riNHEAD REPUBLICS. MOST OF THEM IN EUROPE OR ON ISLANDS OF THE 8EA. The dmnUcit In Am la Little Mot Than ftqimr Mlls and the Rmallmt In Pnpn Intlnn Jintiiler I'injr-nr. HonU Simple Form of (fovrrniitrnt. Whm n rorsnn rpnrilf . nf mnll rppnb lien, ho in Htipposod to moan thone of South America nnrl Knropo, whirh nro nmvkcd im every innp mid rlearrihocl iu every cyclopedia printed sineo they hnvo beoomo reptihlied. Tho fart in, tho world in spotted with iniill ropnlilicii thnt nro liever heard of, noma no imnll thnt they ceni more like needle points ttnm pin head.. A few of them nro known to tho most learned teachers of geography, nnt the majority of them would net tho most of these teachcin n task which would ro qniro more than n ".Ingl.-dny'ii lrwnreh. These little repuhlicH nro found on is lands no diminutive that they nro mark ed only on navigators' charts nnd nj;;rin lctveen nnd in tho center of kingdoms. In area they run from less thnn n nqniiro milo up to nhont 100. In population they run from Eflpcoplo up to hut little more than that many linndreds. They nro nil republics in th:it they nro governed by thepeiiple, hut their plan of government show a great ninny noveltien. To Tavolara may ho accorded tho dis tinction of being the (imnllcst repnhlio In point of population on tho face of tho globe. It is sitnnted on nn Island nbont five miles lung hy five-eighths of ft mile in width 1!) miles oiT ttie northenst const of Sardinia. lis population numbers nbont B5 people. TI10 principal occupa tion of tho inhabitants is fishing, the land being tilled only cnongh to supply tho needs of tho islanders. Tho posses sion nnd nbsoluto sovereignty of tho is land of Tavolara wan formally grnnted by King Charles Albert of Sardinia to the riartoleoni family in 1R30, nnd for more thnn half n century Paul I. king of Tnvolarn, reigned over it in pence. On tho Both of May, 1RS3, King Paul died of heart diseaso.sitMnginhischair, liko tho Emperor Vespasian, vainly en deavoring to write n will. His Inst words wero n reqnest that noun of his relatives should sncceed him on tho throne of tho island nnd that its inhabitants be allow ed to govern themsolves. None of the relatives over fllod n claim, nnd on March 27, 188(1, tho islanders hold a mass mooting nnd decided to establish a republic. Tho matter was a simple one for them. A constitution was drown np, which gives, by tho way, equal snffrnge to women nnd nlso provides for tho elec tion of n president every six years. Tho president receives no snlnry nnd is nd visod by a council of six, tho members of which nro elected by tho people. There is 110 pay nnd 110 perquisites attached to any of tho offices. Tho independence of Tnvolarn was formally recognized by Italy iu 1887, but thero is nothing on tho records which shows any other coun try having taken notico of it If we wore judging tho countries by their area, thon to (ionst must be award ed tho honors. But whilo its nren is not ono-third ns great ns thnt of Tnvolarn its population is over twice nsmneh, tho total numlKT of inhabitants being about l!)t). Ooust is situnted on tho flat top of a mountain in tho Lower Pyronnos nnd occupies nn area of but a fraction over a milo. Tho republic has existed since 1048 and is recognized ns nn independent stnto by both Franco und Spain. Tho government is vested in n council, con sisting of 13 members, who serve sovon years. ThiB council elects from its nuniber Olio who discharges tho duties of chief cxecntivo. Ho nets ns tnx collector, an sessor, judge, etc., but from nil his nets there is nn appeal to tho bishop of Ln nms in tho valley below. Other thnn these there mo no officers, not even a clergyman. Neither is there a oomo tery or uny public institution whntever. Tho pass which leads to tho adjacent Spanish parish of Laruusissostoop that the carrying of heavy burdens is nn im possibility. Tho inhabitants of this tiny mountain republic have built a chute, therefore, down which they slide honvy articles und tho bodies of thoir dond to tho cemetery far below. Indeed the good inhabitants of Const lire baptized, mar ried and buried in tho nenrby Ossan vulloy. Since the sovontoonth oontury tho population has varied but littlo, am bition und a desire to seo tho world call ing tho mora venturesome from this ro publio in tho clouds. The inhabitants ore long lived and robust, uro shephords and weavers of cloth und seem entirely contented with thoir lot, having littlo ambition either fur riches or power. Thoir language U a quaint mixture of French and Cutulouiuu Spanish. Another republic of dwarf proportions is that of Frauceville, an island in the