'WATERLOO. :d in jail. lnl Army to the a'Aure. 10 o'clock Tucdiy filnrshnl llrowne formed Tiollow scptnro nt Camp (inn, nnd standing lu the or three cheer for noni. The "given nml tho commonwenlcr ' little cotton flair of ocmcc with y had Is'en nrmcd. Then, utter miiinouvcr, tl commonwenlcr started show Congress whnt II should do. The l.llglC WMIIIllnt. Ihn Imilil liliiVcd nn.l ).. Blotch hugpi-r brought furtli doleful sound worn nis instrument. Just then tho lender of the Commonweal arrived In hi pony phneton. With him Wn Mr. Coxey, anil In her arm she curried little "Legal Tender Coxey." her Imhe of a few wk. Cltlr.en Coxey held the rein. The march for the Capitol ground amis com menced nt once, chief Marshal Drown followed Mbm Coxey on "(.'oiirler," a big White stallion, owned hy Citbnm Coxcv. In hl hand he enrrled one of hin cotton banner pf peace, nnd thin he wnved at the iieople along the route. Thn rnnk nnd (He of the army followed with the bond nnd bnggave and commissary wagons piled high with enmp cqnipngn. At 11:20 o'clock the profession reached Florida nvenue, the northern boundary of the city, unci the Commonweal of Christ wn In the promised liinil.The procession wn hended tyasqundof mounted poll.-e, while other officers rode a ftnnkersnad kept eiithusio tie negroes and other from 4liM-klriir the pu. ttge of Coxey' phaoteaL t was the intention to turn Into the Caplt nl grounds nt the avenue wbleh swissf up Jo the onthcnt nnd along the front of the osiihllng. hut that entrance Wns blocked by another mpind of mounted of. Ileert, Mid tlione who (headed the procession keening straight hend. Slrowne followed. He He had pine alwnit a hloek nnd wn hearing the new library building when he dlsi-overed that he wan is-lngied post hi gonl. Halting the column, be illnioiiiited nml going liaek to Coxey' fcoton, fwlil: "We euu go no further." "Is this the front or the CnpltolV" asked Coxi-y. "So." aaM Browne, nml then leaning for ward be whirred something, while those nearest eeused their wild cheering for a no irienl to ere what the next move would lie. Coxey sprang behis 'feet, pla I his baud a the shoulder .of hi wife, kissed her. and jnmiig mot 'Of the vehicle took Ilrowue' brm. Together tlmy started to push their wnv to wards tle:pltol, while u omzv mns of peo ple, howling. mid yelling nt the tojioftheir voleo. surged. In every direction. Men were earrled off tllielr feet by tbowi nwful rnYim mid the 'ConiuionnvalerH who went oi-tlnir under unlerx to-etnnd in their pla.tti hud to iiw their heavy onken etaffn of pi-m-e to nave tbeiiijtelvee.froai b'bu orush.sl uml trauipJed upon. Cosey nnllilliwno llnnllv renehed theelde wulk. Then -euddenly leiipiiiK on the low etone purunvt eneloeliiK the Krouml.4 they broke into tholoee ehriibliery nnd Hturted to run eroH the 'lawnx. As'thi-y did this. Imartie eoininaiidH wero Hbouted and twelve mounted xilieeineit, putting epunt to Uielr bxrM, duelled nfter them. t'oxt-y eeimrateil from llrowne nnd tempor nrily Imt biiiiwlf In the erowd. The oftVem eloeed in on llrowne. For an iiixtmit there wn aernili-on hie faee Kliil then hi nhowed flKht. JlefomlMiould do anvthliix bevond lunkiiiK an effortito pull one'ollleer vut of ble eaddlo, ho was wired by three who were on foot. The mounted officers formed a ipmre abont hint nnd ho was hastily escorted out of the KroundH. Christopher 'Coliiinhu.it Jones undertook to Interfere with the urrest and iiv whs al"0 loi'keil up. After Coxay Mt llrowne In the Capitol .Troundi, he proetwdiNl Immediately to the Capital titttp of the Kuxt K)rtleo, unit mount ed to the llrst p bit form, about live F. Here were HtatliMHil Captain Kelly and other officer f the police force. They met the peocrul befont he had time to turn his face to the (fathered multitude., nnd was politely in formed that be could make no speech at thai pl". lfxeyslil llmly: '"I wteb to enter a pro'test." "Soalr," II rm ly mid the cuptuln. fcTB can take no action here of any kind." "Well, then,.l wish to read a program." "It caatnot lie read here," suld the olHeet. Coxey showed no Inclination to yield, and he Was bustled off the te out Into the middle of the broad iplarjt lu front of the Capitol. He made noipliyelcnl resistance, but protested all tbe while, mill the crowd gathered around blm and olistnutnil the way somewhat, but it was not a hustle of resistance, but Deemed more like curiosity. The episode then. ulosed for the day, aaf the alTalrf Coxey lueted not over 10 min utes. He wan taken by the police to the eile ol the crowd without any difficulty and en tered hi earrlnga. ( apt. Kelly suld: "Where do you ffotliow, Mr. Coxey?" "To our new grounds In Hoiitbenst Wash ington," taw Industrial lender suld. He guv tbe army the order ,to nian'h. Tbe police authorities 4umlKn.turliiitt a auilalile asuort. Industrial May Dlaband. There seems small hope that Kelley's army Will secure transportation out of lies Moines, and as the greater part of