The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, January 09, 1895, Image 7

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What Chan. It. llarkley Hut Dsn tot
Vftprii Mtcalgaa.
(From Grand Itapidt, MieK, Evening pre$.)
Tho motf bomrtlfnl iipnl in nil thUeltjrt
fnarpnntbly ajw-vlntnl with tho nnms of
Hackler. Ctana. n. Hueklwy hns been In tha
Ittrnhpr bnlnos horn eontlnnrtnly lnr
lSXfl. nnd In Ihnt tlmo hm nmiNM"l a fortana
which give him It rut Inn among ths wealthy
mrnofthn nation. But with wealth thorn
did not coma that tlithtonlnR of th pnnw
itrlnw which l jronBrnlly a mnrkod ohnruo-ti-rlatlc
of wonlthy mon.
It Is no wonlor then thnt thanamn of
Chnrlcs II. n-iokloy l known nt homo nnd
ntiroad. Ills mmtfim-noo to Muskpgon
alone ropmaonta an outltty of nonrly hs'f a
million. For thn past twenty ymira ho hns
b-n a constant ufi-rr from nnnraltfla nnl
rhpamntlm, n'ao nu-nlmna of tho lower
limbs, so much so th it It hass-rlonly inter
fere! with his plcnsnro In life. For soma
tlmo pist his Iricn ls hsvn notlcol that ho
hns sncmc'1 to urnw yonn niriln an) to
have recovered tho health whluh he tin 1 In
To n 'reporter for Iho News Mr. flaekley
fplninl thesecn-tof this tranformrttlon.
"I havesnffero l for owr 20 years," he sail,
"with pnlns In my lower Itrnns so severely
that the only relief I could et nt nlRlitwns
bv pnttlnir col I wnter compresses on my
llmls. I was bothered more nt nlitht tlmn
In the day time. Tbo ncur.ilalc nn l rheu
matic pains In my llmhs, which had boen
prowinir In Inten-lly for ynnra, finally be
came chronic fmnde three trips to tha
Hot Bftrins w!lh ouly pirtl.ij relcf, nnd
then fell bnull to my oriKmnl state. I
couldn't alt s'.ill, and my sufferings beenn to
make my II f look very l.lue. Two years nzo
Inst Reptomher I notl.-od nil necount ol Dr.
Williams' Pink Tills lor I'nle IVoplo nn I
whnt they had dono for others, an I somo
cases so neatly rsemlilel mlmi that lm
Interested so I wrote to on who hn lirlven
a tesllmonlal. an eminent prnf-mor of muslo
In Canada. The reply I r Ive 1 was t-ven
stronnerthan the printed testimonial, and It
gave me Inllh In the mn Hi-inn.
'I t-OKiininklnir the pills nnd found them
to be all that the professor had told m" they
would be. It was two or thr-o imnthslH
fore I experience 1 any p -r? -pt lbl Iml'ir
ment of my condition. Mv niseis of
such lonir stun Unit that I did not expect
speedy recovery an I was thankful oven to
be relieved. 1 prottnwvd rapidly, however,
towards recovery nud lor the Inst six months
have felt myself n perfectly well man. I
have recommenced the pills to m:iny people
nnd am only too glad to nsslxt oihers to
health through the nvillun ol this woud'-r-ful
medicine. I cannot siy too much for
whnt It h is done for me."
Dr. Williams' Pink l'llls contain nil the
elements neceasiryto Rivo new lifennd rich
ness to the bloo 1 anl restore shattered
nerves. They are for sale by all druiist,
or may be ha I by mull from lr. Williams'
Medicine Company, S-'henectii ly, N.Y., tor
fifty cenis per box, or six boxes lor 42. j0.
Masslnt'cr enjoyed v-nl chops.hreadcd with
plenty of butter nnd a glass of nle.
