The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 11, 1894, Image 8

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    A F LA SI II N T 1 1 E N I ( i IT
now New I Hont In From IVf Through
ttw IfcirlctM-nn nml t.lvpn nnl Iroprly At
flnvi-il - The rilutliiMitii nml tli Lonrly
Wntrhrr on Hip ltrnt-h on til Tiohoat.
Browed Fimely nwny in hln littlo tow
er nt I'iro ihliinil, tho iiuin who nlwayn
ha hi wenthor eye open mvper tiro
horizon with hi nlfrht fflnss, wntohina;
nml wiiitin'. IVsido him is his lint of
Vessels homirt to tlio frrent port of which
the flaming hoaeon way nhovo liis lienil
is ono of the sentinels, nief fill nrnnnd
nro tho moiinititf of tlio distant tmrf, tlio
trealdiiK of waves on the heaeh nt hi
feet nml the whistle of the wtnil ns it
rddies mid fwi'iIs nronnil the tower nnd
hunt) lamp nt its top. Minute nftcr ruin
nto passes nwny, each ono innrked by n
ip-enf henni of light sent out ovit tho
Hudilenly there comes from tho wrath
cast, ns if thrown up hy tho ocean, n
gleam of red red, the daiiRer signal,
but tho wntehiT Is not ilistnrhcrL IIu
only waits. Not for lonj;, however, tin
tho nifrlit plasH jiointeil toward that
point of red on the ocean's rim shows n
bl uo li;:ht on each i-ide of it, nhout 100
feet nwny, whilo just In-low the red
lif;ht is n f::int speck of ,-rivn. That is
cnon;;li. The si'iials have told their
story, mid tho next instant n MindiiiK
flash of (jreen liht from tho tower an
swers the distant vessel, mid lieforo itH
glare lias died nwny tho elcctrio spnrk
lias Kent to tlio Western I'nion Tele
graph ofllce mid to every newspaper in
tho city the message, "Steamer l';uii
southeast of Fire island."
Tho liiff boat speeds on her way. The
wnteher cheeks her liatno off tho list oi
vessels duo. lint others havo seen the
green signal. Tho dim lights of the
Btonmcr lul not attracted tho attention
of tho sailors on tho littlo pilothoal
standing to tho eastward, tint tho bril
liant flash of green told them that n sig
nal had been answered, and thero win
no need for tho Paris to send np the
familiar pilot call of white red
White. Tho Paris meant 1 50 fort lit
pilot, latching her, mid tho men started
right off after her, knowing that she
was due and hoping it was her signal
that had lieen nnswered.
Tho ocean greyhound has passed nwny
to tho westward in tho darkness, and
again tho watcher resumes his vigil
But tho wind has increased. Tho breeze
has given way beforo a gathering of the
forces of tlio air, and up from tho south
west comes a Burging of waves, and the
surf is heating mid pounding on the
shoro with n hollow, resounding boom
that tolls of a tempest abroad in the
night. Blacker and blacker grow the
clouds overhead, narrower mid narrow
er grows tho circle of inky sea nnd sky
that murks tho limits of vision, and
whilo tho faithful monitor overhead
keeps np its oloeklikc regularity of blaz
ing and fading its rango of power ia
constantly lessened by tho coming
Down on tho beach tho swing of a
lantern marks where, tho lifo saver U
steadily tramping nlong to nioot hit
companion from tho next station. It is a
terribly lonely mission. ilo is alone
with tlio moaning surf, and each step is
liko entering somo enchanted realm of
darkness, ruled by tho spirit of tho
storm. On one side of him is tho sullen,
grinding sea, on tho other a wasto oi
sand, mid in front tho fitful gleam of
his own lantern. Ho is lonely mid cold,
bnt that has no terrors for him. Hii
iioxt step may touch somo ouo lonoliot
mid colder than he a human body
pressed into tho moist, unyielding sand.
