The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 30, 1895, Image 7

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At Every Twinge
Of Rheumatism you shiuld remember that
relief Is t hnnd In Hood's Sirsnpirill.
Hhr-nmntls-n Is ciusM bv lnrtlo aold In tha
blood, wliloh attli la fhs Joints. Ilood'l
Snrsnparllla purine the blool end romoves
this tnlnt. Thero'orn
Hood's Rimapirllla
euros Rhnamatlsm SBS sva,
when nil other romedies bavo fnllej. Qlvn
ft a frtlr trial.
" I sunVrod Intently with Rheumatism,
tint HooTs RnrsnpirlllA hiu perfectly cured
me." HnT F. Tirrun, tTtntnrvilln, O.
MOOft' f III 9 mi- thh.t luinlivcntlmrt'o
French rootnl CarJs.
A tinlrjtie Innovation of the postal
cnnl system will goon be adopted In
Frnnce. Instead of the cards being ep
nrnte, as they now ore, they will ba
Issued In the form of check boots with
stubs. A memorandum of the contents
of the card can bo entered on tho stub,
and the sender can bare this stamped
at the postofllee before the card Is
(letarhcd. so that a verified record of
the correDondence can be boot.
Must Not Dance.
The teachers of Junction City, Kan.
have been forbidden by the local edu
catlonal board to attend more than ont
dance Dor week.
Msny years ntro Dr. R. V. Tierce, chief
Consulting phvsicinn to the Invuiids' Hotel
and Surgrical Institute, BuiTulo. X. Y., com
pounded this medicine of vegetable ingredi
ents which had nn espvci.ll etYtct upon the
Momacli snd liver, rnusing the orirnns to
healthful activity at well as purifying and
enriching the blood. By Mich means the
stomnch and the nerves are supplied with
pure blood: they will nut do duty without it
any more than a locomotive can run with
out coal. Yon can not let a lasting cure of
Dyspepsia, or Indigestion, by taking arti
ficially digested foods or pepsin the stom
ach must do its own work in its own way.
Do not put votir nerves to sleep with so
called celery mixtures, it is better to go to
the seat of the difficulty and feed the nerve
cells on the food they require. Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Biliousness and Nervous Af
fections, such as sleeplessness and weak,
nervous feelings are completely cured by
the " Discovery." It puts on healthy flesh,
brings refreshing sleep and invigorates the
whole system.
Mrs. K. tlKMKF. of K. It S'irth ffllstrif ft.,
Chicago. 111.. wriisn: "1 regard my improve
ment as snnpiy
wonderful. htn:e
tskinr Dr. Pierre's
Goldvn Medical Dis
covery incomieclion
with his ' Flraonnt
Pellets X have ffsin
ed In every respect,
particularly in n-h
and ttreoffth. My
liver was uresdfully
enlarged anl 1 suf
fered irreailv from
dyspepsin. tfo phy
sician could give
Now. after two
months t am entire
ly relieved of my
disease. My appe
Mas. Hen.
tite is excellent :
food well dmiedi bowels regular and sleep
much improved."
AS A $
SHEET." ft
MANY people look Ilka "pale
death" from AW.T.MIA
poverty ot blood.
It's most often claused bv gen
eral debility from lack of Nutri
tion. A romerilal agent of undoubt
ed efB?ooy Is
They "put the bouss In orir'
by restoring the dlzoslivs luna
tions. Those who uss them ju
diciously art properly nourished '
ana soon
W.L, Douglas
fi : ? JjakR" IS THE BEST.
VWI CrBWUr-iTroa akin.
riHgnifMnf ii rn uu.
34.33? Fihe Calf MOusim
11 W 'b-DOUl
Oror 0a MUUoa Popl wear tb
W. L. Eouglas $3 & $1 Shoes
All our hoes art) equally satisfactory
They give the beet value tor the money.
They equal custom ahoaa In style and fit.
Thalr wearing qualities are unsurpassed,
the prtcee are tinltorra,--tampeg on sola
From Si to J j saved over other makes.
If your dealer cannot supply you we can.
Ao-en ta Wanted.
, Writ fur T.frin. Rt-nA i ctmti In IT
stamps for Uvi'ifome Vt.
Phonograph, Craphophono. Tbe
Carnegie Htenit'o. , tiaa purebused lid linusinnres;
the Weatlnghuuse Companies id flttsbnrg
Typewriter Wow! ht., Pittsburg, J' a.
