The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 14, 1894, Image 8

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A "rn f'!iitnln Trl1 How nti'l Why n
Mliat Malir Oil Il k Tlm.
A iwppnser on lino of tlm Enrninii
llnw Hindu n J-h-iwo rrmnrk to tlm rnp
tiitn 0110 nlKlit ni tlioy worn chatting
fnmlllnrly on dork.
"Von son riiptnln, " ho snlrt, "nre
tlio only nbsolnto iovri-rl,7tis now loft in
tho world. Wlirn tlio utilp loaves port,
your will is liiw. Every one on board
y, ,. ,...,;:-,m v mpvimi nnt'iority.
From yonr decision thrro nro nr np
ponln. Kvory lifu in In your kocping.
Yon nro son klnjjn Iniloeil. "
"No, wo nvo biindiurn of tlio nom
puny nmiinKors, " wn tlio MnIT olil cup
tail it reply. "Wo nro undiT olilitfn
tions to niid.o f;ut rmis, yet never to
t:iko nny rifk. It in no ImiKor pni1lo .
for tlio captain of i first class liner to j
exercise discretion. !
"Why, on my last run iiorosn IhoAt- j
Intitlo, " ho continued, rapidly warming j
np, "1 had had weather nearly nil tho '
war. When tho wind was not hlowiiiff
II pale, there was dense fog, nnil 1 didn't i
dare to run nt foil speed. Tlio ship wn j
hours In-hind tinin in reaching Now ;
Tho captain mid tho passenger woro
intinmtn fi-towls mid talked without ro
straint. "I went to tho main oflieo," tho cap
tain continued, "and was received cold
ly 1 y tlio manager. Ho told mo that I
hacl imivI" n v i v p 'or run. 1 tried to
cxp'iiin how had tho weather had lioen,
but ho listened iinpationtly. Ho re-
jninded mo that other tOiips loavinq
Ens-'land on the rhiio day hud nrriveil
lntieh earlier, ulthounli they must have
had similar Weather. lie said that tho
day for cautious, old fashioned captains
bud Rono by. Tho reputation of a chip
for epped must lie maintained, mid cap
tains must Iki brisk nnil wido awako, or
their usefulness would ho nt nn end.
"Yon may hnvojioticed, " tho captain
added nfter n pause, "that wo hnvo been
miming nt full pjiccd nil day in n heavy
fog. Your klntf lias been profiting by
tho reprimnnd which ho received, and
ho hasn't known a comfortable moment
until the fog lifted nn hour ago.
"So yon nee that the kings of the sea
are the managers' bondmen. If they
are cautions ami avoid risks, they are
considered sleepy and slow. If they are
Venturesome nud the ship goes wrong,
then they are condemned as foolhardy.
That's tho tyranny of tho sea, even if
wear kings on deck." Philadelphia
A "Singular" Continue.
They were standing on a street cor
ner waiting for n car. She was Ameri
can; he was English. Sho delighted in
proclaiming tho glories of this new
world, but ho only clovnted his beastly
nose and answered every remark with
that irritat ing pliraao. "In tho old conn
try, " eta
While thoy were waiting a pair of
bicyclers, a man and a woman, wheeled
by. The womnn was droBscd decidedly
"np to date."
"Awl" tho Englishman romnrkod.
"Knickerbockers I"
Tho girl looked in snrprisa "Do you
moan the womnn in bloomers?"
"Yes, but in tho old country, ye
know, wo call 'em knickerbockers."
Miss America hardly knew how to
answer his know it oil manner. Sho felt
it would bo rudo to chnngo tho conver
sation too abrnptly, vo sho simply said,
"By tho way, do yon call 'a pnir of
knickerbockers' singular or plural?"