Or away through tho breakers rises the
form of a ship, helpless for all hoi
strength, driven by tho galo fur on the
shore dospito tho friendly warning from
tho tail tower with its finger of flame.
Then tho crimson signul in his hand
tolls tho watch at tho station that there
is work to do, and tho wrecked innri
uers that help is ut hand. He hurries to
tho stutiou to assist in tho preparations
lor rescue. As ho neurs tho littlo house
thero begins. a brilliant display of fire
works. A glure of red, changing to a
oloar white, which is followed by a
vivid green, convoys tho message to ths
next station, and a bright white blaze
tolls that the signul is soon and under
stood, and thou the bountiful Coston
lights sond shooting through the gloom
a series of ordotx easily understood. A
bright green tells the distant watchers
ithat aid is noedc4, and a red and green
.call for boats and equipments. A red
and white would have called for a rocket
.apparatus, a green and red for the life
i oar or "breeches Irooy," and so on,
.different combinations of colors convey
ing different instructions.
But it is not always stern business
that calls into play the Coston colors.
A g yachting club ins its rogatta.
from up and down the coast como the
Bwift, white wiugod or stoam driven
Jleosui croft Some of .the stragglers
come in late, and as a white red
green white succession of flros appears
lighting op the sails of a belated flier
tho watting fleet prepures to welcome
the wanderer from the Eastern Yacht
club of Boston, and chasing alone after
her comes a red white, followed by a
red and then a white star, and the wel
come to the man from Boston is ex
tended to the Corinthian 'a delegate
Next comes a f onr color combination,
and the red white green which is fol
lowed by a bine star shows that one of
the American Stoam Yacht club's boats
baa fallen in line. New York Tribune.
Dasth I Floating Iiut Fartlolsa.
The Stateu island niiorosoopioal
harps who have boon examining the
dnst that sifts into tho best modern built
New York bouses find in a single gram
(15 grains) scraped from a third story
window not less than 8,000,000 of mi
crobes and bacteria, besides chalk, plas
ter, hair, wood, fiber, vegetable refuse,
polleu cells and numerous other infini
tesimal notes and unoloasified particle.
-St Louis Republic,
WlistpYt-r thr Vnirnn of a Ktyln In Miwh
Thojr Jfever Lose Favor.
It was a hotel parlor; a brilliant pi
anist bad Just rendered one of Wngner'a
must dililcult pieces, nnd a murmur of
well tired applause followed. Then
very softly and tenderly, liko a sweetly
tremulous old voico reciting pnthetio
memories, tho ivory keys sent tho plain
tive molodyof "Auld Long Hyno" sigh
ing through the room. Tho idle rhatter
censed, evory mind was busy with bit
ter sweet memories, nnd tho air was full
of tho scent of vanished clover, tho
worm frngrnnco of newly tossed hay,
tho echo of babbling brooks. Tho simple
tune knocked nt the door of every heart,
and tho ghosts of dend dnysenmo troop
ing forth in answer.
A stout damo on tho musician's left
looked owny through tho open window,
beyond tho moon flooded hills, and a
sigh scintillated tho jet upon her nmplo
bosom. She had gono back to a sum
mer eve years ago and was dressed
in a faded pink calico nnd flapping snn
boutiet ngain. Her liaro toes sank deep
in the yellow dust of tho country road
as sho drovo !ho cows homo through tho
lonely, cool shadows. John IMward,
freckled faced nnd honest eyed, canto
sheepishly out of tho woods mid joined
her, and tho cows were late that night,
for what has young lovo to do with
A dignified old gentleman hesido her
blew his nose mid incidentally wiped
his eyes. Ho was thinking of tho morn
ing whim lin went out to seek his for
tune, nnd turned under tho windy or
chard trees to n wove of lost farewell to
a mother, who stood ill tho door with
her check apron to her eyes. Ho had
Whistled "Auld Lang Syno" to kee.
back tho rising sobs ns ho trudged upon
his way.
