The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 29, 1894, Image 2

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    noticy Is M-nrcer this, j tur thnu It
line been since lHh,".
Tlin theory thut thu rriuniiiH of nni
ntnla form tho raw timtrritil from which
ictroli'iiiii in foriiicil liy niitnrc in wt ill
Li' M liy Hoiiin iroiiiimiit scientist i.
If rriiHtlii were to listen to tho re
quest now frequently inmlu thut thu
itlO.OIMI surviving; Holiliern of reeelit
wnrs Khoiild receive pi-nniond, tho New
York I'oBt estimated tlmt thu govern
ment would lieeil $.'10,(1011,11(11) n yenrto
to pay thorn (at the itdtinl rate of Si(),
nml tho incoiiio tnx woiilil lmve to be
iiu'rvnnei! liy sixty per cent.
Tho mnrrinifi' rule in Kiighinil nml
Wiilen during the Inst iiinrter of lust
yenr wna lower tlmn in nny previous
like jicrioil. Thero were 121,818 nmr
riiiKen, which was in thu minimi pro
portion of 10..') persons jut 1000 of
population. Tho menu rate for the
voriespotniing quarter iu irii'e(ling
ten yearn was 17.3. It in nlsu noted
tlmt the average of the liutt tell yenrs
in fur below thut of nny prcct'diiift tie
ci: n n i n in.
The (linmond ininerH of tho world
lire about to bo confronted by n sori-
uiiH rivnl iu thu shujx) of a new bed of
precious stones thut linn been found
in thu I.nmluk district of liomeo. Thu
new diiiuioiid mines nru threu dnvs'
journey by HtenuiHhip from Singapore.
A large number of vnlnuble diamond
linve, it is reported, been diHcovered.
The diamonds tlmt huvu been found
lmve been t uken from tho beds of the
ftrcnnm during the dry hchhoii without
nnv ditlicnltv.
Tho Sun FrunciHeo Chronicle ob
served: The denth of Lnvnrd removed
n limn who gained n world.wido rt-pu-tution
by 1i:h excavations at Ninevnli
nnd other places in niicient Assyria.
He hud tho genuine lititmh persist
ence thut overeiuiio every ulmtuclu
placed in bis wny by Orieutnl cun
ning, nnd he wan noteworthy n thu
lirst of the long lino of explorer who
linve added ho largely to the world's
knowledge of curly Assyrian history.
Ono curiotiH result of Lmyard'n work
is tlmt tho liiblo iinrrutiveH of Assy
rian hidtory were confirmed in ninny
riiHed by tho cuneiform iiiKcriptioiid on
tho cylinderd tlint wero nnenrthed nt
Nineveh, and at thu supposed Kite of
Tho city of Copenhagen, Denmark,
linn a privuto company which supplies
milk to tho entire city without com
pulKion except tho compulHion of
business enterprise nnd roflt. This
company employs a corps of trained
dairymaids who go from farm to farm
nnd unexpectedly "drop in" to sco
that tho milking is done in a cleanly
way, tho milk properly enrod for, nnd
the cows fed as they should be. On
Rome of the furms where largo quan
tities of milk are bought these dairy
maids live permanently, their board
being paid by the milk coinpauy. The
milk sold by this company is retailed
at the following prices: Children's
milk 0 cents a quart, ordinary milk
4, skim milk 2, and cream of the
best quality for 27 cents a quart
The Boston Journal remarks the
United States has been said to bo a
warlike nation without being auiilitary
nation. Its war potontiulities are vast,
indeed. It showed that 30 years ago,
when with only a little more than half
its present population it mustured
more than 3,000,000 men nuder arms
in the Union and Confederate forces
There are now in America tho enor
mous total of 0,900,000 men of mili
tary age eligible for militnry service
Of course, the actual number ot or
ganized, drilled and uniformed citizen
soldiers is only asm ill fraction of this,
but tho real available military strength
ot tho United States is only inade
quately appreciated by the averago
American. Never before was tho Na
tional Guard of the several states so
strong in numbers, so well armed, so
excellently disciplined. There are
112,190 of these volunteers in all, rep
tenting infantry, cavalry and artillery.
New York heads the list in numbers
irith a well-equipped, force of 12,810
officers and men. Pennsylvania has a
force of 8.G14, whose mettle was tried
two years ago at Homestead ; Ohio
has 6,123, and Massachusetts 5,660.
The states in which the present strike
centers are well prepared fur such an
emergency. Illinois'! militia body
musters 4,777 men ', Indiana's, 2,633;
Iowa's, 2,351 ; Missouri's, 2,415, and
Michigan's, 2,801. Illinois is particu
larly fortunate in the character of its
fine city regiment. ' When to this
great army of 100,000 men are added
the 23,000 regulars nnd the 2,000 or
8,000 blue jackets aud marines of the
war ships ou the home stations, it is
obvious that there is something more
than the policeman's club between the
UUnerican people and anarchy,
Terrltila Eanlnnlon in a Colliery at
Franklin, Washington.
