(V TARIFF BILL AMENDMENTS. MORE THAN FOUR HUNDRED- Ola, Pottery, Steel end Iron Greatl Favored by the Change. With ovit 400 change's In phraseology and amendments, the Wilson tariff Mil has at last ts-en preeutd to the ennte. The new tignr schedule provide among either thing that n anil after January I. Iti'.i.'i. there shall ! Icvlisl, collected anil paid on nil sugar not alsive No. ID Dutch standard In color anl on all tmik liottom, yrupof cane Juice or of IsM Jn-. niclnda, on'-riitrnbsl meladu. concrete and oni'eii t rated niolnscn a duty ot 40 jier centum art valorem, nnil umn all sugar als.ve .No. lti Dutch standard In color there shull he levied, et HivtiHl and paid a duty of one-eighth of I cent is-r otind iu addition to the said duty if 4(i per I'i'ntiini nil valorem. Provided, thnt nothing herein contained, shall le ho constru! a to abrogate orln nny manner Impair or affect the provision of the treaty of reciprocity concluded tiotwccn the lulled HtntiK and the king of the Hawaiian Inlands on the .10th diiy of Jiinuary. 1H75. or the provision of any act of emigre hcreffo nro paecd for the execution ol the nme. A portion of thcgla schedule 1 changed ao n to rend a1 follow: "drecn and colored, molded or pressed and flint and lime glass bottle holding men than one pint and dem ijohn nnd carlKiya. covered or uncovered, anl other mold! or pressed, green or eolor ed and flint nnd lime hottle glassware not spcoiul.y provided for In this act, five-eighths of 1 cent per pound. Oreen nnd colored, melded or pressed, and flint nnd lime gins bottles and vlnls holding not mom than one pint and not less thim ouciiinrtcr of a pint, threc-lnurth of 1 cent per pound: if holding loss than one-fourth of a pint, .'IS cent r prow, whether nihil or unlllled.whethertheir content he dutiable or free." Mennte rate oh ulHive, 40 per cent; house rate, HO 'r cent. Another clinnge In gins Is as follows: "Unpolished cylinder, crown nnd common window gins not exceeding 10 by 15 Inches Mpiare, 1 "lit t pound: olsivo that nnd not exceeding 111 hy 24 inehca square. 1 '4 cent is-r pound: above that and uot exceeding S24 by .10 Inches square, l"i cents -r pound; above that and not exceeding 24 hv 811 Inches upmre. 1 eoicyper pound; all above that, 1:'4' cents ns, oiind. I'rovldcd, that it ri pollshod "Under, itowii and eoinnmu window gins, Imported in boxes, ?hi,ll con tain SO scpiare feet, as nearly as size v. il, er mit. uikI the duty shall le computed thereon according to the actual weight of the glass." There is a change of slzi-s 11s well as of rates i.nd comparisons cannot ho. made. Plate glass 24 ,y y Inches. 2S ci nts per square foot: sennte and house hill. 20 cents; nil plate (-lass iiIkivo these dimensions, MM cents per Hpinre foot; seuatn and house hill, :B cents. Looking glass plates are added to glasses tlutiiihie at 0 per cent, ad valorem In addi tion to other rates chargcahle thereon. The pig Iron paragraph Is amemhil to read as follow: Iron In pigs. Iron kentleg, spiog clolsen, forro manganese, ferro silicon, wrought nnd cost scrnpiron. nnd wrnp steel 4 pur ton, hut nothing shall lie deemed scrap Iron, or scrap steell, except waste or refuse Iron or steel fit only to he manufactured. Ileum, girders, joists, angles, channels. ,.H1 truck channels, 'IT columns nnd posts, 01 parts or sections of columns anil )osts. deck and hulb lienms and huihllng forms, together with all other structural shape of Iron ot teel whether plain or punched, or fitted fot use, 0-10 of a cent per pound) senate hill 35, Louse hill 30 per cent, llallroad ham mnde of Iron or steel, und railway harsmade in part ol steel. T rails and punched Iron or steel 7-20 of a cent pet round. sennte hill 22;,' percent, ad valorem; house bill 20 per cent. Tin plate, 1 1-5 cents per pound, restoring the, house rate: somite bill 1 per cent. 0;i blanket, bats of wool, and flannels for underwear and felts for paier makers' use and printing machines, composed wholly or in part of wool, the hair of the camel, goat, alpaca, or other animals, valued at not more than 30 cents per pound, 25 per cent, adva lorem; valued at more thnu .10 cents tier pound, and not more thau 40 per pound, HO -r cent, ad valorem; valued at more thau 40 cents per pound, 85 per cent, ad valorem: the change consisting In restoring the quotivl wonts in the house hill. On ready-made clothing composed of anvof above mentioned materials, hojse rate of 45 per cent. Is cliarg. rd: senate hill 40 per cent. lu the free list after the words petroleum, crude or rellned I Inserted the following: Provided that U petroleum, crude or rcllued, Is ImiKirt.sl from any country which Imposes a duty on the same exported from the United Mates, then there shall he levied, paid and ciolieetcd upon uch ietroleutn, crude or re. lined, the rate of duty existing prior to the pussage of this act. : THE SANDERS ARMY CAPTURED. The Colorado Train Stealer la the Rand of Marshal. "General" Banders and his tndustrall armv utter an exciting trip of 214 miles eastward from Pueblo, Col., on a