Now Hebrides group, situated east of Australia and a Bhort distance north of Now Caledonia. It contains an area of some 86 miles, and its population con sists of about 40 whites and 600 natives. The island was formerly a colony of France, but its independence was guar - anteod it in 1870. Ita government oon liHtfl of a president and advisory council of eight, chosen by the peopla The president, who is at present a Mr. R. D. Polk, a native of this country, is ap pointed a judge, from whose decisions there is no appeal. Equal suffrage is ex tended to all. White or black, male or foiualo, may vote, but only the white male may hold office. The island repub lic is in a prosperous condition and car ries on a good trade with Frauoe. St Louis Globe-Democrat. The Voloee of Nutloiu. The Tartars are supposed to have, as a nation, the most powerful voioes iu tho world. Tho Gorinuus possess the lowest voices of any civilized people. Tho voices of both Japanese und Chinese are of a very low order and feeble com puss mid are probably weaker thnn any other nation. Ttikou us a whole, Euro peans hnvo stronger, clearer und better Voices tliuu tho iuh.:liit,iut.s tho other Continents. London Til -liil.;. TMl CAT CAMt IN. Is It tfcw Rvhmmifjttmi of the Old Kntt ln Whe iDliln't Come BerkT "Hants? Why of course I believe in them," said Wm Henrn to a group of congenial Bohemians crowded around the lunch counter about midnight "'There's a hurt now," and he pointed to a big black cat which stealthily made its way in the door and under a table, out of the shadow d which his eyes glowed red nnd green. "Thntcnt's ahnnt and a mascot all in one. "Ono stormy night about four years ago he came in here, and ho 's never been away since. There nsrd to bo nn old musician who visited ns every night steady for yenrs. Ho used to como in hollow eyed andhaggnrd. Ho never said a word, but laid down his money, got his bracer Old Tom gin nlwnys tho same, and went on his way. The time tho cat camo in tho night mnn noticed thnt tho old musician hadn't nppenred. It wns a stormy night too, just nlxmt this timo. Tho wind howled nnd moaned, and the lightning flashed in red ribbons whilo tho thunder cracked like tho guns rf battlo and reverlierated in n boom thnt mado nil the dishes in tho houso rattle. It wns n bad night, too dismal by far for peoplo to bo out in. Every Ixwly was sitting around the stove talk ing. Just ns tho clock wns striking 1 3, Mr. Frazeo expressed wonder that tho old man, moaning tho musician, hadn't come in. At that moment tho big black cat camo in and took his placo by tho stovo nnd never uttered a meow, and ho's never been away since, nnd, moro thnn that, ho never sleeps. If that cat should go to sleep, I boliovo tho honso would fall down. Oneo in nwhilo ho gets a lit tlo bit sick, and then everything goes wrong. "But tho strnngo part of tho story is that tho old musician never camo back. Two days later ho was pulled out of tho river dead. Ho must have jumped in tho snmo night that cat camo. I believe tho spirit of that old man is in that cat. What makes mo believo so is that us noon ns a band passes that door playing that cat makes for the river as fast nsho enn tear. He goes away tho moment any musio is heard, nnd ho doesn't tarry when ho starts. What ho goes to tho river for I don't know. Perhaps it was musio that drove tho old man crazy. I've heard some musio that would drive anybody so. "Florida Times-Union. Dnblied a Vlalonnry. The probnbility thnt vehicles driven by steam would bo the future monns of trnnsportntion on lnnd wns very well foreseen 20 years before the Inst century closed by Oliver Evans of Philadelphia, the inventor of the high pressure steam engine. As early as 1780 ho petitioned the legislature of Pennsylvania for the exclusive right to use his inventions for road wagonB to be propelled by stoam. Tho word locomotive had not then come into use. This privilege wns denied, but the Maryland legislature gv;iitcd the right for 14 years. Thero appeared at one time good prospects of Evans obtain ing the necessary financial support to apply his steam engine to the propulsion of boate and road wagons, but some cautious capitalist of that day deter mined to hnvo B. H. Latrobo, an accom plished architect and engineer, report upon the schemes that Evans was ndvo cnting. Lntrobe reported strongly against tho steam engine, saying that the inventor was a visionary. This re port ruined Evans' career nnd depiived America of the benefits of tho steam en gine in transportation for two genera tions longer. By a curious irony of fato tho son of this snmo Latrole performed important