The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, December 12, 1894, Image 4

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    Tfr Star
tfuWrifimn jP.0 ; r V'". in uilnimr.
(i. A. ri;i'lilAMi, l:ditr mill I'nh.
WeclnculiiY nt ItoyimhNvlllo, .IrflVrmm Co.
I'll., iIcviii'imI I.i the Informix of Ui'Viiiililvllli
Mifl .lolTrrfMini'iHitily. Nmi-HllMriil. win trviil.
nil Willi fiiltiKMH. mill will iH'tmnwIttlly frli'iiil
ly towtinWllH1 lnlNtrlnK rnn.
HnliN'rlpllon prlrfl.lMM'ry,'".ln n!vnnc,i.
Coiumtinlfiil liim IiiKmhIciI fur piililli'iil Inn
must l viinumnliil liy Mm wrlli'f' ttnnii',
mil fur piiliHi'Htlim, lull n n gtmriiiitro nl
giMifl fiilln. liitiruNtlni( niw Iti'inw wtllrlli'd,
Aclvirtllnit riiti miiiln knnwn mi Hpilli'ii
Hon ill the uflVi In Ainnlilx' Hlin'k.
I.onulily I'nminiiiilriitliiim mill rlinnvo nr
nd vprllHi'inonlH Hlioiilil rvm'li I III" ullli o liy
Momlttv nonn.
Aililri'u nil rnmmiinli'nllnnii tnl). A. Htt'ph
eiwnn, Ui'vnnliNvllli. Pn.
KiiIctimI' nl thn immIoIHiw nt Uryncililnvllli",
Pa., im nmniiil i'Iiim mnll ninllnr.
Ki'v. Lltti'll. a Uniti'd I'm-Kbytci-lan
mlnirtUT of I'ltthliiii'ir, pr-u-til a
tunii to IiIh rnnirrriratlnn liwt Sunday
morning on the pxunlli'nt jmlti-o foivo of
tli nt city, In which ho claimed that
policemen were minlHtcrn of God.
No man In too poor to tuko bin homo
ucVHpaKr, mo myn an exchunc, and It
1b fiiltiu economy to not along without It.
Ilurdly a week piuwn that Botnclliltig
dorn not apiMiar In Itn columns Unit
will bo a llniinolul bene (It to tho mil)
nci'llxir, Bnd by tho end of tho year ho
ban mudo or Raved from ono to twenty
times ItH Hiibscrlptlnn price. Tho city
papers do not tako tho placo of your
homo pnMM', althouib Homo people seem
to think they do. Tho city papcra arc
alright In their way, but they don't
glvo you what you aro iniwt Inter
CMted In your local and county
news. You cannot learn from them
when and where public meetings aro to
bo held, who aro dying or who are mar
rying, who are moving In or who aro
moving out, court proceedings, who
wnnts to sell land In fact, rmndivdft of
Items which might bo of pui-tlculm' im
portanco for you to know. Such mutter
city papers cannot furnish, but your
homo paper can and docs.
If yon would ineivaso your happiness
and prolong your life, forget your neigh
bors' faults. Forget tho slander you
liavo heard. Forgot the temptations.
Forget tho fault finding, and give little
thought to tho cuuso which provoked
It. Forgot tho peculiarities of your
friends, and only remember tho good
points which makes you fond of
them. Forget all personal histories of
quarrels you liavo heard by accident,
and which, if repeated, would seem a
thousand times worso than they aro.
Dlot out as far as possiblo all tho dis
agreeables of life,; thoy will come, but
they will grow larger as you romember
them, and constant thought of tho act
of meanness, or, worso still, mill lee, will
only tend to make you more familiar
with thorn. Oblitorato everything dis
agreeable from yesterday; start out with
a clean shoot for to-day, and wrlto upon
It, for sweet memory's Bake, only those
things which aro lovely and lovable.
.A Western Press Club has beon
Iormed b' 8 number of leading news
paper mon oi Western Pennsylvania.
