The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, May 09, 1894, Image 4

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    , in ttilrniiri.
iior mill I'nl..
It. I HIM.
il vwi y
of ltiviinl'l .it,)
lllilll It'll I . H 1 1 1 I lfi -
1 1 stiivlutly rrlriiil-
ill lt"t i flir. In IIM Vtllirtv
ii-iiilt-il fur ituhlii'ii' mi
mI liv ilir willi-l' liiin.i'.
Inn us n tiiimtiiiifi. nf
PHlllllX lll-HM Ill-IIIH Hlllll'i l l.
intuit' MHIM M nil llllll 'l
imililV III.., k.
.iiiilitlitl. til ItniH mill I'littntfc nf
it liutilil ri'tii'h I hi iilllrt' Ity
till riminiimti'HI hum In I A . Mli'i'h-
, Ki-vntihM lllf I'll
"lll'IVtl III till' liiliilltfl' II' llrVlinlilt villi',
,, iti Ht'i'initl i' hiss nm 1 1 tun i li't.
Pluck-Me Sttnrs.
Tim follow ing rilltnriiil whs inlilh lit il
In tlio l'itlHlini jX Tiiw on Tinfiliiy nf
n wi'i'k:
TIhtii Is Hiiiiiiil wnw inn) mil titn:; els"
In tin' piimiiiiiiiiciitinii finm tln h ii nf u
coitl rntinT, jinliliilii'il In Tin VViih.i
ycHti'i'dny, piilntlnu to tlir rniniiitiy
Btovi" hm ti I'litislmit wnirre nf roiiti-ntliin
in tint inlnliiK f' kI'hi. hniI urultiir "
ilitTriviitliil In n irfiiiTiil wiijfi1 wnln In
fuvor i'f tlin op'Tiitur who jiiij-m IiIh
tiilni'rs rash, nnil li'iivi-n tin-in km fivo to
Hwnl It or Invi'Ht it. n ho Ih with IiIh
own. "I'lnck-Mf" HtnivH, Ih tho lilttir
nnmi' tho minor nnil IiIh wlfo Imvo for
thi'R" Inttltulloim. Tho hurnlntr wiiHo
of bring wronyvil mid ohi ntod piiwiim
tho mind of tho wholo coul I'flon jm p
uliitlon, mid whllo tills It ho nnil ni' ii
ant mon, thoro ciin 1m no eontt'titnirnt
or lusting iM'iwi'.
It Ih not Iiii)mkI1iIo thut thoro nro
oompuny Htoi'i H ut whirli tho minor mid
tho minor' wifo ran hny rhi,iii,r thim
thoy could hny If thorn wns no nui'h
thing. It I qulto c'i'tiiln, howovor,
thnt thoimwortooxort oxorhltunt priron
doi'H ho hrot'il tho iliHpimition to do it,
thnt if tho hlggiwt of thn Korty Thicvos,
on nn i xi'iirnion hiiok to onrth, wimv to
drop into hoiiio rompiiny Htorcn, ho
would kick himsolf inillhgiiHt hlnown
moiloration. HohIiIoh preying upon tho
minor nonr nt. hand, thoKo Moron do In
jury to Ihiwont other minon. It dooa
not mnttor to nn opomtor with mnOi n
torn who mnkcH tho uralo of vngen, an
long ns ho ran mnko tho prlct'i of
tho gooilH in wlili'h ho piiyn. lie can
raid tlio coal market nt will, and out tho
soiling price until bin honorahlo rival
who pays rash for hin lulxir must cut
wiigrn to compote w ith him, or do busi
ness ut n loss. TIiIh, of coiiiko, glvoH tho
huckster an oxeuso for rotliieing wage
to tho hmiio lower level, nnil ho In again
In position to prill) with both hanilH.
