Wt -fr Sinn Hiilmrriilmn tl.M ;iit war, in mli'itnn: V. A. ai lil'll I:mcn, I:illii.riin.7l-ii7i. "vvk i) x i:h i ayTaTm 1 1 7iim. All lllllt-MMllil'tlt llli'lll tipi't pltllll'tlll't, lV'-y IWilni'iiltiv ill Kt'VlmlilHVllh1. .IrlTVrsnti i n. I'll., iIi'vdiimI It) tlif ttlli'ivilt of Hi-ytitiMivlllt' mill .IrrTi'l'iMliriilltlty. rHoll-illl tfiil. will tit-fit nil Willi rulini'-. mm will I ii-rlnlly fth'iiil ijr KiwurtiH in niiHif'init i'him. HiilwiM-ltitliin irlri'I..MiM-r vi'tir. In iitlvntu I'liMttiiiiiilriitlnti hiti'ihlcil fur iiiihlli-iiltiin miiit In iK'i'iMnininti'il by III' v tlii'i' 11111111", nut for tmlilli'iit Inn. but 11 11 utiiit-iinti'i fir giHiil full h. Iiitii-tstliiir iii'M lim4 Holli'lit'il AilvirtlMliiL' rn 1 niiiMi' Iiiiiiw 11 nil ttiillrii thin nt lht'olllti In ArmiM' hlnrk. I.i'iiiftil y riiiiimlliili'iilliiii fiml rlitni'ri' nf nlv,rtliwiiinw hIiiuiIiI ri'iirh IIiIh nllli'ii by AiniKinv ntMin. Aililiv'w nil I'liinniiinli'iillnnH InC. A.HIi'pli eiisnii, iii'.viiiiiiisy nn, rn. Knli'rril til tin' iMwfntMi'i' nt Id'yimtrlsvllb1 l'n., iih Hcrnim rni mini nititiri'. J III' Wl'MMl (If llll I lltti'll Mllti H l'X elusive nf Alnxkn, lit the rliwit uf llu i'1'liniin ili'i'ililn M!M), iih kIiowii bv llm ill vt'Htlirntlinm of thn Kit-mil h Viishh Birirn-Mrnti-d thn i-nnrmiiim mint of $ll."i O.'IT.OlU.ltiT. In thin ninoiinl Ih liicliiih'il tho vnluo 111 only nt-timl tiuintlili- pnin-i- ty at n fair L-iiniim-ii'liil viil lie, anil It Ik itliti-H)iitt-il Hi-i-m-illti(f to owni-inhli, without ivirni'il to luriitlnii. In Giivinnny they 1111111111- Ifi- ht-ntrra with nn iiftli-Hs wwrlty that m-i-iuh much iikii'o HtniHlhU- and )ifaclli'alil than thn Pnlawniv whipping pimt fah Ion. When a ninn In winvirli-tl nf In-ill Inif IiIh wifu Im ix ullowi'il to rinitiniK Ills work, U looki'il nfti-r by thn polinn anil nrn-Hti-il i-v-ry Siitiifilay anil ItM-k up until Monday iiiornitiif. when Im U nualn ilfllvnit'il over to liln nniployt'r IIIh wnirm urn elvi-n to his wlfo. If hn won't work hn Ih tiiki-n to jail, whcrn In has to work haruVr than oiiIhIiIk. Thn moil) onn Htmlli'H this plan tho inoi-o HI'IIhIImV It Ht-t'lllH. Anil now thn uti-lke is on, lot us hopo for thn Ix'st ami not pi-t illsnoiiratfml If IiuhIiichh Is not iih nooil iih It Iiiih lx-i-n In othiT ilays. It has lx-i-n unlit that tho spvnroHt tt-Ht of manhnnil Is tiivi-r fonntl In pimmI tltm-H, hut always In huril timt-s. It Is not tho man who has sm-ci-ss wln-n others aw ilolnu xvi-ll, hut It Is tho man who kni'ps up his i-ourajjn nnil Kti'iitfifli-H on wln-n nvi-rybody i.-W is wnvi-rlnK' or jroinir ilnwn, wlio is tho ln-ro In the Bight of (ioil anil mi-n. It Is uu i-asy matter to miiko (rood tlmo whnn both wind mid tldo am In man's favor, or wlu-n 0110 Is moving with tho ourivnt; but it ivipilivs characti'i- and skill anil daring to mnko howl In spltn of oppntv Ing fonvH, or to work siu-nosHfully ngaliiHt thn imn-i-iit. iliero nro numnrous ronni-ptlons of pleaHtiro anil comfort. Most pooplo And. with or without i-xpnrlonon that tho mal comforts of llfo aru to bn had at homo. Km- thi-ro tho devoted wlfo U tho presiding dolly; thoro thn ohll dren jn attlo ami play; thoro tho young girl approaehog and roaches woman hood; within Its sacred precincts youth puts on mnnhood; thoro arc tho reunion 1 ... t . m mill it., iiiijh-h aim prayers; tnero can bo found real rest; there are tho peace and affection typical of tlio better life; thoro are tho germinating and binding