Tho Englishman glanced after the re
treating bicyclers. "Plural," he said,
"ns applied to men, but in the case of
women singular." Boston Budgot
A Yearly Newspaper,
What would you think of a yearly
newspaper one that is only printed
onco through tho twelvemonth? Thero
aro nt least two such in tho world, and
thero may bo more. Ono is called Tho
Eskimo Bullet in. It is issued evory year
at Prince of Walos' Capo, Bering strait,
on tho arrival at that isolated place of
the yoarly steamer. This brings news
from tho outer world, and the paper
that has something to print besides its
local uows, that everybody knows at
any rate. Tho othor papor is priuted in
Paris, and it comes out once a year now,
just to preserve its name, The Twentieth
Century. Its publishers think that will
be a very fine name for a journal when
the twentieth century is actually hero,
and for fear some one will got ahoad of
them in it thoy will issue thoir paper
once year nntil 1900, and thus bo first
in tho field. New York Timet
The "Autocrat" Sometime Nodded,
Dr. Eolmoi paid aa little heed to the
itfietam of the rhetoricians that a sen
rtenoe should not end with a preposition
-or thor important word aa did the oth
r author of work on rhotorio who
laid down the rule, "A preposition
should not be used to end a aentenoe
with. " Dr. Holmos ended not only sen
tence, but chapters, with prepositions
And other insignificant words. For ex
ample, chapter 6 of "Elsie Venner"
ends with the words "attend to, " and
chapter 13 of the same novel end
with the wordt "die ot" Boston
Tho Joat Fear of God.
If we work upon marble, it will
perish; if w work upon brass, time
will efface it; if we rear temples, they
will crumble into dust, but if we work
upon immortal minds, if we imbue them
with principle!, with the just fear of
Ood and love of our fellow men, we en
grave on those tablets something which
will brighten to All, eternity. Daniel
The teachers of cooking in the Boston
publio schools are paid f 46 for their
first year's work, with an annual in
crease of 1 48 until the) maximum of
$744 U reached. The director of the
coking schools is paid 11,000.
The Banlte Bte. Marie was so named
to distinguish it from many other laaltea
or leaps. Thi Indian name was Paw-
' Water Falling Over Rook,"
Cynlral Nriitlmrnt to It tr and
Abnsre ami lie Knemtrs.
Public sentiment Is not unanlmons in
regard to tho honlthfnlncM of using to
bacon. Everybody who saw tho body of
a negro upon whom n hogshend of to
bacco fell from the third story of a Now
Orleans wnrohmifto conceded that to
bacco taken In largo quantities is In
jurious. Tobacco is said by foiiio to lmvo a do
moralizing effect. An Indiana innn
taught his dog, n very flno setter, to
chew tobacco. Now tho dog comes into
tho house by tho back door, never scrnpu
his feet on the mat, never goes to church,
Is careless nt bis meals, gets burs in his
tail, goes with n lower grade of dogs
nud is beginning to take nil interest in
A goat, it H well known, is fond of
tobacco, lint ho freely gives away his
All Idiulu of troubles nnd complica
tions are ascribed to tobacco, It is said
to cause tobacco blindness. Ht ill wo
have never found any friends of our, to
bo nlllietod with it when wo lmvo in
cautiously left a choice cigar exposed in
our vest pocket.
Ladies generally object to Flunking,
but it takes nn old smoker to get up on
his car nnd howl four bladeil niljeetives
nt the rufllnii who is Idiotic enough to
smoke bad tobairo. If n woman's bus.
band smokes, she should not put him
out, but let him down ns easy ns sho
would a smoking lamp.
The smoker, on tho other hand, has
ninny compensations. If he should lie
shipwrecked on a cannibal island, ho Is
comforted by tho thought thnt, his body
will bo respected. Tho cannibals don't
relish tho flesh of a innn who chews or
The man who smokes is not molested
by mosquitoes. They can't stand smok
ing. Detroit Free Press.
Tom Barklrjp Lwisned Tirnln and Thra
United From the Fight.
Tom Buckley was working on the
spring roundup in tho employ of one
of the largo cattle outfits in southern
Montana. Whilo riding through a clump
of bushes one day hunting cattlo a full
grown silver tip bear suddenly arose
and confronted him. The only wenpon
at hand was his lariat, and with vi
sions of juicy bear steak for the boys at
supper around the mess wagon that
night and a flue rug for the pretty
schoolmarm he quickly loosened his
rope and throw it A fow turns over the
saddle horn, at the same time spurring
his horse, and tho shock came. It was
very severe, for unluckily the bear's
fore leg as woll as his head was through
the loop of the ropo. Tom was about to
drop the rope like a hot cake when the
horse suddenly put his head down and
started bucking in true bronoho style.
Thomas didn't last long. Be suffered
when he struck the ground, but he did
not linger in tho vicinity to nsoertain
the extent of his injuries. Be started
for the top of a butto close at hand, and
although an indifferent sprinter he man
aged to make very fair time.
