BUSINESS HOT NORMAL FAILURES FEW. Volume of Trade CO Per Cent. Below the Average of the Season. H. O. Pun A Co.'s weekly review ot trade Special Inquiry hns been mndn this week nl ell commercial center regarding n0 'n'8 of retnll trade. Wide diversity nppcnra In different trade. The main facte disclosed err: First, marked Improvement within the past monlh end n considerable execs over the bu.-lncs done n yeur ago, particularly iu the necessaries of Hie. Rut, second, It np penre Hint the volume f trade at present In, on the whole, considerably less than In ft normal year, nnd In the more Important trades la apparently nliout 20 per cent, mailer than in September, 1H92. Evidence of continued improvement In wholesale trade and mainifaeture does not appear this week. Thero la large dlstrtbu tlon on order given ionic time ago, but new tulnes going to the manufacturer la every where slackening. The completion of ordera lor replenishment of stock leave a narrower ileninnd. and It la yet too enrly for consump tion to provide further orders. 'J he depression in prieea ol farm product will have some Influence. Unprecedented recorda have tnen made In cotton and wheat, though ns to wheat only In contract for fut ure delivery, In which the price are the low est ever ttiade. The avallablo stock are about 15.000.0OO bushel greater thnn a year n:o, nnd western receipt for the week were u.2b2.71ti bushel against 6,1111.0:14 Inst year, and since August I, 61,000,000 nusticis against K.s.ono.OOO last year. The Atlantic export for the week anil since August I have been KlKiut a third smaller than last year, but the lull in price during the week has been 1 . 7 j eenl. Cotton on the spot I lower at 11.44 cent than at any other time since 14!, and quota tion then did not menu what they do now, while the nearest option hns been quoted at 11.04 oenls, which I below all previous record. Even at the close the fall for tho week is cent. An estliunte ol H.iuio.Oi'O bales mini mum this year has Influenced tho market, but would receive li-s attention II stock In ik"ht were not heavy, while all agree that thl crop I likely to exceed tile world' requirements cl American cotton. It Is encouraging that the speculation in corn hn broken, mid the price has fallen A rente. Ice gloomy eatliniites than these of the department having gained general ac ceptance. It 1 now supposed the yield I not far from 11)0,000, oou bushel, which will compel much economy In feeding, but .peculation iu pork lias also broken, and the price hu fallen 7S cents, while iard hurt de clined 1-2 cent. The Iron Industry shows a shrinkage ot de mand, and the prlcm quoted to-day are but little above the lowest this year. Iteemer pig I wenker at HI at Pittsburg, with an impression that exec of production must cuuse further decline unless lower price are made for steel rails. Ilillets. structural forms nnd nails are a shade wciikr, nnd In eastern markets competition to get business tend to destroy prollt. There Is more busi ness at the West, ami Chicago report a good demand for sheet, for bnr Iu small lot and lor coke pig though plates aud boiler tube are weaker. The hoot nnd shoe manufacture continue to lead oilier In comparative activity, and shipments from lJostou for the month have been 8.'ia.iiH7 cases, against 222,628 last year, nnd 32H,i0uln 1 h2. Fall HP's are few and smnll for the week, liabilities nmountlng to 5,27H,N25, of which 2.3S2,8IS were of manufacturing and 2,. t"f,ll. of trading concerns. The failures during the week have been 239 In the l ulled ritntca against 334 Inst year, nnd 50 In L'anado against 33 last year. PENSION DEBASEMENTS. For the Tear Ending- June 30, 1894, $137,036,081 Was Paid Out. The report ot the third auditor of the treasury for the fiscal year ended June 83, 18114, shows the total disbursements at pen sions agencies on account of pensions for that year to have been 187,6!M,(M1. The amounts pnld to ionsloners under the gnu. eral laws were as lollowa (cent omitted): Invalids, M.AH2.11U; widow, tl3.412.021. minors, (1,010.204. dependent relatives, :i,tHl,l. The amounts paid under the act of Juno 27, 18W), were as follows: Invalids, 43,iW6,0Ul; widows, l),NSti,HU2; minors. f6D7.004i dependent relatives, 70!) M2U, helpless, children, 8,065. The pensioners of the war of 1HI2 were pnld the following amounts: Survivors, (S, 312; widows, fi46,297. To the Mexican war survivors were paid 1 8HH.707 aud widows H08,845. Indian war claim pnld amount to 4377,883 to survivors nod 46ti,U52 to widows. Army nurses received 4B5,ttH2. about 1150,000 wa Iinld to pension exnmiuing surgeons and the mlanee of the total disbursements was for expenses of pension