together of hearts and minds and souls In a bond an ntrong as a chain of stool and as lovoly as a wreath of beauteous flowors; there tho memories which glow and exint with life itsulf; thoro tho In fluences which Btrenthen and bless and guiuo in after years, whatever wo do and wherever our footsto)s roam. Tho Pennsylvania Stato Editorial Association will ask the next Legis lature, to pans an act to provide that all laws shall bo printed once in every paior In tho state as boou as signed by tho Governor, as dono In Bevorul other states. This is certainly a matter that is desorving of careful consideration by our law makers, It will not only dis tribute Htato money among tho various priutlng offices of tho statu, but it will give tho pooplo an opportunity tobecomo acquainted with tho laws enacted1. The Punxsutawney A'ncs sums it up aa IoUowb: "In tho state of Pennsylvania masses of pooplo never become ac quainted with till laws enueted. Tliey road about ono now and then, especially if it Is an important bill, when it 1b Introduced, but before it gets into the hands of tho Governor it passes through a flrcy ordeal in which it Is amended until the original text of tho bill almost losses '.ts Identity, and tho average reader of newspapers can hardly keep track of tho amendments, first, Becond and third readings and final passage Some, of course, may at once raise ' objections to tho enactmont of such an 'advertising bill,' on tho grounds that it would bo too expensive. Let us soe. There is a journal published, we believe, called the 'Legislative Record,' giving the dally proceedings of the House and Senate. IIow many peoplo outsldo of tho State Legislature read this Record? " How many would tako tho time to read it if they got tho chance? The publication of the Reoord is a big oxponse to tho State and does nobody any good: then, why not dispense with a useless thing and spend the money in a way that would bo a be no (It to everybody. By the publication in every paper in the State of tho laws as passed by the Legislature and signed by tho Governor would post almost, every man, woman and child upon all the new laws immediately after they are signed, and tho cost of such advertising would be distributed throughout the state and not go into the hands of ono man, namely, tho Stuto Printer. Tho cost of Iirintlng tho Legislative Reoord would, n our opinion, more than pay for the general advertising as suggested by a committee from the btuto Kdltoriul association." Me Wasn't Aftnltl of the Water. KvnngellNt Jacob Booth, of Reynolds- vlllo, who lias been conducting revival inei'tlngH In tlm llapllst church (luring two and n half weeks, closed his liilxn-s for thn present, Inst. Hunilny evening ins I'lioris were croniii il Willi success, cli veil i-onVerts being baptized and re eel veil Into thn church Inst Hunday while two morn inaile a profesHion and will probably join. H. fIiIi h IIiIh mini ln-f, four were a'i'epteil upon letter from their dinner homes. Of thn eleven bnptl.ed Sunday, three were Inv mersed In the pond at llolfn mid fourth who entered the water, changed his inlntl at the last moment, fearing that he was unworthy. To thn numernus Hpeelatnrs It liHiked as If his couragu hud iHi.ed away at contact with tho Icy fluid nnil Hiieh 11 report has been gener ally circulated and lielieved. Rev, 1 tooth assured a Hirrtr repti-Ht-ntativn that this Is a mistake and that tho young man's withdrawal at thn last niinneiit was due solely