Looking back from his position of
comparative safety, he could see thnt
both animals had becomo entangled in
the ropo and were having it out in great
style, making frnntio efforts to free
thcmsolvcs. Tho ropo flnnlly parted, and
away they went in opposite directions,
or as ho expressed it, "They quit the
country, hitting only tho high spots."
Chicago Record.
Traveler Mont Tie Content,
In somo parts of the southern states,
whore, happily for them, tho peoplo
are not in snch a censoloss hurry as peo
ple are in tho nervous north, no one
thinks of exacting punctuality from
railroad trains. They take them when
they come, and arrive when thoy get
there, and are content
A fretful Yankoe drummer, who, at a
country railway station, had been fum
ing becauso a train hnd not arrived an
hour ?ftor sehodalo time, rooeivod a
lussrfu in patienoo from an oldorly coun
tryman who came in with his gripsack
and asked the station master:
"What time do the train for Savan
nah git hero, boss''
"Soniowhar 'bout nightfall, " answer
ed tho stationman.
"An what time do she git ter Savan
nah?" -t-
"Somewhar 'bout mawnin. "
Then the countryman, perfectly satis
fied with the information, folded his
legs in oorner and settled down to an
hour or more of philosophical comfort
Yonth'a Companion. '
A Dramatlo Holdup.
Missouri Fireman Give 'erair, Bill!
Stop 'erl We're held npl
Engineer I see hist I There's seven
of them on this side
"Wearin masks, too, Bill" -
Bobber (with drawn sword) And
dar-r-r-est thou insult me to my beard?
Marry I It is more than human that
p-r-r-ompts me thus to spare thy insig
nificance Engineer It's all right; let 'er go I
Fireman Wh-what is it. Bill?
"Thee-ayter troop, rohearsin for the
next town I"
"What 're they doin out here in this
dense swamp?"
"Try in to get to the next town. "
Cloveland Plain Dealer.
A Woman's Argument.
He You women have no right to the
ballot for the simple reason that in case
of a war yon would not be able to fight
She Then why do yon allow a man
who is crippled to vote?
He Why er if that isn't Just lik
woman to ask some suoh fool question
a that Indianapolis Journal
Visitor to Publio Institution Isn't It.
rather olose here? Don't yon think there
Is need of ventilation?
City Father Ventilation? Great Cm
sari No; there's been altogether too
much ventilation of the place already.
-Boston Transcript
Appearances Deceptive,
Tho other dny there entered a Brond
wny car down town a withered, skinny,
queer looking llltlo woman of about CO
years, a perfeot typo of the shabby spin
ster ns sho is commonly Imagined. A
member of a firm which publishes a pa
por given over to tho hottest nnrl most
sentimontnl chenp fiction, who hnppen
ed to be in tho car, greeted her with
great consideration nnd conversed with
her nntil she left tho enr np town.
"Who is that Velieiahlo iintiquo?"
nsked tho friend who was with him
when she had departed.
"Win is ono of onr contributors," rn
plied the publisher.
"The editor of tho ragbag depart
ment?"' "Not exactly. Tho fact H, old man,
shots Miss , the author of ."
And he strum off n list of a dozen or
moro of those high pressure, passion
palpitating, heart bursting serial ilet ions
dear to a certain class of feminine rend
ers. "You'd never bellevo It, of course,
but it's so, nnd we know it to the tuuo
of $1,100 n year, which is what wo pay
her under our contract for her stories."
New York Heoordcr.
BnperlienliMl fitemn
Probably it has conio to lm necepted
ns nn axiom by most practicnl steam
engineers that in modern conditions of
working sliierhealing is useless or im
possible. Some reasons for such n belief,
wising out, of difficulties i xperienc d,
lio doubt there lire, lint If engineers
generally bad fully nppreclated tho
magnitude of the loss due to condensa
tion in tho cylinder it Is dilllcult to
think that superheating would lmvo
been abandoned with ho little of a strug
gle to overcome the dilllculties, nud
thnt, for so lung, whilo every other
means of securing economy hns been
tried, superhenting hns been neglected.
It Is sometimes said thnt tho quantity
of heat in superheated steam in excess
of thnt in sat united steam is very small.
That Is so, of course. But thoenrlierex
perience showed thnt this small quan
tity produced a disproportionately largo
beneflclnl effect. l'rofessor W. C. Un
win in Cossier's Magazine.
Fore of Habit.
