Wit jt &tav. iSti'ixcridiiiii it.RO )'r inii', in mftwicr. V. A. ftrr.l'IIKniRO, Killtor nrt I'nb. AnlnfliHniltnt liwnl pnHr, iwltlMirilnvr'rjf Wmlni'mhiv iU HfynnMivlHiv Ji'ffi'rinn l'n. 111., iIi'voiimI to thn lniiritn of ltiymMvllle Ann .li'nVi-mmi'ininlv. NMwMilhli-nl, ttllllrcnl, nil with fnlrnm. nnil will lxiHrl!llr frlinil y townnU (hi IhImiHiiii rln. ntwrliitlon irl.--l W1mt ypnr.ln mlmm-n. Oommiiiili'itlliiiiK IntmiiliMl for iiiilll,ml"ii tnunt Im ni'i'oinpnnliMl tty the rHr'mmnii not for niililli'nlton. hut " Kiininnli'w of (noil fiillli. Iiitwmllim n'W lli'iimmillc'llt'il. Ailvt-rlMiut rni" miuln known on HiHrn llon t tho officii In Arnoliln' llliN'k. 1,1'nulny comintiiili'nlloim nml i-hnnge of advi'i-INi'mi'iiM iilioulil ri'iirh thin iiftlm liy Mnniliiy noon. AiMivm nil fommiinli'Kllonii to (1. A. Hti'nh nmi, ltivnolNvHI, KulxriMl hi the MMlotlli'o nt HcynolilnvlIlK, Pa., km mil 1'lnnN nmll nintli'r. Onn thought bofnni nn art.lun In tiffon mom valunliln tlinn nmny though In aftor It. AnoxclintiKo trut lifutly nayn Hint tlm liuniRn riii'ii In illvlili'il Into two ctiuvw thiwo who go ahead nnd domimotlilnK', ami tliomi who ait nt lit and omnilro why it wan not tlono th othop wny. An IrlxliniKn on vlnltln a iinn'tory, notlirod on a tomlietonn thn following In acrljitlon: "Hni-n'rl to thn momory of a lawyop ami an honont mnn." "Hy thn power," unlil Mlko, "that'n a Rtrntitfn cimtom, to hury two mon In onn (rravo?" An 'Xclmii(.'' thinkn that thn rlnylnx of church holla hIiouIi! Ihi ilono away with. It na.VH "l'coplo cnn go tochurch RcrvlccR nml prayer tnootliiK on tInmHH cattily an thoy cnn kr to a hIiow, thcatiii, conoort or clivnn. In thono iluyn of a multituilii of wntchi'H anil clockn an car plcrclnif. clHiiulnir hll In no morn nro OHHary than a fifth whool ti a watfon." It Im nHtoniHhintr how much money In the kIiiimi of llrcworkn onn chii hciiiI up Into the air in a very littln time. An authority on thn Riihjccl cHtimatcn that $l,.ri(IO,0(H) worth of firework alono arc Imported Into thn Uiild'il Statcn each year. Thtvo-qimrtoin of tlicm arointed on tho Fourth of July and thori'nliouln: tho other imrtcr pop and hnng and ralna thn mim'hlnf In thn MoutlicriiHtatcR dui'lntf thn ('lirlHtinHH holidiiyn and around Mardl (.ran tlmo. Don't try to wear a nhoo that Ih too Rmall for tho fiNit In hot weather, nays an exchange. TIiIh Ir flylnp; In tho fn;o of common annan. Tho feet roqulro a llttlo humoring In tho mimmor; they got Irrltahlnand oxclted under tho leant provocation. Kyon tho Iron ralln on atreot car linea rwoII under tho fierce rays of tho Rim; and what can bo expect ed of flcnh and blood? Wear a alx, or at leant half a hIzo, larger nhno din ing tho Hummnr than you do in tho winter. A young man doa not alwayii find It catty to (jot on In this world without education, or family Influence, or per-,-eonal property, or health; but ho will find, in tho long run, that it Is far cantor for him to make hla way among mon without any or all of thono advantages than to make Riihntantlal progrofl in the world without tho reputation of a good character, even though he haa all othor poRsoRHlonfl. Character atanda for something evorywhoro, in splto of ita frequent Bllghtings. One woman, with a loose tongue and evil mind, can do more harm to another woman's reputation in Ave minutes than can be undono in all the time between now and eternity. Feeling corrupt