The star. (Reynoldsville, Pa.) 1892-1946, April 18, 1894, Image 7

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    In Intend there were formerly 133 offenses
ftlLhlIe with death.
Vt. Kilmer's Rwsnr-RooT cnrea
all Kidney and Madder trouble.
I'smi'tiM and Consultation free,
Ijiliratory rlliiirhanton,N.y.
Of very 100 mile of railway ta the world
II arc In the United Htnte.
Tatarrfc ranast fee Cart 1
WltbWal niijiilcattnna, as thejr cannot reacH
the next of the dlaeaae. Catarrh In a blmal or
con'tnuttnnni dlseeae, and In order to cure
It yen must take Internal remedies. Hall's
CatanHh cure la taken Internally, and aria di
rectly on the blmal and mncoita aurface. Hall's
Catarrh Cure la not a quark medleltie. H wna
preatTllied hv one of the bewt jiliyalelnna In thla
conutiry for yoara, and I aremlar prewrlptlon.
It I-rniliKtae'l of tliehu tonlra Known, rom
t)lnrdltti the best bl1 rxirlilcr, artlnii di
rectly on the mucous atirftieia. The rfet
rombrnatlon of the two Inirredlenta la what
fmturv xni-h wonderful Te-ulta in curing ca
tarrh. Send for tetlmajale free.
t !?. CnrNtT A Co.. rroimq Toledo, O,
Sold by drumriBt, jirius T&o.
Oyt 21.000 pnK'iita on inventions were
lunJ in thla eotmtry In !.
The ltlll and tlMsrleilge
Essential to t he (.rodni't Ion of the moat perfcrt
and ajfnilnr lnmtlve remedy known have en.
abled the California FIr Syrnji achieve a
great inntw In the rcputatliaf Its remedy.
Syrup of Fiisa, as It la conceded to la- the unl.
versnl kitnlive. For sale by all ArnireUs.
flnnwv nnnymiai, Tanrnrs" fire whlel
known a an mirniralile remedy for Hrnncliitla, ;
tlmiiveiieea. Cuiihi, uud 'J'hl-iNit troulilea. Sotd ,
fthlloh'e Care
la aotd on a nam n tee. It c ures Invariant Con. 1
auniitioti;ii k the 15c"l Cough (Jure. Jjc.,fiOc.,l
JfafTHrted wfrtieoreey .ansa Dr. raae Thorns- '
aou' Kye-witr lrtui ltaell at-tcterljottle. '
Mint and Ita Culture).
In some gardets mint It retarded
as a weed; It grows io luxuriantly
and spreads to much that It en.
croachea ail over the (round. In
largo gardens It It often given a (treat
deal of latitude, but In email ones It
hat to be restricted. This It gener
ally done by nailing four boards to
gtther like a frame and planting It
Inside thla. A piece from eight to
twelve feet long and four feet wide
Vill furnish mint to meet the whole
of the demand of I a rife family.
Those who complain that mint doe
not grow freely with thrm should try
it In this way. The boards should
be from ten Inches to one foot in
depth, and, If the soil Is raised up
Inside half this height and a quantity
of grit or sand, and manure is put In,
it will always grow freely, and by
covering it over in early spring It will
be ready ry early. Mint may be
raised from seed sown In April, and
It may also be Increased by lifting
the roots nnl dlvld.ngand replanting
them at once. It requires good drain
aye, and, where this exists under its
a top dressing of farm-yard manure
may be put over It every spring, or so
ctten as It shows signs of becoming
weak. As a dressing for vaious kinds
of incuts, mint Is a great addition to
t'n I tod In Misfortune).
Tramp Give mo a dime, pleasn.
I haven't had anything to eat In
three days.
Citizen Shake, old man. My
wife's lieen doing the cooking, tim,
about that long. Detroit Free Tress.
sa. -saw aw- a m arw m mm m mm
All other powders are
cheaper made and in
ferior, and leave either
acid or alkali in the food
royal baking powder CO., ie6 wall st, new-york.
V J WJ? TVJf IV Jf WAsf flAJC HAJ Jf H H IL a K H.
