The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 23, 1895, Image 5

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    ITfie it Star.
Subtcription $1.60 per year, in (uhnncf.
). A. HTKPHKMWOM. Kdltor ma Pub.
Passenger trains arrive nil (I leave Ucyn
oUlsrllle follows:
Allethrny Valley lMhrny.
Knsttta'rd. Westward.
Trains, - (144 a. m.lTrnln s, - -7.40 a. m.
Train I, - - I .in p. m. Train , - -1.42 p. m.
Train H. - CAT p. m.lTrnln in, - - S.4K p. m.
Malls arrlvo and leave the post-office as
Arrive. Depart.
rnoM m a w kst. ron th kart.
1.1ft p. m. - - l.m p. m.l5..W p. m - .Wp.m.
mom thr r ast. roHTHSWRST.
I.m a. m. - 2.00 p. m. 17. 1(1 a. m. - - 1.1ft p. m.
Arrives from Hnthmel and Prescottvlllo
11 in. m.
Arrives from Pnnlr Tuesdays, Thunlnys
nnil Saturdays nt 2:.) p. m.
Depart for Prpscottvlllo, ltathmcl, Panic
B.i p. m.
omve hours 7.nn a. m. tos.nn p. m.
Money order ofllep open from 7.00 a.m. to
T.IW p. m. Ki'glMvr office open from 7.00 a. m.
to S.00 p. m.
Legal Holidays from 7.on tos.oo a. m. nnd
from E. T. Mi-Haw, 1'. M.
ft Little ot Everutning.
Valentino day In drawing near.
"The District School" Feb. fith.
New shoes arriving at Robinson's.
Subscribe for The Star and got the
The borough election will bo held on
Tuesday, Feb. lflth.
Hard timed cuts no figure at Robin
son's only In low prices.
Tho Ropubl leans held a caucus In
Centennial hall last evening.
A number of christian people fell Sun
day on tho slippery sidewalks.
Remember the entertainment to bo
given In tho opora house Feb. 6th.
The Baptists are holding special ser
vices every afternoon and evonlng.
The Democrats will hold a caucus in
Centennial hall at 8.00 p. M. Friday.
Wo roturn thanks to Prothonotnry
Clarke for a copy of the court calendar
for February term.
Tho "antl-toxlno," the now dlscovory
(or tho cure of diphtheria, has not been
used in Roynoldsvlllo yet.
The boys take great delight In skat
ing on tho sidewalks, but It is not the
propor caper and should bo Btopped.
Twelve Reynoldsvllle firemen attend
ed tho Volunteer Hose Co. fair and
festival at Dubois lost Friday evening.
The Rcynoldsville Building and Loan
Association sold $.",200.00 at the meot
ing held on Monday evonlng of this
Lowthcr & Evans gave agraphophone
concert at Rathmel last Saturday even
ing. Their talking machlno gives
Miss Mildred Fuller, principal of the
(our rooms in the Reynolds block, froze
her foot during school hours on Monday
of last week.
The Jr. O. U. A. M. will present the
borough school with a new flag on
Washington's birthday, with appropri
ate ceremonies.
A large number of copies, in circular
(orm, of Rev. S. C. Swallow's letter to
Gov. Eastings, were scattered In Rcyn
oldsville last week.
Vol. 1, No. 2, of the Dubois Sunday
Dispatch, (ound its way to our exchange
table Monday. James B. Kirk Is pub
lisher of the new paper.
A number of the members of the W,
R. C. of this place drove to Dubois Fri
day evening to attend the social given
by the W. R. C. of Dubois.
The Keystone band serenaded Mr.
and Mrs. John Barkley at the home of
of the bride's parents in West Reynolds-
vllle last Wednesday evening.
N. L. Strong has taken tho oath of
office and is now District Attorney of
Jefferson county. We believe the
young man will fill the offloe creditably.
James A. Gathers' team hauled a load
of lumber from the White & Reynolds
mill, near Big Soldier, last Friday that
weighed five tons and a quarter. A big
load for one team.
