The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, July 11, 1894, Image 4

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    mt Star.
Subscription tl.SO per ienr, in lutmnrt.
C. A. BTKPHWWWWIH. Kdltor and Pnb.
WKDNKSDAY..1ULY 11, 1804.
An lnilcM'nilf,nt Inral paprr, pnltHnhrd rpry
Wwlnoxltijr at Hi'jmc)l(lvlll. .Icffi-rwin Co.
Pa., ilnviiird to thn Inlerf t of Kcynnlifevllln
Mill .li'(Tcron count jr. Nn-polltlral, will tn-at
all wit h f nlrnpnn, anil will In- mpnclnlljr friend
y towanU thn lalmrlnff Haft.
BiiWrlptlnn irkil. Miner rear, In advanrr.
Communication tntfinrirfl for ptihllratlon
tnut Ih accompanied by the writer' nnmn,
not for publication, hut as it guarantee of
good fiiltli. IntoriMtlnK new Item aollcltcfl.
Advertising rate made known on Applica
tion nt the ortlca In Arnold' Block.
Lenahty communication and Flianire nf
Bdertliemctit Khould reach thin omVo lijr
Monday noon.
Addri'MH nil communication to C. A. fltcph
ennon, KcynohNlllc, Pa.
Kntcrrd nt thi poMolflca at Rcynoldnvllln,
Pa., an second claMi mntl matter.
It In dinted that It coat the pcoplo of
the United 8UU 125,0(10,000 each year
to las borni $,100,000,000 to got married
and !)00,000,0(K) to trot drunk.
One of the oaslost thlnif In the world
In to (five advice, and one jOf the hardest
is to follow It. He who Is dlflixmed to
Rive It ahotild be willing to practice the
rule which ho make for nthoin.
It Is very rarely that the law against
the use of profane language are en
forced, but a man at Etwnsburg tho
other day paid for seven oaths at thn
rate of 04 rents each. The fine and
costs amounted to 17.40. Half the fine
goes to the poor fund. If all who swear
paid the legal penalty for the offense
the poor could be provided for as
sumptuously as tho millionaire.
This Is the season of tho year when
men relax their energies and moderate
their once. Schools and colleges sus
pend operations, while teachers and
students turn asldo for rest. Although
business Is not suspended, yet It Is not
conducted under the high pressure
which characterises It In other seasons
of tho year. In financial and com
mercial circles this is called the dull
season. Nature requires this relaxa
tion. The heat of the sun is more In
tense, and violent exercise would not bo
No student of human nature can
afford to Ixi Ignorant of tho astonishing
claims that are sent to the Patent
Office. Tho Patent Office Is a groat
sifter. It distinguishes the sane man
from tho lunatic, and comes nearer
than any other Institution to classify
ing thoso singular persons whose friends
are unable to determine whether they
are geniuses or semi-ldlotlc. Tho dis
appointments that inventors experience
after having spent years of experiment,
on finding that their discoveries have
been anticipated, or that their inven
tion belongs to tho class of unpatenta
ble common rights, are often pitiful
and so numerous as to make the Patent
Office sometimes a path to the asylum
or the suicide's grave.
Undor the system of money orders,
"which went into effect the first of this
month, any amount from one cent to
$100 may be sent. Orders not exceed
ing $2.50 will cost three cents; those
between 92.50 and 10 will cost five
cents; $10, eight cents; $20, ten cents;
and so on up to amounts between $75
and $100, which require a fee of thirty
cents. If a drawee wishes to change an
-order or cash it himself instead of send
ing it to the person in whose favor it
was drawn, he can get the money back,
but not the foe unless it is proven that
the postmaster made out the order im
properly. If a money order is lost it
will be repaid by the postofflce depart
ment through a warrant certifying that
the money has not been paid at the
office from which It was issued or by
the office upon which it was drawn.
Offices now designated as postal note
offices will undor the new act become
"limited money order offices" that is,
offices authorized to issue money orders
for sums not exceeding $5, but not to
pay any money orders whatever.
A feature of the approaching Nation
al Encampment of the Grand Army of
the Republic, at Pittsburg, Pa., Sept.