There are no tables in the houses of
tho Eskimo, nnd tho women are there
fore in the habit of placing everything
on tho floor. A Danish Indy employed
several Eskimo women to do some wash
ing. Entering the washhouso, she saw
them all bending over the washtuhs
that stood on the floor. To mnke them
more comfortable she had some stools
fetched aud placed the tubs upon them.
By and by sho looked in to see how they
were getting on, and to her astonish
ment discovered tho women standing
on tho stools and stooping still more la
boriously over tho tubs, which still re
mained on tho floor. Ban Francisco
A Dog Habit.
Hnvo you ever thought why it is that
a dog turns around and around whou he
jumps np on his cushion or starts to sot
tie himself anywhoro for a imp? Now
that you aro reminded, yon can recall
that you have seen a dog do it many
times, can't you? This hnbit is about
all that is left to our tame little doggios
of the days long ago, when they wore a
race of wild animals and lived in the
woods. Their beds thou woro matted
grass nud leaves, nud it was to trample
enough grass and properly arrango tho
loaves thnt tho dog always trod around
a narrow oirclo beforo ho would lie
down. Tho dog of todny keeps up tho
same old habit, although thore is no
longor any need for it, and of courso tho
animal hns no notion why ho does it
Now York Times.
Culpable Ignornnoo,
She (severely) Henry, what's a poker
lie (frankly) It's a chip off a poker,
I supposa Did I guess it? Kxehaum.
For a Cold to Run into Bron
chitis or Pneumonia.
Check it at Once
Cherry Pectoral,
"Early in the Winter. I took a f
severe cold which developed int.- c;
an obstinate, hacking cotigli, t-j
very painful to endure tun! .
troubling me day and night, for J.
nine weeks, in spite of numerous
remedies, a jit h i nerry rw
torul being recommended me, I
began to take it, and inside of 24
hours, I was relieved of the
tickling in my throat. Before I
finished the bottle, my cough
was nearly gone. I cannot speak
too highly of its excellence."
Mrs. E. lioscit, Eaton, Ohio.
Ayer's Cherry Pectoral
v Received Highest Award
W f
tttillYCftti (flint fitttlr.
in;uju KAIIAVAY.
TIipmIimiI llhf lif'twiM-n fMillolu. 1tiilinvtt .
HnnldiM, HnluiimiH'H, Hull iilo. Hhrlii .
M turn ri. I'll I In nntl imliit hi the upper oil
Ott niwl nftir .Ihiip 17th, 1WI4, nri-
ft? Itiilim will ni-ilvti and ilepuct fintn l-iills
'riMk Htiilhm, dully, txiit Hiindny, nn fol
low: I. HO I'. M. nnd ftJW) p. in. ArritmiiMMlntlnim
from ruiix-nCii wiu-v nti'l Itfu Itim.
8:M A. M.- Mulliilo nnd ih-ImsIit mull Tot
IlKH'k wityvlHt, U Muvvhv,. loh tioti tut rtt.Mt,
.Irwci I, in .-ii hi ntii lit it . Ihi.ihhi i
Kot'lu'MhTi nmtH'ct Intf HI .lohiHoittiuii
with I'. A (;. ituiti ;i. for Wlli .(, Kiitti-,
Wimrn, Curry mid KH
10: fill A. M.- Acroiiiiiioflntloti Tor Pylti",
lliir linn nnd I'imihhiiimic.v.
51:201'. ,M. UrtMlfoi d Arvoin'inodnl Ion I'm
Urn-Ill ire, HroclnMiyvlllf, Kllinont. ('Mi
llion, Khlirwtty, ,lotinoittnit u, Mt..tcvt'll
mid tlitiilford.
5:10 P. M. Mull- Tor Unll.iU. H1;r, !h:
Kim, I'titt mii m tiey ninl WnNton.
I'iivm tttrciM nrr tfi in 'mm1 to piii rli iic Uri
el lirfoii flit i - lltir I In rji r-; . All li'i-s
r It'll Hi' of Tell Teli 14 l lie roller te: liy rnll-
ditrlots w hen fines ute pn!d on 1 i nln-., fi mi
Hll '.lit I Ions v. heieil I irl.ei otlire , m:i i li II llM it.
Tlioil-tihd mile llrket nt luti i-cliN pet
mile, cood fof pn-iiu'e Pel . eelt ll II hMHImii-.
.1. II. Mi 1m Vllf, A ienl I nlU.-it'. l . I'm.
