West Haven, Conn. THE PICTURToF HEALTH Hood's Sortaparilla Made Her Strong and Healthy. "Hon ! Kamaparlllu his len of great bene fit tn our llttlr glrl.and also to mwlt and hns bond. When he was 3 jrnm old Mabel wo seised with stomach trouble, like cramps or In flammation. I wit taking Hnnd Bnrsaparllla for my bio!, and a the doctor's prescription did not help her. I o;i'adonally gave her lit tic of my own mcdl 'Inc. soon realized that Hood's Sanwparills was Doing HerCood. so gave It to her reirularly. It ha helped her wonderfully, entirely curing her stomach trouble, and milking l.or strong and healthy. Our friend nay she in the picture of health. Myself and huibmd were both troubled with HoodVCures malaria, and Hood's Rarsaparilla bnllt nit up and keeps ns healthy and free from tickneae. We cordially recommend Hood's Sarsnparll la." Mrs. Wii.i.iaii Eva us. West Haven.Conn. Ilaad'a I'll la are the bent ramllr calnu-tlc, gen ua an I cffactlve. Try a box. Si osnta. PNU 17 '94 WiNTm.- A paal.l.a ar-t rr - a tvmi -a. - M M araaM.ki, and ta imlDb water. aprta.!. lawa.. rm-rj aaue mp Mailt, cut no, oul f4, rwa a ,-aaw lor ahMlria ir wm&1 VSL IBURDAN iied ftf tr eesnrUta ft- i ben raivaa aT JOBS AermMer, thiuiU fi thai entyt(l, a In m4 Aluminum, nnallmrf A a-il fatiiuada llcbt tho C70 nd rM p. Mr criirrt c.n h hidwrvthtin. tlMLrB Bo limumermDiv comicru to any honiA, r fiT- flonni II. ilack Huon. tip Tillbnl ftt pric wtlblQ iracH OC aViL Crrrwi, Pin or 0lTntird iy t mr parii,tii rv axrroa (oar at, l-ih. ftotk ?(! and rilimi lrtti, Cbiuo. H 81 Jwiyi t lou tnd tt'adf, Onrt laths ltrrt family f Ha kmd in ! world, and Hem baa cna f u foo nn. rt K n ail powtrfol family. Bul Tmnn.wii n ffrnr lul ralvantnHj red Lttnicturcfl I. tprc laliy. We furnish cat mnltM fttoci ttnrk Unkft tbftt da not rrsk and rnuke mud tooirc with rarciooi tuuun nm. a hay iron aoo tituuena (or tuber fileal ttnaa) trot ar trry atti.it Iva, brlnf ( tbly aflartcd Lraath propoM lo d laUltnts $500 r CAS. or air. " nana hib and )WT f rial In In rTifm fof . (Jurat. bfti "ilt to wrtua4 water ! Ifn uphill la f .rt, waara naaricr be ne, h-y liif placed by tit rraator bciwrro M oeit eaaayj WIT, Ira f Writer 4 a rar inrro Ihaaar h and hfivrnt. Cur aiaa. haa bcrrtirirl in many ft till nd l-wart hoa very tliini every whert. V are inluMMou U-yond ),' HI HHOV I D an) mint) awar inown, lar v work Si h ftn t day and mora ditiona t eompt tiaa aap aaya in mi year, wa art antm liif la anr ipilane wa eland over V"tt tition and amoueii i and Humbert of prim tend for per diy and rilchU w art aconornirst b -nd anytiii: lta Mrth or Intrio lieavHi'.aa weUl- liilonurarsl M fjneoln, feb,, ihwUirirnohitif V .i Hitiwapoiia.l.uf. m., or 3 Wrk V rtU quirk Vt (oloc teal. dl COLCHESTER SPADING BOOT and ofhfra. Th nuter or tup tote eKt4uis the whole lentrt i nf thM xitti rinwD. tn th hl. 4s' proierling ihff pknnlt la tlttrhlnt, HIb- tr.r. noroLAS s.i shoe lqunU rtiHtoin ork, cHliriK from - m u pi'fci vaiur i or inc nmnry I in llwe world. Name and price luicd on the bottom. Every i pair warranted. 1'ukc no uhtti. uue. bee locui piipvr tor lull description oi our complete . unta ior lauiva ana gen- ltrmrn or ecna nr J4 friviiiK in- micuoni how to or. derby mail, pnatape free. Ymi enn get the best bargain of dealer who piuth our kboca. Janaary II, i a. 1 D Marok - ia . . . m " TOT A I., Ti l er real. Va kav. mmld laair cialaman In 5 dava. Iruftu paMi Iwioe .aiib otuntlii niulivy call be wltbdrawa any llmei JU toluuUaat b. InvaMadi wru. ior iniurniaitoB. a jMUKit .V CO., Baakera and Brokera, 1H aad we Braadway. New Vnrh, L1naUaJ!n?arTjYoa'limurIa?i S jialalaat wai, inadjudliiauiiaclaHafc atty Thita 1) a TI?KT TO TRADEMARK!. lamination A I 1.1 1' I and advice wu pateutalillliy of Invention. Bend forluvcncont Uuide.or how toilet apateul. J'ATKICK O't AKhKLL. Waauiaurol. U.a 71 1 Ha a l r Tsr-r l 4Tl I ra v ail JL ttertnotOf CO., fmchiowo, or i 1 FlU kranehM, U at San Prasna o.Kanaaat.ty. rTamrWjrltneJrTla .ooilfialilPStH . h NJ i. lil.l rvTT TV l nnwwiiu. . rv ,11 Beit Couiib kirup. Taua