An Italian over in Clayville tried to
skip from one of his creditors the other
day and Was caught up on It. Be was
not as successful as the one in Reynolds-
State District President Jasper Mo
Entire was at Dubois Thursday evening
of last week installing the officers in
the Patriotic Order Daughters of
Jim Cox upset in the deep snow in
front of Bobren's bakery last Thursday
evening. Jim was letting the horse go
as it pleased and that is the reason he
got dumped out of the sleigh.
The Keystone band, of Reynoldsvllle,
was in town on Tuesday and serenaded
many of our citizens. The muslo dis
coursed by the band was of a high
class and very much appreciated by our
townspeople. Johnsonburg Breeze.
On Sunday evening a gold breast pin
was lost between J. J. Sutter's residence
and N. Hanau's store. The pin was
about the size of a quarter and was set
with two diamonds and three pearls.
The finder will be rewarded by leaving
the pin at N. Hanau's.
Tho A. V. R'y Co. Is cutting lee at
Snbula to supply tho Low Grndo and
Main Lino.
Homo mother-In-laws would bo beau
tiful jewels to ornament the top of a
snow covered mountain In a wilderness
ten miles from the haunts of men.
E. E. Buftington, formerly of the St.
Elmo at DuHols, will apply at tho
February term for license to sell liquor
In the Reynolds homestead on tho east
end of Main street.
Corwln, the photographer, has just
received a largo Block of moulding and
Is prepared to do all kinds of framing
at about ono-third tho usual price. Ho
Is also making pulp-wood mats of all
George Sproguo lost his pocket book
Saturday night which contained twenty-
threo dollars. Mr. Spraguo Is of tho
opinion that some person entered his
bedroom and stolo his pockot book while
he was In dreamland.
All certificates of nomination for
township and borough offlcos must bo
filed In tho county commissioners office
on or before February 1st. It is also Im
perative that the first names of all can
didates bo written In full.
Tho telegraph polo in front of the
poBtolllce is now always well covered
with notices of various kinds. The post-
master don't allow notices of any kind
to be put up In the office and they are
put as rear the office as possible.
Florence, little daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. R. A. Hildebrand, of Sandy Val
ley, died Friday and was buried In tho
Epworth cemetery at that placo Sun
day afternoon. Rev. H. R. Johnson, of
this placo, conducted the services.
Members of the O. U. A. M. lodges of
Roynoldsvlllo, Punxsutawney, Big Run,
Troutvllle, Luthursburg and Dubois at
tended a "blowout" at the Grange hall
In Paradise last evening which was giv
en by the O. U. A. M. lodge of Para
dise. Elmer Hicks, of Wlntorburn, receiv
ed a scratch on a cross-cut saw three or
four wcoks ago from tho effects of
which ho died at tho West I'onn hospi
tal In Pittsburg last week. Blood pois
on set in. His remains woro burled at
"Muddy Day" was booked for tho
Reynolds opora house for last evening,
but owing to tho Illness of tho loading
character in tho troupe tho dato was
cancelled. Tho company expects to glvo
Rcynoldsvlllo a "Muddy Day" later in
tho season.
The Sons of Veterans lnstulled tho
following officers Monday evening:
Captain, A. M. Wadding; First Lieu
tenant, H. Alix. Stoke; Second Lieuten
ant, Dr. B. E. Hoover; Camp Council,
A. M. Woodward, B. E. Hoover and
Goo. W. Stoko, jr.
The Lock Haven Eipreim says:
"Among .the pupils of tho primary
schools in this city Is a woman fifty-four
years of age who did not have the op
portunities for obtaining an education
in hor childhood days. She is making
rapid progress in her studies."
The world-wide imputation of Ayor's
Hair Vigor, is duo to Its hoalthy action
on tho bair and scalp. This incompar
able preparation restores the original
color to gray and faded hair, and im
parts the gloss and freshness so much
desired by all classes ot people
Special services have boon hold in tho
Presbyterian, i Methodist and Baptist
churches in this place for almost three
weeks. The Presbyterians have had
about fifteen accessions to the church
during the special servloes. The Bap
tists and Methodists have not had any
seekers yet.
