The Contrntlrius hip. The compressed Hp beloved by the novelist l a sign of weakness rather than strength. The strong man has every feature, every physical attri bute under control. Assured ot his men's obedience, the cuuiriinndliiR o nicer docs not hnbttually keep his lip muscles In a state of tension. Look at the sea captain, the must ah. solute monarch on earth He carries authority and power In his face, but It resides In his eye and the confident assurance of his easily set mouth. Every spar, shaft, and muscle In his float I or realm must obey him, and he knows It. This Is probably a reason why the sea captains and the engine drivers tthnw a certain simi larity of typo. The engine driver can make bis captive giant, strong as ten thousand men, obey the pressure of his linger. Ills Hps are usually calm, like those of the statues of the wleldcr of thunderbolts on Olympus, Who ever saw a man commanding a man-of-war or driving a locomotive with the contentious Hp of a school usher? Many elections are carried by star at-ho-.e votes. Hard Timet. It Is not merely the fnet thnt a million men nm ssM to bo out ol work with conse quent loss of time, plnc9 nnd money, thnt makes the times teem to tough, but there nre other nirgravittions superadded, irrowlnv out of the willful nHKl,-t of so trmny, thnt make the time seem nurd. Indee.l. libel ler limes were nt hnnd nnd irood plitons op-n to till that nr now Idle, there nre thousnuds who would lietotnlly until to ro Io work by rwison ot the neglect of some Infirmity which tottilly uullt them Io nccept n prof fered nhiini-c. Whnt better opportunity could there be to (jet their physical condi tion in Rood shnpe thnn the enforced Idle ness Rives them e To do so is mnklnR profit out of misfortune, not Io do so Is mnkliiR hsrd times so mun herder. It Is poor IorIii to mnke nnytblnR had Rruw worse, and It li no economy nt nil to save expense by iwri flelnR hen lih. mn wnnts brawn, muol nnd brntu In ns nearly a perfect condition ns Is possible, to Rain a victory in the buttle of life. It Is mostly from n beginninir In llttlii thlnRS lhat the greater onesuccumulate and llnally orerwhelm u. Xire Is ImrJly oue rn'in who hibors with his niucles, from the skilled mechanic down to thoso who work with pick aud shovel, but hns som-i bodily ailment negleeted. Whnt costly Irlfllng II Is, looked nt from results. For example : the bones, Joints, ligaments, tendons nnd mu olesnre nil uuder constant strain from the nature nnd demands o( their work. Aches nnd pains must eusue. These, neglected, soon reach the chronic singe of MIITeued limbs Irom contracted muvlee. How many old mechnnlcH havu h-nt backs an I back nches we kuow. This Is simply n condition ot neglected lumbngo, which had It iee-n trailed In time could hnv.i In cured in ten minutes by Ht. Jacobs' Oil. This Is nleo lure of nil the minor ik-Ium nu I pains. Ho certain a cure ought o-rtnluly to be In every worklngmnn's housu to nuiko hard times lighter. Hew's This t YFs offer One Hundred Dollars Reward fnt my rase nf Catarrh that cannot be cured uj Hall's Catarrh Cure, F. J.CntRKr A Co., Props., Toledo, O. We, the undersigned, have known F. J. Che ney for t he laxt IS years, and lieliere him 1st. teeth- honorable In all business transnctlnnt ami tlnanc'allT ahl. in carry out any obliga tion made by their firm. Wkst Troax, Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, Waliii-o'. Kinaj Maiivis, Wholesal Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Ha'Ts ( ntarrh Cure la taken Internally, act ing directly upon the blood and mucous tur faoeanf tbe svntem. Prli-e, 7tc. per bottle, bold by ail Druggists, Testimonials free. A Reprieve of Ten Years, An average business man's life ran easily ht lengthened ten years by tbe occa-lonal ue ol Klpans Tabules. Do you knw any oue whe Wants tho ten years? Karl's Clover Root, the great blood pnrlfler, gives freshness and clearness to the complex too and cures eonstipution. 26 vta,. 