stolen train, have surrendered to the United Hlates authorities. The men hud met and built tracks aroiiud twonlmtructieiiB when they reached a third at Chlvlngton. Col. When the wreck train ar rived Haudero signified bis willingness to help In removing the cur thrown across the track, and In a drizzling rain the commander and bis men worked for throe or four hour. The obstruction removed, Handera oooly signaled "all aboard," and forcing the woric tialn Iwfore him, proceeded on hU way with bis original train. Meanwhile a special bearing the deputy Dulled Htates Marshals had been racing westward and Haudur' train was met at this place. Hnuders asked for a conference, which was granted. The result was that Kundors ' returned to hi men and after a parley the men decided to peaceably surrender. The entire delegation was taken east to answer tc the charge of olistructiug the mails. This movement will briiigtheru uoarur Vusbiu'tou they think. THE BOYCOTT AS A LAST RESORT. Chief Arthur Make a Publio Addre. At the session of the convention of the lirotberhood of Locomotive Engineers, atHt, 1'atll, which was uu open oue, addresses were made by Archbishop Ireland and (iruud Chief Arthur. The last named reviewed the present condition of the country financially ut considerable length, oouuludiug with the statement that the agresalve civilization of to-day will adjust present soclul uoiidltious aud solve financial problem. He fuvured the Htate Arbitration of labor dispute. A a last reaort, In cases of trouble between em ployers aud employe, be advocated the use of the boycott, but only as a last resort, The record of the order show that claim amouutlug to O4.721,80,ul have been paid to widow aud orphan of deceased member Inue the organization in 1KM7. There are uow 520 sub-divisions, with a inembershiu of 34,000. v BIO DEPOSITORS BITTEN. Alao City and County Pund Tied Up by Bad Bank Failure. "Huspended," was the aiguon the State National Iiauk' door Wichita, Kan. causing much excitement throughout the city. . The Institution waa considered oue of the strong . est in the West. L. D. Hkluuer was president, aud the Lombard were iuteretd In it. The bank officer have out yet made any stale meut of it condition. Large depositor are left in a bad lluaueial condition. The capital took of the bank was tlOO.OdO, aud adver tised surplu. 100,000. The county ha 28,000 lied ill) by the suspension. The police fund of t2,5O0 I also on deposit in this hunk. The bunk has correspondents ull over the Huulliwest. FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. ttimmarieed Proceeding of Onr tiaw Maker at Waahinrton. os it nriittrn n ninnTumcrn nt. KrsATr.. lMiring the executive esshn to. ilay Senator Woi-k oresented the amend ments to the tariff hill which have l n con sidered an agreed to by the ISTns-rntlc eenators known as the eompromlse commit tee. Therti ore oer 41)0 of them and it niak1 a im'W Mil, or a mensuri greatly differ ing from tlx' W llson mil and from tlm satiate bill In any form In which It has Iss'ti present eiL The amendmetits heni'ifore prwnted tiySntoT Vest and reKjrted fion the fin-am-e eonimlttis" are Indorsed by the eoui promWe eommlttw. Iloi-sr. - The House lsgan linlne to-day by making some committee provision tor tlss newlv Heiied mcmlwrs ot the htmsn. The New York and New Ji-rsey hrhlge bill was puseii utidtT a uMns!on of the rub's on motion ol Mr. Dunphy. It rm"ts the objis--tious of Ins president to a 4er In the river hy referring the question to a commission til engineer. 'Pie new printing office bill wns discussed until 57 o'clock, but long before that hour the delate degenerated Into a tariff discussion, and Mr. Mllllken. of Maine, made a spei-ch arraigning the Democratic arty for bringing on the financial depression mm which the country had lje.ii suffering. At 5:12 o'clock the house adjourned. OSS IIITMDVltD AND NtMTCKXTII DV. BrsATr..- In the Senate to-day Mr. Noar.of Massachusetts, took up the discussion of the tariff, nnd (b'liounced the Wilson bill as with out principle or parentage. Hennte Lodjfc lias Introduced as an ainenlnieid to the to rift bill providing that an against Great Jintinn or any of her oohililen a duty double the amount imposed In the proposed tariff bill shall he levhsl. and a duty ol .15 per cent, on article on the free list, such duties to con tinue until treat Ilritlan shnll assent to take part In the iirb-mntlonal agreemamt with the United Htattvi for the coinage and use ol silver. Iloi-sr. The hill for the erection of a pub lic printing ofrh-e in Washington occupied the attention of the house during the greater part of the day, A resolution of Mr. Holman to referthe iiicstlon to a commission to con sist of the committee on public buildings nnd grounds with Instructions to sehs't a site now owned by the government wn adopted. The bouse adjourned at 5:10. osk iirsnnr.n sso rwr.XTir.Tn rv. Hknatk. - In the Henate to.ihiy the resold' Hon offered by Mr. Allen, l'opulist.of Nebras ka, calling for a committee of Inquiry lntt hUhe circiiuistances