The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, November 14, 1894, Image 4

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    fflic Star-
iiiiWriid'on tl.HU per yrtir, in (xlrmur.
f). A, ftTKPIIKNftON, HclHor and IMib.
An Inilrprnilfnl Incnl pnpr. punlltirflpvpry
Weilni'luy fit Knyniililnvllln, JirTirin t'n.
Pn., (Ii'viiicd In the Inii-n-mnof Kyniililvllln
unit .li'flViKiin ntnily . Nnn-pnl It Iml, will t n-nt
all with fnlrncsR, nd will Ix-mpoolnlly friend
ly towtinl the liiNirlnjr
Hnlwrlptlon prlwl.(10pryKBP,ln mlvam-p.
t'nminiiiili'iillmiii Intnnitwi for pnhllriitlon
mnM. be Bccvimpnnlml liythe writer' name,
not fur nulilh-ntlnn, hut n (jiiritnti'e nf
norl fnltn. liittntln news Horn" millrltt-rl.
AilviTtlilnu raton nwln known on Hpplli'H
tlon nt the offt.-e In ArnoliN' lllm-k.
I.enifhtv rotiimiinli'iitlnn nnrl obnnirn of
advert IwmiMitrt nhoiilri reach thin otHrn hy
Momlnv noon.
A(l(ln' nil i-nmrnnnli'Mlona to O. A. Hteph
en""". Uevnolilovllle, I'a. ....
Filtered nt the pntitnnVe at Reynoldnvllle,
Ta.. tin Heconfl elaiw mall matter.
Owonn, tho man who dpfoRtod Bivok
cnrl(1(;o In tlio AHliland dlHtrict of Ken
tucky for Congtvss waa rVctod liy a
mall majority.
Tho unvolling of tho monumont erod
ed by tho State at Chorrytree to mark
tho boundary lino of William Perm's
ptirohaHO from the IndianH, will tako
place on Friday, November Kith.
Tho total vote laat Tueaday for tho
four candidate! for Governor of Penn
sylvania 1m an follows: nantlnn, Hop.,
573,000; Sintforly, Dram., 3.11,705; nuw
loy, Pro., 20,320; Atlman. Pop., 10,171.
Samuel N. Williams, aed 22 years,
who was recently released from tho
Huntingdon reformatory aftor serving
one year for robbing registered letters
In the Tyrone postoffleo to tho amount
of $1,000, committed suicide at Tyrone
last Wednesday by taking laudanum.
Hoi-raftcr, It Is reporti.'d, tho Pennsyl
vania railroad is to adopt as Its standard
rail a length of sixty foot, instead of
thirty, and a weight of one hundred
pounds to tho yard Instead of eighty
five as at present. The heavior rail Is
to carry heavier locomotives at an in
creased speed, and tho greater length
Is to mako tho road smoother by lessen
ing the number of joints with their in
evitable "thump."
Chalmers says do good, and leave be
hind a monument of virtue tho storm
of time can never destroy. Write your
narao in kindness, lovo and mercy on
tho hearU of thousands you come in
contact with, year by year; you will
never bo forgotten your name, your
deeds will be as legible on the hearts
you leave behind as tho stars on tho
brow of evening. Good deeds will shine
as the stars of heaven.
A sleeper is one who sloops. A sloop
or is that in which tho sleeper sloops.
A sleepor is that on whloh the sleeper
runs while tho slooper sloops. There
fore while tho sloeper sleeps in the
slooper the sleepor carries the
sleeper oyer the sleeper under the
.sleeper until the slooper whloh carries
tho sloeper jumps the slooper and wakes
the sleeper In tho slooper, by striking
the sleepor under the sleeper on the
sleeper until there is no longer any
deeper sleeping In the sloopor. Ex.
"The glare and heat of civilization
have killed more Indians than have the
bullets of the pioneers," said George H.
Williamson, recently from the Indian
territory, to the Pomona Progress.