The conl mines of the Oregon Improve,
lent company nt Franklin, SI miles from He
idle, Washington, were on Urn nt I o'clock
Frlclny afternoon. Thirty-seven Imilles linvn
been reeovereil nml It Is known that ninny
am Imprisoned In tlio fiery fiirnncn. The
numls'r In no yet only a matter il conjecture,
nml It Id probable tlmt none will ese,iri. The
flu-, It l said, caught III Im-ast Mo. 112, In the
sixth level.
The 97 men who were killed probably illeil
from lielng sumM-nted by the smoke, us thn
liodlc (In not show fiildl burn. 'Ihe wives,
elillitren nml ronirinlin of the ileml men
crowded nroiiml Hi" mouth of the mine,
Irnntlc with grief. Their Inmciitntlona wore
heart-rending, moving the strongest to tenrs.
A telegram nt 4:30 Frlilny nft'-rnonn stated
tlmt the tltn wns then under emit ml. No
more bodies had been recovered up to thut
It Is evident Hint all the men liml tlmn to
romn out, for those who worked In tlm fur
ther brest rcni'hnil tho slmlt In safety, will hi
thorn ho were nearest the shaft, nnd con
scipiontly moro removed from danger, perish
ed. They evidently believed they were pi
Iicrfect safety from the Urn, but while they
Inhered the smrike oozed out from outside
Idiices further south, nnd the bodies were nil
ouud south of bn-st 62. They were nil found
aloUK wllhlu a Siuee of 600 feet,
tt Has Ileon SrloLtiJ far tin $5 Silver
Tho secretary of the treas iry has approved
n design for n new five ilnllnrsllvcr certificate
which had been iremred under tho direc
tion of rluuilo M. Johnson, ehlet of tho bu
reau of cic'ruvlhg nnd printing. The orlgln
nl wns painted by Waller Shorlow tho wi ll
known American artist.
'I hi picture oei'ith s more tlmn two-thirds
of tho fuee of the note. 'I be renlriil figure la
mi iiiitfel with oulsiritd wind's, her feet rent
lint uiioii Ihe entth nml her uplifted baud
holiliiiK mi eleetrlc lltht. Half hm-IIiiIiik nt
her rm-ht Is n fi'imile Ht-nre w ith n trumpet at
Iter Hps, proehiltninu the m hlevementM ami
prowess ot the nation. Further to her rliiht
I- an nlletfiirii-nl llcuru ot a niaii.ii-piesentliiK
I'owi-r. Klllilllu- ultll his left build three
Imrsi-s ubrea-t, while with bis rlu'bt So Kriopd
from the ehuiiN a thunderliolt wlileh is eou-uei-ted
by a ribbon with the Ih-ht held by the
eentriil livture. At tho left is uu eairii! and
nuothi-r female Miruro with a dove dt-uotliiK
peie-e. hi tho rlxbt bnekitrouud U a half
coiiuealed pleturo ol tho eapltol.
South America Weary of Bombs, but
Not Revolution.
The New York Herald's special cabin letter
from Valparaiso says: Uruguay Is anxious
to Join the nnti-nuiirclilst movement. A eltl nf Argentina, (Jnrdozo, has been arrested
In Montevideo, for nbottliur an attempt to
blow up the Koverniueut house. Ho has hecu
condemned to serve ns a common soldier In
tho Fourth battallioli of CliasM-urs. ('nrdur.o
Was formerly serifcant of police".
Iluenos Ayres ndviced state that the pro
posed militnry uianeuverd will be on a larfer
scale thnn ever boforn nttomptcd III Arien.
tllin. Ten thousaud troops of the niitional
Hoard will participate. '1 here is nlso under
eonslderiitioii a proposition for extensive
naval iniiueiivcrd.
The newspapers of Hantn Fn urirn tho over
throw of the local provorntneiit. They Insist
that the nutliorlllca are not competent to
supiin-ss the murders which nru so frequent
Iu tho wheat Colonies.
Bears, Deer and Partldges Dss roying
Crops in Vermont.
Id the mountain distrlots east of Rutland,
VX, partridges aud deer are so abundant that
tb -y are destroying crops. The black bear Is
also takliiK a band In the trespassing.
Ueorxe H. Woodward, a farmer living five
miles Ironi ltutlnud has inude complaint to
tho Vermont (lame Club that a herd of deer
hat destroyed an aero aud a half of buck
wheat and devoured Ids vegetables. Ho de
mands damages, and legnl complications are
likely to grow out of the ens?. II j says tii e
deer come into the fields seven or eight at a
time, just after sunset, nud stay uulil he
drives them away in the morning. They smy
until npprouched within three or four rods.
Within a mile of Hutiaud deer nre met trot
ting along tlm traveled road.
I'pon the mountains farmers frequently
have to drive partridges from their gardens
nnd deer are found feeding with the cows.
This Is the result of the law forbidding the
killing of game until 1000. The next Legis
luture will probably modify or repeal tho
laws or the farmers will rebel.
The Stats Board of Arbitration Ready to
Act in the Textile Strike.
The Massachusetts Iliard of Arbitration
lias notified the New Bedford manufacturers
and tho striking emi-loves tlmt It will gladly
tliidertuke to settle their differences, but hus
not received an answer from either side.
.Members of the board have visited Full
ltlver nud renort thnl lln iin
present is such that but little enn be done to
ward A Mlltlemeiit Vi.itlw.v ...,ll.i
knows Just what it winds nnd it will be some
uujb triuro ii ueuuiio siaiement oi ins U0
uinuds of both can be made to tho board.
