The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, September 12, 1894, Image 2

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The Japs Have Landed and Are Building
Fort Near Port Arthur.
There appears to be a gradual shitting of
the scene of notion from Corea further north
find within the territory which is properly
Chinese. The combatants are engaged In
ttrengthing their respective portions and
estimating the strength of the enemy. Ao
cording to Chinese Informntlon the number
of Japanese Id Corea Is M4.0.H) men of whom
s0 an' envalry. The Chinese troops are
three days' march from Heoul, where the
Iwlligereut lort-ee are expected to meet.
China l Mill to have directed all her Euro
pena agents and representatives to bestir
themselves In the purchase of first clasa
ernlsers. battleship, rams and ammunition.
Hhlpe from Chile are expected to arrive In
Chinese water soon.
1 he Chinese who were landed from Junks
south of Tutting river, about f0 nillea from
Ting YauK, are laid to be wandering In the
mountains north of Heoul and are supported
In a great measure by friendly Ooreans. It
I reported that oyer 20.000 Coreans are up
tn arms against the Japanese Invaders, but
all are not provided with firearms aud a gue
rilla warfare among the mountains will be
carried on.
There was a tremendous excitement at
Tukshan, a port on the west coast a few days
ago when It was reported that several Japan
ese wan-hips were going fo attack the place
Ten thousand soldiers were hastily despatch
ed from the cnpltol. Tal pen Fu, and great
preparations fur resisting the expected attack
but they were relieved when no enemy ap
peared, and things resumed their normal
alow-going course.
The attitude of the European powers Is
still a matter of much goslp. It Is announced
that the czar's government will oliserve neu
trality as long as llusslan territory Is not In
terfered with. As to the British policy It la
ohserved that her majesty's government as
represented by Admiral Kreemnntle, Is deter
mined to have a force In thise waters suffi
cient to protect all British subjects and en
force the recognition of Hritish rights. The
ships now on the scene are the Centurion,
Mercury, Hadaunted, Nevern, Porpoise anil
Linnet, while nine men-of-war more flying
the British flag wore at Onflow at last ad
vices. A strong force of Japanese troops have oc
cupied an Island In society bay. northeast of
Port Artthur. T he Inland Is a base of opera
tions. Tno Chinese were taken completely
by surprise, and, consequently were able to
offer no opposition or prevent the landing of
large quantities of ammunition, arms, pro
visions, etc., which are being stored there,
Everything connected with the affair Indi
cates the purpose of the Japanese to stand a
edge, II necessary, until the force occupying
the island shall nave been reinforced suffic
iently to lustily an attack upon Tort Arthur.
The Burned District will Again be Settled
-Food Will be Supplied
All the burned territory In northern Min
nesota Is ready for the plow, and a farm will
tie given to the head of every burnt out family
that does not now own one. The women and
children refugees will be provided for at I)u
luth until the fathers can put up temporary
buildings In the burned district Lumber
unci materluls for these buildings will be sent
on at once. The state of Minnesota or Indi
viduals must provide funds for the necessities
Of life over winter.
If the saw mills are not to be rebuilt tn the
burned district Hinckley will be rebuilt as a
farming town and Junction of the two reads,
lieports come slowly from the searching
parties, and the dead list In Vine county nlone
will, It Is thought, reach several hundred.
The bodies at Hand-done. Ml or more In num
ber, which were temporarily covered with
earth, will be dug up, closely examined, and
properly burled in the little cemetery near
the town.
Another problem for the survivors In that
neighborhood lathe disposal of dead animals.
The region about Hinckley is littered with
the carcasses of horses, cows, hogs, deer an d
even a few moose. The terrible stench from
them promises to breed pestilenoe among the
lew people left.
Naval Reserves Negotiating for an Ar
mored Vessel.
By this time next year rittsburg will be able
to boast of an armored cruiser. Negotiations
have been pending for some time between
the board of governors of the naval reserves
and Capt. Henderson, owner of the steamer
C. W. Ilatehelor, with a view to purchasing
this boat Hatlsfatory arrangements havo
been made In regard to the price and IT is
understood this amount, 6,60J, has been ob
tained by subscription from sevi public
spirited oltiaena and can be called fur at any
The plan as proposed Is to remove all the
upper deck of the boat aud rebuild It after
the pattern of one of the modern men-of-war.
It Is said the Carnegie Company have ex
pressed their Intuntlon of contributing enough
armor plute to cover the boat. It will be
qunrter-lucb, as it la not thought advisable to
make It any heavier on account of having
uch low water. The cruiser will be supplied
with several rapld-tlrlug guns by the govern
ment aud will be used as a club boose and
armory by the reserves.