tbe men assert IKisitively that they will walk no further the authorities anticipate the breaking up of tbe army here. .Gov. Jackson is eudavorlug to secure a train to tbe .Mississippi, but has little hope of success. TKOCtPSOST THE EAKOE. Eiotous Sts'tkhnc Iron Miners Threaten to Uas xjloslves. Fifteen hundred miners on strike on the Mesaba iron range Jdlun., threaten to duetroy tbe property of Wis mine-owners if they do not grant the demand for a uniform rate ol (1.60 a day. The Fiuus, who compose the Ereat majority of the disorderly element, ave a large quantity of explosives and threaten to use It. Company A. Third ltegi. nieut, of the Kational Uunrd, arrived at Virginia. Two Uuluth companies will also go there. Oen. JJeucl, lu uummand ol the Minnesota militia, has tsteu notltled by the Governor to send ull the uillltia of the Btate to the scene if necessary. A majority of the men employed In thf Biwabik and Iron Mountain uiiues want to work, but are prevented by tbe mobs. They Will work if they can have the protection ol the Htate. At Virginia the peacable oitlseui are afraid the frenzied Finns, who are drink ing alcohol, will start fire that will destroy the town. FLAMS 8 IN FACTORY. Two Persona Killed by a Benains Explo sion in Hew York Two persons were burned to death and three other badly injured iu a beszlueexplo Ion. and lira at the dyeing establishment of C. Jolly ft Hons, on East Twelfth street, Mew York, ' The charred remains of a man aud wouuun were tukeo out after tbe lire hud been subdued. They were ideutlllod as Leopold L'heiieur and Louise Thuman, .employes. Lmll Maseoa was so badly burued that bis recovery is doubtful. John JJ. bunuarruu and Leou Uoudulu wore also badly burued. At the time f tbe Are the factory employes areis all at their work, '1'bey surauiblej wildly to get down stuirwuy and ttrewtcapes. Men whose clothing wus iu ilsine ran wildly ulrtjut the streets uutll cuptured by the police uieu. who kire the burning garments from their bodies and took tiieni to a store nearby, where their wounds were dressed with oil, 'J'hcMi una were uut serivusly Injured. FIFTY-THIRD CONGRESS. lummarised Proceeding of Onr Law Makers at Waahlnaton oxtt nt'Nimr.Tn xn TiiimrKSTit v. Hematk. To-day's si-sslon was nlmrist en tirely devoted to' speech mnking. for nnd against the tariff bill. Senators Woh-ott, ill Colorndoi Aldri-h, of Ithode fslnndt Allen, N'ebraskn, and Turpin, of indliitui, Inking Hie lenillng pert. Ilofss.- No session wns held in the House (o-Iuv. " nyn nrsimrn Axn rofnTrrxm paV. " Skjiate.- The pivsnge of the 81 street, I'lttsburg. bridge hill by unanimous consent was the only business (l Importance tmnsact eil In the upsr House to-ilny, Horsr..- Hcpnscntattve Tom Johnson cn-nted a sensation of brief duration in the house shortly after it assembled by introduc ing a resolution calling for a congressional Investigation of the bent lug of cltirens by the police during the Coxey demonstration nt theeapltol. He urged It as a question ol privilege, declnrlng that the offense occurred on the cnpltol grounds and purported to bo In defense of members of congress. At 8.52 the house went Into committee of the whole to consider appropriation bllls.and Mr. Catching called up the river and hurl sir ap propriation bill. Mr. Urosvenoriltep. Ohio) opposed the pnssnge of a bill carrvlng nenrlv ,000.000 without ome further explanation! At 6 o'clock the committee rose and the house adjourned without taking action on the bllL ONf. llfMllMKD AND FIFTKF.NTH DAT. Hr.XATr- More than half of the time In the Benato today was consumed in the de.lvery of a portion of the speech which Hcimtor Quay Is'gan on April 14, in opposition to the tariff bill. When the tariff bill was taken up the Hrst amendment fixing thn time for the bill to go into effect tnffter June M.j svus al lowed to pns over iittotit sciloa. HotisR - Not in esloa to-day. II.Ht Mt'XPUMt AM. SIX TTt STTITAY. Nknatr For alstut fare and a half hours to-dny there was nothing to Is- 'heard lu the Henate chamber save the rending of columns tiein columns of llgnres col.-teil by Setuitor Vuiiv, of IVnnsylvanla. nn lllus'iniiiou of somt propositions in his S)sieh against the s(tdliig tariff bill. A motion ito procs.l to exis-inive Uo-hfce wa then agreed to. Hofsr. - At iai:s o'ebs-k the House went Into committee sf the whole fertbtt purpose of considering fhe rtver nml barlsir bill. Mr. Catching leaked iniiiniiuoiei 'consent Hint the Nosise s-honld ornithine in se-s-n tiller 5 o'clock for the mrpose -of completing the consideration or the bill. Tills whs nursed to nnd the consideration of the bill was continu ed until shortly lifter II. when the committee reported the bill to the House, nnd it was passed. A S"'!"" win taken until H o'clock tor the consldernton of private pension bills. ovr. irtrtnnrnn wvn -s'.vfntf.f.nth dav. km atk. Owing to the fnet that the major Tmrtlon of the day in the Hennte was to be held Is'lilml closed doors In theeonslderntlou of tncecutWe business, Mr. Harris decided to make nn attempt to take up the tariff hill. Mr. H iMiton, ( )em.. Virginia) again culled up the hill to remit the penalties tin the dvna mite cruiser Vesuvius which he had made ineffectual efforts to have passed for several days. Mr. Chn-uller opposed It ns n "one-sided and losing business for the (lov ernnieiit." but it wns passed. Then at 11:30 the Hennte proceeibil to the consideration of exis-utive business. HofsK. Tin' lower house of congress wns not In session to-day. 