The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 25, 1894, Image 4

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    Hulacription r witr, in minim-
V. A. HTKPHKNNf. IHr and I'oli.
Anlndi'nr-ndrnt lorul piiHr. puMIhImmI - n y
Wednd)r nt llynolilfvilhs Jffitmi ,i.
1'.. clrvoii'd to thii lnti'rMt of KoynohNvtlli'
nil.1oirinni,niintjr. Nini-imlMlriil, will 1 1 ml
nil with fntrni. ami will iN'mrm'tally ft Ii ihI
Ijf toward the IiiInk Inif rlum.
fubwrlptlon rrlmt..VltNT yenr.ln ad in-i-.
iVrnimtinlraMotin lntintli'il fur poMh-iiiioti
fmint ht acromnanli'd brlhw wrftrp niunr,
not for niihllcnilon, lint nn a mmrntrri- if
goiid fnlin. Inti'mif liif flown lti'm ill'-ltftl.
Advert Wn ratrw mnilo known on applli'ii
tlon at the orHre In Arnolds' Hlia'k.
Lenahty enninrnnlratlorm and rhnii'. v of
-advert Ur'mentft nhonld reai'h llila ofltii' liy
Monday noon.
Addre all I'ommnnlratlon to (J. A. Miph
nann, KnvnoliNvllle, 1'n.
Entered nl the poiioflW at Reynold- !He,
Pa., an aerond rlam mall matter.
It la catlinnted that tlio loaa oniif-il liy
the rnll road atrlko will bo over
The Denver Knm any that 2.MMI.IMH)
is expttndod for lead ptwcila In tlm
United StRtoa evory year.
Wnmim who hour tnlrs. who h tiny
confldomm nnd niako mlwlilrf with
tholr totigui'K nro vulgarians of the nxmt
despicable tynn.
At a mooting of the Humane) Society
of Western Pennaylvanla hold at Pitts
burg laat week It km doeidod to try itnd
atop tlm practice of masters of drs
having the latter run after cnra and
wagons In which tho former are riding.
A naughty exchange auya tlioro In
seareoly anything a woman cannot do
with a hairpin. Thoy uan It to pick
their teeth, button shoes, clean finger
nails, punch bed bugs out of craekH,
fasten up stray bangs, clean out their
husband's pipo, scratch their head, pick
their toe niiiln, run it Into cukes to wee
If they arc done, and about a million
other thingH that tho poor deluded men
know nothing at all about.
It is a far more act-loua thing to in
fringe tho law of the United States
than if tho offense if) one under the
jurisdiction of local courts. The fed
eral government has a way of bring
ing offenders to justice, without regard
ing political and other influences
which have sometimes been known to
sway local tribunals. And If the per
son charged with any offense in a fed
eral court is found guilty, the punish
ment is, as a rulo, a summary one.
An Irishman, who was a dealer in a
small way, and kept a little donkey and
cart, camo on one occasion to a bridge
where toll was levied, but to his disap
pointment found that he had not money
enough to pay. A thought struck him.
He unharnessed the donkey and put It
into tho cart. Then getting Into tho
shafts himsolf, he pulled the cart, with
the donkey standing on it, to the bridge.
In due course he was hailed by the toll
collector. "Hoy, ma man," cried the
latter, "whaur's your toll?" Said the
Irishman, "Jlst ax tho drolvor!"
While at Asbury Park, N. J., reoent
ly we noticed large granite monumont
standing on the beach at the foot of
Seventh Avenue which marks the spot
-where nearly 39 years ago a terrible
shipwreck took place. In a wild No
vember gale in 1855 the ahip New Era,
loaded with German emigrants, was
driven out of her course and In the
darkness of the night struck the beach
and the great breakers tore the vessel
to pieces, and over 300 human beings
perished within sight of a few native
fishermen on shore, who were powerless
to render them any aid, as no boat they
bad eould have lived tor more than an
instant in tbe furious sea. A groat
many of the bodies were washed ashore
and were interred in a cemetery near
Long Branch. The bottom timbers of
the wrecked vessel still lie where tbe
unfortunate vessel sank, nearly 39 years
ago and can, it is said, be plainly seen
at a low tide by going out in a surf boat.