agencies. WORK OF WRECKERS. A Wabash Passenger Train Derailed. The Engineer Killed. A train on the Wabash llallrood wag wrecked at Uaumee, a small town 12 miles toutb of Toledo, O. The accident occurred shortly before 7 o'olook Sunday morning and was the result of a plan to ditoh the entire train. The bnnv Pullman kept on the track and the mail and baggage cars, al though badly wrecked did not eoutnlu any vicll in. F. N. Smith, the engineer, ot Tolodo, was killed, and A. H. Day, the fireman, also of 'Toledo, wore fatally Injured. The wreck was evidently planned to occur at the west end ot a long sidlug. Just bevoud the Muumee station. The lower part of the switch target had been removed and the twitnn was partly thrown. The target InUI fated a clear track. FOR THEIR PENSIONS. Two Veterans of the Dayton Home Found Murdered. At Dayton, O., Friday wot pension day at the soldier's home and the veterans woro paid (130,000. A few of them visited the dives in the vloluity of the Institution Satur day and were robbed. Two of the old sol diers were found robbed and murdered, aud their bodies lying In the public road nnd their pockets turned Inside out. Their names were Adulpnus Curgan, Compauy I'., (.'uracil's legion, of Maryland, and Jnhu llarrett, ot the navy, A nuiulier ot veterans are misaiug from tne uouie but will turn up an rigiu, THE CZAR IS WORSE. I.uisla's Buler Too 111 to Be Taken U the Grimsa, A dlspntcb from Ht. Petersburg says the condition of the czar Is considerably worse. The kidney lullammutlon from which be It suffering Is much iucreused,und his mnjesty'f vKciuiuiig mi wn uegiuuiug ui tne wut'K lie cnuirt somewhat difficult and bard. Prof. lyden, the eelebruted sieclullst iu Internal complaints, was summoned Iroui Berlin. Hit majesty appear to suffer much palu and is very low-spiriteu. prom, .ncliarlu aud Leyden, who are In attundauce unon bim. wish to send bis majesty as soon as possiblu to i.rimen, uui nave uui yet ueeu auie fo ue aide upon tukuig the risk ol the lung jouruey. TELEGRAPHIC TICKINGS. Forest fires are still threatening In Minne sota. At a mns meeting of Princeton students It wn decided to nbollsh hn.lng. Juan .Tiinrer, a wealthy Hpnnlsh banker, committed suicide In the City ot Mexico. The 600-foot Illinois fentrnl bridge at Iowa Fall, lo., wn burned Friday. A newly chartered West Virginia corpora tion ha a scheme to utilize the power of the Great Kanawha Fall. A little child of Rev. J. Knmlnsky. the Johnstown Hebrew rnbbl, was run over by A street car Friday and fatally Injured. The new Constitution in New York was adopted a ft whole Friday by a vote of OS to 45, two Itepubllcans voting with the minority. Over 100 vagrants were arrested In the streets ot New York, Friday, and Imprison ed. A slight shock of earthquake, lasting 80 seconds was felt near Quebeo Thursday morning. A dispatch from Pan Domingo states that half of that town was destroyed by a recent cyclone. The Crownpolnt Color printing works at Leeds have been destroyed by tire entailing a loss of J. 100,01X1. M. Decrals, French nmbassndor to Oreat llritlan, ha resigned, and will be succeeded by Karon de Coureel, who wa president of the Bering sen tribunal of arbitration. About 5.00) striking hatter, paraded In Newark, N. J.. Thursday with banner de manding, not charity, but work at goed wage. A wild Lake Krle and Western trnln crash ed Into the Union station at Lafayette. I ml., wrecking It a well a Fnttcrnll A Co.' shoo factory. Property loss I (20,000. Chicago's civic federation hope to have Dopew, Powderly nnd Archbishop Ireland and other address a great labor congress thore In November. An American named Frank Holiunn, near Victoria, Mexico, while crnr.y from the effects of Mexican intoxicants, killed hi wife nnd two children, Tho American Hiking Towder Compnny.of Now York, has been placed In the band ol a receiver; liabilities, (42.3.W; actual a.t, (13,000. The Chautauqua fountain, presented to tho National Women's Christina Tomernnce I'nlon by Chautauqua county, N. Y., was un veiled at Wllllard Hall Chlcngo. WORK OF THE HURRICANE. Florida's Losses May Reach Above a Million Dollars. Communication with south Florida is be ing restored nnd special dispatches are pour ing in relating to the damage done by tho West Indian cyclone which raged Tuesday and Wednesday. A dispatch from Tampa say several largo cigar factories were wrecked. The loss on buildings Is estimated at (60,000. A dispatch from Fcrnandiua says that tho schooner Edwnrd Htowart, which was loaded and lying nt anchor, waa blown aeross tho river, pulling her anchor with her, and Is now I; log on a mud flat In about live feet of water, 'J be small