The following borough officers are to
be elected at the February election:
One Justice of the Peace; 3 councllmon,
1 for two years, 2 (or three years; 2
school directors; 1 tax collector; 1 audi
tor; 1 overseer poor; 1 assessor; 1 judge
of election; 2 inspectors of election; 1
high oonstable.
If the new Sunday paper published at
Dubois cannot reach Roynoldsvlllo in
time to be sold on Saturday, but must
be carried around for sale on Sun
day, then Reynoldsvllle can well afford
to got along without the shoot coming
to town. Last Sunday small boys went
from house to house selling, or trying
to sell, the paper
Tax Collector Pentz says that dog tax
will be increased at least one dollar
next year above what it Ib this year.
The commissioners find it necessary to
increase the dog tax to help pay (or the
shocp the disingenuous canines of tho
county kill. This may have a tendency
to diminish the number of worthless
curs that run at large in Jefferson
At a Prohibition caucus held in Cen
tennial ball last Saturday afternoon the
following ticket was nominated for the
February election: Justice of the
Peace, A. E. Dunn; Councilman, Jas.
K. Johnston, Thomas Main and E. L.
Evan. The latter to fill the unexpired
term OMated by A. F. Yost resigning.
School Directors. V. R, Pratt, Solomon
Shaffer; Assessor, R. L. Miles; tax col
lector, D. W. Stiles; borough constable,
James Tyson; auditor, Matthew Phil
lips; overseer poor, Jos. Shaffer; judge
of election, Rufus Kirk; inspector of
election, L. A. Stiles.
Fifty-one On Borough
Lust week wo mentioned that thero
wero thirty-five men, women and child
ren on tho borough. Sinco thon the
number has boon Increased. Tho bor
ough fomlly numbers fifty-one now.
Increasing the Capacity.
Now machinery Is now being placed
In the woolen mill at this place and
when It Is all in the capacity of tho mill
will bo doublo what It has been. Two
now carders and two looms are now In.
The now firm expect to have tho mill in
operation In about ten dnys nnd then
run It at full force. Tho mill under tho
new management will bo pushed for
ward so that it will beenmo quite an In
dustry (or Rcynoldsvlllo.
Coming to Town.
A. D. Deomer, of Brookvlllo, the gon-
tloman who owns tho Arnold block, was
in town yesterday to hurry the painters
who are paint ing the Interior of the store
room In the block, asMr.Deemorandhls
partner, S. V. Shlck, expect to open a
large general storo as soon as they can
get It ready. Tho new firm will bo
known as A. D. Deemer A Shlck. Mr.
Decmnr soys they will bo ready to do
business by tho first of March, If not
Pound in the Woods.
Jno. M.Dunklo was wandering through
tho woods some dtstanco out from town
ono day last woek and he noticed fresh
tracks in tho snow which led to an old
hollow tree. John ran a stick into tho
holo and out camo a dug. Ho noticed
by tho appearance of the canlno that
she must have at least ono pup. John
ran the stick In again and after consid
erable snapping and growling out came
pup about six weeks old. Tho young
man brought the pup and its mother
homo with him from their wilderness
Too Boisterous.
Howard Steel, who has been a mem
ber of tho borough fnmlly for several
months, was taken to jnll Monday after
noon and will remain a charge on the
county until tho Court decides where ho
rightfully belongs. Howard is suffering
from mental embarrassment, mingled
with a little cussedness. Ho had been
amusing himself by kicking tho doors
at his boarding plueo and being so bois
terous that tho lady, who was boarding
him for tho borough, was afraid to have
him about tho house. For several days
before ho was taken to Brookvlllo ho
was kept locked In tho prison nt this
placo and his victuals were carried to
Store Robbed.
Ono night last week somo person or
persons gained an ontrance Into W. W.