and dospiolablo at heart, such a woman seems to take a delight in opening the flood gates of her vile heart and spitting out the venom that ponetrates all the safeguards an innocent and pure woman can surround horself with. Every com munity has one or more irresponsible and unreliable characters of this kind, and for their benefit a law should be enacted providing for a ducking pond for her and her associates. Strange as it may seem, in the face of hard times and many men out of em ployment, complaints are hoard from some of the farming districts that farm laborers are scarce, and this is one of the few ordinary occupations in life where wages have not been reduced, but, on the othor hand, they have actually advanced at some plaoes. Some years ago the prevallng rate of wages on many farms was fifty and seventy-five cents a day, while the best hands re ceived more. During haying and har vesting nowadays men receive $1.50 a day and board and extra good hands re ceive as high as $2 a day. Ex. The expression "keep it out of the papers" is a request often made to edit ors. Frequently it comes as a demand, and the editor, if he has proper self respect and the right conception of the province of a newspaper, resents. Ten to one the very person who wants the editor to draw the veil over an unpleas ant or disagreeable affair in which he was concerned will next week wonder why the newspaper doesn't do its duty by holding up to publlo gaze the mean ness and short-comings of bis neighbor. If you have done anything that you are shamed of you have no reason to ask the editor to suppress it. He may do so, and be usually does, unless he be lieves it may subserve some good pur pose to publish it. Do not think the editor malicious because he publishes facte which may reflect upon you, and stupid and cowardly because be does not Uab somebody else whom you think deserves it MUlerstown Herald. To The Atlantic Count And Return t $io The Round Trip. On July 211th next the l'eniiBylvRnla ltnilmnd Company will run another of Its Miptilitr RCRRhnm nxcurnloiiR. These trlw are planned for thn express pur Mnn of furiilHhlngan economical oppor tunity for H'opln living In Western I'cniiHylvanla to vlnlt noinn of tho prin ciple summer ronort of tho Atlantic Count. Tho tlcketn permit of a stay of nearly two weeks, anil a cholco of deR tlnntlon In allowed Atlantic City the mont ixipular renorl In America, Cnm May, appropriately called tho Queen of tho Coant, Hea Inln City, tho Omn of the Coanl, and Ocean City, lawt hut hy no means thn leant attractive of tho pi aeon. Khm'IuI train will leave l'ltbihurg on alxivn-mentlnned ditto at HM A. M., ar riving at Altoona 12.2ft P. M., whern stop for dinner will ho madn, and reach ing Philadelphia 7. 20 P. M. I'anncn gerR ran niteiid thn night In Philadel phia, and takn any regular train of tho following day for tho nhnrn. Train Knti". Irf-nvmi. HoIIwimmI H IM) J.05 M. Clearfield RIM ll.dH A. M. I'hillpnhiirg H .'15 10.41 Oneenla H 2Tt 10.50 " Mellefontn M 0,1 10.34 " Tyrone 7 0" l isp. m. Philadelphia ....Ar 7.20 " Worth Knowing! Many thnuHnnd copli) have a friend In Hucon's Celery King. If you liavo never lined thin great nNclflu for tho prevailing iiinlmlioH of thn ago, I)ynci nia, Liver Complaint, Hhcuiiiatlniii, CiiHtlvcnnsH, Nerviiim Kxhauntlim, Nor- veoiin Pront rat Ion, KIceplonmicHH and all dlm-ancR arining front derangement of tlm