boots were all blown away nnd nuBibers are now lying high and dry up m nv mnrou, logetner Willi ine floating UCCK. A dispatch from Palatka announces crca damage at that place to river craft. The steamer Princess was sunk. She Is valued at 12,000. Tho steamer Kdllh was driven ashore. The steamer Debarey was driven aguinst the drawbridge and wrecked. The steam yacht Maude was sunk near Crescent City. At fit. Augustine no lives were lost, but several houses were wrecked and tho losso will run into thousand. Nearly all of the window in the city were blown in and the house flooded with water. The Ponce do Leon was damaged in this way. The waves rinshrd over the sea wall aud tnndo rivers ol the streets. The damage to the orange growers is Incal culable. Dispatches say thut in tho large groves the ground Is completely covered with green orange. The loss Is fully 20 per cent. Tho east const Is still cut oil from communi cation below Ht. Augustine and Palatka. The storm was as severe in the Interior as on the coast. It is safe to sny that the storm ha cost Florida inoro than (1 000,000 but no live have been I. st unless at Key West.Tltus vlle.Jtipitor aud other east coast points. THE CONVENTION BOLTED- Many Nebraska Democrats Refuse to Endorse Populists. The Democrats ot Nebraska held their state convention at Omaha, Wednesday and the Ilryan sliver men got the uppor band after struggle that lasted all day. Congressman Ityrun was nominated for United States stna tor at the evening session by acclamation, aud pledged himself for tree silver and against monopolies. The majority report delared against presidents being eligible foi re-election. The loilowlng ticket was nominated, 104 antl-fiislonlii bolting during the process: Governor, Judge Holeombi lieutenant-governor, J, N. Gufflu: secretary of state. I'. R. F.llick: treasurer, O. A. Linkhardt, attorney geuurui, if, u. i nrey; niifiiior.j. i. jjamuian commlssloner of public lands and buildings, H. J. Kent; superintendent ol publlo iutruo tlon, W. A, Jones. Holcnmb, Gaftln, Carey, Kent and Jones aru Populists nominee. The regular oon ventlou then adjourned. The bolters then at onoe organized Into a separate couvemlon nnd began the work ol selecting a straight Democratic tlckut Lucania Makes a Reoord. The stoamer Liicnnln arrived at New York from Liverpool and (Jueenntown Friday utter Doon. Time of passage win Nve days, seven hours and 48 rnluutet, fastest on record, bent Ing ber beat former, and lost run oi II v days, eight hours aud 88 minutes, by It mluutes. Total distance, 2.782 niileS) ever age speed per hour, 21,77 miles. Pension Claims. The number ot pension claims filed this J ear I only bait of what It was Inst year, lost of the old soldiers are already on the rolls, aud the bulk of the claims aru now either for Increase or for widows and minors. The pension department are adjusting pcuslou claims as fast as they enu, aud grant Iroui 1,410 to 2,000 every weak. Hill Nominated. The Democrats ol New York State In eon- ventlou at Karatogn on Wednesday nom inated David 11. Kill lor governor, Daniel N. Lock wood, ot llufTulo, for lieutenant gov ernor, and Judge Unyuor for Judge ol the court ol uppeuls. Impeachment Fails. The Judges of the Dlstrmt Court who have beeu eoiiUuctiug the Impeachment trial oi Mayor George W. lleiiila, ol Ouialia, bauded down Friday nflernoou a declsluu Mudlug the defendant not guilty of uiulleusauoe, exon uniting bim ou evry charge made. LATEST NEWS SUMMARIZED FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. What Is Transpiring the World Over. Important Events Briefly Told- . - . - WAsniSOTOH. fhe Vnlted Rtntes strike commission Is titling In Washington to receive suggestion and hear anyone who w ishes to he heard on the Inbor problem. Tho president Tucvlay appointed Oen. William Ward Duffleld, ol Detroit, superin tendent of the const and gsodetlo survey, to succeed T. t!. Mendenhall, resigned. The position Is wortb (0,000 per annum. . CAriTAt, AMD LABOS. A receiver wn appointed Tuesday for the Summerlleld Drawing Company ,ol llaltlmore The llnhllltie nro (120,000 and the assets about (2A,000. President Haremeyer, of the American 3ugar Iteflnlng Company, has Issued orders for the closing down at once ot one-hnlf of the refineries under It control and next week the rest of the refineries will be ordered to but down. rum is axd rrxAt.TiK. James V. Weaver, who claim to te a cous in of General James A. Weaver, the Populist leader, shot a man at the Kxchange Hotel, Oreely, Col. He Is believed to be Insane. Charles F. Wllson.eonvlcted of the murder ot Detective James Harvey, wa Monday sen tenced to be electrocuted nt Auburn prison