'The Output of Gold. Disquieting news was received nt the tnns ury from New York eoneeriilg gfibl exporta 'tlotis. Hates of fori'lgn exchange continue higher and llrm, and iu consequence large shipments am looked for. The reports are that at least ir.l.OOO.nno will be withdrawn for shipment from New York next Saturday. with thu probnbilities that this amount will Is greatly exceeded. Thi'so shipments alone will reduce the gold reserve to nlsiut tUU, OlSi.WIO. .(r course the gold withdrawals do liot diminish our cash resoup'es. On the contrary, as I'lilttsl Htate aud treasury notes ure giveu in exchange for the gold, each with drawal adds so much to the treasury avull .able unsh balance. Frank Hatton's Funeral. The funeral of Frank Hatton, editor of the Washington Post, occurred nt 2:S0 o'clock Thursday afternoon. The honorary pall Ix'nrers were: W. 0. tlresham. Henator Alli son. Teller and Chandler. John W. Carson, J. . imjiiiou, tteu. ncnoiieiii, t. n. Warner, Jesse IS. Wilson, Col. W. B. Thompnon, C. U Mngee, of I'lttsburg) J. A. Greer and Theo doseisaytts. THE LABOR WORLD. Viikva, Austria, ha 100,000 Idle. BooKBiTtnca have thirty-two unions. fiocTH AraicA is to manufacture cotton. Minmkapomh, Minn,, hoi a labor temple. Fbaxoe has twenty-nine labor exotaange. CmrAoo bricklayers get fifty cents an hour. lOHDos. Trades Counoil has 300,000 mem- hers. 1 IiOWDoN pays munlolpal workers union wages. Tai.t. Kivib, Mass., hasn't non-union pinner. Batti.e Cbeek, Mich,, is to have a labot temple. QncKn.AND laborers iny the Japanese must go. TTkci.1 Ram basnt a non-union win low Class worker, RTBAHBtino (Oermany) bricklayer got t4.lt a week. ToaowTo. Canada, 'has a Sisterhood ol Bookbinders. Tar. great strike of coal miner wns ex. eeted to affect 9000 mines anj over a inarter of a million employes, Niam.t 1SO.O0O miners In Rtate east of the HIsalHippi obeyed the order of tbe United aline Worker to auspend work. Jrco DcDLrv. of Omaha, Neb., directed Ihe receivers of the Union Paellla to restore ihe salaries of the emploje .of 'the road to their former figures, Locosorivr. engineer, firemen, enr con luetors, brakemen, trainmen and other rail way employe have established .a brother hood Lyeenm in Boston. Omb of the big soap fstorles near the Cortlandt street ferry. New fork, employs a large number of Hyriana, whe dwell close dy in that little Oriental coraarf the city. Hat and sap of verr light and fine wire lloth are a novelty Juit introdaeed. They are Intended for railroad employe or other who wear uulforms. Other are made with light wire frame and oanvn cover a. Miss Lisa Rvma, a shop-girl of New fork City, whs supported her mother and lamily on 0 a week, was so overjoyed at tbe falsing of her salary recently to tl.kO a week, that she became delirious aud died two day later. BurrALO (N. T.) grain shoveler wet) a Itrlke for last year's scale, (4 per 1000 bnaheli n sulllug vessels, f4.60 for steamers aed (1.25 for trimming oaual boat. Italian were tried without suauess. The uulon ha t1700 in Its treasur'. Tns unemployed of Indlanapoll, Ind., who bad been aupporled at the publlo ex pease nil winter, and who refused to shovel inow, break stoues, or do anything else but draw their rations, are now demanding to (now why the work, which was promised litem la the spring, is not forthcoming. Tbe sweat shop of New York have learned A new wrinkle In tbe method of atanufsotur mg cheap goods. They take oa girls "to stern tbe business," charging then for the privilege, aad bluding tbns to a term of lervioe. When their term Is up they are dis Itarged to make tbelr way tor more isaroers, our the product of their labor is sold all tb Mini', lb tuluM (fire profit oa lth lidtHsV v - V RIOTOUS MOB IN CLEVELAND ASSAULT INNOCENT MEN. Police Were Lenient, But Will Kow Draw the Line, Henilcil by two Inbor lcndjsiBSftHio Idle men TTtit ttVsm--marih'l tirough the streets of t'lev"liin 1 nnd created consternation through out their linn of march, Hlreot enr were stopped nnd stoned, wagons seized nnd thelt contents thnwn Into the street. A motormnn was knocked insensible by a stone thrown by one of the men In the mob. As yet no arrests have Is'en made. At 10 o'clock In the morning the crowd formed in the public square ns has been their custom every day for nlmost two weeks. Nss'ches were made hy several leaders, nml the men were cautioned to commit no a"ts of violence. An