II. .. 1 VI III K. I I , MTV.
(teiieinl 'npl. .en. I 'a, A'.ritl
Itllflnlo, .V V. liorlielei .. N
p !; N N S A A N I A 1 1 A I M i A I ).
IN KI'KKt T NOV. I'.l, V'A.
ritlladelphln Kile I'-iIh:hI t'i MmiTh m
Tlilile. Tin ih. lenve I h ifl wood.
A M Ti n In dully rrept Snielriy f'.i
Sunlunv. 1 1 ti it Kin ii ii ml in: n inn He i e -i n
IdttiH, ttnUln-i HI riill:ilel)ilil-i li:.rl p. in
Neiv N in k. n:'l p. in . ; I) iintiie. T :'i p. i
ri--hlii'Nin. s: .. p. m I i 1 1 1 m n n Tii'loi i
flniri W ll!iMtli-p"iM JM'd p:i- i ii' el- rn;ii ,(
1 1 om Kiuie to I'lillinlelph in.
1'. M. Titiln li, dnily en pi Snndiiy 1-u
Utii rl-lnii : nnil Inlet meiliii ie --tnilon, a
i iiri tit riiilinlelpliiii I . M. ! V i I k.
i::tl A. M. Thnmuli roti li fiotn Ihiltol- to
V. i!ll:imporl . l'ullmto,i eepintf m f nm
1 1 nn l-hm n to I'lillmlr IpMti mi'l New Vo k
I'hilndelplihi i:i--iem.'et-A run tfiiiiiln n
sleeper nnd ll tn heil iiiilll T : .1. M.
II: id I'. !.- I'riiln 4. dully for Kunlitiry. Ihirrl'.
Imi if li nd Int ermetllnle Kl nl Ions, hi t h Inu a i
i'hllndelplilti, ll:.n a. M.: New York, "::
A. M.f liiilllniotf. H: :ma. m.; U'nsldii'.'ion. 7::w
A. M. I'tillinim rills from Krle mid WHIItinis
poi t to I'lilltidelplilti. I'lissenuem In sleepet
for Mtill I nn no mid AViishlimton will he
tninsfeiied Into Wiislihmton sleeper ill Utir
rtstnnii. I'nssetiuer eonrln from Kile to
I'hllittlelplilu nnd Wllliinnsport to Hnlll
?::r! A. M.-Tiiitn I, dully except Hiindny for
lUdunuy, Oultols Clermont nnd Intei
tiu'flliiie HltitloiiH. Leaves llldtfwny nl
l. st. for Ki le.
9: .Ml A. M. -Tin In II, dully for Kile nnd Intel
tnedlnle point.
0:7 I. M.Tmln II, dully except Sunday fur
Nil ne mid Intermedin! est at Ions.
TIMtoniH Tit A IN KtMt lUIFTVM1i
TIIAIN II lenve. IMilliidelnhln H:'t a. fii.i
Wtishlnuton, 7..VI a. M. Itnftlmoie, H:4.'i A. M.;
Mkeslim-ie, 10: 1 "t a. m.: dully eret Hiin
dtiy, ikftlvltitr nt htlMwood nt p. M. with
I'ullinmi I'urlor ear from Philadelphia to
TII.MN3leave-iNew Yorknl f . m.: IMiHit
deliihla, 11:20 p. in.; W ashlnirton, I". 40 a. rn.;
HitMimoie, 11:40 p. m.f dully iirrlvliitf at
OrlflwiMid tit tl:!W a. m. riillinnn sleeplm.'
ran from I'htliidelphia to Krle and from
Washtnuton and lliiltlmore to WMIhunsport
and tlii-oiij.'h pnssemrer ronrhe frinn ritlhi
tleldihi to Krle and Hull Imoru to WIHianiH
poii and to OuHoIh.
TWAIN I leaven Henovo at B::n a. in., dally
exrept Hiinduy, iiitIvIiik at lrlftwtMl 7:.r.'
a. in.
(Dully except Sunday.)
TRAIN 111 leaven UldKway at H:4Ua. m.; .Tohii
HonliuiK at f:M a. in., arrlvliiK at C'lermont
nt to:4n a. m.
THAI N !i0 leaves Clermont at 10:55 a. m. ar
riving at .lohnsonlmrg at 11:40 u. ni. and
Hhlttway nt 11 :Tv" a, m.