Drsfnrss Cannot be Carat
bv local application', as thoy cannot warn the
rilaea-wd purilnn nf i he our. '1 here N only una
whj to euro Deafness, i .d that Is by c m-t!lu-tionul
remedies. Heat ne -s is caum a by an ln
flnmpd condition ol fie muiotis lining of the
Kustaehlan Tube. When this tubo gets la
flamed you have a rum'ilinn sound or Imper
fect hearing, and wlien It Is entirely c-l'n-cd
Deafness Is the rcnlt, and unleas the Inllnm
mailoncnn bo tuk-.-nout anil this tube re
ttorod to lis normal condition, hearing will be
destroyed forever; nine ca.i-- out ten are
caused by catarrh, which Is nothing but an in
tlumed condition of tho roucoui. Mirfacc.
Wo will nivo Ono Hundred !llars f ir anv
cae of lirafnes (caused by catarrh) that can
not he cure I by Hull's Catarrh Cur. Bend for
circulars, free.
, F. J. TmixFT A Co., Toledo, O.
HTSold by Druggists. 7o.
Tl. Idlnc said that tarts made with currant
Jelly always reminded him ot henvuu.
The Most Fleasnnt Way
Of prcvcutlng the grippe, colds, hea Inches and
fevers Is to ue the liquid laxative remedy,
Pyrup of Figs, wUcnevor tho system nocds a
gentle, yet effictlvo cloanslng. To lie hencflted
oncmi,t get the truo rcmely manufactured
by the California Fig Syrup Co. only. For wile
by nil druKt'lsts In Mc. and $1 bottles.
The London Times Is printed on American
Ir. Kllmer'a Fwct-Root curst
all Kidney and Bladder troubles,
turn phlct and Consultation free,
LaLratory Ulnbamptou, N. X,
The city of Melbourne, Australia, has lost
40 003 lobaliltants in two years and a half.
Aa Onnea
of prevention Is worth a pound of cure." Hi-
pans Taliulea do not weixli an ounce but they
contain many pounds of g.vd. Une tnbule
gives relict. 1 ry lor yourself the next time
you nave a lieaduche or bilious attack.
Cluck was a hearty eater, preferring tho
pastry to any other part of the dinner.
Karl's Clover Root, the great blood purifier,
gives freshness and clearness to the complex
Ion and cures conslipuUoo. 23 vta 60 cUk, li.
Chicago bas 7,000 Danes.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Poothlng aiymp for children
teething, softens the gums, reduces inflamma
tion, aliays rutin, cures wind eoliu. SSicm boiiie
Hume said that sowans wai the best dish
bat Hcotland could give to tne world.
I have found Plsors Cure for Consumption an
unfailing medicine. P. It Iotx, IDUJ bjot KL,
Covliiglun, Ky , October 1, 1SW.
Aluminum Is soldered.
If sffllcied with eoreeyesnse Dr. IsaseThomn
son'sKye-water. Druggists sell atu.ic per bottle
Had Hip Disease
He win treated at the Children's Hospltnl,
Boston, uni when be cnrai home bad SKV-
John hoyl
EN RUNNING HUSK9on his leg. Could
not step. We have been giving blm Hood
Bars ipurlll a yeir, and he oin wJk, run,
and pluy as lively at any boy. He hns no
sores and 1 the PICTUHK OF
1IKALTI1. Jobm- 0. Bo tlb, Ware, Uaaa.
Hood' Pllla do not purge, pulu or gripe.
Four Little Victims of Diphtheria In a
Stricken Home.
Fonr children . lay dead Monday In tho
home Pt.lacot) K. Levnn, of Oley towusnlp,
Berks county, two having died Sunday
Illicit nnd twi Hiinday morning. A fifth child
was burled Saturday. All wero victims of
diphtheria, 'i Hem aro still two children in
thu latuliy In a critical condition.
Charles Conant, a youn man ot !i7 yenrs,
died suddenly In convulMuns nt a club room
on Third avenue, New Brighton. Connnt had
b ;cn relcnsed Irom the Beaver county Jail,
Where ho had been Incarcerated for tno last
threo months awaiting sentence on thoebnrgo
of embezzlement, to which ho pleaded Runty
one month ago. Attornoy Ebethart wrote to
his grandfather In Colorado. The old gen
tleman at once sent on the moneyto pay back
tho niiioutit ol bis peculations, and all court
charges. Tho mutter was then arranged so
that ue was nlveu his release. Too lint com
pany caused his downfall.
