Could Not Walk Rheumatism in Ilips & Back Eyesight Affected but Hood's 8ar saparllla Cure All. I was troubled with pains n my bnelt tnl hips. My eyos swolloj 0 thnt t eonl.l rot nee for two or three days at ft time. I became so I eouhl not wnlk at tlmo. The theumntlsm hud sneh n hold on me I or-r exported t.l pet well. At Inst I deehlel to try Hood's Bnrsn- iJ pirllln. The first J.'hottlo helnerl mr appetite find bo- Mrs. .Morion A. Hum. ,or" 'roa l Went Oar.tner, Mum w,ls n" Rono my Mick win n Kri-nt deal better nnd the pnlns nd left my hips. I have now taken over Ive bottles nni I am ns wull an i u Free From Rheumatism ii If I ha 1 never been nfllletol with It. I ih:ill coutinue to uj Ilood's Bnratipnrlll.i HoodVsCures lor I believe I owe try lis osV 11ns. U. A. Bcrns, West Gnrdner, M:iss. llond'n I'lllNCUrcnll I. tit Hid, MIlouftneM. Jauo Ike. In-Iiaestlot. ilck nea I Ache. SO ceot. The Greatest Hedical Discovery of the Age. KENNEDY'S Medical Discovery, DONALD KENNEDY, OF RCXQURY, MASS., Hns lleovered In one ot our common pnsture wd a remoily that eures every kltitlc. Humor, from tho worst ticrofula down to a common pimple. He hns tried It In over eleven hnndred eases, and never fulled e.teept In twoensos (loth tliiindnr humor), lie has now In Ills possessing over two hundred cortili eates of Its vnluo. all within twenty mile ol Boston. B'tiil postal card for book. A benefit Is nlwnys experienced from the first bottle.aml aperfect cure Is warranted when the riitht qunntlty is tnkon. When the luni? nro affceted It ennsea shoot In if pains, like nceilles passing through them ; the same with the Liver or Bowels. This is eausej by the duets being stopped, and always disappears In a week after taking It Hand the luboL If tho stomai'li la foul or bilious It will cause squeamish feelings at llrst No change of diet evor necessary. Eat the best you can (ft. and enough of it. Dose, on tnblcspoonful In wutor at bed? time, bold by all Druggist. QTsPTT Well OJLvjlV People JTST SICK ENOTT.n TO FEETj TIRKD AND LISTLESS, TO HAVB 0 APPETITE, TO 8LREP BAD IT. TO IIAVE WHAT YOU EAT FEEL LIKE LEAD IN TOD It STOMACH. NOT SICK ENOUGH TO OO TO BED, OH HAVE A DOCTOR, BUT REALLY, LIFE Ii HAKDLY WOItTH LIVING. Bipans Tabules WILL MAKE IT SO. TIIEY ARB GOOD FOR INDIGESTION. HEARTBURN, NAUSEA. DYS PEPSIA. CONSTIPATION, SICK OR BILIOUS HEADACHE. One Gives Relief W.l. Douglas . CORDOVAN, rBIXCHktWltriLCO CALF. 4P3PJ? FlilC CalfIKahoamj. 3.QPP01ICE.S SOLES. -EXTRA PINf ,!. LASIES- zrta run URTSLnau": Dr-ocirroiLi-uiSJ. Crver On JtUUIeo People wear ths W. L. Delias $3 & $4 Shoes All our shoes are equally satisfactory They give the best value tar the money. They equal custom shout In style and IIU Tnslr wearing qualities are unsurpassed. Tha arte- art. unltortn.aMfltamDed on anlaV Prom Si to f 3 saved over other makes. U your aeaiu cannot supply you we an. (1st rAlLa. nt Cuuilta byrup. Tan 'arnue liuud. Use I Bold by onisiM-l- 5 itfV For Twenty Years Scott's Emulsion has been endorsed by physicians of the whole world. There is no secret about its Ingredients. Physicians prescribe Scotfe Emulsion because they know what great nourishing and curative prop erties it contains They know it is what it is represented to bo ; namely, a perfeot emulsion of the best Norway Cod liver Oil with tho hypophosphites of lime and soda. For Coughs, Golds, Bore Throat, Bronchitis, Weak Longs, Consump tion, Borofuk, Anaemia, Weak Babies, Thin Children, Eiokets, Mar asmus, Loss of rieah, General Debility, and all conditions of Wasting' The only genuine Scott's Emulsion is put in talma tolortd wrapper. Refuse inferior substitutes 1 Smi 'or pampkUt t Scott 't Emulsion. FREE. Scott A (owns, N. Y. All Druggist. BO cent and