them and you will be surprised at the low
prices), Napkins, Sheetings, Pillow Casings, Lace Cur
tains, Lambrequins, Portiers, Embroidery, Laces,
Corsets, Ladies' Summer Vests, full line of Ladies'
Muslin Underwear, Ladies' Tea Gowns, Silks for
Waists a specialty, and hundreds of other Specialties
which we can show you by giving us a call.
In the Shoe Line
You will be surprised at our immense line and the pretty
styles of our Ladies' Shoes. We will defy any one to
produce the same goods at the low price which we give
them to you. Our line of
Mens,' Boys' and Youth's Clothing
Is large. We can fit you to perfection, and prices lower for
New, Clean Goods that other merchants will ask you
on goods that have been stored and thrown around for
several Beasons, worn with age. You can't write the
Declaration of our Independence in the dust in our
A. Deemer & Co.,
I Arnold Block.
and Notions!
Goods Cheap.
former price 50c, now 35c.
$6.50, " $5.00
" 75c, 50c
cheap. Come and see them
them at 6 cents. They are
Brown Sheeting 15c. per
Brown Muslin 5c.
superior in make and abso-
found at any house in the
"CTT A. T'C! Tim mrut nnm.
prevailing styles and shades in
at $17 and $18 !
- down nearest your measure
Ritnoldsviluc, Pa,
General S