A.M. l:M
12 III
11 IH
I - ti
i :il
12 :im
12 42
12 44
12 411
I 14
U 4H
II -.2
III 112
10 IS
10 17
III 211
10 42
10 4N
10. VI
11 0.1
Island Hun
Mill lliivrn
Hlu. its MIIU
llhic KiH-k
YliM'yiiril Kim
llHM-kwiiy vllto
McMInn Hotntnil
lliirvrys Klin
TiilU I 'i-4-ck
l :m
1 20
l in
I mi
12 .111
12 r4
12 .12
12 .HI
12 :w
12 :i
il :m
0 22
II 1.1
ft .11
ft 2.1
I2 2il
12 20
12 0.1
A 20
ft 1.1
KiiHlwiirtl. Wi'sliviird.
Train h. 7:17 a. in. Train X 1 1 : t4 a. m
Traill II, 1:4.1 l. In. Train I, U:KI ). III.
Train 4, 7:ft.1 p. m. Train II, 8:2.1 i. in.
itn. Munauor.
J. It. W4MIII,
Utn. I'asH. A('t.
(lOMl'ANY coiiiiinMii'lni; Kiniiliiy
Miiy 'M, 1H!H, L(iw Ouilo UiviHiun.
No.l.No.ft.Ni. V.
A. M
l. M.
A. H.
Iti'd Hank....
l.awNiinlium .
10 41
4 411
4 1.2
lo r,7i
New llcililiihum
ii ;m
ll :
11 4(1
12 01
ft 12
ft 20
ft 2"1
ft 47
(Ink ItlilKO
Hiiiniiu'rvUlu ...
Ucymildavillo ..
I'allN Cruuk
Winuirliurn ....
ft Xi
ft 41
U (10
(I 20
12 2.1
12 ai
It 2l
12 4:1
1 no
1 IN
1 i
1 :ti
1 4H
1 All
2 01
0 :iN
6 r.7
7 mi
7 2.1
7 :i
7 00
7 10
7 SI
10 AA
11 Ull
1 m
1 4A
7 4'
7 AH
7 14
h mi
7 40
7 All
2 1A
1 20
3 4-1
2 Ail
a 20
S 27,
8 44
8 A4
8 01
8 IN
8 2
9 2A
P. ' M
l. M
A. M
No.21 No.8 INo.101 106 I no
A. M
P. M.
P. H
P. M
(lli'n KUkor....
Wlntiirburn ...
FallHCn't'k ....
Hey noldav Ills.
in mi
s 00
7 Oil
7 18
7 aa
10 42
10 ft2
11 11
6 82
5 42
ft All
6 10
C 2(1
6 20
11 20
11 HO
11 anl
7 44
7 A4
8 01)1
11 4'
8 12
8 2A
1 w
1 2.1!
7 2o
7 2
7 40
8 Oil
8 1
8 HH
8 A7
II 01
9 47
13 10
12 20
ft 00
s 10
8 a2
8 40
8 4
9 OA
9 17
9 2A
9 44
10 04
10 IH
10 2.1
1 H4
1 42
1 M
2 10
2 20
2 AH
8 0(1
8 1A
8 47
i 00
New Huthlehem
10 00
A. M
P. M.A H.l P. M
Trains dully except Sunday.
JA8. P. ANDEKBON. Gkh'l. Pass. Aqt.
Private - Hospital,
Private treatment given, by oxpertH, for all
dlHeaaea, medli-al or BurxliMil. A luylnic-ln
ward where ladiua may liuve the beneutot
nllvndance by a nkllled ubHtetrlcaii, and
thorouxhly trained niirHVH, and at the uuinu
lime Huvure Hirift privacy, nnwiui aitontion
irlvetl to all female troubles. akin dlHt.iiHeuanil
lung atfer.tloiiM. Nervoua diaouMes pt.riHinaliy
troutud by Dr. 1. K. Wllev, phyHli-tun In
cnarge, a graduate 01 jeireraon Medical (.1
leue of Phlla. A eorm of Hktllful andcomnet.
ent pliyitli-laim In constant attendance, allied
by trained nunum. Hates moderate, niacin
treatment within the reach of the anllctetf.
Patlenla admitted at all hours. Kor full par
...1.1 .... i, t ti. . .
