Star. iStili.m'fi'ii tl.fii I'rr icur, in fiiriniir. A. NT: I'll KN NUN, Krtllnr and lib. wkT n lis iVa yTh Ki 'TK m HKU M A n linh'Mnilint hx-nl mxr. utilMni'il vrvty W(tlm"tliiy nl HnyimhUvtllt. Ji'ITrwmi Co, I'd., ilrviiit'rf lit tho Inli'MwIn of UoynnliUvlHti Biii(.li.lT.T(iMi'(iiinl. Nnn-nollllriil, wlllin-nt nil wllh rnlrnioM, itnil will Im aHMi'1nllr frli nil ly liiwiirila llii Intxirliut i'Ihw. PlIlimTipi MM! iriT'Ti,.wrnT 1-111 , Ml 111 I 1" " I'liiiiiiiiiiili'iiMoim Immiili'il fur inililli'iilli'ii niuxl tin mviwiiimnli'il liythn wrlli'r' niimi. nut fur iiiililli'iillnii. lull ii n imrniiti-n nf i.mmI fiilth. Inlirllnii ni'wn HimimmiIIi-IH'iI. AilvrHI'Inir niton niiuli kmiwn on miilli'ft tlon nl tlit-omVKln ArnnlriV Work. iH'MKlnr rommiinlriillm" "nil rhnniin of ii(lvi'rtliiiifnl nhoulil till" nnVn lijr Monitny nin. ...... . AcI'IithII l ommillili'mlollB toV. A. Hloph- CIIWIII. Kl'VllollUvllll'. I'll. Knli'H'if nt llw iHHlitltli nl Ki'jrnolilvlM, Pi.. n iiM-imil rliuw ninll nuiltrr. Card of Thank, and Report. KaTHMKI., I'A., AllKIInt 27, 1HU4. Wo, tlio minor n( Itntlimui, tomlnr inir Dtitukn to Km following Hti-Mti for tholr lllioi'iu ilonnt limn during thn Into mmMiiiHliiii. Tim follnwlng In trim nomiuit n( tiuiiioy and iirovlHlon ro il vnil: I'AHII (DNTItllUITr.l). Kit Unlli'T t kin .ton KnvnolilR urn A hliMihiinion .1 Mil I mi Iti v T iii ndy im Him It M Hllllmnn..,. Ml I mi John Wniio Mm I mi i V, I'lllllltM Nl llicml . Ml W Itl'lnrkn Im ruin-In mlnimm I m H J Wi-nvnr dun 1 K hum-win I mi ItiHlra A Miilhollnnd SOD Tlio following nrtlidn on tlio rltflit" of riipltnl biiiI lnlmr In from tlio wn of .Tolin ! Ki'itrim, of ltiynoldnvllln: "A rllit ludi-flni'd n mornl mwir whondiy n jmnion rnforw to lilinwlf not only lil own win, Imt nlwi nil nthor thinir Hint nUnil mforriMl t lilm In invfi'ivnco to nnotlior. Tlonoo, "orlcly, ninoo It, Ih niiuln up of )ioriMiim, linn WkIiIh rh wull im tlio IndlvliliinlH wlm compiHiK It. Tho oorndntlvo of rl(lit Ih duty. Kor oxiiniilo, If Mr. .lone, linn rljjliK It Ih tlio duty of Ills iioIkIiImhh In JiiHtli-o to lot him oxorulHo thiwo rllitH, nml vlrn vontn. Now, tlio qiioxtion nvNoH n to wlion it rltfht onn lio unfoly cnlloil Hindi. In ntiHwor to thin, wo ran Mifidy nay Hint tlio (food of tlio Kivntttr iummIht miiHt form tlio IiuhIh for ovi-ry rlffht, If tho oxoitIho of thin rltfht Iioh bcnrliitf on tlio Indlvldiinl or on HiMdnty. Willi tliln oxplitiiiillon, It will ho onny for iih to iiHi'iM'laln tho ri'siiiM-tlvo HhM" of luhor nnd ouiiiliil. Ihoro Ih no iloiiht Hint tho prliii'lpl'i iilmiit which thoy iiri' I'onti-ndlni; Ih n fiindiinii-ntul oni-: thnt , Ih. n living wnno. hut wo nii'iin hv n llvlnir wiwo Ih thnt Inhor hhonlil rri'i-ivo Hiillhdunt roiuiini'i-iilinii for I1h Horvli'i'H to onnhlo It to llvo oonifortohly nnd to lay hoiho hy for fu ture ooiillntfoncli'H. No onn will di-ny thnt Ih Ih ih noooHHiiry for tho jiroHpnr- ouh nnd pi'iiccnhlo oxlKtonoo of Hix'lcly. Now, cnpltnl olnluiH tho rli;lit to run Hh nITitl I'm to Hiiit Itwdf. Hut It Ih quito philn tli at If In no doing it doon not glvo lnhor a living wngo, wlion it onn afTord to do ho, it Ih militating nguiimt tho giHid of tho grontor nuinlHir; nnd, thori'foro, cxorolHlng no right, hooaiiHo tho good of tho groator numlMir munt Imj tho IiuhIh of tho right, nlnco tho oxoivIho of it nITivtH HiM'ioty. Again, If liiinir r fuwH to work for n wngo which it junlly coiihIiIoi'h not to no a living wago, no indlvidunlH hnvo a right to offor their