10th to 15th next, will be the souvenir
book. It is now in press and is being
issued under the direction of the Com
mittee on Printing. It will contain 1U0
pagos, 9x12 inches, in magazine form,
printed on onamoled paper. The oovers
will be illustrative of the various bran
ches of the G. A. R., in red, white and
blue, and of the city of Pittsburg, in
black, yollow and white. The book
will be artistically arranged and pro
fusely illustrated. It will contain the
official program during Encampment
week, a roster of all the posts and head
quarters of all organizations, re-unions,
camp-fires, route of parade and official
orders. - A number of pictures covering
the war time in Pittsburg and the early
days of the city will be produced, along
with pretty bit of scenery in the parks
of Pittsburg .and Allegheny, views of
some of the principle street, with the
public buildings and handsome rest
denoes. In addition there will be a
history of the two cities and of the G
A. R. and auxiliary organizations. The
edition of the book will number 100,000
copies, the paper alone weighing 120,000
pounds and requiring five freight cars
to transport it. A a meant of control!
lng the circulation of the book it la to
be sold at 10 oenU per copy, and though
it will not be out for more than month
yet, yet, W. W. Colvllle, secretary of
the Printing Committee, baa already
flUed a number of orders.
Col. James Rogers, who died sudden
ly at Pancoast, Pa., on July Cth, 1894,
was a native of Elk county and was
born on the loth diiy of September,
18.1.1, being at the time of his death 01
years of age. The Col. was twice mar
ried, his first wife being Elizabeth
Eddlngs, of Elk Co. A son, Walter,
was the frutt of this marriage. Walter
died at East Brady in February, 1801.
The Col. 'a first wife died In the seven
ties. His second wife, Eliza McConnell,
who survives him, was a daughter of
Jas. McConnell, of Deechwoods. She
bore him four children, three girls and
one boy; only tho girls are now living.
Tho Col. wns a Mason and was a mem
ber of Illdgway lodge for 27 years; this
lodge had charge of the funeral. Quito
a number of the Masonic fraternity
attended the funeral from Reynoldsvlile,
DuHols and Falls Creek. Religious
services were hold In the Chaiel at
Pancoast, btilnn presided over by Rev.
E. Lewis Kelley, of Reynoldsvlile, who
delivered nn excellent and appropriate
sermon. The Col. was well and favora
bly known to most of the poopln of Elk
county and with the citizens of Wash
ington and Wlnslow townships and
Reynoldsvlile. He was a genial, whole
souled, friendly man. A few hours
spent in his company at any time was
Indeed a pleasure. His mind was well
stored with many amusing Incidents
that transpired in old Elk and Jefferson
counties. Although not a graduate of
any college, he was a bright and fluent
talker and well booked In all the affairs
of our great country. He was a man of
extremely exemplary habits, sober and
industrious. In my long acquaintance
with him of nearly 20 years I never
heard hint utter an onth. The latch
string on his door hung alwnys on tho
outside. No tramp, or any one In noed,
was ever turned away with an empty
stomach. To do you a favor whether
he was sick or well, was one of his
greatest pleasures. To offer him pay
was to Insult him; if you thanked him
he felt that he was well paid. If you
did not do so ho would show his char
itable disposition by saying, "O ho has
forgotten It; ho is a good follow." Tho
Col. and tho writer of tills article both
landed at Pnneonst alxntt the sniue
time. He came on flth of July, 1875; I
arrived on tho 1st of July, and many
were tho pleasant hours we spent to
gether. I will miss him )erhaps more
than any other man. He first started
at Pancoast in the merchandise busi
ness. His big heart compelled him to
soon abandon the business. He could
not say no, and when he had given all
away he quit. Notwithstanding this
experience he again, some years later,
embarked In the same business at Pan
coast and once more failed. To his
honor and credit bo It said, while he
was robbed of his own be paid all his
debts to a cent. Ho was a kind and
loving husband, an affectionate father
and as a neighbor he had no superior
and but few equals. His life was as
spotless as his death was painless. His
soul is now up in heaven, away from the
trials, trouble and tribulation of this
world, and I hope when our time conies
to go that wo may be as well prepared
to meet our Maker as our old, kind and
loving friend, Col. Rogers.
Requiescat in Pace.
A New Ksperlenee.
No more sleeplessness, headache, ner
vousness. Bacon's Celery King Is a
true nerve tonlo. It sooths and quleta
the brain and norvous system. If you
are suffering with Rheumatism, Neu
ralgia, Constipation, Indigestion, Ba
con's Colory King stimulates the
digestive organs, regulates the Liver,
and restores system to vigorous health
and is in fact the great horbal health
restorer, Samples free. Large pack
ages 50o. and 25o. at W. B. Alexander's,
Horses for Sale.
