The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, August 01, 1894, Image 7

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Tha (lam of ttrai rtirnrrl In i'la
ta:an Tnnipktn Squar.
On one of tho scuts four little Blrls
were observed tlio oilier f;iy Indulir.
Idk In the feminine man ullnc, nlo
propensity for (uarrciin. Tno
most self-assertive of tho uroiirt wus
a diminutive dnnm-l whoso heud win
adorned with a hat of monstrous red
lilumntio. Sarcastic comment on
her part had evidently IrriiatcJ her
Mie's a snssy thin, Pally. I
wouldn't speak to ber nn more," ob
served a young niUson the rltfht.
The sarcaslto damsel sniffed, but
said nothing.
"Don't left 'soclate with her no
mote." remurked a second.
The threo little girls aroso, and
the third one had ber say. "You
ran Jut keep away from our party.
Mary fl.ium," hho said. "We Bin t
a aoln' tor look or speuk to you tio
longer. "
The self-assertive, maiden In the
monstrous hat ira?ed contemptuously
upon her whilom companions as they
marched away. (She shruRired her
shoulders complacently. "Huh!
Dere Is odders." she observed, with
a world of significance In her tones.
a short distance away snt two lit
tle boys who were comparing notes
on family matters.
"I's folks has irot de bltwest faro,
tly," remarked the Uist one, couU
dently. 'Fctchcr ain't," returned bis com
panion. "Yes wo has. Iicre's me, an' me
two brudders, me daddy, mo mud
tier, mo aunt and me uncle. Kin you
"I should say," was tho response.
"We's got seven iraU and boys In our
family. An' do res I'roo grown-un."
"Well, an how, me daddy can buy
out your daddv."
"Kin he? Oh, kin hey Me daddy's 9
hoss-rar driver an' ho owns a liltf
table wid two hunnerod bosses."
"Pat ain't nothln," retorted the
Imaginative youth. "Me daddy's a
janitor an' he owns a house on Sccon'
avenoo dat's 11 he stories hlh, and
wl i a hun ired people llvin' In It.
bee?" New York Kocorder.
CJrlaly l.rKixUtloti.
Two most extraordinary bills were
Introduced In tho Ohio Legislature.
The first bill provided for the abolish
ment of hanging us a penalty incases
of capital punishment, and substi
tuted the use of anscsthctlcs and
vivisection. The murderer was to
be turned over to the doctors, who
would dcprlvo him of consclousncsi
by the use of an;isthics and then ex
periment with him to their hearts'
content. The other bill was slmilut
to the first, but less radical, and
gave the murderer the choice be
tween dealh by electricity and death
by anaesthetics and vivisection.
Dr. Kilmer's Hwamh-Koot euros
all Kidney nml Itlitildor trouble.
I'aniplilet nml Consultation f roo.
Labratory llli)rmmton,N. V.
Mary Queen of Hoots beonm bnlil In mM
ille life and wim foreml to hldo the blemish
with a wig.
Hull' Catarrh Cur
la a Constitutional Cure, l'rlre, TS cenU.
The original mnnun'rlpt of Jiistmlan' Pnn
dects was tonnd lu a little town iu 1'nlnbrln.
Karl's Clover Knot, tho groat blood ftrlflor,
Ivutt fed 1 1 h. anil .l..,n. In lk. ...nlw
in and cure conntiputloii, lil ct., DUcU., St
A double-lolnted calf was reeentiy born oa
a farm of a Hmrhfock, Neb., farmer. 81
ThatTirod Fooling
Is due to an Impoverished condition ot tn
blood. It should be overcome without de
lay, and the beat way to accomplish this re
sult is to take Hood's r3ariiarlll, which
will purify and vital.
Ire the blood, lv
tnii nroiiiiCH kvwul Sa (SaVBrf
and refreshing sleep. Be sura to get Hood's
Barsaparllla, and only Hood's.
Heel's I'lIU ours nsuw sail biliousness.
W. L. Douclas
5 3.4PP0UCE,3Solis.
2.J.y Boys'SchoolShoes.
Yea enn kito money by wcnrlna tho
V. L. Douglas S3.0O Stiac
Itrfintrt wo nr the lrpnt mnr.ufsrturer ct
ttilf grade t.f thorn lot he world, uulnucrr.utee ibrtr
valuo br Kampiof tlie bftme tea price oa tho
bottom, which protect you asal&Kt hih prlct-taud
the middlfmt.n i profit. Our tboea equal cuMura
work In trl, taj flttloff end wrttrlrg qualltiep.