of the arrest of t'oxey nVwne anil Jones on Mav 1, came up, V Allen III supporting It said he had expectot that the senior Senator Irom Ohio, Mr. Hhor man, would have introduced a rosolutiot looking to the Investigation ot that "out rage." Hut a the Senator from Ohio hail taken tiosuch step, he, Mr. Allen, had movini to do so. The resolution went over without action till to-morrow, nnd a substitute win offered for it by Mr. Teller, Itepublicnn, ol Colorado, and accepted by Mr. Allen, which substitute simply provides for the luvMlgu lion, omitting entirely the preamble. Horsr.. To-day ttlier the rending of yester day's Journal the sieaker laid before the boiise certain senate bills and resolutions. Among these was a resolution for the print Ingof 8,000 copies of eulogies of the intf Kendall Lee Oilwon, senator from Louisiana, uud Mr. Ittchardsou asked unanimous con sent for Its consideration. o objection writ made. At 1:05 p. in. Mr. dimming Id charge of the naval appropriation bill, mov ed that the house go into committee of th whole to consider the bill, nnd (lending that moved to limit general debate to four hours, nnd on this demand the previous question. The Itcpiiblicans began to lllibutcr. He fori the filibuster had proceeded very far Mr, dimming bad a consultation with the Hep. Iiblican leaders, the result ot which was that he agreed to extend the time of general de bate to seven hours, H'.j hour ou each side The house then went into committee of tin whole, Mr. Klcburdson, of Tennessee, in th chair. After some discussion the coinmlttei ruse, aud Uie bouse ut 3:40 adjourned. one Husrmr.n and twkntv-pihst day. Rkxatf.. The feature of to-day's proceed. Itigs in the Mennte waa the two hour' debate on Senator Allen' resolution for a special commltti'O to Investigate the arrest aud im prisonment of Coxey. llrowneaud Jones. Mr. ilordou, Democrat. 'of Georgia. Mrst address ed the Senate, and wa followed by others. The resolution went over without action and will come up no more. Horsr.- Owing to the death of Representa tive Hrntton, Democrat, of Maryland, the House adjourned to-ilay after Ihe announce ment of hisdeath. the passage of the custom ary resolutions uud the passage of a few private bills, ONE RUN'bRRn AND TWENTY -SKCOND PAY. Senate. The Cnnegle armor plate scandal enine up In the Keuate to-day by Senator I'effer. Populist, ofterlng a resolution for the appointment of a select Joint committee ol three Senators and four lleprcseutatlves to Investigate all matters connected within five years with the alleged defective or inferior armor plate, liolts. etc., furnished the gov ernment by Andrew Carnegie and Ills r.ssocl ates in business. The resolution was referred. The rest of the oson wns token up with discussion of the ta-lfl bill. House, After action ou some minor bills the house, at 12:27 p. m., went into commit tee ot the whole to consider general appro, nriutlon bill. The naval appropriation bill Isdug taken up. At 5 o'clock the house, ac cording to the custom, took a recess until 8 o'clock, the evening session to be devoted to private bills on the calendar, ONE HUNDRED AND TWENTY -THIRD DAT. Hknatk. The Senate wo forced to ad journ to-day owing to the lack ot a quorum, which was only maintained for a lew hours of the session by repeuted call for attend ance. House. Consideration of the naval an- Iiroprintion bill consumed the time oft lit louse after the disposal ot some routine uioruing business until adjournment. TROUBLE FOR COXEY. Hi Divorced Wife Will Pro.eout Him Por Abduction of Her Daughter. Urn. C'uroline Coxey, the divorced wife of the Commonweal, uud the sister ot ex-Cou-grossmnu Ammertnaii, of l'oiiusylvaulu i re oar lug to make it unpleasantly hot'for both Coxey and lirowno. They induced her little daughter to go to Wushlngtoii as an "Angel of Peace," and hnve humiliated aud prostrated Mrs. Coxey that she has concluded lo prosecute them for abduction the moment they set f iwt on Ohio soil, she mav connl ude lo furry the war iutothe District of Columbia. On this and other points she is uow eousulU lug her advisors, Coxey bos failed to pay her nllmonv, and the allowance due to liar for the maintenance of three youug children, all of which was due April 1. He is living In Htate In Washington, uud she 1 despondent lu Mass! I ion. she propone to effect a speedy chuuge f she has to attach the box receipt or the wagon of the C'ommouweul. OOXET'B ARMY "MOVES AGAIN. The Health Authoritle Compel It t Leave Washington. The Coxey Army of the Commonweal of Christ evacuated Wusliiugtou aud went to the funious Hia Springs, unar the bistorio dueliug ground ut Uladeusburg, Just over the Maryland Hue. The health authorities would not penult them to remalu longer lu their camp ou the old sower canal, uud no other camp could be had lu the district. The army was Informed that it mu-t move by lirowue. who made one of hi violent IsHsihea, referring to the 'miirtvrdom of the Chicago Anarchist," aud suggesting a a ruaaou why the Cuuimouwealer should peacefully