A pair draft mares, sound and true,
4 and 5 years old, weighing 1,400 and
l,500fbs.; two borsos 4 years old, weigh
ing 1,025 lbs.; one mare three years old,
weighing l,0251tis.; and one pair of
mulos. J. C. Kino & Co.
Since the 'Keystone band, of Royn
oldsvllle, won first prize at the band
tournament at DuBols, there is no
dispute as to which is the bost band In
this part of the state. Punxsutawnoy
For Sale.
One lot and two houses on tannery
street, West Roynoldsylllo, formerly
property of Frank Ishman, will be sold
at a bargain. Inquire of Henry Rhodon,
Reynoldsvlile, Pa.
Robinson's shoes are the best for the
price that money will buy.
The dress goods are going fast at
Vrtfttna totth th
Brown Snydek At the residence of
Mrs. Hannah Snyder, Brookville, Pa.,
July 3rd, 1894, by Rev. J. W. Blals
dell, J. S. Brown, of Howe, Pa., and
Miss Mary O. Snyder, of Brook
ville, Pa.
Lindsey Walter At the Central
House. Brookville, Pa., July 3rd,
1894, by Rev. J. W. Blaisdell, Trace
Lindsey and Miss Katie Walter, both
of Leatch Hill, Clarion county, Pa.
Taylor Matthews On Julv 4th.
1894, by Rev. Jas. H. Jelbart. at the
home of the bride's parents in Knox
township, Thomas M. Taylor, of New
Bethlehem, and Miss Maggie Mat
thews, of Knox township.
At a regular meeting of Washington
Camp No. 208, P. O. 8. of A., hold In
I. O. O. F. Hall, ReynoldBvlllo, Pa.,
June 28, 1894, the following resolutions
were adopted:
Whkreas, It has pleased God in
His all wise Providence to remove from
our midst Bro. Wallace W. Ford, there
fore be It
Iienolrtd, That while we bow In hum
ble submission to His Dlvtno will, we
fully recognise and deeply deplore the
loss of a brother, and we mourn for one
who was worthy of our fraternal re
spect and regard.
Resolved, That the sincere and heart
felt sympathy of our Camp be tendered
to the familv of the deceased in their
Resolved, That as a tribute of respect
to tho memory of our departed brother
the charter of the camp bo drafted in
mourning for a jterlod of thirty days,
that these resolutions be recorded on
tho minutes of our Camp and be pub
lished in the Star and Volunteer, and a
copy be presented to the family of our
deceased brother.
A. Kt.r.iNitANS, 1
T. (. Saxton, Committee.
J. K. Womelduhf, )
A Profitable Investment.
If you are suffering with a cough,
cold or any throat or lung difficulty the
only sure way to cure it Is to take Otto's
Cure. We know that It will slop a
cough quicker than any known remedy.
If you have Asthma, Bronchitis, Con
sumption, a few doses of Otto's Cure
will surprise you. Samples free. Large
bottles 50c. and 25c. at W. B. Alexan
ders. To Whom It May Concern.
The personal property now In tho
possession of I). J. Burgeon, used In the
manufacture of soft drinks, Is owned by
. J. Burgeon and F. W. Zoltler Jointly,
and D. J. Burgoon has no authority to
sell or In any way to disposo of F. W.
Zoitler's interest in said property,
neither has I). .1. Burgoon authority to
contract any Indebtedness In the nanio
of Burgoon & Zeltler, or Burgoon, Zolt
ler & Co. F. W. Zeitlf.r.
There are rumors of new railroad
schemes in contemplation which are
guaranteed as trustworthy, tho con
summation of which would be of in
estimable value to the poople of Jeffer
son county. It Is the continuation of
the Beech Creek road to a point near
East Brady, on the Allegheny Valley
river, where It would form a junction
with another lino connecting Pittsburg
with the Northern lakes. Within the
past half-dozen years there have been
so many schemes for new lines of rail
road sprung upon the public only to
drop out of notice as quickly as they
came, that tho poople are very Incred
ulous and will no longer believe any
such reports, but it Is hoped that In tho
present Instance there is more founda
tion for tho rumor than In others that
were moroly delusions. Brookville Re
"Be sure you get Ayer's" is an im
portant caution to all in search of
a thoroughly-reliable blood purifier,
Ayer's Sarsaparllla being the one on
which there can be no manner of doubt.