Anarchist made s-veral vain efforts to promulgate his doctrines, but wns forced from the Banker's stnnd by the cool liended men. After listening to several addresses the mob man-lied down Hus-rior street, across the Hu isTlor street viaduct to IVarl street on tho Westslde, Heveral flngs and hannerscontnln Ing vnrlous legends were flaunted In the breeze.nnd when the crowd reached the west end of the viadui't a train npproaehed. The men hooted and leered and wnved their handkerchiefs nnd banners. Many of the men gathered bricks and stone from the streets. They walled for the car. As It drew near them they hurled thelrmls sllcs nt It. A brick struck K. J. llutterfleld, the niotorman on the bead, knocking him Insensible to the platform of the car A deep wound was Inllicted on his forehead. There was the wildest excitement among the pas-senj-ers o the car, but none of them were in jured. Iluttcrl'ield was taken nwny In nn nm buluiice. The crowd appeared satislled with Its work and pro-eedeil oa its way. When crossing the viaduct a doaen team rters mid drivers were stopped. Onewascon veyiug a barrel of apples. It was taken from the wugon and the fruit dumped in the street. The crowd marched across the Central via duct nnd demolished every window in a mo tor enr that was passing. At the corner of I'enrl and Abbey street Ihey ordered a motormnn to stop his car. Hu refused to h a A policeman got on the plat form, rcvnhjer in hand, nnd ordered tho men to fall back. Mot a man moved. The H7llccmaa fired into thn air nnd bis shot was answered 1st a d07.cn others from the crowd. NoIkmIt was hurt. Tbe men finally nllowed the ear t prouecd. At the corner ol Tenrl street nnd Franklin avenue a motormnn who refused to stop hi car was hit with a stone, but whs not serious ly injured. A teamster In Ihe employ of Wm. Kd wants a- Co. was hit witli a brick, as were several others, but none were badly hurt. After parading along otherthorouglifnrcs the crowd made its way backtothepuhlicsquare. There (limy listened to more speeches uml finally dlKsrsod. At night the Hoclallsts mnp'hed through the street. Their cheers wnsheiird for blocks. A drum eorjis heiideil the line. A large de tachment of police wns held In reserve nt thu 4'eiitJ-nl police station, but no outbreak occur nii. The police authorities, who have been lisnient with the mobs which have been creat ing excitement in this city, will ndopt suiii nuiry measures to, prevent further scene of violence. The Cleveland Grays, the crack military orgoiiixntioii of the Htate. were ordered to assemble and Ik Id themselves lu rendineflo to assist .thejiollce.lf more disorder occurs. SLATES WAXES WROTH. The IK. of L. Official Calla a Powdcrl Story a Lie. At itho meeting of tho (lenernl Kxoeutlve Board of the Knlgbtsof Lnlsir, Chicago, thorn wus much indignation at ex-(lenerul Master Workmen l'owderly's nttnek on John W. Hayes, Heerotnry of tbe hoard. 'i he trouble grows out of I'owderly' effort toward amalgamating all the higlalior organ izations iu the country. On this subject I'owderly is credited with having said among other things: "John W.Hayes, hyctilculHteil delays, stniids In the way. He Is the enemy of trudc unionism and the stumbling hloek In the wuy ol amalgamation. Thank 1hI my bead no longer wears a crown." Mr. Jtayea, as well as other meniliers, ma wited over the attack. "It's a lie," said Mr. linyne,"'nnd I'owderly, Gomicrs uml all the alleged lenders at that meeting know It. I'owderly thanks (tod that be no longer wear a crown, and I Join him in his expression ol thnuks. 1 also thank (lod that I am re Kinslble that he Is not wcurlngucrown iww. I have letters In my Hisse.sslon that ant scan dalous and that, were they put in print, would condemn I'owderly forever. 1 nm Uot in tbe way of amalgamation mid I hnvedone my hill duty toward culling this conference, T hese men knew It when they were denounc ing us at riillndelpbla. The F.xis"itive com mittee met and named the seiotcl Tuesday in June as the date lor the conference aud Kt. Loui Is the place for holding it, FAHHlFf hTfUTU RE. Encowraa-ing Prospects Ahead Despite AO the Pessimistic Event of the Pact ' Week B. ft. Dun A Co.' "Weekly Review of Trado." Jiew York, say: It is now as It hit Iwen for ainurly a year the amazement of In telligent -observer that the Tutted Ktats suf fers so little from jewerse which other Innds share bat which fall mure heavily here than anywhere -east. U'he past week has seen eveut which would suffice to cause or to ex plain marto disaster: Htrike of nearly all bi tuminous roul miners and coke workers with numerous riots; aitirjke of many thousand nien lu -other -employments; stoppage ol many manufacturing works lu con sequence: arrest ol truffle on several great railroads liy lawless proceedings, and (he niaroih of eeveral thousand dis contented WW .toward the Natiouul Capitol lu the hopeof mMitrolliug legislation. The lowcet prieessMw known for wheat, aod ul