Iu New Bedford the board believes that the
same statu of affairs exists. '1 he board can
not take any action 1 the matter until sums
notice Is rocc-lvud from tho contestants.
rhe M ulot Law Does Not Necessarily Be-
lor to tns Turin Only.
The Duhunue Mnltlnir (Vimnnnv
own the four beer breweries nt Uubuoue.
. i
Has bought ground on which to erect, at a
tost of 23.000, n modern brewery, with a
i'ii n M f i, tr,n nAAIj,,H1i. unK....nH rr.i.t-
I . ,u,vuu .x.itna nilutlUII, Jllia
enterprise Is undertaken in the belief that
tl.wn lit n . UA I. II
, ' '" " ' IH IHUlfllMD VI (1IU IkCpUOII-
ran platform four yeurs ago, "will take no
backward step on the liquor question."
uv juuiei mw iisuf iuu prouiouorini
Statute, bus liMin tirndrMil ur ll
ilrinilltitV I'.ni ll..l..t I
1 j Avn v... .. .... .11(1. Ilia .11 U II V J II IT
aulliorlxes the manufacture of liquor, but
the Itepubllcaii platform this yeur contains u
demiiLd for legislation that will build up
manufacturing industries Iu Iowa. The pro
hibitionists Innocently assumes that this re
fers to the lurilT, but the brewers have been
assured that their business will be expressly
authorized ly the uext legislature.
A New Osysar.
sand bin wlil-b U a rH,rtlon o? th. um,
"iu iii iwiowaioue rark. Wvo the hour.)
rumbiirur miiu .iii.... ?...' y, y:r.aeoa'i',,.
"K' . ouiy a icw nun
tites wbea a uew geyer broke forth within 00
ii . -'.s.. vi uu jue water
,r"''n'ly 'ormed into a column and was
rn sod fnl v ir.n b .t n... . ... r
the ZeUr' ' Ht' hWi'' WM kurn!J S
Summarised Proceedings of Our Law
luasera at Wnshlnston.
two iit'!)iuirn ami rinsT iat.
PrdTR.-N"t In session.
Hiu sr.- l.-ss thnn BO nn'i'il ers W"re pre,
cut when the bouse met. There was the uunl
Indications thut emigres wns on the i-ve ol
ndjiiurnmi'iit. A bill was iinsod to Ineoriior-
nte the Aisnelntion of Americiiu pjnrlHts .Mr.
Mel renry i in-m. Kv. I, ebnlrmnn of tho conn
lllltlee on loteleli llltalr", n-kisl eoltent for
the eonsbletatliin ot n mint resolution to con.
grntulatethe llannliun republic on I ho as-
sumpiion nt mo powers ot seit government,
'J be resolution was olfered In lieu of the lieu.
telle resolution. Ilwing to th" nbsenee of Mr.
Iloutelle, Mr. I'ayue, (llei., N. V.,) objected,
two uitsiiiirn A!fi sn oo hat.
Hr.KATir,- Not In si-sslon.
llorsK Ail attempt mis madn to seenra
coiisiiierutton or the senate ! ifor the ex
clusl m ami deportation of nnurcblsts, but
Mr. Warner objected nud It went over. A
resolution to print W boo covles of tho t it rl IT
till) was passed, 'j lie house then rvljourucd
until 1 htirsduv.
two in stmrn ASP Tllllltl DAT.
Hr-tAtr Having with dinictilty secured a
quorum the senate went Into executive mu
tton to confirm. If possible, the nomination ol
juuge TMrtcr to the district bench ol J ennes
dee. Hot sK -Not In session.
two iit'imtr.D as n rot-nrn tr.
HrMATR-Without even waiting for (he
rcmmig of the loiiriuil, the absence of a
quorotn was pointed nut, and the senate got
lied up III a li:tnl knot. No business was
Hone beyond receiving thn report ot the ser-geant-at-nruid,
nnd then directing him to
compel the nttendancn of lite nbsentei-s.
After a while the senators who were nresent
got tired of waiting for their nhsciit collea
gues, nun at I m p. in. ii'ljuiirneii.
Ilorsr. llepresentatlvo Amos J. Cum
nilngs, chnlrtnnii of the house committee on
naval alTalrs, pn-sented to the house thu pre
liminary report upon the Investigation of the
armor plate and billets furnished to the
government by the Curucgln steel company.
I he committee Hilda that ehnrges ol fraud
linvn Is-en suslalued, scon-s tho coinpauy
severely, nml lesotnmends thut fill suspected
lilntes in use should tie tested ns the only
method of proving their Illness. It nl-u lluils
iiint tno gi.vruinent inspection was negli
gent, but no charges of dishonesty rests uputi
tho lusH-etorH. A resolution wild adopted
providing for tests of armor plate now in
SeSArt After Ihe Hen ate bad ngreed to
the House p-solutloii for adjournment of this
t ongress on I ues'tay next, It went Into ex
ecutlve session slid Just lieforo adjournment
referred to the Naval Committee the House
resolution for ballistic tests of thu nrmor
plnti-s to lie taken from several battle sblis In
pursuance of the report of the House com
mittee Investigating tile alleged frnudd of the
( nriiegie company.
llot'sr. Iu the house nn unsuccessful ef
fort was Hindu to consider the bill of Henntor
Hill for the exclusion and deportation ol
alien Anarchists, nml It went over, probably
llnally for this di-ssioii. Both bouses ud
joiirucd to Monday.