Uuud. Vt I I "Ths Best is, lye, tho Chespest." Avoid Imitations ot and Substitutes for APOLIO The) Ilnlirpoff's Btolrn tlinner. Hero Is the queerest bullfrog story on record: A youth who lives at High Shoal nays that his father's cows frequently camo up at night with the appearance of having been milked. Ills father got tired of It and sent him to the pasture with the cows to catch the thief. Ho spent the day near enough to the cow tc watch them, he thought, but at iight It was still evident that the cows had been milked again. He was scolded and sent back with them the next day. About 11 o'clock, he says, this cow went Into the canes mar a small lake and lowed. He crept through the brush an1 caught the thief In the act, and he proved to be a bullfrog as )arge as a hat The frog was hanging on to the cow's udder and seemed to be enjoying his dinner immensely. Savannah News. t'o'.or Cure fbr Inaanlty. In the hospital for the Insane at Alieasandrla, Italy, two special rooms have been arranged, one fitted up with windows of red glass and red paint on the walls, the other In blue throughout. A violent patient Is first taken to the "blue room" and left to see what effect that color will have on his nerves. One rranlac was cured In les than an hour; another, raving and furious, was at rcrfect peace after panslng a day In the calming shades of his cerulean surroundings. The "rid room" Is used for the com. moncst forms of dementia, especially melancho'y and refusal to take food. The first patient was one who had fasted seven days. After only a three hours' stay In the red room he became quite cheerful and asked for food. St Louis Republic 1m Japan a man can live like a entleman on 1520 a year. This sum will employ two servants, piy tho rent of the house and supply plenty of food .'a Haaae la a Free, Let the mother beoorns slsk an 1 helpleas, and the home to all In diaordsr. When both father nnl mother are dowa, yon may as well eloeo the ihuttera. Order is brought out of chaos often very easily, and Mn. John Malln, of South Butte, Moot., Feb. IT, 1393, found an eaay way out of her difficulties, ai the writes thus ; "My busban l and I took very bad rheumatism from severe Holds, an I my arms were so lame I could not rl? them lo help myself. I sent at onoe for a bottle of flt. Jacobs Oil, ami before the bottle was halt empty, I could go about my work. My husband became so lame he could not get but ct bod. Two an 1 a half bottles com pletely cared him. I will always prals? flt. Jacobs Oil and you may use this as you see fit." This Is a clear cue of what is best at the right moment, and bow every household cm be ma le hnppr where pain abounds. A humnn skull as lurue as a buhel bn.kct has been found In Mi'ily. Dr. Kilmer's BwAMr-nnoT cures all Kidney ami lllmlib-r troubles. 1'amplilet and 'onttultiitlon free. Lnlirntory Ulnftliamptnn.N. Y. It Is snid that theM never Is an odd num ber of rows od an ear of corn. . R.w'i Thla I " JPe etTet- One H undred Dollar Tteward foi artyraf.enf Catarrh thatcannul be cured by Hali'a I 'atarrh Cure. V. J.l'RKSifcV CO., rropn., Toledo, o. We. the undesigned. Lave kimwn K. J. Cne ney for 1 he lat.t 1& yeara, and Itelieve blm iter rec-iiy nonoraiiie in an ousineHe iranaaciinna and financially abl to carry out any obliga tion mKiie l v tneir firm. West A Thdax, Whuleanle Druggists, Toledo, Ohio. Walmo, 1tiiAit Mahvis, Wholesale Druggist. Toledo. Olnt,. ItaTs ( ntarrh Cure is tukun Internally, act lnr directly uton tliebloo.l and tnuctma stir, faces of ttie aystem. Price, 7V. per bollltt bold by all Druggists. Testimonials free. Hnlf the world's population dlo before the age of 10. hhlloh'e Care Issold on a guarantee. Iteures Incipient Con. sumption; it is the Bust Cough (Jure; 'Jau., bUu., For Strfnothfnino anp Ci.mniNO ths VoirKnse "Hnueit's llftmrliinl TltK'ifs." "I have commended them tn friends who were public apettkei's. and they have proved extremely ser viceable." iff v. Hcnru IVnrd ifrtcner. KNOWLEDGE Brings comfort and Improvomont and tends to personal enjoyment when rightly