SI. nrpresslng a Ntiisance. Street bands ore not permitted la Gcrninny unless they accompany pro cessions. Cong-re Cnnt llo It. There j (renernl hoponndbellnfthrongh ont the country tlmt Congress will do some thing finally for tho distress nn 1 suffering of so many hapless people. It Is to bs hope! tmslness will start up an 1 glvs employment to thoiisnnds. ftnt there are certain kinds of suffering whleh Congn-ss can do nothing to relieve. Thore is pain and misery always which no legislation can cure. Jint think of men crippled lor life with tho tortures ol Millies. Anil sueh should know thnt St. Jneohe Oil Is a eertoln euro, whleh can bo brought al om promptly without any aid from Congress. Fourteen hothouso strnwberrles cost f 3 In Nuw Vork. 8100 Itewerd. B10O, The readers nf this rsper will he pleased" te lenrn thnt there Is nt li a-t onedn'Silfd disease thnt. ecli-nrc liss been Able to cure In nil Its stiiires. nnd that Is rntarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure 1 the only po-ltlve rure now known to the mi'illrnl fraternity. Catarrh being aeon stlttitlonul Ul", requires ft constitiitiotisl treatment. Hall's Catnrrh Cure Is taken In ternnlly, aeting dirretly upon the blood and mui'ous siirl'v ea or tho syMem, thereby de stroying the fnundntion of the. rlt-.-e, and lfi ing the patient nrviiKth by hiilMing up the const It ut Inn and awlstiiig nature In doing its work. The proprietors have eo much faith In Its I'urntlve powers thnt they offer One Hun dred Dollars for any ca-e that It fulls to cure, bend fur listot te-tlmnnlnls. Address . ... F.J.CHKNi:r A Co., Toledo, X Bold by Uruftfists, ic An Important llrrerenee. To make It ntipnrent to tlionsnnds, who think themeelvea 111, that they nro not affected with any disease, but thnt the system simply needs clcnnsltw. Is to bring comfort homo to their hejirte, as a costive condition Is easily cured by using Syrup of Flifs. Manufactured by the California Fig Syrup Co. Europo Is less than one-fourth tho size of Asia. Black Hinge tinder the eyes and a sallow complexion show tjllloii-nc-s. Thl- l one of the most diMureo aide uf siumacli disorders nnd If nlluwvd to Ii.ivc iti owu way will result In gie:t harm, t ui-e billoti-ni'itN at once hv u-iug Hiuuns Tub ules. One tnbulc gles liflut. Canada Is a little larger than tho Uuilo J Wales. fir. Kilmer's Swamp-Hoiit cures all Kidney and Hlndder troubles. J'litnphlet nnd fntiMiltntion tree, libnratoi-y hiughaiiipioii, N.Y. Asia Is the largest continent, 16,000,000 square miles. Karl's Clover Montthe great blood purifier, givi freshness ami elenrueee to the complex ion and cures eonntipatlnn. iUcts. iUcls. SI. Portuguese Africa la as large as Moxico and Texas. If afflicted with sore eyes use Pr. Isaac Thomp t on's Eye-water. bruKglsls sell at -Ac per bottle Every city of any size la this country has some sort of rapid transit. Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Hyrup for children teething, softens the gums, reduces lut'lama tkm, ulutys pain, cures wind colic. j c. a bottle Tlso's Cure Is a wnniterfiil Cough medicine. Mas. W. Pii'KEht, Van Helen ami Blake Aves., BruuWyu, New Vork. October k'i, 1MH. U rays. " Thjj trrltlng of "popular sodrs" Is more profitable la this country than In an? other. ON THE ROAD to recovery, the young woman who is taking Doctor Pierce's Favorite Pre scription. In maidenhood, wo manhood, wife hood and moth erhood the " Pre scription " is a supporting tonic ana nervine that's peculiarly adapted to her needs, regulating, strengthening and cur ing the derangements of the sex. Whv is it so many women owe their beauty to Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription? Because beauty of form and face radiate