Nomldatod for Cougress.
Third Nebraska district J. SI. Iiivlne.pop.
Hlxth Tmiiiepsi-o district - J. T. Wewart,
Tenth Michigan district - It. H. Humph, lie.
Ninth Ncbrnskn district- It, V. I.ud.'ngton,
Fourth Indiana district -W. II. Holmtm,
Fifth Mississippi dlstrlet-J, 8. Williams,
Tenth ludlnua dlsttlct-J. A. Ilntch, Ile
publlcnu. Ri-cond Kentucky district E.G.
piibllcan. Klevviilh Iowa district D. B. firacsh, Dem
ocrat, Twelfth Texas district A. W. Huston, Dem
ocrat. Third Iowa district H. R. Hrsoo, Demo
crat. Fourth Michigan district L. F. Weaver,
Hlxth Wisconsin district Why Blsbon.
Third Slissourl district A. M. Dockery,
Fourth Illinois district Frank Lawlcr.
Kixlh Nebraska district O. SI. Kem, I'opu
11st. First New Jersey district II. C. I.onden
slsger, Itepublienu.
Third California district T. J.Ucary.Dem
ocat. Fifth Slissourl district -B. T. White, Pro.
'J'hlrd Texas dltnct C II. Yoakum.Iiem.
1 bird Virginia district C. U. ii. Thomas,
Heventh Slissoarl district C.B.WIsker, Pro.
Tenth Illinois district H. T. Hbirlty, Pro.
Fourth California district J. U. Slugulro.
1,300 Men Said to Have Been Lost In a
Severe Battle.
A letter from Chomulpo, Cores, reports that
19 Japanese wnr ships and 13 transports ar
rived In the Tatting; river ou the Wth Inst
They landed 0,000 men, who proceeded In
land, were attacked by 1.000 Chinese caval
ry, who suc.-eo.led in dividing the Jnpaneso
force Into two parts.
Tho Chinese artillery, located on nn emi
nence. riOlirod A hnuvw fl,.i l.,n l,a .r
tho Japanese milking great lmvoe. The Jau-
aiiiiui u.qmi n.ii.i,.i.ll...l n .... . . r
..u....v ...t,,,.-,,,. iu rcirnni (cj (,)0 sea-
Khoro wbero the guns of the Kent prevented
further pursuit by the ( hlnese.
'Tile JailltllOSe loSS Id rcimrtcil in Imua 'I.An
over l,.'loo men.
Tieu-Tsln reports say that n tolegrntn has
been received from Pimp v lltl.P Htllti.i.a
that the Chlnose troops at Chung Ho
were reiuiorccu by 10,000 men from August
IH to August 20, swelling tho nrmy
thero to 84,000 meu. A council of war was
held on the ttltli and It was decided to attack
the Japanese on about the J2l.
Ihe Japanese are holding a pass eight
mllrs southward from Chung Ho. It is re
ported that they are rc-eiubarklug tholr
Ucnvy baggage in Tutuug bay.
Chinese cavalry are soouriiig the country
anil have captured and beheaded a bundled
Destructive Flames.
Dravosburg, opposite SlcKuesport, Pa.. was
visited by a disastrous fire at an early hour
Friday morn lug aud Ited .Mens Hull, Chas.
vYelaser's saloon aud residence, Marsh Daft's
borne, the old I'bil MnfTinau bous3 aud two
unoccupied houses und a stable were reduced
to ashes. The loss will amount to 30,0UU,
partly covered by insurance.
A L'ttla Qlrl at Clarion, Pa., Swallows a
a Toad.
Twlln, a four-year-old daughter of J. Alt
man, ol Clurlou, I'n., while playing on the
pavement luid down, fuce foremost, and was
playing with a small tond, and while Iu the
act of laughing, thu tol bopped Into her
mouth nud went Into her stomach. Mbe suf
fered such extreme agony fur some tune that
it took several persons to bold ber. While
walling for the physician oue of the neigh
bors guve the child whiskey, which had the
elTeut of either siupclyliig the toad or caus
lug its duith. Dr. W. F. .Myers guvo au
eu,etle,',uud the little oue expelled tlio toad
Hum her stoiuuvb In pieces.
What Is Transpiring the World Over.
Important Events Briefly Told.
C'AriTAL Altfl t.AMoR.
The J.fSOO miners employed by the Arendo
Coal Company nt Hoiiuiiin, m ar Johnstown,
went to work Tiiosdnv after being out four
months. They bad previously agreed upon a
to-cent rate, but would not return until tho
operators agreed to remove the blacklist from
a number of the strlkn lenders.
After Id-lng out on a strike tor live days thn
employe o the street enr liii'Sot Hau Au
loiilo, 'lex., were un Huudiiy taken back on
their own terms. The company agreed to
pay them tl.M) per day nnd to employ men
instead of boys as conductors.