a'lquies'ie in the tyrannical dictate that if they remained iu the ulty s Jtue police spy might iwrhaps conceal a bomb iu their euuip aud then huve them arrested a Auur ohlsts. William Weisler, a member of the army whd Joined at Huggerstowu, was drowned. Willie bathing iu the Potomac, b waa se.l.s'i witb crump. Jiu wiu about 30 year old. FAMILY OF FIVE BUTCHERED A MISSOURI TRAGEDY- lathe rand Mother Shot and Children' Brain Beiten Out. ...... . A Tnwt atrocious crime wns committed Monday night near Drowning. Mo. tins -Meek, hi wile nnd two children were mur dered outright, and another of tlw Meek, children, a girl 7 years old. wa m Isvlly InJ Jurcd that she may not recover. There are a number of criminal enso pend ing In Lynn nnd Sullivan ounllc; against Wllltom P.'l'nyloraiidOifirge.Titvlor.h'rothers, Ihe formiT being n linnker of Drowning anil lis latter n farmer. The charge ngnlnst Hum are forgery. aron nnd Itireoiiv. William I'. Taylor, ins Jleek and other are Jointly Indicted. Mis'ks pleaded guilty at the last term and tw stit up to the penitentiary. About a month ago he was pardoned by Gov ernor Stone, in onler to use lilm a a witness ngnint the Taylors, who wore, in eonse njTice, an.vloii to get rbl of him. It i salil the Taylors had arranged with Meek to give the latter a wagon and team to get out of Ihe county, an that he might not be present when the ciisengnlnst the Tavlor was called for trial. Krom Merk' motlier It I leaned that hereon received a letter from the Taylors nt Drowning. telling him to Ui ready nt Iflo'eliN'k Monday night to go awnv: thn; (Ins M-k and children waited for "Tnvloi until mldidt'lit. when two men. whom M.s ks said were George and Kill Tnvlor, came to their home in a wagon. Meek "ami lil family got into the wagon and start.sl for Drowning. The details of the crime n near n can lie obtained, were told by the little T-venr-old girl, who wn suffering greatly as she" recited the story. W hen the Mik lamllv and the person nccfinipnnyiiig them reie'li'ivl n point near the sehoolhouse In Lynn county, n short dWiiiH-e east of Drowning', thev w'ii' met by two other men who were Iviiig'ln wait. (Ins Mi k. was first shot, and then Mrs. Mecks was killed. The murderer" l.at the brain out of two blhln n with stonisi nnd left the other for dead. The murderer then, it I supposed, loaded the whole family into the wagon nnd hauled them nearly two miles to the Taylor farm, where tin y were burled under a straw stack. At 4:110 o'clock next morning the eld.-st rhildcnTiietolierseii.es and made her way to the home of 11 Mr. Carter nearbv. The Carter family sent a boy to the Taylor farm, where he found the corpses of the 'murdered family as stated by the Meeks girl. The boy saw George Taylor and Innocent ly told htm of the murder, as descried by the nltnost dying child. George Taylor im mediately started for llrowing on horseback, got his brother William, ami both departed on horsohni k. Their departure from Drowning was before the knowledge of the murder had reached there. The K-uplo of the m-lglieorhooil placed guards around the straw stnek where the Isslie were found. l ion Investigation It wns discovered that a bloody quilt around the bodies whs on lire, the evident purpose being to cremate the I o.lie. The little girl recovered siiflleleiitly to di scrllss some of the imrtie nnd upon her evidence one Shnron McCollough. of Gould, nud George Howlett, of Line county, have I tee a arrested as par ticipant in the crime. A party of citizens from Milan nnd Drown ing found nt the place of the murder the revolver and the stone with which the mur dercrs had killed the father and motlier nnd children. The surviving child snvs the men struck, bent and kicked her Into insensibility and thought her dead. Great excitement prevails, aud if the murderers are fully ldeut llled the law will have to be very strong to prevent summary pouishment. AT A STANDSTILL. Buainee of the Week Show Little Im provement. II. O. Dun A Co.' '-Weekly ltevjew ol Trade," Sew York, says: The strike begin to have a serious, though It I assumed only a temporary, effect The number of works de- f lending upon bituminous coal or eoko foi uel is large, and quite a number of there have already been compelled to stop opera tions. The proportion Is larger in the Iron and steel manufacture than any other busi ness. Some railroads in the West are em barrassed, and textile work of some impor tiince must close soon unless the strike ceases. The movement of so-called armies of unem ployed on Washington ha caused little ex citement and is less imKirtant or slgnillcai:) than tits outward movement of specie whie'i shows a shrinking forelgu demand for pro duct nnd further withdrawal of foreign cnpitul. s The capacity of iron furnace In blast May 1 was 110,210 tons, a decrease of 10,512 tons during April, but the "Irou Age" ha tele graphic reports of stoppage by other furnaces having a capacity of 25,0!I2 tons Including some expected to stop this week, which would mean a decrease of about one-third in product since April 1. Prions of finished products are fully maintained and many kinds have advanced a little, but It I noticed thnt the demand Is not as large a expected and while an early termination of the strikes is hoied for, the nmiolutmeut of committee to uegotiate regMrd!ug wages for the coming y.