We have them tvd everywhere el lower prlcrifor
the value irlvtm than auv other muk. Tato no tub
ttituia. If your Coaler cannot aupply you, wo ceo
fine I'anvl IMrture, entitled
In exenantrn fur U Large Lion
fcieada, out from L4un Coffee
WTvppera, and a S een rtamp to
par p"tajre. Write or Hit of
our other line preminm, InclntV
ing booka, a anil, ame, etc
- eVoeieoM Seicc Co.
430 Huruo ttu, Tuuuxi, OsiO.
lSuccesefullv Prosecutes Claims.
LaiePrTuclijalF&amin! V S,neiuu Burtku.
JtiuUtt Hair, i&tiMjudicutiUiii'Wiuia, utt fc;ut.
ynrmal, mlnea. MuMc, Art Uep'ta
Typf writer Irt-t ingrud'. Low r.its.
B. Wtlj.ter.rfsk, V.Far;i,liiKtou,0.
fit AN KLIN C'OLLKflK Kew Athen Ohio,
iitmrd. mora and buna t P-r weea. Cutl, frue.
I jfaeetSbi?
I 1. , x
mT ,":"
Larue Expreaa Stablea and Several
Residences Burned-Two
Hundrai Hors? Die.
The warehoues nnd stables of the Ocorge
ff. Kno.t Kprifs eoinpnny, occupyliia; over
quarter of a block at Second nnd II street,
Northwest, WiHilnyiton, D.C., were destroyed
by fire Weducsday. Three lln-mcn lost their
Over 200 heavy draft horses, nearly nil ol
the eompnny's express wagon nnd the eon
tents ot tlie liirxn stome bulldltiK were
The Adams Express eonipnny stnbln, ad
olnlna;the Knox bulldltiK to the north, was
also entirely ennsumed. About IftO horses
were In the A'lnms Express eonipnny's stable
hut all were tnken out by the hardest kind of
work on the pnrt of eitlri'lis Hint policemen.
Elht two-story houses on tho alley north
of the Kuox building and two small frame
houses hack of the Adnms stables were des
troyed. Hlx or elfht other residence houses
were more or h-ss ilamaKed.
The total loss will exceed MM.MM. As to
the amount of Insurance, no deilnlte I u for
mation can yet lie obtained.
The bodies of the following firemen have
teen recovered;
BAM IK!. K. MARTIN, fireman. No. 1, of 808
KiKhteeulh strwt, Northwest.
Ml HAKI. FKNTON. Ireinnn, No. 1, of VSi
1 hlrteenth anil a Hull stn-et, Houtliwest.
Eour firemen were badly Injured, and had
to be be taken to the Emergency hospital.
One of th Knox stable employes was burned
ami may die. fully a dozen firemen and
policemen wen' overcome by the bent nnd
had to lie cnrrlcd to places of safety.
The Injured are;
J. (I. W II-
Ison. 55 Eleventh street. South-
tx-t, broken leg.
Jnmes Kelbnl, 402 Virginia avenue. Houtli
west, stirniued bncki seriously Injured. lieu, wi I street, Northwest, burned
about hniids nnd face.
.lames A. Hooper, truck "A," 821 F street,
Northwest: Inceruti d forehead,
Edwnrd Cnhiil,, shoulder broken.
I'nknown employe of Knox eoinpnny,
probably fatally burned about hend aiid
The Bro was dlscoven'il at 8.20 o'clock, A
number of mm who were sleeping in the
Knox building were awakened by smoke.
They found the entire rear of the second lloor
of the building In Humes, and hail hardly
time to escape with their lives, llefore they
had left the building the blaze had communi
cated to the three-story rear part of the
Adams stables, nnd was darting out of the
windows of the second and llrst Moors of both
buildings In the rear. A general alarm was
turned lu nnd the entire Urn department
of the elty was nn linnd In short order.
Every company and every fireman was
niH'dcd. A hotter fire never raged. Flumes
poured In great sheets from the doors and
windows of the great stables. All this was In
a very few moments.
A hundred men ran Into the Adams stnbles
nnd cut loose the 160 horses they contained.
Hio animals wern cut loose and' turned Into
the street. The horse of the Kuox company
could not be reached. They were on the
second story of the building, which was a
seething mass of flumes from the very start.