usea. The many, who live bet ter than others and enjoy life more, with less expenditure, by more promptly adapting the world's best products to the needs of physical being, will attest the value to health of tbo puro liquid laxative principles embraced in the remedy. Syrup of Figs. Its excellence is due to its presenting In the form most acceptable and pleas act to the taste, the refreshing and truly beneficiul properties of a perfect lax ative ; effectually cleansing the system, dispelling colds, headaches and fevers ana permanently curing constipation. It has given satisfaction to millions and met with tbo approval of the medical profession, because it acts on the Kid neys, Liver and liowcls without weak ening them and it is perfectly free fiona every objectionable substance. Syrup of Figs is for sale by all drug--isW in 60o and 91 bottles, but it is man ufactured by the Culiforiiiu Fig Syrup Co. only, whose numc is printed on every package, also the name, Syrup of Figs, and being well informed, you will not accept any substitute if ouered. LATEST NEWS SUMMARIZED FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC. What la TransplriBir the World Over. Important Events Briefly Told. MSASTKRS, ArrWFMT AHP FATALITIES. At Hoernmetito, f'nl., the entire eleetrlo filmit ot Ihe Capitol On Company, which holds contracts for the lighting of the city and the running ot street cars was burned, twcintfrfour dynamos were burned and hnlf S dor.en of the most powerful engines on the coast were practically destroyed. The origin of the fire was the contact of electric wires at the switch board. Total loss (00,000. Jerome, the largest mining camp in Art sonn was burned. All the business bousee re gone, Including the town records and the property of the postofTleo. Loss 150,000. One fireman was killed, one fatally hurt, and another seriously at fir e In 8t. Louis by overhead wires. A fire at Bnnta Cruz, Col., destroyed 24 buildings, causing a lose of (2S5.000. Hans Hanson, a bartender in a Gloucester, N. J., saloon shot and killed John (Helper, driver for a brewery. Hanson snys be did not know the revolver was loaded. Uy the explosion of an oil car in the Chi cago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad yards at Chicago, Patrick Fitrslmmons.JohnFoute Johu Welnfeldt and thnrlis Miller were fatally burned. . - At Chicago, two clrftilren ot a fnmlly nam ed Cohensky ate electric paste. One, a boy aged nine, Is dead, mid a girl, aged 4, is dy ing. T.irec negro children were burned to denth In a cabin at Plnevllle, Ky. A train on the Delaware ft Hudson railroad struck amll. wagon at the Eastslde crossing at Saratoga, N. . Charles H. Collamer and his wife, who were in the wagon, vvre hotb killed. Py the explosion of n bailor nt the Hutch inson electrii: light plant at Keokuk. Io. three men were Instantly killed and one fa tally injured. The dead nra James Pterrilt, Tntrlck Keefe and John ltowaii, and the in jured Charles Jones. CAPITAL An LARon. The crisis has come in the flrent Northern strike. Judge Sanborn of the t'nlted Bfates Court of Apeiils at Kt. Paul, Minn., grunted an Injunction uga'.ust the strikers In Minne sota and North Dakota and cited them tonp pear In his court in Ht. Paul, April 27, to shew cause why each of them should not be enjoined and restrained from interfering In any wny with the operations of the rand. riillo Tettlbone and Newton Lull, book binders and printers, of Chicago, were fined for making factory girls work over eight hours. WASIUNnTOH, HEWS. Lieutenant Commander Hon Rafael flnrcie llanxilla, naval atta die of the Argentine Le. gallon, was thrown from his horse and killed in Washington, I. C. Senator Honr from the committee on Judi ciary made a favorable report on his bill foi the suppression of tho lottery traffic. It provides a flue of one thousand dollars and imprisonment. rniMF.s AND rEVAI.TlES. A lone highwayman robls-d the stage neai Milton, Cal., of the Wells-Fiirgotrcafiirebox, containing (2.000. At Ht, Louis In a cj'iurrcl with Lorlnde Gnnlner, ogitl 17, Lulu Williams, aged :0, drew a revolver mid fired nt Lorindo. The ball missed its aim ami entered the heart ol Mamie Williams, aged 15, the sister ot Lulu killing ber instantly. All parties are color ed. JIIS LLLAXKOtS. Ex-Oovernor ami Vuited Btnteg Henatoi James Harvey died at his homo in Junction City, Kan. The funeral services of Gen. Henry W. Blocum, who died Friday, took place In the Church of the Messiah in Urooklyn, on Tues duy. The Interment was in Greeuwood. Heury 8. Iveo of New York, the "Napoleon of finance," died at Ahvllle. N. C. Ives reached Xshvllle about two mouths ngo from Florida In an almost dying condition and has bardlylcft his bed : The cause of bis death was consumption. Coi. A. M. Hardy was nominated for con gress by the Republicans of the Second con gressional district of Indiana. The output of the Minneapolis mills last week was 31.HC0 barrels greater than the pre ceding week and 84,941 grenterthautliu same week lost yeur. FOREIOM. In the House of Lords at Loudon, the amendmenbtto the Bering Sea bill, submit ted by Lord Klmbvrly. were aaeiled. and the bill as amended passed Its third and final reading. The House ot Commons approved the amendments. The bill ratifies the Paris award which Is satisfactory to the United Btates. The celling ot the Riverside school, In suburb of Montreal, Canada, fell. Three children were crushed to death and several were badly Injured. Neu Randec, Austrian Galicla, population 7,000, was almost wiped out by Ore. A bill permitting the return of the Jesuits to Germany passed third reading in the reichstag at Berlin by a vote of 108 to 145. The Belgian steamer De Ruytcr, Captain Henry Meyer, which left Antwerp for Boston March 12, bos beeu posted as lost. Her crew was 28 tneu and ber cargo sugar and Klaus. At Snyder. N.S.W., two masked robliem en tered the Commercial II ink and summoned the manager, r. Mockay, to deliver up the money contained In the i ifo. Mr. Mackay refused and was shot dead. The murderers cs-uped, Auother Royal Wedding. DitrssKi.s.-Tlie wedding of the Princess Josephine, daughter of Hie Collator Flanders, aud Prince Lbariea of Htheur.olleru-Klg-tnurlgttii, will be oelebruted at Brutwui, Muy 22. ' Plunged 1,000 Feet to Death. Richard Huurt, a miner, met a horrible death ut Mouutuiu View mine, near Glasgow, Mout, lie fuel 1,000 feet dovyu a sliuft. THE COXEY COMMON WE ALERS Btart Prom Cumberland, Wd., on Canal Boats. Ttaa "Unknown" Revealed. Coxcv'sarmyhnschnngcditatltleand become Coxey s navy. The change was made Tnea. day morning, when the Commonweal struck camp at the Cumberlnnd, Mil., baseball park mid marched down to the canal wharf, wtiere two boats lav In waiting. The start was mnde about :30 o clock, the cummlssnry aud enmp wagons groaning under the remnants of an unexpected free lunch. The march down the dusty pike and through Cumberland was mnde between llhef of spectators, who occasionally broke Into good-natured chaff, anil finally gnve a gen eral cheer for Admiral Coxey as he mounted the quarter deck ot his new craft and glided off down the cnnal, like a new Columbus looking for fresh worlds ot peace and plenty for his followers. I he "Unknown" will follow the army to Hancock in a buggy. TRB "PSSNOWM'S" rASKFR. The "unknown" in Coxey's army, It Is snld has turned out to tie P. B. Boiwiro, a fake Indian doctor and trance medium who was located last summer In a tent on a vacant lot In Chicago. Ilonoro is the rankest kind ot a fmud and Carl Browne was his iiartner and assistant fakir In Chicago. On the west side these two are well-kuown characters. The split in the army revealed the "unknown's" Identity. Last June Borxorro conducted a regular Indian mrdl'ne fake. Theu Carl llrowne ap peared on the scene in ragged buckskin, flowing hair and with nut enough money In his pockets to purchase a bowl of soup. Bos r.oro used him as a lecturer, nnd later the two started nn office on West Madison street. Boatoro's real occupation wus a 'trance medium" and this scheme ho ntilired to sell his Indian remedies. To Bdvertise his lakes Bozmiro started a