William Barclay, foreman of the Mayer
pottery nt Beaver Falls, while skating uu n
darn skated Into an open hole, Lrni st
Dyson fell in also. After much trouble Dy-
n was rescued. Barclay was k"t nbova
water with sticks by the crowd to keep him
from drouumix until a skill could bo dragged
from liiro over the lee. He was brought
to the shore mora dead tbnn alive.
- n
nr.n eanx tailed.
Mrs. Henry Bartholomew, a farmer's wlfo,
near tniton. hid 4iUJ In bills In a stovepipe
Without notifying her lamiiy.A party ofneigli
tors were Invited to tho house toseo n Christ
ina display and a llro wns built in the stovo
used us a savings bank. When Mrs. Bartho
lomew saw the lire she screamed and hunted,
ren.nlnlng unconscious long enough lor the
llutucs to reduce her ?3U0 to abcs.
TEMrtnAScf wor.K ix veaSoo.
A temperance movemeut under tho leader
ship of K. V. Mills, 01 McKee.-iiort, nnd KM.
HiNley, ol Kcottdaio, is making good progress
In Venango county. Ono night luit week
l'JO men signed tho pledge at a meeting ut
AXAnrntft jiownnAt indicted.
The grand jury nt Philadelphia found a
true bill ol indictment ngniiiM chnrles W.
Mowbray, the English aniircnist, cUurgltig
uiui ut making a seditious speech.
Lending State Populists held a conference
nt UreeiiBOurg, Dr. C, V. Bush, of Hunting
don, presidiug. Th) Omaha olatfurm was
imlurscil, but Menntor Fiinn's t renter Pitts
burg aud good roads bills wero disapproved.
C'oxey's rend scheme nud Tillman's mate dls
pftianry plan wore ludoud.
Zcko Mackey, Bhuller Blmmons, Harry
Barnes and Perry Power, furnncemeu nt
Oliver Bros.' lurna 'o ut New Castle, wero
badly hurt by thu full ol ball and attach
ments weighing llfteen tons. The loss is
about 0,0.0.
Reports from tfco Biker farm, at Whites
loVu, Butler county, would Indicate that an
other hundred lout pool bos been located.
The Dorsey well drilloi In a lew dnya ago,
found but 12 leet ul sand.
The coroner's Jury nt Davistown, returned
a verdict that David Honerts c:ime to bis
Ueath partly from Injuries received nt the
bauds of Thomas Hart and John Williams
aud partly by a tall from a window.
The 3-year-old son of John Olndfclter, at
Meyerstown, killed his Infant sister on Mon
day by throwing a pair of scissors nt her
Michael Moroskl, n Polnnder, was killed nt
the nuues of the McClure Coke Company,
near Scottdule, He leaves a wilo and lour
At Jolins'own the plumbing shop of Walter
linger and ment -hop of F. C. Callngtmu,
were burned, while i". A. Joy bons, tiu
store was damaged. Lots, iJ.SOJ.
The Covenanter chapel on Tatterson
Heights, near Heaver Falls, was burued Hnt
urday night nt a loss ol it,'M-i; no lusurauuo.
The building bad Just been dedicated.
The engine house In a mine at Ollphnnt
burned Saturday, but by great exertions the
fourteen men at work In tho mines were
rescued after being imprisoned all night,
James S. Wolf, a machinist of Washington
lia invented a shell, Which he claims will
revolutionize wnrlaro. Two of them would
wreck a city.
t'nlontown, Connellsvlllo, Oreensburg,
Brownsville and Monongahela City will soon
have telephone communication with Pitta
burg. At the Bcnver county teachers' Institute
Robert (i. McOreagor, the oldest teacher In
the county was preaeuted with a purse ol
Certain coke operators claim the coal found
In the Wharton towusbip, Fayette county,
Held la not lit for coking purposes.
A sharper bas been fleecing hotel keepers
In the northwestern part of tho stato by In
ducing tbein to cash bogus drafts.