60 oUk, W. Mrs. Wlnslnw's Koothlng Hvrup for children teething, softens the gums, redm-e Inftninma Uon, allays win. cures wind colic. Ufic. a bolllt The United States has 16,000.000 icboo' children. tr. Kilmer's RwAnr-RnoT enrss II Kidney and Bladder troubles, l'am hlet and Consultntion free, Labratory l)inhamptou,N. If. Whales' Jawbones are tometimei 25 feel long. HOOD'S IS THE BEST Fall Medicine, because It purifies, and euricliee the blood, and therefore gives strength to resist bad effects Irom Coli!, Catarrh, Rheumatism, Pneumonia, Malaria, tbe Grip. etc. Take It now and avoid the danger of serious Illness. It may save yon many dollars lu doctors' bill. Be sureio get Hood s and only Hood's. "I eau truly Hood's Saraa- JL JLtvvsvw parilla recommeud Hood's Hood's - -our bottles tSAfVSVSVfA. Banta parilla cedent medicine. have taken four bottles raVSsvsVSVi and I am Letter than I bave been lor two years past. I was all ran down, my llmts BwaiiCTi suu my oiooa was in a very bad con dition. Now I am free Irom neuralgia and better in every w.xy." Mas. H. Cobleiuh, Hums, N. Y. Be sure to get Hood's. Heed's flllscare all 1 ver III blllousaaas. jaua dloa. Indlsiatla i. sick bea lacbe. tserats. PMD 45 EASTMAN! I COI.UEOR, l'oraRMKBniia. I . Y.. nfTert both ii4 I I eit IMlUrAtlnDlllsUlVsULsUIat lUhAlawfMilco t. Kah,)thful,betlDilU4'OctfHvtlvi ntudtsM, HtiiMtrNrr tnatnx lion. lpstrrniriiaof ha, ktetAngand liuMinm Mudut; hKotlhnndaiid Typ writing; olih and Modem iMnvuag; Inna ship and Vratring: lb IclrienUrr brtmchv. ie fiO VACATIONS. r.ilnnN ohialnril foi cmp?lii tudrata. Addrtni, lur CntBl'irue CLEMKSTO. OAINK-b, lrr4 f f f m lbkMiJtiia.Mi'w York.. UULLCUE win. II Jill. tVs&TNlin C "MEDITATION m L' snfistsr.iltasnuu li.sslB I mun t.list llttadK, cut from UkJU ColT j wrappers. ani a it-cvnl utaaip to puj poKiisut. Urhe fur t Our othtr tint) pn'tutunift, luulwU Lug buukt, m knlftt, gui, tjiu Wookkon Spick Co. A&0 Uuruu tit., Touuxx OHIO CErJSION.SVS. f6uooe8i,Li(ly Prosecutes Claims. Lt PrtucipAl Esttinlotti U 8. Pwtiaiioti bureau. J ! 1 U ItMt Itlir, UteUUitlijJgcisUUM, tttl alui. J A 'VV JkJ'rCTKAOI!MAKJtH. Kxan.tnaMon V 1 Jill I rOtimi it'lcaHtu puivutttlillUy of fnvttutiou. Sfiid for 'uvrulun Uu de,ir huw totet UitaU tUTlUCJC O b'AHitKlO. WlNUTuX.b .0 m I Best Coush b;rupTsui.lJood. Vasl I I Intlnio B'dhrjlriiiirisis I I . " " Jl THE LABOR WOULD. Hostoh has sn setors' anion. Kansas Citi has an engineers' elnV CAi.ironntA has Chinese hop-plokers. FiTTSRPBd hat twenty blast furnaoM, Nw Tom has a culinary trades' council, Bomt London tailors get sixty cents a day. DAT laborers on Southern levees get tl.60 day. Tii rag are 80,000 anion street railway hnnds. Masts borsethoers met recently nt Boston. In Germany employers must Insure their laborers. Wisconsin woodmen get from f 16 to 20 a month. OnxAT RntTAtN's amnlgnmnted enrpenters Dumber 41,000 men. Ttts machines have displaced 8500 men in tbe United Htales. CntNxsi house servants nre gradually coming Into fnvor In F.nglnn 1. Ht. PrtL union clerks nre endenvorlng to secure tbe co-operation ol saleswomen. Fsnt.nn trades anions expended nhont J. 000,000 in out-of-work benefits during wi. Niw Yonx has 83.000 barbers and It Is esll. milled that they shard 1,000,009 men each Week. Omaha (Neh.) women are organlitlng a laundry In order to provide work lor poor women. Tut Iron nnd steel mills In Harrlaburg, Penn., are enjoying aa era of unprecedented prosperity. A Maryland Inw requires mechrtnlcs te have proper life lines on scaffolding they may be using. Detroit machinists In a brass and Iron works won a strike against miklug one man do the work of two. Waoes of laborers In two Iron plnnts at Pittsburg have been restored to wh it thev were before the punlc. John BtiBNS, the English labor lender, will visit the United Htntes In a short time nnd mny lecture on social subjects. In Mlnnenpolls, Rt. Paul nnd TSuluth the percentage of foreigners In trades unions Is smaller than those ot Amerloan blrtb. The Killa.mnr.oo(Mlch.1 Bootblacks' Union has naked councils to compel bootblacks to take out licenses. They want to extermtuits blckel shines, NEWSY GLEANINGS. .'he potato crop Is short. Canada's debt Is .1110,000,000. London hns 12,000 policemen, t'rw York tenements house 1,500,000. J" umania has Joined the Triple Alliance. I.ST year the Viennese te 18,207 horses. 