most the loaest rirint ever known for com modules as a vrlinle. exports of fS.'KHl.uOO gold, aud tle full of the Treasury gold re serve Is'low Utet'iOO.UM.IIMI limit, are slcuill cunt of wldixpreud difficulty. Yel the volume of busiiicsN is but tll.il per cent, less than a year age ami in some directions signs of iiu iirovenieuts ajqssar evea now, and the sub lime faith of the opJe lu their future Is shown tn the general belief thut the strikes uml disorders will quickly diKupK-nr, The most eueouroglug sign is the marked deereuse In llabilitbw of ilrum falling, which were only 1.44N.44 for the last week of April, and for four week, 4H.722.70s.of which XJM.rU were of manufacturing uml vt.tit I.HH7 of trading concerns. The amount of liabilities at the Houth was 'J.H19.419 against w8.lll.033 iu Eastern, and fi.ti'Xi.i!,! lu Western Htutes. 'J he fill lures this work huve beeu 233 lu tbe United Htutes against 2111 last year, aud 33 in Canada against 27 lost ycur. MAT SAT IN EUROPE. Tara Were No Serious Disturbance at Any of tbe Capitals. Dispatches received at Loudon from the different espltalsof Europe show that May lay passed without any serious disturbances. Alt wus quiet at Berlin and Vieuua.altbough meetings of workmen aud others were dis persed by the police in both these cities. A large meeting was held at Marseilles, but no serious dlsturbuuoe took place. At Humnie, Belgium, there was some rioting, but order was soon restored by the noliue. May Day passed off quietly in Paris aud throughout France generally. No 11 uy lay disorders occurred lu Koine or iu any other parts of Italy. Orderly meet) tigs were held Iu the other leading ivwui vu the CuutiutU. LATEST NEWS SUMMARIZED FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. What is Trans.Vrrtna- the World Over. Important Event Drier. y Told. WASIIlXOTn Brw. Mr. Cnlharlne lHx Boles, a sister of the late flov. John A. I)lx nnd widow of the late John Holes, Judge Advocate General of the Navy, died nt Washington. -- rnmrs aso FrxAi.Ttr.s. P. M. Weakley, n wealthy citlr.cn of Wood lawn, Montgomery county, Tcnn., was mur dered Monday night. Husplcion rest on his son-in-law. Willinm Kvnns, "Iledily" Wilson, a notorious bnrglnr was lynchi-d nt the city hall steps in Missouri Valley, Mo., Monday, for killing City Mar shal Whitney on Hntnrday. MtSor.I.I.AKOlT. The committee appointed hythe Prcslivler inn (lenernl Assembly of MM, to "tnke Into consideration the whole subject of the rela tion of the assembly to theological seminar ies," I In session tn Cleveland, Ex-Vh-e President Levi P. Morton hns died with the Court of Claim at Albany ademnnd for 5,J0O for 19 Guernsey cows, killed by the order of the Htate Board of Health under the tuberculosis law. Thirty tracks of the Lake Rhore nnd Mich igan Routhern rnllroad nt the Hlxty-thlrd nnd Ktnte street crossing In Chicago, were torn up by city lalmrers, guarded by 200 policemen. In an elTortto enforce the ordinance to com pel the railroad to ekvole their track lu the city limit. roMKin. A bomb charged with picric acid wa ex ploded at Liverne, Italy, Monday evenlng.No one was hurt and only slight damage was done. The Prussian authorities have discovered the names of mnny of the potters In the Vas arhely district who have been threatening to release prisoners, end have nutde a uumls-r of arrests. A thousand r makers went on a strike nt Hanime, East Flanders, lieenuse rioter be gan throwing stone, smashing windows,etc., nml the police charged tsj-ou the mob and dispersed H. Hlx Englishmen who went Into e cave near Rourmeh, Au-trln. became Imprisoned by tbe waters rising, nml It Is feared were lost. All the housi of the French missionaries at H a n have tieen burned down and the mls.U.narie personally maltreated aud lm irisone I. A supiawil bomb was found nt the en truu.'co the re Tutlugolllce, Spring Oardeus, I nndon. A partly-'inrned fuse was attached to It. Aliombwa found on the window sill of the pnlace of Prince Hohenloho, nt the Prague. It wso arranged that it touched by anyone passing it would have exploded. CONFERENCE CALLED. A National Convention of Operator and Miners to Meet in Cleveland. IS 'gotntlons were commenced In I'lttsburg Friday which practically Insure the settle ment of the great national miners' strike. A conference of Pittsburg and Ohio oporntors was held In the oftlce of Frauds I,. Itobltis. National President John Mdlrtdo, of tho United Mine Workers, who had come to Pitts burg, was culled into consultation uml a call was Issued for a national convention of oper ators and miner at Clevelaud.O., on May 15. The call wa signed by telegraph on ls"half of thn oiierators .of Indiana and Illionois, '1 here Is thus certain to lie a representative gathering of the-employer of at least tour Htate. If the wrtor cau then agree upon a hmI of settlement which will be just to all the competitive Holds the greatest dlltlciilty in the wuy to the resumption of work by IMfiOO men