It is likely that u ho newspapers in
the territory mentioned 'M join the
Press Club. The newspapers have con
siderable trouble with large percent
age of the patent medicine manufac
turers, through thoir agonts, and this
Organization will remedy that trouble,
or tho dear roadora will not have the
pleasure of reading patent medicine ad
vertisements. These "patent-follows"
always want a certain position In the
newspapers and want to pay about one
third of regular advertising rates, and
will add, "what you got from us will bo
Just that much clear gain for you at the
end of the year. It will do to 'fill up
on." Quite a 'consolation for the rubber-conscience
agent. If the advertise
ment is a quarter of an Inch out of
position, nlxy pay for that Issue. This
class of advertisers are not entitled to
any better rates than the home mer
chant and they do not get it at this
A Maine paper has sot a new; fashion
in obituary notices. -The editor laid
himself open for a threshing in the fol
lowing: "While It is almost a crime to
speak ill of tho dead, we feel it our duty
to tell the truth about Miss Mary Boyer
who died last night. She was a human
hornet. She never spoke a decent word
about any being, living or dead, and
blander sprung from her mouth like the
toads from the girl in the fairy tale. If
ahe goes to heaven we don't want to be
there, and we believe we voice the senti
ment of every man, woman and young
lady In this burg. We gladly contri
bute a quarter for ice for Mary. She
will need It." No matter how mean a
man may have been while treading this
mundane sphere his friends will expect
the newspapers to say something good
of him when he shuffles off. Death
seems to obliterate all a man or woman'a
meanness and only the good qualities, if
they ever possessed any, are mentioned.
Suoh an obituary sa the above would
eem cruel, and yet why should a news
paper be expected to He by telling the
public what an affectionate husband or
wife and kind neighbor the departed
bad been, when tbey were so mean that
the devil himself would almost blush at
their oontemptiblenea some timet.
Every person should try and live so
that they would be deserving of an obit
uary notice that the sorrowing friend
Ordinance .Relating to Hawk
ers and Peddlers.
HM!. 1. Kvory mthoii ciinvnwting
from bonne to house In tho borough of
ltcynolilnvlllc, for tho purpose of selling
or soliciting orders for books, pictures,
photogruph albums, clocks, watches,
pocket knives, silver plated knives,
forks or spoons, spectacles, pyo glasses,
ctM'mt swocpoi-H, baking pans, bed
spreds, potent medicine, planter parls
goods, bronze and plain, sonp, tea, colToo
and spices, tinware, gents shirts, fur
nishing g-ioils or clothing by sample,
cariets. hosiery, handkerchiefs, luees,
needles, thread, embroidery, blankets,
rugs, stationery, groceries, piece goods,
boots or shoes, grieorlos to prlvato
houses, by wholesale or retail, peilillers
of wagons, sleighs and carriages, whoth
er selling by sample or otherwise, shall
tnko out a license from the Ilurgess and
pay tho fees hereinafter required before
doing or offering to do any business in
tho said borough.
Skc. 2. Tho fees for license under
this ordinanco shall not bo less than
Ten ($10.00) Dollars or moro than
Twenty-five (25.(HI) Dollars per day for
each and every day so engaged, provid
ed, however, that this ordimuico shall
not apply to those holding merchantllo
license within tho borough, nor to per
sons resident in tho county.
Ski;. It. That any ordlnunco or part
of ordinanco conflicting with tho provis
ions of this ordinance 1x and tho same
Is hereby reiicalod so far as tho samo
effects this ordinanco.
Ordained and enacted Into a Law In
Council this ."Ird day of Dcbcmhcr
1W4, A. D. .Ioiin I). Lowtiikii,
Attest, I'res't. of Council.
IlKNHY A. Keeii.
Hurgess olllee, Dec. Ilrd, A. D. ISI4,
SAM'L I.ATTIMKK, Ilurgess.