engineering services in building the Bal timore nnd Ohio, the first railroad iu this country whero a steam engine was used successfully. Locomotive Engi neering. Don't Judge ny Apppnroncc A one logged street beggar who, rnin or shine, sits every day with outstretched hand on tho steps of a worehonso in a down town cross street is quite a philos opher in his way. Ho says that, so far as his experience goes, little can be judged regurding tho benevolence of men or women by thoir appearance. Some times, ho says, he will see a man ap proaching who sooms to be tho personi fication of charity allied with opulonca The beggar stretches forth his hand with confidence, bnt withdraws it with disap pointment. Thon there hurries by a Me phistopholian looking creature, seedy perhnps, with a cynical smile on his face, who drops a quarter into the beseeching palm. Among women, the beggar asserts, the best dressed are seldom the most charitable. There are exceptions to the rulo, of courso, but the prevalent theory that a street beggar can "size up" a pe destrian by his appearanoe is erroneous. New York World. Falling- Eye. "I think the eye power of the present generation of civilized men must have deteriorated a good deal," said an ocu list to mo tho other day. "I am called upon to examine so many young persons nowadays whose eyes show no symp toms of disouse or strabismus, but ore imply unable to do the ordinary amount of work required of schoolboys, school girls, oollege studants or moderate read ers without showing symptoms of over work. "This weakness seems to be constitu tional, and glasses are required which lessen the muscular strain on the eyes only. In spite of the invention of the typewriter, which has relieved the eye of so much work, the state of things is almost equally as prevalent in business circles as among students. "Now York Herald. A Juvenile Reporter. "Now, tell me, " said the aunt to lit tle Annie, who hod been token to the concert for the first time in her life, "whut did they do?" "Oh, there was a lady screaming be cause she hud forgotten to put on her sleeves, und a waiter played on the pi ano all the time!" was tho child's reply. Corriero dolla Sera. fear fell ! Che Mine Fox. Ia Siberia the skiaof the bine fox, or testis, is highly priced, and the first prize for the horse races of the Anadyr in a fine pelt. According to M. Langka vol, the bine fox still Inhabits the Lap land pnrt of Scandinavia, the islands of the White tea, parts of northern Russia, the coasts of Siberia, the new Siberian Islands and in America tho Aleutian is lands, Atton, Oonnlnska the Fox is lands Alaska, the Commander islands, the Mnckenzlo river district, Labrador and Newfoundland. The blue fox is a vnrioty of the white fox, so rare that of 100 white fox skins only fonr or five will have the bluish or cloudy tinge London Ulohe. Temporary Change of Lodging-. At Monte Carlo a gambler had won tho mnximnm at rouge et noir three times in succession. "There's a fellow running off with a splendid hnul of bank notes!" said a spectator. "Oh, " cnrclessly Interjected the cro. pior, "thnt mnkes no difference to th bank. It is merely a bit of our mono sleeping out fortho night!" Pnris Ptti Nlcois. Obeyed Order. Employer (to new office boy) If nny ono calls, James, bo snro nnd remember that I nin not in. (Half nn hour later.) Didn't you hear me call, yon young ras cal? James Yes, sir, but 1 t'onght yer wasn't in. London Punch. A Khiule Too YIMrilng. Binks Why so gloomy? Jinks My wife let me hnvo tho last word in nn nrgument this morning. "What of that?" "That shows that sho Is going to do as she plonses anyhow." New York Weekly. All of J. M. Bnrrio's stories nro snid to have grown out of his everyday life, and In tho young men who nro pictured walking knee deep in tho heather of Thrums and vicinity one can find the boyhood and the present life of tho bril liant young Scotchman. She wns a wealthy soprano, and nt the concert sang, "Oh, For tho Wings of a Dove!"' yot nn hour later nt supper she took the wings, legs nnd most of the breast of a turkey and then pnssed her plate for"more stuffing." The German name for trnm cai is "pford strHsscneiwenbahnwngen." It looks formidable, hut so would the Eng lish equivalent if written in one word in the Germnn style " horseroadrail way carriage." The descriptions given by Strabo of the osier houses of the Gauls and Brit ons might be applied to human habita tions in central Afiica today. For an example of pure and unalloyed contempt take a barber's opinion of the yonng man who Is growing a full beard. Why Unit Aver'e H irsanaiilla. nut or Hie rival nuuihur of