1?ew Zealand advances money to settlers. 1'rxre nre about 30,000 Mormons In Idaho. Cixteen nations have treaties with Japan. New Orleans Is suffering from a wntei ferine. Fcsia's wealth Is estimated nt (21,719, ( v.ioo. 1 ns Oermnn colony In London numbers ic:,coo. F.rmkrs organizations bava 8,003,000 I'.embers. CwiNntowet weather the English bone, ercp Is a failure. Auerican buggies are gaining popularity 1 1 London nnd Paris. Great distress Is reported from Ltbradoi rnd outlying Islands. Thr Louisiana orange crop was badly In-J-red by recent storms. " ?apan figures thnt It will eost about C150,. (O0,0(0 to couqner Chins. Wholesale grocers of Chicago are leaden In i revolt against the sugar trust. The number of life Insurance agents In Oe United Htntes Is staled to be 40,071. Thr American League, of Professional Football Clubs has proved a fnllure and dis banded. Thus fnr this season eighteen tourists who rt out to climb the Alps bnvo lost their lives in the venture. Because ol numerous train robberies the Pnciflo Express Company will handle no moro money in Indian Territory. France's naval estimates for next vent reach 47,40O,OO0, against the Triple AMI ucea Joint estimates of 119,200,000. At Philadelphia a new baseball associa tion was formed, which Is expected to be a i:rcng rival to the National League. The new diphtheria cure Is a very costly rrtlcle, the serum r.qulrel for Injections la p.3b ease bein woith Irom (7 to (20, NO LICENSE REQUIRED- V Pittsburg' Attorney Turns up Legal Sensation. In Criminal court at Pittsburg Attorney William lteardon raised the point that there was no marriage license law in tbe stale, and an Inspection, of section 1 of tbe marriage license act of 1803, as certified to the office of the Secretary of the Commonwealth, proves that the point raised by Mr. Keardon la well taken. There Is no law In Pennsylvania re quiring one to take out a marriage license uutll on and after October 1, 18M, nearly one year henoe. The law will lu all probability, be corrected by the next Legislature. Tbe certified copy of the act reads: That from and after tre llrst dny ot Octo ber, A.D.lM! person within this Common wealth shall be Joined in marriage until a license shall bave been obtained for lhat pur pose from tbe clerk of the Orphan's cojrt In the county wherein either of tbe contracting parties resides, or in the county where the marriage Is performed. A COMMUNITY SPLITS. Jealousy Was Too Much for This Utopian Scheme. Mine months ago Cbauncey W. Church started an altruist community on about 400 acres of ground south of Flint, Mich. Tbe colony began with 40 souls and worked en tirely on the co-operative plan, tbe main de pendence for support being a creamery, basket factory, live stock raising aud farm ing. For a few months affairs prospered. Now, however, it Is auuouuoed that the scheme is a failure. Jealousy and dissatis faction have resulted In driving the members of tbe oolony away, until now a bare naif down are left. It is likely the scheme will be abandoned at once. The profits to eaub member of tbe colony for tbe past six months, exclusive of living expenses, were FLOODS IN FRANCE. Great Damage Dons to rroperty and Sev eral Lives are Lost Tbe beavy ruins of the last few days have caused floods In tbe north of France. In the departments ot Pas de Calais and the Nord thousands ot acres are under water. Many villages have been rendered uninhabitable and hundreds of peasants bave been driven from their farms, in tbs neighborhood of Mile, Tourooiug and Aruieutlets tbe water Is three feet deep. The factories In Industrial towns have been stopped, aud nearly 100,000 operatives are out of work. Many miles of railroad trucks have Uwu undermined. In tne valley of tbe Meuse hundreds ot rattle have been killed uud bridges swept away. He vera I cased of drowulug have been reported. PROMINENT PEOPLE. tltsUARrE hns fought In twenty dus'.s. Qt'EEit Tictoeu has twenty-two grand children. The Mlkndo of Japan hns never, willing, ly, been photographed. The Emperor of Oermany Is proficient drummer nnd