Wsnled Hnts for Safety Odorless
Keltles. Tte be.l sruc-lf-in the msr-
ri s?7 him lor useut to iitttjte mobev wlllns
" I. If ne aviit report. In sold t)u ll .t
, VjT ji duyiui other & lu two day.; uuo her
set lor useut to otuite mobey Mtlllni
IrsirrrVl J. U. PAY a tO..UuiuuaU. 0.
1 ifer I
Electricity Superseding Stestr Eduoa
tton and Labor.
Tbo long and unceasing demands of tho
labor organisations of Pennsylvania for
legislation on labor questions give promise of
bearing ftult, as a number of bills have been
prepared for legislative enactment on. ques
tions In whloh the laboring peoplo of the
Rtnte and thn entire country nro lntnrestnd.
Education and labor soem to bo receiving the
llrst attention ol those who are framing Llhs.
1 he labor combine ot thn Pennsylvania home
agreed to cndirsi tbe William's bill for tho
iiruteetlon ol employes who belonged to la
bor organizations, and olso tho arbitration
bill preseuted by Mr. Ames, of tlcatlleld.
srrcnsKDixi steam.
It Is certain that Uio stenm railroads trill In
the nenr lutur bo comx.-lled to meet the now
conditions created by tno application of elec
tricity to car propulsion. The action of the
lvntisylvnuia Knilroad In deciding to substi
tute electricity lor steam en its branch be
tween Jiurllngton and Mount IMIy, In Nw
Jersey Is only one Indication of the change
now going on In the method ol operntiug
rnllronds. At leust two railroads nenr lloston
now run by steam will soon be equipped with
electricity, and tl the chungo proves prolltn
ble oilier lines will soou bu operated on tbe
nine plan. This Is said to bo tlio purpose of
tho Pennsylvania linllroa 1 also, the change
projected on tbe New Jersey branch lino being
iu tbe nature ol nn experiment.
noi.uxo jiills to ST.tnt CP.
The rolling mills of thn Juniata Iron con
pany, ol Uollidaysburg Pa., which have been
hut down (or the past six years have started
up under tho control of a company of Harrls
burg capalists. When running lull-handed
tho mills will employ about 3J0 men. The
ame company have also secured an option
lor the rurchaso ol the oro mines and furnace
ol the JIcKcea Onp Iron company. In this
county, which will lie operated iu connection
with the rolling mills.
a co-orinsTtvE simxo compakt.
A limited partnership, to be known as the
Elizabeth mining company, and to rnn for
four years, hns been formed on the co-opera-live
plan by Elizabeth, Pa., mliers to oper
ate floruer hobcrts's mine. Tho capital
lock Is iifl K). divided Into 100 shares ol
SSOeach. Following aro the oillcers: l'p'sl-d-nt.
William Wleget: trusurer. II E. Wy.
liot secretary, William Ollllngsluy, Jr.
ccttimo rows ronrrs.
Five hundred employes of the Union Ta
ctile Knilroad, mechanics and laborers in the
hops between Council Blurt and Cheyenno,
rot their time checks on the 2 1st. Master
Mechanic Manulag, ol the Nebraska division,
aid the amount of business does uot Justify
retaining the men. hut that they will bo taken
back as soon as it does.
Tbe Missouri Pacific Railroad has begun to
entrench also. Miuiy men wore laid off.
The subject of the ownership of homes and
property by tbn working classes is receiving
the attention of labor organizations and In
dividual worklngmen throughout tbo country,
and on overy side It Is conceded that the men
who have been prosperous to an extent that
they have boen aucoejts'ul In coming Into the
possession of homes ol their own are the best
The Buckeye Obits Works at Martin's
Ferry, scored one on the strikors Wednes
day night by smuggling In 80 men while
some onn was asleep. The union men bad
pickets out, but before they knew It the new
men were in the works. Other workmen are
expected shortly.
Thn co-operative experiment of the Atierl
can Flint flings Workers' association will be
wntched with much Interest. It is on a lar
ger scale than nas been attempted hereto.
lore in any co-oporattvo manuiacturing
Thn minors of the Munhnll Coal Company
Ta., will go to work. Two hundred men are
employed. At tbo time of the trouble over
the scale Mr. Munhnll, who was paying the
i'i.63 rate, o3ered to keep the mines running
and to pny whatever rate was ma le by up-the-rlvor
mims. This the men refused, and tbe
mine was shut down. A committee of the
miners was sent up thn river to Investigate
and reported that the BUher mine at Oravos
burg aud the Camden at Camden are work
ing at tbe $2.25 rate. The miners calloj a
meeting and doclded to goto work.