stomach, liver and kldncyn, wo would lie pleated to give you a pnekiign of thin grout nerve tonic free of charge. W. 11. Amoxanhku. Resolutions of Respect. At a meeting of True llluo Iidgo No. 17 of American 1'rotoMant Annoelatlon tho following iimolutloiiR wero adopted: WnuitKAH, It ItiiH pleaned Almighty (!ol in bin infinite wIhiIoiii to remove from our ihMhI. our CHteetned and be loved brother, W. W. Kuril, and Wiikkrah, Hy bin death we have liwt otto of our N'Ht and tinmt upright niemlwirn wo feel It our duly to plain on record our appreciat ion of hin nterling character and worth, Jii'mh'nl, Thnt wo deeply mourn our limn, yet how in hutnliln Huhiiiisnlon to Him who doct It all things well. Himlmi, That our heartfelt nympa thy ho extended to thn family of our deceased brother In thin their durk hour of bereavement, and wo commend them for coimolation to an all-wine. Cod whom lovo anil mercy enduivth forovor. Resolved that our charter bo draped in mournlne for thirty davn. that a conv of thono resolutions bo sent to the be reaved family, a copy bo placed on the mlmiloH of thin lodiro and a coiiv bo publiHhed in tho IteynoidMvlllu Htak. P. M 11. J. Thomas, 1 C H. Akmaooht, Com. P. M., H. J. Wiskman, Acknowledgment. Katiimkl, Pa., July 10, 1804. We, tho minors of Hprague mines, tender our thanks to tho public for tho liberal way thoy contributed to our help In our fight for liberty. We col lected money and provisions to tho amount of two hundred dollars ($200.00). Trusting this will be satisfactory, as it would bo impossible to mention the names of those who gave, wo are Respectfully, John Bowsrr, kohekt hohkrts, James Heveridoe, John Lydon, Isaac Flknnkr, Angus Walker, Soliciting Committee. The Depository of the Jefferson coun ty Bible Society haa boon transferred to the store of Mr. W. H. Konnody, Main street, Brookvtllo, Pa. Bibles and testaments In the English and For eign languages, in various styles of binding supplied at the lowest possible prices. Donations will be mado to those not able to purchase. J. M. Weaver, Sec'y Board of Managers. The Rcynoldsville Hardware Co. has Just received a job lot of iron onamoled ware which Is being sold at a great re duction. Some people sell the same ware for porcelain. Coffoe pots, tea pots, stew pans, pudding pans, milk pans, Sec, Sec. You must see the goods to appreciate the big reduction in price. When, by reason of a cold or from other cause, the stomach, liver and kid neys become disordered, no time should be lost in stimulating them to action. Ayor's Pills -act quickly, safely, and surely. Sold by druggists and dealors in medicines. . Card of Thanks. , We, the" miners of Anita, take the op portunity of thanking the farmers and business men of this county and other counties for the way they have given us relief ir our present struggle for living wages, and especially the min ers of Reynoldsvllle, Rathmel and El eanora, who responded so heartily to our call for aid, remembering that an Injury to our cause is the oonoera of all, and may God bless you to give heartily and liberally until this light Is finished, and we have taught these tyrannical corporations a lesson they may never forget Committee. The Stab gives all the local news of Reynoldsvllle and vicinity. Subscribe now. Resolutions. Thn following rnnolutlons wero adopt ed hy the United Mino Workers of America: Wiikkraa, The HupriMtio littler of thn