during the week commencing November 8. A wnrrant was Issued Tuesday lor tho ar rest ot President Frederick T. Day, of the Plnnklngton Hank, ot Milwaukee, for receiv ing deposits after be knew the bauk was in solvent. Hnlph Conklln, a farmer boy of 18 years, Ingle handed, robbed the Itioomfleld-Mklle bnnk nt Mt. Kterling, III., nnd compelled the cnshler to hnnd over (411. Conklln was capt jred and Is In Jail. The grand Jury at Birmingham. Ala., has Indicted twelve ot the alleged leaders In tho Pratt mine ninssncre ol July 111, when Deputy Hherlff H. W. Tierce nnd several negro miners were slaughterd by strikers. -- - riRKR, ACCIDEXT, VATAI.lTtKS, ETC Andrew K avals wa killed and four other Inborer hurt by a cave-In at Philadelphia. Fire Sunday night destroyed ten store on Main stni-t In Tomu, Wis. Lo CiO.000; partly insured. While playing with an old musket nt n crlstenlng party at Patnpseo Neck, Md., John lioud shot nnd killed nn Infant and wounded Its mother. Telegraph operator Crosier admit that ho was rending n newspaper nnd forgot to nt. tend to certain duties the day ol the fntnl railroad accident nt North Adam, Mas. CharU Anderson, machinery tender, Ed ward Murray, watchman, nnd Frank Drown, weighmaster, lost their lives In the elevator lire nt Portland, Ore., Hunilay. Thnt there wn nt least two, nnd probably three twisters responsible for the work of de struction nnd denth on Friday night nt Ht. Paul, seem conclusive Tho total number ot fatalities toots up 78. A fire nt Krle. Fa., on Monday night, de stroyed the Krle Car works, the largest In dustrial institution nt thnt place, covering 10 acres ot ground. The loss exceedst200.000:nnd s partly covered by Insurance. The lire wa caused by an incendiary. mscELLAMEOt'S. The Indian land adjustment league, ol which William Loyd Garrison, of Doston, 1 f resident. I preparing to form a colony ot ndlaas In Chicago. The 15th biennial meeting ot the Conference of the Unitarian and otber Chris tint) churches convened at Saratoga. N, Y., Monday. flov. McKlnlcy, of Ohio, ho consented to peak at Nashville on October 19 in the Inter est ol H. Clay F.vans, republican candidate for governor. The Grand Council of the Young Meu's Catholic Institute ol the United Htnte met In annual session at Louisville, Ky., on Monday. Thl I the largest and most Important meet ing the order has ever held. It Is snld that a man at Homing's Corners, Teuu., shrink once a mouth Iroui 180 to 110 pounds and remain iu that condition torn week, after which he resumes bis original welgut. Oen. Wllllard Rlocum died Rundny at his home at Asliland. (J., aged 74. He wa Iu spector general of the Thirteenth army corps beiore ana during ine siege ot icksburg.nud was breveted a brigadier general. He was one ol the the two delegates appointed bv Gov. Brough to meet with loyal men ot the Houtn in iHtio. nmsios. A rumor I current In Berlin thnt the Czar Is suffering from Bright s disease. Ambassador Bayard will sail from South hampton, October 0. on a leave ot atiseuce to tnis oountry. Mr. Andrew D. White, the United States minuter to liussia, no gone to Munleh. He will return to Ht Petersburg in October In order to present bis letters ol recall. The Brnzalian Minister of Finance has cabled a denial ot the report that the Brazil ian Government Intends to Issue X6,OO0,OO0 oan. The Japanese minister to Romebn notified the Italian Government that Japau Is desirous oi immeuiateiy concluding a commercial treaty witn Italy. As a result of the Inquiry st Athons Into the attack made by a mob composed of luo officers and soldiers of all arms upon the onice ot ine Auropons on September 1 eu omcers nave been committed lor trial. The King of Korea Is sutferlni from a dis ease of the throat. Unhappily lor bim, he is looked upon a a divine being whom no metal Instrument may touch. In consequence oi tin, tne operation wnicu is necessary to save nis live cannot be performed. Laird nl Birkenhead has Just completed s new cruiser, Patria, tor tne Argentine navy. wuicn at tne trials snowen a speea of 20. w knot per Dour. Hne is 250 loot iu length, 81 leet U Inches beam, and only 10 feet draught A terrible waterspout is reported from the village ot Hucnu. in tne mountain or uurnu go, Mexico. Tbe deluge carried away a wood cbopper's camp of teu families, and all are beuevea to nuvu ueeu arowueu. a number ot otber cases of drowning are reported. A terrible storm prevails throughout tbe length a id breadth of the Inland ot Cuba. It begun la t Tuesday and continued with uu diuilulsned lury throughout the n'.gbt, aud there are no slg'is ot abatement Grout damage has been done to property. Fatal Cocaine. Belle White, 24 years of ago, daughter, ol Benjamin n. Vtuite, a weaituy lumijermnn, died at Wood's hotel Chicago, while under treatment tor the removal of facial blemishes. Death was caused. It is suiuioaed. by the use of coculueto deaden the pnln from tbe elec trical current, wuicn constituted tne mean o treutuieut How They Btant The following table shows th- staa lla ot (be different clubs compoiiuj ths National tote uuil leoguei Club. W. L.Pot Baltimore , 88 8U till New York , MH 44 8117 Boston . . . 