BorvlccH for a wngo Iohh than thin, Ixv caiiHo In ho doing tlioy Intend to undor initio a living wago. Thin not nlTootn society, and Ih not for it good. Thoro- foro tho hiiHlHoftho right diHappuaiu Fnrthormoro, If lnhor Ih offorod a living wago, it han no right to nifiiHo to glvo ' itH HorvlooH for thin wago nnd thon'hy cbuho tho puhllo unnooosHnry inoonvon ionco; ht'catiHO tlio puhllo Iiuh tho right not to ho unnoooHHarlly Inoonvonionood Now, according to our explanation of -duty, If capital has tho right to run Its affaire to suit itself, It It the duty of labor in jiiHtlco not to impede this right, and therefore not to strike. Again, if labor han a right to strike, it U tho duty of both capital and every other individual, la justico, not to Impede this right. Ilenco, the just indignation which labor boars towards "scabs," and also towards capital when It employs them. Keeping in vlow tho definition of right and duty, we cannot see how any othor conclusions can be arrived at. Out the respective positions claimed by labor and capital are In direct opposl tlon to the above exposition of right nd duty. However, we think reason will bear us out In our exposition. Evl donty, then, the present positions held by labor and capital are contradictory and false; and the law that upholds them must partake of the same nature ' It must be more explicit with regard to rights and duties. There should never ue a right unprotected, or its corres ponding duty left undone. If our laws are inadequate to this end, It Is our own fault, and we must abide by the conse- quonces; we have the remedy, therefore we should apply It, else the disease shall do its deadly work. Let us pay no at tention to the ory of "private rights, when the exercise of such rights are injurious to the puhllo good. Neither lalior, capital nor any other party can claim a private right, the exercise of which Is Injurious to the public good If they injure the public good they are criminals, and must be subjected to the same treatment as criminals; they must relinquish all claims Interfering with private or puhllo good. The public safety is threatened. We must have our boards of arbitration to settle the question of rights and duties between labor and capital. These boards must have the same powers as any other court of justice, with aumclent pro visions for their peculiar office. The publlo wants arbitration. Our legisla tors muBt give it. The peace and pros perity of our country demand it, and woe to u if we lend a deaf ear. We have settled many vital questions in the past, but none was more vital than this, and sinoe we have a solution be fore us, let us not delay." An account of an appalling calamity resulting from forest fires in Minnesota will be foond on an inside page of this issue. It is now reported that four hundred men, women and children were cremated in the terrible Are. ::::1 !.i linihi'l Pointer .'.S " " .1 " .1 " . I WIIHntn t'oiiilii , ,, Wlllliitii MulliollHiitl. I'uHllt.wiiltn ,1 Mimum h lurry Willi Iiiii Al iili'timn M ArtimlrotiK 'rlt'tiil Iltlllll'l Nll'l'll! ilM-rt Wn li wrnllirm 'ilnki'r Hro Ihm. Mi'Hri'litlit Iiih. KrynoliU i- rniii'iiiini Wlwr 'vti'r I'nuin iirnli Hchwmn Iltiri'in II I N un I'imtll'Wiot A liiilintiKh W Knlli-r I I' HnycliT I H Hi'linrkim H HrllllrHl'l-M II M,'liiii'kir 'k " " Hiirintitu 4 " Inv hi liihiiHton I " " rimk Wi'lU V " " Hhormnkcr I't " Im lli-lHr1liiic I " " Kluil tt roll-mini, t I'M rolled onl HllilM nikiiirt4 of itvhIiiI rlcn. W II