to his sense of un wort Illness. ,loh tisonburg llrrtxr. I'"riiii Nlrr l ftoti. As a Kamily Medlclnn ltncnn's I'elery King for the Nerves passes from sire to son as a legacy. If you have Kid ney, Liver or lllood disorder do not delay, but get a free wimple pack ape of this remedy at once. If you have lnill gesllon, Constipation, lteadiu-he, Khcu mal Ism, etc., this grand spec! lie will cure. V. 11. Alexander, the lending druggist, is solo agent and Is (listrlly- utlng samples free to tho a filleted. Largo packages Z and r(c. Tempernnte Convention. I'hn Catholic Total Abstinence Union of America, nun of the strongest tem perance organizations In thn world, will noiu its twenty-roiirtn annual conven In St. Paul, Minnesota, August 1st to ltd, next. A local committee has been appointed, and tho most complete ar rangements are being made for giving thn delegates and visitors a royal wcl come to the Northwest. Iocal exclu sions are being planned to all Hilnts of Interest, so the trip may bo matin nnn prolltablu In many wavs. Fifty thou sand copies of tho OITlnliil Mullet In will bo Issued about Juno 1st. It will by beautifully Illustrated, and will contain full particulars as to entertainment, rates, routes, etc., and w ill be sent free to any ono Bonding name and address to A. V. Gutrldge, Chairman Local Committee, St. Paul, Minn. In consequenco of winter diet and lack of open air exercise, tho wholo physical mechanism becomes Impaired. Ayer's Sarsaparlllu Is the prom-t- rem edy, In thn spring of tho year, to strengthen tho appetlto, Invigorate tho system and expel all Impurities from tho blood. Letter List. Tho following letters remain uncalled for at tho postolllco in Reynoldsvtllo l'n., April 21. IHt)4: Laiiks: Miss Lydlu Mutter, MIhb Uortha Kelly, Miss Minnie McClelland, Miss Francis H. Sulger, Mrs. Lilllo Ilel- lor, Mrs. Sadie Klftkart. Gentlrmkn: Samuel Wellor, James , Itrewor, Raymond Klsnnhnuer, Wil liam Johnson, Alrlck Luidholun, Chas. Morris, George Puttm-son, W. M. Han nah, Mlcliavl Sullivan. Porekin: I'ietro Gorndino. When calling for tho abovo letters please say they were advertised. J. W. FOU8T, P. M. Two for One. Wo are' making a sx;clal offer to each of om- reudors paying a year's subscrip tion to tho Stak in advance, and to all now Hiibscriliers paying In advance, wo will glvo tliom tho Ix-st local liain-r In Jefferson county and will glvo them free, either tho Womankind or Ameri can Fanner, for ono year. Tho two papers abovo mentioned are excellent monthly paimrs and tho aulwcrlptlon prlco of each is 50a. a year. This offer is mado only to those In Pennsylvania. U'istles. You've heard of the man who only needed bristles to bo a pork. If you soe turn send him to us. Wo'vo cot tho bristles for him. Our bristles are all mado up Into the finest lino of brushes we over had. There are clothes brush es, tooth brushes, hulr brushes, nail brushes, bath brushes, paint brushes, all kinds of brushes. Stoke, Registered Pharmacist. Schultzo's have a new lino of glass ware. To Perfume Properly Sachot powder is necessary. What kind you use deponds on your own taste. Sachet bags iu drawers and closets give to olothes that delicately distinct odor which is tho stamp of refinement. We have all tho popular odors, sweot, duinty and penetrating. Stoke, Registered Pharmacist. Attention, Farmers. Agricultural salt, Ave dollars per ton, cheapest fertilizer on oarth for gar deners. 