A profit of 500 per cent. In five years on
the original investment of the miners inter
ested In the co-operative store ntliuena Vista,
Ta., presents points of advantage over thn
pluek-me store system which the miners have
been battlinz against for years that should
not be wholly lo.-t on this class of toilers.
Tbo contrast between tbe two methods of
doing business will only serve to strengthen
the wide-spread opposition to the company
Tbe long-standing differences in the ranks
of the Knights of Labor now threaten a seri
ous outbreak In tbe order. At New Haven.
Conn., a largely attended meeting of the
Kniuhts voted to secede and form a separate
order. At Prorldonec, II. L, the national
nmcers were announced as unworthv of con
fldenee end members were urged not to pay
aues to laera.
Business will Vrlghten up considerable in
Vounsstown. O.. when the Inrjo steel nlmit
ot the Ohio company will start For two
yenrs tney nave been engaged In bulldlua
this mammoth concern, which represents an
outlay of more than $2,000,000. Tho plant
when running full, will employ nearly 1,000
Tbe employes of tbe Homestead steel planl
have formed a lodge ot tbe Amalgamated
Association, in spile of the opposition ot tb
Carnegie company. Tbe labor organization
mis noen witnoui representation at Home
stead sinoo tue strike in 18'JX
Tbe miners of tbe fourth pool. fPa..1 bavi
been reduced from (2.18 to $1.75 per hundred
Duiuma. i uo men win reseni mo out.
A Train Held Up.
The southbond Co lon Belt train was held
up by two maskeu men near McNeil, Ark.
Tbe robbers were rldiuu on the blind bur
gage car, and as the truiu was going through
a aeepcut, engineer urowiey saw tnein crawl
ing over tbe tuuder ol the engine. Before be
realized what was up, be was looking Into
tue muzzies oi a pair oi revolvers, ine rou-
bers marched min to tbe express car, In
charge of Messenger J. W. Massey. Massey
was covered by the bandits, as was also Con
ductor Harris. After ail Ineffectual attempt
to opeu the sate In the express ear, the bun
dlts compelled the messenger to sails! them.
The amount taken from tbe sufe Is estimated
at (25,000. It Is thought that members ol
tbe Cook gang No. 2, who were Implicated In
the recent train robbery near Ogumaw, and
released for want of proof, are tbe men who
niotnojoo. lit pasuengcr were not mo-
It Is said that ex-Secretary of Stat John
W. Foster Is to receive a fee of one hundred
thousand dollars for aoilug as advlsv to ths
Chines D9uoj ulaultmunanun at Tolrta.
Stonea and Srlcks Rain Down on the
Police and Mllltla.
The opening of the Myrtle avenue line
Wednesday was attended with tnoro disorder
than occurred at any other point. The street
was picketed for 15 blocks by company D,
ol the Seventh regiment. A crowd ot men
In front ol n Dush wick avenue saloon, who
Jeered tho cur, were dispersed by company
tl, Hevcnlh regiment. Every pedestrian on
Myrtle avenue during tbe day was required to
give an account or hlmsell or get off the
street. Windows along the Street were or
dered kept closed, and upon a refusal to obey
this order a bullet w as put Into tbe sash,
A crowd of striker? assnllod workmen who
were clearing tho Third avenue tracks nt
Fifty-second street. Troop A dispersed tho
crowd with their unsheathed sabers, but.
upon tbe mob returning, they were charged
Willi drawn tnue and put to nignt.
A disorderly crowd gathered ouce or twice
about thn Third avenue depot, and threw
some stone, and Jeered the inotormen, but
wcm soon dt4'rsed. Willi theseexeeptions,
there wore uo disorderly mobs during
the day Unit assumed serious proportions.
The lact that the Thirteenth reulment was
Wednesday eveulng retired from active duty.
Is believed to be Indicative of the begluulng
of the end.
Tbo climax of a number of demonstrations
and nets cl violence In Urookljn came In
Illcks street. In the afternoon, alien militia
men of the Thirteenth lteglment, escorting
a enr that advanced through Jeers and shouts
and showers ol mlestles, II red upon people
who refused to obey the order to close their
windows. A bullet struck and mortally
wounded Thomas Carney, at work upon tbe
root oi a nouse.