Wells' storo in West Reynoldsvllle by
prying open tho front door, and hulped
themselves to pop corn, chewing gum and
candy. Thero was forty cents in tho
monoy drawor which was taken. The
thief was tracked up Plko street to
Brown street by pop corn dropping on
the street. There has been several such
amaturo jobs done In Roynoldsvlllo dur
ing tho post year. It 1 evident from
the (act of what was taken that tho
guilty partlos have not reached maturi
ty. Tho flour and groceries in Mr.
Wells' storo wore not touched, and no
man is going to break into a store to
steal chewing gum and pop corn. This
kind of work will bo indulged in once to
Two Days' Trip.
Ton or twelve members of the Key
stone band started out on Monday of
last weok expecting to visit Rldgway,
Johnsonburg, Bradford, Meadvllle, Oil
City and other towns in Western Penn
sylvania, with the view of at least get
ting a living out of it by playing in
front of business places. Most all the
members of the band are miners, and as
there was a strike on at this place they
adopted this plan of trying to get some
money. They "done" Rldgway first and
received encouragement there. In fact
all went well uutll thoy played in front
of the bank at Johnsonburg and the
cashier of that institution gave them
the enormous sum of ten cents. Thon
It was that the boys become discour
aged. They received word that the
mines would be opened on Wednosday
morning and they returned home Tues
day night.
Standard Worked Out.
Four years ago next month Cant Bros.
& Co., of Buffalo, N. Y., leased what is
known as the Standard mine, between
Prescottville and Rathmel, from John
H. Corbett, G. W. Fuller and Rufus
Kirk. This company have put out an
Immense amount of coal during the four
years, which they Bhlpped over the R,
& F. C. R'y to Falls Crook, tholr only
outlet. Now the mine is worked out,
which has thrown a number of men on
the market for employment. Goo. F,
Cant, who has been superintendent of
the mine, has proven himself a good
man for the position, one who under
stands the business. Mr. Cant does not
know where he will locate, as his com'
pany has not decided what they will do
yet. Mr, Cant may possibly remain in
Reynoldsvllle, but it la doubtful. John
Lowtber has beera mine boss for Cant
Bros. A Co. for over three years and a half.
He gave good satisfaction in that posi
tion both to the company and men. It
Is only a tew months ago that the em'
ployees of the Standard presented Mr.
Low t hor with a gold watch, chain and
That is What We Want.
Our own Hon. VV. O. Smith lins pre
sented a bill, which meets with general
favor in tho House, providing for tho
collection of taxes assessed against
aliens in the various counties of tho
Commonwealth from their employers,
upon presentation by tho collectors of
taxes of tho names and amounts. This
Is an act that Is badly needed not only
In Jefferson, but other counties of the
stato, as many, alas, too many, aliens
are employed in mines and factories.
They nra a blight nnd curso to our
country. They tako tho work from
loyal and honorable citizens, live on
almost nothing, send tholr money to
their native land, don't pay taxes, are
always ready to apply to tho poor
overseers for aid If they are In need,
are most always getting into troublo
and having cases In court that Is an ex-
penso to tho county, and their presonoo
In any community Increases tho taxes
of tho people. It Is time that not only
tho State of Pennsylvania, but the en
tire United States, mako laws that
thoso aliens or tholr employers ba mrdo
to help pay tho burden of expense that
Is Incurred by giving them tho privi
lege of landing on the shores of free
America. Wo claim that Smith's net
is a good one, although it docs not
reach far enough. Tho employers of
aliens should bo held responsible, to a
certain extent, (or tho expense these,
fellows throw onto tho county every
Whose Boys Were They?
A party of quite young boys drove up
hero Saturday evening from Reynolds
vllle and bocumo somewhat Intoxicated
and boisterous. Two of tho number
that had been drinking beenmo so noisy
that officer Hoover took them off tho
street nnd locked them up till they
cooled off and then let them out to go
homo. Dubois C'mirrr.
Tho KrprtMt gavo tho names on Mon
day of tho two boys who were in tho
lock-up. Tho parents of ono boy live
on the cast end of Jackson street nnd
tho other boy lives in "Snydortown."
Tho Jackson street boy was at Sunday
school on Sunduy morning. The hoys
nro very young to Indulge In such
Yesterday morning, by the Rev.