What They Are For
sick headache
bilious headache
indigestion -
bad taste in the mouth
foul breath
loss of appetite
sallow skin
torpid liver
depression of spirits
when these conditions are caused by constipation ; and con
stipation is the most frequent cause of all of them.
One of the most important things for everybody ta
learn is that constipation causes more than half the sick- J
ness in the world ; and it can all be prevented. Go by 1
the book.
Write to B. F. Allen Company, 365 Canal street, New
York, for the little book on Constipation (its causes con
sequences and correction) ; sent free. If you are not within
reach of a druggist, the pills will be sent by mail, 25 cents.
Are occasioned by
an Impure and Im
poverished condi
tion of the Blood.
Slight impurities, If not corrected, develop into serious maladies.
Ta Cnn , . f fa.
" amHBATtllM - - - - ... j
and other troublesome diseases is reauired a aaf and mliahia
rsi "eely purely vegetable. Such is S. S. S. It removes all im-
E "Tl purines irom tne Dlooa and thoroughly cleansos the svatem.-
rfCSa Thousands of cases of the worst forms of blood diHoases have been
Cured bv S. 5. S.
and for our Traatlaa, atnt f ih to any addraaa SWIFT SPECIFIC CO.. Atlanta ta.
"k Good Tale Will Beer Telling Twice." Use Sapolio.
OnAiv runs OovMrnmant Innoh rooms,
A voaa mason In Ceylon can earn (3. SO Dei
Week. r
Boaro stair bnllders will open a trad
fo-or-KftiTivt banks are Increasing; Is
FoMrKMtit la Baionjr receive (261 a rant
Da aaliiry.
Nttw Hoctb Wales worklngmen ran s
Lnwrxt. (Mms.) anions demnni city work
Ditboit labor anions have a library and
reading room.
MirmnAS building trades workers averags
t4H9 per year.
Taa master horsaahoers of St. T.onli bavs
declared a lockout ot tba Journeymen.
Ta? National 'Longshoremen's Association
of the United Htnti-a has thirty lo?al brmches.
Kioht TBocat r miners ara out of work In
Rirmlngham, Englnnd, owing to a out to
Am. of the unmarried mn nt the New On
lrl t'oal Mlnoa, Cuoiberland.Mi., bavobeen
Tnt; pay of orgnnlners of the linkers' nn I
Confectioners' International Union bus been
tlxed nt f S per daj-.
Tnt! Oolnmbla River Fishermen's Protec
tlve Union has established a labor bureau
nn i rundlng room nt Aitorin, Oregon.
It is asserted thn annual Innom of Chief
P. M. Arthur, of tho Locomotive Engineer'
Brotherhood, Is not less than 1 20,03).
Ci.vr,, Ohio, haa eigVy-nlna la'iot
organla itlnns, thlrty-nlnn of which are affili
ated with thuClereland Central LVior Union.
Ono!irr.n labor at San Francisco "tnrnel
down"the.Mldwinter Fntrboeausa non-union
wnges nnl hours were la forua for tho eroo
tlon of the buildings.
Ma. Wn.MAM. an English Memh'r of Par
liament and part owner oftheSnlford Iron
Works, reports that tho eight-hour move
ment bns been n market success In his firm.
Tnr. petition of tho unemployed, bearing
42..33 signatures, was forwarded to the
Htate Legislature by tho Hecretiiry of tho
Neighborhood Guild, 2a Delnncey struct,
New York City,
Tna Rpnnish Cabinet resolved to establish
pnhlio works In OraiiKia. Cadis and An la
lusla for thousands of workmen now unem
ployed, in view of the broad riots at Han
Lu j, Montlllnn and Eclja.
A Petrified Body.
Theremnlnsof Mra. Mary stoltzfna, who
died and was Imrliil nt Knoxvllle, Tenu. jiina
taken up fr sliipnit-iit tc
I liilnd..j, burial. The
had petriilcl ami welghnl over t!00 pouu0s
It only weighed 15 ouuds at deuth.
CHAIN, ri.ol'K AND rED.