Tho tragedy aroused the people to renewed
acts of violencn, nn 1 a short time alter
wards a man leaned from a window and
fired a pistol point blank nt Maior l.ockriinn.
tho commander of tbo ttoops. Tbe bullet
struck and severed a trolley wire and so
missed Its aim ol ass issination.
Such la the Decision of Judre Osynor On
An Application for a Man la nits.
Tbe decision of JudgoOaynor, of Brooklyn,
on an application tor a mandamus to com
pel a Brooklyn strcot car company to perform
tho service for which it was chartered Is a ray
ol light on tho rolations of these companies
to tue pniiiio an J one ot tin most i:nportaut
legal decisions of lute years. Tbe d ay ol
the company the Ju lun says, Is to e trry pas
sengers, and it tnu.t perform the duty; If it
cautiot get labor at what It oil -rs to
pay, It must pay more; If its hours of
laoor are suca as to repei innor, more put
conditions most be adopted. As to tbo claim
of proventntlon by violence, the Ju lge snys it
Is tot mado out. with T.iiO i soldiers aud the
eirtiro police force ol the t protecting the
company. Tbe company's duty to run the
road Is paramount over thn question of waes
It pays tno men. it tne people were ruuulng
the roads, they would not lucommode them
selves, aud tho corporations are tbe servant?
of the eople. It l contemplated to vneate
the charters ot the companies and place them
In the bands of receivers. But these latter
points remain to be determined.
Tired of Walking Delegates.
At a meeting ot the Building Trades coun
ell in Ht. Louis, a radical constitution was
kdonted. One of the mo't important changes
made Is the abolition ot the otllce of walking
delegates. Tbe preamble boldly assorts that
strikes are unnatural and that boycotts are
un-American, and both methods which have
Deen passed Dy unions all over tne country
to Reserve tneir ouis, are aisoountennnoeii.
Arbitration is the method that will be em
ployed la sealing difHeulttes between em
ployes and employers in Ht. Louis hereafter.
Puts an Additional Damper on tha
Spirits of Business Men.
R. O. Dun A Co. say: Events have not
helped business this week. About $1,80.000
gold bas been withdrawn from tha Treasury,
mainly for export, and tha gold reserve bas
been reduced to about $53,000,000. Since
December , tbe Treasury has lost In S.I work'
ing days about $53,0 X,0ii0 gold, and daily In
creasing distrust Is liable to aftoet markets
Industries have not yet found sufficient de
mand for tholr products to prevent furtbor
decline In prices, and this week tbe average
tor all commodities has again touched tho
lowest point ever known, ine number ol
huods employed does not Increase, and a
strike bos cut off for more than week about
half the buMnoas ot Brooklyn, to some ex
tent affecting trade here. At bottom, busi
ness hositatvs because tbe future Is clouded
and the consuming demand has not Increas
ed In January, as was expected.
Heavy sales of wool, 6,507,150 pounds,
against 5.(101.350 two yours ago. are in part
the result of growing coutldence among
manufacturers tuat they will bo able to meet
loreign competition.
Wbeat was sold at the lowest point ever
known for tbe May option, and spot has do
ellned 4 oents for the week. Corn bas de
clined 2'iC. though receipts are shrinking.
Liquidation iu pork bos brought a sharp do-
oilue, Cottou barely escaped the lowest point
on record.
Failure this week havo been 303 in tha
Culled States, against 430 lost year, and 69
in canuao, against oo lost year.
Bradstreet's says: Heoial telegraphic and
mail advices from tbe more Important dis
tributing centers fall to relate uny marked
Improvement In the movement of merchan
dise and products, and tbe conoluslon Is
forced that tbe trade situation remains as
previously characterized by small volume,
low price, hand-to-moutb sales, and the out
look favoring a very conservative trade for
tome time to come. Gains in demand have
been noteworthy ouly ut Eastern woolen mills
tor men's wear fabrics.
Prices of staple articles support a tendency
toward improvement, there ueing ulne show
ing an advance, ten which ore linn at the
runge of a week ago, and live of Importance
wuieu are lower. Advances in quotations lor
petroleum, tin, and prospectively, lor Iron
ore, are due to these produuts buiug practl.
sally in tbe control of dealers or producers,
or both, bmuller receipt ol cattle, poultry
snd potutoes. due to severe wnather, have put
up prices. Other advances are tor wheat.
lord and turpentine. ooi. leather, bides.
lumber, suar, rosin, hogs, Bessemer pig and
tenl billets aud rolls are reported ttriuly
Australian Independence.