ran give lessons to the best , rmy drummers lu brntlng tbe tattoo. A cam. will he extended to Dwlght L. Moody to go to Japan for six months to do evangelistic work by the Forelga Missions 1) rnrii. Mme. tlm.t.E Cot., the A-nerlon con tralto, who Is Immensely popular through out England, la mnklng a tour of Auntralla, for which she receives (90,000 and ex penses. Kmo Humbert, of Italy, Is a mnrksman ot more thnn ordinary skill. He recently hanged eighteen wild goats and thirty-two chamois. All the animals wereshot through Ihe head. General Booth, of the Halvntlon Army, hns six children engaged In the work he has In band, and they are clever, sensible, eloquent and earnest enough to do credit to his training. D. BtU'EEt, professor of Oriental Ian- ? imces and literature at the University of enn, who gave his first academical lecture In 1827, Is still lecturing regularly nt the ugu of ninety-one. Olives Wsxdell Holves whs the origin, alor ol Bostons commonest nickname. "Hub of the Universe." He also perlecteij Ihe stereoscope, and gave It to the public, refusing to take out a patent fur it. Wh.mam Cramp, founder of the celebrated Arm ol shipbuilder, was born in I'liila dulphln In lf'J7. He whs building river steamboats and other wooden vesse!s by IH30. Hlscompany turned out a number of cruisers In the Civil War. HAcHARKtif, the IUtssiiin Ccnr's private phy. llclun, Is said to be worth 9,000,000. lis hns been professor nt the Ht. Petersburg Uni versity thirty-lire years, nnl Is sixtv-flvs years old. lie is noted lor his blunt Irnnk- ness, often rudeness, townrd his patients, Including those of the highest rank. The two representatives of the Hlnte of Delaware in the United Htntes Henate, George Orny and Anthony HigKins, were born In New Castle County in the same yenr 14U. Both are lawyers. Both studied nt the Har vard law school, both havu served In the At-loriiey-Oenernl's omen nnd both nre college graduates, dray of Princeton and Ilik'ulns of Yule. But (tray Is a Democrat and Ulg glus is a Ilepuhlluun. A LONE STAGE ROBBER Kills the Driver and Bcares the Only Passenger into the woods. Arthur Meyer, a driver of the stage running between Nevada City, Cnl.,nnd North Bloom field, was shot and instautly killed by a high wayman. At Hock Creek, three miles north of Nevndn City, the incoming stage was stop fed by a lone highwayman, who commanded Meyer to get down out of the box. Myor re fused, nnd the bandit fired twice nt him with a revolver. The second shot passed through the driver's body. C. 11. Bovee, of Hlerra county, who was the only passenger. Jumped from the coach nud run Into the forest. After the robber bad gone, Bovee came out of tbe bushes, took charge ot the conch nud horses nnd brought the dead stager to town. Ho fnr as known the robbers secured no booty. SHOT DOWN. An Aged Farmer, Brutally Murdered By Masked Fiends. An aged German fnrmer named John House was killed by two masked men at hi. residence $ miles East of Evans City, Po st 0 o'clock Wednesday evening. House was the owner of s good farm and was supposed to keep some money about the house. The strangers entered the bouse without giving any alarm at the door. The old gentleman was sitting near the fire and his wife and daughter were la tbe room at the time. On hearing the door open Kouse turned about nnd saw two men, their faces masked with handkerchiefs, standing near him. Oue of the men commanded Kouso to hold up his hnnds, but instead of doing so he reached for the poker. As he did so he was shot In the heart and Instantly killed. The masked men bent a hasty retreat with out accomplishing tbe purpose of their visit, which was undoubtedly robbery. TRAIN ROBBERS CAUGHT. The Arrest of Klin and Savage Crested a Sensation. The parties who robbed the Panifls express company's office in the Dalles, Ore., of 14, 000 on October 12, have been placed under arrest, and all but (200 of the money re covered. Frank Kline and Oils Hnvoge, young mon of respectable parentage, living there, have made a confession of Ihe theft. Hherift Driver suggested thnt possibly Kline Havage, who have been living In Idleness ubout town, and