WHEAT No. 1 Ked $ (II f 6J
ho. 2 Red ( HI
C)KN No. 2 Yellow ear... 4i 45
High Mixed far 43 H
No. 2 Yellow Shelled 43 44
Unfiled .Mixed 42 43
OATS-No. 1 Whits ft 89
No. 2 White S7i Si
No. 8 White ShJ 87
Mixed 82 83
EYE No. 1 f7 59
No. 2 Western. New 65 56
FLOUR Fancy winter put 8 65 8 1st
Kuncy Spring patents..... 4 00 4 25
Knnry Straight winter.... 8 CO 8 25
XXX Bakers 2 75 2 IK)
Kve Flour 8 in 8 35
buckwheat flour. 2 21
HAY-luled No. 1 Tim'y.. 12 75 13 00
Haled No. 2 Timothy tf 50 10 50
Mixed Clover MM) 10 f0
Timothy from country... 15 00 10 00
FEED No. 1 W'li Md fl T 17 50 18 00
No. 2 White Middlings.., Hit") 17 00
Urown Middlings 15 00 lfl 00
bran, bulk 10 00 10 50
BTR AW Wheat J 5 .',0 6 00
Oats 0 f.U 7 00
BUTTER Elgin Creamery 25 JO
Fancy Creamery 22 23
Fancy country roll IN 'M
Lew trade A vook'ng... 10 15
CHF.RSK-Oblo, new 12 K'l
New York, new 124 2i
Wisconsin Swiss 13i 14
Limhuriger iNewniakeb.. 11 12
APPI.ES-Fancy, V bbl... 5 50 6 00
Fairto choice, ty bbl.... 8 00 5 00
NY M(new)Bennbbl 1 75 1 DO
Lima Beans, 8 31
Fancy V bn f2 f5
Sweet, per bbl 2 2 8 50
ONIONS YellowUlobeVbu C) 70
Mixed Country H5 40
TURN ll'S purple to.-. 2.5 30
" pni'LTKV STC
live chickens ' r 60 6
Live Ducks V pr HO 70
Live (ieese V pr 75 100
Live Turkeys Vlb 9 10
1' fused chickens V lb.... 12 13
1 'reused ducks Vlb 13 14
Pressed turkeys V 0..... 14 15
Dressed geese 8 9
ECKiS I'a Ohio fresh.... 10 11
Extra live (ieeae V ft 65 60
No 1 Extra live geese W lb 40 45
TALLOW Country, V tt . .. 4 4l
City 5 H
SEEDS Clover 6 20 6 '6
Timothy prime 2 2 1 2
Blue grass 140 1(4)
RACiS Country mixed.... 1
rioNEY White clover.... 12 13
Buckwheat 10 12
MAPLE SYRUP, new crop. 70 an
CIDER country sweety bbl 6 CO 0 50
FLOUR 2 05(512 5
WHEAT No. 2 Ked 6N M
RYE No. 2 65 6S
CORN Mixed 40 401
OATS 83) 31
EOUS hi 9
BUTTER , 23 2a
FLOUR 12 10fl3 10
WHEAT No. 2. Red 63 (A
CORN No. 2, Mixed 43 41
OATS No. 2, White 87J 88
BUTTER Creamery Extra. 23 2
ECiGS Pa.. Firsts. 11 U
FLOUR Patents 2 00 4 35
WHEAT No Sited C5 M
RYE Western 6U 62
CORN No, 2 44 45
OATH Mixed Western 8U 8:J
BUTTER Creamery 11 :'l
KUUS state and Peun 10 ' 1)
l.lVe-KTCK.'li RtPOKT. '
Prime Rtecrs I 4 81 to 4 85
Good butcher 8 on lo 4 00
Comiuoi 2f0to 8 00
Bulls and dry cows 1 6'i to 2 60
Veal Calves 4(0 to 5 90
Fresh cows, per bead 85 1 0 to 45 00
Prime 95 to 100-B sheep....! 4 00 to 4 25
Oood mixed 8 (mo 8 75
Common 70 to 75 tt sheep... I 25 to 2 50
Choice Lambs 6 0 1 to 8 00
Belected 6 25 to 5 VA
Prime Yorkers 0 io to 6 ?0
Heavy 4 25 to 4 60
KougLa. , 8 60to 4 OJ
The Brijlook Qnotatlan.
