0 3T(tc Star tiulwriplion tt.M fwr tfdr, mlnimy. ft. A. NTKPIIIdflON, Krtllor mill Pnb. WKDNKSDAY. AUGUST 22, 1HIM. An InilcpctMli'iit IikmiI mnr, l)iililllnluvery Wvdwwliir ill Ki'jrnnlilNVlIlK, .Ii-ITitxiui Co. Pa., ilnvciti-d to llui IntproMa of Hi-ynnlilxvllln ftnil.loffiTiMiin'ounly . Niiti-iMilltlriil. will tnwit nil with fuli ni'w. mill will liiM'ipi'i-lnlljr frli'iiil y tnwtiriU tin hilHtrlnv rlim. PiiIiitIiIIiiii irlri'fI..VIii'rycnr,ln ntlvanrp. 'iinimuiilrHllnim Intriiilril for niilillrntlon miiiit lie arriinipnnlrd lijrthn wrfmr'n nnmp, not. for piililli nilon, hut n a (timrantve or good fnltli. Iiilirxtln tn-ws llrnnwilli-lliid. Advert IMtur riilf" nindn known on iippHm tlun nt tin nflti'p In ArnolilV Hlm-k. lirnvtity rimimiiiilrotlonH nnd rlinnitn nf sdvirtlni'mi-ntn sliiiuUt tvnt'h this nfllro liy Monthly noon. AddrivM nil i-ommnnli-ntlonii to C. A. Htiph nnn, ltrvnotilMvtlln, ln. Knlinil' nt tlm iMiKtollli-n nt Rojrim1(liivllli Pa., n wcmiil rliiMn mull mutter. Tho roar of NinRiin linn boon rnturht In a ihnno(rrmili nnd Is belnjf peddled over the country. W. C. ArnoidT of I)u1ofri the Re publican candldnti; for congress In the twiMity-elphth dlatrlrt. Coxey's Brmy of nommonweRlnrs re celvnd notice Iwit Tliiirwlny that unless they doparU'd from tho Dlntrlct of Columbia inside of forty-eight hours they would have to go to jiill. It is a fact that no mat ter how modest girl is at home when she goes to the eoHhore and guts attired in a bathing suit alio will hug the shore tho very first time she goes in bnthlng. A current of 20,000 horse power of electric energy will bo, delivered In Buf falo from Nlugara Falls some timo In Oetober for local consumption in that city. The work of harnessing Niagara is quite an undertaking. Two requisites for citizenship in tho new Hawaiian republic, provided by tho constitution, is a property qualification and ability to read. The lust one Is es pecially good, and Is one which could bo copied with good effect in our own be loved land. The Democratio State Committee will meet at Itarrishurg to-day to fix a time for holding the State convention to nominate a candidate for Congressnian-at-Large in place of Senator II. K. Sloan, who died at his home In Indiana on llth Inst. Nothing Is so contngeous as enthu siasm. It works wonders, it moves stones, it charms brutes. One man with intense convictions and unbound ed enthusiasm can move a multitude. Nothing great can bo accomplished without it. DuUois Tribune. We be lieve It and would be delighted to have somo of our merchants get a bad case of it in the advertising lino. Practically all of tho great survivors of the Union forces will attend the ap proaching 2Hth National Encampment of the G. A. It. in Pittsburg, Septem ber 10 to 15. Among them will be Gen. Benjamin Harrison, Gov. William Mc Klnloy, Gen. Horace Porter, Gen. Dan lol Butterflold, Gen. McM. Gregg, Gon. Lucius Falrchlld, Gon. George S. Mer rill, Gon. Daniel E. Sickles, Gen. Louis Wagnor, Past Commanders In-Chief Robert B. Death, Paul Van DorVoort, John 8. Kountz, John Palmor, A. G. Wolssort, Wholock G. Veazoy, Wil liam Warren, Russell A. Alger and S. S. Burdott, with many others of Nation al renown. The desire for office seems to be con tagious with the moulders of public opinion and four of them, whose brain 'work invades our sanotum weekly, have announoed their willingness tosorve the ioar people and draw their salaries, if sent to Harrisburg. The brethren are: Matt Savage, of Clearfield PMic Spirit, Democrat, for State Senate; W. O. Smith, of PunxButawney Spirit, Repub lican, for Assembly; Will H. Baker, Rldgway Advocate, Republican, for State Senate; John It. Dixon, Rldgway Democrat, for Assembly. The people would have no reason to regret it it any or all of those men are sent to the State Capitol to holp make laws for the Key stone State. Smith has a record in the House already and the other fellows would soon "get there." While either of these four editors could smoke as many tobies and look as dignified as any of the old members, yet they would not forgot tho intcroste of their constitu ents. The FallB Creek Herald made its appearance last week as bright and spicy as ever. The circumstantial