88 48 1128 I'biludel'a. 71 Ml 668 Brooklyn. 08 til 684 Cleveland . lib HI (27 Club. Pittsburg Chlcogo . Ht. Louis. W. L. Pel, 85 65 6(0 68 74 482 68 78 424 64 75 418 Cincinnati Washluirton 46 88 841 Louisville . 80 85 277 WAR IN AFRICA. Thousands of Savages Threaten a Walled Portuguese Town. Thousand of Kaffir aro threatening to at tavk'I.ourcnr.0 Mnrqura; the government has distributed arsis among tho whlto population for defcnsoi nnd serious trouble Is expected. Louronzo Mannion I n walled Portuiuose town ot Africa on tho north side of IMagon Bay. It ha a good harbor which glvi-s It considerable Importance In the trndo with the Transvaal. 1 he town ha a population of about 8,000 and I protected by a number of roughly constructed old fort. The i'rnnvnal leaders have long been anx ious to secure control ol tho Dela oa liny llatlroad. and they also have been ambition to have a aeaport, Lourcnxo Marquci! pro. ferred. With this object tu view tho Boers n-cently sent the a im of (2r0,i00 to London In order to purchase the bonds which Portu gal I expected to Issne a soon as the Berne arbitrators have decided the question ot Isiundnrte. A few days ago, ou Heptember 15, advices from Pretoria said that the Trans vaal government had acquired the prior right in Delngoa Bay, Including control ot the port dues, thus giving the Transvaal a commanding position and free access to tbe en. The commander of the British minbont Thrash bos Inndcd a body of bluejackets and marines In order to protect the British Consulnto. COLORADO GOLD OUTPUT Production for Next Tear Likely to Ex ceed $20,000,000. The gold product ol Colorado for 1804 will resell (12,000,000, the largest In the history ot the stnto.nnd a conservative estlmatcshows thnt the state will produce at least (20,000, 0C0 nnd probably (25,000,000 In 18(i5,nnd that therealter the gold product of Colorado will rench that ol silver and even exeed It. Crlc pie i nT in reueu upon 10 lurnisn me great er part of the yellow metal and from present iiiuicaiion ii will De nine lo no it, j tie goiu output ol the camp for the month of January IH!i4, nt which time the strike commenced, wn (SOO.OOO. The month ol July showed (875.000 werth of gold nnd In August It reached (4118.000 and It Is ex pe'ted to reneh (t;6,000 for September. Cnn-ful evtlmnti-s ot euglneers who have gone over the ground plncethe production of the enmp at (1,000, 000 in December, which mark It Is expected io niniiiuiia nnu execeu wiin it present properties working. When It Is considered that few of the mines of the district nro work- lug to their full capacity, or have completed their developement work, some Idea of the amount the eamt) can turn out in cold mav be turned. BLACKWELL GIVES UP. The Threatened War in Kentucky Ends in a victory lor Taxpayers. Tho men enlisted by Captain Blaekwell, at Unloutown, Ky., to coerce the taxpayers o Cnscyvllle nnd Lludle precincts have lo( courage and nro deserting, nnd It will be !m. possible for bim to recruit enough men to capture the rebellious precinct. Thedi-ser tcrs say mat mere is not sunieieni money in the coffers of Colonel Preston to Induce them to go up against 1,000 men nrmed with re peating shot guns charged v.ith shells each ol which contain nine Immense slug. Blaekwell is preparing a manifesto of pence: which he will issue, lhi will llrst be sulv- mitted to the legal counsel ol Colonel Pres ton, and John Felnud, nt Owensboro, nnd It will, he hope tooth the nngry passion ol the people. Blaekwell would certainly have Invited denth bnd he entered tbe two pre cinct nt the bend of a posse. It I believed that the stockholders will now try to effect a compromise by which the debt will be settled on long time and by easy pay ment. MASS1LL0N STRIKE ENDED. Miners and Operators Agree to Submit ths Dispute to Arbitration. The strike of the miners In the Massillon district Is ended for a time at least. At 8 o'clock Friday morning the miners nnd operators adopted resolutions deelnrttig their willingness to submit the dispute to a local arbitration committee, nnd to resume work nt once, pending the results of arbitration. F.verybody Is Jubilant over the settlement ol tbe strike, w hich ha