Matthew Matics, Mr. Al. G. Bra to
Miss Ella Cutlon, both of this city.
Tho attendants wero Mr. G. O. Crnphy
and Miss L. Toe. Among tho guests from
a distance were Mrs. Slppl, Flora Da,
Miss Sourl, Al. A. Duma, A. Rlthmotio,
Phil Osophy, Miss Rett Orio and G. R.
Ammar. Of tho Ology family thero
wore present Messrs. Ike Ology, Thoo-
dore, commonly called Tho. Ology, Phil
Ology, Miss Ann Ology and their Infant
brother, llttlo Dox Ology. Tho nowly
married pair, with attendants and
friends, will movo into the old echoed
building until tho now brick school
house is built and thon they will move
Into it and locate permanently.
It Is True.
The publisher cf a county newspaper
nover lacks for adverse critics in any
community whore are to be found
scores of persons who are confident
they can conduot a better newspaper
with less effort than tho one published
in thoir midst. Therefore words of
praise for the hardworked country pub
lisher, who In most cases is a better
all-around nowspapor man than can be
found on many of the great dallies, are
fow and far between. Occasionally
thoy do oomo, and their rare presence
casts as much cheerfulness into the tur
bulence of every day life as the bright
sunbeam after a tempest. Brock way
vlllo Record.
Fireman Killed.
Wm. Lane, a fireman on the B., R. &
P. R'y, was instantly killed at Lanes
Mills Monday. There Is a tipple at that
point where englnos are coaled and it
was while taking coal that the man met
death by being caught between the
apron of the tipple and cab of the en
glno. His back and neck were broken.
The valves of the engine leaked and the
cylinder cocks were not left open and
the engine started and before the engin
eer could give his fireman notice or stop
the engine the man's body and soul had
separated. Tho deceased leaves a wife
and four children at Bradford.
Temperance Meeting.
There will be a meeting in the Con
tunniul hall on Saturday night, Jun.
2(lth, at 7.30 o'clock for the purpose of
organizing a Junior Prohibition League.
All young men Interested In tho cause
of temperance are earnestly requested
to be present at this meeting, and an
invitation Is extended to all others, old
and young, men and women. Attend and
have a good time. Temperance songs
will be sung by the English quartette.
On Tuosday evonlng, February 6th,
Miss Virginia Voorhoes, the elocution
ist, assisted by her elocution and del
sarte class, will give a new and novel en
tertalnment in the opera house at this
place, consisting in Scene from Opera
the Tar and the Tartar, fine tableaux,
oholoe readings, closing with the laugh
able farce "The District School."
Dr. C. N. Bell, the specialist, of Ir
win, can be consulted at Hotel MoCon-
nell on Monday afternoon and Tuesday
morning, January 28th and 20th.
Out for Pleasure.
About nlno young gents of Reynolds
vllle wero seized with a desire Sunday
afternoon to Indulge In a sleigh rldo to
tho cnpltol of tho county, and to gratify
that desire they engaged a two horse
turnout from Burns' livery stable and
started on their trip with hearts as
light ns somo of tholr pocket books.
Thero seemed to bo nothing but pleas
ure In store for them and all was de
lightful until they reached Emcrlok
vllle when their sled got tired holding
p so much enthusiastic humanity and
ono of Its main stays gave way. By tho
assistnncn of several clothes lines tho
sled wns recuperated sufficient to allow
tho gallant youths to again get aboard
and proceed on their journey. On a
steep place on the Port Barnott hill,
just as the boys were counting the cost
of the trip, the neckyoke broke and the
horses refused to hold tho sled on their
heels nnd they suddenly became frisky
nnd began fanning the air with their
hind feet. It Is hardly necessary to
say thero wns consternation among
tho young men. They did not
look for a soft place to alight but
rolled off any way, just so they got
off tho sled. Tho fellow who was
manipulating the lines did not loso his
head. Ho pulled tho horses off to one
sldo of tho road and they becomo un
hitched from the Bled and would have
gono down the hill at wild speed had
not the young man kept a tight grip on
the lines and was pulled out ovor the
front of the sleigh which was easily
done after tho horses had succeeded In
demolishing that part of the convey
ance nnd jerked over the Icy road a
short distance. Ono of the horses was
so badly crippled that it could not be
put into service again and tho young
men had quite a time getting into
Brookvlllo. Another sled from Reyn
olds vlllo soon followed and tho sled
without a team was coupled on behind
and they went into tho county seat
sticking onto the ono sled like files on a
lump of sugar. Annthor horse was
hired at Brookvlllo and tho crippled
horse left there under tho caro o( a vot
orlnarlan. Any of the following young men can
vouch (or tho correctness of tho above:
Frank Sutter, L. L. Oourley, Chas Wat
son, Chns Felcht, Chas. McKco, Vin
cent and Harry Reynolds, Thomas Noff
and Joseph Geislor.