similar iTp:ii.HIim nmmi' in oirml throughout tho wmld. v;.s Hip ui'v iiioilliliin ot I ho IU111I HilntlUi'U nt tho World' Fair, Chloui:o? Anil why v:;s It tint, In spite of tho loillc 1 elTorlM of 1' " liiaiitiniclui'crs ot other pi 'i'Miations. division of tlio WorM's Fair Direct. os .i :i not ravursnl BECAUSE AeconlliiB to Riti.e IB "Artlclrfj that are In any way dann-eronn 0? offensive, also patent modiclncs, nostrums, ard empirical prepara tions, whoso ingredients are con cealed, will not be admitted to the Exposition," anil, lliuroforo Brctmte Ayer's Sai'saparllln Is not n patent medicine, not a nostrum, and not a secret preparation. Brcautt It proprietors liad nothing to concent when questioned 11s to the for mula from which It I compounded. irav It Is all that It Is claimed to be a Compound Concentrated KKtract ot Sarsaparilla, and In every sense, worthy the Indorsement of this most Important committee, called together for passing upon the manufactured products of the entire world. fi o Si i J 9 V O O 51 O, o o, Oi o: oj o o AyerfeSarsaparilla Admitted for Exhibition oi I AT THE WORLD'S FAIR g. 00 P 00 00 o e o o o 0 o 0 0 0 p 00 goft, LISTEN! Till I toll you of something that is of great Interest to all. It must be re membered that J. C. Fi'oehlieh is tho I'opular Tailor of Reynoldsvillo, and that is what I am going to dwell on at this time. Never mind tho World's Fair for a few moments, as his exhibit of goods is something on that scale. The tremendous dinplny of seasonable suit ings, especially the full ana winter as sortment, should be seen to be appre ciated. . A larger line and assortment of full and winter goods than ever. 1 ask und liiHpection of my goods by all gentlemen of Uoynoldsvlllo. All (its ana worKmuiistilp guaranteed purloct. Yours as iu the post, J. C. FROEHLIGH, Re ynoldsvllle, Pa KD"Ncit door to Hotel McCouuull. I Kdniitted at the j vv N. HANAU llaa just rt'liirnt'tl from immonpp Sprino and summer Goods ! which ho will ncll sit rmrprisingly low prices. Set? his roods Ix'fore. buying elsewhere. Look for his advertisement next week. ouse Cleaning Time!1 Has arrived nnd Everybody needs a NEW CARPET, So .do not buy before examining our line of Body Brussels, Velvets, Tapestry, and Ingrains. Also a fine line of Rugs, Crumb Cloths, Mattings, both Japanese and Chinese, Oil Clotha and Linoleums. We are offering special cut prices on a lot of Remnants of Carpets, in all grades. Window Shades! Our line is complete in any size and color. A special line of Fringe Shades and Curtain Poles. The largest and most complete line of BEDROOM and PARLOR SUITS, Side Boards, Wardrobes, Book Cases, Hall Trees, Chiffoiners, Extension Tables, Dining Room Chairs and Fancy Rockers, in Wood, Cobbler and Upholstered Seats to be found anywhere. Our Children's Carriages are finer and cheaper than ever before. PRIESTER BROS. Eastern citifP with nn lino of Every Woman Sometimes needs a reli able monthl regulating medicine. Dr. PEAL'S PENNYROYAL PILLS, An pmmpt, Mf nnd certain in mult. Th pnn ln (Dr. rcnl'tt) nrvor disappoint. Pent tuiyiibemi 1.C0. PoalMofllcin0-.CIeTUurd.O Sold by 11. Alex. Stoke, druRRlt. KUllMKU 11(1 o r it ic 1 'sol ns vill k cnpimu $80,000.00. '. mtflirll, Prrallla-lltt Nrnlt .tlHii'llmiit, XU-ft lrr. J oil 11 II. Kaiiclirr, 4 axlilrr. Director: '. Mllrlii'll, Hcntt Mrclclluiul, .t. C. Kln, .li)M'ph Htt'iiilHH, Jiitfpli lli'itHi't-smi, (1. W. I'nll.f, J. i(. Kiiuclli'l'. t)(H' n trcm'i'ul lumkltiff lulfH'H!int Holli'itH tlu niTimntM of nirrvlinntM, prnrt'vslnnul mi'ti. fiit-mri-M, hit'ihutil'H, mint'!, lmnhirnicii nrul ollllTM, t(Unl-.lllK till' liiiint curi'dll It 1 1 I'll t ii ill to the !mliifN uf nil pciMtiiis. Hnfo Drixisll tlnxi- fur rrnr. Tlrst Nntlmml Hunk biilldllin, Nolnn Murk Fire Proof Vault. Royal PliosDlioric Goiiee ! Why You Should Use It. Because All that use one pound of it will use no other, FhysiciaiiB recommend it, It changes a person's taste for something more delicious than ordinary coffee, A trial proves it and it is cheaper than other coffee. L. A. STILES, Sole Aient f'or County. Grocery Boomers W HUY WHKKK YOU CAN C1KT ANYT1IINC! YOU WANT. Salt Moats, Smoked Meats, CANNKD GOODS, TEAS, COFFKKS AND AIX KiNim or O H U FRUITS, CONFECTIONERY, TOHACt'O. AND CIGARS, Everything in tho lino of Fresh Groceries, Feed, EZtc. (JooiIh itrllrrred free tiny pluve In town. Call on u and yvt price. W. C. Selmltz & Son & N stains! i 9 "S Si J S 5 55 . o fa's ti2 a -s c 9 S i Sft 'A .t-i 4l IS: 1 1 IV Country Produce W J 1 :igi siri I ai Ail U il -a St S- s 5 S hi Si 'A S 1 (I N a 55 ? " f 53 111 ? 2 t 1 l ? O 5 DC S 0 'Allr'tAZMV. .55 ta as