Not a word was spoken when tho Inst
memory haunted noto died awoy in si
lence, but every ono had paid tho tribnto
of a tear to "Auld Long Hyno. "
An almost forgotten poet, Robert
Hinckly Messinger, quaintly wishes for
old wood to bum, old tiooks to read and
old friends to talk with in on ideal old
ago, and ho might also havo added old
tunes to lie played in tho long twilights
in which ho dozed nnd dreamed in on ensy
chair. It is a fact that none of tho pop
ular songs of late years survives a mayfly
existence. They catch the lip, but do not
hold the hoort, and are written to cater
to tho popular fnney, unliko tho old
tunes which ore birth marked with tho
Joys ond woes of tho human race.
Music hall melodies may come and
go and be forgotten, bnt as long as a
sprig of heather blossoms on Scottish
moors "Highland Mary" will bring
tears to Scottish eyes, and the cruelty
of "Barbara Allen" will go down
through all tho ages while lads go court
ing ond lasses ore onpricions. Eery
Bailor leaves a "Block Eyed Susan'' in
port behind him, nud there is a chord
in every bosom set to the wanderer's
immortal cry, "Homo, Sweet Homa"
"Annie Lnnrio" will live as long as the
English language. Neither a Handel
nor a Beethoven composed tho "Mar
seillaise," yet it became the battlocry
of a nation. It is not to the music of the
symphony societies that the dying turn,
but to "Rock of Ages. "
Many of Gilliert & Sullivan's catchy
melodies aro borrowed from old ballads,
and they have even "Mother Uooso" to
thank for somo of their success.
Strauss may set the foet to dancing,
Wagner tickle tho brain and Mozart
please the ear, but nothing can touch
the heart like tho old tunes. Philadel
phia Press.
Putting Wftlvra to Death by Torture.
Ono use of the whalobone to which
the Eskimos put it, and one cose of
which came under my personal observa
tion, I must not allow to pass unnoticed.
Whenever wolves hove been unusually
predatory, havo dostroved a favorite dog
or so, or dug np a cacho of reindeer
meat just when it was needed, or in any
way have aroused the ire of the Innuit
huntor, ho takes a atrip of whalebone
about the size of those used in corsets,
wrops it up into a compact helical mass
like a watch spring, having previously
anarpened both ends, then tioa it to.
gotherwith reindeer sinew and plasters
it with oomponnd of blood and grease.
which ia allowod to freeze and forma a
binding cement sufficiently strong to
bold the sinew string at every second or
third turn. This, with a lot of similar
looking baits of meat and blubber, ia
scattered over the mow or ground, and
the hungry wolf, devours it along with
the others, and when it ia thawed out
by the warmth of hia stomach it elon
gates and has the well known effect of
whalebone on the system, bnt having
the military advantage of interior lines
its effects are more rapid, killing the
poor wolf, with the most horrible
agonies, in a couple of days. From an
Interview With Engone Melville, U. a
A Breafcraat, 1788,
Mr. WeddolL in his curious "Voyage
Up the Thames, " from Somerset Stairs
to Windsor, in a sailing barge or boat,
in Murch, 1788, notes that ale was then
still served for breakfast Having start
ed about 4 o'clock one afternoon, the
next morning
We arrived ufe at Stains about Ten in ths
Forenoon, and went to a House of Entertain
bent, where everything appeared iu a very
.food Taste: Brenlcful wu brought, emulating
of Chocolate, Coffee, Ham, Clueae, Ale and
Wine. I mention the Particulars, because It
waa the tint time I remember seeing things
brought in thli manner, and Is what I approve
of, since In a Company of six Men, it Is natural
to expect at leant one or two who oan break
fast on Beet and Ale. Tho" I think Blpplt was
Uw only one among tu of that tttamp. K 74.
Notes and Queries.
A Liberal OOer.