will have lieen removed. According to the statement of both the Ostrator' and miners' official, the wage question woe not discussed tn asty of the dis cussions. It wa felt -that the grout object to Is? attained was co-opcratlon is the part of tbe operator. The colli Issued, a the result of two or throe meetings of operators and Joint meetings with the oflieinls, is as follow: I'lTTsitcno, Pa,, Slay 4, 1ND4. To thf OfMrator ami Mi net tf the Uilmnut- out Coat VWnsotfw 1'itiM Statrm iKNTi.tMK-A nieeting will be held in Cleveland, Ohio, ou Tuesday, May 15, at 2 p. m., to takemch notion a mny lie deemed wise to bring nlsiut nn adjustment of the dif ference that exist betwecu Uk operators and miner lu the various mutes. All operators and sriluer are luvltisl to altiind the lueotiu. J-OWK McllHlllK. President V. M.W.A. rsrVIOK MrflllYIIK, Hce. U. M. W. A. W. H. Hou'Ojin, (III.) J. Smith Tai.lt. ilnd.) 1. H. Mobton, (Ohio.) F. L. liouiiixs. (Pa.) Ustrutor. TEN TIMESA BIGAMIST, Death of a Wisconsin Man Who Led An Extraordinary Career. A notorious cniwr has Just lieen closed by tbe death of Duvid 11. June near Uurr Oak, La Crosse county. Wis. He wus "wunted" lu several different purls of the State for big amy aud several other pl"ci of crookedness. At the age of 18 he fled from home to escntie the consequent; of some minor misdeeds, and two year later was sent to the reform school for lorgery. Wheu 21 he murried uud settled down to carpculory, but he was soon in trouble with other women uud was obliged again to flee to avoid arrest. In 1H75 hu found hi way to Trempealeau county, Wis., went to work at bis trude. and was also an Advent preacher of con-thlentble ability, nnd wus soou married to a Miss Hurdle, of tiules vllle, under the uuine of lloueeteel. Hi mreer ended there In ubout lx mouths, sh n he found the Sheriff was alter him for leav ing another wife in Winona, oue ut Fountain City, one at Sheboygan uud two or three in Illinois. He disappeared, and nothing was heard of lilin for 14 years, wheu hu wus caktured with a baud of counterfeiters lu Colorado, but made bis es-us, aud afterward passed through the various stuges of burglar, high wuymuu, train robijer uud ordinary trump, and mauuged to avoid ai rest. He wa on hi revisit to tialcsvllle in disguise when he died of pneumonia. He wa murried at least ten times, and each time under a uew uuine. M'BHIDE TO THE MINEBS. Soon, Be Say, No Coal Will Be Left and yiotory Will Com. The second coal strike bulletin issued by President II. 'Bride, at Columbus. O., says there are not over 24,000 mluers at work in the bitumluoua ooai Held, and from nearly every local aud general market thu cry for soul 1 beard. It will uot be long uutll there will be uo coal left, aud a complete victory Ttiil be guiued. LATER NEWS NOTES. Thorn. V.. Henedlet, of New York, hn H.ei'b confirmed a public printer. K"nker peel, of the English house of Tmnions, Is to retire nnd bemndea vis count. At the State miners' convention lie d In Ottumwn, In., a majority voted to quit work. The war department ha abandoned the effort to form Indiana Into separate military 0Ti panics. The steamer Persian Monarch Is ngroiind off Kastport, nenr New York, nnd It Is doubt ful whether ho can bo floated even nt high tide. IHsensrd Vtnh hecp crossing the State line of California, tlov. Walte said he would call out the military to prevent the Invasion. Pi lish societies of Chicago. B.000 tr.cn In procession, celebrated the lOflih anniversary of Kosciusko's declaration to defend the lll ertlis of Poland. At Zledllt. ltohemln, nn encounter be tween troo nnd workmen resulted In the killing of one workmen nnd the Injury ol others on both side. President Oomper and Secretary Duncan of the National Federation of I.alsir, are at Washington working nglust the Chines treaty. Wm. Prnn Nixon, for mnny years editor of the Chicago Inter Ocenn, has purchased H. H. Kohlsnat's interest In the paper for ttOO, 000. An Infernal machine wa placed In the house of Dr. Itenson, of Lelge, llelgiuin, by some unknown miscreant, and exploded, frightfully mangling the doctor and less ser iously Injuring hi young wife und a friend, OsenrKlrkland and his son liennis. planters of OTark, Alo., quarreled Wednesday night, the son cutting hi father seriously mid the latter finally killing hi son with a revolver. lite body of Mrs. Wooster.of Ornuge.Mn., was found In the river at this place uud she Is thought to have committed sul'.'idu while vniornrily Insane. Aquiline Filler committed suicide In the (lermini Catholic Cemct ry, adjoining Vassal College, Poiighkctqisle, N. Y'., byllrlng a bul let through bis brain at the side of his sweet heart's grave, which the lulsirers councted with the cemetery were lining up, and around which a little groupof inoiirncrsstlll lingered, A building was blown down nt Park llidge, I1L, Thursday, during a storm, killiu r II. Sehmet! :opf nnd Albert Koppler. Jnlioh Coleman was hanged nt