from the common center health. The best bodily condition results from good food, fresh air and exercise coupled with the judicious use of the "Prescription." If there be headache, pain in the back, bearing-down sensations, or general de bility, or if there be nervoua disturbance, nervous prostration, nnd sleeplessness, the " Prescription " reaches the origin of the trouble and corrects it. It dispels aches and pains, corrects displacements nnd cures catarrhal inflammation of the lining mem branes, falling of the womb, ulceration, ir regularities mid kindred maladies. " FALLINQ OF WOMB." Mrs. Frank Cam- FtKi.r, al East Dickin son, franklin Co.. N. y., writes : " I deem it my duty to express my deep, heart-felt grati tude to you for having been the means, under Providence, of restor ing me to health, for I have been by spells un able to walk. My troubles were of the womb inflammatory , and bearing-down sen-' sations and the doctors all said, they could not Twelve bottles of Dr. MRS. CAMFIKLD. Pierce's wonderful Favorite Prescription baa cured me." PN C6 1 wff 'I? I OUR INDUSTRIAL REVIEW. WAGES CUT AT CAMBRIA. A Seduction of Forty Per Cent on Ton nage Hands. On Friday, February 1, n reduction ol 40 per cent, on tonnngo minds of tho Cambria Iron Onmpnny, of Jobuston, Pa., was made. Tho hundreds of employes atTeotod are vigor ously protesting, but without effect. The day hands are also affected by tho now sched ule of prices and will receive in many Instan ces as low as 80 nnd 00 cents. Tnx nnooKLYX strikk. Every trolley line in the olty ol Brooklyn was in operation Wednesday morning except one. Tnnt was tho Third avenue Hue, to Port Hamilton. Tne strikers eut the wires of that lino nt Hay Kldgu ilnrlng the night and curs could not be run until linemen made tho repairs. Wires were eut In nine plnees In all Tuesday night, but were quickly put III shape by the companies. The strike Is over. New motortnon aud conductors baveroplneed the men who went out In n body on Juuuury 14. The linemen who went out on a sympa thetic strike a week later bare broken ranks on several lines nnd those whose places had not been filled were taken back. MIXES CI-OSr.D lKDr.rlMITRLT. A telegram from Martin's Ferry, O., says The prices for mining have been eut to 05 cents n ton nnd the men bnve struck, de manding the rule ot CO cents, bl-weekly ray days ami Wio privilege of buying where they please. The strikers are not provided for, having bad but llltlo work the past six months. Thn Indications are that the strike or lock out at tho tin plate plnuts will soon be a thing of the past. One by one the works where the Amalgamated scale was refused, are being prevailed upon to accept the wage 'heiluln ot tbo organization, and thero are many reasons for believing that tho other plants will Ins working nt Amalgamated rates in a very short time. The latest concern to ligu the scale is the Etnn Htandnrd, of Bridge port, O. President M, M. tiarlnnd has been uojotlatlng with the management of this plant tor some time, and wont out there Tues day, his visit culminating In the desired re mit. Mr. (iurland says the works will be got In readiness tor resumption nt once, and tovend ot the sheet mills will be changed Into tin mills. The plant will start by the latter part of the week, or the early part of next week. Tho Financial Chronicle takes s rather hopeful view of the Iron trade. It finds that in spite of tho fact that fewer miles of rail road track wore laid during 1394 than In auy year since the civil war, yet the consumption of Iron was abeut seven million tons, nnd reasons that the use of Irou nnd steel in other directions has been stimulated by the low prices. These prices, It thinks, are the' only