Domestic Please, air, the grocer and
butcher and baker and milkman are
down stairs, and they Bay they won't
leave until they are paict
Mr. McAuber Hem I Very well
Tell them that if they will continue to
apply me with provisions they are
Welcomed to stay here and board it oat
New York Weekly.
And Yet, After All, tin- I.lttlr Tot Made No
Trouble About It,
"This highway business is getting so
bad that something must, be dono soon,"
said tho stont man to a reporter ns ho
looked over his free paper nnd rend of
another holdup. "Why, just tho other
doy my daughter wns going homo nhout
8 o'clock, when sho wns stopped by n
man who sold ho wnntod her money.
Pho Jnt yelled ns loud ns sho could ond
iron. Thoro wns no one in sight or hoar
lug, bnt tho fellow evidently got scored
and qntt, nnd she got homo nil right.
"That wns terrihlo," said tho leon
man with tho serious faeo.
"It was, for a fact," said tho stout
"Not ft circumstance to ft enso I snw
tho other day," said tho leon man, as if
ho didn t earo if tho subject Were drop
ped right there or not.
"What's that?" said tho stout man.
"Fact. Not half as bad as ono I saw
tho other day.
"What was it?" osked tho stout man
as tho gang began to listen.
"Well, I hate to tell it, but if von
insist on tho story I guess I'll hnve to
tell it briefly. It hapiM iicd in tho prcs-
enco of nt least SO people. I nm sorry to
sny I was one of them. A littlo girl
not over 6 years of nge was held up, and
: 10 cents mid n child s car ticket taken
ironi ner, lino never u soul to oiler nn
objection. "
"Why didn't you get up nud do some
thing?" ndced tho stout man indig
nantly. "It wns nono of my affair," said tho
lean man carelessly.
"Where was this?" blurted tlio stont
man, growing fierce.
"Oh, on a street car. Tho littlo girl's
mother held her np so tho conductor
could tnko tho faro.
Tho stont man collapsed, nnd tho lean
man continued to look ns if he wns not
in nny way interested in tho caso. St.
Louis Post-Dispatch.
A HomnnmbnlUtle Flnhrrman.
A Tittsburger, who is a fisherman,
told mo a strnngo story about a guido
who nttends him on his excursions on
Lako Erio. Tho old guide lives at Put
in-Bny, ond every night when ot home
ho was nccustoined to put out a night
lino for n catch of fish. Ono summer it
was a regular m-currenco for n long pc.
riod for him to get up and find tho fish
removed from his hooks and placed in a
basket in his cabin. Ho was at a loss to
account for tlu-se strange proceedings.
knowing of no person so kind as to save
bun tho labor.
Ono morning somo of his friends
hnppened to bo near his place very early,
When they found tho old fisherman out
in his boot getting the catch of the
night from his lines. He nppnrently
paid no attention to the salutations of
his friends, but proceeded with his
work. After he had completed tho round
of his lines ho rowed slowly bock to the
landing, making fast his boat nnd re
moving tho huskot of fish from it As
he mine toward his friends with tlio
bnsket fipon his shoulder they noticed a
strnngo cxpiessiou on his face.
Ho passed them by without noticing
their presence, when ono of tho pnrty
ran after him nnd caught his arm. This
seemed to bring the old fisherman out of
his strange state, nnd ho looked around
ns if nwakeuing from a dream. Ho
could not explain why ho was thero nnd
concluded ho hnd been getting up every
morning in his sleep nnd performing his
work without knowing it Thus tho
strange incident was explained. Pitts
burg Dispatch.
Talked the Hoof Oft.
Nnturnl nptitudo to grnsp a situation
has been turned to nccount moro thnn
onoo on tho stngo, nnd in ono caso, if
tho verncityof a favorite comedian goes
for anything, it saved a pauio and pos
sible loss of life.
"Wo wore playing ono night stands,"
aaid ho, "in Kansas during tho terriblo
period of cyclones nnd found oursolves
in a largo, dilapidated building colled
by courtosy a theater.