Figs and Thistles.
(Hum's llornl
The devil never baits for dead fish.
Love nnd necessity are the only cures
for laziness.
Tho life of a bad man is a glimpso we
catch of tho devil's face.
It never makes a fact weigh any more
to put feathers in its hat.
The biggest kind of sinners generally
(eol religious In a graveyard.
Tho hypocrite Is only on his good be
havior when he thinks he is watched.
The shadow of the Almighty Is some
thing the devil's eyes cannot ponotrato.
A wise man can see all there Is in a
fool's head every time he opens his
No man can say that he is all for the
Lord until he has laid his pocketbook
on the altar.
The man who can pay his debts and
won't do it, would Bteal If sure that he
wouldn't got caught.
It is astonishing how many kinds of
people the dovll can catch when he
baits his hook with monoy.
The devil sets no traps for the man
who expects to get to heaven by being
religious a couple of hours a week.
If you can't make a joyful noise unto
tho Lord in any other way, you can do
it by cheerfully dropping some money
Into the basket.
Whenever the gospel is faithfully
preached the man with the short yard
stick soon finds out that he has no busi
ness tn the church.
One reason why the devil is having
his own way so long is because so many
church members hate the prayer meet
ing and love the circus.
Too many church members think the
world ought to have been saved long
ago because they have now aud then put
a nickel in the collection basket.
School Question.
The most important matter for the
people of th'.s borough to decide at the
February election will be whether the
borough shall be bonded for $25,000 to
erect a new school building to accom
modate the scholars of Roynoldsvlllo. It
Is not necessary to take up space to
prove to our citizens that we need more
suhool room, this is patent to all the
citizens of Reynoldsvllle, and we hope
there is no intelligent person of the
place who will for one moment think of
voting against bonding the borough for
the purpose mentioned. Unless room
is provided tor the pupils the borough
will likoly lose the snug sum ot three
thousand dollars state appropriation.
The building could be erected cheap
now and it would give employment to
our mechanics and day laborers. If a
$25,000 building Is put up we can have a
summer high suhool which would bring
from the surrounding community the
very best class of young people, besides
keeping the young people of this place
at home who are now eompelled to go to
other towns to attend school Surely
the man that cares (or the education ot
his children will not vote any other
way than (or bonding the borough.
Robinson always has the beat shoes.
J. Rlelly Smeltzer was In Brookvlllo
lost week.
J. C. Swart had business In Brook
vlllo Saturday.
Miss Joanna Micheals, of Allegheny,
Is visiting Mrs. N. Hanau.
3. A. Welsh went to Pittsburg yes
terday morning on business.
Mrs. E. D. Seeley went to Rldgway
to receive medical treatment.
J. Frank Baker visited his parents
at Corsica during tho past week.
Dr. B. E. Hoover and W. J. Weaver
were In Big Run Friday on business.
Miss Hcttlo Beer spent Sundny with
John R. Elder's (nmlly In Beeehtree.
Henry C. Keller went to Kcllorsburg,
Pa., Inst Saturday to remain a fow days.