"When your heart Is bail, and your
hend Is bud, and you aro bud clean
through, what Is needed?" asked a Sunday-school
teacher of her class. "I
know Ayer's Harsaparilla," spoko up u
little girl, whoso mother had recently
been restored to health by that medi
cine. Notice.
Tho regular annual meeting of stock
holders of tho First National Hank, of
Heynoldsvillo, for the election of direct
ors for tho ensuing year, will bo held in
tho banking room on Tuesday, January
Hth, 1S!.-, from 3 to 4 o'clock P. M.
John II. Kauchkr, cashier.
Call and got our prices and examino
shoes, we can, and will sell all our shoes
at cost and carriage.
Henhy A. Heed, tho shoo man.
Ladles' heavy jersey undershirts 23
conts at the Pooplo's Bargain Store.
Robinson's shoes are tho best.
The largest and most complete line of
rings can bo seen at Ed. Goodcr's.
Sectul 25 per cent, reduction on suits
for boys from 5 to 10 years old at tho
People's Bargain Store.
Pigs and Thistles.
Hum's Hornl
To have a friend you must be one.
The wicked man hates vice in every
body but himself.
Good looks, to be permanent, must
begin on the Inside.
The older we bocomo tho more tho
wheels of time soera to have boon oiled.
The dovll gets lamo as soon as be
comes In sight of a good man's house.
If the devil ever takes off his hat to
any man on earth it la to the hypocrite.
The man who expects to outrun a lio
had better not start with lame feet.
God never turns a deaf ear to the man
who ortos to him out of a tight place.
When the devil goes to church he
generally walks there with a church
The man who lives to help other peo
ple will soon have other people living
to help him.
Whon a preacher Is convicted by his
own sermon he is preaching the gospel
It the devil couldn't sometimes wear
preacher's clothes he would never
leave the pit.
No matter where you find man of
faith, you will find him making some
one else rich.
There Is often as much venom in the
point of a pen as there is In the big end
of a club.
God gives every sower the privilege
of deciding just what kind of harvest he
will have.
The rich man in tormont did not try
to comfort himself by thinking how
many hypocrites thore wore In church.
Men's good gloves from 40 cents up,
at the People's store.
Good working gloves from 25c, up to
$1.00 at Mllllren's, the clothier and
Gum goods, all kinds, at Robinson's
A suit of mon's underwear for 90 cts.
at the People's store.
Holiday slippers and fine goods at
New glassware just received at H. J.
Children's corset waists at 45 cents at
H. J. Nlokle's.
A full line of lamps just received at
H. J. Nlokle's suoh as banquet, vase and
Tho Pennsylvania railroad, which for
tho past throo yoars has boon experi
menting with long rails on portions of
Its main lino, has secured very satisfac
tory results from tho railroad, and it is
probable that it will soon supplant tho
present standard 30-foot rail. Tho ad
vantage possessed by tho 00-foot rail
over tho shortor one now in tise is tho
saving effected In tho matter of joints,
which item, including fish and bnd
plates, together with tho bolts, amounts
to fully $000 or mllo. Propnrtinnatoty
tho long rails aro not moro expensive
than tho short, whilo tho difficulty at
first experienced on tho part of tho mills
to roll them havo been overcome, and
thoy are now as readily rollod as tho
shortor ones. Tho company has now in
uso from five to ten miles of tho now
rails on each of tho main lino sections
botwoon Philadelphia and Pittsburg. chains. In silver, gold and silk,
for ladies, at Ed. Goodcr's.
ItememlMir that Glenn Millimn saves
you big money on hats. You should
call and see his lino before purchasing
Foil KENT J. S. Jones' house In
West Ilcynoldsvlllo. Tills Is a gissl
house and a vory desirable placo to llvo.
For further information call at 9. Shaff
er's office.
To - Your
It will be economy for you to remember that
Has a large nnHortment of HOLIDAY GOODS, confut
ing of
Dolls and Toys of all kinds,
China Notions, Celluloid Picture Frames,
and Children's Books.
Also a full aaHortment of
Handkerchiefs, Towels,
Hosiery, Underwear, Etc., Etc.