Word from Australia Is to tha affect thai
the federation spirit is still abroad in th
land, and that meetings favoring tha pollti
tlcaJ union ot the provlnoes and abolition ol
Hostile tarms are numerous and largely at
tended. It Is only a question ol a short time
until the confederation shall be consummat
ed, and after that a question of much shortei
time until the Australians cut loose from
England and set up a republlo ot theli
A Boyallat Plot.
W. A. Aldrloh, who came to Ban Francisco
from Houolulu as a stowaway on a sailing
vessel, says that a number of Iloyuiisu had
aonsplred to blow up tbe Government build
lugs, with President Dole, Cabinet, aud tbe
troops of tbe Itepublia, The plot was bo
truyed to the government by Claude Wettnore
a newspaper writer. Tue dyuuiuito tvus
uruugui uom aucouver.
Saans Pena Resigns.
Dr. Baens Pena. President of tbe Argentine
nepuDiic, sent in nis resignation to congress
luesday. rant body proeiuimed Honor Url
buru. the Vlee President, to be President ol
tbe Bepubllo. Dr. Baens PenaaMunied office
0B uciuoer lo law.
An Outline of tho Work In tha Senate
and Houss.
TrtmTr-sEcosD cat.
fiESATt. The death of Miss Mary Bteven
son, daughter of tha vino president, was feel
ingly referred to in the prayer oi I'm chaplain
ol the sennto at the oenlng. Mr Manderson.
Hep., lino., presented tne credentials ot joiin
L Thurston, elected as a United Htntcs sen
ator from Nebraska for the term beginning
March 4. With this routine preludo Mr.
I rve. of tno committee, on loreign ntinirs.
gave a dramatic turn to tha proceedings by
ottering a resolution expressing the profound
Indignation with which tho senate hoard ol
the ellorts to restore tho deposed quoen to
tne throne ot Ilawali and expressing it as the
sense of the senate that the United Htntcs
government should nt once dispatch war
ships to the Islands. Tho question was dis
cussed uutll the hour of 2 o'clock arrived and
as the senate had previously fixed the time
for hearing eulogies on the lata Hcnator
Vitnce, ol North Carolina, tne Hawaii reso
lution was laid aside. The tributes were
heartfelt and eloquent, addresses being bindo
ry Henatnrs itansom and jams, micrman,
Morrill, Gray, Blackburn, George, Call,
Chandler. Dubois and Bate.
As a fuither mark of respect to tho deceased
the senate at five o'clock adjourned.
Hesate The senate to-dny passed tho for
tification bill, carrying an appropriation ol
about (2,001.000 aud tno aeueieney dim, in
cluding tbe Income tax appropriation, was
dually agreed to as It came Irotu tho confer
ence ot the two houses. Mr. Hill made
another fruitless effort to amend the Income
tax provision, but bis proposition was voted
down 2(1 to l'J. (Senator (Juny Introduced a
bill to create a new Judicial district in Penn
sylvnnla to be known ns tho Northern Judicial
district. It Is to be composed of tho counties
ot Wayne. Pike and Monroo (In the present
Eastern district), and Husquehnnna, I-ack-awnuna,
Luzerne, Columbia, Northumber
land, Montour. Lycoming. Sullivan, Brad
ford. Potter, Tlogn, Wyomlng,Cllnton,Union,
Snyder, Center aud Camerou, now In the
Western district.
Hocse. The house to-dny passed seven
public building bills which authorized the con
struction of public buildings nt Chicago, to
cost $4. 000.0 JO t at Newport, Ky., $75,OOOs nt
Patterson, N. J., $200,000: at (south Omaha,
Neb., $100,000: at Fottsvllle. ra., $60,0(8, and
at Cumberland, Md., $75,000. Total $4,520.
000. Tbe appropriating clause lu each bill
was striekeu out and tbn appropriations must
be In future sundry civil bills.
Besate. In the senate this morning, resol
utions ol thn Colorado legislature were pre
sented In relation to tbo Union and Contra!
Paclflo railroad com panics, protestlngngalnst
tho continuance ot the present receivers; urg
ing the appointment ol "an Impartial sole re
ceiver." aud that the roads to betaken pos
session ol and managed In the interest of the
House The Indian appropriation bill was
finally passed in the bouse to-dav. It car
ried 0,4'JI,820 when reportod, but as passed
the total was considerably augmented, one
amondment alone (to pay tbe llrst install,
meat for the purchase of the C'horokes out,
lutt B-fln .1 CIO I OA In fha n.n.nln.
hour Mr. Hiekles (Vem., N. Y.,) from the
committee on military affairs, had passed the
Din to cstntiiisn a national military park at
Gettysburg. Tbe bill provided lor acquiring
tbe 00 acres now owned by the Gettysburg
memorial association, and for thn actutr-
ment of other lands of tbe battle-field, and
their proper marking, commissioners.
it carried an appropriation ol eiuu.Ovu.