Judges Desert Their Courtrooms to Mak
Campaign Bpceches.
The most Important political campaign It
the history of Norway Is now going on. Num
erous meetings are being held, and the twe
main parties, the Ilight and the Left, are con
testing every Inch ol ground. The II rut elec
tions to the Worthing resulted favorably to th
Itadicals, but later on the Conservatives wen
victorious in several districts. This alarmed
. the party of the Left, and they compro
mised with the Hoclalists, inserting In their
platform one of the main demands of th
Kociulist party the demand for universal
euflruge With the help of the Hoolallsis tin
Left hopes now to roil up a good majority
lor tls candidates, who ure In favor of s
separate Minister of Foreign Affairs for Nor
way and also of separate consuls.
In some Judicial courts of the country no
cases cau be heard or taken up, the reason
being that the Judges have deserted theli
benches, and are traveling through the coun
try making speeches In the interest ol the
$1,000,000 LUMBER FRAUDS.
yerpetrated Upon the Stats of Minnesota,
and Suits Will Begin.
mate Senator W. B. Dedon, of the Senator
ial committee which is investigating the
frauds against the state of Minnesota, In the
utting of pine on school lands, has Just re
turned from an extensive exulsing through
the couuurv where the frauds are alleged to
lisve beeeooiumltud. He saUli
"We sue now ready with the evidence nee
assnry te begin Bulls aggregating 500,UUO
ngaiust various lumber Unas In the Mule. Up
to date we liame uncovered frauds which will
sum up to 1.UI),000 aud the investigation
has cost the state ill.OOX One linn that has
out over seetloa vettlad with the Htate on s
basis of only 1)76.000 feet. Our scale from
the stump show that over 7,003,00'.) feet wort
actually out, and the true figure is probably
Hearer 8.000,(100, 'Jill J a tuinplo time."
New cases of cholera are reported In Hoi
lnnd. Twenty more Chlengo breweries have Join
ed tho Ulgelow Trust.
Window glusaworkers at Anderson, Ind.j
trc busy at the reduced wages.
Dans for the Centennial Expositlan build
at Daltlmoro are being prepared.
The Democrats of Wisconsin have nominat
ed George W. Peck for governor.
Tho Democrats of New Hampshire have
nominated Col. H enry O. Kent for governor.
Wesley Wnrner was hanged at Mt Holly,
S. J., Thursday lor the murder ol Mute
The Peruvian Government Is having dlf
(lenity in finding money for the payment Of
F.nglnnd has sent gunboats to punish Chief
Nava and his rebellious subjects in West
Bernard Altenbergcr, the murderer ol
Katie Hopp, was hanged at Jersey City
The National Association ol Htatlonary
Engineers decide to establish a bureau ol
The corner stone of the Iowa Soldiers' and
odors' monument was, laid at Des Moines,
The worst hall storm In Its history visited
Mechanics Falls, Me., Wednesday. The
apple crop Is ruined.
llobert J paced a mile nt Indianapolis on
Thursday In 2:02' breaking the world's
record lor the second time.
By means ol false keys the Jnilat Milan, Mo
aas cleared ol all Its prisoners but one at
daybreak Thursday morning,
John Jacobs and John tlreen were caught
in the act ol smuggling 600 pounds ol opium
tutoHt. Clair, Mich., from Toronto.
Eugene Dickson, a little boy living at Ht.
Louis, whlle4laughlng heartily swallowed a
fly. Boon after he became very ill aud died
In terrible agony.
At Turin an anarchist named Salero ex
ploded a bomb In a Cafe Han Carl, which
treated much consternation, but injured no
one. Halero was arrested.
Tho liquor dealers' national association,
which has been In session at Ht Lonis, nd
lourned Friday after electing William Beotly,
of Indiana, president
Watchman Harris, ol Noblesvllle, Ind.,
was killed Thursday night by three burglars
whom he discovered trying to open a safe.
The trio escaped.
Colossal statutes ol Washington, Lincoln,
Grnntand Liberty enlightening the world,
surmount the triumphal arches in Fittsburg
and Allegheny.
A (3.000 dollar stnllion owned by Benny
Bowers, ol Greenville, Ta., died at Youngs
town, O., after winning the first beat of a
pacing race in 2:33.
The British cruiser Rlngarooma, which
went ashore on the Island of Malllcolla, in
the New Hebrides, Is likely to be a total loss.