Itonrr, I Htick'liili'kwhi'iit. K Nir. 2 IIm I'olTi'f nml I Im Trucker. A A Hwnti, imivlMlon, lluti'ioii r. iirovlilmi, l.nil. Wiilii-r Hpi v. provision, 9lo.ii. li'lrirK in-iiM itmvrM nri'Hii. h'Ii llrim 2im lonvi'rt liri'inl. Wo iiImii tender our thanks to M. ICnUfi'l, for iihi! of hi hall for ciniiinl- wiry piirpoHc. .1. V. ItoWHWI, .1 A M KH IlKVKIlMMIK, JR., IMAAIJ r'l.KNNKIt, ItlHIKKT l(llll:llTH, ANIIIIH Wai.kkk, Hulli'f Coniuiltti'o. .t km ,fo Knynnlil I mi Mr Mi'i'tnnr .. inm Iter. I'llmrt. Ml I m im hi'.. IIHll llir.l .In I hi ir KU Mi'lliinrr, I m I. I. Ili'iiry A I n.. Him niri'iit i im Ki'V t iiiniiy Kufl II Wnlnh. Miicm II Ki'ynolil. j iiromii chhiim iiNTHimrrr.n. . t MU'k flour .III A Nrw Kipirlinr, No moro slnep1nHniHH, headaeho, ner- voiiHtieHn. lliu'onH Celery King In a trim nervn tonle. It WMith and o.uli'1 tho liraln nnd nervoii yliin. If you nro sulTerlng with Illn'imiatlm, Nim ralgln, ('oiiHtlialiim, Indlgi'stloti, , Hv pons Celery King tlniulnt4 thn dlgpfltlve orgiin, rugiilntos thn Ilvnr, ami roHttires syntpm to vigorous health and Is In fnct thh great hnrhnl health rnstomr. Hum pie (roe. Irgn pack ages Tilki. and 21'. nt W. II. Alexander's. Rambler Bicycles for sntos by Kd. flixHler. tho lewnler. ('omo nnd nxnnilno thn O. & J. lira nnd nim) get iirlee. as thny have been ro diHi'd. ( 'Btalogiio sent on npplleation. Two Boys Hurt in the Mines. Int Monday two sons of 1'etor Wll- llaitmon, of Wnlnton, .lolm and William, nged roHpoctlvnly sixtiin nnd foiirkinn year, were lutdly Injured hy a fall of rotir wiiiio win king in inn nunc, .lolm hnd one leg broken below tho knee, and was hndly out and brulned about thn head and faeo. William hnd his hip knocked out of joint, and was almi no verely cut and brulned. John whono In juries were tho mora serious, wn taken to Adrian IIoHpilal. 1'iinxHiitawney N.fWf, A Prontafclii InvFutmriil. If you are suffering with a rough, cold or any throat or lung dlllleiilty tlio only surn way to euro It I to tnkeOtto's (!uro. Wo know that It will stop a Ayer's HarHiiparlllit Is ono of tho few romodtoH which nro recommended by overy school of medicine. Its ntrongth, purity, andemeaey are to well establish ed to admit of doubt n to Its superior ity over all other hliMkl-purlflnrs whnt- over. Aver Hanmpnrllla lend all. (lo to M. .1. KlggH' for Maon fruit jars at rock bottom price. KalnlnH II cent per pound at J, A. Wi'IhIi's. At King A C'o.'s you will find haled hay, salt, Hour and n full line of general iiici'cIiiukIIhc. Klvo pouiidH of either tuHla crackers, ginger Hiinp. eolTee cake or nlek naek cracks at W. T. Cox V Hon for Z'i rents. Old neWHpnpci'H fornalo at HiIh olllee. oough quicker than any known remedy, If you have Amliinn, llroneliltl, t m- sumption, a few dimes of Otto's Cure will surprise you. Hnmplns free. Itye Imtlle Ma. and 2Tki. at W. H. Alexan ders. Horses for Sale. A pair drnft mure, sound nnd trim, 4 and 5 year otd, weighing 1,4(10 and l,MNllhs.t two horses 4 ynnrn old, weigh ing 1,0251.; onn mnre throe years old, wolghlng l,02TiHM.t and one pair of mules. J. C. Kiwi Co. Kor the 2Hth annual meeting of tho (Irnnd Army of thn Itepuhlln to ho held at I'itttihurg, I'a., Kept. 10th to 1'ith, the lltiffalo, HiH'lii'Hter and l'lttMhurg ll'y wilt sell exeiirHlon tickets to I'lttv hurg from Kept. (1th to 10th Inelimlvo at ono lowimt drst-clam faro for tho round trip, giHKl returning if uwid on orheforo Kept. 25th. For full Information con' suit nearest agent of thn company. Commencing