The most of them must have porldhed from
terrific heat nnd from the dense smoke
before the flames reached them.
The Knox building was a four-story struc
ture of brick. On tho first floor were the
heavy wagons of the concern: on the seaond
floor the horses: on the third and fourth
floors hay In large quantities and merchandise
of all kinds which bad been stored with the
Another four-story building of Ihe Knox
company facing oa Heeoud street and con
necting with the stable, separated only by a
thin brick wall, was used entirely for storage
fmrposes. It was wis packed from basement
o roof with furniture and merchandise.
Families had stored their entire household
belongings here: merchant hnd left carloads
of supplies here, and there wo load after
load of incoming and outgoing freight. It Is
In this building that the greatest Ions occurr
ed. The Insurauce cannot begin to cover
Just before 8 o'clock the most terrible Inci
dent of the Are occurred. The firemen bad
carried their hose Into the burning warehouse
through one of the large rear door. This
door was held up by weighted roie, and the
men had Just entered the building when the
rope burned through and the heavy wooden
door fell, penulng them In. The work of
cutting throimh the door wo Immediately
began, and was nil hut finished when the
floors above fell with a crash. The Immense
weight burst out the door and crushed two of
the firemen to death. The other were with
difficulty drugged out of the debris alive. In
about five minute the portion of the outside
wnll immediately over the door gave wav,
filling the wide alley but injuring no one.
Massive iron girders over the door held,
leaving the doorway almost clear. In this
clearing, lying on his face, his head and right
arm exposed, Iny Assistant Foreman Mastin.
A 12-lneh beam lying across his shoulder bad
crushed out his life and now held him pinned
to the ground. It was not until all the top
pling walls' around had fallen an hour later
that bis body could be extricated. The great
beam had to be chopped away from over the
body before it could be removed.
The Semi-Human King- Expire Without
Pain at Diyton, O.
Chlco, Baruum A Uulley' world-famous
gorilla, died nt Poyton, O. Mr. Bulley, bis
owner, boiiflit tilin from the king of Portu
gal for an enormous sun and tevornl attend
ants were with the semi-human king of the
African forest wbvu be expired.
lioetor were summoned when It was found
Chico was sick unto death, but their skill wua
unavailing. It wus a wierd denth-'ied sene.
Johunuo. ('biro's mute, sat with her face lu
her bunds In the fur corner of ber cage. Tears
dropped through her lingers aud to nil ap
peal anee she was suffering the Weeniwt ngou
les of grluf. Mr llailey controlled himself,
but Starr wept with the female gorilla.
Chico died without puln. Hi body win
embalmed by 1,'ntlertuker lloyd. It will b'
shipped to New York, where it will be out ud
inthe Museum ot Natlonul History.
Gold Esporta. The National Treasury
Gold Reserve.
The export of specie from the port of New
York last week were: Oold 5.314.l)t0i sliver
560,ol. The import were: Oold 36,25'4:
liver W3.2H1. The rash balance In .the Na
tional Treasury at tho close of business Hut
urduy was r 27S,18,fiU8. of which M.8S,4M
was gold reserve. In this statement the 5,.
OOu.OuOiu guld shipped away does not ap
pear. Ohlo'a Ship Canal Boom.
All the cltlea along the Ohio ennui nn
holding meetings to encourage the building
of the proposed ship cuual over that route.
A general convention will be held ut Zurrw
vllle within a few woek. H. A. Count I and
C. Giles will represent MnsailloD, uud Judiju
Uitcuull Canal Dover.
Jack Naely'a Long Trip.
Jock Neely, of Allegheny, Pa., 1 rowlug
down the Ohm rlvi.p i ul.iiv
K" to New Orleans and return to I'lttsburg by
Ootober25. He Is mnklnnthe trlnon awuger.
To win he must go and return in U0 day. Ho
lnrted wilhont a eeut and u to uiuke the
trip without tost.
Tw.'TrriFt.t. bis been loaned by the Louis
filles to the Milwaukee.
Ami L-lvlnr Mm one. trlid the Eostons
lutvn relieved 'Holier West,
Tits I'hllndelphlns appear fo be ngnln
Retting Into w lining form.
f'sTrnrn Kasi.s, tnto of Louisville, hn
tluneil with the l)rcoklyns,
Tnr T.nnlsvllles bnre hnd over forty piny
rrs iiinler eontrnct this season.
Nrw Yonit tins In Itnle and Meekln the
best pair of pitchers In the country.
