The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 21, 1894, Image 4

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    S'lhurriittinn Sl.fiO )irr (, in mlmim.
V. . NTKPHKNNflMi Hdltor nnil I'ub.
TV KV) N 1Vay7n W KM h K H 2 1 im4,
An Infli'ppniU'nt lix-nl pnpor, iHitiHshrili-vi-ry
Wiilmlnv ttt KnynitlKvillt .IWI'pnmn l'n.
Vn., dnvoiiMl to ihii Intpmstn of KryimtiNvlllo'ffi'rson count v. Non-polltli-nl. will trmt
nil with fiilrncw. nnil will hcoHMclnlly frlt-ntl-ly
townnN tin- InhnHim t'liim,
Fiilwrlptlon prlrefl.nnpfryrnr.ln nilvnni'p.
t'omnniiilciitlotw lnlmulrd for piilillrHtlon
mutt 1m ni-coinpnnti'il by thn wrltor'n inline,
not for nuhllnillmi, hut ns n ifiiiirnntco of
good fnlili. lntiwMlnK niw Mtnn miMi'HimI.
Ailvrrtltlntt rnti mnrlc known on applica
tion at th office In Arnold' HIiK'k.
l.cnulilv coinmiinlciitlonx anil rhtinito of
iWtvxrilwmi'ntH should ivnch thin nfllrp by
Monday noon.
Adrtivw all communlcatlonii toO, A.Htcpn
enn. KcvnoliNvlllc. 1'a.
Knirrpif at the noxtolTIco at Kpynoldnvlllp,
Pa., an second clann mall matter.
Tho wnrrantu for the Stuto appropria
tion for tho public schools are now be
ins sent out nt a rate of 200,000 a wick.
Tim wholo amount of fc",000,000 will
have Ivon dittbuiwil before the cIobo of
About two thousand people witnessed
tho unveiling ceremonies lust Friday of
tho monument erected at Chorrytree,
Indiana county, Pa., by tho Stato of
Pennsylvania marking the bound ry lino
of William Fenn's purchase from the
Indians. Gov. Pattlmm and Governor
elect Hastings failed to be present at
the unrolling.
Complete returns from every one of
tho 204 legislative districts of tho state
give the Republicans 43 members of the
senate and tho Democrats . In tho
house the Republicans have 17" mem
bers and the Democrats 27. Theso fig
ures are not liable to elmngo, as they
are bused on the olllclul count in all but
a few counties. Tho next legislature
' will stand 220 Republicans to 34 Demo
crats, a Republican majority on joint
ballot of ISO, a gain of HO on tho general
assembly of 13.
1). C!. Oyster, who was president of
tho Ridgway bank whon it closed its
doors Juno 22, 18IH, will likely bo tried
In the Elk county court this week for
embezzlement. Tho dofunct bank was
used as a savings bank by tho working
peoplo of the county and scores of them
are said to have lost all tho savings they
hud, which covered yours of hard work.
It is claimed that tho bank rocolved de
posits up to the very last, even whon
tho president knew tho bank could not
opon tho noxt morning.
Muny pooplo think that sweet pota
toes cannot bo raised successfully in our
section of the country, but novortholess
the contrary has boon proven this full.
This year Mrs. P. A. Stockdale set out
a number of sweet potatoo plants and
when tboy wore dug this fall they wore
as lino looking sweot potatoes as one
would wish. Whon they were cooked
they wore a golden yellow and proved
to have a rich flavor, something that
makes sweet potatoes worth eating, and
a flavor that is ofton lacking in many
of tho sweet potatoes that are shipped
to this town. You had bettor try rais
ing a few sweet potatoes noxt year, and
watch the result. You buy the plants
from some nursery at a small cost and
they are sont'by mall. Punxsutawney
Too often people rush Into matrimony
without carefully considering the mat--ter.
No man should become engaged to a
woman without having a perfectly frank
talk with her in regard to his means,
. and the woman should be quite as hon
est In telling of her qualifications and
willingness to undertake to master
' the problem of making a home on the
income that Booms assured to them.