TBiBTi-rmn dat.
Berate. Senator Jones to-day Introduced
his financial bill, which was promised two
weeks ago. Tbe bill authorizes the secretnrs
ol the treasury to Issue S per cent. 30-year
oouus to tue amount qi 51K),UUU,00.
National banks are allowed to Issue notes up
to the fnt value of bonds deposited by them.
To retire notes they mutt deposit an equal
amount of gold coin; that neither tbe Treas
ury Department nor national banks s'mll
issue or koep In circulation any notes, other
than silver certificates of a leas denomination
than $10. The Hecretary of tbe Treasury
Is directed to redeem and cancel and not
reissue the United Htate and treasury notes
whenever and as fast as the aggregate cir
culation of United btates legal tender notes,
treasury notes, silver certificate) and national
bank notes shall be in oxoe of tho aggre
gate amount of these forms of paper money
In circulation at tbe date of tbo passage ol
thn act.
The Secretary of tho Treasury Is directed to
receive at any United Stat-e mint Irom any
citizen of the Unluid States silver bullion ol
standard fineness and coin It Into silver dol
lars of 412 1-2 grains each. Tbe selgnorage
on tho bullion Is to belong to the United
States, and Is to be tbe difference between
the coinage value and tho price of the bullion
in London on tho day the deposit I made.
Sesate. IHscusslon of tho Nicaragua
Canal bill wns coutlnued to-day. Thn Sen
ato confirmed tbo following nominations:
James D. Tillman, of Tennessee, to be min
ister of the Uuited States to Ecuador. Post
masters: Pennsylvania O.oar S. Marshall, at
Kittanning; Wm. It. Houser, at Chambers
burg; John J. Kiney, at Oallitzeu.
The House devoted all Its time to the eon
sJderation of tho sundry civil appropriation
Besate. Too bill pledging tha faith of tha
United States to do the coustruction of th
Nicaragua canal passed the senate to-day by
tbe decisive vote ol 31 yeas to 21 nays. Sen
ator Mills of Texas, addressed the senate on
tbe Hawaiian question and mado a vlgoroui
defense ot President Cleveland's policy, In
cidentally scoring tbe sugar trust as respon
sible for the revolution which secured thi
overthrow ot Queen Llliuokalant's govern
ment and which, be said, was now trying t
secure the powerful influence of thn Called
States government to Intervone in Uamiliat
affulr again on Us behalf.
The senate passed, by a vote of 24 to 22. a
resolution approving President Cleveland's
Hawaiian policy.
Tbe bill to repeal tbe tax of one-eighth of
a cent a pound on refined sugar - from
countries paying bounties wns taken up in
tbe house and Congressman Wilson made a
speech in Its favor,
Several Battled in Various Porta of
tba Country.
By Joint ballot In tbe North Carolina legis
lature, Marlon Butler (Populist), was elected
to suooeed Senator M. V. Itansom in the
United Btates senate. J. C Prltcbard (Re-
Subllcan), was elected by tbe same veto to
II out tho unexpired term of the lata Sen
ator Z. B. Vauce.
William J. Sewell (Rep.) was elected United
States senator for New Jersey to succeed
John 11 Mcpherson (Dem.).
Shelby M. Cullom received a majority of
votes In both bouses of tbe Illinois legislature
for Uuited States senator.
Lucieu Baker received a majority of votes
for Uuited Mutes senator for Kansas.
Erancl. E. Warren and Clarauce D. Clark,
both Republicans were elected to the United
States senate from Wyoming tor tbe long and
short term reflectively.
George C. Perkins, of California was
chosen Uuited Stutes senator to suooeed him
self. Horace Chilton was elected United Btates
senator to succeed Senator Coke, of Texas,
Isbutn G, Hurrls(Dam.) received a majority
of votes In both bouses of Tennessee for
United Btates senator.
Fbesidixt Job Mc3bios, of tha Federa
tion ol Labor, is sufTinn. Iro n cancer ol tha
tongue, bis tlis 'ne being similar to (lenerul
Grunt's fatal affllatlon.