Her position Is critical.
In a freight wreck on the Lehigh Valley
road near Wllki-sbarre, Frank Gorman, of
that city, was killed and Fireman Miley
Keade was seriously Injured.
Grave fears are felt for the safety ol the
steamer Holland, which left South Manltou
Island for Manitowoc Monday wlti a crew of
14 men and a cargo ol lumber.
Advices by steamer from Venezulan ports
are that Presldoht Crespo Is In such tear ol
assassination that he never appears in publio
without a large escort ol cavalry.
The greatest rain full that bos occurred at
Ottawa, III., tor torty years happened there
Thursday. The basements of business houses
was flooded to the depth of three feet
About 300 Louisiana sugnr planters met in
convention nt New Orleans, on Thursday and
decided to Join the Itcpublican party. They
are incensed at losing the sugar bounty.
The body ol Mrs. La France has been found
in the Itacket rivor,near Hogansburg, N. Y.
Murder Is suspected. The authorities are
looking for Louis Faul who had been living
with her.
The drouth In eentral Kentucky Is de
scribed as something awful. Water Is so
scarce that It Is sold. Sickness Is prevalent,
and deaths are numerous. The shortago ot
food Is painful.
A Yokohama dispatch says that Marshal
Ynmngata started for Corea on Thursday, to
assume command of the Japanese army in
tbnt country. It Is snid that the Japanese
forces in Corea will soon number 103,000.
Cholera Is raging In the town and province
of NIJul Novgorod. In Russian Poland there
are 6,0.0 fresh caes of cholera and 2.500
death sfrotn that disease on an average pur
Considerable excitement was caused on the
floor ot the flour and corn exchange In Balti
more Friday by an offer o! Russian barley
for feeding purposes at 1 oent a pound, duty
paid, due to the high prloe of corn.
William Murray, aged 2d, a clerk In the
North British Mercantile Insurnnce company,
ol New York, was held in (10,000 ball Fri
day lot stealing (16,000, which he lost on
Attorney-General Olney has reversed bis
predecessor's opinion, and decided that once
a proposal has been submitted to the govern
ment in response to a publio advertisement it
cannot be recalled.
The strike ot the New York tailors affiliat
ed with the Federation of Labor is practical
ly at an end. Many large contractors visited
the strikers' headquarters and signed the
agreement decided upon the previous night.
Oklahoma Judge's Decision Will Canst
Many Keneatlons.
A declson of the supreme oourt of the terri
tory of Oklahoma handed down at uoon on
Saturday uuUflet all divorces granted by
probate Judges in Oklohoma since March,
1HU3. There have been fully sou divorces sc
granted, and as a very large percentage ol
the persous so divorced have been married
since they are guilty of bigamy. The peopU
affected are in every state lu the I'uiou, hav
ing come hereto take advautage of the liberal
divorce laws of the territory, which allow
divorces for any of thirteeu causes sjtera
r-jsliieooe ot ninety days. T be decision wilJ
cause a sensation all over the cor.ntry.
What Is Transpiring the World Over.
Important Events Briefly Told.
Plumbing supply dealers aud manufactur
ers are meeting lu Chicago to try to revive
the trust that expired two years ago.
The operative potters ot Trenton. N. J.
have voted not to aci-ej.t any further cut in
wnges. The manufacturers have Dot yet
made any proposal.
Japan Is preparing to send large army
Into Korea,
Tern Is anxlout for a war with Ecuador,
In which Chile may take an active part
Desperato fighting has taken place near
Aitaba, Niger territory. Africa, 60 of the
royal Niger company's men lielng killed and
wounded. The conflict grows out of dis
putes with the French as to boundary lines.
Russia will on September 15 reduce the
tariff on distilled petroleum exported via the
Prussia frontier from S4 to 24 eopecks per
pound, in order to facilitate competition with
American petroleum.
nsrs, srribENTs, tatalitiks, etc.
The Humboldt breaker, owned by Llnde
mnn ft Skeer. at Har.elton, Pa., was burned
Sunday, the loss being (11,000.
Seneca Falls, N. Y has a reign of terror
caused by lncendlnrlsm. Sunday three al
leged firebugs were arrested.
The number ot lives lost by fire In the
northwest Is now stated at 400 and It Is prob
able that as many more will die from Injur
ies. Hinckley was the chief sufferer, only
one building left stnndlng In the town. Heaps
of unidentified corpses are being gathered to
gether, to tie buried In long trenches.