"The Indian's blood from a long line of
anoostry is tainted with scrofula, and
the ease and comforts of the white
nun') life vitalize the scrofulous ten
dency. To make plain what I mean, I
will tell you what I observed at tho
government school at Lawrence, Kas., a
few yoors ago. The government heated
the quarters of the pupils by steam,
and in a while the Indians began to die
off like shoop from consumption until
the steam pipes were removed. The
Indian needs a hardy, tough life on tho
plains. Under such conditions ho thrives
and 1b healthy, but just as soon as you
confine him to the limits of a warm
room pulmonary tuboroulosls boIzos him
and carries him off. Heat und caso set
the scrofula to work in his blood with
disastrous offuots. That's tho rouson
why the Amorican Indian will soon bo a
reminiscence his constitution cun't
stand the civilization of the pulofaeo."
It was discovered recently that the
inarrlago license law of Pennsylvania,
which has euused many matrimonial
inclined people to skip the state Hue
and have tho knot tied in Now York
Btute, is not yet in force, nor will it he
until Oct. 1st, 1H1)."). The marriuge li
cense aut was passed In 1885, and was
amended in 181)3, but owing to an error
in the transcribing of tho supplement
of 181)3 to the act of 1885, the clerks
niudo a mistake of writing "five" for
"three" and tho result is the delay of
two years in tho operutlon of the sup
plement. The error was discovered
shortly aftor tho Legislature ad jouruod,
but it was then too lute to rectify the
mistake. Whether people will con
tinue to apply for marriage lioonses, or
will got married without consulting the
county seat official until Oct. 1st, 18115,
will be mude known by time. If the
aot is a "to be law" In a year from now,
a number of five dollar Williams that
would otherwise be carried to some
other state, will remain in Pennsylva
nia. . Attorney General Hensel sayi
the law in alright, and couples intend
ing to marry will have to procure a
license as heretofore.
Official Returns of the Vote Cast
Tuesday, November o, 1694.
ltiirnt'lt .
Uli Kun
Hnwk wtiyvllle
K.IUrvU Hrnt i'rwlm't.
KMnMl -Hrcoml Pm-lnrl.
lltnlornn ,
Kmix ,
Mi-Cnlmont ,
l'unMitftwntv Sovt It
I'liiixtniHwnry Month
1 ti ton
W until w KnM I'm-tnt'i
WlirWIW Wt'Mt I'MTHH't
Vthtnirton Vprwr
Wushliitfton Lowt
Vhlnirton Fnlln Croi'k...
Wpst Kcyno1lvill
Wlnslow - KiimI ProHnrt
Vtnlow VtMt Prwliirl....
Younvf- North, 1st lrvltit . .
Younif North, linrl Pri-rliirl
Young Horn h I'nvlnct
W U Ml"
M n It rlt UV.'. ' ' . ! . ! '. 1 ' '. '. '. '. '. 1 1 1 khI
Mark Twain's New Book.
Mark Twain's most popular and suc
cessful books havo ltpcn sold by sub
scription and tho American Publishing
Company of Hartford, Conn., announce
for early publicat ion his new book, "The
Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson and tho
Comedy of those extraordinary Twins."
The Tragedy and Comedy were at first
a dual story two stories in ono and
the authors account, as given in the
preface, of the ditllculty he had in writ
ing the book, of the incompatibility of
some of tho characters and of his huv-
Ing to finally separate them hy pulling
one of the stories out hy the roots and
leaving tho other a kind of Caesarean
oporation, is certainly ono of tho most
original, breeziest and cloverest chap-
tors choice fun that has boon written
for many a day. Wo arc told that
"there is a time to laugh" and The
Churchman says, "the reader will begin
to smile at the very first paragraph."
The book will be sold only by Bub
scrlption and as it possesses, in a pro
nounced degree, the remarkable char
acteristics of tho author's best works it
is sure to have a large sale. Each
page will be beautifully illustrated with
marginal sketches, the work of one of
our best artists, and the publishers
have wisely decided to soil the volume
at a popular price bringing it within
the roach of all.