Nor does the evil of theso company
store Mon with ovorehnrglng tho min
ora for tho necossitleH of lifo and lo both tho coal lnarkct. and
tho wnpes of mining. There Ih a
poison ilooiwr stated In thorn than
theso, and ono which would exist if thotio
wore cut out. It is to tho intoivHt. of
tho employer who ban a Btoro to over
crowd IiIh mino with tbroo mon whero
thoro Ih steady work for only two, for
they can then only expect to work two
thlnls tlmo at bi8t. If tho minor
worked hIx days In tho woek, be could
draw all his living from tho store and
etill have Homo cash coming to him at
tho end of tlio woek. But whon ho has
work hut four, it takes all his earning
to keep hiH family, and from year's end
to year's ond pay day to him in marked
only by tho exchango of an old store
book for a now ono, on every lino and
and flguro of which his employer makes
a profit. In dealing with thousands of
sure-pay customers, the slzo of this ex
tra store profit, Bddod to the advantage
that if tho minors strike they must do
o without cither money In their pockets
or ud established credit at any grooery
store, Is enough to have tempted thut
over crowing of tlio coal region which
koeps thousands in hopeless povorty,
varied with occasional periods of actual
There is nothing devilish in the na
ture of coal, that It cannot bo mined
and marketed without thousands of
men, women and children having to
Buffer poverty, misery and hunger.
Tho coal business Is what thoso en
gaged in it havemadoit, and It is an In
tolorablo false pretense to say that
thoro is no better medicine for It than
riot and deputy sheriffs in alternate
doses. We know of no safer beginning
thun to purge tho industry of "pluck-mo"
stores. That thoro should bo a differ
ontial in wages against mines which
have them seems so essential to a fairly
proportioned general scale as to bo,
beyond argument.
Is it too broad an assertion? Have you
overthought of tho following which was
clipped from tho Ovul Leader: "If all
the thieves In the country wore sudden'
ly arrested and placed in prison it would
make gaps in the buslnoss world too
fearful to contemplate. It would an
nihilate the grain rings, the whiskey
rings, and the moat rings. It would
destroy the manufaeturies and shut up
two thirds of tho brokerage offices; it
would suspend half of tho water-works
and cancel a maioitv of the street pav'
lng contracts. It would thin the runks
of legal and medical fraternities, take
thousands of insurance agents from tho
UnU utiut th doors of real estate ortloes.
and so reduoe the representation in
Congress that no quorum could be ob
The earnings of tho A. V. R'y Co. for
1H93 wore 2,4:)6,815.l8; expenses were
81,660,T88.i. l'assengers carneu 1,011
The Top Notch Readied.
The lop notch of ontorprlso mid lib
erality hits linen iviichcil hy tlio Pitts
burg 77mt which minouiieoH thnt, I'Veiy
ono of IN sixty llitni-iiiiil HiilicrllH is,
mid all who will Is emtio regular renders.
Ik'fnro Hiitm-ilny, May 1-th, will bo
present! d with Ih" h'li'st I 'art of tho
.i t.,,..-.. .i-i.i.. Ail I'oitfollo of tho
year. Tho work referred to Im "Imiiiik
IickIIc'h Scenes find I'lii'trnlls of Ih"
'Ivll Win :" w lileli w III Iiii iiIhIi a com
plete authentic history of the eonlliet,
litjlweeu llie Stales In pictures drawn
on tlio nml mid in descriptive prose.
The I'lrst. furl will lie delivered five
to nil rentier of the I'itlslnirg Wmr.l
in exchange for the llrst six coupons,
mid the oilier I hi nl v-lilne parts w ill bo
furnished In rxchnneu of .x coupons
clipped from the Tiim and ten cents
for each purl.
Tin re w ill Imi thirty parts, twenty
six of which will be devoted to Illus
trations mid four to I'eiiiliug uiiilter.
Kuril of the llrst twenty-six parts will
contain sixteen Illustrations, making a
total of four hundred mid sixteen In the
rotnplete volume, Kliort descriptions
will accompany the pictures in each
part. Tlio pictures were mailo on the
scene of buttle by the most famous art 1st
of the time, and can therefore Imi relied
iihiu us alisolutely iiccurato. Tho work
III Im a supplement, to every written
history portraying us It does the striking
Incidents of battle, and giving tho
likenesses of tho leaders whoso names
weii' on every lip In tho days of strife.