It has stood the test of nearly half a
century, and has long been considered
the standard.
The Reynoldsvlile Hardware Co. has
just received a job lot of iron enameled
ware which Is being sold at great re
duction. Some people sell the same
ware for porcelain. Coffee pots, tea
pots, stew pans, pudding pans, milk
pans, ic, &o. You must see the goods
Dr. Dykes says it is our past which
has made us what we are. We aro the
children of our own deeds. Conduct
has created character, acts have grown
Into habits, each year has pressed into
us a doeper moral print; the lives we
have led have loft us such as we are
Go to H. J. Nlckle's for cheap tin
ware, dust pans, dish pans, milk pails,
strainer palls, slop palls, scrub and shoe
brushes, carpet tacks, choap lamps and
glassware, queensware, ladies' and chil
dren's Jersey vests and hosiory,handker
chlofs, toweling, &o. ; also full line of dolls
and toys of all kinds for the children,
with a full line of articlos usually found
in a first class variety store, all at prices
to suit the times, Woodward Building,
Main stroot.
Don't miss the big bargains in shoos
at Arnold's. You buy them at cost.
It is reckonod a great advantage that
tho avenues of woalth and promotion
are open to all Americans without dis
tinction. But this is not an unmixed
blessing. These opportunities are
fraught with temptations. They kin
dle the avarice and ambition of con
scienceless and crafty men, who seize
upon every meuns of monoy-maklng
regardless of principle or probable con
sequence. The result is financial disas
ters, panics in markets, and incalculable
sufferings. Unscrupulous speculators
are responsible for a large share of the
want which pinches the unfortunate
poor; and unscrupulous political loaders
are to blame for most of the vile admin'
lstratlon of government under which
the people grow restless. Men who
lack the self-control and integrity
which should prevent them from abus
ing the freedom to get wealth and
power afforded to all in this land are
not fit to be citizens or a tree repuouo,
Onlyafowlaoe curtains left at Ar
nold's. All goods at cost.
Or the School Board of Hrrnoldavllle
Borough for the rear ending
June 1st, 1804.
v i ...... ii i i . . 1 1.
. mi, n, i:iiiTv,pi , in -,-uu u v wiiii inn
School IHMrlct of Hie liorotiKh of Kcyuohls
vllle for the year ending June 1st, Mtt.
rcnooi tax,
To bal. In hnnda of Col. last
aettloment SI.Z44 XI
Btn't of duplicate 8,201 W
6 pur vent, added on ttlll 10 a6 IS
4,!M1 W
Bjr im't returned to Co. Com. .$ IT 40 l.inM IU !1J
" ftHirveiit.riihntonll,niM4a HU 4?
11 " " t'ol.'s poreeiitase
onl,Mil 83 It
" t per cent, t'ol.'s porcont-
ai(eon777Ki 89 M
" S per cent, t'ol.'s percent-
hkh on sums inn
" Treasurer's receipts t,Wi 8T
" itai. in nanasoi i;oi i.its km
-$4,M1 80
School llnlldliiK Tax.
To am't of duplicate
12,774 m
o per cunt, aouca on situ m
!, it
Kxnneratlon I M 44
Hi-turned tnt'o.l'om 17 2U
fipvrcvnt.r'uutinnfl,.tl7)S 70 S3
t ' " t'ol.'s percentage
on I1,.1I7 Ut! 80 84
5 Mr cent. Col. 'a percent-
axe on MTU 2M 88 SI
8 per cent. Col.'s percunt-
HKiMinHIHIT 80 68
Treasurer's receipts V7fl 48
uiu. in nanus ui vui i,.Ta in
-t2,M0 40
IloK Tax.
To Hill. In hands of Col. last
" Am't of duplicate
" t pur cent, added on ftf 00..
I 7 S3
SM 60
1 US
By Kxonorallons 110 00
.,,,,.. aiu mi ut
5 per cent, rulmtu on IIHflO
2 per cent. Col. 'a percent-
hiio on tlH AO
5 s-r cent, t'ol.'s percent-
live on (17 on
B per cent, t'ol.'s percent-
nite on r4 KS
Treasurer's receipts
Kill. In hands of Col
I 74
4.1 Ml
m Ml
fli7 SS
W. R. Alexnndcr, Treasurer, In account
Ith the HcviioIiIkvIIIv HiIiikiI lllstrlct forthe
year enilliiK June 1st, IKH4.
rcnooi j ax.