paper called the "American Patriot," In which he styled himself a ".combination. doctor, pro-, phet, magnetic healer, medium, fortuneteller and astrologer." During the entire summer Boutnro and Browne sold medicine and lec tured on the vacant lot. Flnnllv the ioplo in the vicinity, tiring of the toiigu crowds that flocked around Boraoro s lent, com plained to the police and the "Great Un known" was arrested. When the weather became too cold for the tent show, Borr-oro rented an old church. There he sient MI0 In renovating the building, placed a stage in place of the pulpit and opened a variety how. He still continued to sell bis fake medielues, but business was poor ami he moved to a basement and started a society called the "Association for the Prevention of Crueltv to Humunitv " Coxey s Army of the commonweal is once more on laud. The 00-mile vovage on the Chesapeake and Ohio canal, while it gBve to the men rest from walking did not improve their appearance. At noon Thursday, when the entire out lit had been unloaded from the canal boats ot Wlllinmsport. Mil.. It looked worse thnn nt any other stage of Its existence not excepting any ot those fearful passages through mud. slush and lee. Coxey's nrmv arrived at Hancock, Md., on Wednesdny afternoon. The reception ac corded the nrmv there was anything but cordial. A the bout, passiil under a bridge crossing the canal. Browne asked If there was any reception coiiuulttte or any npply ol Crovislor.. The populace, who lined the ridge, shouted with one accord. "No," and also the request that the army May outside the town. The boats lay outside the limit, but the Commoiiwenleni swarmed tbo town. Wlllinmsport was readied Thursday after noon. There the trniisiorts were unloaded the wheels ami to put on the wagon beds, and the army marched for Washington via HaKcrstowu aud Frederick. After two days of Inactivity nt lingers town, Md.. the Army of the Commonweal again moved forward and reached Boones borongh. where the night was spent 111 camp Daniel Boone. Ihe next camp will be at Frederick, but what the programme lll ,e n'tcr that camp ispased I a mutter shrouded in deep mystery. Hie army is now two days behind Its' scheduled time, and Browne Is ap parently In no hurry to move with anything like rapidity. IMPROVEMENT IN TRADE. It Is Not Large, But Is Based on Actual Increaae in Order for Consumption. K, G. Dun ft Co.'s "Weekly Review of Trade," Now York, says: Extensive storms chocked improvement In business only for a time, and numerous strikes have not yet ar rested It. Distribution of products to con sumers seems larger, for leople nro aldo to buy. But it Is less dear that the increase ol working force continues, or that orders for products will further expand. The Improvement thus lar realized Is based on actual Increase in orrlcr for cousumti tlou, but part ol this was to cover belated demands for the spring season. A consider able portion of the Industrial force Is still unemployed, and with wages much lower than a year ago, consumption Is uot as large. New orders Ior future distribution are still materially restricted by uncertainty about action at Woehlngtoli and about the extent ami outcome of labor dllllcultles. 'i he great strike threatened by bituminous coal miner ami strikes of associated em ploye on some railroads, make tho future less hopeful. Out of 2!) textile and mctiil working concerns which stopped during the past week aliout a third closed buslines lie cause ol trouble about wages. F.xports In March showed a moderate in crease, witlca great decrcuse In ImimrlH nnd In April thus fur export from New York have been about 40 per cent larger than last year, and Imports about 4S per cent, smaller. Commercial loans do not increase nnd the rate for the best paper drops to 2 2-4 cents, the lowest on record. Thefnilure ot the past week have been somewhat more Important than usual, but were 21U In the United States, ngaiuHt lHtl last yeur, and 40 in Canada, against 22 last year. For the first half of April liabilities reiiorted have been v4,lfi8,41il, of which 2. 