- -
t aims Asn i tsAi.Tirs.
The grand Jury nt l.niicater, I'n., on Mon
day returned TA bills of Indictment ngiilicd
thu notorious Alsi Ilumird of the Welsh
mountain gang of robls-rs. Ho was pardon
ed only two years ago and for over a year
paraded ns an evangelist,
llubeti II. Walters, of Heading, Pa., shot
and killed bis wile Tuesdny, and shot him
self with Intent to commit suicide. Jealously
was the cause. His wife wad a handsome
woman and the mother of six children.
At Plqua, Ohio, authorities urn Investigat
ing thn death ol Jehu Wlnnns, a Christian
scientist, who called In healers Instead of
physicians. Five similar deaths linve occur
red in this vicinity in a few months.
Harry A. (lariluer, the absconding cashier
ultlio Heeonil National bank of Altooua, Is
supposed to lie biding In Pittsburg, (tllleers
hnvn been scinching lor him, but us yet thu
hunt has not been successful.
Col. A. J. Hill, of Vuuderbllt, Pa., shot
hliusell .Monday, producing Instant death
Ho was CO years of age, and had beeu Iu III
health for sumo time.
Fdwnrd Haxson, n negro desperado, was
shot and killed at Philadelphia Tuesday by
Constable Duy for resisting nrntit.
nilfd, ArilliKXTd, rATAI.ITIKd, TTC.
A largo crowd of people assembled at
KberlHitne, Minn., to withers a balloon as
cension and paiaehule leap by Prof. T.Ward.
As tb" balloon was about to ascend f,i.o palm
er, ol Jackson, scored n rope and wns carried
up about lit) bi t, win u be tell and was killed.
About midnight Hun. lay night n Withiedi
freight train struck a borso near Joncshurg,
Mo, Tho locomotive and III curs were ditch
ed. '1 he i iik-lncer unit three tramps wera
killed, nnd eight persons were Injured.
A yacht, called the Primrose, on Tuesday
went to the bottom of the se elf Ht. John,
New Brunswick. Her crew, consisting ol
eight men, were drowned. The disaster was
caused by a squall.
Tlio Jnpnnesn iis-aiillcd and cnpturel
Koiigbwun, n fortllled Chlneso town on
August :l. The lighting lusted five hours.
Ill tho Chinese 1,000 were killed; or the
Jupiiuese, only 70. Many of the Chinese
committed suicide rather than bo taken
prisoners, J be Japanese fought like tigers.
Haturday night the passenger train on the
Illldago railroad collided with a Pulque
train coming Into the city of Slexleo. Keverni
persons were killed nnd n number badly
Hurt. Tho wnlch lulled to signal.
It is stated Hint James Wyllo, a Presbyter
ian missionary, has died from Itijurle re
ceived nt the hands of Chinese soldiers
marching to Cores, nt l.lao-Vulig, uurtu ol
New-Cbwiing, China,
J. II. Tyers swain 1,000 yards In a choppy
sen ut Houthport, hug., Hundny.iu 15 minutes
V seconds nnd claimed the world's record
'This perloimnuce bents thu Khgllnb bath rcc.
ord by S! seconds.
The llrst-clnss British gunboat Brnmble II.
in consequence of tho disturbed condition
prevailing In certain parts of Morocco, has
been ordered to proceed to Tangier to safe
guard Interests,
Tlio King of Corea sides with Jnpnn. Af
the battle of Vasbaii Corean soldiers lought
wltb the Japanese against the Chinese.
A Venezuelan revenue cutter fans seised the
British vessel Eclipse, which had arrived
from Trinidad with a contraband cargo.
Iu Oallcla on Tuesday there were 1SS case
of cholera aud il$ deaths, and iu Bukowiut
17 new cases and V deaths.
The engagement is announced of Slltt
Florence Pullman, a daughter of Oeorgo M.
Pullman, to the Prince of Isenburg-Illrsteiu
the eldest son of the prluce Charies of Iscu-burg-Biidteln
and the Archduchess Louise ol
Austria, aud a cousiu of the Emperor ol
1 be big ship and sanitary canal at Chicago
which Id years ago was estimated to cosl
tlU,000,(KO, will actually cost ;jo,000,00() oi
moro. It Is believed thut more than a mil
lion has already been stolen nnd that several
millions will yet be stolen.
Tutrlck Burke telegraphs that he has found
five feet of coal at Bnrberton. U. Akroncnp
italists will be interested iu the development.
Burke made the most notable old-Ume dis
covery in the Slasslllon district.
Miles upon miles of the Kicknpoo country
are ou fire, the reflection of which can be
seen for 40 miles. The Indians nro said to
have started the fire, hoping to keep whits
settlers out of tho country.
Sirs. 11. F. Mormon, of Slonet, SIo., gave
birth on Monday to four children three girls
nnd a boy the combined weight of which Is
Jtt pounds. The mother is a small womau.
Hbu Is doing well.
The errors In the tnrlft bill nre exaggerat
ed. The senate clerks say that with lew ex
ceptions tbey are unlinportuut.
Men. Luelnn Wiley, of Ohio, Is dead. He
was a brotber-ln-lnw of Henator Brice.
Governor Altgeld, of Illinois, makes an
appoul for the destitute at Pulimau.