who once belonged to what Is kuown locally as the Hawthorne gang of desperadoes, might be implicated. It was reported the young men were separated Irom the gang on acoount of a disagreement as to tbe plan for robbing a Union Puclllo train at a point between Dallas and Portland. Their arrest created a sensation. CHINESE SOLDIERS FLEE. Ths Bond to Moukden Now Open to tbs Japs. A telegram has been received at tbe Japan Me legation at Washington, saying that on October 81, the detachment uudur the com mand ot Oen. Tatsuml took possession of Fou Fang, a most important stronghold next to Uoukden. The Chinese soldiers fled, mostly toward Moukden. the re In the direction of Hal-Cheng and Ta-Ku-Hun. I he native lubabltuuts were suffering from plunder and devastation committed by the Cluuese soldiers, and welcomed the Japanese army. The captures to this date amount lo 55 cannon, and 1,600 small arms, also about 2u,000 rounds of ammunition for the cannons and about 11,500,000 for the other arms, with miscellaneous articles of Immense quantity. SEVEN SUFFOCATED. Sleeping Inmates of a Burnlrg Building Loose Their Lives, Seven people were suftoouted by smoke In atonement fire at 216 West Thirty-second street, New York. Another woman Jumped from a third story window and will die. The fire caught suddenly nnd out off all escape from the stairways. In the excitement every body looked only to bis or her safety aud rushed down tbe fire-escape. The bouse Is a five-story brick tenement, the ground floor being occupied by a grocery and the upper stories being arranged with front and rear appurtments. There were seven families in the house. The only means of exit is by means of a narrow and dark stalrwuy, which runs directly up through the center of the bulldiug. On either side of the tenemeut are bouses that tower a story nbove it. In the rear of Ihe burned houses is a lit tle yard twenty feet square, bummed U by the tali buildings. Miss MoNnoK was awarded 5000 In her mil against tbe Naw York World for proms lurily publishing ber World's Fair oie. EDUCATION IN Q ROWING THINQ9 Bow Children Can Re Kept Interested by Well-Beleoted "Kabblsh. Qlve a little child congenial em ployment, and he will' almost in varl. kbly be happy and good-natured. Toy ttlono are not all that he re quires his active little mind de mands the stimulus of Intelligent oc cupation, even at the early age of 3 or 4, and It behooves a mother who has the responsibility of his mental growth at heart to nrovlde the where withal for development. There is something, very touching and beauti ful In seeing an Intellectual wotnnn of real ability eagerly interested Id the rudiments fur the sake of her little child, snys the New York Tribune. At an al fresco tea In the Berkshire not long ago a well-known authoress comtuem e 1 tilling her pock ets with "rubbish,'' as she laughingly called tbe collection she proposed to add to a trunk full of o Ids and ends which, as she explained, she intend cd taking back to town for occupa tion for her small boy during the winter. Dried mosses and curious Insects, preserved in alcohol to ex amine with the microscope; pressed wild flowers and grasses for a herba rium, and various seeds from Inter esting plants to start in the spring, etc. "You can make a lovely experiment with an acorn or chestnut," she said by way of Illustration, "by suspend ing one by a thread within half an Inch of the surface of the water con tained In a livac nth glass, and leaving It undisturbed. In a month or two It will throw a root Into the water, and shoot upward a straight little stem, from which will develop tiny beautiful green leaves. You have no Idea how r-uch experiments delight very young children, and how It awakens their intelligence. An other Interesting bit of growth for the nursery is to take one of these pine cones, pi nee It In a wine glass half filled with water, and after It has Imbibed the moisture for a few days sprinkle It with cannry seed. In a week's tlmo tbe send will sprout, to tho Intense satisfaction of the tiny gardener. Or an old sponge may be kept wet and completely covered with living