unfavorable feature ol tho market, but when tbo railroads begin to require iron once more s substantial revival ot the trade Is reason ably cortnin. Manager Greer, of the New Castle, Pa., Tin Mills, positively denies the story that a 50 percent reduction la wages has or is to take place in his mills. The will Is now ruunlug full In all departments. The puddiers ot New Castle have decided that they will not accept a reduction and win uui worn lor loss man ch per ton. The Quarrymen In tho Tonrson limestone quarry, a mile north of New Castlo, Pa., struck. Tbey have been receiving U oents per ton for limestone loaded on the curs, but they must furnish their own powdor for blast ing, i ne strike is tor tne purpose oi compell ing the oompnny to buy the powdor. About 2b) men are affected by the strike. The Buckeye Glass Company at Martins Ferry, 0.. had 12 shops of uon-unloo men at work Tuesday on patio mold ware, and the management reports that they got out a fair days work. The strikers are still on guard, and non-unloa men are compslloi to keep their quarters In the factery. It Is announced thnt unless there Is a bet tor dotnund for rubber goods, sevcrut factor ies in the east, controlled by the rubbor trust, will bavo to close down. The factories em ploy about 20,000 persons, nearly ball of whom are women. The tobacco growers of New England bavo decided that the dealers who buy tbclr crops have been making too much money and have organized nn exebuugo for selliug at auction Id New York. The Pittsburg minors' officials propose to publish a uewspnper orgau as a measure for holding the meu together. A building for headquarters will be rented with that end in view. Commonwealor Coxny has beed sued In Cleveland for 6S,4U4 by tlnunon A Frawley. It la alleged that Coxey gave bis uotos In pay ment for a restaurant, aud uover honored them. Labor got one representative out ot nine on the bond eommisslou. How Ttwy Do It In Holland. A correspondent says tbht tho good citizens of Kcmpen In Holland, where Thomas a Kcmpls was born, do some droll things. At ono tlmo a Ore broke out and much damage was done because the engines were out of repair. Tht council met, and after some ar gument It . was voted that on tlie eve preceding every fire the town ofllcers should carefully examine the engines, pumps, etc. One of the greatest profits of the town was tht toll exacted at the gates. . The council wlnlud to increase the Income, and, In stead of Increasing the toll, It voted tc tUmble the number of gates. This sam council also ordered the sundial to be taken from the court bouse common and placed under covc where It would be protected from the weather. But ol all the queer things that are told ot Kcmpen aud Its people, nothing Is sc absurd as this: Grass grew on the ton pf a very high tower, and the only way these droll Dutchmen could think of to get It off was to hoist a cow up and lei her eat It ' Classification. In a certain town In the north of Yorkshire a traveling American found an omnibus which carried first, second and third class passengers. As tho scats were ail alike the traveler was mystlflod, but not very long. Midway of the route the omnibus stopped at the foot of a long, steep bill, and the guard shouted: "Flrtit-cluus passengers, keep your seats. Socoud-cluus passengers, please peg out and walk. Three class uasseners, get out nnd push." 1'iow or Blood. Dr. Zaknarln, the late Csar's phy sician, has lately devised a new method of stanching the flow of blood. Bteara Is Injected Into the wound by a cathe ter for a minute or less. The patient, under chloroform, feels neither pain nor any evil effects from the steam. WORKED TO THE LIMIT. Bow the Boys Got Abend of nim oa Ten-Cent: Find. A mnn walking along Wrlghtwood avenue, Chicago, saw a bright dime ly l'ig on the sldewnlk. Uo picked It tip. Only a short distance nhend of him were two boys. He called to them: "Boys, did you loso anything?" They turned nround, and after looks ttiri at enclt other nnd then at the friend ly mnn they shook their heads. "Have you any money?" ho asked tliein. "I've got 03 cents," entd ono of them. "What kind of money Is It?" "I got a half dollar and three nicks.' "No dimes, eh?" "Xo, sir." "I Just picked tip a dmto tliorot, and 1 thought perhaps ouo of you might have droppeifut" He waited on to the corner. As be stood there waiting for a car ho felt a pull nt bis cont-tn.ll, and a smnll boy with a streaked face snld: "Mister, did you find a ten-cent ploce?" "Yes, I found one." "Well, I lost it, honest M4 Sent me for brend, nnd now she'll lick me." "Well, here's your dime." Tho boy grabbed It nnd ran. That evening when the mnn alighted from the enr at tho samo corner a boy with a derby bat too large for him halt ed b1m and asked: "Hay, mister, did you And a dime? Cause I lost ono on the way to the butcher's and I'll catch It when tho old man hoars nlwut It" "Look here, I gave that dlrus to an other boy. He said he was going to buy bread with It" "Ho wa9 sti-lngln' yon." "I don't know what that means, bill mnybe tho money belonged to you. Here's 10 cents." Next morning another boy, with the proud evidence of a hole ui bis pocket to back up his claim, met the honest man nt the front gate and asked for the dime. Tho man knew that some ono must have lost tho money, and as ho didn't want to overlook tho right boy, ha geve up another dune. That even ing two, more were lying In wait He handed them 10 cents apiece on condi tion that they should notify all the boys In the neighborhood that ho had been "worked" to tho limit Evert man who works schemed finally pulls bis own loft Speaking from her Experience, After years of practical use and a trial of many brands of baking pow der (some of whic& she recommended before becoming acquainted with the great qualities of the Royal), Marion Harland finds the Royal Baking Powder to be greatly superior to all similar prepara tions, and states that she uses it exclusively, and deems it an act of justice and a pleasure to recommend it unqualifiedly to American Housewives. The testimony of this gifted authority upon Household Economy coincides with that of millions of housekeepers, many of whom speak from knowledge obtained from a continuous use of Royal Baking Powder for a third of a century. ROVAL When You Want to Look on Use APOLIO The Turning ot tho Worm. There are some excellent people who make it a point to submit to annoy ances, but when they finally resist some imposition, they sometimes make spirited work of it A mild-mannered man of this class came excitedly to the proprietor of the hotel where ho was staying, and said: "Look here, landlord, I want my bill; I'm going away." "Why, what's the matter? Don't we treat you well?" "You treat me oU right, but I can'l stand that German musician in the next room." "Why, he plays tho clarionet very well, they say." "Maybe he does. I guess he playt too well. He played so well lust night, and so much, that I couldn't get o wink of sleep until after 1 o'clock. Then I dropped oil from sheer weari ness; and it seemed as if 1 hadn't more than got to sleep before I beard a loud pounding on the door. "Who's that?" says L " 'Dot's me, do man vot lcef in de nacht room. I play dot clarionet " 'Oh yes, you tlol' " 'Und I like dot you schnoro, off yon blease, all de time on dot same key You vos sometimes from B to U, und dot dishcort schpiles my tnooslc!" "I tell you," said the mild-mannered man. "I can't