-ar brings attention to the fa.-t that existing condition do not favor any advance in price or in cost of production. It Is a striking evidence of the general want of eontldouce that there is so little s ulation while money is abundant almost be yond precedent. Vi'e V?"' wf,k ,h 'allure hnve len 20(1 In the I nltiHl states, against 257 last vear, and 42 in nnada. against 2.1 last year. Four bauk failure are iu duded. COXEY ET AL POUND OUILTY. The Trial of the Oommonwealera Ended Coxey Hay Oet a Hearing by a House Committee. At Washington, the Jury lu the cue o Coxey, lirowue uud Jone made their return finding the three guilty ou the first count o the information of carrying banners in thi Capitol grounds contrary to law, and Coxei and lirowue guilty uud Jone not guilty, 01 the second aount of trespusslug ou the grusa Pending a motion for u new trial, the defend ants were released on MK) bonds. The penalty imposed by the statute for of fences of this kiud 1 Hue or imprisonment or lioth, the Hue uot to exceed 4)100, the im prisonment not to exceed 00 day. A hearinf may be given Coxey by the House Committer ou Labor. Coxey desire to present hi bll to the eommlttee lu person, aud apeak 11 por It. The reKirt made to the Commlsslouen by tbe health authorities is of such a char outer that the Coxey army will probably b) jrderai to leave it e amp at ouee. TALMAOE B CHURCH BURNED. For the Third Time the Tabernacle la Destroyed by Fir. Ilev. Dr. T. Dewltt Tuimuge' uew Taber liude, at tbe corner of Clinton aud Green aveuues, brook lyn, wu burned at ooou Suu duy. The Hotel Jtegeut adjoining, and sev eral dwelling bouse lu tbe vicinity, were ul so damaged and destroyed. The loss is esti mated at 4)1,000.000. This I tbe third time Dr. Tuliuage bus lust bis church by tire aud by a siugular coucideuue eaub lire occurred on Nuuduy. He was moved to tear as hi witnessed tbe destruction of the beautiful edifice. Bishop Math ha exuominuuluated Fathet ltuloue aud over 100 member of St. Joseph' church ut Denver, t'ol., for contumacy, f iA TRIBUTE TO MOTHERS. the Mary Waahinrton Monument Dedi cation. The dedication nt Kr1dcrlckbiirg Vft , of a monnment to Mary Washington, thn mother of the flm president, was a mot suspicion vent. President Cleveland was present, ac snmpanlod by Secretary and Mrs. Gresham, Secretary and Mrs. Carlisle, Seeretnrv and Mrs. l.smont. Potmater General li:cll, Secretary and HI Morton nnd Private Sec Mary and Mr. ThnrW. Krom Itichmond '.here came Gov. OTerrnll. and a Inrge num ber of civil and military visitors, and every part of the Ktnte contributed It quota of dl tlngntshed people. President Cleveland nnd part v on their ar rival were tendered a lunch nt the old Mary tVnshlngton house, after which there wa a parade preceding the dedication. In which the Mnonlc lodge to which Washington be longed took an important part. Gov. O'Fer rull made an Impassioned add res of wel come. Senator John W. Daniel, who wns the orator of the day, paid a graceful tribute to Mr. Waite, wife of thn Into Chief Justice Wnlte, the head ot thn Mary Washington Monument Association, nnd her fellow mem ber, whne pluo hnndsTiad n-nred "Thellrst monument on earth erected by women to woman.'' President Cleveland In hi nddre said that "nothing can Is more Important to thoo Who hnve assumed the responsibility of self government than the cultivation and tlmu Intlon among themselves of sentiment which ennoble nnd elevnte nnd strengthen human ity. Thn man who said he eared not who made a people' laws If he eonld write their song, might have snld with more truth that he eonld gunge thn strength and honor of a s-ople. and their tit a ens for self-government f he knew thn depth nnd steadfastness of their love for their mother. Let us recall to-day aaconclulve proof of the chsie rela tion between American greatness and a last ing love nnd reverence of onr mothers, the rroud declaration of George Washington," All am I owe to my motherland let us not for get thnt when hi glory wa greatest nnd when the plaudit ol his countrymen were londcet, he valued more than theso the bl sing and approval of hi aged mother. "I,et us be proud to-dny that the nobility of thi woman exacted from a distinguished foreigner the admission, 'If such, are the matron of America, he may well boast of llliistrion sons' nnd that Lafayette who hod fought with her son for Amerlenn Independ ence, declared nftcr he had received her hlciug, ! have seen the only lioman ma tron living nt this day.' Hememls-r these things, let us lenve till place with our love of country strengthened, with a higher esti mate of tlie value of American citizenship, and a prayer to God thnt our people may hold fust to the sentiment that grows out of a love and