There comes, in the life of every man
who cannot afford it, a time of burning
unrest, when he is overpowered by an
uncontrollable desire to live in the
country, writes Robert J. Burdetto. A
railroad man, who doesn't know for the
life of him which end of the plough you
hitch the horses to, is always longing
to go on a farm; a successful merchant,
who vaguely knows that you dig pota
toes, although by that he rather under
stands that you mine them, as you do
coal, bahkers after a certain time of
life, for a cheap little place, not too far
out of town, where he oan sink an
artesian milk well and raise his own
bananas, of which he is very fond. And
I once knew an able and eminent lec
turer, who had lectured on "The Pyra
mids, Their Cause "and Effect," for
twenty years and who was far more
afraid of a horse than a tramp is of
work, and who thought that cows shed
their boms every spring, from which
source the brass bands renewed their
supply of instruments. Well, that man
left the platform at last and invested
the spoils of many successful lecture
tours in a stock farm. We cannot help
it; out of the dust we came; back to the
soil we are drawn. We are children of
the earth, and we do love to creep back
into the mother-arms, and get our faces
down close to the sweet old mother
heart, when the shadows begin to grow
long, when the days of the second child
hood ootne upon us, and the time draws
near when she will take us Into ber
arms tor tbe last time, and bush us to
sleep on ber ooot breast.
At. a r.-ifiilar stated meeting of Rath
mel Hliltilng Light IKlgo No. 37, A. P.
I.. A., tlm following resolution were
adept, 'd:
Wiikhkah, Almighty (Jod, in His
all-wise providence, has so suddenly re
moved from our midst our late sister,
Ilnrhnra Johns, therefore be It
H(mlrnl, That while we bow In hum
ble submission to Ida divine will, we
fully i,' o..1tnlzo mid deeply deplore the
loss of 11 sister, and wo mourn for one
who was worthy of our fraternal reoct
and regard.
Urmtlrt if. That the sincere and heart
felt, sympathy of our Order bo tendered
to tho family of tho deceased in their
bereavement and we commend them for
consolation to an all-wise (iod whose
love and mercy endureth forever.
Hiwlnti, That our charter he draed
In mourning for the space of sixty days,
that a cpy of these resolutions be pre
sented to the family and placed on the
minutes of this Order, and he published
In tho Keynoldsvlllo STAR and Ameri
can l'rot"stant ladles' Association.
Ienrst sister, then hnst left us,
And our loss we deeply feel,
Hut 'HsfliHl Hint lisst iM'reft lis;
He enn all our sorrows heal.
HlTRIK Makhhai.i.
Maky McIntosii, J-Com.
Tkknik MINDON,
Low Rate Sea 8hore Excursion.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company
announces that on August 1st an un
usually low rate excursion will he given
Mrsons desiring to visit tho sea shore
and it promises to he tho most popular
tour of the season. The round trip
rates are a follows: Kano W.00; Wilcox
and .lohnsonburg 7.7.r; Rldgway and
Daguseahonda $7. .10; St. Marys $7. 2.1;
Emporium 17.00; Cameron and Drift
wood $fl.7"i; Sinnemahonlng M.fiO; Keat
ing and Westport t.2T; Renovo W.00
and eorrosjxmdingly low rate from
other points. Tickets will bo good
lining August 1st on regular train 3
leaving Kane ..')() A. M., Driftwood 0.04
A. M., arriving at Philadelphia fi.51) p.
M. Excursionists will stop over night
in Philadelphia and take any regular
train to the sea shore August 2nd re
turning on any regular train within ten
days. Purchasers of those excursion
tickets will have tho privilege of going
to either Atlantic City, Capo May, Sea
Tslo City, Ocean City, Angleseaor Wild
wood. For further particulars apply to
ticket agents.
A man representing himsolf as an
agent of a Michigan plow company is
traveling over tho country selling sulky
plows to farmers at double price and
taking notes for the same on the under
standing that one-half tho amount be
boarded out at tbe rate of one dollar a
day. If the farmer wishes to pay in ton
days he is to have eight per cent, dis
count. The agent also offers to credit
on tho note $1.50 for every customer to
whom the farmer may introduce htm.
When lie gets tho note the agent disap
pears and the note turns up in tho hands
of third parties, who demand full set
tlement. Ex.
To waste your money on vile, dirty,
watery mixtures, compounded by inex
perienced persons, when you have the
opportunity of testing Otto's Cure free
of charge. Why will you continue to
irritate your throat and lungs with that
terrible hacking cough when W. B.
Alexander will furnish you a free sam
ple bottle of this great guaranteed rem
edy? Hold a bottle of Otto's Cure to
the light and observe its beiutlful
golden color and thick, heavy syrup.
Largest packages and purest goods.
Large bottles 50o. and 25o.
The Pennsylvania Railroad Co. has
arranged for a special excursion to the
sea shore August 1st, taking in all the
popular resorts on the South Atlantio
Coast. The trip will no doubt be an
enjoyable one.