stand that!" FnU or Glory. "O, mamma," cried C-year-old Doro thy, "I'm Just as full of glory as I can be!" "What do you roeani" Inquired her mother, with natural surpriso. "Why-ee," said Dorothy, "there was it sunbeam right on my spoon, and 1 swallowed It with my oatmeal, mam mal" In ft cudio meter of limestone, Or Llgny found sea shells. Secretary Thnrber's Story. Mr. Cleveland trusts more to his pri vate secretary than he ever did, and more than any of his predecessors did. It Is the common thing to hear ono of ficial telling another what Mr. Tburher has Informed hint as to the President's probable action, nnd the forecast Is accepted as entitled to ns much weight as If the wqrda of tho President were being quoted. As to what Mr. Tbtirbcr thinks of his enlarged re sponsibilities, bis own way of answer ing Is very good. A Detroit friend wanted to know how lie was getting alone find whether he Imd been as successful In the office as he antici pated. "Well," snld Mr. Thtirber, "I think I may sny, as old Captain Terwllllgor of Detroit thnt I hovo bwn 'In a m ens ure' successful, old Captnln Terwllll ger was a well-known character In Detroit He was missed from his ac customed haunts for a time. When be turucd up ngalu somo o:ie asked huu where be bad been. Ho replied that be had engaged lu the mnuufneture of 'sassldge' In tho upper pnrt of the city, but was now out of the business. " 'Wunt was the matter?' asked the other. 'Weren't you successful V " 'In a measuro I may say 1 was suo cessful,' said the Captain. " 'Wlint do you mean by that? In sisted the other. -'Well.' snld Captain TerwIlUfcor, 'I put fl,200 Into tlint sassldge factory. At the end of six weeks I didn't have a dern cent but I know the saaoldge business.' " t In"l ninlw Democrat Oregon's Hold Dundlts. John W. Scliute, President of the First .National liimk oi llillsboro, Ore., was held up on a country road recently by four masked men. They took him to a clump of brush by tho roadside, nnd having hound him, secured the keys to the bank nnd compelled him to give then) tho combination to the vault Two of tho men started for tho bonk (vlillo the others remained on guard over Mr, Schuto. Tlio two mtm re turned and fluid they could not gut Into tho vault and that Mr. Schuto bad given them the wrong combination. Aftor jonsiderable parleying and many threats they started with Mr. Scliute (or town, but when the outskirts oi the town were reached tbey turned him loose and disappeared. There is evidence that the robbers bad been to the bank, but got nothing BAKINQ POWDER CO. i 10S WALL ST., NEW-YORK. the Bright Siu'a of Things, $1600 A YEAR MADE Br felling only tl bnoka a ilar or the bc.t book for builavs. mou, property owner., farmer., Ac. ever ( on. An nonv.t offer. A'lilrtw luimd beconvlncrii. n. rt. rC It ANTON & CO.. IMbllalHM, Uartfunl, Coua shorthand: Iostrartroa by fMtUHllolisS md, 4J. llAVKi, box lite. I'biluul'a, and ndvir as to DuU'litaullUy of Dvpntlon. Henri for Inventors Ouido, or bow to m a patuut. I'ATUlt'ri u'KaKHEU Wahuimutom, U.O A CENTS Wanted In Every Town to ault Jou lib ton a AuiuiuaMu u.tml cnt-b find ritorin AUdruim, l. 1. JOHNSTON, Newport, KhoUa lalnml. PNU6 '05 BEECHAM'S FILLS (Vegetable) What They Are For Biliousness dyspepsia tick headache bilious headache indigestion bad taste in the mouth foul breath loss of appetite when these conditions are caused by constipation; and. constipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.. One of the most important thing3 for everybody, to learn is that constipation causes more than half the sickness in the world, especially of women; and it can all be prevented. Go by the book, free at your drug gist's, or write B. F. Allen Co., 365 Canal