Hero the veterans will find tho past
I ailed, and here the young may gain
inspiration to emulate their patroisin
mid devotion.
The Pittsburg Thmn deserves thanks
for placing this splendid history within
tlie reach of the people at. nominal cost,
and Its proposed free distribution of
tho I'lrst Part to all its readers is gener
osity without a parallel. If you nro not
reader of tho VVmix, order It from
your news agent at once. If there Is no
ngent for tho Timt In your locality
write to tho 'I'imm, Pittsburg, Pa., for
inns to clnlw and agents.
Hon. F. A. Weaver, editor of tho
Itrookvillo t imhlinui, has announced
himself as a candidate for Congiuss, (n
the Twenty-first Congressional district.
Ho served in tho war of tho' llobclllon
as a private In tho 11th Ueglment P. V.,
and of Otolith Ohio Cavalry. Ho has
represented Jefferson county In tho
I legislature and was Chief of tho Divi
sion of Lands and railroads in tho In
terior Department at Washington dur
ing President Harrison's Administra
tion, lie Is n gifted writer and ono of
tho most Intelligent newRpaper men
In this section of tho Htato. Wo bopo
that tho district will do Itself the great
credit of nominating him, and thereby
secure a first-class representative.
Kano lit imhliritn.
rrnC Triumph.
Instant, relief experlenoed and a per
manent euro by tho most soedy and
greatest euro In the world OMo'b Curo
for Lung and Throat diseases. Why
ill you continue to Irritate your throat
and lungs with that terrible harking
cough when W. H. Alexander, solo
agent, will furnish you a fino sample
bottle of this great guaranteed remedy?
Its suecess Is simply wonderful, as your
druggist will tell you. Otto's Curo is
now sold In every town and village on
this continent. Samples free Largo
bottles 25 and Me.
When You Put Away Stoves.
This Is tho season when people begin
to put away their stoves for tho sum
mer, and at least one-half of those who
do so will find next fall that the stoves
which have been stored In good order
the spring are half ruined by tho
rust in tho fall. Most persons regard
this as a sort of a dispensation of provi
dence to be endured with uncomplaining
rcsighatlon, but In reality It Is tho re
sult of ignorance and carelessness.
When a stove is taken down In tho
spring to bo put away for tho summer,
a pan of kerosene oil should be In readi
ness, and to ovory part of the stovo the
oil should bo liberally applied with a
brush or rag. Bo sure to reach every
seam, joint and rivet, then cover up
the stove with old newspapors and go
your way with a clear conscience, for
when you tuko off your wrappings In
the full there will not lie a particlo of
rust anywhoro on your hoatlnff appara
tus. Ex.
Bchultze's havo a
new lino of glass
Attention, Farmers.
Agricultural salt, fivo dollars per ton,
cheapest fertilizer on earth for gar
doners. 200 pound sacks CO cents at
J. C. Kino & Co.'s.
Plain, but True.
(Bradford Era.
Tho girl who grows up ablo to warble
high o, but ignorant of tho Ingredients
necessary to compound a prescription
for hash is liablo to learn that hash is
called for by more voices than operatic
songs. Accomplishments make a good
veneer If there Is a practical training to
pin them on. The girl who paints blue
cats on a piece of velvet and who can
not work a buttonholo is of as little
use In the world as tho blue cat she
Robinson sells a solid men's brogan for
AtMilioiml Lornl.
Wan'l Your Assistance.