tinivemo has, In the illHiiensatlon of Ills providence, removed from our mldnl Hro. W. W. Ford, who filled thn distinguished position as president of our local union with marked ability, until death called him to loin that frreat army of toilers In thn world Hiyoml, from whence no wanderer has ever returned, Wiiekkah, In thn death of our Hro. wo have sustained a great Ions, thn community a valuahln citizen, the wlfo a devoted hunhand, thn children a lov ing father; thereforn ho It lirmlvrtl, That wn thn members of IH'iil Union No. r.42, 1J. M. W. of A., tender our deoicnt nympathy to tho bereaved family and would earnestly commend them to put their trust in Him who alone can afford them com fort and pnacn In thin their sad afllln tlon and who has alno promised to Im a hunhand to tho widow and a father to the fatherless. I In It further HiMilt fil, That our charter be drained In mourning for thn npaco of thren monlliR, and acotiy of thono resolutions Im presented to tho family; also to the press. ltcmctfully HUinlmilttnd, Wm. MnoAlt, I Kti. IIoahk, Com. Geo. IlAKitm, ) Say a Good Word. Always encourage homo talent when It stands ready to establish an enter prise that will build up a town. Never attempt to raise morn money to secure new enterprises that tho town can afford to part with. Always look on thn bright side of the town's outlook. Never predict anything but pronimrlty. Well men often illo because they bollnvo they are suffering from somo Imaginary ailment, and a gmtd town sometimes rotmgrailos simply hecauan of tho croak ing of calamity howlers. Hay nothing If you cannot nay a gmtd word for thn town, but keep on sawing thn town's WihhI. How lo 4'urr a I'olil. Hiinply tuko Otto's Cure. Wo know of Its untouching cores and that It will stop a cough quicker than any known remedy. If you have Asthma, Bron chitis, Consumption or any disease of thn throat and lungs, a few (loses of this grout guranti'ed remedy will sur prise you. If you wish to try call atour store, and wo will Im pleased to furnish you a bottlo fron of cost, and that will provo our assertion. W. II. ALEXANDER. Two for One. Wo aro makltiL' a sis'clal offer to each of our readers paying a year's Bulmerlp- tlon to the HTAK In advance, and to all new HiitMcrlbcrs paying in advance, wo will glvo them the best local pupor In JofTorson county and will glvo them fron, either tho H'ommiilim! or ylnirrf- ciin Farmer, for ono year. Tho two paors abovo mentioned are excellent monthly Pamirs and thn subscription prhxj of each is 60c. a yoar. This offer Is mado only to those in Pennsylvania. The towns East and West Reynolds- vlllo, Pmscottvlllo and llathmol to be connected up by a system of telephone, bringing tho cost within reach of every business house and private family; also the wiring of hotels for system of call bolls. For particulars call on J. C. King & Co. Whothor Pasteur and Koch's peculiar modes of treatment will ultimately pre vail or not, their theory of blood-contamination is tho correct ono, though not original. It was on this theory that Dr. J. C. Ayer, of Lowoll, Mass., nearly fifty years ago, formulated Ayor's Sar- saparllla. Horses for Sals. A pair draft mares, sound and truo. 4 and S years old, weighing 1,400 and 1,500ms. ; two horses 4 years old, weigh ing l,026Ihs.; one mare three years old, weighing l,025Ibs.; and one pair of mules. j. c. Kino & Co. We have hired a prize fighter