Street, New York. Pills, 10c. and a5c, a box. Annual tales more than 6,000,000 boxes. A BRIGHT STAR. A KKF.TCIt OP TUB MAfT V ITrt t.K Mt ART ANDFR-SON TO FAME. Alse Plared Leading Rales With nSt Hnrrett nnd Thorns. (From th St. lotifi 0ronM.) Onn of the most conspicuous figures In th Rtogeland of Amcrloi to-dny Is John W. Nor ton. Born In the seventh ward of New Yortt City forty-a1 years ago, tho friends of hr youth were Thomas XV. Koene nnd Frnnlr Clmnfrnu. We find Reene a star at tho nga of 25 nnd Norton In the flower of early man hood the lending man for Edwin Booth nt the famous Winter Garden Theatre. n was starred with Lnwrcnoo Barrett onrlyla, the 70s, nnd alternate! the leading role with Charles Thome at the Variety Thentr In New Orleans. Early In tho Centennkil yonr, In Louisville, Norton mot our Mary Anderson, then a fair young girl whonsplrwl for stage lame, took her under his guldnne nnd, ns ovoryliody knows, led her to fntneu Mr. Norton Is now the proprietor of the) Omni Opera House la St. Louis, tbo Pa Qnnsne Theatre, Pittsburg, nnd one ofthe stockholders In tho American Extrnvagtinna Corrfpany. One afternoon e.irlv In June he hobbleil Into his New York Office on 1 Iron d whv nmt encountered his business mnnnger, oiiorg MeMnnus. who had also been a rheunialie suf ferer tor two years. Norton was snrprrvdl thnt MeMnnus bad discarded his eane. W hon oured yony he naked. "I cured myself." re plied MeMnnus, "irlth Dr. Williams' link Pill"." ' "I was encouraged by Mr. HeMiinns ram nnd as n hist resort tried the Pink Pills my self," snld Mr. Norton to a t'Aroni'ce te portcr. "You have known mo lor five yean und know how I have suffered. Why, ilnr lng tbo s immer of 1HIW I wus on my back at tho Mullnnphy Hospital, In this city, four weeks. I whs put on the old system of diet ing, with n view to clearing those nelilu'oue properties In my blood thnt modlonl theorists sny Is the cnusu nt my rheumatism. 1 left the Hospital Incllng stronger, but the first, damp weather brought with It those excrn elating pains In the legs and back. It was tho same old trouble. Alter sluing down for a stretch ol live minutes the pain scrowed my lege Into a knot when I arose, and I. hobbled im painfully ns ever. After I bat) taken my II ret box ol Pink 1'il's It struck me that the pulns wcxn less trouhuwomn. I tried another box, aud I began nlmn-t nn consciously to have Inllh In the Pink Pills. I Improved so rapidly tbat I could rise alter silting at my denk lor an hour nnd h twinges of rheumatism that accompanied my rising wero so mild that I senroely notions them. During the past two weeks we bnvei hud much raluy weather In HI. Louis, Pat the dampness has not had the slightest elToet In bringing I nek the rheumatism, whleh I consider a sufficient nnd reliable lest ol tbt ot Pink Pills. I may tils.) sny thnt the Fluk Pills have acted ns n tonle on my stomach, which I thought wus well ulgli de stroyed by the thousand aud one integer! remedies I consumed in the past lire yeura,' WALTER BAKER & CO. The Largest Manufacturers of . PURE, HIGH GRADE" COCOAS AND CHOCOLATES- On UiU Coatlaonls km roccirxl , HIGHEST AWARDS from th frtat Industrial and Fool. EXPOSITIONS !ln Europe and America:.' Tnlikc th Dutch l'wtii, art A tV tli a ot attirr ChcmlriiLi or Dvt ft ftf iisiit In nnv of tiir-lr nrvnu rstitrnsv . Thslrnll(?L..iift Ttltt.AKr'AfiT CllCOAls fthealutftiv pur ud soluble, svoa coU let than omc cent a Cttp. SOLO CY GROCtr.a IVERYWHlRt WALTIT BAKER A CO. DORCHESTER, MASS. SAW MILL V"U HALK ttootlaa new. wit aC iK'L't. lit y tool (or innuiiiacturlutc luutha aud laiU. Add rem, 11. II. Ca&tlor, llolaupiile, sallow skin pimples torpid liver depression of spirits 11 fJS r.ii 'l . SrUJLlLLfri