evi dence la strongly in favor of tho fact that some Incendiary inclined vllllan has twice caused tho Herald office to resolve into a mass of charred ruins, The first time Bro. Bangert was not discouraged and soon had a new and complete printing office in Falls Creek turning out a good paper; but tho socond fire came very noarly being too much for his courage. However, "disheart ened and discouraged," he has put in another complete printing office at Falls Creek. This time the office Is in new brick building which was put up especially for the Herald. The sub scription list of the Herald was burned and the editor of the paper request all old subscribers to send their name and address to that office in order to have it placed on the list again. Also send the mount you have paid and date when you began taking the paper. The Her ald baa our sympathy and best wishes. The New York World poetically de scribes the city dude's summer outing as follows: "Now the boarder from tho city roams the fields a cureless rover, trying hard to tell the difference be tween Indian corn and clover. For tho turnip tree he searehos,and he socks with seal divine for tho rutabaga orchard and the spreading parsnip vine; climbs the grape vino for bananas, and through fragrant fields he cuts, scanning older berry bushes In his search forcocoanuts. And through swamps and tangled for ests with unwearied foot he pushes, searching day by day In patience for the water melon bushes. And he asks tho startled farmer If he's through his nut meg hoeing; how Ms chocolate trees arc doing, how his lemon vines are grow ing. If he's dug his early hay crop, If he's sowed his sweet potatoes; if his slippery elm Is planted; if he's grafted his tomatoes. If he's trimmed his early grass trees, if he thinks there is more money in potato bugs than raising honeysuckle for Its honey. Is OTarrlaK. a failure I Have you been trying to get tho best out of existence without health In your family? Have you been wearing out your Ufa from the effects of Dyspeisla, Liver Complaint and Indigestion? Are you sleepless at night? Do you awake in the morning feeling languid, with couted tongue and sallow, hnggnrd looks? Don't do it. A shout In the camp tells how Bacon's Celery King has cured othein; It will cure you. Trial pnekago free. Largo sizes fiOo. nnd 2Tie. at W. B. Alexander's. Card of Thanks. I hereby give expression of my grati tude and extend my heart-felt thank fulness to the friends and nelghliors who were so exceedingly kind and help ful during my wife's Illness, and were thoughtful of her wants, nnd am also thankful for favors shown myself and family after the death of wlfo and mother. Your kindness was a consola tion in the time of our deep distress. Pat. Wahu. Big Property Deal. We understand tho Llteb property, including the saw mill and belongings in Brookvillc, and all the timber lands up tho North Fork crock, has been sold to Messrs. Osborn, Heydrlck and Weber, of 'DuBols, tho purchase price being $140,000. The grist mill and two or three residences in Brook vlllo are ex cepted from the sale We did not learn just when tho purchasers are to take possession of the property. Wo will l)o glad to see this lnrgo property resume work, as it will glvo employ ment to many. Brookville Democrat. The Punsutawney Aeirssays: "After sixteen weeks of Idleness the men at Horatio have boon granted permission to go to work. At a mooting of the Anita and Horatio miners held at this placo on Saturday last the strike was declared off and tho men began to look for work. The majority of tho men at Horatio will get back to work as soon as places can be made ready. There are a great many of the old men who cannot got their old places for tho rea son that they took too active a part in the strike and made themsolvoa objec tionable to the company. Those are known by the company and many of them made no application for work. This condition of affairs is not as we would desire, but the company is con ducting its own business and for its own advantage. In a few weeks those mines will be running full and the railroad will be doing as much hauling as it has ever done." Many bodily ills result from habitual constipation, and