"The low comedian waa on tho stage
in tho part of a drunken husband re
ceiving a vigorous lecture from his wife.
'Madam, ' ho had just observed, 'if you
keep on, yon'll talk tho roof off,' when
there was a roar heard, followed by a
tremendous crash, the building swaying
like a tree in a storm. Everybody
jumped to their foet, for they saw the
roof had bocn carried away. They were
about to turn and make one dash for the
exits when the comedian, coming down
to the footlights, looked np into the air,
and quick as a flash turned to the lady
and said, 'There, what did I toll you?'
The andionce howlodwith laughter, and
the qnick witted comedian waa undoubt
edly the means of preventing a serious
calamity. " Exchanga
rereonages Ia Norelm.
Reading several well known novels,
I noticed a considerable diversity in
the number of characters introduced
and was induced to calculate the num
ber, with the following results, which
are curious and worth recording. I have
admitted aa characters all who join in
and help on the action, omitting those
Who are only mentioned in the conver
sation of the actors.
It will be seen that I have token
eight novels of eight well known writ
era: Besant, "All Sorts and Conditions
)f Men," 88; Trollope, "Barchester
Towers, V 88; Lytton, "Night and
Morning," 43; Soott, "Heart of Mid
lothian," 49; Q. Eliot "Middlemarch, "
69; Disraeli, "Tanored," 69; Thack
eray, "Vanity Fair," 68; Dickens,
"David Copperfleld, " 101. Notea and
Rough on the Cashier.
Mr. Manygirla I have discovered
that my cashier haa robbed me of $30,
Friend Have yon notified the po
lice? Mr. Manygirla Not yet I'U give
him one more chanoe to propoae to my
ldeat daughter. If be doesn't do it
then I shall have him looked np. Tex
M Sittings.
With Vonr Cnp of OnftVe.
Tlio invalid who is tired of toking tier
8gg tonic with sherry, nnd who dislikos
tho tasto of a raw egg, may bo glad to
know that the egg may bo effectually
disguised in a cup of coffee. Prepare the
coffee to tho tasto, with cream and
sugar, keeping it very hot until ready
for tho egg, which must be beaten thor
oughly in another cup, and theproparud
coffoo added by degrees to it. Drink it
hot, and you will find it not only pala
fnlile, but strengthening. Philadelphia
Ills Condition.
Old Doctor So yon think my daugh
ter's happiness is snfo in yonr hands, eh?
Young Doctor I know she loves) mo,
nnd I do not seo how I could livo with
out her.
Old Doctor Well, you nro ft young
man of good ehnracter, nnd I will givo
you my consent on ono condition.
Young Doctor Namo it.
Old Doctor rt Is that when sho is
111 yon won't try to doctor her yourself.
London Answers.
Hair i!
"Aver's preparations nre too
well known to need nnv coinineii
ihition from me; lint I Icel com
pelled to state, lor tlio hem-lit of
others, that six years imo, I lost
nearly hall' of my hair, nml I nt
was left turned erav. tier
using Aver's Hair igiir n m mi
months, my hair lctran to pow
again, ami withtl.e natural color
restored. 1 recommend it to nil
my frienda." .Mim. K. I'h.wk
HAfM.i;, box ;)."), Maiiou (', Los
Alleles, ( 111.
l'ln i'Ain n in
DR. J. C. AYEM & CO.. LO'ATU. ft. ASS.
KSTATK OP iTOHN II. Ml l.llOl.l.AN, Dkckaskd.
Letters of nilnilnl-tnolon on tlio eatnto of
.lolin I'. Millholliin, line of Ki-vimlilsvllle Imr
ouirli, Icflvi-Mm i-oiiniy, Ph., ili-c'1'ii-.eil, Imvlinc
been si'Miiteil to the iiiidci'slitni'il. all iii-isons
IlKlelneil to hii lit estate an. heivliy imlllleil to
tun ko Ininieilliiie ptiyiiient to iho ikIiiiIiiIh
trntrlx. mill those hnvliiu i-liiiniH niralnst It
will present them pron-rlv initheiiilciiteil. for
seltli nicnt. .Mils. It. .1. Ml Mlol.l.AN.