reverence for Amerlenn mother, bo. H. The monument Is nn oliellsk of white marble, 60 fi-t high. It base consists ot three courses, the upper one Is-veled nnd surmounted by a din benrlng the simple in scription: "Mary, The mother of Washing ton." A enp surmounts the die, aud from this rises the bountiful white shaft. The site i nt the edgeof a beautiful plateau, and nenr the twogrny boulders upon which the patriot's motlier wns accustomed to sit tor hour dally with her knitting. PE0M1NENT PEOPLE. .Ton Wasjamaki. I flftr-flve year oh!, flovr.nxon narrAi.nK. of Mnsichu elt. Is a nitive of England. Hasah Dr.attntnrtT, thn grevt actress, was ones a drnesmaker's apprentice. .ton O. TUvtn"i'. a well Vnown w York artist, dlei suddenly In Nyack, a few days am. AriMisAT. Sin Lrwi Tobias ,Tot. O. C. B..lthc gr.m I old mn ot tbe English nivy. Ho w.t born In 1709. Okorof Mrsr.ntTH. th English novit, wholslxty-lxyns.r obi, live In a little houw in thn Surrey Hills, a mile away from a railroad station. Oxsr.sAt. E. C. Vu,THt.r of Mlsllpn', Who restgnnd froti the Vnltnd Rtatn Hnuntn a fnw months aen, has almost entirely re covered his health. Tan Cr.ir of TttiMla t building thn finest ytcht In th world. It l named thn Standard, of 5200 tons, and will travel Iwsnty-one knot an hour. Mi Donn. thn lady tennis champion of England, on'v recently cnlebratnd her twenty-first birthday. 8helnn expsrt liicycllt and golf player, a well as a linger and pianist. Da. Thomas Do EttniwH. of New Jer sey, has two other claims to distinction be side being a Congressman. He Is the author ot "Den Dolt,'' and be once thrashed Edgar Allen Poe. Rixce hi retirement Mr. Ola ltoi. ha received huudred of letter lro-n English men all over the world, mtny ot them work iugmnn, conveying their love nnl rugarifor the Grand Old Man. Cr.ctr. Rnnnrs, Premier of Cape Colony, South Africa, and who has threatens) Inde pendence of that Htate fro'n English rule, I said to be worth t75.OO0.0O0, which may ac ocunt for his personal lndepnudenoe. Da. Guvxa Wrsnr.t.i, Hot.Mr.s. despite his great age, is described as lithe, silver haired and keen eyed. He lnughs nud chats with animation, and his flashes of repartee are as frequent aud brilliant as they were In other years. It i understood President and Mrs. Cleve land will spend a portion of the summer at Nebraska City, Neb., the guests of Secretary Morton. Extensive Improvements are being made on Arbor Lodge, the Secretary's coun try place. Th venerable ex-TJcitel Rtatn Senator Henry L. Dawes aud his wife have just cele brated their golden wedding, in Plttsfleld, Mam , receiving golden triukel and golden oidnloL from Mr, Dawes s late collegues iu Washington. Don Carlos De Boebbo. the pretender to the throne of Spain, was married a few day ago at Prague to Priuoes Marie BsrtUe de Kohan. Cardinal Schoenbora solemnlaed the marriage in the presence of a large gath ering )f the nobility, including mauy rela tive ol the bride and bridegroom. ftKFKKRCKTA-nvc Wibsoif, of Went Virginia. Who i sojourning at New Iberia, La., it rapidly convalescing. Except for a slight weaknes in the knee, he ho recovered hit physical strength. Mr. Wilson Is exploring the Teehe country, visiting the primitive sugar mills of the bayous and the Indian settlements, and occasionally Hulling. McLaosih, the new Senator from Minl lopi, is a genuine typs ot the Southern gen tleman. He dresses iu broadcloth, as Sena tors used to do before tbe war, with th waistcoat out so low as to reveal a large ex panse of shirt front, and be always carries a gold-beaded eane. Tbe Senator I: a man of great personal dignity aud distinguished bearing. A Double Russian Horror. Tbe town of Btepheny, in Volhynla, Russia, wa burued to tbe ground on Wed nesday. About 15 persons were killed aud twice a many Injured. Several thousand ul the inhabitant took what they bad saved to a plain ball a mile from tbe town and cauiied there for tbe night. Early iu the morning a hurricane swept the plain, ruining all the furniture aud clothing. The people ure uow destitute of clothing aud shelter, aud on the veree of starvation. A Village Wiped Out. The village of Pawnee, 111., wafa!mo wiped off the face of the earth by lire, l b entire east side of tbe public square wltl adjaceut house Is In ashes and the best por lion of the louth side 1 gone, Having tbe re of the square. Tweuty-llve tlrins and fuiu Hie were totally ruined. Tbe total loss wil reach 109,(liK). It Is thought tUt) tip wo iuceudiury. LATEST NEWS SUMMARIZED FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. What la Transpiring the World Over. Important Events Briefly Told. C AT1TAL AD LABOR. The Ashland Iron Company, of Baltimore, has npplled for a receiver. The company Is capitalized nt no0,000. It mine hnve become exhausted nnd It wa found lm pnftlcable to run its furnace profitably with foreign ore. inmr An rr.sAt.Tir.s. Willlnm D. I.ohmnn, ex-cnhler of the Brooklyn excise department, who wns re cently brought bock from Toronto, was sen tenced by J ml eo Mooro to Imprisonment