Thr Ilrnnklyns csmn back from their
Western trip In a badly crippled condition.
If Aiirrn, the new Philadelphia pitcher. Is
aid to have almost nn much speed as Itusle.
Knerr, the wbllom king of tho pitchers,
thinks the New York will win the pennant,
Tns Plttsbnrg fNn'i hss sinned Frank
Helta, of the Ohio Htnte League, as substi
tute Inllelder.
Tni! Brooklyn cranks am mournful over
the nlmnrmaliv ponrshowlng of their team
on the Western tour.
Tun Philadelphia management hn linos
nut for I'itcbers Wilson, of I'otlsvllle, and
ll'idsm, of Hcrnnton.
Tn NewYorks won sixteen of twentr
games, beginning with their Wotern trip.
That is chnmpioushlp ball,, of the NewYorks. pitched n record
game, a few days ago, against tho Washing
tons, lie struck out ten men.
MAnKn Inwts had a eonfernnw with
Taylor, his rebellious pitcher, the result of
which Isthnt Taylor returned to tho Phlhe
delohln fold.
Pnr.siiir.ST Yotist has boon trying to Im
press his umpires with a sense of their duty
In enforcing tho bnlk rule upon pitchers
morn rigidly.
FAnRr.ix accepted seventeen ehnneos
without nn error In n Into garni In New
York against the Wiishlngtnns. This Is the
catcher' reeor 1 for tho season.
FAanttt.t., of New York, h i boon mors
times behind the bat this S" is in than any
mini who wears the misk. H i will equal his
lnt yeir's reeor I. and. It Is quitu probable,
will get extra compensation.
Fon the first tlmo In tho history of Hucbj
(T.nglnnd) School, n game of baseball wai
played on Its groun-.s a few days ago. Til'
tenns were called (be Horatllnnd theCnratll.
The giimo was well eonteste I. The cor
was 15 to 10. About OlM 11 a, -by students wit
nessed tho game.
FitisT lUsnMA Tccxnn, of thn Bostons,
had n bone lu his cheek hroken during mils.
L-ustlug lr.ieis on thn l'lillnilnlphhi grounds.
In the eighth Inning with thn scorn two tc
nnn in favor of lloston n light rain began
fulling. Aldeil by n wet ball the I'hlbidnl
phlas then mad" eleven runs. The tactics ol
tn Bostons to ueiay tne gamecauseu tneum
nlM to award It to Philadelphia, nine tc
iiothiug. Indlguiut sp')i;lutors assaulted
MA!nsn I!crs:KinrnoKa, of Pittsburg, b
niter iiusie no more man an otnor iieagut
nianigers. It Is a fact, though, that llueken
berg-r took ltusie out one night In Pittsburg
ami tried to makn thn big twiner illssntlslleil
with his lot. uuckeiiberg'ir offer l to buy
busie s release for WK) ). Tnat is, hn told
llusle thnt be would offer that sum to tin
New York Club. IIikIu went to Ward nsxi
lay and complained thtt hn was being
niteiicii every tiny, an l eomea to want tc
Join the Pittsburg t.'lu'). IIu was pacified
nnd afterward lluckenberger, on being r
pro iehed lor tampering with ltusie, said thai
ne nan ouiy been joking.
Row They Stall
The fnllnwlntf faille slmwj IV.-
- ' - ...- . - h.j .inn'
the dlfferout clubs coiiipoiluj the N
Club. W. L. Pet
Boston . . .63 27 fill.H
Ilaltimorn , 4 2H (122
New York. 47 81 tm
Cleveland . 44 88 57 1
Brooklyn. 42 HI Mi)
Pblladel'a. 3l 35 627
Pittsburg ,
Ht. Louis. ,
Chlcuio . .
L. Pot.
s r.2s
Hll Ml )
4H 422
4l 41(1
Tit H.'.l
60 2111
Washington 2.
TtnTontA ha been oa the British throne
fifty-six year.
The German E-npnror Is now titular aotn
tnamler of seventeen regiments.
Nn English sovereign be 'ore Queen Vic
toria ever lived to see a gre it-rau Iclilld.
Mrs. V. H. Oh ait visile I Mr. Jefferson
Davis at Nurraguusett pier, It. I., one day
Euisos, Ihe Inventor, has never earrle 1 a
watch In hi life. He says be bos never
wanted to know the time.