President Cleveland will not veto the tariff
bill, nor will Ji sign it.
In Pullman there are 1.C03 families near to
The United Hiatus authorities have boen
for several weks trying to capture a desper
ate moonshluer, Joseph 'lay lor, who liven in
l'utmun county. Taylor is ono of the hardest
eases that the marshals have hud to contend
with for years.
A board of pension examining surgeons
was Monday established nt Preston, Wsyn
county, with Drs. John . Bee, V. Hugnvt
suu v, nee as momoers.
The Republican senatorial conturrees cf thr
first district met Haturday night and nomi
nated Nelson K. Wblttuker for the state sen
ate. Jefferson Broailwnter, near Parkersharg,
trimmed a corn on one toe. The loot aud leg
swelled and ho died the following day.
A Sheriff Had Thm on a Train, But a
Mob Took Them.
Friday night at Mitchell's Station, thirty
miles south of Slontgomery, Ala., a baud of
masked meu took lllley Walker aud Blcbard
Jordan out of the Central train, bouud for
Sloutgomery. from Deputy hbenfT Kirkland
aud lynched them by banging them to u tree,
nud alterwnrd perforated their bodlw with
bullets. Tue prisoners had beeu tried at
I'ulon Springs for murder, wars conitid
aud Walker was sent up to the peUUbtmry
iut iiiv, tfuruuu lor twelve yeurs.
lb D mocrnts of Cnllfornln have nominat
ed II. Iluihl for governor.
It Is predicted Unit the grunt textile strike
t New lledford. Mass., will end Iu a week.
Ilaltlmore wants the (Ir.'ind Army In IW7,
the city's centennial. .
Henator (lortmin, of Maryland, Is In III
li'iilth and may go to F.urope to recuperate,
The ll -piihlleatis of Nevada have nominat
ed A. C Cleveland for governor, nud II. F.
Ilnrilnn for congress,
Tbern wns an enrthqiinke at Athens, Run
dny morning, nud people fled to the open
'oiintry. No deaths reported.
the grand Jury investigation at Memphis,
Tenn., shows thut the city in eight yenid has
'yen defrauded of 'J.fKlO.OOO business tax.
Sirs. Wm. Conroy, of Wnbn-li, Ind., sold
her l-rnonths.old child to her husbond for
(A. The hushnnd b it the vicinity.
The situation In the Choctaw nation grows
worse, nnd inn's fighting Is reported. Thn
federal authorities have taken a band.
The Populists of Nebraska havn nominated
for governor Mr. Ilolcomh, thn noted Farm
ers' Alliance leader,
John Vermillion and Wm. Jackson were
killed by the explosion of n boiler In P. K.
Ii miner's saw-mill, Frank lort, Ind.
(leorge W. Ileeder was killed at F.mmert's
pinning mill, llagerstown, Sid., Thursday
night by being drawn Into the machinery.
The steamship New Vork arrived at New
York Friday night from Houthiuupton with a
broken ocean record of 0 days, S hours and
SH minutes.
A shower of yellow bugs fell on Atlnntln
City, Hiinday afternoon. They fell as thick
lis snow flukes nud In nn hour or so they dis
appeared as mysteriously as they came
William Our, aged 2(1 years, was killed by
lightning Hominy nfternoon while bathing
with two young women at Atlantic City,
(obnn Lake at Simla, India, lias broken Its
bounds nnd sweplf verythlng before it includ
ing several villages. The disaster was ex
pected and no lives were lost.
'1 be button works nt, pa., have
flint down for nn l'..iellnitn period. Buttons
have gone out of fashion. When Ihe works
are running full S0O persons ar employed.
An attempt wns made n few days ago to as-(a-sinntn
President Hlppolyte, of llnyll, but
ho wns warned of his danger by the sweet
heart of one of the Intending murderers.
Four miners were hilled In the Amethlst
nine, at Creede, Col., Friday, by a fire Iu tho
halt house burning the cuble of the hoist,
which fell nud killed them.
Vler-president lleggs, of Peoria, III., of the
Whisky trust, said Friday afternoon, the Illi
nois trust and savings bank ot Chicago will
lurnlsli the tS,! 00,000 necessary to take Its
stock out of bond.
Prince Komotsu, cousin of the Mikado of
Japan, who has been In New Vork for several
(lays left the Windsor Hotel Wednesday eve
ning by the WestHhore Itailroad on his Jour
ney to the Pacific const en route for Yoddo.
A submarine eruption in Bristol Bay, Alas
ka, recently, killed n great number of codfish
und salmon. The effect of this was so ex
tensive Hint the natives have been unable to
catch any fish as lute as August 1.
A half-crur.y Italian of Pittsburg, named
A. Periero, assaulted another Italian I.. Da
flravls with a hammer Fridny morning, in
flicting wounds on the hitter's hen 1 which
may result fatally.
Two girls, aged 1(5 years, were drowned
Rutiirdny night in the Schuylkill river at
Heading by tho capsizing of a row boat which
was struck liy a steamboat. They were Lot
tie l.indermuth and I.hude Ilombergcr.
The federal council of Hwitzerland has at.
proved tho scheme submitted for a Jura
Hlmplon railway tunnel through Ibe Hiinplou.