lasted live month. The main question at Issue Is a dltlereutlnl scale of 15 cents per ton, which up to last Mav, wa allowed to Massillon miner on account of thinness ot vein nnd dlltlculty ol mining. This differential was abolished by the operators lust spring, and tbe strike re sulted. '1 he strike has cost (1,000,000 In wages, with U,0:'0 men In iddlencss all these months, and has cost the operators fully (100,000 to keep tbelr property In order. LAKE STEAMERS GO DOWN. Two Meet In Collision and ths Crew of One of Them Is Missing. Tbe steamer Ohio collided with the schooner Ironton ten miles north ot Presque Isle at 12.80 Wednesday morning. Tbe Ohio sauk Inside ol half an hour. The crew ot 10 took to the boats and were picked up by tbe schooner Moonlight, consort of the steamer Kershaw. Tbe Ironton sank at 1:30. Two ot ber crew were picked up by the steamer Charles Hebard. Tbe remainder ot the Iron ton's crew are not accounted lor as yet. The Ironton was also a consort of the Kershaw, but parted ber tow line before the collision. The llrst mate ot the Ohio was picked up two hours later by the Kershaw. The wind was blowing a gale Irom tbe South, nnd a heavy rca was running. The rescued crew ot the Ohio refused to give tbe circumstances ol the collision. A SLUMP IN WHEAT. Lowest Frio on Record Esiched In Chi cago Friday. Wheat never sold so low as It did Friday, Tbe regular contract grade of tbe article was dlposed of on 'Change at CO outs per bushel. A bushel of wheat will yield sbont 41 pound of tbe best grade of flour, nnd Hut will make at leait 60 pounds of lie id. Ho thut, without adding tbe cost oi baking, bread could be mud from wheat ut this price at one ceut a pound. A uiau would ured to hire an exprets wagon to take home s bait dollar's wortb of bread, and If bis family did not consist ot more than himself and wifu and two children bis 50 cents would keep them all In bread for two weeks, esti mating their united bread appetites ut thri s aud a ball pounds per day. The best posted statisticians on tbe world's wheat crop figure that tbe exotas over consun p.ion is Hi per ceut. BRAZIL IS PRUSPE KI1NU. Coffee Crop Tory Largs and Government Troops Victorious. The oo flee crop In Brazil will be enormous. Gold is flowing In from F.urope and tbe out look for tbe autumn Is exoellent. Tbe Government Issues bullotlns denying that tbe capture of Santa Ana by the rebels bus auy Importance. The Government claims victories aud that It expects to exterminate the rebel bauds In the South, having seut re inforcement. Tbe rebels uenr Hsutu Am and Suutn Muritt are reported to be In a des titute uonditiou, and are belug driven lo live on berl like cattle. Many political rumors ore afloat, one at tributing to Pelxolo an luteutlou to urnwt 20 opposition Deputies on October 16. Muravi preserves bis ulguilled attitude. H0WGATEJS CAUGHT. After Lending V. B. Deteotives a Merry Chase for a Doren Tears. etnpt. Henry W. Howgnto, who wn once Ihe practical bead of the weather bureau, nnd Who, twelve yenrs ago, ombcw.led (:lCO,OOo from the United States Government, wn arrested In New York city on Thnrsdny, and lodged In Ludlow street Jail. During the past twelve yenrs the secret servh-e of the United Htntes have been search ing for him In vnln. Adopting the name of Harvey Williams, Howgato wandered over till country with beautiful Nellie Burril who fled with him. During the pnt six yenrs he ha lived In New York city bnylng nnd selling rnre perio dlcols, books and magazine. MARY WALSH MURDERED. End of a Wretched Career In New Tork City. Mary Walsh, a dissolute New York woman said to have been a grandmother, was brutally murdered enrly Tuevday morning, Simon Memory being In custody for the crime. There Is a good deal of mystery about the affair, but one of the witnesses ray he saw the man and woman drunk In nn area at the foot of tbe stairs on Orchard street. The mnn wn maudlin and seemed to be fondling the woman nnd calling her pet name. Something roused hi anger and he struck her, and then seized her by the hair and dragged her up to the stoop, beating her with nn Iron bur. He got her up to tho top of the stairs, but she could not stand. He propped her up against the stoop and she tell down. He bent her again and propped her tip once more. When she swayed ngniu be struck her n blow that felled her llko a log. she fell down the basement atnlr hond first, doad. Several people saw the affair but did not Interfere. They ran away when a policeman appeared. A COWBOY-INDIAN BATTLE. Two of the foimer were Wounded and Three Indians Killea About 60 miles west of Hcnnesy, O. T., a fierce ba'tle was lought Tuesday between whites nnd