A share of the holiday trade is nolicited.
t lie Soli
We have rented our
Gilbloom, of Punxsutawney, Pa.,
for a Clothing Store.
ALL SHOES will be
riage. Money saved by all who
buy Shoes from us!
Horses for Sale.
A pair draft mares, sound and true,
4 and 5 years old, weighing 1,400 and
l,riMlttis.; two horses 4 years old, weigh
ing l,02ottis.; ono mare three years old,
weighing l,02iilts.; and ono pair of
mules. J. C. Kinu & Co.
Ladles' cnllarett buckles, in silver
and gold, at Ed. Goodor's.
Working pants Hf cts. a pair at tho
People's Bargain Store.
Nntlcn Im linrobjr glvn Hint nn itptillriilfon
will Im tmuln to tlin Uovoriinr of fhM'nm
mnnwmlth of I'emmylviinln liy II, F. Iloovrr,
l. F. KoMiiMin, lltnt v A. Kwl, Kl. HikmIit
Rhd O. M. Mrltttmilu, Kw.. on tho 10th
fliiy nf .liinmiry, tinner thn nrnvl-
Hmiftof tin net of the llrmrftl Anwmuly of
the rotmnnnwrHltli of IVMiinyl viinhi i-ntl-th'fl
"An At to provlilf for tho InroriHtrntlon
nnd friciiliitloti of rertiiln rorporutlfinV
i) roved t lift 2fM li ritiy of A irlt, 174, nml
tlin w vp nil RMptnYmcntn thereto for thn
elmMer of n eoroonil Ion to Iw culled "Tho
KcvnohUvlllft Novelty Mnimfiirlnrlna (Vim
puny." the ehnrnetor him I object of which In
to ninmifactiiro nnrl sell W. .1. Wenver'n
Noti-Htn h IhwtlftM MlMeklHinril F.rnMr nml
W. J. WeHver'n Knn-kn Het-ret Ittillot Hon,
ntul ntich other novelties, Article: hihI Inven
tlotm n tuny Ih MtlfMted for nininifiicture by
milfl ('orMriitloii.
KeyiiohlHvHlo, 7, 'W. HollcltorH.
661 an Education.
Kditciitlon nml fortune tfn Imnd In hfitul.
Ciet hii erlucntloii Hi tho Cent nil Htntn Nor
nml Hchool, liiN-k Miiveii, KttMt-chiMf
HccomnMNhitloni ntu low rntoH. Htiito hUI to
BttidenlN. For llliiHtrnted culiilotfiiu HddroKH
JAMKH FLION, I'll. I., Irrlticliml,
Lock Unveil, Pn.
- Interest !
1, '95,
store room to Mrs. S. B.
sold at Cost and Car
I am now Ready
to hhow you everything in tho way of
fee, suitable for
at very moderate price?.
The Jeweler and Optician.
The following Goods are Going Fast!
Cashmere, in different
now 1 fin.
All-wool Henriettas, former price 50c, now 40c.
52-in. All-wool Ladies' Cloth, former price 65c,
now 40c.
45-in. Black Henriettas, former price 1.00, now
80c; former price 1.25, now
Black Serge, former
price 1.25, now 1.00.
We also have a full line of
You will always find our
Special Bargains!
of every description, which is superior in make and abso
lutely up to the Highest Standard in every detail of manu
facture and finish than can be found at any house in the
This is headquarters for
plete line in town. All the
our unequaled qualities.
Our Fall and Winter Underwear is complete in every
We are now making
Suits to Measure at $17 and $18 !
Remember we do not Bend your measure off to some ready
made house and get a hand-me-down nearest your measure
and put it on to you. We make these suits in our shop at
Eeiisle Harte Co.,
And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store.
Roofing and Spouting Done to Order.
shades, regular price 25c,
price 1.00, now 75c; former
prices are away down.
"FT A TS. The most com
prevailing styles and shades in
would beroud of.
glass lamps.