Jefferson rity, Mo., for the murder of Frnuk M-t -klii, a foremnu in the s'ult- ntlnry. tlov. Flower hns signed Asscmblymnn Sheffield's bill abolishing all fees of the New York county sheriff uml fixing hi :ilnry at 20.000. A convention of the grain growers of Min nesota, hu lsen called for in Minneapolis during the State Populist convention, to do awny with the middlemen. RAILROAD STRIKE OVER. Compromise Made With The Great North ern Men The strike of the Ureat Northern railroad, which Involved its 5,000 employe on It 3,700 miles of line and which bos suspended traffic, both freight nnd passenger, for two weeks. Is over. Thl was accomplished by adjudica tion of the claim of the employes and the road, the court being a joint committee of the representative ktudlug business organiza tion. The result of the committee' conference I that the strikers gain nineteen-twentieth of the points made. President Hill conceded the wages of the engineers, llremeu, conduct ors, brakemen, Iwller makers, trackmen, sec tion men and blacksmiths, fhe reduction In the cases of these men was 10 r ceut. The wage of car Inspectors, cur repairers, oilers, operators, etc., were also practically restor ed. The following official telegram was sent out by President llel and Vh-e Presldeut Howard of the American Hallway I'ulon: "To the strikers ot the (Ireat Northern: A aetllemeut has been reached. Iteport for duly at ou w." Big- for Bead Settlers. The decision ot the Interior Department regarding nu Important corner lu (luthrle, Oklu., is that C, N. liarncs, ex-llegister of the IjuiiI oftlce, cannot hold lots, because he wus a Ooverinneut official. 1'bls bars all Federal officials from securing titles to lot or laud, and gives to actual settlers overU ,000.000 worth of property iu the leading towns of(jk IttUoaia claimed by Uuverumeut ulllciuls. NEWSY GLEANINGS. Oold has been discovered near Lebanon, Ind. Tbi Pennsylvania peach crop Is not dam mged. BxAixrox has become epidemic at Chi cago. Tbb rainfall In Arkansas has been uouiu aliy heavy. Miwsohbi farmers are plowing up millions of the seven-year locust. Fbaxcb I to have an Arbor Day in Imita tion of the United State. raise Bishabck does not see signs of war In tbe European situation, Feabs of a fluaooiul and commercial crisis In Argentine have (ubslded. Eusori ha been having a drought, which onuses tbe farmers much uueaiiuiisa. Pais Haves, Washington, ha been mad a coaling Hatton for the Boring Hea patrol, A bot of but fourteen year baa been pat In stripes at the Northern ludlaua prisou ut Michigan City. Pbixcb Cbbistiax unveiled a tablet In Westminster Abbey, Loudon, to the memory of Jennie Lind. Goviaxoa Nobtbibk, of Georgia, Is ad vancing a movement to encourage iuiuilgro tlou to that Bute. Gold coutinues to aecumulute In tbe Bank ot England. The stringency iu the London mouey market bss vanished. Tub prevalence of diphtheria in Wareham, Ma., hu uroed tbe closing of the public schools for an indetlnlte perio-L Faou 25,00 to 40,000 bead of range cat tle are annually graved aud futteued upou alfalfa pastures ot the Salt Itiver Valley lu Arlsoua. As tbe result of the Anarahlst aoare, the business ot the leading Par Jinn restaurants has, it is said, dwindled at tbe very least fifty per cent. Tbi World's Fair building are to be eons sited into train ibeda and depots along tb liu of the Chicago, Burllugtou and Quiucy Boilroad. Tbi Navy Department at Washington la ot the opinion that oaunou (hot alons will let the eftloacjr ot the alleged detective BTiuor B lute. .... ATOM. LEADS IN A RIOT, FIVE MEN SERIOUSLY HURT, Anl Two rf Thrse Probably rstally. The Cos Rerlona of Pennsylvania Its Scene of Trouble. Alrvtfl o'clock Knttirdny morn'n? n rtot oceurici! n! the painter plniit, Scottdule, I'n., ot the Mef'liirn Coke Com pun v. in which Iiepi.ty Sheriff Hnnford White anil llookkeeper F.nv ii II. Koddy were badly hentt n mid two or three of the rioters were wounded, j hero were u fw men working In tie coke yard whiui the Hungnrlin nnd PiutM living in the "omf tiny houses dis'ideil to drive trom work. Ihe plr.nt had only started nt 8 o'eli, -k and had not half a Complement of men. Shortlv befori tl o'clock about fO women living at tbe 1'nltiter plant, marched to the L coke yards nrnied with clubs ami coke forks. ' piq ulutlon of the plant. When tlo v leached the little hrhlcc. al out 10 vatds' lr m Ihe ovens, tbi y were n.et I y Suuford White and K. IS. Iloddy. who commanded them to halt, 'liny iiressed on, and th woman In the lead hit hlle on the bend with a hntc'r.ct, and he ois-ned lint on the crowd. Not enough deputies were present, nnd the ntiL-ry mob closed In on White and ltoddy and brutally bent them. Alter W lilte hnd been knocked down, a big Hungarian was alsmt to bit him with an ax, when .lame Tarr knocked the striker down. With considerable trouble White nml Hodilv were rescued from their assailants uml taken - to the store hull. ling. Later White was