200 pound sacks 50 cents at J. C. Kino & Co.'s. You will And a bargain in English decorated ware at Seliulto's. Tennis shoes at Robinson's OOo. One Wnf o b Hnppy ts at all times to attend to the com forts of your family. Should any ono of them catch a slight Cold or (tough, pre pare yourself anil call at mien on W. It. Alexander, solo agent, and get a trial 1ml tin of Otto's Corn, tho great German Kctncily, Free. Wo glvo It away to provo that wo havo a sure Cum for Coughs, Colds, Asthma, Consumption and all diseases (,f the Throat and Lungs. Large sizes 25 and 50c. irtrtltt mttli tit (Mfb. Stahh-Tiiomphon At tho residence of Fred. Starr, In ItiiHikvllln, on April INth, lHtll, by Rev. Jns. H. .lelbat't, (leiirgn C. Starr, nf HrtHik vlllo, and Miss Lizzie It. Thompson, of Wlnslow township, Pa. For Snte. Ill thn iHirotlgll of West Reynolds vllle, four iieii-H of land, nnn two-story frame house with eight rooms, good cellar, running water four feet from tliMir, stable, coal housn and other out buildings, gas fixtures, Ac. Inquire at this oMIen. OFTHK Borqnyli ot Rcunotdsvllle. Authorizing the burgess or justice of the pence to commit to the lis-k-up or station house of sulci borough m isiiii or persons eli urged with tho violation of any ienee, orillnnnces or with being a vagrant or trump. In virtue of the iHiwers conferred by the Act of Assembly of May thn IHth, 1NX7. Sec. one P. L. page 122 of tho laws of tho Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, be it nrdaineil by the llurgess and Town Council of the Itorough of Keynolds vllle, and It Is hereby ordained by tho authority nf thn same. Sko. 1. That when any person or persons shall have been arrested by au thority of thn burgess or Justice of tho peace in the llornugh of Iteynoldsvllle, charged with the violation of any m-iici, onllnanenor with being a vagrant or tramp and having refused to pay tho line Imposed for such olTense, tho said burgess or just lee of tho peace of tho Itorough of Reynoldsvllle, shall have authority to commit snld M-rson or persons to tho lock-up or station housn iu Haiti Itorough of Reyn oldsvllln for a term not exceeding llvo days or compel such person to work upon tho public works or streets of tho Itorough of ltevnolilsvlllo for a nerlod of time not exceeding one day for each ono dollar of linn so as aforesaid Im posed, subject to tho right of appeal as provided by the aforesaid Act. Sko. 2. That any ordinance or nart of ordinance conlllctltig with tho pro visions of this ordinance, bo and tho SntllO Is hel(-bv l-pnenletl hii fnt na tlm same effects tills ordinance. Ordained and enneted into a law bv tho town council aforesaid this day of A. 1). 1W4. John 1). Ixhvthkh. Attest: Pros, of Council. IlKNItY A. RUKI), Clerk of Council. About Prescriptions. 1 ho best of med lei nos aro none too good for sick folks. It's bad enough to bo sick without running chances with second grade drugs. That's the reason wo buy only tho vory highest quality of everything. It's great satisfaction to us to know that every prescription wo send out Is just as good as drugs will make It. No mat ter what you paid for it you couldn't get It better. Stoke, Registered Pharmacist. Kggs for hutching from pura bred Black Minorcas. 