J. W. Keeler & Co. of Philadelphia,
Pa., have the exclusive right of sale in
the states of Ponsylvanla, Now Jorsey,
Delaware and Maryland and their ad
vertisement for agent appears in an
other column. All applications for
agencios in thoir field should be sent
direct to them.
I marriage a Failure f
Have you boen trying to got the host
out of existence without health in your
family? Have you been wearing out
your life from the effects of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint and Indigestion? Are
you sloopless at night? Do you awake
in the morning fooling languid, with
coutud tongue and sallow, haggard
looks? Don't do it. A shout in the
cump tolls how Bacon's Colory King
has cured othors; it will cure you. Trial
package free. Large sizes 50o. and 25c.
at W. B. Alexander's,
Turkey Dinner.
The ladioB of tho Presbyterian church
will serve dinner und supper in the
Reynolds brick block on Thanksgiving
Day. Following is the bill of fare for
Kun st Turkey, ('rutil)irry Suuoe,
Miihheri INitutiHiH, ('eld Sluw,
Celery, I'li-kltm,
IMum I'udilliiK,
Pumpkin 1'lu. Mince Pie,
Toil, Cott'eo.
The price for dinner will bo 35 cents,
and supper will be 25 cents.
Your watches and clucks repaired
and warranted, at Ed. Goodor's
Watches repaired by Bklllod work
men at C, F. Hoffman's. Everything
Glenn Milllren is soiling an all-wool
underwear at 91. 00 a suit that Is actually
worth 92.50.
At King & Co.' you will find baled
hay, salt, flour and a full line of general
Imperial flour $4.00 a barrel at Swartz
No. 1. Remington double barrel gun
at Ales. Rlston'B for 922.00. ,
Tim full vot cnt In tho county for Lieutenant (Snvcrnnr Is: Walter I-von,
Hop., 4.101; .l.ihn S. Killing, lVm.. 2,.W: Homer L. Castle, Pro., flSK; J. IJ. Akin,
Pop., 5!). Auditor (funeral: A. H. Mylin. Ki p., 4.2IH; I). F. Magiv, Dem.,
2,:iH: ('has. Palmer, Pro., VX; W. M. Deislier. Pop., 5tX Seen-tary of Internal
Affnirs: .las. W. I.ntta. Ki p., 4,1!)T; W. W. (ironiiland, Dem., 2,:i:i5; Loltoy
(ileawm, Pro., 4X7: A. J. Loiich. l'op., 570. KepreHentativo-at-Larifn In Congress:
(itiliiHlia A. Crow. Ki'p., 4,21!): (ieo. P. Huff. Hep., I. 111'.: Henrv Mver, Dem.,
2.:tU): Tluw. Collins, Dem., 2.2!i: K. Kent Kane, Pro., 481: Iewis (). .Tordon, Pro.,
4HH; H. K. (tii-enman, Pop., Mill: Victor A. Ijotier, Pop., 577. Jury Commissioner,
Inaao Hutllngton, Kep., 4, .101; C. C. Hmwn, Dem., 2,414: J. II. Hroivn, Pro., 114.
at the General Election Held
in oinirrt".
,0 z
IB 5?
3 S
N0 H"
2.m, Hi
1711' til
40 III
57. M
i:u KM 4r4 wnt
To waste your money on vllo, dirty,
Watery mixtures, compounded by inex
orlcnood persons, when you havo tho
opportunity of testing Otto's Cure freo
of charge. Why will you continue to
irritate your throat and lungs with that
terrlblo hacking cough when W, U
Alexander will furnish you a free sam
ple bottlo of this groat guaranteed rem
edy? Hold a bottlo of Otto's Cure to
tho light and observe its beautiful
goldon color and thick, heavy syrup.
Largest packages and purest gixids.
Large bottles 50c. and 25c.
Winter Excursion Tickets on the P. R. R.
On November 1st tho Pennsylvania
Railroad company placed on salo at all
its principal ticket offices excursion
tickets to all tho prominent winter re
sorts. This territory includes tho
rosorts of Now Jersey, Virginia. North
and South Carolina, Georgia, Florida
and Cuba. The tickets are Bold at tho
usual low rates. '
The magnificent facilities of the
Pennsylvania Railroad, with its many
connections, make this the favorite lino
for winter travel.