sent. I to the Connellsvllli Hospital. Dr. ftogers, n ie. nii-iei--ii iiini, nn t.niie ims uoi one chani-e In a hundred to recover, ltoddy wa not so much hurt. Just how many of the strikers were Injured. It Is dinicult to say as the friend of the Injur ed 'ople took them away to their homes. One nccoMit placed the number ot wounded' nt 10, but thl Is clearlv Imnrobable. as onlv While did nny ilrlng, ltoddy refusing te shoot. Three are known to be (wounded tor certain, two Olwnom were arrested. and thesr nmv be nil. I Dei.iitv H ierlfTs Illchnrds and Allen nrrlve.ll shortly alter the riot, aud with n force ot nlsiut 40 deputies, at once commenced the Work of arresting the leaders of the mob. Sixty-tbreo were arrested, among whom were a down or women, one of whom hud been shot through the ankle. One of the men nr rested was shot In the back under the should er blade, the bullet lodging under the breast bone, he was also shot through the richt arm. The prisoner were taken to jail to Liuomowu. THE NATIONAL GAME. F.xoLAXD ha organized her first baseball team. Farbrll Is the tallest man on tbe Ken York team. Tnr. cry all along the line Is, anything tc beat Boston. Hodthkb practice trip will be In vogue Again next spring. Latraw has been appointed (lull captain of the Cincinnati. Mn.i.r.B will play third base and captain Ihe St. Lout Browns, i Tbfrr are twenty-live player on tbe pay roll ui me rtosuington nun. Tbe New York Club Intend to carry seven teen meu inrougnout ttie season. Jr.xKuns. Kelts and McGraw are playlna i pueuouieuni uau lor lue isaitimores. Tbb Chicago Club ha returned to the net of the old aud famou white Mocking. F.DMunn Clarkmce Steoha, the poet and broker, Is an eutbuiiostio baseball crank. Boston ha the three ihortest outfielder In the League In McCarthy, Duffy an 1 Bin non. ,' Tbat great American query, "Whatsri score" has gins on duty tor the season ol IHVi. Tbb mascot crane that WM so prevalent It baseball a few years back has die I out ttv tirely. Tbere are four players among fie Chica go who ineiMure six leet one iuuh in height aud two who are lx feet tall It Is a noteworthy fact that every man oc. the Baltimore team began hi baseball ca reer either as a pitcher or a cue her. Mdbfht, the New York player, will make hi mark In the League, He has slowed up strongly in batting, fielding aud base run ning. Ex-PEmr.xT Jons; B. Dat, ot the New fork Club, think that thl will bt :he mod aucceful year for baaebull in tb history o) the game, Tbb Dickinson College baseball team hat two Indian pitchers, aud the Htrrisburg Bueball Clubalopoeien In liau twirlei uame l Mockay, Boitox' Infield I well high perfect. Th four meu play almoat a oue, tbe best tea-n work reultlug. Tbey all sj to at the right place all the time. McPhke, of the Cincinnati, an ITonr lane, of tho Baltimore, are the oulv ul In tbe big League who played With th American Auoolutlon in it Inaugural year. Tbb Baltimore' right field fence bis been moved in about thirty feet, and the crank Id the Monumental City are already Hearing oo the number ot home run Duu Broutueri will make tbi year. Tbe old battery of B'nnett nn 1 nulbonrn? ho been singularly unfortunate this year. Benuett lost both leg and Radhonrne bad nn eye destroyed by a charge of (hot. Manager Frank Belee, of tbe Bjton, ho already begun to make preparation - for a grand testimonial for the benefit ot Bennett to tuke place during mid-summer. Annus C, Anson ha been the mnrvel ol the baseball profession. No other mm wb ever played ball can point to twvuty-tnrei year of successlul life as a player on tbebali field. Auson has done with the game as I player, tbat I sure, and while lu a great emergency he may jump In for a day or to (till be will uot be out lor a playiug record ol any sort. A a matter of fact, it I s physical Impossibility for Anion to coutlnui pluylug. He is thirty pouuu over his play lug weight at Dreseut. Bow They Stand. 4 The following table shows the standing of' the different clubs composing the National Base Ball League t , , Club. W. L.Pet. Cleveland . .9 818 Boston ... 0 4 CM Baltimore .94 tWJ Pittsburg ..84 (ili7 Philadelphia H u 571 St. Louis. ..OS .00 Club. New York, W. L. Pot. Cincinnati . 4 6 Brooklyn . 5 M Louisville. 4 7 Washington 3 11 Chicago . . t b ' BEYOND THE STATE'S FOWEB. The Supreme Court of Pennsylvania Ras-f versed In an Interstate Commerce Case. "to Htate can levy a tax on iutey nointuenw lu auy lorm, was me g si oik, oislou annouueed by Justice Brewer, ii l ulled states supreme court. J. . uau wus ageut for a Chicago firm solof lu Tltusville, l'u.. orders tor plcturti picture frutuea. An ordinance of thut reoulred such solicitor to pay a license. fulling to do this Breauun wus lined theeitv court, aud on anneal the Suinl Court of peuusylvauinuffiruiedthe judgiaenti lu the opinlou of tbe court, rendered to-duyA J ustiiss Brewer stated that the judgment o thu Supreme Court ol 1'cuusylvnuia must ho ra versed. r