A (tflod stdfy is Ibid 60 ex-PefisIon
Commissioner Black. Everyone who
knows Mack Is aware tbat lie Is one
of the most dlt nlfled lewal practition
ers in tbe West, and tbat he Is also
somew bat enamored of the classl s.
Not long ago he was attorney II a
usury case at Springfield. 1IL, and In
his address to the jury he quoted very
freely from the "Merchant ot
Venice," and wound up by saving
that although the plaintiff could de
mand his pound of t e h the terms ol
bit bond did not enabio him tc go be
yond this.
Tbe attorney for the alleged usurer
seemed very much amused at the line
of argument Mr. Black was taking,
and when that gentleman's peroration
was concluded he rose and remarked
with somewhat of a pitying tone that
Brother Illack hud recently held a
brief In a dresscd-beef case ana that
he bad got the two cases mixed up,
concluding by assuring the jury that
there was no fesh In the rase at all.
but only money. A lcgiil friend of
in I no, who solemnly asserts he wui
In court on the occasion, says the look
of disgust on Mr. Itlnck s face would
have been worth a small fortune t
any artist who could have reproduced
lion canva
A I'lah with a I'orapt.
Forest and Stream s. eaks of a cu.
rlotH and in the Cape Ann Huh mar
ket. at Gloucester, Mass. It as
nothing less than a mackerel with a
rubber band atound the body. The
band had t een put on the II h when
quite small, and staved there in
plte of the rapid growth of the
wearer. The fish's body under the
band did nut grow, which caused a
depression in the full-grown body ol
about three Inches In depth. The
depression wascovered wltn a healthy
skin In no way unlike that on the
rest of the body. The tlsh measured
in length 14 Inches diameter of body
each aide of the depression 7 inches,
diameter of (lepresion 5 inches. The
llsh was undoubtedly in a healthy
condition, and tne band wa strong
and could be stretched like tny other
The peacock throne of Phah Jehan
was valued at 130.000,000, his crown
at tl2.O00.000, and when he died
(150,000,000 in gems was found in
bis treasury.
Can Yen 1-aae the Urlaf
Losing one kind of grip Is worsi than tak
ing another, and when thous inds are In train
ing for the field sports of summer months, It
is well to be advised by those who know all
about it.
Mr. F. C. Ferguson, 165. Atluntio Avenue.
Brooklyn, N. Y., writes to the point March
1, 1193. He say "I would like to add my
testimony to your already long list. While
playing ball 1 spr.ilnej my arm at tbe elbow
and shoulder. It Interfered with my playing
considerably and lost me mauy good chances
professionally. I tried everything I could
think of, but I could get no relief. A doctor
sdvissd that tbe only thing to be done was to
glv the arm n long rest. A friend, however,
recommended St. Jacobs Oil, which I fried,
with the result that I was completely cured
and have since pitched a great deal with nc
signs of my former troubl-, which, by iht
way. retire a ,rn,-.l- ! phiy.-r. '
1 the great power of the future.
airs. & D, Aahlev
Hood'sCannot Be Too High
ly Recommended
"C. I. Hood A Co., Lowell, Mass.!
"1 have lined Hood's Saraaparllla for years
and it has alwuy given the best of luittxfao
tion. I bud little appetite niul wui troubled
with rheumatism In the left arm and shoulder
and back. As soon as I begau to take Hood's
Baraaparilla my appetite Increuaed, the
Rheumatic Trouble Ceased
and 1 felt butter than for years before. 1 have
used it lu the family and would not do without
It. It cannot be revommeuded too highly for
HooriH Cures
won.en in feeble health, nor for children when
teething. Any one giving It a fair trial will be
well aatti-tied." Mna. 8. V. Ashi.iv, North
Riehmond, Ohio. Met Hood's.
Hood's Plllaact cully, yet promptly alU m
cleutl.. on inn l.var anJ bowels, ttoeata.