The burnt district is absolutely desolate. The
fires ate Into the very earth, destroying cor
duroy roads burled three feet deep.
taints AMD rXKAI.TIM.
Two mounted highwaymen are holding up
Omaha people, riding right up ob side
walks. A large and dangerous gang of ear rob
bers, mostly New York Central switchmen,
has been unearthed in Buffalo.
Seven rifled coffins found under bushes
have revealed a long aud canning desecra
tion of the Forest I.iirn cemetery in Huffnlo,
N. Y.
Thomas Nelson, a New York stonemnson,
was found murdered In Albany Sunday and
Huron W. lteods, aged 80 has been arrest
ed. Eugene Zoggl, formerly American consul
at Rome attempted suicide unsuccessfully
by shooting In Rome Sunday. Financial
A. H. Wilcox, of Chicago, who Is charged
with swindling bis business associates out ol
about (180,000, bos been apprehended in Bul
falo. Detectives Richardson and Atkinson, and
the three farmers charged with complicity In
the sextuple Tennessee lynching, have had
their bail reduced from (10,000 to (5,000,
but can't get bondsmen.
Reproached by bis wife Elizabeth, Sunday
night, at St. Louis, for his failure to provide
for his family, Henry Loesche shot the
woman four times. Loesche then shot him
self twice In the left breast, eut his arm twice
with a razor and then cut his throat. Both
are In the hospital in a dying condition.
The colored ministers of Washington. D.
C, and vicinity propose to hnve a special day
of prayer to protect tbelr people in the South
from fynchlngs.
Senator Jones, ot Nevada, hlthereto a Rep
ublican, has deolared himself to be a Popu
list His views ot the silver question caused
him to do so.
The election for state officers In Arkansas
took place Tuesday. The Democratic major
ity Is estimated at about the usual sir.e, nearly
In the Vermont election on Tuesday the
Republicans carried the state by 25.000 ma
jority. The vote was about one-fifth less than
two years ago.
The third national Irrigation congress, at
tended by delegates Irom western states
Canada, Russia and Mexico, which will ask
congress to reclaim arid lands, met In Den
ver Monday.
At West Chester. To., Rev. Father Spalding
ot Ht. Agnes' Catholic church, has declared
the recently organised brnnch ol the Ancient
Order of Hibernians an enemy of the church,
and forbade the male members of his congre
gation to give It any encouragement
Governor Walte has Issued a quarantine
proclamation against Oklahoma, on the dis
covery that New Mexican herders, who were
disbarred from driving their cattle Into Colo
rado, under the quarantine established a
month ago, were driving them Into the strip
with the Intention of entering Colorado from
that territory. New Mexico will probably re
taliate with a quarantine against Colorado
The Shippers Were Waiting for Lowet
The enormous falling oft In Uulted States
customs receipts during tno pensency ot the
tariff bill gave some Idea of the great de
creases in the amounts and values of articles
exported from foreign eountries to the Uulted
States during that period, but customs of
ficials and others having to deal with the
assessment of duties were hardly prepared
for the showing oontained In reports Just
received and lust complied at tne state de
partment. Communications received from
consular officers, giving statements ot the ex
ports of various countries to the United
States show that during the quarter ending
June SO, 1N93, the exports of ever country
decreased to an extraordinary aegree, coin
unred with the exports during the corres-
tiondiug period lu 1HU4. Exports from the
nlted Kingdom alone fell off mora than
(16.000.000 In three months.
Gone Like Dr Cronin-
There is much excitement about Elkhart,
Ind., over the disappearance ot Dr. W. A.
Coukllng, of Catwopolis, who Is believed to
have been disposed of In the Cronln fashion.
He disappeared Tuesday night of last week
aud no trace has since been found. He was
a prominent witness in murder ease that is
to be tried In the eastern part of Michigan.
For several days previous to the disappear
ance two strange men bad been hanging
about the place.
A Bmash-up in Hoosao Tunnel.
An east bound freight stopped In the IIoos.
ao tuuuel Saturday ulght to repair a broken
down euglue. Other trains so lilted the tuu
uel with smoke that the second eastbound
freight mistook lights and crashed iuto It.
Brukemau Win. ruruieumg, of Syracuse, N.
Y., and Uuorge Mluuick, of Fitchburg,- wero
killed. The operators at both euds of the
tunnel have been arrested.-
Monument to Satbbons.
A movement has been started to erect a
monument to MaJ. llnlbboue, the lounder ot
the Order of Knights of Pythias, who is bur
led at Utlca, N. Y. Washington lodges will
endeavor to raise a fund I p irebust the hall
which was the birthplace ol the fruturulty.