Jacob nimmel of Dawson, wossitot through
the heart Saturday. Who killed blm no one
knows. Ue leave a wile 3d years ol age.
The question of Incorporating Beaver
Falls and New Brighton Into a olty Is being
Edward Botheras, ol Wllkesbarre, serving
a life sentence for murdering a man who be
trayed bis nleve bas been pardoned.
The hotel Sherman of Altoona, was
closed by the sheriff. Liabilities are un
known. Mayor Scott, of Erie, will appoint Captain
John P. Bulliran chief ol police, vice William
J. Grant, resigned.
Aa unknown Hungarian was found dead on
the bunk of the Uonongultela river near Cali
fornia Monday.
Joseph Bhoenakl, a Hungarian, e?el 29
years, was fatally hurt In the Cambria mines
at Johnstown.
At Lock Hsron Brown Bros, picture frame
factory, a barn, and other building burnod
at a loss of IUMMt Insurance t7,000.
Firebugs are at work In Johnstown, tbc
last attempt bavins been made Tuesday on
the liageu block.
A war of extermination Is apout to be waged
upon apkak-easles at Johnstown.
Two Bradford bakers will cat the prfc ol
bread from 8 to S oents per loaf.
$110,000 for Charities.
The will of Eugene Kellv, the millionaire
bauker, ol New York, bas oeen Hied lor pro
bate. It bequeaths the entire estate to mem
bers of bis lamily, with the exception of
tl 10,000 which is to left executors to be distri
buted among Catholic orphan asylums and
Institutions, among them being several
Hebrew Institutions.
Four Children Die.
The home of Daniel White, colored, Dear
Williamsons Btatlon, Ky., was destroyed by
Ore. Four children who ware asloup In the
bouso were burned to death,. Whit and his
wife esoapid with their baby in their iilgut
Encouraging Reports from Many Place
ia the Industrial Fiold.
At tho first meeting of the new Execntlvo
Coun"ll of tho American Federation ol Labor
l Nw York, the hooks nnd papers of tho
Federation were handed over by ex-Presl-lent
Samuel (lumpers. John Mcllrlde, tho
newly elected president: James Duncan, ol
llaltlmore, second vice president: T. J. Elder
kin, third vice president-. Augii'tln McOrnlth,
general secretary, nnd John F. Lennon,
treasurer were present. I ,1. Medulre, ol
liillndolphln. first vice president, nnd Ilhody
Kenelln, of Denver, fourth vice president,
were tho only nl'S"ntee. President M"llrlde
nid hn could not spenk on any anticipated
on si nnms.
Tresl lent A. D. Seamon, of the Buckeyo
Cilnes works, Martins Ferry, 0.,hns nnnounc
?d that he Is willing t i arbitrate. Ho pro
poses to leave the dllTerenee to n eommflbTb
A three, one to bo scleetud by tho company,
)lie by the union, and these two to select tint
llilrd. Should the committee ileel In that tho
rjlaut can be run surccs'Iully nnd pay union
wages. President Seamen promises hot to
aiako nn nttcmpt to stmt non-union.
A steel hail omiEn.
As Is customnry at the beginning of n new
year, the Pennsylvania Hatlroad Company has
ordeied a large supply ol steel rails lor uso
In renewnls and In now construction. The
contracts cull lor the delivery ot 80,001) tons
ol rails, and are divided between the Penn
sylvania steel Company, the E lgnr Thomp
son steel works, the ( uuibrin Iron Company
and the Bcrnnlou Hti-cl Company. It Is be
lieved thnt some 30.0(10 tons more will bo or
dered Inter In the year. In 1H!I) tho Ponn
evlvunln railroad used 117,000 tons of steel
riil Is. Last year, when the amount of now
construction fell oft greatly in eonsciuence ol
the extreme depression prevailing, only Si,
OuO tons were used. or sTntKE im stonr.