Sips of Health,
You don't have to look
twice to detect them bright
eyes, bright color, bright
bright in
every ac
tion. Disease is
only when
weak tissue
is replaced by the healthy
kind. Scott's Emulsion of
cod liver oil effects cure b
building up sound flesh.
is agreeable to taste and
easy of assimilation.
frprd by Scolt Bowna. a. V. AttSranlita,
The tnhjert of the above portrait Is a
prominent and much respected citizen, Mr.
Robert Manson, of West Kye, N. H. Where
Mr. Manson is known " bis word is as good
as bis bond." In a recent letter to Dr. K. V.
Pierce. Chief Consulting Physician to the
Invalids' Hotel and Burglcnl Institute, Buf
falo, N. Y , Mr. Manson says:
"Dr. Pierce's Tleasant Pellets ars the
best pills I ever took for the liver. All my
friends say they do them the most good."
This opinion Is shared by every one who
once tr?es these tiny, little, sugar-coated pills,
which are to be found in all medicine stores.
The (J. 8. Inspector of Immigration at Buf
fulo, N. Y., writes of them as follows:
"From early childhood I have suffered
from a sliigpian liver, with all the disorders
accompanying such a condition. Doctors'
prescriptions and patent medicines I have
used in abundance ; tbey only afforded tem
porary relief. I was recommended to try
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets. I did so, tak
ing two at night and one after dinner every
day for two weeks. I have reduced the dose
to one 'Pellet' every dny for two months.
I have in six months incrrattd in mlid ftrnh
twmty-two pounds. I am In better health
than I have been since childhood. Drowsi
ness and unpleasant feelings after meals have
completely dijappeared."
Assist nature a little now and then with a
gentle laxative, or. If need be, with a more
searching and cleansing cathartic, thereby
removiii: offending matter from the stom
ach and Dowels, and toning up and Invigo
rating the liver and quickening ita tardy
action, and you thereby remove the cause
of a multitude of distressing diseases, such
as headaches, indigestion, biliousness, skin
diseases, boils, carbuncles, pilea, fevers and
maladies too numerous to mention.
If people would pay more attention to
properly regulating tbe action of their bow
els, they would have less frequent occasion
to call for their doctors' services to subdue
attacks of dangerous diseases.
TV of ft all Wmm .h4 . If.t
this purpose. Dr. Fierce a Pleasant Pellets are
uneaualed, is proven by tho lact that once
tiwd, thru an ahvay in favor. Their sec
ondary effect is to keep tbe bowels open aad
regular, not to further constipate, as is the
case with other pills. Hence, their great
popularity with sufferers from habitual con
stipation, pilos, and Indigestion, t
The " Pleasant Pellets" are far more effec
tive in arousing tbe liver to action than "blue
f ills," calomel, or other mercurial prepara
ioiis, and have tbe further merit ot being
purely vegetable and perfectly harmless in
any condition of the system : no particular
care is required while using them. -4Syi
Composed of tbe choicest, concentrated
vegetable eitraeta, their cost is much mere
than Is that of other pills found in the mar
ket, yet from forty to f ortv-f our " Pellet
are put np in each sealed glass vial, as sold
through druggists, and can lie had at tbe price
of tbe more ordinary and cheaper made pills.
Dr. Pierce prides himself on having been
first to introduce a Little Liver Pill to the
American people. Many have imitated them,
but none have approached bis " Pleasant Pal
lets " in excellence. i
For all laxative and cathartic purposes
the "Pleasant Pellets" are infinitely supe
rior to all " mineral waters," sedlitz pow
ders, " salts," castor oil, fruit syrups (so
called), laxative " teas," and the many other
purgative compounds sold in various forma.
Put up in glass vials, sealed, therefore
always fresh and reliable. One little " Pel
let " is laxative, two gently cathartic. i
As a dinnor plU," to promote digestion,
distress from over-eating, nothing equals
luc-iii. urj nro uny, Bugar-cueiea, anu-
,w,m f . r ' uu)n iuuh mus
tard seeds. Every child wants them.
men, aiier wev are tasen, instead or dis
turbing and shocking the system, tbey act In
TT11 hi Tlrl natural TkAM l
. ... . .7 - - u.:. w uv f V
action afterward. Their help last. ,
Accept no substitute recommended to be
" Just t good." They may be Mttr for thm
ffsM 1. . n I .1 1 n .
but he Is not the one who nssds help.