Mas. Marti O. Kimbai.i,, who Intoly died
In Philadelphia, wiwtne first person to sug
gest tha obsurvauce ot a national Uecor.itlon
Trb Duke of Devonshire own 303,000
onres In England alone, and his revenue Is
enormous. His father died worth 7, 600,000
of personalty.
Tbb son of President Tyler, who acted as
the latter' private secretary at the Wnlto
House, I now seventy-live years old uud a
resident ol Georgetown.
ftoM one who ha been rending up the
peerage nr thnt thn Prince of Wale ha
seventeen brotb'jrs-ln-luw, fifty-seven cousin
and fifty-eight nephews and nulces.
Gxkrral James Lonostrkt, John B. Gor
don, Wade Hampton nnd Joseph Wheeler are
the only survivor of tha nineteen Lleuten
General ol the Confederate Army,
M. C'AiH!tt-PsnirR, President of France,
I a genial, shrewd, kindly man of ngreetble
manner and polite address, ho a tine phy
sique, enjoy excellent health and a calm
Oke woman ha been nomlnite 1 for Rep
resentative In the next Congress, Mrs. Caro
line Woodwnrd having been ma le the Pro
hibition ounlldate In the Fourth District of
The Inte Earl of Chnrtemont. prior to ISOfl,
wn a great admirer of Mr. Gladstoue, but
after thn dlst&gutstio.l sratmman' change
In hi Irish fAicy, tho noble lord hnd hi
tatue at Itoxxirouga Ciutle painted black
to murk hi disapprobation of the change.
Oeonas R. Guabak, who died In New
York the other day at tne age of elghtr-one
wa the first man who ever employed Edgar
A. Poe n the editor of a magazlue. Graham
made a fortune, lost It, nn1 in late roar has
llv.-il on the vo.untary contribution ot liter
ary meu.
Wbes It come to costly tov the latest
present to the boy king ol Hp itu may t said
to cap the climax. It 1 nothing less ttuiu
un Iulnnt Regiment, comprising 401 warri
or, ranging in age from live to eight years.
This Is Indeed teaching the young Idea how
to shoot.
A pubttt incident occurred to Mrs. Cleve
land while driving to the postofllse nt Bu
ard' Bay, Moss. Miss Deroy, of Boston.
Who I deaf, dumb and blind, was introduced
to her by toui!i lgns. and the Preeldeu'.'
wife finally ahowed her womunlkiaw by giv
ing the young lady a souud kiss ou the
M. Dcpct. Praaident of the Frenoh Cham
ber of Deputies, has Just been elected Hon
orary Corporal of the regiment of Soudanese
(Sharpshooters, one ot Wim crack oorps of
France African army, Tbls bouor was
conferred In recognition ot bis bravurv lu
restorlug order In the Chamber wbeu Vail
tant's bomo was uxploded there.
At.vonr3T)oTa)ri of pmlh hills hi I a in U;, Uir amy, tn otour diy,
at w.iiu i tne mvl ui tuiini tlv not to
raut their bail to Sa:l tlists nu 1 Auiru jists.
Aqire-iite bin't in: dm itlii still
tun is at J07,25).?)7, la stm o.tiep.
Ka'jti o. lo mi u.ip.t Ua iaj; tl gjjun,
Cntsit has n Rlop Men's ITnlon.
Nrw Your has 20,000 nlgarmakors. . .
OanMAJV has lflt hrlcklayers' unions.
T? Sam hns (12,00.1 custom taller.
Ror. Detroit shop girls get f 2 a week.
Torosto, Canada, ha a peddlers' nnlon.
Detroit colore I stevedore have A tinlon.
Is New Yor' City 10,000 women are Idle.
In Germany servant girls average 12.17 a
Tnr Prince of Wales Is s friends of trades
Tna DMrolt Plasterers' Union's Initiation
roe I 13.
Tna hatters' strike cost Danbnry, Conn,
900 families.
Nrw Yore' 000,000 worklngwomen Bve
tge tn n week.
Esnt.ts'rt clergymen sre orgnnlElnir work
in gmen's clnlis.
Ont.t resident are employedcn elty works
It Halt Lake, Utah.
Tns AmalgamMel Carpenters hnr t3H,
XM) In their treasury.
Tbb American Tbillway Union wss rgan
Ir.od on June 211, 1M.
Mti MAonir. Mailt Is Trnsldent of a
Louisville (Ry.) union.