Tlioro will Ik n musical eiitertninment
In tho opera lionso Thursday evening,
May I'Hli, given by tho ineiulstrs of the
Jefferson Columbian Minstrels, Kn
Htono Sliver Cornet, Hand, Moilol!n
Chili and others, for the J'"1 l'"so of rais
ing mini to nn I llie iuliiersof Iteyiinlils
vlllo during the strike. Tho hir-inesH
men and i 1 1 i . n h of this town well know
that what. Is tho miners' Interest. Is
theirs also, All turn out and help th,i
good riinso hy seeing a gissl moral en-
tertiiinment mid giving your money to
help the cause of tho right. Tickets,
zii anil .1.1 renin, mr sale nt ll'ilger
llros'., clol hlers, and Henry A. Heed's,
the shoo man. CnM.
Finest Fifes.
Purest fires were raging nenr Ileyn-
oldsvillo Inst Wednesday. Atone tlmn
It. looked very much ns If West Iteyn-
oltl-vllle was In danger of being de
stroyed hydro. The citizens became
alarmed and went, to work to thwart
lint lifo fiend mid save their homes
by "liaek-flrlng." The wind was
very strong and dense volumes of
smoke and sparks of flro blow overt bo
town but iiodnmngn was done. North
of Heynoldsville the hills worn nhla.n.
At. Hopkins mill the men bad (o quit
work on the mill and go out and light
the flro.
Ayer's Hair Vigor restores natural
color to thn hair, by stimulating a
healthy aid Ion of the sculp. This prc
aratlon also produces a vigorous growth
of the hair, and gives It a beautiful
lustre and youthful appearance. Iter
onimeniled by physicians, clergymen,
and scientists.
Two fur One.
We are making a special offer to each
of our readers paying a year's sulwcrlp
tlon to tho Sr a It In advance, and to all
new subscribers paying In advance, we
will give them 0i8 liest local paper In
JelTcrson county and will give them
free, cither the II 'imninkiml or Amirl
run Fiirmrr, for fine year. The two
pnerB aliovo mentioned nro excellent
monthly papers and the suliscrlptloii
price of each Is fillc. n year. This offer
Is made only to thoso in Pennsylvania.
During these dull times, or any other
time, don't send your job work to somo
other town to get It done until Tub
St a It olllce gets a chanco to bid on it.
We spend our money In Heynoldsville,
and work for tho town's best Interests
In every way possible, and exs;ct your
patronage in return. Hy helping one
another wo boom our own town; by go
ing to other towns to buy what wo want
we simply boom tho other towns.
The Prescottvillo Cornet band drove
down yesterday, and they have slnco
been regaling tho M'oplo of Ilrookvlllo
with some most elegant music, tho
nictnlKTs of rho organization proving
themselves real musicians. Tho fol
lowing constitutes tho organization:
W. O. White, leader; Charles Almnn,
James Walker, Charles Merrick, Wil
liam Hoyd, George Hurkley, Peter
lliggey, Henry Shields, Frank Mo
(iiiinis, Mark Kite, Win. Claughhaugh,
Jean Kroner. Hiisikvillo Hi jiuhliMn.
Insomnia is fearfully on the Increase.
The rush and excitement of modern
life so tax tho nerveous system that
multitudes of peoplo are deprived of
good and sutllcunt sleep, with ruinous
lonseipienccs to tho nerves. Heinem-
ter, Ayer's Sarsaparilla makes the week
At King & Co.'b you will find baled
hay, salt, Hour and a full lino of general
Imperial flour $1.10 at Swartz's.
A postmaster pointing to throe letters
held for postage, said: "Any man Is
likely to put a letter in the postoflloe
without stamping it. With a card on
tho corner of tho envelope, we can stamp
It and collect the monoy when tho
writer comes in. We don't know who
dropped those letters in tho box and
must hold them until wo write to tho
persons addressed and they send ub tho
postage. That Is tho law of tho post-
ollleo department. Kvory writer of a
letter ought to huvo bis namo printed
and stamped on tho onvolo)e."
Sugar syrup 20c. per gallon at
Robinson has tho largost stock of
shoes to select from, and the price Is
tho lowest. Theso are facts.
This Is ubout the tlmo of yoar when
wagon lends of mon and dynamite from
Punxsutawnoy come along our trout
streams and go homo a week luter with
a barrel of trout "caught with a road
and lino (?)" Cloarfield Spirit.