8810 Kirra Atimvs, l'lTTSBUKQ, FA.
tip VALfAlll.t:
Itv V Ifl IH. (if III! III ill f af I In. I ll lit. .' I'.,.lrl
of .fi'Merwon I'oiiiily, I'eiiiiMvlviiMta, In me dl
reeled, In Hie nnrllllon or the real emute of
tii nh A. ityiiind, lute of Inflow township,
n hi 1 rniintv. di'i-'d. No. 1. 1'i-hriiti rv 'l'ititi.
IM4. O. t. I'. ll., I will etMKe to public mile or
Miiriy on 1 in- pt i'iiiii'H on
Thurdny, November IS, 1894,
l hiinM'liirk p.m., the follouhm 4lesi'i Hied
reitl eslnle. the nioiiri I v of the entitle of Mild
.-ii i ii 1 1 A, Wiiyhmd, die d, lo-wlt :
Mounded on the north ly IuimN nf John
';mlth nnd .Iii"m-s , (icenier, on tin enM hv
nnil of r. Mli-ln. on Im- mnn h by IiiimN of
H, It. honihct nnd l. Ihirtmnn. utid on the
i-t .y hind- ot U. Hoiilhi-I nnd Heeley A
MfXMiidci, roiiliiininu one hiindtfd mid mI-
v-i o nn i nnd om- hnmlit'd nnd foi i v-om1
l cIi'Im"-: lil'oiil i"-.IH Ili'ic-t r li:i i I'll, l lli'i'd
-ml Inn l:oh .i;ii of ru It i it I loo. I lit luil
i ni'i 1 1 ml'i'i el w It h hnrd m i"d : i:ood ori-hntd"
"f npph', pi :n h himI other f'tih l-ih"! pi hnr
f wtiii-fj Inn Imt ihcton I'lefi'l u uoud new
i-td, Im m II f' -I w ii I y Im t ft-c! , - hilr:li-
oof ; iitti-fuiini-' dv.i-llhiu' h"ti.i' eiuhti i-n hv
ot ly-foiir ft ii v.iihT iitunlu'd ilulitttit h'v
It h 1 1111 f'-et. lui'tny fi ft liiidi. iwnthnr
oitt otil. hni-tl :ind v. fit h m i- lift : -pi In-r huti-e
ml., i r-i'.-i-. ;i: on: i i''n ii.-j-..
iiiitiii' on tftf piti.i-c !i :ii tt nditrj from
"t- iiuld- Hie to l't it -ii . it in-y, it I imiii two
"V-- (tun- i; t.d i - v ill-. 'Kill' imiiiwI In
Ito K t- itotifr-t ' ll mi;i I lit Id, mid ii enr
to i on I tnliifx. Vitw en rut'd.
A I o, ii t i be me i imt' mid pliir'. otic nt her
i in r of In tn I I'ottiJ! itnmr (fly i-fi e. lion tided
1 m I'm1 t k it i Ii I iy Ittti'!, of .hi-i'tih Si toit-e, on
h'-i!tl In l:ni.i- til O.l '.ttir; 1 1 1 1 1 lliniini
ii tli It. tin iIm -ninti hv 'the Hvt neie litn-t
fi ptetl I .Ii -!i' I!. ii i ?n"-. M-I 1y IninU
f i y .V , V, it Intnl. V ell I ilnl erei u It It litt i
wii'l ; tin . t. ))i i . i iiit-ttl
4'ei -him el ,. i le; en per cent, of Hie v lio'e
"iM'i'Mi ot -1 1 1 hii-e itioiiev nt lilne of -iile.
id If I iiiiH, . . ot. nl i.'-llr.d of lite
tntli' Mtnr'iiir ni on .:n)i'i-nntl iofi iheie-
I. ninl the oilier two lltiliN ill I Wo liplttl
' mil!:' I p i nn it -4 . ' h llt'ei ,-'-l fiotit dnle or
-iiii,i nun oi -tilt-, lo l e v t nted l Pond
fi -nl unit i i i.i on i he pt i titi- or pnld in m-di
a I he opi ion ot i he pnri-hie-i'i-.
IV .. I.ot i:i J , TrtiNlee,
(Ictoher ft, !-.!'(.
FltA.XKJ. 11 LACK, I'rtipiirlni:
The h'lKllinr In. ti l of the town. Iliiidiiinr-iim-1
fur ciniiii'i-chil men. Hiram heat, free
Im-, hath mm, in and I'losW on every Moor,
aiiiple iiM, rus, billiard, telephone eon
necllont A-r.
f.. S. MrCLKLLASlK I'nyrkinr.