Large Gathering at the State League
There was a Inrge gathering of prominent
Republicans In Hnrrlsburg Wednesday to at.
tend the convention of the Btnto League ol
Republican clubs. The convention was to a
great extent a ratification meeting, Its enly
business being to elect officers and delegates
to the National league convention In Cleve
land. The convention was held in the opera
bouse which was comfortably filled.
The address ot welcome on behalf ol the
Dauphin county delegation was delivered by
A. Wilson Norrls. President lloblnson in re
sponding said the convention was the largest
In the history of the league, 1,143 delegates
and alternates being present and closed his
address by predicting a complete Republican
victory In Novemlier. letters were read from
a number of distinguished men. After nam
ing York as the place of meeting next year
and naming Messrs. Martin, Mugee, Coylo,
Kyre and Lyon as a committee to name dele,
gatee-at-large to the nntlonnl convention the
convention took a recess.
The afternoon session was devoted f o eulo
gies of candidates for the various places of
honor and profit In the organisation. First
after the recess came (he report ol the com
mittee on resolutions, which was an endorse
ment ol General Hastings and his associates
on the State ticket, s renewal ol pledges ol
lealty to the principles of the Republican
party, a pat on the back for the minority In
congress, a slap at Democratic ruin, and con
demnation of the Cleveland foreign policy.
There was also a supplementary plank pro
testing against the alleged outrages In the
South, aud praising the Republican party as
the party of Justice, humanity and law.
Among the ilelegates-at-lnrge elected to the
national convention are W. H. MeCleary,
John Doyle, A. J. Darchdeld and Arch Mack
rell, Pittsburg. Among the alternates are
R. A. F.Lyon, Westmoreland; M. De Rosa,
Pittsburg; John W. Crawford, , Duquesnei
Alexaxder Hall, Pittsburg.
Spain Negotiating for a New Treaty
With Ths United States.
A cablegram from Madrid, Hpain, says,
The Gazette published a degree cancelling
the reciprocity treaty between the United
States and Cuba, the cancellation to take ef.
feet "the moment tho United Stntes spplle
the new customs tarlf ." Instructions have
been sent to theSpauisb colonies that cargoes
which cleared from the United States betore
the new tnrlll went Into effect are to bay the
oiu rate ot nuty. negotiations are In pro
gress here for a new commerclnl treaty be
tween the Uulted States and the Spanish
At the state department at Washington D.
., it is asserted that nothing had been un
dertaken by the department relating to fur
ther treaty negotiations. It Is possible that
the Spanish government may have Indicated
to the United States minister nt Madrid that
It was desirable to enter Into new treatv rela
tions, since the new tariff abrogated the
treaties made under the MeKinley law, hut It
said that no Initiative steps have been taken
ly mis government
Disastrous Fires in Lewis and Ulster
Counties No Rain for Many Weeks.
The sun has not been seen at Dolgeville, N
Y., lor nearly a week, se dense Is the smoke
overhead from forest fires both north and
south. A dozen fires are burning in the
woods. Most of them are north ot the Canada
lakes In the neighborhood of Cnroga but tbey
have not yet reached the valuable spruce tim
bers lying south of Cnroga. Two fires are
burning in Oak Mountain, near Deveraux,
with a prospect of taking off most of the tim
ber, lloports have been received of extreme
ly disastrous fires in Lewis aud Ulster coun
ties. There has been no rain In that section,
with the exception of one light shower, for
many weeks and the soli Is exceedingly dry.
Unless rain falls soon In the damage In the
Adlrondacks will be enormous.
When the Solitary Sailor Was Sighted
August SB Hs Was all Right.
Captain Frletscb, who sailed Irom New
York lour weeks ago tor Queenstown in the
fore-and-aft schooner Nlnn, a tiny craft ot 24
feet on the keel, was spoken August 28 by
the steamer Mennutlc, which arrived In Bal
timore Monday. On being signaled by the
Niua, the Menantlc hove to. The occupant
requested Captain Main to send an officer on
board the Niua to verify the statement that
he wus alone. Third Officer Rowan perform
ed this office, and found everything snug and
comfortable on board. The lone mariner
told the people on the Menantlo that he was
in the beet of health and spirits, and was glad
to bear a human voice again.
Bare Been Caused in Farts of the Aus
trian Empire by Cholera,
Thousands of deaths from cholera have
taken place In parts of the Austrian empire
since me ouioreaa ot tne epuemio.