green. Object lessons such ns theto toich many things which the Inquisitive Intelligence of early childhood Imbibes without ef fort, but which cannot fail to de velop and enlarge the mind." Moth ers who, like Martha, arc careful about ninny things and worry per petually over the physical well-being of their children should consider whether they are careful to supply nutriment to the bfuin as well as the body. Is British Trade Prospering. In an article under this head the London Spectator thus sums up tbe situation: "There sec, us to us to be, on the whole, little Justification for either optimism or pessimism as re gards trade prospects. The nation Is doing a great trade greater than, with small exception., it has ever done beforo but not so great in pro portion to its rapidly increasing popu lation. There Is an immediate pros pect of still further decline In the yield of our agriculture, and as yet no immeaiate prospect or a com pen eating rise in the producing power. oi manufacture ana trade. Still, such prospects are never visible from afar, and they may appear at any moment. There Is no excuse for pes simism, but there Is not much foi optimism, for uny optimism at least would rentier us Insensible to the duty of prudence, of forbearance of ruoleratlon in treating the difficulties between class and class. In the meantime we can rejoice that the laboring class Is securing more of lu due than it has ever yet secured, and yet for the present the pinch falls upon those classes which are not without resources, though their re sources nre rapidly dwindling in inuir lianas." This Hearts Htrangcly. K primary school has been opened at JNazarctD. W GIVE AWAY A Sample Package (4 to 7 desss) ot Dr. Pierce's x Pleasant Pellets To any out sending nam and addrttt Io us on a postal card. ONCE USED THEY ARE ALWAYS tN FAVOR. Henct, our object in sending them out broadcast mm ON TP'" They absolutely cure Sick Hcsdache, Bil iousness, Constipation, Coated Tongue, Poor Appetite, Dyspepsia and kindred derange ments of the Stomach, Liver and Bowels. Don't accept sotne substitute said to b "just as good." The substitute costs the dealer less. It costs you ABOUT the same. HIS profit is in the "just as good." WHERE IS YOURS f Address for Phkk Bamfls, World'! Dispensary Medical Association, So. Mi Mala St., BUFFALO. At K The latest investigations by the United States and Cana- p dian Governments show the p Royal Baking Powder supe- m rior to all others in purity and $ leavening strength. jS Statements by other manufacturers to m the contrary have been declared by the official authorities falsifications of the m official reports. Si 3 ROYAL SJAKIN0) POWDER CO., Where) Genius Tires, At one of the table d'hote dlnnori of the Fellowc aft Club one man said: "I know thatynur'devlce might be the verse of Evlradnua 'Without ever being absent or say ng I atu tired.' You write tlveor six columns every day. Tell me this, Is literary work tiresome or Is It not?" The other replied: ''Not to tho mind. It is nothing to unroll the arabesque of fa- ta?y, but the bending over one's paper and the guiding one's pen gives pains In the I ack. It re mined a third person of an interview with Surah ItcrnhaMt, when he asked: "In (laying so many emo tions, in affecting so much suffering, i.on't ynu feel terrible pains lu your heart?" "Oh, no," she said sadly, ' It's In the legs." New VorkTlmea When a inwyer dies, St reter geti a chance to tlo a little enjoining. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort nnd improvement and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly used. Tho many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy iifo more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of iihysicul being, will attest the value to health of the pure liquid laxative principles embraced in the lemedy, Byrup of figs. Its excellence is due to Its presenting in the form most ncceptublo and pleas ant to the taste, the refreshing nnd truly beneficial properties of a tk rfect lax ative; effectually clennsing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers and permanently curing constipation. It