Alas, such a talk before marriage is a
'Tare thing. The young man, in most
cases, will do bis best to make the
young lady think he is well to do and
has some monoy, and the young lady
will do her best to appoar to bo a jowol
in the eyes of her lover. Soon after
the honeymoon the true state of affairs
makes its appearance. Better far to be
honest with each other before marriage,
and thus save many disagreeable refer
ences to the past.
Burdette, who knows whereof he
speaks, gives the following advice to
the youug man: "So you have got your
solf into trouble, my son? Gone a little
wrong, have you? Yes; well, that
means you know that you have gone
clear wrong, because there is only one
kind of right and one kind of wrong;
there is no mugwumpory in morals, my
' boy. And you've had such a hard time
gotting back that it's made you a little
bitter and cynical, and you think all the
world Is rather hard and selfish and piti
less, and especially severe on you? Well,
I wouldn't foul that way at all, if I were
you. I don't think I ever did feel that
way, and I know more about It than you
do. I've been further down the Jericho
road than you. Went down there to
let my beard grow. Great town for
toots, from away back. It s a bad coun'
try. Never heard of but one good wo
man in Jericho, and she didn't move In
good society. But, my son, it isn't soci
ety's fault that you got into trouble,
You knew what the Jericho road was
before you went down that way. You
knew there was a ourse on the town
You were safe enough in Jerusalem,
whv didn't vou stay thoreV Don't feel
bitter towards all the world because you
fell among thieves and got cleaned out.
It is a kind, good-natured, forgiving old
world, if you give it ohanoe to be for
giving. True, it doesn't always look
that wav to a fellow in trouble, because
then the fellow is apt to look at the
Went Keynolusville School Notes.
A short vacation will bo given the
pupils during the holidays.
The library fund is already beyond
our expectations, and it Is still increas
ing. This is sufficient proof that our
citizens Bro interested in education, and
that they are ready to assist any move
ment which will give their children
better advantages In securing an educa
tion. The following aro tho names of those
who attended full time during last
month in the Grammar and Interme
diate schools:
Amy Allis, Myrtle Shobert, Emma
Davis, Nellio Hall, Gertie Franke,
Mary Hasson, Hnrtha Dempsoy, Bertha
Sykes, Delia Dempsoy, CBrrio Arnold,
Myrtlo Uiggs, Gertie McKoo, Cora
Boer, Maggie Williams, Nana Wynkup,
Ruth Stiles, Edith Horpol, Flo. Best,
Ruby Cook, Mabel Ishman, Susie Mc
Kernan, Nellie Montgomery, Lulu
Sykes, Besslo Williams, Edna Grubbs,
Chester Sehultzo, Michael Ward, Louis
Schultzo, Samuel East, Tommy McKee,
Assa Fottorman, Floyd Gross, Ilerchlal
Barry, Charloy Bttrge, Fred Mclntire,
Charly Montgomery, John Ward, Andy
McKee, Anna Stiles.
Lizzie Koehler, Blanche Hoke, Byrde
Ross, Agnes Gordon, Milcy Stiles, Etta
Sykes, Maud Shobert, Eldlva Hoke,
Katie Phalen, Orpha Boor, Barbara
Waito, Lulu Civighton, Anna McKer
nan, Maggie McKornan, Sadie Hasson,
H. F. Stauffer, Willie Ward, Lindsoy
Moore, William Shobert, Ralph Al
bright, Frank Stauffer, Harry Kernel,
W. B. Stouffor.
Ladies and gentlemen suffering with
throat and lung dillleulties to call otour
drug store for a bottle of Otto's Curo,
which wo aro distributing free of
charge, and wo can confidently recom
mend it as a superior remedy for coughs,
colds, brochitls, consumption, and all
diseases of tho throat and lungs. It
will stop a cough quicker thnn any
known remedy. We will guarantee it
to curo you. If your children have
croup or whooping cough it is suro to
give instant relief. Don't delay, but
get a trial bottle free. Largo sizes fiOc.
and 2."c. Sold by W. B. Alexander.
All persons indebted to mo for grocer
ies will please call and settle before tho
first of December, 1804, as I will leave
my accounts for collection after that
date. J. A. Welsh,
Roynoldsvllle, Pa.
Call and get our prices and examine
shoos, we can, and will sell all our shoos
at cost and carriage
Henry A. Reed, tho shoe man.