The official figures are: 5.3t)7 cases and
2.100 deaths In Gullcla, and MO cases and 300
deaths In Buckowinn. In the former province
there were lttO new coses and 100 deaths
Ibursday aud in the latter 10 new cases and
9 deaths.
The awful record of death Is for one county
nlone. The scourge Is raging in Holland
Germnny aud France, though with not such
The most Intense alarm Is felt throughout
Europe over the rapid spread of the disease.
The various governments are considering
means oi putting down tue epidemic.
An Immigrant on ths Way to Fittaburg
John Teter Wallber was removed from an
Immigrant train at Cumberland, Md., Wed
nesday. He landed in Now York Wednesday
from a Lloyd steamer and was on hi way to
Pittsburg when taken sick. Physicians pro
nounced It a oase ot cholera. He was sent to
the pest-house outside the city limits. The
other immigrants were sent on to Pittsburg
Fell 626 Feet
E. Reed, superintendent and general man
ager of the Bob Tall mine, near Central City.
Col., while being drawn to the top ol the
shaft in company with W. 8. Forbes and
Edward B. Hlrby, was knocked from the
bucket and Instantly killed. Mr. Reed fell a
dltance of 525 feet, landing on the top of bis
head on a trolley with suc-b force as to bend
the axles.
Chairman Wilson Has Halle i.
Wm. L. Wilson, chairman of the ways and
means oummitteu of the house aud author of
the new tariff bill, has secured passage ou ths
American liner Paris for Liverpool, which
sailed at 11 o'clock Wednesday forenoon.
Gold and Silver Coinage.
A statement by ths director ot the mint
shows that the coinage during the mouth of
August was: Gold, 7,7!i2,OOt silver. (1)70,
(.00, ot which (748,000 wus standard dollars.
Gsn. Stoneman Daao.
C.eaeral George Htonemun, ex-governor ol
California, died at BufTulo. N. Y.,ou Wednes
day morulug at the residence of hi sister,
Mrs. lteujanilu U. Williams,
Plt'sburg Mills Refuse Orders for Immed
iate Deliveries.
Tho report ot the operations and output ol
the Connellsville coke region for the week
ending Septemlier 1, shows 13,7.14 active ovons
and 3,780 Idlo ovens with a total estimated
production of 13.1,A5 tons, la the netlvo list
of ovens th -re was a net gain of 1,011. The
resumption was pretty well scattered
throughout the region, though the Frlck
company blew In the majority of ovens.
The coke strike has ceased to be a factor In
the Iron trade,and the furnaces have gener
ally resumeo west oi tna Aiiegnenies. ure
prices are exceedingly low, and Bessemer pig
is quoted at (II 50 lu Pittsburg. The Pitts
tmrg steel mills have large contracts and lot
nrly deliveries are practically out ol the
the Disease Cured by Whiskey In s
O rave.
A live man with no complaint except rheu
matism was burled In Sbeep Hill near New
Castle, Ta., Thursday. Robert Jackson, a
farmer, heard this plan would cure bis com
plaint Before descending to his grave he
took a drink ol whisky and a square meal,
and bade all his trlends farewell. Then he
was covered and had communication with
the world only through a rubber hose.
Abont 12 o'clock a voice through the tube
asked for more whiskey, anil It was pour4
down to hbn.At flo'clock the grave was opened
Jackson placed nts nanus on tne sides oi tne
hole and leaped out. He appeared complete
ly cured ami vaulted over a six rail fenco to
show his fumlly that the pains had left him.
A Veteran Expired From Heart Disease,
In urant School, Fittaburg.
The first tragedy of the encampment oc
curred Sunday evening In the Third ward
lohoolhouse. In Grant street, Pittsburg.
Louis Trenster, a veteran trom Snyder coun
ty. Pa., walked up two flights of stairs to his
ipinrtcrs and fell dead from heart disease. '
Trenster's home Is at MeClure. a short dis
tance northwest trom Hnrrlsburg. He was
a widower, M years old, and leav-s two
grown sons and a da ighter. He served as a
private In Company I ot the One Hundred
and Kluhty-fourth Pennsylvania Volunteers.
nnd was a member ot McCluro Post No. 355,
II. A. II.
Nothing Can Save Valuable Timber Lands
but Heavy Rains.