To II11I. In IiiiiiiIh of Tri as fUWS m
Am i from Col i;.m so
Hlule appropriations'tlf 47
Ain't f mm lent 1:1 Kt
Ity Orders redeemed S,57S S3
'" Treasurer's pcrccntiuro.... M 70
Am 1 in minus 01 j reus.... wz r7
v!4 18
Kchool llulldliiit Tax
To Am't of Treus.' receipts....
tOTft 4.1
lly Orders redeemed fKIH 79
Am't In liiinds Treus ItKI ill
11175 4.1
Doit Tax.
To Ain't In IiiiikIs Ticiis. lust
" Col.' receipts
I m m
43 08
i.m fa
lly Am't In hands of Treus.... tlW S3
These accounts nudlled thin 2tlth tlnv nf
June, ISM, and found to he correct.
W. F. Marshall, I
C. C. (Iiiison, J-Auditors.
A.M. Woodwahd, I
FRANK J. JiLAfK, Proprietor.
The leadlnif hotel of the town. Ileadouar-
ters for commercial men. Hleam heat, free
bus. hath nsims and closets on every floor,
sample rooms, billiard room, telephone con
nections Ac.
(1 RE UN &CONSEU, I'roprieton.
First class In everv particular. Located In
the very centra of the business part of town.
Free 'bus to and from trains ana commodious
sample rooms for commercial travelers.
PHIL 1'. CARRIER, Proprietor,
Bam ule rooms on the ffround floor. House
heated by natural ias. Omnibus to and from
all trains.
1217-29 Filbert street,
PRESTON J. MOORE, Proprietor.
Kates 12.00 tier dnv American Plan. 1M
block from F. ft. R. Depot and m block from
New F. 4. K. R. llepot.
And Roal Estate Agent, Reynoldsvlile, Pa.
riinnK W.W. Mala KtHkA n.n.lla Ka
.'1mi;tj (hi " m rain mi tt v, iipinaii iua
Commercial llutel. KoynoliWvlUe, Pa.
Resident dentist. In building near Metho
dist church, opposite Arnold block. Gentle
ness in operation.
Brookville, Jefferson Co., Pa.
Office In room formerly occupied by Gordon
& Corbutl, West Main btrut.
BrMkvilU. KyuMtvlUi.
Attorney! und Counellora-U-Luui,
Offices at Reynoldlvllle and Brookville.
Uoim of Olnuoel. A, oTar-(llln Care JbrPiiS
lqy.'"?tfr"''l""MiT. Wh andur
this tarrlMa l
haiia tn sum
10a only pay ror
for H by ouiL kauvle
tra. OnsraDteMhraad broararau.
uUild I lr A I IUN ST 1 T!'""''
snat Lirnt aa4 rtOulsSlSaaluSoS!!!i
BiaoorUKIFUUi. anuO, bII4 aad lunlta
k, Mpaotally adapted tocotUldne? at. sOMms
GUAJJUmxSlMMdealybt .
H. A LSI. Htoks, BeynoldsvlU.
ubaicrlb for
The Star,
If you writ the Htwt
In the price of Spectacles.
necessity, ana must De
well as
My Prices are to
Suit the Times!
Eyes examined free and classes scientifically fitted.
Satisfaction guaranteed in every case.
Optician and Jeweler.
We carry a fine line of
Summer Dress Goods!
that we are selling cheap.
We carry the BEST LINE OF GOODS to be found in
in Reynoldsville.
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Reynoldsville, Pa.
Repnlle Har Co.,
And everything kept in a First-class Hardware Store.
Roofing and Spouting Done to Order.
Glasses are not a luxury, but a
had In hard times as
Give us a call and examine
"Bee Hive" store,
L J. McEntire, & Co.,
The Groceryman, deals in all
kinds of
Groceries, Canned
Goods, Green Goods
Tobacco and Cigars, Flour
and Feed, Baled Hay and
Straw. Fresh goods always
on hand.
Country produce taken in
exchange for goods.
A share of your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
Very truly yours,
Lawrence J. McEntire & Co.,
Th Grocery mn.