Killed by a Fall of Coal.
An Italian namod Antony Plool was
Instantly killed Monday evening in
Walston mines by a fall of roof in the
slope. He was 21 yoars of age, and was
to have been marrlod about Christmas,
having already obtained a marriage li
cense. Punxsutawney Spirit.
Horses for 8le.
A pair draft mares, sound and true,
4 and 5 yoars old, weighing 1,400 and
l,500tt8.; two horses 4 years old, weigh
ing l,025tbs. one mare three years old,
weighing l,02.rjlbs.; and one pair of
mules. J. C. Kino & Co.
Watches repaired by skilled work
men at C. F. Hoffman's. Everything
Remember that Glenn Milllren saves
you big money on hats. You should
call and see his line before purchasing
A bed for a tick of a clock.
A timekeeper for a mill race.
A lawyer to try a watch case.
An audience to see a horse fly.
Some buttons for coat of paint.
More subscribers to The Star.
A doctor to cure a window pane.
Some one to spin a mountain top.
A machine to thrash "wild oats."
A sign language for dumb waiters.
A hand to go with an arm of the sea.
A man to find traces of a lost harness.
A pump for a well spring of informa
A carpenter to put a roof on a water
Delinquents to pay thoir subscrip
A barber to shave the face of the
People to get their job work at this
A nurse maid to rock the cradle of
the deep.
A tailor to take the measure of a suit
for libel.
A tonsorlal artist to shampoo the
head of a river.
A harness maker to build a harness
for a night mare.
Your watches and clocks repaired
and warrauted, at Ed. Goodor's
Good working gloves from 25c. up to
1.00 at Mllliren's, the clothier and
The finest silver polish in the market
at Zo cents per box, at jsa. uooaer s.
Vienna flour at J. A. Welsh's forH.OO
per sack.
A full line of lamps just received at
H. J. Nlokle'i such as banquet, vase and
Joseph Dupont, of Punxsutawney,
was in town Monday on business.
B. F. Crosloy, of this place, was visit
ing friends at Coal Glen Saturday and
Mrs. William Fasutt, of Dubois, was
visiting hor parents and frlonds here on
Robert Strang, of Adrian, has moved
to this place.
Mr. Robert Roberts will sail on the
"City of Paris" the 21st of this month
for England. His many friends join In
wishing him a pleasant voyage and may
he return again.
There will be a Thanksgiving supper
in the P.O. S. of A. hall Thursday
evening, Nov. 2!Hh, for the purpose of
raising money to pay the indebtedness
of the M. E. church. Supper 25 cents,
eyory body Invited.
We loarn that some of our townsmen,
who are highly respected, have joined
tho "Scrap Society," and last Saturday
evening had the first degree conferred
upon thorn. By thoir appearance thoy
wore badly used up,
L. A. Hays, District Deputy Grand
Chancellor K. of P. for the northern
district of Jefferson county, will attend
a special convocation of the Grand
Lodge of K. of P., of Pennsylvania, to
bo hold in Lafayette hall, In Pittsburg,
on Thursday, Nov. 22nd, 1804.
Rig Kxrlleimnt In Town.
Over the remarkable cures by the
grandest specific of tho ago. Bacon's
Colery King, which acts as a natural
liixntivo. stimulates thedigestivo organs,
regulates tho livor and kidneys and is
naturo's great healer and health re
newer. If you havo kidnoy, livor and
blood disordor, do not delay, but call at
W. B. Alexander's drug Btoro for a free
trial package. Largo sizes fiOo. and 2."c.
At King & Co. 's you will find baled
hay, salt, flour ond a full lino of general
No. 1. Remington double barrel gun
at Alex, ltiston s for $22.00.
Fancy table syrup at J. A. Welsh's
ror oi cents per gallon.
J. A. Welsh's cash grocery Is tho
place to save money.
PHftlno tvtttt tht ritb.
Buzard Bower At the parsonngo of
the M. E, church In Brookvillo, Nov.
14th, 181)4, by Rov. Russoll M. War
ren, D. D., James Buzard, of Wash
ington township, Joff. Co., Pa., and
Miss Hattio Bower, of Warsaw town
ship, Jefferson county, 1'a.