redskins, during which Ilnlpb Eastman nnd William McKlnney, two cow men, were seriously wounded and three Indian killed. The Indian have been raiding the herd ol the white ranchers for sometime, and a band ol red thieves with stolen entile In their pos session were overtaken nnd a light followed. The cattle men nre snld to be calling In nil the cowboy they enn muster with a view to puulfhlng the Indlnns. RIOTING AT RIO DE JANEIRO. Tbe Number Killed Said to be 328-Bod-ies Thrown Into the Water. There has been rioting In Itlo de Janeiro, lasting five days, accompanied by outrages on Portuguese merchants, instigated directly by President Pelxoto, who Incited the sol dier, dressed a citizen, to make an attack on the pretense that they wanted to break up a meeting ol royalist conspirators. The number ol killed Is stated to be 328 and 213 wounded entered the hospital. Many of the wounded were tnken to their borne. Most nt the lighting occurred near the water' edge and many bodies were cast Into the har bor. The damage to the property ot Portu guese, British and other foreign residents will amount to (1,500.000. TWO GOVERNMENTS. The Kolb Populists Called to Meet iu Montgomery. The Kolblte forces will meet In Montgom ery. A'S., on November 12, the dny before the Assembling of the General Assembly. It is given out that they will set up a General Assembly, go through the net ot declaring Kolb Governor, elect a United States Senator and adjourn. The call says that the purpose of the convention I to consider what action s'.i uld be tnken In regard to the monstrous leo.lon frauds that were periietrated In tl.e last August election aud lor otber purpose, A MOTHER'SSAD DEATH- Killed by a Train While Going to Her In jured Bon's Relief. Tuesday morning a wreck occurred on ths Baltimore and Ohio railroad, near Cherry Hun, Maryland. Six cars were derailed and a brakemun named Michael Sharron serious ly Injured. Tbe mother of the unfortunate man. bearing ot ber sou's accident, started for the scene and bad proceeded but a short distance when. In trying to get out ot the way ot a west bound freight, stepped upon the eastern track, and not noticing a train n proncblng ber on that track, was strack and instantly killoi', DEATH INFLAMES. Two Chlldred Perish in a Burning Dwell Ing In Virginia. The residence ot James Couahenotir, neat Gate City, Vs., was burned Tuesday and two children met their death In tho flames. An effort was made to rescue liotli of them, but Just as tbe mother was entering the house the crash came, burning I hem under the burning timbers. Mrs, Coucheuour wa seriously if not fatally burned and her husbaud was badly burned about the bands and face. A NEWSPAPERMAN'S LUCK John J. Curley Made Recorder of Phila delphia With a $10,000 bulary. Tbe Governor ot Peuusylvaniu Wednesday appointed John J, Curley recorder ol Phila delphia, vice Thomas Green, deceased. Mr. Curley Is a Democrat and for many years wason the rnportorlnl stuffof the Philadelphia Ileeord. He resigned bis plnce to become secretary of the Com m It toe of Fifty, organized to secure creditable nominations tor muuicl- ial positions. Hu Is now secretary ol the lelt Line Itallroud Company of 1'hlludelphlu. The (ecordershlp is wortb 10,000 a yeur. EIGHT RUSSIANS KILLED. They Attempted to Defend a Siberian Railway Station. Dispatches have beon received from Vladi vostok confirming tbe report that a Chinese mob had attacked and plundered a Siberian railway station in tbe provlnoes of Ussurl, end that eight Russians who attempted to de feud tbe station were killed by the mob. These dispatches add thut Ituiuiun troops have started in pursuit of the marauders who have crossed tbe Chinese frontier. Germans Must Not Emigrate. An ex-dlplomatist who is Intimate with the l-.mperor ol Germany says His Majesty now contemplates Ihn enactment of a law extend ing the military service from 46 to 65 years ol age, nnd providing that permission to emi grate, except to the German-Alrlcan coloules shall be lelueod to snyouu under tho ago ol AO years. isiea in. ml a 60. A Mexlenn tintned Jloderb'os died nt Lie;, ram, mar Keirville, Texna,l'riday. His rci. iitive nnd lutluiate Irleuds nsstut most posi lively thnt he was 160 jears old. Ho has I ecu married live times, marrying bis find -1'-, ion ynnrs nvo, He bad thrm growusonn in luo war ui loi.r. SAVED HER BABY. Mrs. Palmer Fought Flames for her Child's Life and Perished. Sirs. Ann Pnlmer, 21 years old, died at Akron, O., from burns received by the ex plosion of a gasoline stove. Her bnby was sleeping In a cradle In the room whem she wn nt work, nnd tho explosion turned the fluid In n blazing flood towards the cradle. Mrs. Pnlmer sprang to stop the spread of tho flames toward the erlb nnil her clothing took lire. Making no effort to save horself she fonght the fire until the bnby was saved. MAHICET9. riTTunt'Rfl. (Tni WBOl.XSALt PRICE ARB OIVtK SILOW) flraln. Hour and feed. WHEAT No- I Red 64 (? 