Monday, August 0th, 1HH4, and until further notice, a I'ull inan sleeping car will lenvo Dultolsfroin thn lluffalo, ItiHihenter & I'lttnlmrg Hallway station dally, except Hundny atS.fiO p. M. , for l'lillodelphln vlaClear field and Wllllnmport, arriving at Mar ket Ht. station Philadelphia at 1.12 a M., thn next morning. Kor ticket and spaco In slipping car call on or address Itiifus Kirk, ngent, 11., It. & 1. It'y IteynoldHvllle, I'a. If you want all tho iiowh, sulwerihe for Tub HTAK. Prtrtltut mlth tli ricb. Hki.Ii ('l.Awmi.S At tho M. K. par Homige, HriHikvllle, I'a., Aug. 2'MU, Hi, hy Itov. J. W. IIIiiIhiIcII, John It. Hell, of I'liuxHUtawney, I'll., and MIhh Klla ClawHon, of ( lay vllle, I'a. Joys' Knee Tants SUITS FOR $I.OO. Children's SUITS FOR $3.00. Boys' Knee Pants Suits with extra 1 mnts pair $3.00. Childrens' Reefer Suits FOIt bona Pants Suits $3.50 Mens' All-wool SUITS for $6.50. Mens' Good Business SUITS for $8.00. Mens' Good Black Suits for Dress $10.00. Bl act or Be Men's, Boy's and Children's SUITS Mens' Prince Albert SUITS FOK $15.00. A STRIKE! In the price of BpectacloH. UIjimwh are not a luxury, hut a fiuceHHity, and must ho had in hard times as well as good. My Prices arc to Suit the Times! Eyes examined free and glasses scientifically fitted. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. O. R. HOFFMAN, Optician and Jeweler. Now is the Time! Summer Dress Goods - at Reduced Prices l We still have a few Fine ofler very cheap. Dress Patterns which we Lace Curtains I Price 'way down. This is also the place to' buy your Sheeting. Look for new goods this week. , BING & OO. ISTY - SIZE - OR STYLE! 48, Single Breasted Sack Suits, sizes from 33 to Blue or Black. Cutaway Frock Suits, Blue or Black. Regent Cutaway Suits, full long style. We buy all our suits from the finest manufactory of men's suits and If you find any of our clothing to rip we ask you to bring the suit back and we give you a new suit. Match Us If You Can. G. A. R. Suit, the Best in the world, for 10.00. Two sets buttons Kemember we have one of the Finest GUTTERS in our Merchant Tailor Depart ment. Suits for $20.00 and up. BELL TH60NLyt"8P5.r. Make a Base - Hit and come to Bell's Our Fall Stock of Overcoats are coming daily. in Under- Price Under . Wear, 75c. per suit. STYLES and PRICES to suit the times. We have them for you. Gents, Call and amine our ex All-wool Pants FOR tJ.OO. Hats! Hats! For the Children, Hats! Hats! For the Men and Hats! Hats! Hats! For Everyone. Wed a Neck tie to your Col lar. We will tie the knot for Q5c. WAR 1 Between China WAR! and Japan! But there is no war between BOLGER BROS. AND THEIR CUSTOMERS, as evidenced by their smiling faces after purchasing goodd at (ireatly Ueduced Prices. We have an Elegant Line of CLOTHING for Men and Boys, which we are selling at Very Low Prices. Our GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS DEPARTMENT id replete with all the Latest and Best Goods that can be found. In our TAILORING DEPARTMENT we have all the novel ties in Cloth, both foreign and domestic. Fit and Workmanship guaranteed at BOLGER BROTHERS, Originators of Small Profit System. Agents for the celebrated Franklin Steam Laundry. talis Harn Co., DEALERS IN HARDWARE. STOVES and RANGES, TIN, - SHEET IRON - and AMMUNITION, COPPER WARE, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WOOD AND IRON PUMPS. And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store. Roofing and Spouting Done to Order. REYNOLDSVILLE, PA.