Get. an Education.
Education and fortune iro hand In hand.
Oct an education at the Central Htate Nor
mal School, Lock Haven, 1'a. Flrst-claHS
accommodation!! and low rates. State Bid to
stuuentN. l-or IIMiHtriiteu catalouue ailureim
J Am EH Kl.KON, I'll. I)., l'rlnclpal,
Lock Haven, I'll
n r n
Wc have rented our
Gilbloom, of Punxsutawney, Pa.,
for a Clothing Store.
ALL SHOES will be
riage. Money saved by all who
buy Shoes from us!
Tho county Institute hold In Brook-
vtlle during the past week was a suc
cess. No one, . after listening to tho
instructors could holp but say, "knowl
edge Is power," Dr. Holbrook is a
talented man and no better tribute
could be paid him than to say, he Is a
giant in the educational world, Miss
Buckby, with her womanly grace and
educational qualifications, proves to us
that the women of to-day are, and can
do work that was once supposed to be
the work of man alone. Prof. E. D.
Stewart does not claim to bo an experi
enced Institute instructor but he, too, is
worthy of the highest commendation.
His talks were entertaining, Instructive
and well received by the teachers. Dr.
A. J. Davis, Dr. D. J. Waller and Prof.
Benodlct were present the latter part
of the week. The merits of those men
are well known to all persons Interested
In education. In short, Jefferson county
celebrated one of Its most successful In
stitutes. V
Op interest to Ladies. Tho scalp
may be kept white and clean, and the
hair soft, pliant and glossy, by tho use
of Ayor's nalr Vigor. This prepara
tion novor fails to restore to faded and
gray hair Its original color. Sold by
druggists and perfumers.
New glassware just received at H. J.
8oven ltis. toa at J. A. Welsh's for
Link cuff buttons In silver and gold,
at Ed. Goodor's.
Tho quaint little women of Kato
Greenaway are to bo Been In a magazine
for the first time since thoir creation
Miss Groenaway has heretofore always
drawn them In color and for book pub
lication. Now, however, she 1b at work
upon a special scrlos of hor curious tots
for The Ladies' Home Jmtrnal, and in
that periodical thoy will alternate with
a now Bcrles of Palmer Cox's funny
All tho high grades of flour soiling at
J. A. Welsh's for 1.00 a sack.
Cash is the motto. Closer profits and
choapor goods to tho consumer. It is
an absoluto necessity to ourselves and
tho town, as many aro going away for
thoir goods. For prices call and soo
our goods. J. C. Kino & Co.
Mrs. Burton Harrison is writing a
series of articlos for and about society
girls which The Ladies'1 Ifnme Journal
will begin In ono of Its early Issues.
WAH SING, Proprietor,
Corner 4th street and Gordon alley. First'
class work done at reasonable price, Hive
the laundry a trial.
1, '95,
store room to Mrs. S. B.
sold at Cost and Car
To the
wish to announce that I have added some improved meth
ods of fitting the eyes with
And have fitted up a private
where 1 carelully examine the eyes for errors of
refraction and fit glasses for parties who
require them.
Jeweler and Optician.
The following Goods are Going Fast!
Cashmere, in different
now 15c.
All-wool Henriettas, former price 50c, now 40c
52-in. All-wool Ladies' Cloth, former price 65c,
now 40c
45-in. Black Henriettas, former price 1.00, now
80c; former price $1.25, now
Black Serge, former
irice $1.25, now $1.00.
We also have a full line of
You will always find our
Special Bargains!
of every description, which is superior in make and abso
lutely up to the Highest Standard in every detail of manu
facture and finish than can
This is headquarters for
plete line in town. All the
our unequaled qualities.
Our Fall and Winter Underwear is complete in every
We are now making
Suits to Measure
Remember we do not send your measure off to some ready
made house and get a hand-me-down nearest your measure
and put it on to you. We
taifai Harm Co.,
And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store.
Roofing and Spouting Done to Order.
rooin in the rear of my store,
shades, regular price 25c,
price 1.00, now 75c: former
prices are away down.
be found at any house in the
TT A.TS. The most com
prevailing styles and shades in
at $17 and $18!
make these suits in our shop at
wrong people."
glass lamps.