AsnttT S.10,000 railroader In the United
Btntes are not union men.
BToRr.rtTTTER will hold sn International
meeting nt Toronto, Canndn.
Th New Bouth Wale there are thirty-eight
Labor member In thn House.
At Iron Mountain (Mleh.1 flrrrl hns volun
tarily lncrosed wages twonty-llTe per cent.
Thb Baltimore and Ohio now hns all It
shops nnen and Is Riving employment to
over 8000 men.
riTTsnt-Rn Hlnv are forming a oo-opera-tlen
eomp'inr to engage Jn the coal and coke
business In West Virginia.
Thb great pottery strike In Now Jersey If
end" I. Over twelve thousand men resumed
work. A uniform reduction In wages of 11
percent, was the basis of the sett lament.
BTorxvARn butchers, of Chicago, Voted
foevor connect Ion with the organization
governed by Debs and Sovereign, claiming
to have been Induced to strike when dnfenl
Wn assured.
There are morn working dnr In the rent
of the American workman thnn of any other
save the Htingarlnn. The latter work 312
day In the year, and thus has almost no
holidays save Hiindny.
J. W. F.nAS, Chairman of the Oen"rnl Man
agers, whose road were disturbed by Hi
Pullman strike, was nt one time a machin
ist's apprentice In thn Illinois Central shops
and ros step by stop till bo became Presi
dent. Great Interest I being excited among
maritime worker over the probable aetlnn
of the National Henmon' Union
the formntlon ot nn International Union, In
cluding the sailors' orgnnlr. itlons of Eng
lnnd, Ireland nnd Australia, with total
membership of aliout 7S.O0O men
Detroit (Mich.) enjoys I gis.
Cholera is sprea Hug lu China.
Has Fraschco ha a Y. M. C. A.
Uxcli Ham ha 35,0 H) lo.-omotivM.
Tne Swiss Govern nent runs the telegr.ip'.t.
The street ear line ot Ditrolt, Mich., bayi
been sold to Contractor Navin for S.25.
00J. '
Express cnmpinle bsnifltel largely by
the strike, nsarly nil the time Irolglu balm
given to tnu:n.
CriHAVEN, tho port ot Hamburg, Our
many, has ole ;r ttuj tho 69U;U uuuivur. try
of its foundation.
It Is estimated that tha sfrlki cut ths
railroad compaule In Chloigo ulou'ifroo
5.000 003 to tl,U?J,0)J.
Pexnsvlvamia Is lif ting I the so1!
stltiition of so n ntuer m'ltliol ol cipltal
punishment forhangln,'.
TninTT evangelical denoTilnatlons were
represented Inth3 Cliristiau En luavjr coa
ventlon lo ClevulnnJ, Olilo.
It I estimate 1 that tliounn Is ot acre ol
grain In Minnesota nn I thn Dakota liavi'
been ruined byexcMslvo hear.
In tho nelg'iborhond of 4.57J.0)') hogs
were packed In the Wort during thu four
month of March to May luulutlv.
Ax Investigation shos-s that the An liter
of Ottawa County. O.ilo, ha collected ti'J,
000 lu Illegal leu withlu two ydars.
A a reault of the tuberculosl sc in a firm
of Jersey breeiler announce that, if desired,
they will submit every uulmul sold by tbeai
to the tuberculin test.
Toe Prohibitionist of Nebraska nominat
ed a woman, Mrs. BilloG. Big -low, of Lin
coln, for Lleuteuant-Oovornor of tne Htnte.
Two other ot their nominee for tlm eluiit
plane on the Htate ticket are women, Mr.
Ootavlu H. Jones, ot Hastiirs. being unmii
for Hecretnry of Htate, and Mr. F. Berenice
Kerney, of Plattsmoutn, for riupipinten lent
of I'ublla Instruction.
Tbb Roynl Arcanum, the well-known ben
eficial Order, has had a wonderful growth.
Htartlng with nine member at its organiza
tion In Boston, Mas , June 23, 1S77, It had
Increased to a membership of 164, tOO oo
June 80, 1N04. On thnt date there warn
1567 Councils, scattered all over the coun
try. The total death benefit pild in 1HU.1
amounted to t.1,770,750,and the ilout hbineilti
paid from It organlRntlon to June 80, lbUI,
reached a grand total ol 427.4H1 002.20.
Forest Fir Are Laying Waite Rallraoda
and VUlaees in Wisconsin.