Tho outlook In tho strike nt. Haverhill Is
hopeful for a speedy settlement. The actlou
ol W. W. Hpnuldlng lu calling Ageut Pome
roy to a conference Is favorably commented
upon, nnd nltliougb It cannot be learned Just
what was said or done, It Is generally believ
ed that tho big innniifu ittiror decided to ac
cede to the demands ot bis employes. In
view of this the manufacturers will undoub
tedly tollow bis example.
Secretary Phillips, of tho Maslllon district
?oal operators' a-isociatlon, said concerning
the coal situation: "We sunt! not mnkeany
ittcmpt to Btart tho mines at present. Wo
unve every reason to believe that tho men
will reconsider their action taken Inst Friday
mid go to work nt the price stipulated lu tho
tward ol tho arbltrutors."
The state hoard of arbitration unanimously
loci Jed against the minors In the wage dis
pute in the mine ul Morgan 4 Tanby, near
lunesvllle. '1 ho miners wanted (10 oents per
on, tho scale lor that vein, but the vein wns
jnusunlly thick in that minn, and the opera
tors offered the wages usually paid lor uilu
ing lu veins ol that thickness.
Labor saving devices, whichUgur largely
in wage disputes, have lately been added to
Arbuckles' establishment in Pittsburg, where
i muchiue Is in operation which panics nnd
pastes pound puckagus ol collce, a work that
uus hitherto beeu done by hand, and required
,bn services ol W girls. M imager Kew says
Jiat tbe machine bus passed the experimen
tal stage and Is a success.
With the new year, work In the Cambria
company and Johnson company mills, at
Johnstown, has resumed. The former
lias under way plans lor Increasing its manu
facturing products. The Johnson company
Is crowded with orders, so much so that the
jontemplnled moving of the rail mill to
Lorain, O., cannot be made without loss, and
will be postponed several months.
6,000 mix ens IDLE.
As A result of the present cold spell 5,000
miners ol the Mouougahela valley are Idle.
A resumption ol work cauuot take place
until tbe weathor moderates, as tbe Monon
gnhela river is frozen over In many places in
tue different pools and navigation la entirely
impended, ihls state of altuirs has lorued a
suut-dowu at all the river pits.
The factory of tbe Bridgeport, O., Glass Com
pany, after nine montns Idleness, resumed
operations in full Weduesday morning. Two
yours ago this concern dismissed all the
members ol tho gloss workers' union, and
filled tbe factory with uon-uuion men. There
was no trouble, but tbe new workmen have
proved unsatisfactory and now the old lorce
ol union men Is again employed.
The F.ast Liverpool. Ohio potteries are
preparing to resume. Hall a dozen of tbem
nave started and only a few will remain idle
after the tlrst ol tbo week. Halesmen for ail
tbe firms are prepurlng their sample to start
out on tbe road Immediately.
The trouble on account of tho cut in wa?es
at tbe works of the American axe and tool
company at Beaver Falls still continues. The
polishers seem to be tho ones upon whom the
cut fell heaviest. Ou common axes a cut of
2 cents per hundred was made, and on
"Phantom" axes they were tut Irom (2.10
per hundred to $1.70. The bit drawers,
grinders and other deportments are willing
to accept the reduction, but the pollsbors
will not.
Tbe Fnstoria Gloss Company, at Monnds
vllle, which bas been off for the holidays,
went on full with ordain enough to keep busy
till tbe summer stop.
Bobbers Brutal Crime.
Louis Oalloway, coir re I, an agod and pros
perous farmer living ou Mr. 11. C. Withers',
plantation, one mile Irom Edwards, Miss.,
with bis wife, Iwos found dead Sunday morn
ing about a hundred yards from tholr cablu.
Both bad been beaten to (.'oath with clut s.
Galloway was in towu and carelessly
exhibited about $100, whlcb is supposed to
have led to the murder, O.jO arrest has been
made and doubtless others will follow.
It Is not what you put into your
pockot, but what you take out that
will make you rich.
Sanitation In Biclly.
At Syracuse, In Sicily, a modol ells
Infecting station has junt been opened
by tho Italian Government, for iierauns
coming from UBperted Eastern ports
It in on the lte of the old Tort Vit
toria, built In In 1505 by Viceroy l)on
(iargia Ue Toledo, on on Island in the
harbor. Over tho gateway la the In
scription, "Sains poptill miprema lex."