202.550 were ot manulacturlng aud the bal ance of trudiug concerns. POLISH RIOTS IN DETROIT. Two Men Killed and About A Doaen Others Wounded. In a light which occurred in Grosse Point township, Just over the eastern city line, ol Detroit, Mich., between a force ot Polish la borers seeking employment on the city water works extension, Sheriff Collins was proba bly fatally injured, two Polish rioters were shot dead, and halt a dozen more were seri ously injured, at least three fatally, a police officer wus badly hurt, aud as the result the county Jul! is filled with 60 of the rioter. SPECIAL WORK ALLOWED. Miner Will be Permitted to do Anything but Load CoaL At Columbus, O., the following genera order, No. 1, was Issued from the headquar ters of the United Mine Workers of America' "As ordered by the national convention, ecu I mutt uot be loaded at uuy price or toi any purixjnei but wnere compaul want en Kluia run, water handled, timbering or any other repair work done, it will be permitted, provided wages paid are according to the tcule demanded Ly the convention,'' Touched a Live Wire. At Philadelphia, Amos Waters, nged 40 year, aud Jolin lllchnrdo, aged 4s yearn, linemen for the Bell Telephone Comimiiv, were killed by coming in contact Willi nil electric light win'. William Pike and William Huuuruch were seriously injured. A Deficit of (63,000.000. Official figures obtained ut the Treosnry, at WuKhlii'rlou, ahow that fortho nine mouths aud a hulf ot the present fiscal yeur the ex penditures have exceeded the receipts by U3,000,0(H, ami that the working curruuey buluuue of the Treasury Is tW,0U0,000. Housekeepers Should Remember. The Government Chemists, after having analyzed all the principal brands of baking powder in the market, in their reports placed the "Royal" at the head of the list for strength, purity and wholesome ness; and thousands of tests all over the country have further demonstrated the fact that its qualities arc, in every respect, unrivaled. Avoid all baking powders sold with a gift or prize, or at a lower price than the Royal, as they in variably contain alum, lime or sulphuric acid, and render the food unwholesome. Larse "Gobbler." ' ' The American bronze la the largest nt all turkeys. Some of the weights attained by It are almost fabulous. Birds have been known to reach more than fifty pounds, and a "gob bler" was Imported some time ago by the secretary of the Turkey Breeder.,' Club of Peterborough which weighed forty-five pounds and was a magnifi cent specimen of his race. The rec ords of the great Birmingham show tell of old turkey cocks exhibited there weighing nearly forty pounds, of hens thirty pounds, of young cocks twenty-nine pounds, and of young hens nineteen pounds; but these are birds fed up for the purpose, and are exceptional A honse that whs built at Canton. Conn., In 17A0 Is still occupied as a dwell In,-;. If your nearest, best and most esteemed . neighbors bad written the following letters they could be no more worthy of your con fidence than they now ore, coming, as they do, from well known, Intelligent and trust worthy citizens who, in their several neigh borhoods, enjoy the fullest confidence nud respect of all Mr. F. L. Inman, of Man ton, Wexford Co., Mich., w hose portrait beads this article, write as follows: " I began taking Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription aliout a year ago. For year I have suffered with falling and ulceration of the woinb, but to-day, I am enjoying perfect health. I took four bottle of the 'Prescription' and two of Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis covery. Every lady suffering from female weakness should try tho 'Proscription' and 'Golden Medical Discovery."' Miss Mary J. Tanner, North Lawrence, Bt. Lawrence Co., N. Y., writes 1 "I was sick for four years. For two year I could do no work. I bad Ave different physicians, whu pronounced my ease poor or impov erished condition of the blood, and uterine trouble. I suffered a great deal with pain in both sides, and much tenderness on