The cost of this work will be Dl.uOO.OOO
francs. The plans will now be submitted for
the approval of the Italian government.
John Newell, president and general manv
g r of the Lake Hhore and Michigan South
ern railroad, died Kundny afternoon at
Voungstown, O. He Is said to have worked
himself to death. Apoplexy and heart failure
were the Immediate causes of bis demise, lie
wus Ci years old.
Laborers digging a ditch near Sheridan, N
V Haturday, found the skeleton of a mnsta
don. The head and one tusk have been un
covered. The head measures five feet across
and the tusk is five feet long and six inches
In diameter at the butt. One tooth weighed
four pounds, was seven Inches Ion;; by four
broad and was highly polished.
The explosion of a lamp In John J. Joyce's
store nt Minooka, near Hcrnnton, Pa., at mid.
night on Tuesday, ignited a tank of oil nnd
caused the destruction ot eight houses. One
dwelling was torn down to prevent tho flames
from spreading. The houses destroyed wera
occupied by Coyne, John Costella, John flal
lagher, Timothy I.eyjou. John Hlggini.John
T.owry and Maria Slulbern. The loss Is csti
nated at t.TO.000.
Shot and Stabbed.
W. H. Probert nnd Councilman James
Langham, two well-known citizens of Dun
cuuville, Pa., while at thu home of tho Utter
and In an intoxicated state Friday quarreled.
I.angbam was shut twice and while Iviug on
the floor was slashed by bis adversary with a
knife. He may die. Probert was arrested.
The quarrel arose over a question of struct
Pottery Wages Cutl
The L. B. Brbower Pottery Company at
Elizabeth. N. J., bas si van notloe to its em
ployes that an immediate reduction In wages
will take place and that If the reduction Is not
accepted tbe works will at once shut down.
Ibe employes will not accept tbe reduction,
and a strike will follow which will lead to
the closing of thn eutire plant and throw out
of employment 250 hands.
Another Pension Bill.
Sir. Grow, of Pennsylvania, tntrod:ic?d In
the bouse Tuesday a bill providing that tho
willows of pensioners married before tbe
slose of tbs lute war shall receive tbo samo
ratejol iiension that the pensiouer was receh
iug at the time ot his death, provided thai
tbe rate ot her pension shall uot bo less than
tl'l per month,
Tbs Incrssts la Slontsni gold production
this yenr Is no less th in H1.7J1, or
per cent. Kweipts tills year reprustnt u
total of f 1.570 flue ounces ol goU, aui tbs
luceas U.iii Has ounoes.
Some Interesting Figures From the
Pittsburg Bureau.
The fulled Htntes weather bureau of PlttH
burg has Issued a summary for thn month of
Heptemls-r for the past 28 years. Tbo wnrm
est month was that of IHH, with an average
of 71 ilegreesj the coldest month was that of
IH7I, with nn average of fi'.l degrees: thn
highest temperature was 111!) degrees on Sep
tember 0, 1Nh; the lowest teni-rnttirn was
115 degrees on Heptnmlier 25, IH7II.
'llni grenb-st monthly precipitation was
7.S5 Inches In IH7llt the least monthly preci
pitation was 0.711 Inches In IMKI. The great
est nmnntit of pn-clpntlon recorded In any 74
conscetitlvo hours was H MS Inches on Hepti iu
lier 17, 1M7B: average nutnlsir of elear davs,
II: pnrtly cloudy days, IS; cloudy dnys, M; thn
prevailing wind has boen from the northwcst
the velocity of the wind was :H lulled
from the southwest and west ou Heptember
Hand ii5, I K!i pud I MM,
Buying Arms for Japan.
It Is reported Hint the Japanese govern
ment has ordered 100. OtK) rifles nnd a largo
supply of ammunition from thn firm of
llurtley A (iriihnm, of New Vork. Willlmn
J. Uruff, the general manager, when asked nn
to the accuracy of the report, said Hint he
wns not at liberty to speak on so important a
-. a .
rnllenrr nMnl Ihenr flniii-es flee irrhht.
Itutft art until nl nit vWut,' thai is 1(0 pi r n ut
iiliiuritlU)) of from lire m-iiht. Simp lira
mlit grim, tfuil In Urn Wright ur nnthimjtiff.
Cinlml Slink Yariln t'llMmrij, I'n.
F.xtrn, MM to I.OKMI 4 .VM 4 75
Prime, 1.30(1 to 1.4IKMI 4 ifftft 4 ill
flood, I,2(Ki to I.SIiritt 4lsiAi4ito
1 lily, I ."Ml In I.IMIIf Miasms
Fair. MKJ to l,000ib ! sn,: id
Common, 700 to ,00lh it mm J 75
Heavy Philndelpblod 5 711 5 ;ij
Common to fair Yorkers nnd pigs 6 :!.' 5 Ml
(irnssers 5 ji.V r, .'5
Houghs nnd stags ., 4 0;fe I 45 "
sum e.