All porsons indebted to me for grocer
ies will please call and settle before the
first of December, 1804, as I will leave
ray accounts for collection after that
date. J. A. Welsh,
Roynoldsville, Pa.
Horses for Sale.
A pair draft mares, sound and true,
4 and 5 years old, weighing 1,400 and
1, SOOtbs.; two borsos 4 years old, weigh
ing l,025tt.; one mare three years old,
weighing l,025Itis.; and one pair of
mules. J. C. Kino & Co.
Remember that Glenn Mllliren saves
you big money on hats. You should
call and see his line before purchasing
Not here for a few days, but to stay;
and glasses fitted by me are guaranteed
to bo satisfactory. C. F. Hoffman,
graduate optician.
Cash is the motto. Closer profits and
choapor goods to the consumer. It is
an absoluto necessity to ourselves and
tho town, as many are going awuy for
their goods. For prices call and see
our goods. J. C. Kino & Co.
A full line of lamps juBt received at
II. J. Nickle's such as banquet, vaseand
glass lamps.
Use Royal Phosphoric coffoe and
avoid dyspepsia. Try it and be con'
Get your engraving done at Ed. Good-
er b. All goods sold, engraved free.
Outs at 42 cents per bushel at Swartz
Letterheads and envelopes printed at
this office on short notice.
Save money by buylug your boots and
shoes at Arnold s, below cost.
If you want all the news, subscribe for
The Star.
Best goods, best prices and every
thing as represented at RoblnBon's.
Is your eye-sight failing? Call at
Goodor's and let him fit you with a pair
of glasses.
L. J. McEntire & Co. and J. A. Welsh
sell Royal Phosphoric coffee at 18 oonU
a pound.
Brookville't Branch Railroad.
Messrs. Hold rick, Coleman, Osburn
It Co., and a number of othor gentle-
mon, Interested In tho building of a
branch railroad from tho Low Grade
Division of tho A. V. R'y., to the mill
property of tho gentlemen named, in
Hrookvtllo, have been soliciting the
right of way from proporty owners on
the Houthnlde of Water street, and we
are pleased to learn that In nearly evory
caso an agreement has been reached.
It is tho purpose of tho Instigators of
enterprise to form a stock company for
the purposo of raising the funds neces
sary for tho construction of the road,
and they have assurances that the bonds
of the proposed company will be prompt
ly purchased by interested parties, the
new lumber firm taking a majority of
tho stock to start with. Wo believe
this to be a comtnendablo enterprise,
and that our peoplo should give it all
tho encouragement necessary to make
it a success, as It is possiblo that if the
present opportunity is permitted to go
by unimproved another may not bo pre
sented again very soon. Brookville
If you want pictures finished before
Christmas, come in now while the
weather is nice. There is nothing nicer
for a Christmas present than a plcturo
of yourself. Only 91.00 and 91.50 por
dozen. Having been unusually busy wo
will remain with you 13 days more,
closing on Saturday, Nov. 24th, Lcn
ney's gallery, Keynoldsvtllo.
See tho fine display of watches in all
sizes, from 0 to 18 size at Ed. Goodor's
Ladies' and children's coats at Ar
nold's, Mow cost.
Children'! corset wnists nt 45 cents at
II. .1. Nicklo's.
Ladies' long guard watch chains In
gold, silver and silk, at Ed. Goodor's.
We tako great ploasuro In presenting
our compliments to tho faculty of tho
West Keynoldsvlllo school. Wo deem
them most highly commcndnblo. We
are positive with thoir proficiency and
tho government that is exercised, that
everything is of tho highest typo and
should meet with tho unnnimous ap
proval of all tho parents, and lovers of
education. Encouragement given in
this direction is "sowing seed in a rich
and fertile soil, which will bring us
bountiful harvest in tho future." .
Money saved by buying shoes at
Reed's closing out salo.