pressing over th womb. I bloated at times in my bowels and limbs ; was troubled with leu corrhea. I could not sleep, and was troub led with palpitation of the heart. Hiiffered a great deal of pain in my bead, temples, forehead and eyes. I had a troublcsomo cough, raised a great deul and at times ex perienced a good deal of pain in my chest and lungs. Uy voice at times was very weak. I suffered excruciating monthly, periodical pains. Hince taking seven bottles of Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription some time ago, 1 have enjoyed better health than I have for more than four years previously ; in fact, for several months past I nave been able to work at sewing. I have gained in weight thirty-nine pounds sine taking your medi cine ; th soreness and pain liav disap peared," Yours truly, Young rf f Mothers to Robs Confinement of Its Pain, Horror and Risk. "After using one bottle of 'Mothers' Friend,' I suffered but little pain, and did not experience that weakness afterward usual in such cases. Mrs. Annie Gage, liaxtcr Sjr trigs, Kas. Sent by express, charges prepaid, on receipt ot price, U50 per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Book to Nlo.hcri mailed free, BRADFIELO REGULATOR Ctl, A'.lanU, 8a. Ht Preserving Timber from Inaerta. Experiments made In France hats shown that the reason the sap wood In timber Is worm-eaten Is because 0 the existence of starch in It. It Is the sturch that the Inserts are after, and they do not attack the hard wood because It contains no starch. The experimenters hsve devised a method of preserving timber fram such attacks- In the spring they cut a ring through the bark around the upper end of the truok, and suppress all buds that are developed there. By autumn the starch has disappeared from the sap-wood and the tree Is ready to be felled. Timber thus pre paied, it Is said, does Dot become worm-eaten. The nations richest In horses are tbeArgnnv tine Republic aud Uruguay. Mrs. Alex. Robertson, of Half Rock, Mer cer Co., Mo., write : "For twenty years, I suffered with womb disease and incut of the time 1 was in constant pain which rendered life a great burden, I cannot express what 1 suffered. I hail eight doctors and all the medicine I bad from them failed the one after tho other. I was nervous, cold bunds and feet, palpita tion, headache, backache, constipation, leu corrhea nnd no appetite, with bpnrmg-down pains. 1 got so v. cal; I could not walk around. I bad to keep my bed, thinking I would never net any bettor. Uue day my husiiund got one of yo-r little books ami read it to inc. Ho m l t : o wr.s nothing doing too any goal. 1 sti.d . would try I)r. Pierx c's Favorite Proscription. I did try it. After tho first fe-.v weeks my appe tite was better ; I was able to sit up in bed. I wrote to the World's Dispensnry Medical Association, at Buffalo, N. Y., and described my cuse ; they sent me a book on woman's diseases. I read carefully nnd followed the directions as near as I could and took th medicine for two years. With tbc blessing of God ond your medicines, 1 am entirely cured. That was three years ago." Yours truly, " Favorite Prescription " is a positive cur for the most complicated and obstinate cases of leucorrnea, excessive flowing, painful men struation, unnatural suppressions, and irreg ularities, proluiua, or falling of the womb, weak back, " female weakness," an inversion, retroversion, bearing-down sensations, chron ic congestion, inflammation and ulceration of the womb, inflammation, pain and tenderness In ovaries, accompanied with " internal beat." The Book (16S pages. Illustrated) referred to above, is sent atated Mteura from oburvation in plain mvelopa tor ten cent in stamps, tc pay postage. Write for it. Tn Book points out toe means of successful Home Treatment for all the peculiar weaknesses and distressing diseases incident to women. Address World Dispensary Medical Association, Invalids' Hotel and Surgical Institute, Buffalo, N. Y. We Offer You a Remedy -Which Insures Safety to Life of Mother and Child. MSB "Mothers' Friend"