Forest lire nro proiluclng great suffering
and loss throughout the vicinity of Ashland.
Wis., and railroad companies have never be
fore experienced such danger from Urea. On
the Wisconsin Central It is impossible to
move trains. Phillips, the headquarters of
the John It. Davis Lumlier Company, a man
ufacturing town of 2.000 people,! totally de
frayed by lire. Five hundred womcu nml
children from Phillips uro in the wooJs with
out shelter.
Communication with Fl field Is now shut
off, and It l feared that town Is also on fire.
Along the Amabn lines the fire are raging
with terrible lierceiiess. Hliort's Crossing, a
little village eight mile weatet Ashlaud, was
destroyed. Not u building remains stand. ng,
and the homeless families were brought to
Ashland. A fast Omaha freight tralu of IS
'oadvd cars was entirely buruod.
Matrimonial Ilercs.
Moy Tl Ham, a Chinese ten merehnnt of
Boston, married Haruh WDsou, a young and
gwod luoklug American girl of Providence.
It. I. Huvernl more t binamen will wed white
girls mere before long, nnd one of :be pros
pective bride I a benutilul girl who bos
uwo cuueatea at tne Normal Hcbool.
Two Men Drowned.
David O. Davis, of Dravosburg, Pa., and
hi. brothBr-ln-law. Uriah Wall residing' near
Llizalietb, Pj. atteiniitei while Intoxicated
to oroK the M inoa'iela river iu a skiff aud
wore drowned. BjtU wore married and leave
Inrge famllle. " 14 ,ouv"
14Tolea Criwnst
Tho steamer Dei-raltis bus been In a colli.
s"U with a icrr.vt.oai nt Oreudo, on the river
Meiunn. I-'ourleru peoi le lost their live
through the accldeut, und 11 other eveicly
Injur, d, '
AscnBisaop Ratolm hn, on Rpp"', sus
tnined a decision given by Bishop Watter
son, of Ohio, suspending from Church priv
ilege every Catholio oolty having a Uuuot
deulor at it bead or axonj Its officers.
Highest of all in Icavcrting
Economy requires that in every receipt calling
for baking powder the Royal shall be used. It.
will go further and make the food lighter, sweeter,,
of finer flavor, more digestible and wholesome
An Alligator Htorr.
"Of all the inhabltstits of the
treat rhers of India the alllgat. r Is
tho most fortiildablfl," ssld Caiitaln
L E. Dullou, of Londtin, Knulatid, at
the Laclede lust evenlog, says the Ft,
Louis Globe-Democrat "Wh le 1
was stationed there several year ago
I saw a sight the thought of which
always causes a shudder to creep over
me. A lady near where 1 had lived
seut a little native hoy with a letter
to a friend at some little distance,
with the rctiuest to send a reply.
lloitiK a trustworthy little fellow
tome surprli-o was felt when he did
not return after a reasonable ab
ence. After wultinu several hours
with no Bin n ot the u.cssengcr, a
leaching- putty, of which 1 was a
in in tier, was tnado up to try to d Is.
cover his whorcab iiits.
After scourlnif tho country for
lomo t'uio wo came to the rivet
hunk, and a short distance away saw
a deed alligator lying nn the shoro
with Its gieai Jaws extended to their
utmost. Un examining It to dis
cover the cause of so strange an ap
pearand ne found to our horror that
It had devoured the missing boy, and
had attempted to swallow his head
whole. This, however. It was unable
to do, and hud been suffocated In the
attempt. Tho boy's head was still
covered by his turban, which, when
removed, disclose 1 the answer to hl
in Is tress' letter, which he was faith'
fully bringing bact. It wus sun.
poseu tnat wnue attempting to swim
the river he hnd been seized by the
miuator, as thoe huge reptiles are
very clever In concealing themselves
anlil tbclr victim Is well within
their reach, and then pouncing un
their prey."
SloTitKii are the only people In
the world whu never find nut that
they have been proud without cause.
Brings comfort and Improvement and
(ends to personal enjoyment when
rightly used. The many, who live bet
ter than others and enjoy iifo more, with
less expenditure, by inoro promptly
adapting tho world's liest jirou-.-et to
the nreua of nhyeicnl being, will attest
tho valuo to lievlth of the pure liquid
laxativo principles embraced in the
remedy, Syrup of Figs.