Miss Anna Graham, of Clarion, spent
Sunday with the Misses Kearns In this
Ralph T. Hoay and Homer Suttor, o(
Dubois, spent Friday evening in Royn
Mrs. Rebecca Bennette, ot Brook
vlllo, visited (rlends in Roynoldsvlllo
last week.
Mrs. John Crawley, of West Royn
oldsvlllo, visited relatives at Rldgway
the past week.
Emmlt Schlnblg, who has boon work
ing at Buffalo, N. N., for somo tlmo, Is
home on a visit.
Miss Bollo Robinson was called to
Tlonesta Monday by the serious Illness
o( hor sister-in-law.
Roy Scott returned lost Friday from
Sistorvlllo, West Va., whore ho had
been (or ovor (our months.
Irven F. Dompsey, telegraph onera-
tor at Bonnezctte, spent Sunday with
his parents In West Reynoldsvllle.
Miss Mamlo Sutter, who is attending
the Clarion Normnl, spent Sunday with
hor parents In West Rcynoldsvlllo.
Nlnian Coocr and daughter, Miss
Mary, visited Mr. Cooper's son, James
A., at Warsaw during the past week.
Mrs. W. K. Wlnslow, o( Bennezetto,
visited hor brother, Jas. K. Johnston,
and other friends in this place Inst
Rev. Jas. H. Jelourt, of Belloview,
was in Roynoldsvlllo lost week to bco J.
W. Dempsoy, who was burned at tho
tannery by falling Into a liquor junk.
Mr. and Mrs. Jos. S. Morrow and
daughter, Miss Amelia, and Chas. Her-
pel and wlfo were nt Brookvlllo lost
Thursday evening attending a Masonslo
banquet. Jos. S. says It was an Im
mense "blowout."
John Bennett left Roynoldsvlllo Mon
day evening to go to Ticonderoga, N.
Y., where ho will movo his fnmlly early
in tho spring. Mr. Bennett moved
from Ticonderoga to Reynoldsvllle
about eight years ago.
Tho following members of Reynolds-
vlllo Lodgo No. 824, I. O. O. F., drove
to Dubois Monday evening and visited
tho Odd Fellows lodge of that placo'
Philip Koohlor, G. M. McDonald, Esq.,
A. G. Milllren, M. I. Wlnslow, John
Benson, Wm. F. Marshall, M. Mohney,
A. H. Hoon and Fred Schurig.
Samuel States, ono of tho present
commissioners ot this county, was in
Reynoldsvllle yesterday. He came up
to look for a building to be used as a
polling place for the voters of West
Wlnslow township, as tho building now
used for that purpose cannot be secured
(or It aftor the February olection. The
owner of the house did not want to let
them bold the election there on the
19th of next month, but Mr. States per
suaded him to allow the house to be
used then. We want' to say right here,
regardless of politics or religion, that
Mr. States is a "hustler" and a gentle
man well qualified to serve the people
as County Commissioner.
Forty Men Cutting Ice.
Saturday the gravel train crew of the
Allegheny Valley road finished cutting
the company's supply ot Ice for the
summer. It was all cut at the Sabula
dam and forty men were engaged in the
work ten days. During that time thoy
loaded and shipped one hundred and
twenty-seven car loads for the railroad
company and four car loads for the
Medlx Run lumber company, averaging
twenty-one tons to tho car. Tho Ice
has all been stored In the company's Ice
houses at Pittsburg, Oil City, Kittan
nlng, Red Bunk, Reynoldsvllle and
Driftwood. It was as clear as crystal
and fifteen inches thick and will be used
during tho summer in the water tanks
on the passonger trains. Dubois Cour-
Two for One.
We are making a special offer to each
of our readers paying a year's subscrip
tion to the Star in advance, and to all
new subscribers paying in advance, we
will give them the best local paper la
Jefferson county and will glvo them
tree, either the WmmMnd or Ameri
can Farmer, for one year. The two
papers above mentioned are excellent
monthly papers and the subscription
prloe of each Is &0o. a year. This offer
is made only to those In Pennsylvania.
On account of not being able to com
plete arrangements to move this week
I will continue making pictures for alt
who want them until Feb. 2nd.