91.00 iter l.'t. C. P. Pk-kby, Hoynoltlsvlllo I'a. Life is a Lottery, Perhaps, Hut you can't afford to tako any chances when you're sick. Don't let tho druggist enrich himself at your oxponsu. Lookout for impure drugs; They are cheaper, ot course, for tlie druggist but how about youV Then again, how ulxmt accuracy and skill compounding your proscription ? That counts for something too, don't It? Wo prido ourselves on combin ing all these features. II. Alex Stoke, Registered Pharmacist. ANNOUNCEMENTS. tenor.. Fori coNGitnss, FRANCIS A. WKA.VKR, Or UlllHIKVIM.R HOHOIJ(ill, Hiiliji-i-t to iirtUin of llm Itepiiblli'iiiuiiif Ji-ffer-win I'imiity nt tun prlnmiy eli illnii, Juixi Ul.'lH.. atrtnttit. For assembly, W. O. SMITH, Or PmxsuiAWNBT DonnnaH. Subject todwi-NInn of the ropalillcnns of Jf ferwiii Co. at their prlmury ulaullun In J una. SMstvtct Jlttvvain, B'OIt DISTKIOT ATTOUNEV, N. L. STRONG, Or BltOOKVIbLK IIOHOIKIII, HilbJiTt to net Ion nf tlio ItcipabllciiilBof Jeffnr win county lit thu prlmury otuctuii, Juim10.'1H. For wstrict attorn by, JOHN W. WALKER, Or Hiiookvii.i.b Uohodqii. 8iili,)x;t to hoi Inn of tho Rt-ptillcuns of Ji'ffnr win L'u. ul tho priuiury uluctiim, J uno 1(1, 'M. For district attorney, JACOB L. FISHER, Or I'DNXSIlTAWNKr IIOIIOUOH, Hublect to nctlon nf the ronnlilli'iins nf Jciffnr. sun Co. ut tho priuiury oluialou, Juiui ill, 1KU4. For district attorney, JAMES V.MURRAY, Or Cl.AYVII.MI lioltOIIOH, Huhloet to action of thn Kepiitillcuns of Jcf- ioihuu vo. iu iuo priuiury uiuciluu, j uuu Jo, 10. OetrU. j jOTKL MuCONNKLL, RRYNOLDSVILLR. PA. fUASh'J. HI.AVK, 'ropWror. Tlm It'inlliiff fitili-l f tlm town. Ilt-itibniur-ti-rs fur rnmmi'ri'liil men. Hteiitn lii nt, ft-en bus. hiitli rtsims unit cIimtIh on i-vt-ry ftnnr, sntniili' nxitnii, lillllnril nsim, toli'iiliimu cull ni'MiiiM c. JOTF.L I1KLNAP, RKYNOLKSVILLR, PA. (tllKKN r f OANrVf, I'mjirirtnrii. Klrst elnss In ovcry piirtlrtiliir. Ijm-iiKmI In tin- very ecntri' nf llm IiiihIiichs purl, of Inwti. I n-ti 'Iiiih Iminil rrinn tnilns nnil i-imitutHllniia Hiinipln mhiimi fiiri-iiinttii'reliil triivi'lers. QOMMKRCIAL HOTEL, lltlOOKVILLK, PA., ', I'. VAHHIMt, l'r)trMnr, Mnmiili-rnnnis nn tlm itnititul tlisir. Ilniinn liciiti'il by lint nnil n. Otniilbiis lo nnil fniin nil triiltiH. K1lcrllitiir0ii. JUSTICK OF TIIK PKACK Anil Ileal K.mIiiIk Am-nl. Iti-ynnlilsvllle, pi. 1 MITCHELL, ATTOKNF.Y-AT-LAW. OfTli-i nn West Mnln street, npnnslm ttm t'oiniiii-ri'lnl llnti't, Keynnlilsvlllii, Pn, ) iiTa k7i too V m, UEYNOLDSVILLE, PA. Heslili'iit ileiitlst. In hnllilliiK ni'iir Metliit-iH-il I'hnri'h. npiHisltn Armilil block, tlcntli,. nesH in Itpc riltlliK. c. . oiiiitHin. .limn w. nrni. QOIUION A REED, ATTORNEYS-AT-LAW, ItriMik vtllf, .lelTersnii t'o., Pii. (Itlli-i- In nsim fnrmei-lv occupied hy tlorilon ft t'orls'tt, Wnt Main Slri'i-l. W. L MeCRACKEN, Brnktllli. s. m. McDonald, RiyndliTllli, JJK'RACKEN A MCDONALD, AUnrmijH and Ctmnmtlmtt-til-Lnw, (inii't-Niit Iteyinilillvllli-iiiiil llriHikvllle. JjJ X l'X:UT( )l tS' NOTK : E. ESTATSOr ISAIIKI.I.K llltOWN, Dm.'KASKU. I.cllcrs IcstnnioMliiry on tlio rslnto of Imi-ls-llii lli-nwn, Im,- ,f UiiihluL'tmi tnwteililp. ileci'llscil, hiivlnv Ih'cii minilcil i, F. . ( ni,). well nnil A. W. Htiillli, inhosii iHiitoltlcn ml "" Is Hiinily Vnlley, Ph., i nil persons lllilellleil tnsiilll t-sliiti- nn- In-rcl'v nnfllh'il In lilliki-llnnicilliile piiviiieiiL In I hi, executors, mill those huvliiK rlnlins niriilnsi t hi. esliile will present them, properly aiithentlcati'il, fnr set I lenient. . I ai.Iiwk.1,1., A. V. Hmitii, Man-li 111, ISIM. Ivxecutnrs. DMINISTUATKIX S NOTICE. ' ESTATRIirJolIN II. Mlll.llOI.I.AN, IlKCKASRII. Letters nf iitltiiliilulciii l.ui ,., il,n .ui,.,n .lolm K. Millholliiii, lulu of Iteynolilsvllle