Ayer'a Hair Vigor has no equal, in
merit and ofllcioncy, as a hair dressing
and for the prevention of baldness. It
eradicates dandruff, keeps the scalp
moist, clean and healthy, and gives vi
tality and color to weak, faded, and
grey hair. The most popular of toilet
The Reynoldsville Hardware Co. has
just received a job lot of iron enameled
ware which is being sold at a great re
duction. Some people sell the same
ware for porcelain. Coffee pots, tea
pots, stew pans, pudding pans, milk
pans, &c, &o. You must see tbe goods
to appreciate the big reduction in prloe.
If any of our readers have not seen
the Atlantio Ocean, and we feel assured
there are quite a number, they have a
good chance to do so on the Pennsylva
nia railroad excursion August 1st.
All parties knowing themselves to be
indebted to me will please call and
make immediate settlement.
All thoughtful persons seek to avoid
vicious and dissipated habits. They
are manifestly ruinous to health of body
and peace of soul.
The largest variety and latest designs
in watch chains at Ed. Gooder's, the
jeweler and optician.
Remember the tickets for the Pennsyl
vania railroad exourslon to the sea
shore points are good for ten days, giv
ing plenty of time to enjoy the trip.
If you want all the news, subscribe for
Tub Stajl
A Great Farmers' Meeting.
There will open at Williams' Drove,
Cumberland county, Pa., thirteen miles
south west of Harrlsburg, August 27th,
tho largest agricultural exhibition ever
hold in the Middle Atlantio State.
Tho exhibition alone will cover over 30
aero of ground. Three meetings will
bo held dally In the large Auditorium,
which will be addressed by speakers of
national reputation. President Cleve
land will be in attendance If official
duties will permit. The Secretary of
Agriculture will be glad to meet tho
practical farmers of tho country on this
occasion. There will be free concerts,
musical and literary entertainments
every evening during the week. All
who can should attend this great exhi
bition. Eor full Information relative to
exhibit space, cottages and tents, write
R. H. Thomas, General Manager, Mo
chanleshurg, Pa.
Excursion ovor all railroads, one fare
tho round trip.
Real Estate Transfers.
W. T. Cox to Reuben A. Hlldobrand,
for lot In Wlnslow township. $150;
Juno 22, 1804.
R. A. Hlldobrand to W. T. Cox. for
lot in Reynoldsville. $150; June 22,
Nolson D. Corey, Treasurer, to M. M.
Davis, for lot in Reynoldsville, ((1.27;
September 14, 18H2.
M. M. Davis to Wm. Porter, assign
ment of Treasurer's deed for lot In Reyn
oldsville. 10; August 4th, 1884.
I marrlaae a Failure t
Have you boon trying to get tho best
otit of existence without health in your
family? Have you been wearing out
your lifo from tho effects of Dyspepsia,
Liver Complaint and Indigestion? Are
you sleepless at night? Do you awako
In tho morning feeling languid, with
coated tongue and sallow, haggurd
looks? Don't do It. A shout in tho
camp tell how Itacons Celery King
has 011 ml others; it will euro you. Trial
package fi-eo. Large sizes uOc. and 25c.
at W. H. Alexander's.
Go to H. J. Nlekle's for cheap tin
ware, dust pans, dish pans, milk palls,
strainer pails, slop palls, scrub and shoo
brushes, carpet tacks, cheap lamps and
glassware, queensware, ladles' and chil
dren's Jersey vests and hoslery.handker
chtufs, toweling, &c; also full lino of dolls
and toys of all kinds for the children,
with a full line of articles usually found
in a first class variety store, all at prices
to suit the time. Woodward Building,
Main street.
Two for One.
We arc making a special offer to each
of our readers paying a year's subscrip
tion to tho Star in advance, and to all
now subscribers paying In advance, we
will give them the best local pajter in
Jefferson county and will give them
froe, either the Womankind or j4tiifrt-
enn Farmer, for ono year. The two
papers above montlonod are excellent
monthly papers and the subscription
price of each is 50o. a year. This ofTor
is made only to those In Pennsylvania.
Horses for Sale.
A pair draft mare, sound and truo,
4 and 5 years old, weighing 1,400 and
I,500fhs.', two horses 4 years old, weigh
ing l,0251hs.; one mare three years old,
elghlng l,025fhs.; and one pair of
mules. J. C. King & Co.
Rambler Bicycles
for sales by Ed. Gooder, the jewelor.
Come and examine the G. & J. tire and
also get prices, as they have been re
duced. Catalogue sent on application.
Tbe excursion to the sea shore via
P. R. R. August 1st will no doubt be
well patronized considering the unus
ually low rates and the facilities offered.