a fl no constitution may be weakonod and ruined by slmpio nog loot. There is no medicine, for regu lating the bowels and restoring natur al action to the digestive organs, equal to Ayor's Pills. Reduced Rates to Qrangera' Picnic. For the accommodation of persons de siring to attend this interesting plcnlo and exhibition the Pennsylvania Rail road Company will sell excursion tickets on August 25th, 27th, 28th, 20th, 30th and 31st, good to return until Sopt. 3rd, Inclusive, from stations in the following territory, at rate of one fare for the round trip: From all principal stations on the Pennsylvania Railroad Division west of Bryn Mawr and east of East Liberty, both Inclusive. From all principal stations on the Northern Central Railway north of Luthorville, Md., and south of Canan- datgua. From all principal stations of tho Philadelphia and Erie Railroad Dlvl slon. Old newspapers for sale at this ofitoe, i At King & Co.'s you will find baled hay, salt, flour and a full line of general merchandise. The Star gives all the local news of ReynoldBville and vicinity. Subscribe now. Go to Dunn's ice cream parlor for good ore am. House and lot on Jackson street for sale. For particulars inquire of Jos, Boody. Why spend your money for trashy shoes when you can buy good, honest made shoes at Reed's for about same money. ' hortalK htrrinrn. To waste your money on vllo, dirty, watery mixtures, compounded by Inex perienced jxirsons, whon you havo tho opportunity of testing Otto's Cure free of charge. Why will you contlnun to rrltate your throat and lungs with that terrible hacking cough when W. B. Alexander will furnish you a free sam ple bottle of this great guaranteed ruln- dy? Hold a bottle of Olio's Cure to the light and observe its beiutlful golden color nnd thick, heavy syrup. Largest packages and purest goods. Large bottles fide, and 2fio. Card of Thanks. Wo are very grateful to tho neigh bors and friends who were so kind and accommodating during the illness and after tho death our mother, Mrs. .1. S. Watson, and wo take this medium of expressing our gratitude to all. THR ClIIT.DRKN. ' , Horses for Sale. A pair draft marcs, sound and true, 4 and ft years old, weighing 1,100 and fiOOlbs.; two horses 4 yours old, weigh ing l.OiTiltps.; one nmro tbreo years old, weighing l,02Tittis.; and ono pair of mules. J. C. Kino & Co. Rambler Bicycles for sales bv Ed. Goodor, tho jeweler. Come and examine the G. & J. tire and also get prices, as they have been re duced. Catalogue sent on application. Tho Reynoldsvlllo Hardwaro Co. has just received a job lot of Iron enameled WBre which Is being sold nt a great re duction. Some people sell the snme ware for porcelain. Coffee pots, tea Kts, stow pans, pudding pans, milk pans, tic, iVc. You must see tho goods to appreciate the big reduction in price. Go to II. J. Nick lo's for cheap tin ware, dust puns, dish pans, milk palls, strainer pulls, slop pulls, scrub nnd shoo brushes, carpet tucks, cheap lumps and glassware, quoenawnre, Indies' and chil dren's Jersey vests and hoslery.hnndker' chlefs.loweling, Ac: also full lino of dolls and toys of all kinds for the children, with a full line of articles usually found In a first class variety store, all at prices to suit tho times. Woodward Building, Main stroot. Two for One. We are making a special offer to each of our renders paying a year's subscrip tion to tho STAR in advanco, and to all new subscribers paying in advance, we will give them the best local paper In Jefferson county and will give them freo, either the Womankind or Ameri can Farmer, for ono year. The two papers above montlonod are excellent monthly papers and tho subscription price of each is fi()o. a year. This offur is made only to those In Pennsylvania. Robinson trios to please you in shoes quality and price. You can get your watches repaired at Ed. Goodor's the same day you leave them. Mason fruit jars very cheap at M. J, Rlggs'. If you want all the news, subscribe for The Star. If you have a watch or clock that does not run, take it to Goodor, the Jeweler. All work warranted. Settle. H OTEL McCONNELL, REYNOLDS VILLE. PA. FRANK J. BLACK, Proprietor. The lcadlna hotel of the town. Headauar- tnri ror commercial men. mam neat, rree bus, hath rooms and closets on evury floor, sample mom, billiard room, telephone con- H OTEL BELNAP, REYNOLDS VILLE, PA. L. 8. McCLELLAND, Proprietor. Klrst class In evorv nartlcular. Located In the vnrv centre nf the liiisliienaDart of town. li'me 'nun t and from train aiMfcommodloua ample rooms fur commercial travelers. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLE, PA., PHIL P. CARRIER. PtonrieUrr. Rum nln rooms on the around Swir. House heated by natural sua. Omnibus to and from an trains. M OORE'3 WINDSOR HOTEL, 1217-29 Filbert street, PHILADELPHIA, - PENN'A, PRESTON J. MOORE, Proprietor. :H2 !'d rooms. Rates 12.00 nor dnv Amort Clin l'liin. l'.liliH'k from 1. It. K. I input und ft mock train nuw r. a. u. it. ixpot. SntscUanou. Ji NEFF. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Real Eatute Agent, Reynoldavllle, Pa. c MITCHELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office on West Main street, opposite the Commercial llolol. Huyuuldsvllle, Pa. R. B. E. HOOVER, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Resident dentist. In building near Metho dist church, opposite Arnold block. Gentle ness in operating. O. I. OORDOH. JOHN W. BMD. QORDON & REED, ' ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Brookville, Jefferson Co., Pa. Office In room formerly occupied by Gordon uoruett west nam Btreet. V. I. MtOBAOEIM, rMkrlttt. t. H. MtDOXALD, KtyttltnUlt. jjocracken & Mcdonald, .Attorneys and Cwnaellormt-Law, I Offices at Beynoldlvllle and BrookvllU. .HEflPEST and BEST GOODS! 5ver brought to our town In Ladies' Spring and Summer Dress Goods I Hrandenberg never was Bold em than 20 to 25c. per yard; will Bell you now for 124. Miiiity, - 12ic. Turkey Ked Damask, 87 i " " Prints, 05 Ginghams, 05 China Silk, 25 Better Goods than you can buy any place else. The same Great Ileduc' tion in Men's - and - Children's CLOTHING. Children's Suits, .90 1.00 it it 1.25 it it " 1.75 Single Coats, .50 Youths' Suits, $3.25 to 8.50 Men's Flannel Suits, 5. 50 " Worsted " 7.50 " Fine Cheviot Suits, $6 to 9.50 A fine line of Men's Pants, Come and examine my goods before you purchase else' where. N. HANAU. J. S. MORROW, DEALER IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELI VERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa. COME IN! Where? TO THE "Bee Hive" store. WHERE L. J. McEntire, & Co., The Groceryman, deals in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods, Green Goods Tobacco and Cigars, Flour and Feed, Baled Hay and Straw. FreBh goods always on band. . Country produce taken in exchange for goods. A share of your patronage iB respectfully solicited. Very truly yours, Lawrence J. McE,ntlre& Go., Tb Oroccrymcn. A STRIKE! In the price of Spectacles. necessity, ana must ne well as My Prices are to Suit the Times! Eyes examined free and glasses scientifically fitted. Satisfaction guaranteed in every case. O. R. HOFFMAN, Optician and Jeweler. Now is the Time! Summer Dress Goods - at Reduced Prices I We Btill have a few Fine Dress Patterns which we offer very cheap. Lace Curtains I Price 'way down. This is also the place to buy your Sheeting. Look for new goods this week. BING tS O O. WAR ! Between China and Japan! But there is no war between BOLGER BROS. AND as evidenced by their smiling at Greatly Keduced Prices. We have an Elegant Line Boys, which we are selling at Very Low Prices. Our GENTS' FURNISHING replete with all the Latest found. In our TAILORING DEPARTMENT we have all the novel ties in Cloth, both foreign and domestic. Fit and Workmanship guaranteed at BOLGER BROTHERS, Originators of Small Profit System. Agents for the celebrated Franklin Steam Laundry. raolHe mb Co., DEALERS IN HARDWARE. STOVES and RANGES, TIN, - SHEET IRON - and - COPPER WARE, ' AMMUNITION, - HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WOOD and IRON PUMPS. And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store. Roofing and Spouting Done to Order. REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Glasses are not a luxury, but a naa in nam times as good. WAR ! THEIR CUSTOMERS, faces after purchasing goods of CLOTHING for Men and GOODS DEPARTMENT is and Best Goods that can be