The building Is divided Into two iiartus
on ono Bide is a hospital, provided with
every modern nppllance to secure puru
n!r, proper t'.ralnage and the prevention
of contagion; on the other Bide nro thu
disinfecting rooms. Among tho out
buildings are a dead house for post
mortems, o crematory and a "colum
barium." for tho ashes of cremated
bodies. Passengers and crews of sus
pected vessels are sent into the disrob
ing rooms, ono for each Bex, in thu dis
infecting wings they there undress and
pnss their clothes through a hatchway
to an attendant. They then go Into a
bath room, from which, iifti-r a thorough
wash, they pass Into a dressing room, 1
Where, after awhile, they receive their
disinfected clothes. Tim clothes have
meanwhile oeen put in
titik, into which steam
which devolops a heat of
Must weddings might come
the bend of siiectucitlitr shows.
Golden Medical
Cures Mncty-etght per cent, ot all
cases of Consumption, In all Its
Earlier Stages.
Although br many believed to be Incura
ble, there is the evidence of hundreds of
living witnesses to the f.ict that, in all its
curlier stases, consumption is a cttrnblc
disease. Mot every case, but a large per-reHtaq-e
of cases, nnd we b liive.yni' S
percent, are cured by Dr. Pierce's Golden
Medical Discovery, even after the disease
has progressed so'fur as to induce repeated
bleedings from the lungs, severe liiidcrint;
cough with copious expectoration (includ
ing tubercular matter), great loss of flesh
ami extreme emaciation and weakness.
Do you doubt that hundreds of such cues
reported to us ns cured by "lioldeti Med
ical Discovery " were genuine cases of that
dread and fatal disease ? Vott need not bike
our word for it. They have, in nearly every
instance, been so pronounced by the best
and most experienced home physicians,
who have no interest whatever in mis
representing them, and who were often
strongly prejudiced and advised against
a trial of "Golden Medical Discovery, "
but who have been forced to confess that
it surpasses, iu curative power over this
fntnl malady, all other medicines with
which they are acquainted. Nasty cod
liver oil and its filthy "emulsions " and
mixtures, had been tried In nearly nil these
cases and bad cither utterly failed to bene
fit, or had only seemed to benefit a little for
a short time. Extract of malt, whiskey,
and various preparations of the bypophos
pbites had also been faithfully tried in vain.
The photogrnplis of a large number of
those cured of consumption, bronchitis,
lingering coughs, asthma, chronic nasal
catarrh and kindred maladies, have been
skillfully reproduced in a book of 160
pages which will b mailed lo you, on re
ceipt nf address and six cents in stamps.
Address for Bonk, World's Dispensary
Medical Association, niifTaln, N. Y.
What They Are For
sick headache
bilious headache
bad taste in the mouth
foul breath
loss of appetite
when these conditions are caused by constipation ; and con
stipation is the most frequent cause of alf of them.
One of the most important things for everybody to
learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick
ness in the world; and it can all be prevented. Go by
the book.
Write to B F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New
York, for the little book on Constipation (its causes con
sequences and correction) ; sent free. If you are not within
reach of a druggist, the pills v;U be sent by mail, 25 cents.
"A Fair Face Cannot Atone for an Untidy House."
Buch aa Scrofula and Anaemia, Slufe Eruptions and Pale or
Sallow Complexions, are speedily cured by
Scott's 1 Emulsion
r$ 4831 easy on tno stomacn.
ITT fH Emaiated Persona nnd all
H tZ mffcrinS from Wasting Diseases aro ro-
nuiiui I-
Sendor pamphlet en Scott' t Emulsion. FREE.
oott A Bowne-t N. Y. All druggists. . 60 cents ntj 91.
THB U. S. Government Chemists have
reported, after an examination of the
different brands, that the ROYAL Bak
ing Powder Is absolutely pure, greatest
In strength, and superior to all others.
Tho Nam of Oort.