to lick every son of a tinker who has been tak ing this paper for from one to four years and then spasmodically exhibits his little unhealthy gall by refusing to utKo it irora the postomce without first having paid up. Anyone is at nerfeot liberty to dislike the paper and we en tertain no 111 feeling towards him If he settles up and stops it like a man. but deliver us from the prosonceqf the doad boat referred to. Mahaffcy Gazette. For good service, correct styles and fitting, fair treatment and the best average values for the prices charged, we are the people. H. A. Reed. Vvtftlnn with ths OJUb. Womeldorp FULMER On July 10th, 1804, at the home of the officiating minister, Rev. T. Henderson, Brook vlllo, Mr. J. W. M. Womoldorf and MIbs Catharine Ann Fulmor, both of Reynoldsvllle, Pa. Wilson Dunham At the residence of Dr. A. F. Balmer, Brook ville, Pa., July 10, 1894, by Rev. J. W. Blaisdell, W. I. Wilson, of Brookvllle, Pa., and Miss Mary M. Dunham, of Richards- vine, fa. Old newspaper for sale at this offloe If you want all the news, subscribe for The Stab. Gook ncademu. HXVXNX, N. T. B. W. IWBTLANO, PrtBlMl. Colleg preparatory boarding icoool for both him, Ooomsss tilaaalcal, Literary, HuluDtlBc. Also special courses In Theory and Practice of Teachlnt,Blblestudy,8teaofl raphy sad Typewriting. Send for catalogue. FINANCIAL STATKMT Of the Hrhonl Hoard or Heynolilnvllln Horoush for tho year ending June 1st, ISO I. K. II, Hums, rollfi'tor, In nrrount Willi tlm School lilnirlcl of iln IIoiohkIi of Reynolds vllle for the ymir i'IiiIIiik June 1st, Ism, School 'I . IMt. To bill. In hnml of ('id. Inst stttlli'tiii-nl il.UJI " sm'i of iiiiiiiirnt..., ,m ai " 1 pur rent, aililitil on rui IS m IS H.nil au HI. Hy sm'l retiirtnil to Co. Cum . IT V) ' KnotierHtlons IM m " AH-rriiit.rt'hiitioiiSI,ltlill 43 Ml 47 " I " " I'ul.'n isirrmtHKO onl,im4a W 19 11 A s.r runt. Col.'e tH'rretit- KK"OM$777i US SB " B sr real. I'ol.'n iHtrcent- HKon SHHUS4 4M0 " TniRsiimr'n rcct'lnls t.Wil sit " Hal. In hnniln of t-'ol 1.I7S nil S4.IUI au Pcltisil HlllllllllR Tsi. lilt. To sm'l of ilunlli'iitn 2,T74 TH " 6 pur vmil. ailili'd on Sftlt TH t 74 i,WII 411 IK. Hy Fmini'mllons ( llurnifl to rn. Coin " ft per I'l-nl.ri'lmlKon l,ftl7 IM ' S " " I'ol.'s Mnreiit iiitu on 11,1117 IM " B sr cent. Col. 'n ptuvt'iit- veilli SII7II2II " S per rmil. Col.'n pem-nt- muu .... AiOll I? M 44 17 at TS SA v) m Ti-essuritr's receipts. urn 4.1 Hal. i liitmU of Col It. Mi in Inm Tas. lilt. To Hnl. In hnmls of I 'ol. Inst sell lenient " Am't of iluiillcnlii " A Hir rent, added on $:I7 Oil,. I T M HH no I SA U7 SN fit. Hy Enoiieriitlons ,r A peri'i-iii. riOintii on (IN no " js'r rent. Col.' percthl- nmniii lis no " A sr cent. Col. 's js-ri'i'iil- hiiii on (17 Wi " A sr ci'iil. Col.' perrenl- hki on f4 STi " TrcKMiirer's riM'iliis " Hnl. In linndsof Col liflin 1 74 4;i ii ;ti un B1I7 SS W. II. Alennmler, TrenstiriT, In nccount with I he KiynoliWvllli Hcliisil lllslrli'l for the yeitr i'IhIIiik June Isi, Ism. HcImmiI Tux. IMt. To Hnl. In hnmls of Tress tt.iM M ' Ain't froiii Col 2,;fni sit " Htiitn lipiiroprliillons ii.iWI 47 " Ain't from n-iil i;i wi t;M in i i Hy Orders ri'ilccmi'il t,!!7.1 Kl " 'rrciisiiri.r's is'ri'i'iitiiui nn 711 " Ain't In liiimlsof Tri'iis.... mrl n7 -l,:ci4 HI Hchisil HiilldliiK Tux. hit. To Ain't of Trolls.' ri'i'clpts.... 