85 No. 2 Red 53 54 CORN- No. i Yellow, ear... 62 68 High Mixed, enr 60 61 No. 2 Yellow, shelled 61 69 OATH - No. 1 White 86 87 No. 1 White 85 86 No. 8 White 84 85 Mixed 88 84 RYE No. 1 5:i 54 No. 2 Western, new 52 69 FLOUR- fancy Winter pat. 8 6.1 8 75 Fancy Spring pntents 8 5') 8 70 Fancy Straight Winter...., 2 75 8 00 XXX linkers 2 60 3 70 live flour 8 10 8 2( HAY-llnled No. 1 Tltn'y... 11 75 12 00 Haled. No. 2 Timothy.... 10 60 11 75 Mixed Clover 10 60 11 00 Tlmothvfromcouiitry.... 14 00 16 00 FF.F.D So. I W h Md, ton.. 17 60 18 00 No.2 White Mlddllugs.... Ill 60 17 00 llrown Mlddllugs 16 00 HI 60 llrnn, bulk 16 (HI 16 25 PTRAW Wheat 6 00 6 25 Oat 5 25 6 61) Dnlry Products. BUTTER F.lgln Crenmery.( Fancy Creamery Fancy Country Roll Low grade and cooking... CHEKSE Ohio, new New York, new Wisconsin Hwlss Llmburger, newmnke.... 28 2!) 24 25 1 20 12 15 10 Wi u ll.'s LI IB', V Fruit nnd Vegetables. ArPLES-Fnney, V bbl.... 3 25 H WATERMELONS 3 50 Georglu, each GRAIES- Concords, 10-lb basket, do 6-lb bosket. TEACHES 8 20 14 15 8 10 1 75 2 00 1 60 1 75 3 00 3 50 1 25 1 50 8 00 8 6lf 3 50 2 75 1 50 1 75 1 20 1 40 1 75 2 DO 2 50 8 0O 1 40 1 60 6 1 DO 2 0) 2 15 2 2 1 00 1 25 5(1 60. 60 60 25 50 40 45 10 16 12 1A'( 14 15 11 12 111 17 55 IW 4') 45 M 41) PEAIIS- Dartlett, per Mils do per bu Seckels per bbl PI.UMS- Damsou per bu Green gages per bu Large blue, per bu Prune, per bu , CANTELOUPES Ann Arundel, per tig bbl, BEANS screened per bu Lima, lb POTATOES Fine State, on track, bbl.. From store, bbl CA1IIIAOE- Hoinn grown, bbl ONIONS Yellow, per bu Poultry, Ktc. Live Chickens, V pair.... Spring chickens Live liuuks, V pair Pressed 1 lucks. V lb Dressed Chickens, lb. mix " " yotiug select Dressed Turkey, V II F.GGS-l'n. and Ohio trnsli.. FEATHERS Extra Live Oeee, V lb No. 1 Ex. Live Geese, V lb Country, large, packed.,.. M Iseellaneou. PF.EDR-Clover, 62 lbs 6 25 6 50 Timothy, prime 2 7 j 2 HO DliiH Grass.. 1 40 1 61) RAGS-L'ountry mixed 1 HONEY White Clover 17 1H Ruck wheat 17 17 MAPLE SYIIUP-New 75 1 01) CIDER -Country.swewt.bbl. 0 01 6 60 CINCINNATI. FLOUR 1 55 4 00 WHEAT No. 2 Red 61 H RYE No. 2 64 CORN-Mlxed RS OATS 81 KGGS 14 HUT T EH Ohlojl rea mery. 1 ft 21 I'llll.AOtLI'HIA. FLOUR 8 60 4 00 WHEAT-No. 2 Red 54' CORN-No. 2 Mixed 62 6H OATS-Nu. 2 Whlto 85 Hl'ITER -Creamery, extra. 20 EGGS Pa. tlrsts ill XtlV YORK. FLOUR-Patents WHEAT No. 2 Red RYE -State CORN No. 2 OATS -White Western HUTTEn Creamery EGGS-State and Penn I 70 4 15 5X 63 mi 87f 241,' 57 Cattle Market Kepnrts, Criffenre kM at llwi Jimivet lire ipriihl. 017s are sod of rief teei'71, that it 20 jttr cent nt'nerally) ofcom tide wei'jht. ,7iee; nit tiuld grunt, that it Hoe wight W nothinjnJf. Central Stwk i'ariln l'Htuburj, 1'a. CATTLE. Extra, 1.450 to l.COOIh 5 lOnt'3 50 Prime, Mj to I .41HIH 4 70r 5 00 Good, 1,200 to l.aiMIIti 4 Wlfo l 70 Tidy, 1.050 to l.lAOtt 8 70r t 15 Fair. BOO to 1,0001b 8 0u ;j 40 Common, 70J to 9,001b 2 0J( 2 DO HOOS. Heavy Philadelphia 6 00(4(1 10 Common to fair Yorkers aud pigs 6 50ia 5 70 Growers 5 40 5 60 Roughs and stags 4 Ouro 5 25 SUKKP. Prime, 05 to 1 001b 8 3 lf 3 5 ) Good, 85 to 90m 2 H0rr3 10 Fair. 70 to HOIh 3 00ft 2 60 Common. US to 701b 1 OOro 1 HJ Spring I.amU 2 Our. 4 8 Veal Cttlves. 4 5 inVH 0i Heavy calves 2 0U i uj Cincinnati Hogs Select shippers, uone; select butchers, ib.lUi 'i UOi fair to good packers, 5.25"d 6.70; fulr to good light, 5.15 fa5.55 commou and roull i. OS's J. 20. Cattle Murket steady; good shippers, i.'6 i5.00; good to choice, tl.OOro 4.6(1; fair to medium, 3.25$S.l)0t common. $2.2.Va 3.00. Shnep Extras. 4Vi.60nV3.75-, good to choice, 2.75oi 3.35; common to fair, 2.5). Limbs Extras, t4.10(a'4.25; good to 'choice, :Vi5 64.00; common to fair, 2.00ru J.00. Chlcngo Cattle Market for good grades steady, others weuk; common to extra stceis, t3.2rirau.40; stockeis and feeders, U.lOSi3.7. cows and bull.-, 1.25u3.60: cnlva,f.25t f.50. Hogs Market lor commou grades weak aud 10c lower; good iualliles steady: heavv, 6 OOfti 6.20: commou to choii ilxed, 6.006p 5.115; choice assorted, 5.75r 5.N0; light, 5.0Jio 5.U5: pigs, 2.50ft 4.00. Sheep Market weak; inferior to choice, 75.-Cr3.23; ltiiube,tl.&0fe 4.00. Ths Petroleum itlarkft. Oil City- rPctroluuin lifeless. Octoberoptli us unvhiinged nt H'j'.u bid; National Tr.iu-it ruus, 73.Mil burrulsi shipments, ll!O,708 bar rel. Iluckeye ruus, 63,255 burrulsi ship ments, 41,1'JV burrels.