AilmiiilHlriitrlx of John I'. Miilliolhoi, ilrc'il.
Another Plumber
in town?
Who is it?
Is now prepared to do all
kinds of Sanitary Plumb
ing. Call once,
call again.
Good Work and Fair
Prices Guaranteed.
I wish to call the
of the publio to the fact that
I have received my
Spring and - Summer
and that the cloth is the lat
est and best. My prices are
made to suit the times and
my workmanship is guaran
teed to be perfect.
Yours for honest dealing to all,
J. G.Froehllch, the Tailor,
Reynoldatvillc, Pa,
VNext door to Hotel MoConnell.
Grocery Boomers
Salt Meats,
Smoked Meats,
CANNKl) (loom,
Axn am. kimis or
Country Produce
Everything in the line of
Frosli (ii'ocfi ics, Feed,
f. 'oof fx ilrllrmvl f'rrr unit
lhtrr hi totrti,
full on tin fiml frt price.
W. 0. Scliultz & Son
i 3
S ; - b
J 3
" v.
- v
u a
O w
H 0
1 K
- c
S a w
0 J Q
? ft. 2
Jew . o cs t
1 Z Si E . a 2
i: c p -2 s -S -3
c-" E o 5 Sp
2 if 3 ?,
w I B i .B Jl -3
c t S 3 f
-!T3- 1 V.2 3 4
o ,2 Co -J 3 -j
X "frill
Ever brought to our town in
Ladies' Spring and
Summer Dress Goodsl
Brandenberg never was sold less than 20 to 25c. per
yard; will sell you now for 12i.
Turkey Red DamaBk,
" " Prints,
China Silk,
Better Goods than you can buy any place else.
The same Great Reduction in
Men's and Children's Clothing, fc-
Children's Suits,
Single Coats,
Youths' Suits,
Men's Flannel Suits,
" Worsted "
" Fine Cheviot Suits,
A fine line of Men's Pants. Come and examine my
goods before you purchase elsewhere.
Every Woma'
Sometini'-s needs a r
ohla monthly regulati
Ar pmwnt, Mfn nnd cnrtnln In mult. Ttto w
ln(l)r. IVnl'mncYordliappolnt. Hontaujwtai
1.00. l'cnl Mritlclns Co.. Clorrlud. o.
Hold by II. Alex, f tokc, (lluindsl.
CHPITRU $80,000.00.
.tllti-lii-ll, I'rralilrlll;
rnt .l lellimcl, Vlrr lre.
John II. Kiiiii lii r, l nlil
V. Mlt.-liell. f.-olt Vi-I'I. MiiikI. .1. V. Kl
Jow iiti Slnos, .lnM.,,1, ll, ,,,!,.,,,,,,
O. , I iill. r, .1. I(. Kuiii-her.
Iloesn Rein-Mil liiinlilmrlmilncsmoiil miIIi
tlie lici-oiiiiK of nii-li lmnl-4. iiroT.-u.lf ni. I m
rnMnerM. tiii-elninli-M. mlm-hi
oilier-., tiroinl-liii tin- rno-i i nli fiil iilletill
in i in- nil-inn" in mi pi t'miiw.
f life lie poilt llixi i fur rent.
I'lrst Niitlonul Ititiik liiillitlin, Xolan Mm
Fire Proof Vault.
Ahw V on l-n.,l
bbu ar .
Use It.
ah mai upe one poium oi
it will line no other,
Physicians recommend it,
It changes a person's taste
for something more delicious
than ordinary coflee,
A trial proves it and it is
cheaper than other coilee.
Siile Agent for County.
$3. 25 to 8.50
6to 9.50