You will find a bargain In English
decorated waro at Sehultzu's.
Section 21) of tho act of March 31
1859, roeontly unoarthed by the Harris'
burg school board provides that fines
imposed for drunkenness shall be turnod
over to the school board In the district,
Tho section Is as follows: "Any person
who shall be found intoxicated in any
street, highway, publlo houso or public
plaoo, shall bo fined upon tho view or
Dnsif mode before any mayor, alderman
or Justice of tho Peace, two dollars, to
be levied, with tho proper costs, uion
the Broods and chattels of tho dolonaani,
which shall bo paid to the treasurer
of the school district where such con
vlctlon Is had by the magistrate colleot
lng the same.
Fob r.DNimKfw.
nr liiioos vii i.e lit iu ii iii,
."iililrrl to net Inn nf Hie Ki'iiulilli'iinmif .li'tTer
snii t'liiuil jr nt I lie ptliMio-y i'li'i'lli)ii,,liiiM Inis,
Ft in ahhi:mmi,v,
W. (). SMITH,
or I'rsxsri ni:v Itoitoriin,
Hnlili'i't In ili '-Kltiii nf Hie ri'inilillriiits nf .tef-fi'i-smi
I'o. in tln li primary Hei'lltm In .lime.
IPUtrlrt JkHornrti.
Of IIIIOOKVII.I.R llOHtlt llll,
Hulilerl In Hi'llnii nf Ilir Ki'iiiilillt'iitiHof .li'lTrr
siiii i'iiiiiii f m thn iirlmtirv I'li'i'loti, liini' HI. HI.
Or HimoK imh lloiiornii,
Hllhert to net Inn nf llie lliihli-inn nf .letter
son I'o. nt the primary t lt-el Inn. .hunt III, III.
JAM KS V. MimitAY,
or I'l.ATTII.I.K III lit' It ri II,
Hilhi"'t 111 ni'llotl nf till. Iti'lillhlli'lins nf .li'f
ftTHitn I'll, at tliu prlniurj rtretliin, Juim 111. ;i.
VHANKJ. Itl.ACK, I'rnprMnr.
The It'iiilltiv litiiel nf thn town. Ileiifliiiur
lers fur romtlierclltl llll'tl. Hleiini heat, freil
turn, hath rtMitim himI i'IusHm on every floor,
nuttiiile riMiins, hllliunj risim, leli'iilinne rmi
iii'i'thiim JOTKL UKLNAP,
1IHKKX it f O.WSKIt, I'liijirkUirn.
First elans In every imt-tli'tilur. Iwuleil In
tint very rehire of tint hiHiies pari nf town.
Kri'e 'has to ami from trains iiml I'niiimtMllniiH
titimiiltt rooms fur I'niiitiii'rrlul travelers. -
'. '. CAHHIKH, V.pnVfnr,
Hamuli! riHitnsnii th pmuiirl Mtsir. Ilnusn
hiMitetl hy niitiiral mis. Omiilhus to anil from
all trains.
Anil Ileal Kstulii Airent. Iteynolilsvlllii, I
Ofllt'i' on West IMnlll street, nplMwItfl
rotninere lul lintel, Keyiioldsvlllit, Pa,
Itt'tltlent ih'iilM. In hullillnu near Mi'thn
dlst rluireh, oitHisite Arnold hlork. (ieutlii-
ni'ss In nperatlUK.
!. s. minium.
JOHN w. ItKltl).
llrtMik vllle. .Iitrfersnn Co., I'a.
Oftlfo In riMitn formerly nri'iipled ly Oorilnn
Itnlii'll, West Main HI reel.
t. m. McDonald,
(.crack en & Mcdonald,
AtlitrnnjH nnil Viiunmlliirn-iit-Law,
Oltli'in lit Iteyiinlillvllln unit llriHikvlllii.