Prime, (M to 1 OOlt 3 0 r ) f)
Hood. MS to With 'I 404, i ?(
Fair. 70 to son, j tlft j 1
Common. R5 to "01b WiCn I 4 )
Spring Lambs niir ou
Veal Calves 4 0 w i; .no
llenvv calves ;j oik ;) 01
Chicago, f'attle llecclpts B.ftOO le-ad;
murki-t stronger: common to extra ti-rs,
t:I.S55.5.r; stoekers and fis:dcrs. Ufa .l.r,;
eowd and bulls, 1 . 2.'fc M. fiO : calves tt'nfi.
Hogs iteeelpiB. 14,000 lu-nd: market strong
for choice grnd'Sii others licKe" heavy
H.lWna 5,!K; common to choice mixed, ;.'.
5.H5; cboicn assorted (5.R5 5. 70; light S'o
6.00; pigs 3.C0i54'. Hluwp It -celpts .',.0 ,',)
bead; market steady: Inferior to choice l.u.tto
3.25; lambs 1,75 4.00.
Clnelnnntl.- Hogs-Heleet butchers' .'i.'.4i
B.Wi; fair to good packers S.fiOfip .l.s.'i; fair to
light. 6.401 5.70; common and rough-, 4.Btriu
5.45. Cattle-(iood shippers, 3.7.V4.40;
good to ehoiis, S.54.I5; fair to medium,
2.75ft .1.60; common, 24 J.Kf!. Hhis-p Extras
t.l: giKj tocboiis., 'ira lM; common to
IAI.'jO. Ijimtd Fxtias, 4.2fi' 4.5(1: good to
choice. 3ii 4. id; common to fair. I. Mi
(riir. wnoi.rsAi.c Fincri Anr. oivem he low)
firnln, Klnur anil
WHEAT-No- 1 Hod I
No. ! Ited
C(ili.-No. 2 Vellow, car....
High Mixed, ear
No. 2 Yellow, shelled
OATH- No. 1 White
No. i White
No. 8 White
ItYE No. 1
No. a Western, new
Fl.Ol lt- Fancy Winter pat.
Fancy Hpring pntenta
Fancy straight Winter.....
XXX linkers
Itye Hour
IIAY-llaled. No. 1 Tlm'y...
Haled, No. 2 Timothy....
Mixed Clover
Timothv from country ....
FF.Kl-No. 1 W'h Sid, ton..
No. 2 White Middlings....
Drown Middlings
Jlran, bulk
53 Co)
3 50
5 IT)
SI 85
2 50
3 10
12 IX)
11 00
10 50
15 00
17 00
1A 54
15 50
15 00
6 (10
5 25
t Rt
S 75
4 15
8 10
2 75
5 25
12 25
11 50
li 00
1(1 (s
17 tO
17 00
Id 0
lti 00
6 25
5 25
Ittlry Products.
Iif.TTF.It-F.lgln Creamery. 21 27
Fancy Creamery 22 21
Fancy Country Holl 1 18
Low vrade and cooking... M 12
CHKKHK Ohio, now D1 9,1
New York, new 10,-j II
Wisconsin Swiss l.i i-'t
Limburger, new make.... 2 'J: i
Fruit and Vegetitbles.
APPI.F.H-Fancy, f bbl.... 2 61 J 75
Jllackis-rries 6 7
Huckleberries, paiis 80 100
(ieorgia. each Jf) J5
Ann Arundel, per sug bbl. 2 50 3 00
fcEANH ns"n perdu W) 1 Ot)
Lima, II. i 'l 5
Fine Mate, on track, bbl.. 3 0 2 1ft
From store, bbl 2 13 2 25
Home grown, crates 1C0 173
Kgyptiun, 101 lb bags.... 2 23 S rC
hoiiuieru. ' .... jj S3 2 M
Kouilierri, bushel crates... 1.3 "
Poultry, Ktc.
Live Chickens, V pair.... i
Spring Chickens
Live li.n.ks, ' j,ttir
l)n sscd liucks, r lb
Orcssed I hickens, lb. mix
" " yoe.'.ig select
Dr wied Turkeys, V it
L'Oiii-t-Pa. aud Ohio fresn..
I.X'.ra Live Geese, V lb
No. Ex. Live (Jeee, V 10
Country, iarfe, packed..,.
53 lit
frrrn clover. 2 lus cm o 73
'liniothy, prime 2 m-i 2 S3
bn.e t,r..iis 1 ii) j (;o
I.'AdS Couuirv mixed '! 1
Hd.NEY Wntte Clover 15 Id
llii-k wheat a ji
SIAI'LU SYHCP-New 50 ot)
CI OEli -Country .sweet.Md. 0 0) A b
FLOUH 3 50 (64J3 73
WHEAT No. 2 Ited (.'. 6l
KYE-No. 2 4,!
(OltN'-Mixed 471;
MIS ai'i
i-i' , ii
Ht ri EK-Ohio Creamery.. J3
n.orn 3 00 3 7J
WHEAT No. 2 Red 53 64
C OKN-Nd. 3 Mixed tu (,J
OATS -No. 2 White 117
bU'lTElt t.'reamery, extra. 114
L(idS-Pa. firsts is)
NEW l'OKK. Patents 3 50 3 57
W HEAT No. 2 Hed 54
HYE State jj
t OHN-No. 2 JT 57V
OATK-Whlte Western 84
ULTIEK-Creamery a
EOOa dtute and IVnn..... in