I'lrsl cla In every particular. Located In
the very centre of Ihe t.iislnci pati of town.
Tree 'Inm to and from IralliH and cim.modioila
ainpte MH.nis for commercial I l avelei a.
imooKVIM,K. I'A.,
A J'. (A It HIE ll, l'r,,rUlm;
Patniile riH.iim on the ground (liHtr. llouae
healed hy nut oral mi. OmnlbiiH to and from
all liaiiiH.
ll'17-ilt KlI.IIKRT STItKKT,
l'HKSTOy J. MOOllE, I'ropriitor.
'Mi bed roonm. Ittilen fj.m per day Ameri
can I'lan. I'.hhN-k from l. I(. H. Depot and
block from New I', ft. It. It. Depot.
And Iteal Kstate Aucnt, Itcyniildsvllle, Pa.
Olllce on U'esi Main hi reel, opposite the
t'oiiunerclal Hotel, Keynoldsvllle, I'll.
It. li. K. IIOOVKlt,
IteHhlent dentist. In bulhlinir iicarMetho
dlm church, opixnlto Arnold bliH-k. (ienlle
nesa In i.M'ralinir.
Itrookvllle, JelTerHon t'o., Pa.
Olllce hi fornierlv (w-cupled by Oordon
At'orla'lt, Weal Main Hirevt.
w. l. Mccracken, o. k. modonald,
BroakvilU. Biyntldnilli.
Allin-m in uml Cmtiisi lloiit-ttt-Lint',
Olllcea at Iteynoldlvllle and llrookvlllo.
C. Mitchell, Preeldentl
Scott Itlet'lellHUd, Vlra Pre.
Johu II. Kaucher, Caahler.
C. Mitchell, fK-ott Mcrielland, J. C. King,
Joseph RtrauHH, Jcmeph Henderson,
O. W. Fuller, J. if. Kaucher.
Does a general banking business and solid ta
the accounta of merchants, profeaalonal men.
farmeni, mechanlca, niinera, lumbermen ana
othent, promlalnir the moat careful attention
to the bualueait ot all person.
Pafe Deposit Boxes for rent.
First National Bank building, Nolan block
Fire Proof Vault.
Every Woman
Sometimes needs a. reli
able monthly regulating
Are prompt, safo and oaruin In mutt. The iwiu
Ine (Or. I'oal'il never dtuppolnt. Sent aurwaara,
11.00. ruulModlcmaCoClOTtuuiil.0.
For sale at 11. Alex Htoke's druK store.
ubicrlb for
The -X- Star,
If you want tha Nw.
mi National Bank
i ss b a
and BEST
Ever brought to our town in
Spring and
Dress Goods!
Hiandt'iibcrg never was
Hold less. tluiir'JO to 2,r)(i. jicr
ynnl; will tcll you now for
Diniity, l'Jic
Turkey IJccl Daniisk, .".71
" IVints, 05
(tingli.'iuiH, (ir (
China !Silk, 2.r)
JU'lter (loodri than you can
buy any place t-
The name Great Reduc
tion in
Men's - and - Children's
Children's Suits,
ti i
$ .90
" 1.75
" Single Coats, .50
Youths' Suits, 3.25 to 8.50
Men's Flannel Suits, 5. 50
i4 Worsted " 7.50
" Fine Cheviot Suits,
6 to 9.50
A fine line of Men's Pants.
Come and examine my goods
before you purchase else
where. N. HANAU.
Grocery Boomers
Salt Meats,
Smoked Meats,
Country Produce
Everything In the lino of
Fresh Groceries, Feed,
(looila delivered free any
place in town.
Cnll on tm and get price.
W. C. Schultz & Son
I wish to call the
of the public to the fact that
I have received my
Spring - and - Summer
and that the cloth is the lat
est and best. My prices are
made to suit the times and
my workmanship is guaran
teed to be perfect.
Yours fur honest dualing to all,
J.O.FroetillclUfie Tailor,
RynoldvlUe, Pa.
tsTNext door to Hotel McConnell.
cook ncademu.
K. W. SWKTLAND, Principal.
ColUno preparatory boarding- ai-luHl fur
both iMxtt. I'OITHHES t'luiwk-al, LltHrary,
8cltnttnc. Al uptx-lal courwa In Theory
anil l'rac-tlce of Teai'liliiK. II Idle Study, Music,
Art, Htenoirrapliy anu Typuwrltlug. Bend tor