The name of (Jod Is spelled Willi four
letters iu almost every kuowu Ian
Kuagu, A lloaae In a fret.
Let the mother become sick and holpless,
nud; tho house Is nil In disorder. When
both lather nnl mother nro down you may
ns well clos.) the shutters. Or lor Is brought
out ol chaos olten very eu!ly, and Mrs,
1 tt large Jron 1 John M.illn. of Mouth Buito, Mont., Feb. 17,
l lnrr.,,ln,....l 1 fM. 'ound nn easy way out of her ill 111
i lo l l cultl's, ns she writes 'bust "My husband
I liV degrees J ami I took very bad rheumatism from sfveru
colds, nnd my arms wero so mine I coultt not
rube them to help myself. 1 sent nt once
lor n bottle of St. .facet OH. nnd before tho
bottlo was half empty I could go about my
work. My husband became so lamo ho
could not get out ol bed. Two nnd half bot
tles compHnly enrol him. I will nlwnys
prals? St. J.ieohs Oil, and you may use this
its von seo lit." This Is n cloir cosa of whnt
Is '"-est nt the right moment, nnd how every
household can be niado bnppy where pulu
Didn't llerngnlze Ills lmn(re.
An otllcer decorated with the Legion
nf Honor recently entered a waxwork J
rIiow near I'tirfc-Salnt-Iicnl. and, after'
looking nt tho exhibits carefully, nd- I
dressed himself to the showman: "Yon !
announce on your list !on. Dodds.
Would. vou kindly point him out to me?"
"Why, ynu have just been looking at I
blm," replied tho showman, pointing nt '
a model In a general's uniform. I
"There's the conqueror of Mehnnilu." I
"It's not very like," snld the stranger, j
"Kxcuse me," rejoined the showman,
"it was executed By one of tho gen
eral's closest friends. You can't have
ever seen him." lly way of auswer the
stranser handed his curd nnd tho show- i
man read: "Gen. Dodds." Loudon
There Is n sweetness in a woman's
smile at a dry goods store that her hus
band never sees.
Inn recent article on Coffee and Cocoa, the
eminent (lernmn ( lieinl-t, I'rofo-sor Mtutxer,
speaking of the Hutch process of preparing
( i;-n.i by the uddltlnn of potn-di. snd of thu
process common in Uerniauy In which ammo
nia is added, says: "1 he only result of tbc-e
processes is to make tbc lliUid apiienr forbid
to the eve of the consumer, without effecting
a reul solution of thu Cocoa sul-slniices. This
iirtltlclnl manipulation for tbc purpose of w
called solubility Is, therefore, more or less In
spired by deception, und always take plwe tit
tlic cost of purity, pleasant taste, usetid action
nnd aromatic ttuvor. The treatment of Cocoa.
by such cbi-nilcnl means Is ontlrely ubjoctiun-
Ahi. . . . Lucns irt-atea witu ixiumn or
ammonia would I entirely unsalable but for i
thesupplemetit'jry addition ot artificial flavors I
bv which n poor substitute for the aroma I
driven out Into the air is offered to the con- i
Burner." The delicious Breaklsst Cocoa mudo '
by Walter baker ii 'o., of iiorchester. Mass.,
Is absolutely pure und soluble. NocbemicuU.
or dyes, or artificial flavors are used lu lu
sallow skin
torpid liver
depression of spirits
the Cream of Cod-liver Oil No other rem
edy ao quickly and effectively enriches and
purines the blood and gives nourishment
to tho vbole system. It is pleasant to talto
stored to health by Scott s Emulsion.
Bo suro you get tbe bottle with our
frfiiiA.miirlt on it. TtafnaA tlinnn nViatitufoul
Tho Size of film,
raddy has been telling the story nf
big pike he cntlglit too Mg to get Into
tho boat, so that he had to be towed lie
hind (with tbe gnu In It. it ui'ist lie un
derstood). Theu followed this dia
logue: "What weight, r-nddy?"
"I)lvll a know 1 know, bill he was an
ojotis baste."
"Was that the biggest you ever saw,
Then a description of the biggest
"Whnt weight, Paddy?"