It seems that the worst danger now la
Minnesota Is to the southeast of Bralnerd and
Little Falls, and that section Is being watch
ed anxiously. Reports received by the rail
roads from along their lines do not Indicate
that the end has yet come. The Northern
Pacific reports that along their line from Lit
tle Falls to cutting all the smnll statlons.three
In Dumber, have been burned. The timber
all through that section Is on fire. As the
timber In that section Is much heavier than
where the fires raged In Tine county. the rail
road officials say nothing con save the whole
country but a very heavy rain.
The Long Absent Husband Returns, Finds
His Buccessor and Leaves Again.
Fifteen years ago E, MoCormlck left his
home near Blngharapton, N. Y., fora business
trip to Elgin, Ills. He never wrote home af
ter be left, It is said, and as Inq ilry could re
real no tacts regarding hi whereabouts, be
was supposed to be dead. He left two sons,
both now grown.
As years passed and nothing was heard of
him, bis wife married Mr. Puffer. Mr. Mo
Cormlck arrived In Blngbampton a few days
ago, aud after considerable Inquiry found
his wife and discovered the fact that she was
married agnlu. The meetlua) was a great
surprise to Mrs. Puffer. Mr. McCormluk
will leave In a few days for the west, where
he menus to remain. According to law Mrs.
I'ufter Is legally married to her second hus
band, not having beard from her Srst hus
band in seven years.
Defenslsss Men snd Women Killed or
Sold into Slavery.
The "Mellabs," or Hebrew quarters ot the
towns ot Demunt, Tamellult, Hldlrabal
Amesmes, Kalnh and Tlinudt, Bear Morocco
City have been sacked. A large number ol
defenseless men aud women were killed and
muuy women anil children sold Into slavery
at to aud (7 each.
The gates of Morrooco City have been
closed, and no provisions can reach the be
setted. Muley Mohammed, the eldeet son of the
Into Sultan, Is still in prison. The rebels
threaten to proclaim blin Emperor, and the
revolution li spreudlng.
Minnesota Hunters Overtaken by Forest
The bodies ol 23 Chippewa Indians, bucks,
squaws and papooses Irom the reservation
lie upon the sands between Pokegama and
Opstead, a small settlement on the eastern
shores ol Lnn MHIe Lacs. They are scatter
ed over ten miles ot country nnd will la all
probability prove lood for bunnrds and
wolves, as the oountry where they lie is too
tar from civilisation for burial ceremonies.
Tbey bad evidently turned west from their
huutiug trip when the tires swept through the
Its Chinese Owner in Japan Eager to
Collect Insurance Before the War.
Word has been received by the Secretary
of tue American Bible Society that the Bible
bouse at Yokombama, Japan, burned August
1 The valuable plates ol Japan Bibles and
testaments were saved. The lire ooo jrred
soon after the declaration of war, aud it is
thought the owner of the building a China
man, resolved to burn bis property in ordet
collect the Insurance, rather than take the
ohances of having it seized.
A Steady Volume of Business.
The Iron Trade Review says, taking ths
market In Its length and breadtb,'.tbe feeling
it careful observers Is that uotuiug like a
uooiu need be looked for In any direction, and
3D tho other buud no suoli slump lu raw
material prices as some buyers are prophesy
ug; but u well-sustained volume ol business,
tud in the main steady prices.
Reciprocity in Canada.
The secretary ol the treasury, having re
wived official Information thut Canada Im
pose no export duty aud no discriminating
itumpnge dues on lumber, logs, timber aud
other articles meutioued lu the free lumber
tchedule of tbo free tariff not, has Instructed
pollectors ot customs to admit such articles
free ol duty wheu Imported from Canada,
Revolutions In Hsytl.
An unrlaini na.ilnsr,tn ilinr.n..
llHM heirilll In Purl mii lln..,, IJ....H ..-u
llglitiug has occurred la the'slroels.' Several
... iui iiuniruuuni oi me outoreaa nave neeu
irrested and shut Th is in i.m
till spreading.
Ham's Ilnrn Sounds a Warning Note to
the Unredeemed.
O man who
looks high can
live low.
there 1 love
ihero will be
No k'an can
ever pray rlgiit
who lives wrong".
Tub rellKlnn
that cost? noth
ing does nothing.
Dr & blessing and You will be sure
to receive one.
No wound hurts like the one In
flicted by a friend.
ItKAD the Klble tuurh and you will
always find It new.
Faultfinding is one of the surest
marks of a backslider.
An oath is tho devil's admission
that the Hlblo Is true.
The devil trembles when he finds
a good man on his knees,
A oood prayer meeting always be
gins before the bell rings.
We have no more right to think
wrong than wo have tu ao wrong.