lu Hlng Hlng for seven years nnd four month. Chnrle K. Davidson, who claims to have been driven to robbery by hunger, wa shot twice and dangerously wounded when try ing to hnrglatixe lllvervlew Military acad emy nt rough kecpsle, N. Y. Sheriff Hans E. Rector, of Mnrshnll, 8. C, while riding home Monday night, wa shot from ambush and Instantly killed. A man named George Roberts and 111 brother are suspecti-d. A St. Paul, Minn., poet attempted to settle his board hill with the Auditorium hotel by an offer of spring poetry. He soon found hi way to the d teution hospital. Ex-State Representative Klngnnd Contnbh Ernnklln were arrested nt Oalesvllle, Tex., for complicity in the lynching of Ed. Cash a few week ago. While resisting nrrest, George Kennedy, nged 25, of HL Louis, wa hot and instantly killed by Sergeant ot Police Woodloek. IUSASTF.R. AcrlllKJIT AND VATAI.1TIF.. The kiss Is reported nt San Francisco of the Simpson Lumlier Company's schooner Plo nor of that city, and the fate of the crew it uncertain. Throe young men were drowued by the overturning of a skiff In the St. Lawrence, at Nlcolct, Quebec, Kundny. KOIIKICI. Tbe Russian government has advised tin Pope ot its Intention to establish a regulation legation ut the Vatican. MISrEIXANKOf. A gigantic ice combine has been formed Ir New York and Brooklyn by Ice manufactur er, aud a aerie of jumiKi In the price of th commodity is expected. A big forest fire I raging two mile tills side ot Fond du Lac, Wis., and I nuikln;' rapid progress before n strong wind. Attorney-General Moloney, of Illinois, denied that he had ordered thn sugar trust to keep Its good out of Illinois. Judge J. W. O. Smith, of Stanton, Va., s well-known Jurtlst, committed suicide by shooting. No cnuse Is assigned. Joseph H, Choute was chosen president o' the New York Htate Constitutional t.'onvett tlon, iu session at Albany. The secret service office at Chicago ba bo gun the sclrure of all Imitation medal nnd diplomas ot World's fulr awurds held by ex Mbitor. F. A. Coffin, one of the defendant iu th IndlnnnM)ll National Rank trial, who in formed the Judge ot a Juror's willingness ti bang the Jury for money, I receiving auotiy mous threats to take hi life. Application wns made In the courts at Ron Ion for permission to issue 1. 500. 000 ot cur tlflcate by the receiver of the New York anc New Euglnud road. If allowed, tbe proceedi will be used to pay oft the more Imincdluti obligation of tbe company. LATER NEWS NOTES. Gen. Andre Avcllne Caberes bus been elect rd President of Peru, He was president from IHHfi to 1HD0. Late Wednesday night a cyclone strusk the (own of Quanab, In the Texas puulinndle, wrecking 20 building and Injuring many persons. At St. Petersburg tbe llussluu police have discovered a vast Nihilist conspiracy. Oue huudred people have already bceu arrested Iu connection with the plot. Fire bugs set lire to the burn of John Dun tan, at Red Jacket, Mich, and 10 business bouse wont up iu flume. Loss t-10,000, Charles D. Wolcott, of New York, ha been appointed by Presldeut Cleveland, dlrectoi of tbe Geological Survey,vice John W. Powell resigned. NEWSY GLEANINGS. Gebuaxt has 4000 tramps. Rfai Is to have a World's Fair. Germaxi leads In sine production. Migbioax Is first In copper production. This United States ooutulns US medical colleges. Canada will enforce a strict quarantine foi smallpox against this oouutry. The volcano Oalbuco, In Chile, after belnn at rest for 202 yean, has become autlvs again. Tbe United States took 95.31 per cent, ot the sugar crop of Cuba for tua first quartet ot 1804. Germaut has given out that unaer no cir cumstance will tier man rights In Samoa be given up. It Is estimated that 1,000,003 O Id Fellows celebrated tbe eVenty-ilftu aunlvjMary vf tbe order. In thn Lo Angeles sertlon of the Cali fornia Midwinter Fair there 1 an aruli built of 16,000 oranges. OKSstAX army offlaers have been forbidden to keep horses unless possessed of a oertain mount ol wealth. While playingdraw poker In Philadelphia Arthur t). Poultuor picked up four aoe and at onoe dropped dead. A permanent oomtnerolal museum, where manufacturers can show goods suitable foi export, will shortly be opeued in New York City. A rriux ot terror is reported la Honduras. Political execution are tbe order of tbe day, and another aud bloody revolution is pre dicted. Authorities expect the Australian wheat yield will be the heaviest In the history ot thi colony. Thsy anticipate there will be n urplus available lor export Of ll,73J,UJJ bushel. DIED FROM STARVATION. Terrible Fate of American Procpectorl in Mexican Mountains. Francis Murphy, nn American engineer nnd mining mm. returning to Ran Francisco from Mnr.atlan. Mex.. states thnt he wa a mem tier of a searching party that left Durutigo, about live weeks ngo to find the wherenlioiit ot H. L. Denton. C. P. Hnll, Frank 1 nrn-tnll, Americans, nnd two Mexican guide., wb Mnrtcd from Hallo, Ktnte of . llurnngo, on prosectliig and bunting e.xs-dltlon Into thi jderra Madre mountain. The men mentioned left Denver