Its excel lcnco is duo it Its presenting
in tho form moi't acceptable and pleas
ant to the taste, the rcf rerhing and truly
benc&clal properties of n jierfect lax
ative; effectually cleansing the sytem,
diupclling colds, headaches and fevers
and permanently curing constipation.
It lias given witii-fuction to millions and
met with t fit. approval of tho medical
profession, bccauno It nets on tho Kid
neys, Liver and Iiowela without weak
ening them and it is perfectly free Horn
every objectionable eubstanco.
Byrup of Fijw is for sale by all drug,
arlsts in 50c nnd $1 liottlcs, but it is man
ufactured by tho California Fig fcyrup
Co. only, whose name is printed on every
package, also the name, yrup of Fig,
aud being well informed, you will not
accept any subdtltuto if o tie red.
. ....
eleen it, cither, half as well
play with the fire." If your
be honest cend it back.
"Well Done Outlives Death." Even Your
Memory Will Shine if You Use
strength. latest 0.8. Cor. Food Report
Odd) Church Collection.
A survival of the old custom of
payment In kind exists In a village
lo Kent, England. One Sunday af
ternoon In thn spring there Is an of
fertory of fresh eggs at the church,
and lust year the number of contri
butions amounted to 6in, or an aver
age of nearly one egg apiece from
the Inhabitants of the village. Thn
collection, carefully packed. Is sent
to the sick un l the very poor of m
London parish.
Lady of the house Well, If youi
references are satisfactory, I'll en
gnge you. Applicant for cook's posi
tion Are yet goln' to look them up?
Lady of the house Certainly. Ap
plicant Then there'll bo no need of
me comln' back again. Harper's
Most people havo an exaggerated.
Idea of modesty.
Mtnrral rrlnl.Tii'rnraitat Co, fi.
On. Pir.Hcr, lluffu.,N. V.i
irrtr mr i am guur
to anr fhut the umi of
your "flolilcn MpI
cl blsoovi rv " h
Saved me rrmnr duo
tors' hill, a I have for
thn pt eleven rrara,
whenever ncr dr-d, been
usliif It for thn rrrfllp
eioa nnd alio fori liron
In diarrhea, and ar
(lad to say ht It ha
never failed. I hava
also reeominondcd It
to mnv of my nelah
hor. a It Is a medimu
worth rec'nrtimendina.
J. Surra, Esq. jciBtrit rniiu.
Tha "DlaeoTeTT" puriflwi, vitalise an
enrichea the blood, thereby Invigorating tb
vstm and Imilding up wholesome fled
when reduced by wasting disease.
ou if to I
Via the
Big Four Route.
Solid Vestibuled Trains to
Making direct Connections in Tutor
Depots for all points in the
Ask for Tickets Via BIS FOUR ROUTE!:
Pass. Traff. .Mnntf'r. en. P. It 1. Agt:
Iim Foca Itocra, Cicinkati, Ohio.
FN V 81
ki V PS I I swVIV Jl
'I I it t miS mt'l 94 ( , ir mr.-, uKb i
JUT.rtlbl lfik ffl. wtll. Wrar wll.
A bE nf Tm &Hr or Plv Bairt of eulsi M ctw
Csiu.p.s) eo.jir n I p.t.f f ,u:f by mah lor t ccoitv.
4Uti U ilif and t-dsl.l air) tlrMHt
ft Kilt. j ii , Utua or Is It-raiiktm it, Mow Yvrk.
It A 'V V V I OTHADF MAKK4 Fiainlnistirrr
I IJ." I rBliii Hil v sj MM i iut-ntKhiHiy
.' lnv-i)tloii . n1 for uivi lit tru Imw u grc
I p.iu-ui. I'ATKK k O r AKKKI.IM'AxiiiirrrnM.ri.c.
Wiiat to do with Milk Pails!
Clean them with Pearline. You can't pe
them so thoroughly sweet and pure in any
other way. Besides, it's easier for you
quicker, more economical.
"The box and barrel rhurn ml hn,
to keep clean. A little hot water and a little
Pearline will clean any churn or do away
with any bid odor." The Dairy World, Chicago
Perhaps you think that some of the imita
tions of Pearline, that you'd be afraid to-
u31- vtaaiiing uutnes, wouia ao just as.
well in work like this. They wouldn't,
hurt tinw.irf rprf-ilnhr n,. !,,, .....t
-. jr. jvfc mtv WUUIU1I V
as Pearline besides, "don't
grocer sends you an imitation,.
m james tyle. K,vk.