A word to the wise is sufficient,
hf A fnrtl tmorla lha ajhr.ln
The devil leads the man who !
nut living for some good object
(ioi) will not smile upon the man
who Is frowning upon his brother.
Ir alwnys helps the devil fora
Christian to doubt the promises of
If your prayers get too far apart,
the devil will get between your soul
sud tiod.
WnEN God finds a mnn He can
trust with money lie soon tills all
his pockets.
The moment a man makes up his
mind to forsuko sin ho can count on
Uod to help.
Kekp tho devil away from tho
:hlldren, and ho will goou be driven
out ot tbo world.
The best thing to do when you
make a mistake Is to make it teach
you something.
The roan who knows that his
house is bullion thesand never likes
to hear It thunder.
The Sabbath is not rightly ob
served In the home where the chil
dren bate to see Sunday come.
Many a man kicks bis homo when
ever be goes into tbo s al)c, who
claims to be on bis way to Heaven.
The man who hates the gospel
does it for the t-ume reason that an
elephant strikes at the water which,
reflects hU lace.
The whole counsel of God is hot
being de 'lured fioiu the pulpit where
the most notorious sinner in town
can be a member of thut church Ui
years and be respected.
No More Room for Vetera' s,
tjnderthe direction of (len. Franklin, pres.
Ident nt the bonrd of managers, an order ha
been Issued from the national soldiers' borne,
at Leavenworth, Kan., stating that no mora
veterans could be received at present. On,
account of the hard times veterans have been
coming Into this home large numbers late
ly and there are 3.86 on the roll or 1 more
than ever liefore.
Mr. Nswtll'i Successor.
The executive and lloanee committee ol
(be Lake Hhore and Michigan Heutbero rail
road on Monday elected 1). W. t aid well,
general manager ol tho road. Mr. Caldwell
is president of the Nickel Plate road, and bnd
previously served the peunsylvunia Company
as general manager of the hues west ot i'ltts
burg. First Rain in Two Months.
The remarkable drought throughout the
(Vest, which baa lasted for mora than two
nonths. wns effectually broken Thursday
ulght when a furious ralu was experienced.
The ralu area Included nil of Iowa. the north
ern part ot Illinois, most of Michigan and all
51 wis
Vlscousin, except the northwestern por-
Both These Towns Wiped Out
The destruction of H.irronette, Wis., woe
romplete. One lone building Is loft of a city
of 7U0. One man was burned. The total
lots is a quarter of a million. Hhell Lake has
Si dwellings burned, with a total loss of
000. Three hundred aud sixty people ure
homeless. Making Artificial Silk.
Clande Meeker, consul nt llradford, Eng
land, bos sent t? the Mate department a re
port upon the attempts being made there to
manufacture artificial silk, l'atento have
been taken out iu the United Htales aud it is
proposed to establish a company in this
country for the purpose ot selling rights.
Nine Thousand Tailors on Strike.
Twelve hundred moro tailors struck In
New York Monday raorlug, making 3.030 In
thut city and 6.U0U lu Brooklyn on strike. At
a meeting of the Tailor's Brotherhood Mon
day a circular was received from Boston
giving notleo of a general strike in that city,
Losses at Hinckley.
The total loss at Hinckley aud the Immedi
ate vicinity Is estimated at 00,0O0. Out ol
about 40U dwelling bouses in the town but
about 'iu carried lusurauce, owing tu the
high rates which have been iu effect. The
puullu buildlugs, lireuuau Lumber Company
and the hotels were well insured.
O'ass Men Glad.
The adjustment ol the wage scale between
window glass manufacturers and workers, by
the men accepting a reduction of 'li'i per
ceut. meets the approval of the workers and
the manufacturing concerns. The uien ore
thaukful that It was no more.
Waits Renomlnatsd.
After a stormy, and at times almost riot
eous session of the Populists convention at
Pueblo, Col., WedueeJay, Oov. Walte was re
nominated ou the II rut ballot, which was later
made unanimous. Couressman Pence wits
Ihu ouly opponent
The Canal Almost Dry
Operations on the Delaware A Hudson
canal ure suspended for lauk of water. Buy.
eral hundred bouts are tied up- where they
happened to be as the water la too low to
float them.
Irvlnj Contributes for Relief.
Aotlug Mayor McClellan, of New York, on
Tuesday reo.ilved a cublegraa Irom Henry
Irving, iu Lou-Ion, contributing viUto the
forest lire rellol fuud. Mr. Irving' contri
bution is the llist received.
sr i ur vi ' j