oms month ngo in company with n Mr. Freeman, who I reported to IHong in tt. L01.K and two New York gentlemen. The hitter three together with an ludlnn guide ami several Mexican, arrived back at Hnlto Just lifers the exHlition wa sent in search of theii compnnlon. In a half starved anil ha pyuses) up condition. They reported thnt they had run short ol provisions In the mountain, lost their wny and became separated Irom Denton, Hnll and l urnstall and the balance ef their party, A relief party was Immediately organized, Murphy, two American miner and a number of Mexicans constituting the searcher. Iu n ravine nearly forty mile from u!to ,,art ol scamping outfit belonging to tue udfslug men wa discovered. A blind trail wns foi lowed for 10 miles over the most ra.-ged anil Inhospitable region of the mountain. At one point a pole had been driven into tbe ground, to which had been fnstened a torn hlrt. A piece ol pnper on which wns print ed wllb a pencil the word: -Gut of pro. vision-, no water; have strusk out lor the fool of this canvon." Five miles In n westerly direction from this signal the bodies of'pcnton and Hnll were found lying on their backs, several camp utensils, a Winchester rllle ami n num. ber of cartridges were scattered about th pot. The iKidies worn partlv devoured by coyotes, but were easily identified, 'lbs riothliig had nearly all been toiu from Hull's body. Denton remains were hndiydudlgiir ed. The remain ol the two men were buric with solemn ceremonies, nud a mound 01 stom-s raised over them. SOUTH CAROLINA DHT. At Least That la the Opinion of thi Supreme Court. The South Carolina dispensary law 110 give way to rigid prohibition. 'l'ne supremi court so declared in uunoiiicug iti decision In a case from Florence nkiug foi nn Injunction torestruln the cltvcouiicil Iron granting licenses for felling liipior, on tin ground that there Is no law authorizing tin grunting thereof. Iu the decision the ,-our says that under the law a It now stiiuil there Is no authority Invested with the 111, 1 to grant lb-en es tor the sale of liquor lu thli state and hence the action of th? c.-.y counei lu granting such licenses I void uud tbi court thereloro grants tbe lujun -:i jj. MARKETS. rimni-Ro. THE WHOLESALE PRICE ARE OIVP RE1.0W. ORAlIf, FLOI-'R AICD PEEO. WHEAT No. 1 Hed I til t 62 No. 2 Red HO l COHN-No. 2 Yellow ear... 60 High Mixed ear 47 48 No. 2 Yellow Shelled 4 4A Shelled Mixed 4.t 46 OATS No. 1 White 41 42 No. 2 White 40 41 No. 3 White S!l 40 .Mixed 3i 6 RYli No. 1 IS7 68 No. 2 Western. New 65 58 FLOi n-Kancy winter pat. 8 05 3 DO Fancy Spring' patents 4 00 4 26 Fancv Straight winter... . 3 00 3 25 XXX Bakers 2 75 H 00 live Flour 8 10 8 25 Liiukwhest Flour 2 00 2 25 HAY Baled No. 1 Tim'y.. 12 50 12 75 Haled No. 2 Timothy 10 frl 11 50 Mixed ( lover 11 -'0 12 00 'l itnolbv from country.. . 15 00 17 00 FI KU-N'o. 1 W'li Md V T 17 l 17 fffl No. 2 White Middlings 15 Ml 1 50 lirown Middlings 14 51 15 50 Ursn. bulk 15 Oil 15 50 6TI1AW-Wheat 5.0 fl 00 Oat .0 7 00 hairy FRoni'rr. BVTTKH Elgin Creamery 20 21 Fancy Creamery 17 18 Flint y country roll 1 It) Low grade A cooking.... 10 12 CHI-KSK-Oliio. new I'i 10 New York. old.. 12J 121 Witft'onsin fswise 13 131 Liiubiirger (Nrwniak)... lnj 11) rilt lT ANII VEOETABI.F. APPLES-Fniuy, bbl... 7 01 g 00 Fair to choice. V bbl.... ft 00 6 50 Common, f bbl 2 50 8 00 BKANB N Y M(new)BeanVbti. 1 8i 1 90 Lima Beans, lb 4 5 I'OTATOFH Funry V bu 70 75 Sweet, per bbl 3 50 3 75 ONItlNts YeilowUlobefbu in 70 Mixed Country 50 90 I'llt'LTIIY ETc! Live chickens V pr 50 55 Live Ducks pr 40 50 Live liiese 'V pr 75 W) Live Turktys tt w 10 lr.Ml chicken lb.... 11 12! Dressed ducks ttt i t 14 Dressed turkeys l tb 14 15 Dres.ed geese ier lb 7 8 EUU8 Pa & Ohio fresh . . .. 11 12 HiMiibrrn 10 lUj FKATHKHS Kxtra livetieese V lb 55 bO No 1 Kxtra live geese V lb 40 45 Coimrv. Ism. I'SCEcd.... H5 40 MISCELLANIOUl. SKKDS-Clover 02 lbs 6 40 6 50 Timothy prime 2 'JO 2 25 Blue grass 140 ISO RAtir' Country mixed.... I 1 lONKY-White clover.... 12 13 Buckwheat 0 10 MAI i.KHYKUP. new crop 75 h5 CIDF.K rouiitry weet bbl fl 10 0 50 CINCINNATI. FI-OVR 12 S5SI2 tO WHKAT No. 2 Ked 55 KYK-No. 2 56 COKN-Mied ' 42 OATS EH 3tjj KtfCrt H BUTTF.K . .. 20 2l PHILADELPHIA. flour- 12 wain 10 WHKAT No. 2. lira. bti till COHN No. 2, Mixed 1 44 45) OATS No. 2, White 40 41 B 11 TTK It Creamery Extra. 24 30 KCiliri Pa. First . . 11 12 NEW YORK. 7" FLOUR Patent 3 T5 3 90 WHEAT No S Red. 0 1 o3 KYE Western 5u 62 COKX No. 2 41 45 OATH-Mixed Western .VJ 3D BUTTEK Creamery 21 23 EUU8 Mate and Penn.. . . .. 1 1 1 12 UVE-STOCE. REPOHf. EAST L1HRRTT, P1TTSBI RO STOCK VARP. Ji erTobTbsT'' " CATTLE. Prime Steers I 3 75 to 4 20. Good butcher 8 in to 4 00 Common 3 -iO to 3 70 Bulls and dry cows 2 50 to 3 00 Veal Calves 3 611 to 4 00 Fresh cows, per bead. 20 00 10 45 00 sheep. PriiueSS to 100-S sheep....! 3 01 to 3 75 Uood mixed 8 10 to 3 50 Common 70 to 76 lb sheep... 1 75 to 2 25 Spring l-uiubs 6 00 to 8 00 nous. " Selected 5 40 lo 6 50 Prime Yorker 5 HO to 5 50 liougbl 4 00 to i 50