has given sntixfuction to millions and met with the approval of the medical profession, becnue it nets on the Kid neys, Liver and Ilowels without weak emng them and it is perfectly free from every objectionnblo substance. Syrup of Flp is for sale by all drag gists In AOe and $1 bottles, but it is man ufactured by tho California Fig Syrup Co. only, whose name is printed on eery package, also the name, .Syrup of F:go, and being well informed, you will nut accept any substitute if o lie red. FN U 45 94 Model 1893 Mala la 32-40 tail 88-55 csili"!. Ths only repeater SO lue mirkct f r.r tttpno cartrUlflrrs. llftM l""lj-MinlArtJ ui 'fight. lfjif4"JlVI'J ictiao. Snlfa Top, fclils eject loo. Mails In "Tnk f;nwn VVritcfurcatBiofruAsto s"s70js--sisj"- mmn t nre Arms Co.. Paw Uavm, Cviul, UMs Treated fret. rsriiiviy- cm bo th TjhL4 man thou. a nil CUM Of G- finunrvd hone Ar. Fran n dormrtom 'P1y '1PP. mA ,n A i, laa.t twi.trirsiia. nf all ivmnlont arc re mot eil. fOOK of tct'irnnniftlt ot mir. uloua cure tent Mils sau i . ,.i ...... .... ar as sr Clean it, either, half as well play with the fire." If your be honest send it back. Rs Hil O R. T V 9 III. .Ill If " r yf3 "Say ly 'No' ind Ye'll Ke'er Be Harried." Don't Rt lust nil Our Advice lo list SAPOLIO 10S WAll ST., NEW-YORK. V. The EIctrlo Light. It Is probable that large numbers of the German soldiers will be equipped with portable electric- bat teries weighing about half a pound. A small lamp goes with It, and the Invention will be of gre.-it value to the men employed about powder magazines. They are also to be used for signaling from balloons at Dig lit, and can bs fixed to the helmet when the men have to dig trenches after drk. m No Need of Cold Htorsgn. The cold is so Intense in Northera Siberia that tho earth never thaw-ttu a greater depth than Ave or six feet. Hodies burled at a greater depth re main perpetually frozen. Commendable Provision. Three-tenths of the earnings of Ttclglan convict are set aside for bis benefit on relcave. W. L. Douglas S3 SHOE 5. CORDOVAN. fRENCH ENAMELLED CALF. .i.VFlNECALf&KWfiAHlt 3.4PP0LICE.3 Soles. 2.l.:tfBOYSSCH0m5H0EX LADIES '0. 3tNU rUK CAIALOaUB W-L-DOUQLAS, BROCKTON, MASS. Tea rn ssts money br wesrlns lhs W. I,. Doaslus S3. OO Shoe. Ileeasse, tr sre tbs lsrsest msnafsctnrers of this srsileof liors m tbe world, snd eusrsnte tbelr tsIus bf stamplus the nsme sea price on tbs bottom. whlt-b protect rou Agslnit bisk prices sad tbe mlddlemsn's profits. Our sboes en.usl custom work In style, Bums end wesrlns quslltles. WebsTeth.m sold everywhere si lower prices rnev the eslue Riven then sny other mske. Take no rub ell lute, if your deslcr cannot supply you, we can. FACE TO FACE Th pleasure of a confident isl ehat ! doubled by the swoet breath thst goes with a well-ordered system. And that Is always Insured by Ripans Tabules 8 wort breath, bright y, clear complexion, ' Ripans Tabules. fUpliiWs, Augflo. htiLWHW, Ta Th "MNENE" ar th Bout anrl Mont EconomW eal Cull art ami Cofla worn: tiiey ara ma4af fln cloth, both bMj Aoiiibcrl ailtss, and bomr rvnl blS on collar ta ,iial tu two or any other iiDd. TTisiv tit trttt, utur afWf mni look wtU, A boiof Ttn Colisnor FivafWaof Cuff- tot Twanty-Ftv Out a. A KamplB Collar anrl Pair of Cnffa hy mall for Bt CauU- Name atyln and size. AUUrMa REVEflHIBLE COLLAR COM PAW, n rraaklLa St., New York. 17 Kilby Bt.A Boston i ffl 1 1 1 Hfi-rtthlM HaMI CrMl la 1 llsrIllP.l-oM "oiaytllh BWItl DA.J.Btkpmi TfiPHiMt,Lbnon,Ohts Mtt What to do with Milk Pails ! Clean them with Pearline. You can't fret them so thoroughly sweet and pure in any other way. Besides, it's easier for you quicker, more economical. 'The box and barrel churn are not hard to keep clean. A little hot water and a little Pearline will clean any churn or do away with any bad odor." The Dairy World, Chicago Perhaps you think that some of the imita tions of Pearline, that you'd be afraid to 1 Is . . use in wasning clothes, would do just as, well in work like this. They wouldn't hurt tinware, certninlv Rnr tUr u,n,,l,ln' as Pearline besides, "don't grocer sends you an imitation, uo james pyi.e. New York.