Robinson bandies the best shoes in
town. See his stock and be convinced.
At King & Co. 's you will find baled
hay, salt, flour and a full line of general
Watches, chains and charms are sel
ling cheap at Ed. Gooder's, the jeweler.
You will find a bargain in English
decorated ware at Schultze's.
Subscribe for The Star.
The best place to get your watches,
clocks and jewelry repaired is at Ed.
Gooder's, jeweler and optician. All
work warranted.
The sea shore excursion via Pennsyl
vania railroad Aug. 1st promises to be
very popular.
If you want value for your money, buy
shoes at Robinson's.
Old newspapers for sale at this office
Take the sea shore exourslon via the
Pennsylvania R. R. August 1st.
The Star gives all the local news of
Reynoldsville and vicinity. Subscribe
cook noademu.
n. w. HWKTLi Sj VI. Prlnrlnal.
College preparatory boarding- school for
both aexea. Oourbsb Ulaaxlcal, Literary,
tkduntlttu. Also special rourhim in Theory
ana practice 01 'reacDinB.muieBtuuy.nieDog'
rapby and Typewrlilug. Seud for catalogue,
5ubecrlb for
The & Star,
If you wsnt thm Hiws.
and BEST
Ever brought to our town in
Spring and
Dress Goods I
Brandenburg never was
sold leHfl than 20 to 2Sc. per
yard; will Bell you now for
Dimity, 12lc.
Turkey Red Damank, 37
" Prints, 05
GinghamR, 05
China Silk, 25
Uetter Goods than you can
buy any place elH.
The same Great Reduc
tion in
Men's - and - Children's
Children's Suits,
ii it
1 1
1 1
" Single Coats, .50
Youths' Suits, $3.25 to 8.50
Men's Flannel Suits, 5.50
" Worsted " 7.50
Fine Cheviot Suits,
0 to 9.50
A fine line of Men's Pants.
Come and examine my goods
before you purchase else
where. N. HANAU.
FHANKJ. if LACK, Proprietor.
The lending hotel of the town, lleadfiunr-
tein for commercial men. Htenm heat, froe
liun. Inilh room aim climeta on orerv floor.
sample rooma, billiard, room, telephone con
nections &e.
ORE EN dCONSEK, Proprietor.
Plmt clans Ineverr nurtlrular. Located In
the very centra of tho bunlnempart of town.
Free 'bus to and from train ami conimodloua
ample rooms for commercial travelers.
PHIL P. CAMilER, Proprietor,
Hafmile mmni on the ffmund flnnp. HnuM
heated by natural gas. Omnibus to and from
all tralua.
1217-29 Filbert street,
PJIESTON J. MOORE, Proprietor.
MS bed noMR. Ratea 12.00 ner dav Ameri
can l'lun. lulilnck from I', ft. it. Itapot and
H block from New P. ft. H. B. Depot. '
And Real Estate Agent, Keynoldavllle, I'm.
Office on West Main street. oppoKlta the
Commercial Hotel, KiynolUnvllle. Pa.
R. 13. E. HOOVER,
Resident dontlHt. In bulldlns near Metho
dist church, opposite ArnoM block. Gentle
ness In operating.
Iirookvllle, Jefferson Co., Pa.
Office In rnnm formerly occunled hv flnrdnn
t Corbett, West Millll Htreet.
BrnkrUU. EtywIUrUU.
Attorneys and Counseltor-at-Lawt
Offices at Reynoldlvllle and Brookville.
eoMsjrxniswslsaJrbt 4v
H. ALU. &TOKB, BejooMstrllls.
In the price of Spectacles.
necessity, and must
My Prices are to
Suit the Times!
Eyes examined free and glasses scientifically fitted.
Satisfaction guaranteed in every case.
Optician and Jeweler.
We carry a fine line of
31 Summer Dress Goods IK-
that we are selling cheap. Give us a call and examine
our Goods.
We carry the BEST LINE OF GOODS to be found in
in KeynoldBville.
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Reynoldsville, Pa.
KeplMe Hardware Co.,
And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store.
Roofing and Spouting Done to 0rd8r.
Glasses are not a luxury, but a
be had in hard times as
as good.
"Bee Hive" store.
L. J. McEntire, & Co.,
The Grocery man, deals in all
kinds of
Groceries, Canned
Goods, Green Goods
Tobacco and Cigars, Flour
and Feed, Baled Hay and
Straw. FreBh goods always
on hand.
Country produce taken in
exchange for goods.
A share of your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
Very truly yours,
Lawrence J. McEntire & Co..
Th Grocery men.