Attend Reed's closing out salo. All
shoes must bo sold before Jan. 1st, as his
room Is rented for a clothing store.
You will find a bargain in English
decorated ware at Schultze's.
Imperial flour 94.00 a barrel at Swartz
Good working gloves from 25c. up to
91.00 at Milliren's, the clothier and
Oats at 42 conU per bushel at Swartz
Tho finest silver polish In the market
at 25 cents per box, at Ed. Goodor's.
Vienna flour at J. A. Welsh's for 91.00
per sack.
Fancy table syrup at J. A. Welsh's
for 35 cents per gallon.
J. A. Welsh's cosh grocery is the
place to save ruonoy.
M. E. Quarterly Meeting.
There will be quarterly meeting held
in the Union church at Sandy Valley
Friday, November 23, at 2.00 o'clock
P. M. Presiding Elder Beck will be
present. On Sabbath following thore
will be love feast at 10.00 A. M., preach'
ing at 11.00 o'clock by Rov. Peters, of
Dubois, aftor which communion services
will be hold. All are cordially invited
D. E. Stanford, Leader.
Thore will bo a Thanksgiving supper
in tho P. O. S. of A. hall at Ruthinol
Thanksgiving evening for the purposo
of trying to raiso money to pay off the
debt of tho M. E. church. Supper will
commence at n.uu o ciock.
I respectfully call tho attention of tho
citizens of the borough of Roynoldsville
to ordinance ro. , bee. u and 7, relat
ing to keeping ice and snow oil their
respective siaewalKs.
S. Lattimek, Chief Burgess.
The continued use of Royal Phos
phoric colTuo has proven its merits.
Boil the coffee ton minutes.
Another reduction at tho mlnos? Yes.
but you can more than save the 5 cunts
per ton by buying shoes nt Rood's clos
ing out suie.
Robinson's, headquarters for lumber
men s goods.
Robinson has tho shoes right and
prices right.
Vvlftina tuith tl trttb.
Douglass Hethick At the purson-
age ol too urookvllle M. r.. church
on Nov. 13th, 18U4, by Rov. Russell
M. Warren, Calvin W. Douglass, of
Clarion, Pa., and Emma Iletrlck, of
Summervillo, I 'a.
a n rvrro AVATTi?r. I'onorit
by America' Crcatent Humorist,
Every one of hi prevloun books liave had Ini
niHtiwe muIhm. 11 In new book MuruRMHMi niiv.
tliliiK lie I"" burutofore written. Two morion
In one volume A Tragedy aud a (touted?
A KreatcbttiieeforKentN. We k I v ex elusive
territory, ror lerruw sua run uiiriicuiuro ua
dre, J. W. Ksauw k Co., tut Arch St., I'ulta,
To the
I wish to announce that I have
ods of htting
And have fitted up a private
where I carefully examine the eyes for errors of
refraction and fit glasses for parties who
require them.
C. P. iiOPraftN.
Jeweler and Optician.
You will find us in the same
line of fine
and as to prices we quote you a few:
36 in. all-wool Dress Flannel per yd. 25c.
52 in. " " " 45c.
45 in. Silk Finish Cashmere " " 65c.
Covert Cloth " 45c.
A. G. Cashmere, sold at 25c. " " now 15c.
lied Prints
20x40 all-linen Towels
Come and see what we have.
Between China and Japan!
But there is no war between
as evidenced by their smiling faces after purchasing goods
at Greatly Reduced Prices.
We have an Elegant Line of CLOTHING for Men and
Boys, which we are Belling at Very Low Prices.
replete with all the Latest and Best Goods that can be
In our TAILORING DEPARTMENT we have all the novel
ties in Cloth, both foreign and domestic. Fit and
Workmanship guaranteed at
Originators of Small Profit System.
Agents for the celebrated Franklin Steam Laundry.
msm Harilware Co.,
And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store.
Roofing and Spouting Done to Order.
added Borne improved meth
the eyes with
room in the rear of my utore,
place we were with a new
" "
B1NG & CO.