hor tiiiuh, Iclterson county, l'n., (leceiiscil, hnvluic iH'en iriHiitcil tn the iinilersfiineil, till persons lllilellleil to ll III citHle lire berehy nolllleil In Illlike Itniiieihlitii piiyiiient In the mliiiliils triitrlx, nnil I hose hiivltm I'hilms iiualnsl. II will itresenl (hi'in iirnis'rlv iiiitlietitlf.iiii.fi f.,i. sell lenient. Mlis.lt. .1. Mil lliill.AN. Ailiiilnlslriilrlxnf John V. Miilhollun, ilec'd. OOME INI Where? To TUB "Bee Hive" store, WIIKUK Lawrence J. McEntire, The Groceryman, dealu in all kinds of Groceries, Canned Goods, Green Goods, Tobacco and Cigars, Flour and Feed, Baled Hay and Straw. Frt'Hh goods always on hand. Country produce taken in exchange for goodn. A share of your patronage is respectfully solicited. Very truly yours, Lawrence J.McEntlre, The Croccryman. J. S. MORROW, PF.AI.EIt IN Dry Goods, Notions, Boots, and Shoes, Fresh Groceries Flour and Feed. GOODS DELIVERED FREE. OPERA HOUSE BLOCK Reynoldsville, Pa. A STRIKE! In tho price of Spectacles. Glasses aro not a luxury, but a necessity, mid must be had in hard times as well as good. My Prices are to Suit the Times! Eyes examined free and glasses scientifically fitted. Satisfaction guaranteed iu every case. O. R. HOFFMAN, Optician and Jeweler. no Closing out sale! ii n ii o o a u n a u o o o n o a n u o ii o (i ii n o o o o But we are selling SPRING ani SUMMKR GOODS at prices to suit the times. Our Dress Goods are the latest. Como in and see boforo buying elsewhere. Tho following is a few of our prices: Silk, - - . 1H in. Dress Goods, Grenadine 52 in. All-wool Cloaking, India Dimity, Outing Flannel, Fine Bleached Muslin, Ladies Vests, 5, 10 and 15c " Union Suits, 4-Button Kid Gloves. . T - - g A A JilGGS iroil Huff the Ideal Fowl. From the choicest strain of stock. The BulE Letrhorns jvitce juriams, &Uo. pair. Fine Line LA DIKS' JACKETS and CAPES. We will compare prices with any. We buy goods at regular houses and get the Latest Styles. table fowl, and as egg producers they have no equal. ii you want to raise towis lor 1'leasure and Profit, get the Buff Leghorns. Eggs 91. 50 per 13. Place your orders early. VITAL TO MANHOOD. Ttm SI I WVdKiB vn.t..ra .......... . jlonlm ortilai-m, WnkKfiilnnM, Mentiil Dupraninn, SL'i'i i l'r?.T"lur V1'1 Uwrmii.., Yon. of Power Innlllier , Impnivnrr, IuoorrkiM and .11 . ........ .nH.,nB..n, .u.muiMrr LMIriM, Huvriurv JrTJ ,f of brainVHelf. bune, , OTBr-IudulKPnee. A month'n trtmrat, l. Bfnrfft, hjrmRii. Withwiich ord..r for ft box, With in wlilMmd written iruarnnteo to refund f not curfwl. r . , . . . " win. t r.n i n i,ivr,n yiiam care Hirk Hwultichm, Jtll.outmt, MverjiuUttinU HOUrHlllHWh. Ilvar.r..i. ..4 I .... "" UllUlklTL't u i i r II. Ai.rx. Ht)KB, Hfynoldsvlllo. Reynolflsville DEALERS IN HARDWARE, STOVES and RANGES. TIN, SHEET IRON and - COPPER WARE, AMMUNITION, - HOUSE FURNISHING GOODS, WOOD AND IRON PUMPS. And everything kept in a Roofing and Spouting Done to Order. REYNODSVILLE, PA. 25c. 20c. 124c. 50c. 124. fie. Sc. each. 50c. if 1.00. . BING 6c GO. IIA.TCPIIN"G Frenh All the Vetir thorough-bred Buff Leghorn are non-sitters. L. M. Simmons. AEclifloiB VecHvr (uN.rOTAKIAN.) NO PAPER LIKE IT ON EARTH Unique not Fcccntric. V my not Funny. Religious not Fiou. Not for Sect but for Souls, WHOLE SERMONS IN A SENTENCE. Send a dime in sumps for three peeks trial, THE RAM'S HORN, $1.50 WOMAN'S TCMPLI, Read Per Year. CHICAGO It one ONLY PAPER THAT EVERYBODY LIKE Harflware Co., First-class Hardware Store.