11171) 4:i Hy Orders riMlciinid . . . ,r Tri'iisiircr's iH'i'cctit i ii. su m 711 nun... 11 ;w Ain't III liiinds Tri'iis ,'tio .11 D7A 4:1 lo Tim. hit. Til Ain't. In liiinds Tri'iis. lust wit lenient " Col.' receipts t im no 4.1 1(1 lit. Hy Am't In hands of Tress.. f i:w M These ni'counts nudlteil thl 9iMl. t. ..r June, ISU4, uiid found to ! corrucl. W, K. Maiisiiau ). C. (Inisim. Auditor. A.M. WlMHIWAHII, Oolrla JOTKL McCONNKLL, RKYNOLDSVILLK. l'A. FRANK J. It LACK, l'mjirulnr. Tlm lendhitf hotel of tliutown. Iliiiidiiunr ters for ciiiiinicri'liil men. Mleiim limit, free bus, list h nsims nnd closets on nvery thsir, nnitiln nsims, billiard nsini, tnleplione con nections Ac. JJOTKL UKLNA1', RRYNOLDHVILLR, PA. OIIEKN a CONSEH, Fmprietm-n. First I'lnrn In every particular. l ated In tlie very cent re of tlio business pnrt of town. Vrtm 'bus to nnd from trains ami commodious ample rooms for commercial traveler. QOMMERCIAL HOTEL, BROOKVILLR, PA., PHIL P. V Alt HI EH, Prtyrietirr, Hnmuln riMimsnn the around floor. House heated by natural rhs. Omnibus to and from all train. JOORE S WINDSOR HOTEL, 1217-21) FlMlKRT STRKKT, PHILADELPHIA, PENN'A, PliESTON J. MOOHE, Proprietor. njl Karl D.ln. MM Hn. J.a A I can Plan, luhlnck from I'. It. K. Depot nnd Yt uiouk rrom new f. a. H. it. isipot. UntecsUansewe. Jg NEFF. JUSTICE OF THE PEACE And Real Estate A (tent, Reynoldsvllle, Pa. Qt MITCHELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. nfflna nn Wast f . ii. .Ir.u.1 eh Com mere lul Hotol, liuynuldsi vllle, P. R. B. E. HOOVER, REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Resident dentist. In bulldlns nearMotho dlst church. otiMjlto Arnold block. Ooutlu newt In operntfug. c. a. OOHDOK. JOHH W. BHD. QORDON & REED, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, Urookvlllo, JofTcrson Co., Pa. Otflce In room formerly occupied by Gordon ft Corbutt, West Main Hired. W. L. M.OIAOIIlf, Q. M. D0ALD, IrMkrUU. BtyntliiTllU. Mccracken & Mcdonald, Attorneys and CounaelloraHtt-Lau), Offices at Reynoldlvllle and Brookvllle. aDilURIH h H. Auu. 8TOKS, Beyuoldsvlll. jubecrlb for The & Star, If you wamt the Htws. boiaa to our V1 M'SSnlV! coNSTTpTmNlr; A STRIKE! In tho price of HpeolacloH. nocuHHlty, ami muni well My Prices arc to Suit the Times! EyttH oxumiiiud froo and glaHHim Hclcntiflcally fitted. Satisfaction gunrnntetwl in every :aHe. O. F". HOFFMAN, Optician and Jeweler. BING & CO. DRY GOODS and NOTIONS! -We carry Summer Dress Goods !K- that wo are Helling cheap. Give uh a call and examine our (ioodri. We carry the BEST LINE OF GOODS to be found in in KeynoidHville. J. S. MORROW, IlRALKK IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Eeynoldsville, Pa. BplUe Hartlware Co., DEALERS IN HARDWARE. STOVES and RANGES. TIN, SHEET IRON AND COPPER WARE, . AMMUNITION, HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WOOD AND IRON PUMPS. And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store. Roofing and Spouting Done to Order. REYNOLDSVILLE, PA. (HnHHim ar not a luxury, but a hn had In hard times an nn good. a fine lino of- come: IN! Where? TO THE "Bee Hive" store, WUKRK L. J. McEntire, & Co., The Groceryman, deals in all kinda of Groceries, Canned Goods, Green Goods Tobacco and Cigars, Flour and Feed, Baled Hay and Straw. Fresh goods always on hand. Country produce taken in exchange for goods. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. Very truly yours, Lawrence J. McEntire & Go,, The Groctrymtn,