To the Younger Cooks,
the beginners in the art of bread and
cake making, there is no aid so
great, no assistant so helpful, as the
Royal Baking Powder.
It is the perfect leavening agent
and makes perfect food. Do not
make a mistake by experimenting
with any other.
royal BKma mwoih m..
Ages of Itoyalty.
The King of Denmark Is 78, Quppi)
Victoria 75, the King of Sweibm (13,
tho Emperor (if Auytrla G tho King
of Ilt'lgium 00, the King of llotitnania
65, the Prince of Montenegro 53, and
the Sultnn of Turkey and tho King of
Italy each 50.
Rot .llnetii
Not mtrh to give, a cup of water, yot Its
draught of cool ru.'nsthment drnlnel by
fnvered Hps will seai more pleasurothrough
tho frnmo than wbon the Julco of wins re
news the Joys of brUrMcr dtvs i not much to
bny, a houlo of Bl. Jacobs Oil, yet rubbet
well on lurabazo's twMlmr pains, will
stralirbton up an 1 cure more crooked backs
than when the boys mnrch forth on holiday
parade. Not much to try It, any way t for In
all lis world-wide nf.aslon to comlort those
In pain, It never yet deceived, so tiar lis
name like household wor la Is known to bo
remembered. It's the extern il wine of Joy.
Arizona is almost exactly twice tbe sir of
Raw'e TMs t
TPs offer One Hundred Hollars Reward fni
anveruMof t'aiarrb Ciatoaunot be cured by
lull's t 'alarm Cur.
K. J.Cnunr.v A Co., Props., Toledo, O.
TV", the undersigned, nave Icnnwn F. J. Che
pry for the last 15 years, and liellove him tier
feclly tumoral ill In all business transactions
and flnAnc'allv able to carry out any obliga
tion made by their firm.
Wear At Tim ax. Wholesale Druoslata, Tolodo,
Waxdiso, RtvA9 A MAnvtM, Wholesale
I irmrelstv Toledo, Oh.ti.
Ita'l's ( ularrh Cure Is taken Internally, act.
bur directly ujion tbn blood and muonusniiv
faces of thftsy-tem. Price, 7'n, pr bottle, bold
by ail Druggist. Testimonials free.
The celebrated Iloquulort cheese Is made of
sboep milk.
With Emphasis
we say that Illpans Tulmles. the best and
rtmlnrd remedy Inr stouutch and liver
troublevwlll cure your lui.idu.'he or bilious at
lats. Due tubule ulves relW.
There are 103 applicants fer tbe Connetlout
.Labor Commissioner's position. ..
Dr. Klhiiers Pwamp-H4kt cures
all Kidney and liladiter troubles,
l'ampliict and coiumltatiou free.
Laboratory Illiighiuuptuu, N..
In 1"!3, there were 60,025 distilleries In
operation In the German Empire.
t could not get alona without IMso's Cure for
Consumption. It always cures Mrs. P. C.
Moi i.ion, .Noo.llmm, Man October CJ, 1MU.
There are steel billiard balls.
Sirs. Wlnslow's Pnothlna Syrup for children
teetblim, softens the Kuius, reducw Ijtflaniv
tion, allays pain, cure wind colic iBo. a bottle
London consumes 11 tons of salt daily.
Karl's Clover Root, the ureal blood purifier,
plvca freshuees anil elenrne to tbe ooniples
Ion aiul cure constiimtion. c4. fillet. 91.
ItnpUsel, Anji-1 J. Uulwi. Taw
Ids ,LINF.SE"sreth Best and Most Eronoml
(Aillars snd Cuffs worn: tiisy sre uisds of Ons
tlntri, both suIbn flnisiied sltke, sod helu reverse
le. one collsr Is enusl to twoot any oilier kind.
tlxtu tit war uvU ani I-hJc wit. A tolof
Tn Collars or Five Pause! Cuts f ur Twsnty-fc ivs
A rismple Collar snd Patrol Cuffs by mail off Sis
Csut. Ksinsstylssadsizs. Addrus
It Ikanklui St.. N York. tl Kllbj BL. Bootee
GENSsOtM u-"buiu'o",,,u.,i
"'Sucoessfullv Prosecutes Claims.
LstoPrloulpal txsintnsi U.S. Psusioo Bureau.
Syrslu last war, 16iUiidlcalUigcUaui4, atty siiu-.