"Surra a bit I know he was a terror."
"How big. radrty?"
"(furo, I can't tell to a f nt or two, but
a mini could wulk down his throat."
in tills Incredulity; but I'add
"clinched the matter nnd silenced all
c.i ntrovcrsy" by adding: "Wld his hat
rheOreatestriedlcal Discovery
ol the Arc
Medical Discovery.
Hns discovered in ono of our com
mon pasture weeds n remedy lliut
enrcs every kind of Humor, from,
tho worst Scrofula down to n com
mon Pimple. Send ron Hook.
Dunharlrm, Ohio, Vic. 24, lSDt.
flnnall Kituudy,
Jjrnr Mr:
7.if rpHnj 1.1 flrip nn'1 Urnnrhirlf
foot tne itii'l for ,m kn f tjt't irnrxe thnttyh
tnkiuy mrHh'inr dl the 'time. A frirmt
told iiie nf iour Meilirnl jHnrneirii, hnw
it find lulinl n frirml of her' ami 1
thnii'lht J iroiiW Iri it. 1 hare taken ttrn
Imttt'et of ieoeem ami three Im't'en
1'rairie llVed anil 1 ean't twain tnteV iom
ftoir ninen hi tter I ferl. Whi n I lagan to
take yuur tnnlivine I eoull net fit tip iniift
of any: nine I nil up all day ami tralk
ronml house, Imi I am tlill hnar,
Of course vou are that's the Humor
about throe 'more bottles Dlsoavery will
get the last of that out of your system.
ami vnnl ynur nth ier almul thai.
X thank yoa irith rny whole heart.
J curs fi-iib.
j. Tbo Largest Manufacturer of
Ob UtU Contiotnt, hiTt rcclvd;
from ths fnit
Industrial and Fool
In Europe and America.
Tn1lktrt piitrh Afta
I Ur or olhrr ChfmlraU or Ivr arf
3FTPEnar1 In sn rt thrir Drrpsratlonft.
1r dlirlr,ua Ultt: AK F AST CO( OA Is sroiUl-
part cad toIublSf gill costs Um than m cent a cop
W.L. Douglas
S C? BJIrSill" IS THE St ST.
iraWdriTrou akin,.
.319 POLICE.s sous.
Over Ons MIIUoo Poapl w ih
W. L. Bcujlas $3 & $4 Shoes
All our shoes are equally satisfactory
7 hey five tbc belt val-j for the ironrr.
h;y a.iual cuttom hoc In ftyle and fit
y a.iual curtom ahnea In aiyla ana I
Ir woarlna flualltlea ara unauroaa
prlcaa ara untform, atampeo on aoM4i
From Hi to j aaved over other make.
11 your deucr unoot (uppif you wo can.
hum w KB,
AU Btyie 4 to too a .
m mi
rot Vf KOKW
Made. Vulcic
imrl for CatalomiM to
A. II. t amuhai-Co., Uul.,Vor!i.P.
Tlf Treated frwL.
ff with rtsjUs)
A RssHI. Hsn
H cursrl many tAasn
sand cae ptw
rl m i-n ys si Ut rvo-itir-l nf 1I ywp'imwic tn irl. .
ROOK f le.t.m.n sis uf mirai-ul..n rit tent PR.,
Wanted ' cent 11 for Pfet OdorWa.
Ktillt . Ti btwii ariK-iw D ihm nsr
hft Hf aifffcU iu uijik nMit,v mUUiic
(jri aut-m icuru in IJ the tt t
lu'lu leu Uv. Kud v.Mwupftjr eir
fifi cuUr. J. H. DaV icU,.CfUuluuait u
r nU,i U4ivir hm hi patt-iitauiliiyr
btrutlon M.-i't lor luvcatom OuUle, tirtiuw tusrsjt
uvut. .'AVIlICK o'UKKKU Wa.uuoto), U U
I Beat Cuoaa ayrup. TaMMtiooi. TJail I
EI la tima iii by dnicffini& c I
m a1 hi n wnm i i 1 w-mmf
R31 jQi
L :l . 1 V II l .