Unlike the Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Olhcr d'.ieii.lcnls
are nsed In the
lirepsiatton of
W. liAKER & CO.'S
vhlrh f nbttlutrly
fiM-re and sufubfe.
I It hasmorefnnnfireeflmes
hit ttrrmjtft of I'ocna mixed
with Starch. Arrowroot or
Ff-iuear. mid la far mere eco
nomical, cutting tea than one rent a rt.
It Is delicious, nourishing, and easily
Hold byOrorers eterynkere.
VT. BAKER & CO., Dorchester, Mais,
I 'J per teal.
II :
ria 1 1 1 tr i
Frbrttarr t!
TOT A I. 1 per ent.
W hNve pld f Mr (Hiifimriv In 9ft dma.
l'rotlta (Istitl I W 103 s-sK'tl 11 m till.. Ilinitfy t ftll Is
wlthdrsiwD nrty tlmej 'JU til(MiCHU h Iuvm.cUj
virile tr tnfirniBion.
MKllfcK & CO., fin ntt era tin 4 Ifrokrra,
Ihmisl tO HrandMeii', New Vurk
sf A ICniO, U. C. Ho ty'i feet
W. L. POITOLAH t.i snoK
equuU tusioin wurk, or-linK from
$4 t $ bewt value jir the limrtcy
iniivtil on the bottom. Kverv
psiir wurranu d, Like notubnti.
utc. hre iiK-al p.iK-r fi-r full
eripiiofioi our cninpirte
lini'i fur ldu-s and ((en.
titnicn or rtm tor
lutratJ ttittifogti
irivintr in
tmctinn how to or.
derby miil. Pnttape free. You run get the bet
bargain uf dcuir who puih our thot.
SjSWMaeVuuii naTlr m I
(eonrt Pnper3p. nnil V. Hold Pnpere 5o.
c. mtd lue. r4tnd Hv, ttnuip) ir hiuiIo
rootl firret. PltlMbumh. P.i.
FNU 10
for isIs bf thsSsiitT Pant
A Dni.CTil RalLaoso
Joaraay la kliuiiesota. Baud for Mips and ClrciH
uus. Tfcey will be tent to you
lAcd ComniUtiooar. Sl Paul, Mian
Cnn br mn tie wnrklnt foi
rflffT"M WHO UMtl
brc fi'i.l tr.ivAl
throiixn th ciunirv: i tua n.
Hi tU, la nil nti's. try. A
few veU'jtiu'lHA In i-iviis mil
cMIm. Mi n auil wo oe ii of uooit chsriio.- r will nni
thla an fc-pi oimi opimrtunlty for or itauln eiiv
I ovim-tiL tart- liourn iiihv i u I to io-ii ivan
Uue. H. J4MIN4t A CO.,
Jllb mid Maim Kl bmeuii, Vi
I I j,' I aiitl Milvii't jisio (mteutuMiits;
of Invention fuml for l'iviittori nowtoitt
pMt-ut. i'ATlUCK O'r Alll'.bLL, Wahiiinjto)., U.O.
aidrVl ai Vill aaiti'lnfc
oneamnilTa and people
wtiobate weak lunutor Attb
m. ebouldna Piao aCurelor
Conkumptloo. It bat eared
tbonatmada. It bat nn. Injur
ei one. It ta not ba1 to tad,
Bold ST.rrwhtra. 85e.
JkT "SL- '
sissssawsssacv . Tpassj -aeAsa Bm- -3; srtMymrmtr BssUsfasBiissksMasBu
jm (HMFiT
E-peclnlly for Farmera. Miners, B. It. Hinds and others. Double sole extending
down to the heel. K. XT It A WKAItINO OIAIUI Y. Tliouauuila of
It libber Hoot wearers testify this la the HKST tuey ever bad. ASK.
VOL it OKALKU FOR Til KM and don't beoerauuded intouu interior urtlcls