AGENTS WANTED lo sell Washlna Machines
and Kitchen Noveltlea Write for Catalogue,
crystal Washing Machine Co., Columbus, OUta,
tlf Si I T H'WN I.ETTEttof value sent
TfALlj 9 I i FRF. K to readers of tan paper.
Charles A. Baldwin it Co., to Wall be, N. I.
In a Peck
of trouble the woman who washes with'
out Pearline. Her work is never done,
and it's never done well. With Pearl'
ine she can do twice as much,
and have it done better.
There is little work, less
wear, never the least harm.
Try Pearline, and see it
go for dirt ; when you see
dirt 20 for Pearline.
Peddlers am) some unscrupulous crocers
same s Pearline." IT'S FALSE Pearline
an imitation, bs honctW if ii.i.
Hitch A Horse
It'i tho up-to-dut? wny of cultivating ground.
Tl. a lu ,.. t.lnl. a..
UUII WW BU1V t4tlwU Uilll
"PLANET JR." .tiki
as-i m aaaai vias flBKlj m sf mm ar Ma '' vvt l llfll VH.
Uuht. strnntt nnd oilhII v eontwilW'rt !iv rnn vnnltnt lnvotsi. Hits amiviiHitn t tnm
dulnfr cliitee ljfteluifi furrowing, or onllnury cuHhmniH. Uur froo-fur-all cutulotue
t4)iU Ull tt.lOUt It. M. I.. ALLKW aV 4'4.. hllaallskl. t.a.
!s Like a Good Temper, " It Sheds a Brightness
Mi wu at., ntw-vo.
Oh, What Time.
The discovery was made by a lirttl
in Bl.iomfleld, N. J., on her way to the
churcb Hint she hnd on dark shoo ln
BtenJ of white. She Instated on return
Ing to change them. As she wns about
to re-enter the vehicle, she fell and
upturned her ankle. Before the car
rlngo reached the church, a wheel rolled
oft and the bridal party had a sever
shaking up.
Hens. ble.
rnotimatlc tires havo been found rcrj
cervlceablo on hospital ambulances.
Brlnjrs comfort and Improvement anoT
tends to personal enjoyment whoa
rightly ttsea. Tho many, who Kvo bet
ter tlian others nnd onjoy lifo tnoro, with
less oxpenditnro, by more promptly
adapting tho world's best prodi'ets to
tho ncetti of physical being, will attest
the valtio to With of tho puro liquid
Uuativo principles cmbruccd lu tha
remedy, Svrup of Figs.
Its exccllenoo Is duo to Its presontltifj
in the form mtt arceptablo and pleas
ant to tho taste, tho refreshing nnd truly
beneficial properties of n perfect lax
atlvo i cfTcctuully cleansing the system,
dispelling colds, headaches and fevers
ana permanently curing constipation.
It has given satisfaction to millions and
met with the approval of tho medical
profession, because it acts on the Kid
neys, Liver and Bowels-without weak
cning them and it b perfectly free flora
every objectionnhlo substance
Byrttp of Fip is for sulo by all drag
sristsln AOa and 81 hottles, but it is maa
ufactunx by tho California Fig fcyrnp
Co. only, whoso namo la primed ci ery
package, also the name, Syrup of Figs,
and being well inforniod, yon uiU ao
accept any substitute if oilured.
Worn nluht 'il lu . J!a
an Ailju i "!)!' Phi Lleb
can be ma'ie larwer or
smaller tooulteii'irrlna;
cmililonof Kfl'Tt. HE.
rsTESTFD. Illns. rat, srt sei-'irly
sealed hy n.V. IIouieJIfa.Co.HiHrosdw'.v.N.v.City
MttA. J. 1IAVJ..M, IUji lie I'btluil'o. l'au
s-m s Sim s nnrt advice iaientii..:ltyor
rjvenUon Send for li-v.-nlors (luMe, or how toyetf
patent. PATUICK u'f ARUEU WssrisutoX. D. O
llirXn.MCN er I,AflIEl-LtBht,lionrb'a
r e itploynient In ur towm win over Sill,
wo-lu WrUj us. U. Jlat.oonaCo .Oiwo.o.Si.
will tell you. ' this Is as good as" or " tha
is never peddled, if vnur grocer tends ynia
Stt jAlbS PYLE, New Yw..
To A Hoe.
HORSE HOE and cultivator.
mJ ' CUKta vVHtii Ail ELSE FAIL
tL4 Beat Couch fiyrup. Tawtat Goud. Vie
I El ir- time. foirl j firjgglfs