Letters nf nilniiiilstriitlitn on thn estate nf
John I'. IMiilholliiii, hitii or Kcymililsvllle Isir
oillfh, teltfison t'tiiuily, I'll., iIih'I'himmI, liavliiff
Imlehteil to snhl estuti are herehy not llletl to
iH'i'li lira ili'fl loine tiiiucrnr neu. bii nersniis
make IiiiiiiimIIhIi' payment to thf iiiIiiiIiiIa
tralrlx, mid thiisn hnvlnir rliilliis smilust It
will nritsent Ilium uroiii'ily aiiilii'iiili'aieil. fur
set l lemelil. .iiis. u. .1. .'iri.Htii.i,i.
Ailniliilslrnlrlxuf .Inhu Y. Miilhollun, dec U
Till I tell you of something that Is of
great Interest to all. It must bo re
membered that J. (J. rrochltch Is tlio
Popular Tailor of Reynoldsvillo, and
that is what I am going to dwell on at
this time. Never mind the World'i
Fair for a few moments, as his exhibit
of goods Is something nn thut scale. I ho
tremendous display of soasonunlo suit
ings, esM'i'lally the fall und winter as
sortment, should bo seen to bo appre
ciated. A larger lino and assortment
of full and winter goods than ever. I
ask and inspection of my goods by all
irontiomcn or uoynoutsviiio. ah ins
und workmanship guaranteed perfect.
Yours as In the past,
Reynoldmvllle, Pa
f9"Noxt door to Hotel McConnoll.
To h iuh:
A T7pv ar.fl CnmT iVsutttnam m.i.o.
RlTPJ-osmntliis "cnrolM f oiitrntnt .nd twii
JI..IM of Oluiiuont. A noTer-f.lllnir Cor for Pile
; , ?,.";r aenrM. it makes an oprllia
IfltQ the kUlfo Or lnlMttlnnao miia .... . Ki.,i.
r painful mil eelilum permaneot onre, ui'd oflra
T7 VurT pnvoaii 10a vuij pay for
aeuw roue t you, mi a dox, o for W bj bftmpjf
. V " . UUI ''IIU.
U T., 1 4i? brJ?n LUor Pellet
lUOUDl'UHlFIKli. Hman, mlM and Dloarutut tu
ink, eflpeolaU aUaptotl foe childcou't) WMa oiilotM
II. Alex. Btokb. Heynoldsville.
A KcMons VceHr
Unique not Eccentric
Willy not Funny.
Religious out Piuut.
Mot for Sect but fur Soul.
Send dime In iUunpe (or three reeks triei.
Per Year. CHICAQO It once;
ti Hit) pilftt of SptU'ldclfH.
licccHHily, iiml m tint no
Wt'll llfl
My Prices are to
Kyt'H rxfimiiH'd fruo and
SaliHfuctifii unrnntiMtd in tvTy rano.
Optician and Jeweler.
You nliotild H! tlio nw
Swivel silks and
lint received; alno the Fine
Helling at 50;. Bee our
jefore buying other places.
by getting them of uh. The
Dry Goods,
Boots, and
Fresh Groceries
Flour and
Reynoldsville, Pa.
ReynoMsville Hardware Co.,
And everything kept in
Roofing and Spouting Done to Order.
(JIumhch nro not a luxury, but a
1 1 ; i 1 in hard liiiit'H as
Suit the Times!
gliiHMttH Hclttntiflcnlly fittod.
& CO
Dress Patterns
SttrOTHi 4.r) in. wide, that we are
Save money on your
patterns are beauties.
"Bee Hive" store,
L. J. McEntire, & Co.,
The Groceryman, deals in all
kinds of
Groceries, Canned
Goods, Green Goods
Tobacco and Cigars, Flour
and Feed, Baled Hay and
Straw. Fresh goods always
on hand.
Country produce taken in
exchange for goods.
A ehare of your patronage
is respectfully solicited.
Very truly yours,
Lawrence J. Mctntlre & Go.,
The Crocerymtn,
a First-class Hardware Store.